path: root/tools/coqdep_common.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/coqdep_common.ml')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/tools/coqdep_common.ml b/tools/coqdep_common.ml
index d86e05d8c..9b7845b09 100644
--- a/tools/coqdep_common.ml
+++ b/tools/coqdep_common.ml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
open Printf
open Coqdep_lexer
open Unix
+open System
(** [coqdep_boot] is a stripped-down version of [coqdep], whose
behavior is the one of [coqdep -boot]. Its only dependencies
@@ -27,26 +28,11 @@ let option_boot = ref false
let option_mldep = ref None
let norec_dirs = ref ([] : string list)
-let norec_dirnames = ref ["CVS"; "_darcs"]
let suffixe = ref ".vo"
type dir = string option
-(* Filename.concat but always with a '/' *)
-let is_dir_sep s i =
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "Unix" -> s.[i] = '/'
- | "Cygwin" | "Win32" ->
- let c = s.[i] in c = '/' || c = '\\' || c = ':'
- | _ -> assert false
-let (//) dirname filename =
- let l = String.length dirname in
- if l = 0 || is_dir_sep dirname (l-1)
- then dirname ^ filename
- else dirname ^ "/" ^ filename
(** [get_extension f l] checks whether [f] has one of the extensions
listed in [l]. It returns [f] without its extension, alongside with
the extension. When no extension match, [(f,"")] is returned *)
@@ -163,6 +149,10 @@ let warning_clash file dir =
eprintf "%s and %s; used the latter)\n" d2 d1
| _ -> assert false
+let warning_cannot_open_dir dir =
+ eprintf "*** Warning: cannot open %s\n" dir;
+ flush stderr
let safe_assoc verbose file k =
if verbose && List.mem_assoc k !clash_v then warning_clash file k;
Hashtbl.find vKnown k
@@ -461,42 +451,43 @@ let add_known recur phys_dir log_dir f =
List.iter (fun f -> Hashtbl.add coqlibKnown f ()) paths
| _ -> ()
-(* Visits all the directories under [dir], including [dir],
- or just [dir] if [recur=false] *)
+(* Visits all the directories under [dir], including [dir] *)
-let rec add_directory recur add_file phys_dir log_dir =
- let dirh = opendir phys_dir in
- try
- while true do
- let f = readdir dirh in
- (* we avoid all files and subdirs starting by '.' (e.g. .svn),
- plus CVS and _darcs and any subdirs given via -exclude-dirs *)
- if f.[0] <> '.' then
- let phys_f = if phys_dir = "." then f else phys_dir//f in
- match try (stat phys_f).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with
- | S_DIR when recur ->
- if List.mem f !norec_dirnames then ()
- else
- if List.mem phys_f !norec_dirs then ()
- else
- add_directory recur add_file phys_f (log_dir@[f])
- | S_REG -> add_file phys_dir log_dir f
- | _ -> ()
- done
- with End_of_file -> closedir dirh
+let is_not_seen_directory phys_f =
+ not (List.mem phys_f !norec_dirs)
+let rec add_directory add_file phys_dir log_dir =
+ let f = function
+ | FileDir (phys_f,f) ->
+ if is_not_seen_directory phys_f then
+ add_directory add_file phys_f (log_dir @ [f])
+ | FileRegular f ->
+ add_file phys_dir log_dir f
+ in
+ System.check_unix_dir (fun s -> eprintf "*** Warning: %s\n" s) phys_dir;
+ if exists_dir phys_dir then
+ process_directory f phys_dir
+ else
+ warning_cannot_open_dir phys_dir
(** -Q semantic: go in subdirs but only full logical paths are known. *)
let add_dir add_file phys_dir log_dir =
- try add_directory true (add_file false) phys_dir log_dir with Unix_error _ -> ()
+ try add_directory (add_file false) phys_dir log_dir with Unix_error _ -> ()
(** -R semantic: go in subdirs and suffixes of logical paths are known. *)
let add_rec_dir add_file phys_dir log_dir =
- handle_unix_error (add_directory true (add_file true) phys_dir) log_dir
+ add_directory (add_file true) phys_dir log_dir
+(** -R semantic but only on immediate capitalized subdirs *)
+let add_rec_uppercase_subdirs add_file phys_dir log_dir =
+ process_subdirectories (fun phys_dir f ->
+ add_directory (add_file true) phys_dir (log_dir@[String.capitalize f]))
+ phys_dir
(** -I semantic: do not go in subdirs. *)
let add_caml_dir phys_dir =
- handle_unix_error (add_directory true add_caml_known phys_dir) []
+ add_directory add_caml_known phys_dir []
let rec treat_file old_dirname old_name =
let name = Filename.basename old_name