path: root/tools/coqdep_common.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/coqdep_common.ml')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/tools/coqdep_common.ml b/tools/coqdep_common.ml
index 10150497d..fa6a0daeb 100644
--- a/tools/coqdep_common.ml
+++ b/tools/coqdep_common.ml
@@ -103,20 +103,21 @@ let safe_hash_add cmp clq q (k,v) =
For the ML files, the string is the basename without extension.
-let warning_ml_clash x s s' suff =
+let warning_ml_clash x s suff s' suff' =
+ if suff = suff' then
"*** Warning: %s%s already found in %s (discarding %s%s)\n" x suff
(match s with None -> "." | Some d -> d)
((match s' with None -> "." | Some d -> d) // x) suff
let mkknown () =
- let h = (Hashtbl.create 19 : (string, dir) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let h = (Hashtbl.create 19 : (string, dir * string) Hashtbl.t) in
let add x s suff =
- try let s' = Hashtbl.find h x in warning_ml_clash x s' s suff
- with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add h x s
- and iter f = Hashtbl.iter f h
+ try let s',suff' = Hashtbl.find h x in warning_ml_clash x s' suff' s suff
+ with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add h x (s,suff)
+ and iter f = Hashtbl.iter (fun x (s,_) -> f x s) h
and search x =
- try Some (Hashtbl.find h x)
+ try Some (fst (Hashtbl.find h x))
with Not_found -> None
in add, iter, search
@@ -442,7 +443,7 @@ let add_caml_known phys_dir _ f =
let basename,suff =
get_extension f [".ml";".mli";".ml4";".mllib";".mlpack"] in
match suff with
- | ".ml"|".ml4" -> add_ml_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff
+ | ".ml"|".ml4" -> add_ml_known f (Some phys_dir) suff
| ".mli" -> add_mli_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff
| ".mllib" -> add_mllib_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff
| ".mlpack" -> add_mlpack_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff