path: root/theories
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9 files changed, 3992 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Zarith/Wf_Z.v b/theories/Zarith/Wf_Z.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..389db702c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Zarith/Wf_Z.v
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require fast_integer.
+Require zarith_aux.
+Require auxiliary.
+Require Zsyntax.
+(* Our purpose is to write an induction shema for {0,1,2,...}
+ similar to the nat shema (Theorem Natlike_rec). For that the
+ following implications will be used :
+ (n:nat)(Q n)==(n:nat)(P (inject_nat n)) ===> (x:Z)`x > 0) -> (P x)
+ /\
+ ||
+ ||
+ (Q O) (n:nat)(Q n)->(Q (S n)) <=== (P 0) (x:Z) (P x) -> (P (Zs x))
+ <=== (inject_nat (S n))=(Zs (inject_nat n))
+ <=== inject_nat_complete
+ Then the diagram will be closed and the theorem proved. *)
+Lemma inject_nat_complete :
+ (x:Z)`0 <= x` -> (Ex [n:nat](x=(inject_nat n))).
+Destruct x; Intros;
+[ Exists O; Auto with arith
+| Specialize (ZL4 p); Intros Hp; Elim Hp; Intros;
+ Exists (S x0); Intros; Simpl;
+ Specialize (bij1 x0); Intro Hx0;
+ Rewrite <- H0 in Hx0;
+ Apply f_equal with f:=POS;
+ Apply convert_intro; Auto with arith
+| Absurd `0 <= (NEG p)`;
+ [ Unfold Zle; Simpl; Do 2 (Unfold not); Auto with arith
+ | Assumption]
+Lemma ZL4_inf: (y:positive) { h:nat | (convert y)=(S h) }.
+Induction y; [
+ Intros p H;Elim H; Intros x H1; Exists (plus (S x) (S x));
+ Unfold convert ;Simpl; Rewrite ZL0; Rewrite ZL2; Unfold convert in H1;
+ Rewrite H1; Auto with arith
+| Intros p H1;Elim H1;Intros x H2; Exists (plus x (S x)); Unfold convert;
+ Simpl; Rewrite ZL0; Rewrite ZL2;Unfold convert in H2; Rewrite H2; Auto with arith
+| Exists O ;Auto with arith].
+Lemma inject_nat_complete_inf :
+ (x:Z)`0 <= x` -> { n:nat | (x=(inject_nat n)) }.
+Destruct x; Intros;
+[ Exists O; Auto with arith
+| Specialize (ZL4_inf p); Intros Hp; Elim Hp; Intros x0 H0;
+ Exists (S x0); Intros; Simpl;
+ Specialize (bij1 x0); Intro Hx0;
+ Rewrite <- H0 in Hx0;
+ Apply f_equal with f:=POS;
+ Apply convert_intro; Auto with arith
+| Absurd `0 <= (NEG p)`;
+ [ Unfold Zle; Simpl; Do 2 (Unfold not); Auto with arith
+ | Assumption]
+Lemma inject_nat_prop :
+ (P:Z->Prop)((n:nat)(P (inject_nat n))) ->
+ (x:Z) `0 <= x` -> (P x).
+Specialize (inject_nat_complete x H0).
+Intros Hn; Elim Hn; Intros.
+Rewrite -> H1; Apply H.
+Lemma ZERO_le_inj :
+ (n:nat) `0 <= (inject_nat n)`.
+Induction n; Simpl; Intros;
+[ Apply Zle_n
+| Unfold Zle; Simpl; Discriminate].
+Lemma natlike_ind : (P:Z->Prop) (P `0`) ->
+ ((x:Z)(`0 <= x` -> (P x) -> (P (Zs x)))) ->
+ (x:Z) `0 <= x` -> (P x).
+Intros; Apply inject_nat_prop;
+[ Induction n;
+ [ Simpl; Assumption
+ | Intros; Rewrite -> (inj_S n0);
+ Exact (H0 (inject_nat n0) (ZERO_le_inj n0) H2) ]
+| Assumption].
+Lemma Z_lt_induction :
+ (P:Z->Prop)
+ ((x:Z)((y:Z)`0 <= y < x`->(P y))->(P x))
+ -> (x:Z)`0 <= x`->(P x).
+Intros P H x Hx.
+Cut (x:Z)`0 <= x`->(y:Z)`0 <= y < x`->(P y).
+Apply (H0 (Zs x)).
+Auto with zarith.
+Split; [ Assumption | Exact (Zlt_n_Sn x) ].
+Intros x0 Hx0; Generalize Hx0; Pattern x0; Apply natlike_ind.
+Absurd `0 <= 0`; Try Assumption.
+Apply Zgt_not_le.
+Apply Zgt_le_trans with m:=y.
+Apply Zlt_gt.
+Intuition. Intuition.
+Intros. Apply H. Intros.
+Apply (H1 H0).
+Split; [ Intuition | Idtac ].
+Apply Zlt_le_trans with y. Intuition.
+Apply Zgt_S_le. Apply Zlt_gt. Intuition.
diff --git a/theories/Zarith/ZArith.v b/theories/Zarith/ZArith.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98294aed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Zarith/ZArith.v
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Export fast_integer.
+Require Export zarith_aux.
+Require Export auxiliary.
+Require Export Zsyntax.
+Require Export ZArith_dec.
+Require Export Zmisc.
+Require Export Wf_Z.
+Hints Resolve Zle_n Zplus_sym Zplus_assoc Zmult_sym Zmult_assoc
+ Zero_left Zero_right Zmult_one Zplus_inverse_l Zplus_inverse_r
+ Zmult_plus_distr_l Zmult_plus_distr_r : zarith.
diff --git a/theories/Zarith/ZArith_dec.v b/theories/Zarith/ZArith_dec.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78fa864e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Zarith/ZArith_dec.v
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Sumbool.
+Require fast_integer.
+Require zarith_aux.
+Require auxiliary.
+Require Zsyntax.
+Lemma Dcompare_inf : (r:relation) {r=EGAL} + {r=INFERIEUR} + {r=SUPERIEUR}.
+Induction r; Auto with arith.
+Lemma Zcompare_rec :
+ (P:Set)(x,y:Z)
+ ((Zcompare x y)=EGAL -> P) ->
+ ((Zcompare x y)=INFERIEUR -> P) ->
+ ((Zcompare x y)=SUPERIEUR -> P) ->
+ P.
+Intros P x y H1 H2 H3.
+Elim (Dcompare_inf (Zcompare x y)).
+Intro H. Elim H; Auto with arith. Auto with arith.
+Section decidability.
+Local inf_decidable := [P:Prop] {P}+{~P}.
+Variables x,y : Z.
+Theorem Z_eq_dec : (inf_decidable (x=y)).
+Unfold inf_decidable.
+Apply Zcompare_rec with x:=x y:=y.
+Intro. Left. Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y); Auto with arith.
+Intro H3. Right. Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y). Intros H1 H2. Unfold not. Intro H4.
+ Rewrite (H2 H4) in H3. Discriminate H3.
+Intro H3. Right. Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y). Intros H1 H2. Unfold not. Intro H4.
+ Rewrite (H2 H4) in H3. Discriminate H3.
+Theorem Z_lt_dec : (inf_decidable (Zlt x y)).
+Unfold inf_decidable Zlt.
+Apply Zcompare_rec with x:=x y:=y; Intro H.
+Right. Rewrite H. Discriminate.
+Left; Assumption.
+Right. Rewrite H. Discriminate.
+Theorem Z_le_dec : (inf_decidable (Zle x y)).
+Unfold inf_decidable Zle.
+Apply Zcompare_rec with x:=x y:=y; Intro H.
+Left. Rewrite H. Discriminate.
+Left. Rewrite H. Discriminate.
+Right. Tauto.
+Theorem Z_gt_dec : (inf_decidable (Zgt x y)).
+Unfold inf_decidable Zgt.
+Apply Zcompare_rec with x:=x y:=y; Intro H.
+Right. Rewrite H. Discriminate.
+Right. Rewrite H. Discriminate.
+Left; Assumption.
+Theorem Z_ge_dec : (inf_decidable (Zge x y)).
+Unfold inf_decidable Zge.
+Apply Zcompare_rec with x:=x y:=y; Intro H.
+Left. Rewrite H. Discriminate.
+Right. Tauto.
+Left. Rewrite H. Discriminate.
+Theorem Z_lt_ge_dec : {`x < y`}+{`x >= y`}.
+Proof Z_lt_dec.
+Theorem Z_le_gt_dec : {`x <= y`}+{`x > y`}.
+Elim Z_le_dec; Auto with arith.
+Intro. Right. Apply not_Zle; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Z_gt_le_dec : {`x > y`}+{`x <= y`}.
+Proof Z_gt_dec.
+Theorem Z_ge_lt_dec : {`x >= y`}+{`x < y`}.
+Elim Z_ge_dec; Auto with arith.
+Intro. Right. Apply not_Zge; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Z_le_lt_eq_dec : `x <= y` -> {`x < y`}+{x=y}.
+Intro H.
+Apply Zcompare_rec with x:=x y:=y.
+Intro. Right. Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y); Auto with arith.
+Intro. Left. Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y); Auto with arith.
+Intro H1. Absurd `x > y`; Auto with arith.
+End decidability.
+Theorem Z_zerop : (x:Z){(`x = 0`)}+{(`x <> 0`)}.
+Proof [x:Z](Z_eq_dec x ZERO).
+Definition Z_notzerop := [x:Z](sumbool_not ? ? (Z_zerop x)).
+Definition Z_noteq_dec := [x,y:Z](sumbool_not ? ? (Z_eq_dec x y)).
diff --git a/theories/Zarith/Zmisc.v b/theories/Zarith/Zmisc.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..888d2fb81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Zarith/Zmisc.v
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* Module Zmisc.v : *)
+(* Definitions et lemmes comlementaires *)
+(* Division euclidienne *)
+(* Patrick Loiseleur, avril 1997 *)
+Require fast_integer.
+Require zarith_aux.
+Require auxiliary.
+Require Zsyntax.
+Require Bool.
+ Overview of the sections of this file :
+ - logic : Logic complements.
+ - numbers : a few very simple lemmas for manipulating the
+ constructors POS, NEG, ZERO and xI, xO, xH
+ - registers : defining arrays of bits and their relation with integers.
+ - iter : the n-th iterate of a function is defined for n:nat and n:positive.
+ The two notions are identified and an invariant conservation theorem
+ is proved.
+ - recursors : Here a nat-like recursor is built.
+ - arith : lemmas about < <= ?= + * ...
+Section logic.
+Lemma rename : (A:Set)(P:A->Prop)(x:A) ((y:A)(x=y)->(P y)) -> (P x).
+Auto with arith. Save.
+End logic.
+Section numbers.
+Definition entier_of_Z := [z:Z]Case z of Nul Pos Pos end.
+Definition Z_of_entier := [x:entier]Case x of ZERO POS end.
+(*** Coercion Z_of_entier : entier >-> Z. ***)
+Lemma POS_xI : (p:positive) (POS (xI p))=`2*(POS p) + 1`.
+Intro; Apply refl_equal.
+Lemma POS_xO : (p:positive) (POS (xO p))=`2*(POS p)`.
+Intro; Apply refl_equal.
+Lemma NEG_xI : (p:positive) (NEG (xI p))=`2*(NEG p) - 1`.
+Intro; Apply refl_equal.
+Lemma NEG_xO : (p:positive) (NEG (xO p))=`2*(NEG p)`.
+Intro; Apply refl_equal.
+Lemma POS_add : (p,p':positive)`(POS (add p p'))=(POS p)+(POS p')`.
+Induction p; Induction p'; Simpl; Auto with arith.
+Lemma NEG_add : (p,p':positive)`(NEG (add p p'))=(NEG p)+(NEG p')`.
+Induction p; Induction p'; Simpl; Auto with arith.
+Definition Zle_bool := [x,y:Z]Case `x ?= y` of true true false end.
+Definition Zge_bool := [x,y:Z]Case `x ?= y` of true false true end.
+Definition Zlt_bool := [x,y:Z]Case `x ?= y` of false true false end.
+Definition Zgt_bool := [x,y:Z]Case ` x ?= y` of false false true end.
+Definition Zeq_bool := [x,y:Z]Cases `x ?= y` of EGAL => true | _ => false end.
+Definition Zneq_bool := [x,y:Z]Cases `x ?= y` of EGAL =>false | _ => true end.
+End numbers.
+Section iterate.
+(* l'itere n-ieme d'une fonction f*)
+Fixpoint iter_nat[n:nat] : (A:Set)(f:A->A)A->A :=
+ [A:Set][f:A->A][x:A]
+ Cases n of
+ O => x
+ | (S n') => (f (iter_nat n' A f x))
+ end.
+Fixpoint iter_pos[n:positive] : (A:Set)(f:A->A)A->A :=
+ [A:Set][f:A->A][x:A]
+ Cases n of
+ xH => (f x)
+ | (xO n') => (iter_pos n' A f (iter_pos n' A f x))
+ | (xI n') => (f (iter_pos n' A f (iter_pos n' A f x)))
+ end.
+Definition iter :=
+ [n:Z][A:Set][f:A->A][x:A]Cases n of
+ ZERO => x
+ | (POS p) => (iter_pos p A f x)
+ | (NEG p) => x
+ end.
+Theorem iter_nat_plus :
+ (n,m:nat)(A:Set)(f:A->A)(x:A)
+ (iter_nat (plus n m) A f x)=(iter_nat n A f (iter_nat m A f x)).
+Induction n;
+[ Simpl; Auto with arith
+| Intros; Simpl; Apply f_equal with f:=f; Apply H
+Theorem iter_convert : (n:positive)(A:Set)(f:A->A)(x:A)
+ (iter_pos n A f x) = (iter_nat (convert n) A f x).
+Induction n;
+[ Intros; Simpl; Rewrite -> (H A f x);
+ Rewrite -> (H A f (iter_nat (convert p) A f x));
+ Rewrite -> (ZL6 p); Symmetry; Apply f_equal with f:=f;
+ Apply iter_nat_plus
+| Intros; Unfold convert; Simpl; Rewrite -> (H A f x);
+ Rewrite -> (H A f (iter_nat (convert p) A f x));
+ Rewrite -> (ZL6 p); Symmetry;
+ Apply iter_nat_plus
+| Simpl; Auto with arith
+Theorem iter_pos_add :
+ (n,m:positive)(A:Set)(f:A->A)(x:A)
+ (iter_pos (add n m) A f x)=(iter_pos n A f (iter_pos m A f x)).
+Rewrite -> (iter_convert m A f x).
+Rewrite -> (iter_convert n A f (iter_nat (convert m) A f x)).
+Rewrite -> (iter_convert (add n m) A f x).
+Rewrite -> (convert_add n m).
+Apply iter_nat_plus.
+(* Preservation of invariants : if f : A->A preserves the invariant Inv,
+ then the iterates of f also preserve it. *)
+Theorem iter_nat_invariant :
+ (n:nat)(A:Set)(f:A->A)(Inv:A->Prop)
+ ((x:A)(Inv x)->(Inv (f x)))->(x:A)(Inv x)->(Inv (iter_nat n A f x)).
+Induction n; Intros;
+[ Trivial with arith
+| Simpl; Apply H0 with x:=(iter_nat n0 A f x); Apply H; Trivial with arith].
+Theorem iter_pos_invariant :
+ (n:positive)(A:Set)(f:A->A)(Inv:A->Prop)
+ ((x:A)(Inv x)->(Inv (f x)))->(x:A)(Inv x)->(Inv (iter_pos n A f x)).
+Intros; Rewrite iter_convert; Apply iter_nat_invariant; Trivial with arith.
+End iterate.
+Section arith.
+Lemma ZERO_le_POS : (p:positive) `0 <= (POS p)`.
+Intro; Unfold Zle; Unfold Zcompare; Discriminate.
+Lemma POS_gt_ZERO : (p:positive) `(POS p) > 0`.
+Intro; Unfold Zgt; Simpl; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zlt_ZERO_pred_le_ZERO : (x:Z) `0 < x` -> `0 <= (Zpred x)`.
+Rewrite (Zs_pred x) in H.
+Apply Zgt_S_le.
+Apply Zlt_gt.
+(* Zeven, Zodd, Zdiv2 and their related properties *)
+Definition Zeven :=
+ [z:Z]Cases z of ZERO => True
+ | (POS (xO _)) => True
+ | (NEG (xO _)) => True
+ | _ => False
+ end.
+Definition Zodd :=
+ [z:Z]Cases z of (POS xH) => True
+ | (NEG xH) => True
+ | (POS (xI _)) => True
+ | (NEG (xI _)) => True
+ | _ => False
+ end.
+Definition Zeven_bool :=
+ [z:Z]Cases z of ZERO => true
+ | (POS (xO _)) => true
+ | (NEG (xO _)) => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+Definition Zodd_bool :=
+ [z:Z]Cases z of ZERO => false
+ | (POS (xO _)) => false
+ | (NEG (xO _)) => false
+ | _ => true
+ end.
+Lemma Zeven_odd_dec : (z:Z) { (Zeven z) }+{ (Zodd z) }.
+ Realizer Zeven_bool.
+ Repeat Program; Compute; Trivial.
+Lemma Zeven_dec : (z:Z) { (Zeven z) }+{ ~(Zeven z) }.
+ Realizer Zeven_bool.
+ Repeat Program; Compute; Trivial.
+Lemma Zodd_dec : (z:Z) { (Zodd z) }+{ ~(Zodd z) }.
+ Realizer Zodd_bool.
+ Repeat Program; Compute; Trivial.
+Lemma Zeven_not_Zodd : (z:Z)(Zeven z)->~(Zodd z).
+ Destruct z; [ Idtac | Destruct p | Destruct p ]; Compute; Trivial.
+Lemma Zodd_not_Zeven : (z:Z)(Zodd z)->~(Zeven z).
+ Destruct z; [ Idtac | Destruct p | Destruct p ]; Compute; Trivial.
+Hints Unfold Zeven Zodd : zarith.
+(* Zdiv2 is defined on all Z, but notice that for odd negative integers
+ * it is not the euclidean quotient: in that case we have n = 2*(n/2)-1
+ *)
+Definition Zdiv2_pos :=
+ [z:positive]Cases z of xH => xH
+ | (xO p) => p
+ | (xI p) => p
+ end.
+Definition Zdiv2 :=
+ [z:Z]Cases z of ZERO => ZERO
+ | (POS xH) => ZERO
+ | (POS p) => (POS (Zdiv2_pos p))
+ | (NEG xH) => ZERO
+ | (NEG p) => (NEG (Zdiv2_pos p))
+ end.
+Lemma Zeven_div2 : (x:Z) (Zeven x) -> `x = 2*(Zdiv2 x)`.
+Destruct x.
+Auto with arith.
+(Destruct p; Auto with arith).
+Intros. (Absurd (Zeven (POS (xI p0))); Red; Auto with arith).
+Intros. (Absurd (Zeven `1`); Red; Auto with arith).
+(Destruct p; Auto with arith).
+Intros. (Absurd (Zeven (NEG (xI p0))); Red; Auto with arith).
+Intros. (Absurd (Zeven `-1`); Red; Auto with arith).
+Lemma Zodd_div2 : (x:Z) `x >= 0` -> (Zodd x) -> `x = 2*(Zdiv2 x)+1`.
+Destruct x.
+Intros. (Absurd (Zodd `0`); Red; Auto with arith).
+(Destruct p; Auto with arith).
+Intros. (Absurd (Zodd (POS (xO p0))); Red; Auto with arith).
+Intros. (Absurd `(NEG p) >= 0`; Red; Auto with arith).
+Lemma Z_modulo_2 : (x:Z) `x >= 0` -> { y:Z | `x=2*y` }+{ y:Z | `x=2*y+1` }.
+Intros x Hx.
+Elim (Zeven_odd_dec x); Intro.
+Left. Split with (Zdiv2 x). Exact (Zeven_div2 x y).
+Right. Split with (Zdiv2 x). Exact (Zodd_div2 x Hx y).
+(* Very simple *)
+Lemma Zminus_Zplus_compatible :
+ (x,y,n:Z) `(x+n) - (y+n) = x - y`.
+Unfold Zminus.
+Rewrite -> Zopp_Zplus.
+Rewrite -> (Zplus_sym (Zopp y) (Zopp n)).
+Rewrite -> Zplus_assoc.
+Rewrite <- (Zplus_assoc x n (Zopp n)).
+Rewrite -> (Zplus_inverse_r n).
+Rewrite <- Zplus_n_O.
+(* Decompose an egality between two ?= relations into 3 implications *)
+Theorem Zcompare_egal_dec :
+ (x1,y1,x2,y2:Z)
+ (`x1 < y1`->`x2 < y2`)
+ ->(`x1 ?= y1`=EGAL -> `x2 ?= y2`=EGAL)
+ ->(`x1 > y1`->`x2 > y2`)->`x1 ?= y1`=`x2 ?= y2`.
+Intros x1 y1 x2 y2.
+Unfold Zgt; Unfold Zlt;
+Case `x1 ?= y1`; Case `x2 ?= y2`; Auto with arith; Symmetry; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zcompare_elim :
+ (c1,c2,c3:Prop)(x,y:Z)
+ ((x=y) -> c1) ->(`x < y` -> c2) ->(`x > y`-> c3)
+ -> Case `x ?= y`of c1 c2 c3 end.
+Apply rename with x:=`x ?= y`; Intro r; Elim r;
+[ Intro; Apply H; Apply (let (h1, h2)=(Zcompare_EGAL x y) in h1); Assumption
+| Unfold Zlt in H0; Assumption
+| Unfold Zgt in H1; Assumption ].
+Lemma Zcompare_x_x : (x:Z) `x ?= x` = EGAL.
+(Intro; Apply Case (Zcompare_EGAL x x) of [h1,h2:?]h2 end).
+Apply refl_equal.
+Lemma Zlt_not_eq : (x,y:Z)`x < y` -> ~x=y.
+Unfold Zlt in H.
+Unfold not.
+Generalize (proj2 ? ? (Zcompare_EGAL x y) H0).
+Rewrite H1 in H.
+Discriminate H.
+Lemma Zcompare_eq_case :
+ (c1,c2,c3:Prop)(x,y:Z) c1 -> x=y -> (Case `x ?= y` of c1 c2 c3 end).
+Rewrite -> (Case (Zcompare_EGAL x y) of [h1,h2:?]h2 end H0).
+(* Four very basic lemmas about Zle, Zlt, Zge, Zgt *)
+Lemma Zle_Zcompare :
+ (x,y:Z)`x <= y` -> Case `x ?= y` of True True False end.
+Intros x y; Unfold Zle; Elim `x ?=y`; Auto with arith.
+Lemma Zlt_Zcompare :
+ (x,y:Z)`x < y` -> Case `x ?= y` of False True False end.
+Intros x y; Unfold Zlt; Elim `x ?=y`; Intros; Discriminate Orelse Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zge_Zcompare :
+ (x,y:Z)` x >= y`-> Case `x ?= y` of True False True end.
+Intros x y; Unfold Zge; Elim `x ?=y`; Auto with arith.
+Lemma Zgt_Zcompare :
+ (x,y:Z)`x > y` -> Case `x ?= y` of False False True end.
+Intros x y; Unfold Zgt; Elim `x ?= y`; Intros; Discriminate Orelse Trivial with arith.
+(* Lemmas about Zmin *)
+Lemma Zmin_plus : (x,y,n:Z) `(Zmin (x+n)(y+n))=(Zmin x y)+n`.
+Intros; Unfold Zmin.
+Rewrite (Zplus_sym x n);
+Rewrite (Zplus_sym y n);
+Rewrite (Zcompare_Zplus_compatible x y n).
+Case `x ?= y`; Apply Zplus_sym.
+(* Lemmas about absolu *)
+Lemma absolu_lt : (x,y:Z) `0 <= x < y` -> (lt (absolu x) (absolu y)).
+Intros x y. Case x; Simpl. Case y; Simpl.
+Intro. Absurd `0 < 0`. Compute. Intro H0. Discriminate H0. Intuition.
+Intros. Elim (ZL4 p). Intros. Rewrite H0. Auto with arith.
+Intros. Elim (ZL4 p). Intros. Rewrite H0. Auto with arith.
+Case y; Simpl.
+Intros. Absurd `(POS p) < 0`. Compute. Intro H0. Discriminate H0. Intuition.
+Intros. Change (gt (convert p) (convert p0)).
+Apply compare_convert_SUPERIEUR.
+Elim H; Auto with arith. Intro. Exact (ZC2 p0 p).
+Intros. Absurd `(POS p0) < (NEG p)`.
+Compute. Intro H0. Discriminate H0. Intuition.
+Intros. Absurd `0 <= (NEG p)`. Compute. Auto with arith. Intuition.
+End arith.
diff --git a/theories/Zarith/Zsyntax.v b/theories/Zarith/Zsyntax.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0fb1e6b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Zarith/Zsyntax.v
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Export fast_integer.
+Require Export zarith_aux.
+Declare ML Module "g_zsyntax".
+Axiom My_special_variable0 : positive->positive.
+Axiom My_special_variable1 : positive->positive.
+Grammar znatural ident :=
+ nat_id [ prim:var($id) ] -> [$id]
+with number :=
+with negnumber :=
+with formula :=
+ form_expr [ expr($p) ] -> [$p]
+| form_eq [ expr($p) "=" expr($c) ] -> [<<(eq Z $p $c)>>]
+| form_le [ expr($p) "<=" expr($c) ] -> [<<(Zle $p $c)>>]
+| form_lt [ expr($p) "<" expr($c) ] -> [<<(Zlt $p $c)>>]
+| form_ge [ expr($p) ">=" expr($c) ] -> [<<(Zge $p $c)>>]
+| form_gt [ expr($p) ">" expr($c) ] -> [<<(Zgt $p $c)>>]
+| form_eq_eq [ expr($p) "=" expr($c) "=" expr($c1) ]
+ -> [<<(eq Z $p $c)/\(eq Z $c $c1)>>]
+| form_le_le [ expr($p) "<=" expr($c) "<=" expr($c1) ]
+ -> [<<(Zle $p $c)/\(Zle $c $c1)>>]
+| form_le_lt [ expr($p) "<=" expr($c) "<" expr($c1) ]
+ -> [<<(Zle $p $c)/\(Zlt $c $c1)>>]
+| form_lt_le [ expr($p) "<" expr($c) "<=" expr($c1) ]
+ -> [<<(Zlt $p $c)/\(Zle $c $c1)>>]
+| form_lt_lt [ expr($p) "<" expr($c) "<" expr($c1) ]
+ -> [<<(Zlt $p $c)/\(Zlt $c $c1)>>]
+| form_neq [ expr($p) "<>" expr($c) ] -> [<<~(eq Z $p $c)>>]
+| form_comp [ expr($p) "?" "=" expr($c) ] -> [<<(Zcompare $p $c)>>]
+with expr :=
+ expr_plus [ expr($p) "+" expr($c) ] -> [<<(Zplus $p $c)>>]
+| expr_minus [ expr($p) "-" expr($c) ] -> [<<(Zminus $p $c)>>]
+| expr2 [ expr2($e) ] -> [$e]
+with expr2 :=
+ expr_mult [ expr2($p) "*" expr2($c) ] -> [<<(Zmult $p $c)>>]
+| expr1 [ expr1($e) ] -> [$e]
+with expr1 :=
+ expr_abs [ "|" expr($c) "|" ] -> [<<(Zabs $c)>>]
+| expr0 [ expr0($e) ] -> [$e]
+with expr0 :=
+ expr_id [ ident($c) ] -> [$c]
+| expr_com [ "[" command:command($c) "]" ] -> [$c]
+| expr_appl [ "(" application($a) ")" ] -> [$a]
+| expr_num [ number($s) ] -> [$s ]
+| expr_negnum [ "-" negnumber($n) ] -> [ $n ]
+| expr_inv [ "-" expr0($c) ] -> [<<(Zopp $c)>>]
+with application :=
+ apply [ application($p) expr($c1) ] -> [<<($p $c1)>>]
+| pair [ expr($p) "," expr($c) ] -> [<<($p,$c)>>]
+| appl0 [ expr($a) ] -> [$a]
+Grammar command command0 :=
+ z_in_com [ "`" znatural:formula($c) "`" ] -> [$c].
+Grammar command atomic_pattern :=
+ z_in_pattern [ "`" znatural:number($c) "`" ] -> [$c].
+(* The symbols "`" "`" must be printed just once at the top of the expession,
+ to avoid printings like |``x` + `y`` < `45`|
+ for |x + y < 45|.
+ So when a Z-expression is to be printed, its sub-expresssions are
+ enclosed into an ast (ZEXPR $subexpr). (ZEXPR $s) is printed like $s
+ but without symbols "`" "`" around. *)
+(* There is just one problem: NEG and Zopp have the same printing rules.
+ If Zopp is opaque, we may not be able to solve a goal like
+ ` -5 = -5 ` by reflexivity. (In fact, this precise Goal is solved
+ by the Reflexivity tactic, but more complex problems may arise *)
+(* SOLUTION : Print (Zopp 5) for constants and -x for variables *)
+Syntax constr
+ level 0:
+ My_special_variable0 [<< My_special_variable0 >>] -> [ "POS" ]
+ | My_special_variable1 [<< My_special_variable1 >>] -> [ "NEG" ]
+ | Zle [<<(Zle $n1 $n2)>>] ->
+ [[<hov 0> "`" (ZEXPR $n1) [1 0] "<= " (ZEXPR $n2) "`"]]
+ | Zlt [<<(Zlt $n1 $n2)>>] ->
+ [[<hov 0> "`" (ZEXPR $n1) [1 0] "< "(ZEXPR $n2) "`" ]]
+ | Zge [<<(Zge $n1 $n2)>>] ->
+ [[<hov 0> "`" (ZEXPR $n1) [1 0] ">= "(ZEXPR $n2) "`" ]]
+ | Zgt [<<(Zgt $n1 $n2)>>] ->
+ [[<hov 0> "`" (ZEXPR $n1) [1 0] "> "(ZEXPR $n2) "`" ]]
+ | Zcompare [<<(Zcompare $n1 $n2)>>] ->
+ [[<hov 0> "`" (ZEXPR $n1) [1 0] "?= " (ZEXPR $n2) "`" ]]
+ | Zeq [<<(eq Z $n1 $n2)>>] ->
+ [[<hov 0> "`" (ZEXPR $n1) [1 0] "= "(ZEXPR $n2)"`"]]
+ | Zneq [<<~(eq Z $n1 $n2)>>] ->
+ [[<hov 0> "`" (ZEXPR $n1) [1 0] "<> "(ZEXPR $n2) "`"]]
+ | Zle_Zle [<<(Zle $n1 $n2)/\(Zle $n2 $n3)>>] ->
+ [[<hov 0> "`" (ZEXPR $n1) [1 0] "<= " (ZEXPR $n2)
+ [1 0] "<= " (ZEXPR $n3) "`"]]
+ | Zle_Zlt [<<(Zle $n1 $n2)/\(Zlt $n2 $n3)>>] ->
+ [[<hov 0> "`" (ZEXPR $n1) [1 0] "<= "(ZEXPR $n2)
+ [1 0] "< " (ZEXPR $n3) "`"]]
+ | Zlt_Zle [<<(Zlt $n1 $n2)/\(Zle $n2 $n3)>>] ->
+ [[<hov 0> "`" (ZEXPR $n1) [1 0] "< " (ZEXPR $n2)
+ [1 0] "<= " (ZEXPR $n3) "`"]]
+ | Zlt_Zlt [<<(Zlt $n1 $n2)/\(Zlt $n2 $n3)>>] ->
+ [[<hov 0> "`" (ZEXPR $n1) [1 0] "< " (ZEXPR $n2)
+ [1 0] "< " (ZEXPR $n3) "`"]]
+ | ZZero [<<ZERO>>] -> ["`0`"]
+ | ZPos [<<(POS $r)>>] -> [$r:"positive_printer"]
+ | ZNeg [<<(NEG $r)>>] -> [$r:"negative_printer"]
+ ;
+ level 7:
+ Zplus [<<(Zplus $n1 $n2)>>]
+ -> [ [<hov 0> "`"(ZEXPR $n1):E "+" [0 0] (ZEXPR $n2):L "`"] ]
+ | Zminus [<<(Zminus $n1 $n2)>>]
+ -> [ [<hov 0> "`"(ZEXPR $n1):E "-" [0 0] (ZEXPR $n2):L "`"] ]
+ ;
+ level 6:
+ Zmult [<<(Zmult $n1 $n2)>>]
+ -> [ [<hov 0> "`"(ZEXPR $n1):E "*" [0 0] (ZEXPR $n2):L "`"] ]
+ ;
+ level 8:
+ Zopp [<<(Zopp $n1)>>] -> [ [<hov 0> "`" "-"(ZEXPR $n1):E "`"] ]
+ | Zopp_POS [<<(Zopp (POS $r))>>] ->
+ [ [<hov 0> "`(" "Zopp" [1 0] $r:"positive_printer_inside" ")`"] ]
+ | Zopp_ZERO [<<(Zopp ZERO)>>] -> [ [<hov 0> "`(" "Zopp" [1 0] "0" ")`"] ]
+ | Zopp_NEG [<<(Zopp (NEG $r))>>] ->
+ [ [<hov 0> "`(" "Zopp" [1 0] "(" $r:"negative_printer_inside" "))`"] ]
+ ;
+ level 4:
+ Zabs [<<(Zabs $n1)>>] -> [ [<hov 0> "`|"(ZEXPR $n1):E "|`"] ]
+ ;
+ level 0:
+ escape_inside [(ZEXPR $r)] -> [ "[" $r:E "]" ]
+ ;
+ level 4:
+ Zappl_inside [(ZEXPR (APPLIST $h ($LIST $t)))]
+ -> [ [<hov 0> "("(ZEXPR $h):E [1 0] (APPLINSIDETAIL ($LIST $t)):E ")"] ]
+ | Zappl_inside_tail [(APPLINSIDETAIL $h ($LIST $t))]
+ -> [(ZEXPR $h):E [1 0] (APPLINSIDETAIL ($LIST $t)):E]
+ | Zappl_inside_one [(APPLINSIDETAIL $e)] ->[(ZEXPR $e):E]
+ | pair_inside [(ZEXPR <<(pair $s1 $s2 $z1 $z2)>>)]
+ -> [ [<hov 0> "("(ZEXPR $z1):E "," [1 0] (ZEXPR $z2):E ")"] ]
+ ;
+ level 3:
+ var_inside [(ZEXPR ($VAR $i))] -> [$i]
+ | const_inside [(ZEXPR (CONST $c))] -> [(CONST $c)]
+ | mutind_inside [(ZEXPR (MUTIND $i $n))]
+ -> [(MUTIND $i $n)]
+ | mutconstruct_inside [(ZEXPR (MUTCONSTRUCT $c1 $c2 $c3))]
+ -> [ (MUTCONSTRUCT $c1 $c2 $c3) ]
+ (* Added by JCF, 9/3/98 *)
+ | implicit_head_inside [(ZEXPR (XTRA "!" $c))] -> [ $c ]
+ | implicit_arg_inside [(ZEXPR (XTRA "!" $n $c))] -> [ ]
+ ;
+ level 7:
+ Zplus_inside
+ [(ZEXPR <<(Zplus $n1 $n2)>>)]
+ -> [ (ZEXPR $n1):E "+" [0 0] (ZEXPR $n2):L ]
+ | Zminus_inside
+ [(ZEXPR <<(Zminus $n1 $n2)>>)]
+ -> [ (ZEXPR $n1):E "-" [0 0] (ZEXPR $n2):L ]
+ ;
+ level 6:
+ Zmult_inside
+ [(ZEXPR <<(Zmult $n1 $n2)>>)]
+ -> [ (ZEXPR $n1):E "*" [0 0] (ZEXPR $n2):L ]
+ ;
+ level 5:
+ Zopp_inside [(ZEXPR <<(Zopp $n1)>>)] -> [ "(-" (ZEXPR $n1):E ")" ]
+ ;
+ level 10:
+ Zopp_POS_inside [(ZEXPR <<(Zopp (POS $r))>>)] ->
+ [ [<hov 0> "Zopp" [1 0] $r:"positive_printer_inside" ] ]
+ | Zopp_ZERO_inside [(ZEXPR <<(Zopp ZERO)>>)] ->
+ [ [<hov 0> "Zopp" [1 0] "0"] ]
+ | Zopp_NEG_inside [(ZEXPR <<(Zopp (NEG $r))>>)] ->
+ [ [<hov 0> "Zopp" [1 0] $r:"negative_printer_inside" ] ]
+ ;
+ level 4:
+ Zabs_inside [(ZEXPR <<(Zabs $n1)>>)] -> [ "|" (ZEXPR $n1) "|"]
+ ;
+ level 0:
+ ZZero_inside [(ZEXPR <<ZERO>>)] -> ["0"]
+ | ZPos_inside [(ZEXPR <<(POS $p)>>)] -> [$p:"positive_printer_inside"]
+ | ZNeg_inside [(ZEXPR <<(NEG $p)>>)] ->
+ [$p:"negative_printer_inside"].
diff --git a/theories/Zarith/auxiliary.v b/theories/Zarith/auxiliary.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9421573bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Zarith/auxiliary.v
@@ -0,0 +1,869 @@
+(* *)
+(* Binary Integers *)
+(* *)
+(* Pierre Crégut (CNET, Lannion, France) *)
+(* *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Equality.
+Require Export Arith.
+Require fast_integer.
+Require zarith_aux.
+Require Peano_dec.
+Require Export Compare_dec.
+Definition neq := [x,y:nat] ~(x=y).
+Definition Zne := [x,y:Z] ~(x=y).
+Theorem add_un_Zs : (x:positive) (POS (add_un x)) = (Zs (POS x)).
+Intro; Rewrite -> ZL12; Unfold Zs; Simpl; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem pred_of_minus : (x:nat)(pred x)=(minus x (S O)).
+Induction x; Auto with arith.
+Theorem inj_S : (y:nat) (inject_nat (S y)) = (Zs (inject_nat y)).
+Induction y; [
+ Unfold Zs ; Simpl; Trivial with arith
+| Intros n; Intros H;
+ Change (POS (add_un (anti_convert n)))=(Zs (inject_nat (S n)));
+ Rewrite add_un_Zs; Trivial with arith].
+Theorem Zplus_S_n: (x,y:Z) (Zplus (Zs x) y) = (Zs (Zplus x y)).
+Intros x y; Unfold Zs; Rewrite (Zplus_sym (Zplus x y)); Rewrite Zplus_assoc;
+Rewrite (Zplus_sym (POS xH)); Trivial with arith.
+Theorem inj_plus :
+ (x,y:nat) (inject_nat (plus x y)) = (Zplus (inject_nat x) (inject_nat y)).
+Induction x; Induction y; [
+ Simpl; Trivial with arith
+| Simpl; Trivial with arith
+| Simpl; Rewrite <- plus_n_O; Trivial with arith
+| Intros m H1; Change (inject_nat (S (plus n (S m))))=
+ (Zplus (inject_nat (S n)) (inject_nat (S m)));
+ Rewrite inj_S; Rewrite H; Do 2 Rewrite inj_S; Rewrite Zplus_S_n; Trivial with arith].
+Theorem inj_mult :
+ (x,y:nat) (inject_nat (mult x y)) = (Zmult (inject_nat x) (inject_nat y)).
+Induction x; [
+ Simpl; Trivial with arith
+| Intros n H y; Rewrite -> inj_S; Rewrite <- Zmult_Sm_n;
+ Rewrite <- H;Rewrite <- inj_plus; Simpl; Rewrite plus_sym; Trivial with arith].
+Theorem inj_neq:
+ (x,y:nat) (neq x y) -> (Zne (inject_nat x) (inject_nat y)).
+Unfold neq Zne not ; Intros x y H1 H2; Apply H1; Generalize H2;
+Case x; Case y; Intros; [
+ Auto with arith
+| Discriminate H0
+| Discriminate H0
+| Simpl in H0; Injection H0; Do 2 Rewrite <- bij1; Intros E; Rewrite E; Auto with arith].
+Theorem inj_le:
+ (x,y:nat) (le x y) -> (Zle (inject_nat x) (inject_nat y)).
+Intros x y; Intros H; Elim H; [
+ Unfold Zle ; Elim (Zcompare_EGAL (inject_nat x) (inject_nat x));
+ Intros H1 H2; Rewrite H2; [ Discriminate | Trivial with arith]
+| Intros m H1 H2; Apply Zle_trans with (inject_nat m);
+ [Assumption | Rewrite inj_S; Apply Zle_n_Sn]].
+Theorem inj_lt: (x,y:nat) (lt x y) -> (Zlt (inject_nat x) (inject_nat y)).
+Intros x y H; Apply Zgt_lt; Apply Zle_S_gt; Rewrite <- inj_S; Apply inj_le;
+Exact H.
+Theorem inj_gt: (x,y:nat) (gt x y) -> (Zgt (inject_nat x) (inject_nat y)).
+Intros x y H; Apply Zlt_gt; Apply inj_lt; Exact H.
+Theorem inj_ge: (x,y:nat) (ge x y) -> (Zge (inject_nat x) (inject_nat y)).
+Intros x y H; Apply Zle_ge; Apply inj_le; Apply H.
+Theorem inj_eq: (x,y:nat) x=y -> (inject_nat x) = (inject_nat y).
+Intros x y H; Rewrite H; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem intro_Z :
+ (x:nat) (EX y:Z | (inject_nat x)=y /\
+ (Zle ZERO (Zplus (Zmult y (POS xH)) ZERO))).
+Intros x; Exists (inject_nat x); Split; [
+ Trivial with arith
+| Rewrite Zmult_sym; Rewrite Zmult_one; Rewrite Zero_right;
+ Unfold Zle ; Elim x; Intros;Simpl; Discriminate ].
+Theorem inj_minus1 :
+ (x,y:nat) (le y x) ->
+ (inject_nat (minus x y)) = (Zminus (inject_nat x) (inject_nat y)).
+Intros x y H; Apply (Zsimpl_plus_l (inject_nat y)); Unfold Zminus ;
+Rewrite Zplus_permute; Rewrite Zplus_inverse_r; Rewrite <- inj_plus;
+Rewrite <- (le_plus_minus y x H);Rewrite Zero_right; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem inj_minus_aux: (x,y:nat) ~(le y x) -> (minus x y) = O.
+Intros y x; Pattern y x ; Apply nat_double_ind; [
+ Simpl; Trivial with arith
+| Intros n H; Absurd (le O (S n)); [ Assumption | Apply le_O_n]
+| Simpl; Intros n m H1 H2; Apply H1;
+ Unfold not ; Intros H3; Apply H2; Apply le_n_S; Assumption].
+Theorem inj_minus2: (x,y:nat) (gt y x) -> (inject_nat (minus x y)) = ZERO.
+Intros x y H; Rewrite inj_minus_aux; [ Trivial with arith | Apply gt_not_le; Assumption].
+Definition decidable := [P:Prop] P \/ ~P.
+Theorem dec_not_not : (P:Prop)(decidable P) -> (~P -> False) -> P.
+Unfold decidable; Tauto. Save.
+Theorem dec_True: (decidable True).
+Unfold decidable; Auto with arith.Save.
+Theorem dec_False: (decidable False).
+Unfold decidable not; Auto with arith.Save.
+Theorem dec_or: (A,B:Prop)(decidable A) -> (decidable B) -> (decidable (A\/B)).
+Unfold decidable; Tauto. Save.
+Theorem dec_and: (A,B:Prop)(decidable A) -> (decidable B) ->(decidable (A/\B)).
+Unfold decidable; Tauto. Save.
+Theorem dec_not: (A:Prop)(decidable A) -> (decidable ~A).
+Unfold decidable; Tauto. Save.
+Theorem dec_imp: (A,B:Prop)(decidable A) -> (decidable B) ->(decidable (A->B)).
+Unfold decidable; Tauto. Save.
+Theorem dec_eq: (x,y:Z) (decidable (x=y)).
+Intros x y; Unfold decidable ; Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y);
+Intros H1 H2; Elim (Dcompare (Zcompare x y)); [
+ Tauto
+ | Intros H3; Right; Unfold not ; Intros H4;
+ Elim H3; Rewrite (H2 H4); Intros H5; Discriminate H5].
+Theorem dec_Zne: (x,y:Z) (decidable (Zne x y)).
+Intros x y; Unfold decidable Zne ; Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y).
+Intros H1 H2; Elim (Dcompare (Zcompare x y));
+ [ Right; Rewrite H1; Auto
+ | Left; Unfold not; Intro; Absurd (Zcompare x y)=EGAL;
+ [ Elim H; Intros HR; Rewrite HR; Discriminate
+ | Auto]].
+Theorem dec_Zle: (x,y:Z) (decidable (Zle x y)).
+Intros x y; Unfold decidable Zle ; Elim (Zcompare x y); [
+ Left; Discriminate
+ | Left; Discriminate
+ | Right; Unfold not ; Intros H; Apply H; Trivial with arith].
+Theorem dec_Zgt: (x,y:Z) (decidable (Zgt x y)).
+Intros x y; Unfold decidable Zgt ; Elim (Zcompare x y);
+ [ Right; Discriminate | Right; Discriminate | Auto with arith].
+Theorem dec_Zge: (x,y:Z) (decidable (Zge x y)).
+Intros x y; Unfold decidable Zge ; Elim (Zcompare x y); [
+ Left; Discriminate
+| Right; Unfold not ; Intros H; Apply H; Trivial with arith
+| Left; Discriminate].
+Theorem dec_Zlt: (x,y:Z) (decidable (Zlt x y)).
+Intros x y; Unfold decidable Zlt ; Elim (Zcompare x y);
+ [ Right; Discriminate | Auto with arith | Right; Discriminate].
+Theorem dec_eq_nat:(x,y:nat)(decidable (x=y)).
+Intros x y; Unfold decidable; Elim (eq_nat_dec x y); Auto with arith.
+Theorem dec_le:(x,y:nat)(decidable (le x y)).
+Intros x y; Unfold decidable ; Elim (le_gt_dec x y); [
+ Auto with arith
+| Intro; Right; Apply gt_not_le; Assumption].
+Theorem dec_lt:(x,y:nat)(decidable (lt x y)).
+Intros x y; Unfold lt; Apply dec_le.
+Theorem dec_gt:(x,y:nat)(decidable (gt x y)).
+Intros x y; Unfold gt; Apply dec_lt.
+Theorem dec_ge:(x,y:nat)(decidable (ge x y)).
+Intros x y; Unfold ge; Apply dec_le.
+Theorem not_not : (P:Prop)(decidable P) -> (~~P) -> P.
+Unfold decidable; Tauto. Save.
+Theorem not_or : (A,B:Prop) ~(A\/B) -> ~A /\ ~B.
+Tauto. Save.
+Theorem not_and : (A,B:Prop) (decidable A) -> ~(A/\B) -> ~A \/ ~B.
+Tauto. Save.
+Theorem not_imp : (A,B:Prop) (decidable A) -> ~(A -> B) -> A /\ ~B.
+Unfold decidable;Tauto.
+Theorem imp_simp : (A,B:Prop) (decidable A) -> (A -> B) -> ~A \/ B.
+Unfold decidable; Tauto.
+Theorem not_Zge : (x,y:Z) ~(Zge x y) -> (Zlt x y).
+Unfold Zge Zlt ; Intros x y H; Apply dec_not_not;
+ [ Exact (dec_Zlt x y) | Assumption].
+Theorem not_Zlt : (x,y:Z) ~(Zlt x y) -> (Zge x y).
+Unfold Zlt Zge; Auto with arith.
+Theorem not_Zle : (x,y:Z) ~(Zle x y) -> (Zgt x y).
+Unfold Zle Zgt ; Intros x y H; Apply dec_not_not;
+ [ Exact (dec_Zgt x y) | Assumption].
+ Save.
+Theorem not_Zgt : (x,y:Z) ~(Zgt x y) -> (Zle x y).
+Unfold Zgt Zle; Auto with arith.
+Theorem not_Zeq : (x,y:Z) ~ x=y -> (Zlt x y) \/ (Zlt y x).
+Intros x y; Elim (Dcompare (Zcompare x y)); [
+ Intros H1 H2; Absurd x=y; [ Assumption | Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y); Auto with arith]
+| Unfold Zlt ; Intros H; Elim H; Intros H1;
+ [Auto with arith | Right; Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM x y); Auto with arith]].
+Theorem not_le : (x,y:nat) ~(le x y) -> (gt x y).
+Intros x y H; Elim (le_gt_dec x y);
+ [ Intros H1; Absurd (le x y); Assumption | Trivial with arith ].
+Theorem not_ge : (x,y:nat) ~(ge x y) -> (lt x y).
+Intros x y H; Exact (not_le y x H).
+Theorem not_gt : (x,y:nat) ~(gt x y) -> (le x y).
+Intros x y H; Elim (le_gt_dec x y);
+ [ Trivial with arith | Intros H1; Absurd (gt x y); Assumption].
+Theorem not_lt : (x,y:nat) ~(lt x y) -> (ge x y).
+Intros x y H; Exact (not_gt y x H).
+Theorem not_eq : (x,y:nat) ~ x=y -> (lt x y) \/ (lt y x).
+Intros x y H; Elim (lt_eq_lt_dec x y); [
+ Intros H1; Elim H1; [ Auto with arith | Intros H2; Absurd x=y; Assumption]
+| Auto with arith].
+Theorem eq_ind_r : (A:Set)(x:A)(P:A->Prop)(P x)->(y:A)y=x -> (P y).
+Intros A x P H y H0; Elim (sym_eq A y x H0); Assumption.
+Theorem eqT_ind_r : (A:Type)(x:A)(P:A->Prop)(P x)->(y:A)y==x -> (P y).
+Intros A x P H y H0; Elim (sym_eqT A y x H0); Assumption.
+Lemma new_var: (x:Z) (EX y:Z |(x=y)).
+Intros x; Exists x; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem Zne_left : (x,y:Z) (Zne x y) -> (Zne (Zplus x (Zopp y)) ZERO).
+Intros x y; Unfold Zne; Unfold not; Intros H1 H2; Apply H1;
+Apply Zsimpl_plus_l with (Zopp y); Rewrite Zplus_inverse_l; Rewrite Zplus_sym;
+Trivial with arith.
+Theorem Zegal_left : (x,y:Z) (x=y) -> (Zplus x (Zopp y)) = ZERO.
+Intros x y H;Apply (Zsimpl_plus_l y);Rewrite -> Zplus_permute;
+Rewrite -> Zplus_inverse_r;Do 2 Rewrite -> Zero_right;Assumption.
+Theorem Zle_left : (x,y:Z) (Zle x y) -> (Zle ZERO (Zplus y (Zopp x))).
+Intros x y H; Apply (Zsimpl_le_plus_l x); Rewrite Zplus_permute;
+Rewrite Zplus_inverse_r; Do 2 Rewrite Zero_right; Assumption.
+Theorem Zlt_left :
+ (x,y:Z) (Zlt x y) -> (Zle ZERO (Zplus (Zplus y (NEG xH)) (Zopp x))).
+Intros x y H; Apply Zle_left; Apply Zle_S_n;
+Change (Zle (Zs x) (Zs (Zpred y))); Rewrite <- Zs_pred; Apply Zlt_le_S;
+Theorem Zge_left : (x,y:Z) (Zge x y) -> (Zle ZERO (Zplus x (Zopp y))).
+Intros x y H; Apply Zle_left; Apply Zge_le; Assumption.
+Theorem Zgt_left :
+ (x,y:Z) (Zgt x y) -> (Zle ZERO (Zplus (Zplus x (NEG xH)) (Zopp y))).
+Intros x y H; Apply Zlt_left; Apply Zgt_lt; Assumption.
+Theorem Zopp_one : (x:Z)(Zopp x)=(Zmult x (NEG xH)).
+Induction x; Intros; Rewrite Zmult_sym; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zopp_Zmult_r : (x,y:Z)(Zopp (Zmult x y)) = (Zmult x (Zopp y)).
+Intros x y; Rewrite Zmult_sym; Rewrite <- Zopp_Zmult; Apply Zmult_sym.
+Theorem Zmult_Zopp_left : (x,y:Z)(Zmult (Zopp x) y) = (Zmult x (Zopp y)).
+Intros; Rewrite Zopp_Zmult; Rewrite Zopp_Zmult_r; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem Zred_factor0 : (x:Z) x = (Zmult x (POS xH)).
+Intro x; Rewrite (Zmult_n_1 x); Trivial with arith.
+Theorem Zred_factor1 : (x:Z) (Zplus x x) = (Zmult x (POS (xO xH))).
+Intros x; Pattern 1 2 x ; Rewrite <- (Zmult_n_1 x);
+Rewrite <- Zmult_plus_distr_r; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zred_factor2 :
+ (x,y:Z) (Zplus x (Zmult x y)) = (Zmult x (Zplus (POS xH) y)).
+Intros x y; Pattern 1 x ; Rewrite <- (Zmult_n_1 x);
+Rewrite <- Zmult_plus_distr_r; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem Zred_factor3 :
+ (x,y:Z) (Zplus (Zmult x y) x) = (Zmult x (Zplus (POS xH) y)).
+Intros x y; Pattern 2 x ; Rewrite <- (Zmult_n_1 x);
+Rewrite <- Zmult_plus_distr_r; Rewrite Zplus_sym; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem Zred_factor4 :
+ (x,y,z:Z) (Zplus (Zmult x y) (Zmult x z)) = (Zmult x (Zplus y z)).
+Intros x y z; Symmetry; Apply Zmult_plus_distr_r.
+Theorem Zred_factor5 : (x,y:Z) (Zplus (Zmult x ZERO) y) = y.
+Intros x y; Rewrite <- Zmult_n_O;Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zred_factor6 : (x:Z) x = (Zplus x ZERO).
+Intro; Rewrite Zero_right; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem Zcompare_Zplus_compatible2 :
+ (r:relation)(x,y,z,t:Z)
+ (Zcompare x y) = r -> (Zcompare z t) = r ->
+ (Zcompare (Zplus x z) (Zplus y t)) = r.
+Intros r x y z t; Case r; [
+ Intros H1 H2; Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y); Elim (Zcompare_EGAL z t);
+ Intros H3 H4 H5 H6; Rewrite H3; [
+ Rewrite H5; [ Elim (Zcompare_EGAL (Zplus y t) (Zplus y t)); Auto with arith | Auto with arith ]
+ | Auto with arith ]
+| Intros H1 H2; Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM (Zplus y t) (Zplus x z));
+ Intros H3 H4; Apply H3;
+ Apply Zcompare_trans_SUPERIEUR with y:=(Zplus y z) ; [
+ Rewrite Zcompare_Zplus_compatible;
+ Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM t z); Auto with arith
+ | Do 2 Rewrite <- (Zplus_sym z);
+ Rewrite Zcompare_Zplus_compatible;
+ Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM y x); Auto with arith]
+| Intros H1 H2;
+ Apply Zcompare_trans_SUPERIEUR with y:=(Zplus x t) ; [
+ Rewrite Zcompare_Zplus_compatible; Assumption
+ | Do 2 Rewrite <- (Zplus_sym t);
+ Rewrite Zcompare_Zplus_compatible; Assumption]].
+Lemma add_x_x : (x:positive) (add x x) = (xO x).
+Intros p; Apply convert_intro; Simpl; Rewrite convert_add;
+Unfold 3 convert ; Simpl; Rewrite ZL6; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem Zcompare_Zmult_compatible :
+ (x:positive)(y,z:Z)
+ (Zcompare (Zmult (POS x) y) (Zmult (POS x) z)) = (Zcompare y z).
+Induction x; [
+ Intros p H y z;
+ Cut (POS (xI p))=(Zplus (Zplus (POS p) (POS p)) (POS xH)); [
+ Intros E; Rewrite E; Do 4 Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l;
+ Do 2 Rewrite Zmult_one;
+ Apply Zcompare_Zplus_compatible2; [
+ Apply Zcompare_Zplus_compatible2; Apply H
+ | Trivial with arith]
+ | Simpl; Rewrite (add_x_x p); Trivial with arith]
+| Intros p H y z; Cut (POS (xO p))=(Zplus (POS p) (POS p)); [
+ Intros E; Rewrite E; Do 2 Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l;
+ Apply Zcompare_Zplus_compatible2; Apply H
+ | Simpl; Rewrite (add_x_x p); Trivial with arith]
+ | Intros y z; Do 2 Rewrite Zmult_one; Trivial with arith].
+Theorem Zmult_eq:
+ (x,y:Z) ~(x=ZERO) -> (Zmult y x) = ZERO -> y = ZERO.
+Intros x y; Case x; [
+ Intro; Absurd ZERO=ZERO; Auto with arith
+| Intros p H1 H2; Elim (Zcompare_EGAL y ZERO);
+ Intros H3 H4; Apply H3; Rewrite <- (Zcompare_Zmult_compatible p);
+ Rewrite -> Zero_mult_right; Rewrite -> Zmult_sym;
+ Elim (Zcompare_EGAL (Zmult y (POS p)) ZERO); Auto with arith
+| Intros p H1 H2; Apply Zopp_intro; Simpl;
+ Elim (Zcompare_EGAL (Zopp y) ZERO); Intros H3 H4; Apply H3;
+ Rewrite <- (Zcompare_Zmult_compatible p);
+ Rewrite -> Zero_mult_right; Rewrite -> Zmult_sym;
+ Rewrite -> Zmult_Zopp_left; Simpl;
+ Elim (Zcompare_EGAL (Zmult y (NEG p)) ZERO); Auto with arith].
+Theorem Z_eq_mult:
+ (x,y:Z) y = ZERO -> (Zmult y x) = ZERO.
+Intros x y H; Rewrite H; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zmult_le:
+ (x,y:Z) (Zgt x ZERO) -> (Zle ZERO (Zmult y x)) -> (Zle ZERO y).
+Intros x y; Case x; [
+ Simpl; Unfold Zgt ; Simpl; Intros H; Discriminate H
+| Intros p H1; Unfold Zle; Rewrite -> Zmult_sym;
+ Pattern 1 ZERO ; Rewrite <- (Zero_mult_right (POS p));
+ Rewrite Zcompare_Zmult_compatible; Auto with arith
+| Intros p; Unfold Zgt ; Simpl; Intros H; Discriminate H].
+Theorem Zle_mult:
+ (x,y:Z) (Zgt x ZERO) -> (Zle ZERO y) -> (Zle ZERO (Zmult y x)).
+Intros x y; Case x; [
+ Simpl; Unfold Zgt ; Simpl; Intros H; Discriminate H
+| Intros p H1; Unfold Zle; Rewrite -> Zmult_sym;
+ Pattern 2 ZERO ; Rewrite <- (Zero_mult_right (POS p));
+ Rewrite Zcompare_Zmult_compatible; Auto with arith
+| Intros p; Unfold Zgt ; Simpl; Intros H; Discriminate H].
+Theorem Zmult_lt:
+ (x,y:Z) (Zgt x ZERO) -> (Zlt ZERO (Zmult y x)) -> (Zlt ZERO y).
+Intros x y; Case x; [
+ Simpl; Unfold Zgt ; Simpl; Intros H; Discriminate H
+| Intros p H1; Unfold Zlt; Rewrite -> Zmult_sym;
+ Pattern 1 ZERO ; Rewrite <- (Zero_mult_right (POS p));
+ Rewrite Zcompare_Zmult_compatible; Auto with arith
+| Intros p; Unfold Zgt ; Simpl; Intros H; Discriminate H].
+Theorem Zle_mult_approx:
+ (x,y,z:Z) (Zgt x ZERO) -> (Zgt z ZERO) -> (Zle ZERO y) ->
+ (Zle ZERO (Zplus (Zmult y x) z)).
+Intros x y z H1 H2 H3; Apply Zle_trans with m:=(Zmult y x) ; [
+ Apply Zle_mult; Assumption
+| Pattern 1 (Zmult y x) ; Rewrite <- Zero_right; Apply Zle_reg_l;
+ Apply Zlt_le_weak; Apply Zgt_lt; Assumption].
+Theorem Zmult_le_approx:
+ (x,y,z:Z) (Zgt x ZERO) -> (Zgt x z) ->
+ (Zle ZERO (Zplus (Zmult y x) z)) -> (Zle ZERO y).
+Intros x y z H1 H2 H3; Apply Zlt_n_Sm_le; Apply (Zmult_lt x); [
+ Assumption
+ | Apply Zle_lt_trans with 1:=H3 ; Rewrite <- Zmult_Sm_n;
+ Apply Zlt_reg_l; Apply Zgt_lt; Assumption].
+Theorem OMEGA1 : (x,y:Z) (x=y) -> (Zle ZERO x) -> (Zle ZERO y).
+Intros x y H; Rewrite H; Auto with arith.
+Theorem OMEGA2 : (x,y:Z) (Zle ZERO x) -> (Zle ZERO y) -> (Zle ZERO (Zplus x y)).
+Intros x y H1 H2;Rewrite <- (Zero_left ZERO); Apply Zle_plus_plus; Assumption.
+Theorem OMEGA3 : (x,y,k:Z)(Zgt k ZERO)-> (x=(Zmult y k)) -> (x=ZERO) -> (y=ZERO).
+Intros x y k H1 H2 H3; Apply (Zmult_eq k); [
+ Unfold not ; Intros H4; Absurd (Zgt k ZERO); [
+ Rewrite H4; Unfold Zgt ; Simpl; Discriminate | Assumption]
+ | Rewrite <- H2; Assumption].
+Theorem OMEGA4 :
+ (x,y,z:Z)(Zgt x ZERO) -> (Zgt y x) -> ~(Zplus (Zmult z y) x) = ZERO.
+Unfold not ; Intros x y z H1 H2 H3; Cut (Zgt y ZERO); [
+ Intros H4; Cut (Zle ZERO (Zplus (Zmult z y) x)); [
+ Intros H5; Generalize (Zmult_le_approx y z x H4 H2 H5) ; Intros H6;
+ Absurd (Zgt (Zplus (Zmult z y) x) ZERO); [
+ Rewrite -> H3; Unfold Zgt ; Simpl; Discriminate
+ | Apply Zle_gt_trans with x ; [
+ Pattern 1 x ; Rewrite <- (Zero_left x); Apply Zle_reg_r;
+ Rewrite -> Zmult_sym; Generalize H4 ; Unfold Zgt;
+ Case y; [
+ Simpl; Intros H7; Discriminate H7
+ | Intros p H7; Rewrite <- (Zero_mult_right (POS p));
+ Unfold Zle ; Rewrite -> Zcompare_Zmult_compatible; Exact H6
+ | Simpl; Intros p H7; Discriminate H7]
+ | Assumption]]
+ | Rewrite -> H3; Unfold Zle ; Simpl; Discriminate]
+ | Apply Zgt_trans with x ; [ Assumption | Assumption]].
+Theorem OMEGA5: (x,y,z:Z)(x=ZERO) -> (y=ZERO) -> (Zplus x (Zmult y z)) = ZERO.
+Intros x y z H1 H2; Rewrite H1; Rewrite H2; Simpl; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem OMEGA6:
+ (x,y,z:Z)(Zle ZERO x) -> (y=ZERO) -> (Zle ZERO (Zplus x (Zmult y z))).
+Intros x y z H1 H2; Rewrite H2; Simpl; Rewrite Zero_right; Assumption.
+Theorem OMEGA7:
+ (x,y,z,t:Z)(Zgt z ZERO) -> (Zgt t ZERO) -> (Zle ZERO x) -> (Zle ZERO y) ->
+ (Zle ZERO (Zplus (Zmult x z) (Zmult y t))).
+Intros x y z t H1 H2 H3 H4; Rewrite <- (Zero_left ZERO);
+Apply Zle_plus_plus; Apply Zle_mult; Assumption.
+Theorem OMEGA8: (x,y:Z) (Zle ZERO x) -> (Zle ZERO y) -> x = (Zopp y) -> x = ZERO.
+Intros x y H1 H2 H3; Elim (Zle_lt_or_eq ZERO x H1); [
+ Intros H4; Absurd (Zlt ZERO x); [
+ Change (Zge ZERO x); Apply Zle_ge; Apply (Zsimpl_le_plus_l y);
+ Rewrite -> H3; Rewrite Zplus_inverse_r; Rewrite Zero_right; Assumption
+ | Assumption]
+| Intros H4; Rewrite -> H4; Trivial with arith].
+Theorem OMEGA9:(x,y,z,t:Z) y=ZERO -> x = z ->
+ (Zplus y (Zmult (Zplus (Zopp x) z) t)) = ZERO.
+Intros x y z t H1 H2; Rewrite H2; Rewrite Zplus_inverse_l;
+Rewrite Zero_mult_left; Rewrite Zero_right; Assumption.
+Theorem OMEGA10:(v,c1,c2,l1,l2,k1,k2:Z)
+ (Zplus (Zmult (Zplus (Zmult v c1) l1) k1) (Zmult (Zplus (Zmult v c2) l2) k2))
+ = (Zplus (Zmult v (Zplus (Zmult c1 k1) (Zmult c2 k2)))
+ (Zplus (Zmult l1 k1) (Zmult l2 k2))).
+Intros; Repeat (Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l Orelse Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r);
+Repeat Rewrite Zmult_assoc; Repeat Elim Zplus_assoc;
+Rewrite (Zplus_permute (Zmult l1 k1) (Zmult (Zmult v c2) k2)); Trivial with arith.
+Theorem OMEGA11:(v1,c1,l1,l2,k1:Z)
+ (Zplus (Zmult (Zplus (Zmult v1 c1) l1) k1) l2)
+ = (Zplus (Zmult v1 (Zmult c1 k1)) (Zplus (Zmult l1 k1) l2)).
+Intros; Repeat (Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l Orelse Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r);
+Repeat Rewrite Zmult_assoc; Repeat Elim Zplus_assoc; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem OMEGA12:(v2,c2,l1,l2,k2:Z)
+ (Zplus l1 (Zmult (Zplus (Zmult v2 c2) l2) k2))
+ = (Zplus (Zmult v2 (Zmult c2 k2)) (Zplus l1 (Zmult l2 k2))).
+Intros; Repeat (Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l Orelse Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r);
+Repeat Rewrite Zmult_assoc; Repeat Elim Zplus_assoc; Rewrite Zplus_permute;
+Trivial with arith.
+Theorem OMEGA13:(v,l1,l2:Z)(x:positive)
+ (Zplus (Zplus (Zmult v (POS x)) l1) (Zplus (Zmult v (NEG x)) l2))
+ = (Zplus l1 l2).
+Intros; Rewrite Zplus_assoc; Rewrite (Zplus_sym (Zmult v (POS x)) l1);
+Rewrite (Zplus_assoc_r l1); Rewrite <- Zmult_plus_distr_r;
+Rewrite <- Zopp_NEG; Rewrite (Zplus_sym (Zopp (NEG x)) (NEG x));
+Rewrite Zplus_inverse_r; Rewrite Zero_mult_right; Rewrite Zero_right; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem OMEGA14:(v,l1,l2:Z)(x:positive)
+ (Zplus (Zplus (Zmult v (NEG x)) l1) (Zplus (Zmult v (POS x)) l2))
+ = (Zplus l1 l2).
+Intros; Rewrite Zplus_assoc; Rewrite (Zplus_sym (Zmult v (NEG x)) l1);
+Rewrite (Zplus_assoc_r l1); Rewrite <- Zmult_plus_distr_r;
+Rewrite <- Zopp_NEG; Rewrite Zplus_inverse_r; Rewrite Zero_mult_right;
+Rewrite Zero_right; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem OMEGA15:(v,c1,c2,l1,l2,k2:Z)
+ (Zplus (Zplus (Zmult v c1) l1) (Zmult (Zplus (Zmult v c2) l2) k2))
+ = (Zplus (Zmult v (Zplus c1 (Zmult c2 k2)))
+ (Zplus l1 (Zmult l2 k2))).
+Intros; Repeat (Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l Orelse Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r);
+Repeat Rewrite Zmult_assoc; Repeat Elim Zplus_assoc;
+Rewrite (Zplus_permute l1 (Zmult (Zmult v c2) k2)); Trivial with arith.
+Theorem OMEGA16:
+ (v,c,l,k:Z)
+ (Zmult (Zplus (Zmult v c) l) k) = (Zplus (Zmult v (Zmult c k)) (Zmult l k)).
+Intros; Repeat (Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l Orelse Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r);
+Repeat Rewrite Zmult_assoc; Repeat Elim Zplus_assoc; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem OMEGA17:
+ (x,y,z:Z)(Zne x ZERO) -> (y=ZERO) -> (Zne (Zplus x (Zmult y z)) ZERO).
+Unfold Zne not; Intros x y z H1 H2 H3; Apply H1;
+Apply Zsimpl_plus_l with (Zmult y z); Rewrite Zplus_sym; Rewrite H3;
+Rewrite H2; Auto with arith.
+Theorem OMEGA18:
+(x,y,k:Z) (x=(Zmult y k)) -> (Zne x ZERO) -> (Zne y ZERO).
+Unfold Zne not; Intros x y k H1 H2 H3; Apply H2; Rewrite H1; Rewrite H3; Auto with arith.
+Theorem OMEGA19:
+ (x:Z) (Zne x ZERO) ->
+ (Zle ZERO (Zplus x (NEG xH))) \/ (Zle ZERO (Zplus (Zmult x (NEG xH)) (NEG xH))).
+Unfold Zne ; Intros x H; Elim (Zle_or_lt ZERO x); [
+ Intros H1; Elim Zle_lt_or_eq with 1:=H1; [
+ Intros H2; Left; Change (Zle ZERO (Zpred x)); Apply Zle_S_n;
+ Rewrite <- Zs_pred; Apply Zlt_le_S; Assumption
+ | Intros H2; Absurd x=ZERO; Auto with arith]
+| Intros H1; Right; Rewrite <- Zopp_one; Rewrite Zplus_sym;
+ Apply Zle_left; Apply Zle_S_n; Simpl; Apply Zlt_le_S; Auto with arith].
+Theorem OMEGA20:
+ (x,y,z:Z)(Zne x ZERO) -> (y=ZERO) -> (Zne (Zplus x (Zmult y z)) ZERO).
+Unfold Zne not; Intros x y z H1 H2 H3; Apply H1; Rewrite H2 in H3;
+Simpl in H3; Rewrite (Zero_right x) in H3; Trivial with arith.
+Definition fast_Zplus_sym :=
+[x,y:Z][P:Z -> Prop][H: (P (Zplus y x))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z (Zplus y x) P H (Zplus x y) (Zplus_sym x y)).
+Definition fast_Zplus_assoc_r :=
+[n,m,p:Z][P:Z -> Prop][H : (P (Zplus n (Zplus m p)))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z (Zplus n (Zplus m p)) P H (Zplus (Zplus n m) p) (Zplus_assoc_r n m p)).
+Definition fast_Zplus_assoc_l :=
+[n,m,p:Z][P:Z -> Prop][H : (P (Zplus (Zplus n m) p))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z (Zplus (Zplus n m) p) P H (Zplus n (Zplus m p))
+ (Zplus_assoc_l n m p)).
+Definition fast_Zplus_permute :=
+[n,m,p:Z][P:Z -> Prop][H : (P (Zplus m (Zplus n p)))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z (Zplus m (Zplus n p)) P H (Zplus n (Zplus m p))
+ (Zplus_permute n m p)).
+Definition fast_OMEGA10 :=
+[v,c1,c2,l1,l2,k1,k2:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zplus (Zmult v (Zplus (Zmult c1 k1) (Zmult c2 k2)))
+ (Zplus (Zmult l1 k1) (Zmult l2 k2))))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zplus (Zmult v (Zplus (Zmult c1 k1) (Zmult c2 k2)))
+ (Zplus (Zmult l1 k1) (Zmult l2 k2)))
+ P H
+ (Zplus (Zmult (Zplus (Zmult v c1) l1) k1)
+ (Zmult (Zplus (Zmult v c2) l2) k2))
+ (OMEGA10 v c1 c2 l1 l2 k1 k2)).
+Definition fast_OMEGA11 :=
+[v1,c1,l1,l2,k1:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zplus (Zmult v1 (Zmult c1 k1)) (Zplus (Zmult l1 k1) l2)))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zplus (Zmult v1 (Zmult c1 k1)) (Zplus (Zmult l1 k1) l2))
+ P H
+ (Zplus (Zmult (Zplus (Zmult v1 c1) l1) k1) l2)
+ (OMEGA11 v1 c1 l1 l2 k1)).
+Definition fast_OMEGA12 :=
+[v2,c2,l1,l2,k2:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zplus (Zmult v2 (Zmult c2 k2)) (Zplus l1 (Zmult l2 k2))))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zplus (Zmult v2 (Zmult c2 k2)) (Zplus l1 (Zmult l2 k2)))
+ P H
+ (Zplus l1 (Zmult (Zplus (Zmult v2 c2) l2) k2))
+ (OMEGA12 v2 c2 l1 l2 k2)).
+Definition fast_OMEGA15 :=
+[v,c1,c2,l1,l2,k2 :Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zplus (Zmult v (Zplus c1 (Zmult c2 k2))) (Zplus l1 (Zmult l2 k2))))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zplus (Zmult v (Zplus c1 (Zmult c2 k2))) (Zplus l1 (Zmult l2 k2)))
+ P H
+ (Zplus (Zplus (Zmult v c1) l1) (Zmult (Zplus (Zmult v c2) l2) k2))
+ (OMEGA15 v c1 c2 l1 l2 k2)).
+Definition fast_OMEGA16 :=
+[v,c,l,k :Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zplus (Zmult v (Zmult c k)) (Zmult l k)))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zplus (Zmult v (Zmult c k)) (Zmult l k))
+ P H
+ (Zmult (Zplus (Zmult v c) l) k)
+ (OMEGA16 v c l k)).
+Definition fast_OMEGA13 :=
+[v,l1,l2 :Z][x:positive][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zplus l1 l2))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zplus l1 l2)
+ P H
+ (Zplus (Zplus (Zmult v (POS x)) l1) (Zplus (Zmult v (NEG x)) l2))
+ (OMEGA13 v l1 l2 x )).
+Definition fast_OMEGA14 :=
+[v,l1,l2 :Z][x:positive][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zplus l1 l2))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zplus l1 l2)
+ P H
+ (Zplus (Zplus (Zmult v (NEG x)) l1) (Zplus (Zmult v (POS x)) l2))
+ (OMEGA14 v l1 l2 x )).
+Definition fast_Zred_factor0:=
+[x:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zmult x (POS xH)) )]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zmult x (POS xH))
+ P H
+ x
+ (Zred_factor0 x)).
+Definition fast_Zopp_one :=
+[x:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zmult x (NEG xH)))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zmult x (NEG xH))
+ P H
+ (Zopp x)
+ (Zopp_one x)).
+Definition fast_Zmult_sym :=
+[x,y :Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zmult y x))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+(Zmult y x)
+ P H
+(Zmult x y)
+ (Zmult_sym x y )).
+Definition fast_Zopp_Zplus :=
+[x,y :Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zplus (Zopp x) (Zopp y)) )]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zplus (Zopp x) (Zopp y))
+ P H
+ (Zopp (Zplus x y))
+ (Zopp_Zplus x y )).
+Definition fast_Zopp_Zopp :=
+[x:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P x )] (eq_ind_r Z x P H (Zopp (Zopp x)) (Zopp_Zopp x)).
+Definition fast_Zopp_Zmult_r :=
+[x,y:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zmult x (Zopp y)))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zmult x (Zopp y))
+ P H
+ (Zopp (Zmult x y))
+ (Zopp_Zmult_r x y )).
+Definition fast_Zmult_plus_distr :=
+[n,m,p:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zplus (Zmult n p) (Zmult m p)))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zplus (Zmult n p) (Zmult m p))
+ P H
+ (Zmult (Zplus n m) p)
+ (Zmult_plus_distr_l n m p)).
+Definition fast_Zmult_Zopp_left:=
+[x,y:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zmult x (Zopp y)))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zmult x (Zopp y))
+ P H
+ (Zmult (Zopp x) y)
+ (Zmult_Zopp_left x y)).
+Definition fast_Zmult_assoc_r :=
+[n,m,p :Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zmult n (Zmult m p)))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zmult n (Zmult m p))
+ P H
+ (Zmult (Zmult n m) p)
+ (Zmult_assoc_r n m p)).
+Definition fast_Zred_factor1 :=
+[x:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zmult x (POS (xO xH))) )]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zmult x (POS (xO xH)))
+ P H
+ (Zplus x x)
+ (Zred_factor1 x)).
+Definition fast_Zred_factor2 :=
+[x,y:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zmult x (Zplus (POS xH) y)))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zmult x (Zplus (POS xH) y))
+ P H
+ (Zplus x (Zmult x y))
+ (Zred_factor2 x y)).
+Definition fast_Zred_factor3 :=
+[x,y:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zmult x (Zplus (POS xH) y)))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zmult x (Zplus (POS xH) y))
+ P H
+ (Zplus (Zmult x y) x)
+ (Zred_factor3 x y)).
+Definition fast_Zred_factor4 :=
+[x,y,z:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P (Zmult x (Zplus y z)))]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zmult x (Zplus y z))
+ P H
+ (Zplus (Zmult x y) (Zmult x z))
+ (Zred_factor4 x y z)).
+Definition fast_Zred_factor5 :=
+[x,y:Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P y)]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ y
+ P H
+ (Zplus (Zmult x ZERO) y)
+ (Zred_factor5 x y)).
+Definition fast_Zred_factor6 :=
+[x :Z][P:Z -> Prop]
+[H : (P(Zplus x ZERO) )]
+ (eq_ind_r Z
+ (Zplus x ZERO)
+ P H
+ x
+ (Zred_factor6 x )).
diff --git a/theories/Zarith/fast_integer.v b/theories/Zarith/fast_integer.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..444d5e9a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Zarith/fast_integer.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1439 @@
+(* *)
+(* Binary Integers *)
+(* *)
+(* Pierre Crégut (CNET, Lannion, France) *)
+(* *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Le.
+Require Lt.
+Require Plus.
+Require Mult.
+Require Minus.
+Section fast_integer.
+Inductive positive : Set :=
+ xI : positive -> positive
+| xO : positive -> positive
+| xH : positive.
+Inductive Z : Set :=
+ ZERO : Z | POS : positive -> Z | NEG : positive -> Z.
+Inductive relation : Set :=
+ EGAL :relation | INFERIEUR : relation | SUPERIEUR : relation.
+Fixpoint add_un [x:positive]:positive :=
+ <positive> Cases x of
+ (xI x') => (xO (add_un x'))
+ | (xO x') => (xI x')
+ | xH => (xO xH)
+ end.
+Fixpoint add [x,y:positive]:positive :=
+ <positive>Cases x of
+ (xI x') => <positive>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (xO (add_carry x' y'))
+ | (xO y') => (xI (add x' y'))
+ | xH => (xO (add_un x'))
+ end
+ | (xO x') => <positive>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (xI (add x' y'))
+ | (xO y') => (xO (add x' y'))
+ | xH => (xI x')
+ end
+ | xH => <positive>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (xO (add_un y'))
+ | (xO y') => (xI y')
+ | xH => (xO xH)
+ end
+ end
+with add_carry [x,y:positive]:positive :=
+ <positive>Cases x of
+ (xI x') => <positive>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (xI (add_carry x' y'))
+ | (xO y') => (xO (add_carry x' y'))
+ | xH => (xI (add_un x'))
+ end
+ | (xO x') => <positive>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (xO (add_carry x' y'))
+ | (xO y') => (xI (add x' y'))
+ | xH => (xO (add_un x'))
+ end
+ | xH => <positive>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (xI (add_un y'))
+ | (xO y') => (xO (add_un y'))
+ | xH => (xI xH)
+ end
+ end.
+Fixpoint positive_to_nat [x:positive]:nat -> nat :=
+ [pow2:nat]
+ <nat> Cases x of
+ (xI x') => (plus pow2 (positive_to_nat x' (plus pow2 pow2)))
+ | (xO x') => (positive_to_nat x' (plus pow2 pow2))
+ | xH => pow2
+ end.
+Definition convert := [x:positive] (positive_to_nat x (S O)).
+Fixpoint anti_convert [n:nat]: positive :=
+ <positive> Cases n of
+ O => xH
+ | (S x') => (add_un (anti_convert x'))
+ end.
+Lemma convert_add_un :
+ (x:positive)(m:nat)
+ (positive_to_nat (add_un x) m) = (plus m (positive_to_nat x m)).
+Induction x; Simpl; Auto with arith; Intros x' H0 m; Rewrite H0;
+Rewrite plus_assoc_l; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem convert_add_carry :
+ (x,y:positive)(m:nat)
+ (positive_to_nat (add_carry x y) m) =
+ (plus m (positive_to_nat (add x y) m)).
+Induction x; Induction y; Simpl; Auto with arith; [
+ Intros y' H1 m; Rewrite H; Rewrite plus_assoc_l; Trivial with arith
+| Intros y' H1 m; Rewrite H; Rewrite plus_assoc_l; Trivial with arith
+| Intros m; Rewrite convert_add_un; Rewrite plus_assoc_l; Trivial with arith
+| Intros y' H m; Rewrite convert_add_un; Apply plus_assoc_r ].
+Theorem cvt_carry :
+ (x,y:positive)(convert (add_carry x y)) = (S (convert (add x y))).
+Intros;Unfold convert; Rewrite convert_add_carry; Simpl; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem add_verif :
+ (x,y:positive)(m:nat)
+ (positive_to_nat (add x y) m) =
+ (plus (positive_to_nat x m) (positive_to_nat y m)).
+Induction x;Induction y;Simpl;Auto with arith; [
+ Intros y' H1 m;Rewrite convert_add_carry; Rewrite H;
+ Rewrite plus_assoc_r; Rewrite plus_assoc_r;
+ Rewrite (plus_permute m (positive_to_nat p (plus m m))); Trivial with arith
+| Intros y' H1 m; Rewrite H; Apply plus_assoc_l
+| Intros m; Rewrite convert_add_un;
+ Rewrite (plus_sym (plus m (positive_to_nat p (plus m m))));
+ Apply plus_assoc_r
+| Intros y' H1 m; Rewrite H; Apply plus_permute
+| Intros y' H1 m; Rewrite convert_add_un; Apply plus_assoc_r ].
+Theorem convert_add:
+ (x,y:positive) (convert (add x y)) = (plus (convert x) (convert y)).
+Intros x y; Exact (add_verif x y (S O)).
+Theorem bij1 : (m:nat) (convert (anti_convert m)) = (S m).
+Induction m; [
+ Unfold convert; Simpl; Trivial with arith
+| Unfold convert; Intros n H; Simpl; Rewrite convert_add_un; Rewrite H; Auto with arith].
+Fixpoint double_moins_un [x:positive]:positive :=
+ <positive>Cases x of
+ (xI x') => (xI (xO x'))
+ | (xO x') => (xI (double_moins_un x'))
+ | xH => xH
+ end.
+Definition sub_un := [x:positive]
+ <positive> Cases x of
+ (xI x') => (xO x')
+ | (xO x') => (double_moins_un x')
+ | xH => xH
+ end.
+Lemma sub_add_one : (x:positive) (sub_un (add_un x)) = x.
+(Induction x; [Idtac | Idtac | Simpl;Auto with arith ]);
+(Intros p; Elim p; [Idtac | Idtac | Simpl;Auto with arith ]);
+(Simpl; Intros q H1 H2; Case H2; Simpl; Trivial with arith).
+Lemma is_double_moins_un : (x:positive) (add_un (double_moins_un x)) = (xO x).
+(Induction x;Simpl;Auto with arith); (Intros m H;Rewrite H;Trivial with arith).
+Lemma add_sub_one : (x:positive) (x=xH) \/ (add_un (sub_un x)) = x.
+Induction x; [
+ Simpl; Auto with arith
+| Simpl; Intros;Right;Apply is_double_moins_un
+| Auto with arith ].
+Lemma ZL0 : (S (S O))=(plus (S O) (S O)).
+Proof. Auto with arith. Save.
+Lemma ZL1: (y:positive)(xO (add_un y)) = (add_un (add_un (xO y))).
+Induction y; Simpl; Auto with arith.
+Lemma ZL2:
+ (y:positive)(m:nat)
+ (positive_to_nat y (plus m m)) =
+ (plus (positive_to_nat y m) (positive_to_nat y m)).
+Induction y; [
+ Intros p H m; Simpl; Rewrite H; Rewrite plus_assoc_r;
+ Rewrite (plus_permute m (positive_to_nat p (plus m m)));
+ Rewrite plus_assoc_r; Auto with arith
+| Intros p H m; Simpl; Rewrite H; Auto with arith
+| Intro;Simpl; Trivial with arith ].
+Lemma ZL3: (x:nat) (add_un (anti_convert (plus x x))) = (xO (anti_convert x)).
+Induction x; [
+ Simpl; Auto with arith
+| Intros y H; Simpl; Rewrite plus_sym; Simpl; Rewrite H; Rewrite ZL1;Auto with arith].
+Lemma ZL4: (y:positive) (EX h:nat |(convert y)=(S h)).
+Induction y; [
+ Intros p H;Elim H; Intros x H1; Exists (plus (S x) (S x));
+ Unfold convert ;Simpl; Rewrite ZL0; Rewrite ZL2; Unfold convert in H1;
+ Rewrite H1; Auto with arith
+| Intros p H1;Elim H1;Intros x H2; Exists (plus x (S x)); Unfold convert;
+ Simpl; Rewrite ZL0; Rewrite ZL2;Unfold convert in H2; Rewrite H2; Auto with arith
+| Exists O ;Auto with arith ].
+Lemma ZL5: (x:nat) (anti_convert (plus (S x) (S x))) = (xI (anti_convert x)).
+Induction x;Simpl; [
+ Auto with arith
+| Intros y H; Rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; Simpl; Rewrite H; Auto with arith].
+Lemma bij2 : (x:positive) (anti_convert (convert x)) = (add_un x).
+Induction x; [
+ Intros p H; Simpl; Rewrite <- H; Rewrite ZL0;Rewrite ZL2; Elim (ZL4 p);
+ Unfold convert; Intros n H1;Rewrite H1; Rewrite ZL3; Auto with arith
+| Intros p H; Unfold convert ;Simpl; Rewrite ZL0; Rewrite ZL2;
+ Rewrite <- (sub_add_one
+ (anti_convert
+ (plus (positive_to_nat p (S O)) (positive_to_nat p (S O)))));
+ Rewrite <- (sub_add_one (xI p));
+ Simpl;Rewrite <- H;Elim (ZL4 p); Unfold convert ;Intros n H1;Rewrite H1;
+ Rewrite ZL5; Simpl; Trivial with arith
+| Unfold convert; Simpl; Auto with arith ].
+Fixpoint compare [x,y:positive]: relation -> relation :=
+ [r:relation] <relation> Cases x of
+ (xI x') => <relation>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (compare x' y' r)
+ | (xO y') => (compare x' y' SUPERIEUR)
+ end
+ | (xO x') => <relation>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (compare x' y' INFERIEUR)
+ | (xO y') => (compare x' y' r)
+ end
+ | xH => <relation>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => INFERIEUR
+ | (xO y') => INFERIEUR
+ | xH => r
+ end
+ end.
+Theorem compare_convert1 :
+ (x,y:positive)
+ ~(compare x y SUPERIEUR) = EGAL /\ ~(compare x y INFERIEUR) = EGAL.
+Induction x;Induction y;Split;Simpl;Auto with arith;
+ (Discriminate Orelse (Elim (H y0); Auto with arith)).
+Theorem compare_convert_EGAL : (x,y:positive) (compare x y EGAL) = EGAL -> x=y.
+Induction x;Induction y;Simpl;Auto with arith; [
+ Intros z H1 H2; Rewrite (H z); Trivial with arith
+| Intros z H1 H2; Absurd (compare p z SUPERIEUR)=EGAL ;
+ [ Elim (compare_convert1 p z);Auto with arith | Assumption ]
+| Intros H1;Discriminate H1
+| Intros z H1 H2; Absurd (compare p z INFERIEUR) = EGAL;
+ [ Elim (compare_convert1 p z);Auto with arith | Assumption ]
+| Intros z H1 H2 ;Rewrite (H z);Auto with arith
+| Intros H1;Discriminate H1
+| Intros p H H1;Discriminate H1
+| Intros p H H1;Discriminate H1 ].
+Lemma ZL6:
+ (p:positive) (positive_to_nat p (S(S O))) = (plus (convert p) (convert p)).
+Intros p;Rewrite ZL0; Rewrite ZL2; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma ZL7:
+ (m,n:nat) (lt m n) -> (lt (plus m m) (plus n n)).
+Intros m n H; Apply lt_trans with m:=(plus m n); [
+ Apply lt_reg_l with 1:=H
+| Rewrite (plus_sym m n); Apply lt_reg_l with 1:=H ].
+Lemma ZL8:
+ (m,n:nat) (lt m n) -> (lt (S (plus m m)) (plus n n)).
+Intros m n H; Apply le_lt_trans with m:=(plus m n); [
+ Change (lt (plus m m) (plus m n)) ; Apply lt_reg_l with 1:=H
+| Rewrite (plus_sym m n); Apply lt_reg_l with 1:=H ].
+Lemma ZLSI:
+ (x,y:positive) (compare x y SUPERIEUR) = INFERIEUR ->
+ (compare x y EGAL) = INFERIEUR.
+Induction x;Induction y;Simpl;Auto with arith;
+ (Discriminate Orelse Intros H;Discriminate H).
+Lemma ZLIS:
+ (x,y:positive) (compare x y INFERIEUR) = SUPERIEUR ->
+ (compare x y EGAL) = SUPERIEUR.
+Induction x;Induction y;Simpl;Auto with arith;
+ (Discriminate Orelse Intros H;Discriminate H).
+Lemma ZLII:
+ (x,y:positive) (compare x y INFERIEUR) = INFERIEUR ->
+ (compare x y EGAL) = INFERIEUR \/ x = y.
+(Induction x;Induction y;Simpl;Auto with arith;Try Discriminate);
+ (Intros z H1 H2; Elim (H z H2);Auto with arith; Intros E;Rewrite E;Auto with arith).
+Lemma ZLSS:
+ (x,y:positive) (compare x y SUPERIEUR) = SUPERIEUR ->
+ (compare x y EGAL) = SUPERIEUR \/ x = y.
+(Induction x;Induction y;Simpl;Auto with arith;Try Discriminate);
+ (Intros z H1 H2; Elim (H z H2);Auto with arith; Intros E;Rewrite E;Auto with arith).
+Theorem compare_convert_INFERIEUR :
+ (x,y:positive) (compare x y EGAL) = INFERIEUR ->
+ (lt (convert x) (convert y)).
+Induction x;Induction y; [
+ Intros z H1 H2; Unfold convert ;Simpl; Apply lt_n_S;
+ Do 2 Rewrite ZL6; Apply ZL7; Apply H; Simpl in H2; Assumption
+| Intros q H1 H2; Unfold convert ;Simpl; Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Apply ZL8; Apply H;Simpl in H2; Apply ZLSI;Assumption
+| Simpl; Intros H1;Discriminate H1
+| Simpl; Intros q H1 H2; Unfold convert ;Simpl;Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Elim (ZLII p q H2); [
+ Intros H3;Apply lt_S;Apply ZL7; Apply H;Apply H3
+ | Intros E;Rewrite E;Apply lt_n_Sn]
+| Simpl;Intros q H1 H2; Unfold convert ;Simpl;Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Apply ZL7;Apply H;Assumption
+| Simpl; Intros H1;Discriminate H1
+| Intros q H1 H2; Unfold convert ;Simpl; Apply lt_n_S; Rewrite ZL6;
+ Elim (ZL4 q);Intros h H3; Rewrite H3;Simpl; Apply lt_O_Sn
+| Intros q H1 H2; Unfold convert ;Simpl; Rewrite ZL6; Elim (ZL4 q);Intros h H3;
+ Rewrite H3; Simpl; Rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; Apply lt_n_S; Apply lt_O_Sn
+| Simpl; Intros H;Discriminate H ].
+Theorem compare_convert_SUPERIEUR :
+ (x,y:positive) (compare x y EGAL)=SUPERIEUR -> (gt (convert x) (convert y)).
+Unfold gt; Induction x;Induction y; [
+ Simpl;Intros q H1 H2; Unfold convert ;Simpl;Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Apply lt_n_S; Apply ZL7; Apply H;Assumption
+| Simpl;Intros q H1 H2; Unfold convert ;Simpl; Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Elim (ZLSS p q H2); [
+ Intros H3;Apply lt_S;Apply ZL7;Apply H;Assumption
+ | Intros E;Rewrite E;Apply lt_n_Sn]
+| Intros H1;Unfold convert ;Simpl; Rewrite ZL6;Elim (ZL4 p);
+ Intros h H3;Rewrite H3;Simpl; Apply lt_n_S; Apply lt_O_Sn
+| Simpl;Intros q H1 H2;Unfold convert ;Simpl;Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Apply ZL8; Apply H; Apply ZLIS; Assumption
+| Simpl;Intros q H1 H2; Unfold convert ;Simpl;Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Apply ZL7;Apply H;Assumption
+| Intros H1;Unfold convert ;Simpl; Rewrite ZL6; Elim (ZL4 p);
+ Intros h H3;Rewrite H3;Simpl; Rewrite <- plus_n_Sm;Apply lt_n_S;
+ Apply lt_O_Sn
+| Simpl; Intros q H1 H2;Discriminate H2
+| Simpl; Intros q H1 H2;Discriminate H2
+| Simpl;Intros H;Discriminate H ].
+Lemma Dcompare : (r:relation) r=EGAL \/ r = INFERIEUR \/ r = SUPERIEUR.
+Induction r; Auto with arith.
+Theorem convert_compare_INFERIEUR :
+ (x,y:positive)(lt (convert x) (convert y)) -> (compare x y EGAL) = INFERIEUR.
+Intros x y; Unfold gt; Elim (Dcompare (compare x y EGAL)); [
+ Intros E; Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL x y E);
+ Intros H;Absurd (lt (convert y) (convert y)); [ Apply lt_n_n | Assumption ]
+| Intros H;Elim H; [
+ Auto with arith
+ | Intros H1 H2; Absurd (lt (convert x) (convert y)); [
+ Apply lt_not_sym; Change (gt (convert x) (convert y));
+ Apply compare_convert_SUPERIEUR; Assumption
+ | Assumption ]]].
+Theorem convert_compare_SUPERIEUR :
+ (x,y:positive)(gt (convert x) (convert y)) -> (compare x y EGAL) = SUPERIEUR.
+Intros x y; Unfold gt; Elim (Dcompare (compare x y EGAL)); [
+ Intros E; Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL x y E);
+ Intros H;Absurd (lt (convert y) (convert y)); [ Apply lt_n_n | Assumption ]
+| Intros H;Elim H; [
+ Intros H1 H2; Absurd (lt (convert y) (convert x)); [
+ Apply lt_not_sym; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR; Assumption
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Auto with arith]].
+Theorem convert_compare_EGAL: (x:positive)(compare x x EGAL)=EGAL.
+Induction x; Auto with arith.
+Inductive entier: Set := Nul : entier | Pos : positive -> entier.
+Definition Un_suivi_de :=
+ [x:entier]<entier> Cases x of Nul => (Pos xH) | (Pos p) => (Pos (xI p)) end.
+Definition Zero_suivi_de :=
+ [x:entier]<entier> Cases x of Nul => Nul | (Pos p) => (Pos (xO p)) end.
+Definition double_moins_deux :=
+ [x:positive] <entier>Cases x of
+ (xI x') => (Pos (xO (xO x')))
+ | (xO x') => (Pos (xO (double_moins_un x')))
+ | xH => Nul
+ end.
+Lemma ZS: (p:entier) (Zero_suivi_de p) = Nul -> p = Nul.
+Induction p;Simpl; [ Trivial with arith | Intros q H;Discriminate H ].
+Lemma US: (p:entier) ~(Un_suivi_de p)=Nul.
+Induction p; Intros; Discriminate.
+Lemma USH: (p:entier) (Un_suivi_de p) = (Pos xH) -> p = Nul.
+Induction p;Simpl; [ Trivial with arith | Intros q H;Discriminate H ].
+Lemma ZSH: (p:entier) ~(Zero_suivi_de p)= (Pos xH).
+Induction p; Intros; Discriminate.
+Fixpoint sub_pos[x,y:positive]:entier :=
+ <entier>Cases x of
+ (xI x') => <entier>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (Zero_suivi_de (sub_pos x' y'))
+ | (xO y') => (Un_suivi_de (sub_pos x' y'))
+ | xH => (Pos (xO x'))
+ end
+ | (xO x') => <entier>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (Un_suivi_de (sub_neg x' y'))
+ | (xO y') => (Zero_suivi_de (sub_pos x' y'))
+ | xH => (Pos (double_moins_un x'))
+ end
+ | xH => <entier>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (Pos (double_moins_un y'))
+ | (xO y') => (double_moins_deux y')
+ | xH => Nul
+ end
+ end
+with sub_neg [x,y:positive]:entier :=
+ <entier>Cases x of
+ (xI x') => <entier>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (Un_suivi_de (sub_neg x' y'))
+ | (xO y') => (Zero_suivi_de (sub_pos x' y'))
+ | xH => (Pos (double_moins_un x'))
+ end
+ | (xO x') => <entier>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (Zero_suivi_de (sub_neg x' y'))
+ | (xO y') => (Un_suivi_de (sub_neg x' y'))
+ | xH => (double_moins_deux x')
+ end
+ | xH => <entier>Cases y of
+ (xI y') => (Pos (xO y'))
+ | (xO y') => (Pos (double_moins_un y'))
+ | xH => Nul
+ end
+ end.
+Theorem sub_pos_x_x : (x:positive) (sub_pos x x) = Nul.
+Induction x; [
+ Simpl; Intros p H;Rewrite H;Simpl; Trivial with arith
+| Intros p H;Simpl;Rewrite H;Auto with arith
+| Auto with arith ].
+Theorem ZL10: (x,y:positive)
+ (compare x y EGAL) = SUPERIEUR ->
+ (sub_pos x y) = (Pos xH) -> (sub_neg x y) = Nul.
+Induction x;Induction y; [
+ Intros q H1 H2 H3; Absurd (sub_pos (xI p) (xI q))=(Pos xH);
+ [ Simpl; Apply ZSH | Assumption ]
+| Intros q H1 H2 H3; Simpl in H3; Cut (sub_pos p q)=Nul; [
+ Intros H4;Simpl;Rewrite H4; Simpl; Trivial with arith
+ | Apply USH;Assumption ]
+| Simpl; Intros H1 H2;Discriminate H2
+| Intros q H1 H2;
+ Change (Un_suivi_de (sub_neg p q))=(Pos xH)
+ -> (Zero_suivi_de (sub_neg p q))=Nul;
+ Intros H3; Rewrite (USH (sub_neg p q) H3); Simpl; Auto with arith
+| Intros q H1 H2 H3; Absurd (sub_pos (xO p) (xO q))=(Pos xH);
+ [ Simpl; Apply ZSH | Assumption ]
+| Intros H1; Elim p; [
+ Simpl; Intros q H2 H3;Discriminate H3
+ | Simpl; Intros q H2 H3;Discriminate H3
+ | Simpl; Auto with arith ]
+| Simpl; Intros q H1 H2 H3;Discriminate H2
+| Simpl; Intros q H1 H2 H3;Discriminate H2
+| Simpl; Intros H;Discriminate H ].
+Lemma ZL11: (x:positive) (x=xH) \/ ~(x=xH).
+Intros x;Case x;Intros; ((Left;Reflexivity) Orelse (Right;Discriminate)).
+Lemma ZL12: (q:positive) (add_un q) = (add q xH).
+Induction q; Intros; Simpl; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma ZL12bis: (q:positive) (add_un q) = (add xH q).
+Induction q; Intros; Simpl; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem ZL13:
+ (x,y:positive)(add_carry x y) = (add_un (add x y)).
+(Induction x;Induction y;Simpl;Auto with arith); (Intros q H1;Rewrite H;Auto with arith).
+Theorem ZL14:
+ (x,y:positive)(add x (add_un y)) = (add_un (add x y)).
+Induction x;Induction y;Simpl;Auto with arith; [
+ Intros q H1; Rewrite ZL13; Rewrite H; Auto with arith
+| Intros q H1; Rewrite ZL13; Auto with arith
+| Elim p;Simpl;Auto with arith
+| Intros q H1;Rewrite H;Auto with arith
+| Elim p;Simpl;Auto with arith ].
+Theorem ZL15:
+ (q,z:positive) ~z=xH -> (add_carry q (sub_un z)) = (add q z).
+Intros q z H; Elim (add_sub_one z); [
+ Intro;Absurd z=xH;Auto with arith
+| Intros E;Pattern 2 z ;Rewrite <- E; Rewrite ZL14; Rewrite ZL13; Trivial with arith ].
+Theorem sub_pos_SUPERIEUR:
+ (x,y:positive)(compare x y EGAL)=SUPERIEUR ->
+ (EX h:positive | (sub_pos x y) = (Pos h) /\ (add y h) = x /\
+ (h = xH \/ (sub_neg x y) = (Pos (sub_un h)))).
+Induction x;Induction y; [
+ Intros q H1 H2; Elim (H q H2); Intros z H3;Elim H3;Intros H4 H5;
+ Elim H5;Intros H6 H7; Exists (xO z); Split; [
+ Simpl; Rewrite H4; Auto with arith
+ | Split; [
+ Simpl; Rewrite H6; Auto with arith
+ | Right; Simpl; Elim (ZL11 z); [
+ Intros H8; Simpl; Rewrite ZL10; [
+ Rewrite H8; Auto with arith
+ | Exact H2
+ | Rewrite <- H8; Auto with arith ]
+ | Intro H8; Elim H7; [
+ Intro H9; Absurd z=xH; Auto with arith
+ | Intros H9;Simpl;Rewrite H9;Generalize H8 ;Case z;Auto with arith;
+ Intros H10;Absurd xH=xH;Auto with arith ]]]]
+| Intros q H1 H2; Simpl in H2; Elim ZLSS with 1:=H2; [
+ Intros H3;Elim (H q H3); Intros z H4; Exists (xI z);
+ Elim H4;Intros H5 H6;Elim H6;Intros H7 H8; Split; [
+ Simpl;Rewrite H5;Auto with arith
+ | Split; [
+ Simpl; Rewrite H7; Trivial with arith
+ | Right;Change (Zero_suivi_de (sub_pos p q))=(Pos (sub_un (xI z)));
+ Rewrite H5; Auto with arith ]]
+ | Intros H3; Exists xH; Rewrite H3; Split; [
+ Simpl; Rewrite sub_pos_x_x; Auto with arith
+ | Split; Auto with arith ]]
+| Intros H1; Exists (xO p); Auto with arith
+| Intros q H1 H2; Simpl in H2; Elim (H q); [
+ Intros z H3; Elim H3;Intros H4 H5;Elim H5;Intros H6 H7;
+ Elim (ZL11 z); [
+ Intros vZ; Exists xH; Split; [
+ Change (Un_suivi_de (sub_neg p q))=(Pos xH);
+ Rewrite ZL10; [ Auto with arith | Apply ZLIS;Assumption | Rewrite <- vZ;Assumption ]
+ | Split; [
+ Simpl; Rewrite ZL12; Rewrite <- vZ; Rewrite H6; Trivial with arith
+ | Auto with arith ]]
+ | Exists (xI (sub_un z)); Elim H7;[
+ Intros H8; Absurd z=xH;Assumption
+ | Split; [
+ Simpl;Rewrite H8; Trivial with arith
+ | Split; [
+ Change (xO (add_carry q (sub_un z)))=(xO p); Rewrite ZL15; [
+ Rewrite H6;Trivial with arith
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Right; Change (Zero_suivi_de (sub_neg p q)) =
+ (Pos (sub_un (xI (sub_un z))));
+ Rewrite H8; Auto with arith]]]]
+ | Apply ZLIS; Assumption ]
+| Intros q H1 H2; Simpl in H2; Elim (H q H2); Intros z H3;
+ Exists (xO z); Elim H3;Intros H4 H5;Elim H5;Intros H6 H7; Split; [
+ Simpl; Rewrite H4;Auto with arith
+ | Split; [
+ Simpl;Rewrite H6;Auto with arith
+ | Right; Change (Un_suivi_de (sub_neg p q))=(Pos (double_moins_un z));
+ Elim (ZL11 z); [
+ Simpl; Intros H8;Rewrite H8; Simpl;
+ Cut (sub_neg p q)=Nul;[
+ Intros H9;Rewrite H9;Auto with arith
+ | Apply ZL10;[Assumption|Rewrite <- H8;Assumption]]
+ | Intros H8;Elim H7; [
+ Intros H9;Absurd z=xH;Auto with arith
+ | Intros H9;Rewrite H9; Generalize H8 ;Elim z; Simpl; Auto with arith;
+ Intros H10;Absurd xH=xH;Auto with arith ]]]]
+| Intros H1; Exists (double_moins_un p); Split; [
+ Auto with arith
+ | Split; [
+ Elim p;Simpl;Auto with arith; Intros q H2; Rewrite ZL12bis; Rewrite H2; Trivial with arith
+ | Change (double_moins_un p)=xH \/
+ (double_moins_deux p)=(Pos (sub_un (double_moins_un p)));
+ Case p;Simpl;Auto with arith ]]
+| Intros p H1 H2;Simpl in H2; Discriminate H2
+| Intros p H1 H2;Simpl in H2;Discriminate H2
+| Intros H1;Simpl in H1;Discriminate H1 ].
+Lemma ZC1:
+ (x,y:positive)(compare x y EGAL)=SUPERIEUR -> (compare y x EGAL)=INFERIEUR.
+Intros x y H;Apply convert_compare_INFERIEUR;
+Change (gt (convert x) (convert y));Apply compare_convert_SUPERIEUR;
+Lemma ZC2:
+ (x,y:positive)(compare x y EGAL)=INFERIEUR -> (compare y x EGAL)=SUPERIEUR.
+Intros x y H;Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR;Unfold gt;
+Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Assumption.
+Lemma ZC3: (x,y:positive)(compare x y EGAL)=EGAL -> (compare y x EGAL)=EGAL.
+Intros x y H; Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL x y H);
+Apply convert_compare_EGAL.
+Definition Op := [r:relation]
+ <relation>Cases r of
+ end.
+Lemma ZC4: (x,y:positive) (compare x y EGAL) = (Op (compare y x EGAL)).
+(((Intros x y;Elim (Dcompare (compare y x EGAL));[Idtac | Intros H;Elim H]);
+Intros E;Rewrite E;Simpl); [Apply ZC3 | Apply ZC2 | Apply ZC1 ]); Assumption.
+Theorem add_sym : (x,y:positive) (add x y) = (add y x).
+Induction x;Induction y;Simpl;Auto with arith; Intros q H1; [
+ Clear H1; Do 2 Rewrite ZL13; Rewrite H;Auto with arith
+| Rewrite H;Auto with arith | Rewrite H;Auto with arith | Rewrite H;Auto with arith ].
+Lemma bij3: (x:positive)(sub_un (anti_convert (convert x))) = x.
+Intros x; Rewrite bij2; Rewrite sub_add_one; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma convert_intro : (x,y:positive)(convert x)=(convert y) -> x=y.
+Intros x y H;Rewrite <- (bij3 x);Rewrite <- (bij3 y); Rewrite H; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma simpl_add_r : (x,y,z:positive) (add x z)=(add y z) -> x=y.
+Intros x y z H;Apply convert_intro;
+Apply (simpl_plus_l (convert z)); Do 2 Rewrite (plus_sym (convert z));
+Do 2 Rewrite <- convert_add; Rewrite H; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma simpl_add_l : (x,y,z:positive) (add x y)=(add x z) -> y=z.
+Intros x y z H;Apply convert_intro;
+Apply (simpl_plus_l (convert x)); Do 2 Rewrite <- convert_add;
+Rewrite H; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem add_assoc: (x,y,z:positive)(add x (add y z)) = (add (add x y) z).
+Intros x y z; Apply convert_intro; Do 4 Rewrite convert_add;
+Apply plus_assoc_l.
+Local true_sub := [x,y:positive]
+ <positive> Cases (sub_pos x y) of Nul => xH | (Pos z) => z end.
+Theorem sub_add:
+(x,y:positive) (compare x y EGAL) = SUPERIEUR -> (add y (true_sub x y)) = x.
+Intros x y H;Elim sub_pos_SUPERIEUR with 1:=H;
+Intros z H1;Elim H1;Intros H2 H3; Elim H3;Intros H4 H5;
+Unfold true_sub ;Rewrite H2; Exact H4.
+Theorem true_sub_convert:
+ (x,y:positive) (compare x y EGAL) = SUPERIEUR ->
+ (convert (true_sub x y)) = (minus (convert x) (convert y)).
+Intros x y H; Apply (simpl_plus_l (convert y));
+Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Rewrite <- convert_add; Rewrite sub_add; Auto with arith
+| Apply lt_le_weak; Exact (compare_convert_SUPERIEUR x y H)].
+Definition Zplus := [x,y:Z]
+ <Z>Cases x of
+ ZERO => y
+ | (POS x') =>
+ <Z>Cases y of
+ ZERO => x
+ | (POS y') => (POS (add x' y'))
+ | (NEG y') =>
+ <Z>Cases (compare x' y' EGAL) of
+ | INFERIEUR => (NEG (true_sub y' x'))
+ | SUPERIEUR => (POS (true_sub x' y'))
+ end
+ end
+ | (NEG x') =>
+ <Z>Cases y of
+ ZERO => x
+ | (POS y') =>
+ <Z>Cases (compare x' y' EGAL) of
+ | INFERIEUR => (POS (true_sub y' x'))
+ | SUPERIEUR => (NEG (true_sub x' y'))
+ end
+ | (NEG y') => (NEG (add x' y'))
+ end
+ end.
+Definition Zopp := [x:Z]
+ <Z>Cases x of
+ | (POS x) => (NEG x)
+ | (NEG x) => (POS x)
+ end.
+Theorem Zero_left: (x:Z) (Zplus ZERO x) = x.
+Induction x; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zopp_Zopp: (x:Z) (Zopp (Zopp x)) = x.
+Induction x; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zero_right: (x:Z) (Zplus x ZERO) = x.
+Induction x; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zplus_inverse_r: (x:Z) (Zplus x (Zopp x)) = ZERO.
+Induction x; [
+ Simpl;Auto with arith
+| Simpl; Intros p;Rewrite (convert_compare_EGAL p); Auto with arith
+| Simpl; Intros p;Rewrite (convert_compare_EGAL p); Auto with arith ].
+Theorem Zopp_Zplus:
+ (x,y:Z) (Zopp (Zplus x y)) = (Zplus (Zopp x) (Zopp y)).
+(Intros x y;Case x;Case y;Auto with arith);
+(Intros p q;Simpl;Case (compare q p EGAL);Auto with arith).
+Theorem Zplus_sym: (x,y:Z) (Zplus x y) = (Zplus y x).
+Induction x;Induction y;Simpl;Auto with arith; [
+ Intros q;Rewrite add_sym;Auto with arith
+| Intros q; Rewrite (ZC4 q p);
+ (Elim (Dcompare (compare p q EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H]);
+ Intros E;Rewrite E;Auto with arith
+| Intros q; Rewrite (ZC4 q p);
+ (Elim (Dcompare (compare p q EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H]);
+ Intros E;Rewrite E;Auto with arith
+| Intros q;Rewrite add_sym;Auto with arith ].
+Theorem Zplus_inverse_l: (x:Z) (Zplus (Zopp x) x) = ZERO.
+Intro; Rewrite Zplus_sym; Apply Zplus_inverse_r.
+Theorem Zopp_intro : (x,y:Z) (Zopp x) = (Zopp y) -> x = y.
+Intros x y;Case x;Case y;Simpl;Intros; [
+ Trivial with arith | Discriminate H | Discriminate H | Discriminate H
+| Simplify_eq H; Intro E; Rewrite E; Trivial with arith
+| Discriminate H | Discriminate H | Discriminate H
+| Simplify_eq H; Intro E; Rewrite E; Trivial with arith ].
+Theorem Zopp_NEG : (x:positive) (Zopp (NEG x)) = (POS x).
+Induction x; Auto with arith.
+Hints Resolve Zero_left Zero_right.
+Theorem weak_assoc :
+ (x,y:positive)(z:Z) (Zplus (POS x) (Zplus (POS y) z))=
+ (Zplus (Zplus (POS x) (POS y)) z).
+Intros x y z';Case z'; [
+ Auto with arith
+| Intros z;Simpl; Rewrite add_assoc;Auto with arith
+| Intros z; Simpl;
+ (Elim (Dcompare (compare y z EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H;Clear H]);
+ Intros E0;Rewrite E0;
+ (Elim (Dcompare (compare (add x y) z EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H;Clear H]);
+ Intros E1;Rewrite E1; [
+ Absurd (compare (add x y) z EGAL)=EGAL; [ (* Cas 1 *)
+ Rewrite convert_compare_SUPERIEUR; [
+ Discriminate
+ | Rewrite convert_add; Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL y z E0);
+ Elim (ZL4 x);Intros k E2;Rewrite E2; Simpl; Unfold gt lt; Apply le_n_S;
+ Apply le_plus_r ]
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Absurd (compare (add x y) z EGAL)=INFERIEUR; [ (* Cas 2 *)
+ Rewrite convert_compare_SUPERIEUR; [
+ Discriminate
+ | Rewrite convert_add; Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL y z E0);
+ Elim (ZL4 x);Intros k E2;Rewrite E2; Simpl; Unfold gt lt; Apply le_n_S;
+ Apply le_plus_r]
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL y z E0); (* Cas 3 *)
+ Elim (sub_pos_SUPERIEUR (add x z) z);[
+ Intros t H; Elim H;Intros H1 H2;Elim H2;Intros H3 H4;
+ Unfold true_sub; Rewrite H1; Cut x=t; [
+ Intros E;Rewrite E;Auto with arith
+ | Apply simpl_add_r with z:=z; Rewrite <- H3; Rewrite add_sym; Trivial with arith ]
+ | Pattern 1 z; Rewrite <- (compare_convert_EGAL y z E0); Assumption ]
+ | Elim (sub_pos_SUPERIEUR z y); [ (* Cas 4 *)
+ Intros k H;Elim H;Intros H1 H2;Elim H2;Intros H3 H4; Unfold 1 true_sub;
+ Rewrite H1; Cut x=k; [
+ Intros E;Rewrite E; Rewrite (convert_compare_EGAL k); Trivial with arith
+ | Apply simpl_add_r with z:=y; Rewrite (add_sym k y); Rewrite H3;
+ Apply compare_convert_EGAL; Assumption ]
+ | Apply ZC2;Assumption]
+ | Elim (sub_pos_SUPERIEUR z y); [ (* Cas 5 *)
+ Intros k H;Elim H;Intros H1 H2;Elim H2;Intros H3 H4;
+ Unfold 1 3 5 true_sub; Rewrite H1;
+ Cut (compare x k EGAL)=INFERIEUR; [
+ Intros E2;Rewrite E2; Elim (sub_pos_SUPERIEUR k x); [
+ Intros i H5;Elim H5;Intros H6 H7;Elim H7;Intros H8 H9;
+ Elim (sub_pos_SUPERIEUR z (add x y)); [
+ Intros j H10;Elim H10;Intros H11 H12;Elim H12;Intros H13 H14;
+ Unfold true_sub ;Rewrite H6;Rewrite H11; Cut i=j; [
+ Intros E;Rewrite E;Auto with arith
+ | Apply (simpl_add_l (add x y)); Rewrite H13;
+ Rewrite (add_sym x y); Rewrite <- add_assoc; Rewrite H8;
+ Assumption ]
+ | Apply ZC2; Assumption]
+ | Apply ZC2;Assumption]
+ | Apply convert_compare_INFERIEUR;
+ Apply simpl_lt_plus_l with p:=(convert y);
+ Do 2 Rewrite <- convert_add; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;
+ Rewrite H3; Rewrite add_sym; Assumption ]
+ | Apply ZC2; Assumption ]
+ | Elim (sub_pos_SUPERIEUR z y); [ (* Cas 6 *)
+ Intros k H;Elim H;Intros H1 H2;Elim H2;Intros H3 H4;
+ Elim (sub_pos_SUPERIEUR (add x y) z); [
+ Intros i H5;Elim H5;Intros H6 H7;Elim H7;Intros H8 H9;
+ Unfold true_sub; Rewrite H1;Rewrite H6;
+ Cut (compare x k EGAL)=SUPERIEUR; [
+ Intros H10;Elim (sub_pos_SUPERIEUR x k H10);
+ Intros j H11;Elim H11;Intros H12 H13;Elim H13;Intros H14 H15;
+ Rewrite H10; Rewrite H12; Cut i=j; [
+ Intros H16;Rewrite H16;Auto with arith
+ | Apply (simpl_add_l (add z k)); Rewrite <- (add_assoc z k j);
+ Rewrite H14; Rewrite (add_sym z k); Rewrite <- add_assoc;
+ Rewrite H8; Rewrite (add_sym x y); Rewrite add_assoc;
+ Rewrite (add_sym k y); Rewrite H3; Trivial with arith]
+ | Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR; Unfold lt gt;
+ Apply simpl_lt_plus_l with p:=(convert y);
+ Do 2 Rewrite <- convert_add; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;
+ Rewrite H3; Rewrite add_sym; Apply ZC1; Assumption ]
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Apply ZC2;Assumption ]
+ | Absurd (compare (add x y) z EGAL)=EGAL; [ (* Cas 7 *)
+ Rewrite convert_compare_SUPERIEUR; [
+ Discriminate
+ | Rewrite convert_add; Unfold gt;Apply lt_le_trans with m:=(convert y);[
+ Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR; Apply ZC1; Assumption
+ | Apply le_plus_r]]
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Absurd (compare (add x y) z EGAL)=INFERIEUR; [ (* Cas 8 *)
+ Rewrite convert_compare_SUPERIEUR; [
+ Discriminate
+ | Unfold gt; Apply lt_le_trans with m:=(convert y);[
+ Exact (compare_convert_SUPERIEUR y z E0)
+ | Rewrite convert_add; Apply le_plus_r]]
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Elim sub_pos_SUPERIEUR with 1:=E0;Intros k H1; (* Cas 9 *)
+ Elim sub_pos_SUPERIEUR with 1:=E1; Intros i H2;Elim H1;Intros H3 H4;
+ Elim H4;Intros H5 H6; Elim H2;Intros H7 H8;Elim H8;Intros H9 H10;
+ Unfold true_sub ;Rewrite H3;Rewrite H7; Cut (add x k)=i; [
+ Intros E;Rewrite E;Auto with arith
+ | Apply (simpl_add_l z);Rewrite (add_sym x k);
+ Rewrite add_assoc; Rewrite H5;Rewrite H9;
+ Rewrite add_sym; Trivial with arith ]]].
+Hints Resolve weak_assoc.
+Theorem Zplus_assoc :
+ (x,y,z:Z) (Zplus x (Zplus y z))= (Zplus (Zplus x y) z).
+Intros x y z;Case x;Case y;Case z;Auto with arith; Intros; [
+(* Apply weak_assoc
+| Apply weak_assoc
+| *) Rewrite (Zplus_sym (NEG p0)); Rewrite weak_assoc;
+ Rewrite (Zplus_sym (Zplus (POS p1) (NEG p0))); Rewrite weak_assoc;
+ Rewrite (Zplus_sym (POS p1)); Trivial with arith
+| Apply Zopp_intro; Do 4 Rewrite Zopp_Zplus;
+ Do 2 Rewrite Zopp_NEG; Rewrite Zplus_sym; Rewrite <- weak_assoc;
+ Rewrite (Zplus_sym (Zopp (POS p1)));
+ Rewrite (Zplus_sym (Zplus (POS p0) (Zopp (POS p1))));
+ Rewrite (weak_assoc p); Rewrite weak_assoc; Rewrite (Zplus_sym (POS p0));
+ Trivial with arith
+| Rewrite Zplus_sym; Rewrite (Zplus_sym (POS p0) (POS p));
+ Rewrite <- weak_assoc; Rewrite Zplus_sym; Rewrite (Zplus_sym (POS p0));
+ Trivial with arith
+| Apply Zopp_intro; Do 4 Rewrite Zopp_Zplus;
+ Do 2 Rewrite Zopp_NEG; Rewrite (Zplus_sym (Zopp (POS p0)));
+ Rewrite weak_assoc; Rewrite (Zplus_sym (Zplus (POS p1) (Zopp (POS p0))));
+ Rewrite weak_assoc;Rewrite (Zplus_sym (POS p)); Trivial with arith
+| Apply Zopp_intro; Do 4 Rewrite Zopp_Zplus; Do 2 Rewrite Zopp_NEG;
+ Apply weak_assoc
+| Apply Zopp_intro; Do 4 Rewrite Zopp_Zplus; Do 2 Rewrite Zopp_NEG;
+ Apply weak_assoc]
+Lemma Zplus_simpl : (n,m,p,q:Z) n=m -> p=q -> (Zplus n p)=(Zplus m q).
+Intros; Elim H; Elim H0; Auto with arith.
+Fixpoint times1 [x:positive] : (positive -> positive) -> positive -> positive:=
+ [f:positive -> positive][y:positive]
+ <positive> Cases x of
+ (xI x') => (add (f y) (times1 x' [z:positive](xO (f z)) y))
+ | (xO x') => (times1 x' [z:positive](xO (f z)) y)
+ | xH => (f y)
+ end.
+Local times := [x:positive](times1 x [y:positive]y).
+Theorem times1_convert :
+ (x,y:positive)(f:positive -> positive)
+ (convert (times1 x f y)) = (mult (convert x) (convert (f y))).
+Induction x; [
+ Intros x' H y f; Simpl; Rewrite ZL6; Rewrite convert_add;
+ Rewrite H; Unfold 3 convert; Simpl; Rewrite ZL6;
+ Rewrite (mult_sym (convert x')); Do 2 Rewrite mult_plus_distr;
+ Rewrite (mult_sym (convert x')); Trivial with arith
+| Intros x' H y f; Simpl; Rewrite H; Unfold 2 3 convert; Simpl;
+ Do 2 Rewrite ZL6; Rewrite (mult_sym (convert x'));
+ Do 2 Rewrite mult_plus_distr; Rewrite (mult_sym (convert x')); Auto with arith
+| Simpl; Intros;Rewrite <- plus_n_O; Trivial with arith ].
+Theorem times_convert :
+ (x,y:positive) (convert (times x y)) = (mult (convert x) (convert y)).
+Intros x y;Unfold times; Rewrite times1_convert; Trivial with arith.
+Definition Zmult := [x,y:Z]
+ <Z>Cases x of
+ | (POS x') =>
+ <Z>Cases y of
+ | (POS y') => (POS (times x' y'))
+ | (NEG y') => (NEG (times x' y'))
+ end
+ | (NEG x') =>
+ <Z>Cases y of
+ | (POS y') => (NEG (times x' y'))
+ | (NEG y') => (POS (times x' y'))
+ end
+ end.
+Theorem times_assoc :
+ ((x,y,z:positive) (times x (times y z))= (times (times x y) z)).
+Intros x y z;Apply convert_intro; Do 4 Rewrite times_convert;
+Apply mult_assoc_l.
+Theorem times_sym : (x,y:positive) (times x y) = (times y x).
+Intros x y; Apply convert_intro; Do 2 Rewrite times_convert; Apply mult_sym.
+Theorem Zmult_sym : (x,y:Z) (Zmult x y) = (Zmult y x).
+Induction x; Induction y; Simpl; Auto with arith; Intro q; Rewrite (times_sym p q); Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zmult_assoc :
+ (x,y,z:Z) (Zmult x (Zmult y z))= (Zmult (Zmult x y) z).
+Induction x; Induction y; Induction z; Simpl; Auto with arith; Intro p1;
+Rewrite times_assoc; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zmult_one:
+ (x:Z) (Zmult (POS xH) x) = x.
+Induction x; Simpl; Unfold times; Auto with arith.
+Theorem times_add_distr:
+ (x,y,z:positive) (times x (add y z)) = (add (times x y) (times x z)).
+Intros x y z;Apply convert_intro;Rewrite times_convert;
+Do 2 Rewrite convert_add; Do 2 Rewrite times_convert;
+Do 3 Rewrite (mult_sym (convert x)); Apply mult_plus_distr.
+Theorem lt_mult_left :
+ (x,y,z:nat) (lt x y) -> (lt (mult (S z) x) (mult (S z) y)).
+Intros x y z H;Elim z; [
+ Simpl; Do 2 Rewrite <- plus_n_O; Assumption
+| Simpl; Intros n H1; Apply lt_trans with m:=(plus y (plus x (mult n x))); [
+ Rewrite (plus_sym x (plus x (mult n x)));
+ Rewrite (plus_sym y (plus x (mult n x))); Apply lt_reg_l; Assumption
+ | Apply lt_reg_l;Assumption ]].
+Theorem times_true_sub_distr:
+ (x,y,z:positive) (compare y z EGAL) = SUPERIEUR ->
+ (times x (true_sub y z)) = (true_sub (times x y) (times x z)).
+Intros x y z H; Apply convert_intro;
+Rewrite times_convert; Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Do 2 Rewrite times_convert;
+ Do 3 Rewrite (mult_sym (convert x));Apply mult_minus_distr
+ | Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR; Do 2 Rewrite times_convert;
+ Unfold gt; Elim (ZL4 x);Intros h H1;Rewrite H1; Apply lt_mult_left;
+ Exact (compare_convert_SUPERIEUR y z H) ]
+| Assumption ].
+Theorem Zero_mult_left: (x:Z) (Zmult ZERO x) = ZERO.
+Induction x; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zero_mult_right: (x:Z) (Zmult x ZERO) = ZERO.
+Induction x; Auto with arith.
+Hints Resolve Zero_mult_left Zero_mult_right.
+Theorem Zopp_Zmult:
+ (x,y:Z) (Zmult (Zopp x) y) = (Zopp (Zmult x y)).
+Intros x y; Case x; Case y; Simpl; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zmult_Zopp_Zopp:
+ (x,y:Z) (Zmult (Zopp x) (Zopp y)) = (Zmult x y).
+Destruct x; Destruct y; Reflexivity.
+Theorem weak_Zmult_plus_distr_r:
+ (x:positive)(y,z:Z)
+ (Zmult (POS x) (Zplus y z)) = (Zplus (Zmult (POS x) y) (Zmult (POS x) z)).
+Intros x y' z';Case y';Case z';Auto with arith;Intros y z;
+ (Simpl; Rewrite times_add_distr; Trivial with arith)
+ (Simpl; (Elim (Dcompare (compare z y EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H;Clear H]);
+ Intros E0;Rewrite E0; [
+ Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL z y E0);
+ Rewrite (convert_compare_EGAL (times x y)); Trivial with arith
+ | Cut (compare (times x z) (times x y) EGAL)=INFERIEUR; [
+ Intros E;Rewrite E; Rewrite times_true_sub_distr; [
+ Trivial with arith
+ | Apply ZC2;Assumption ]
+ | Apply convert_compare_INFERIEUR;Do 2 Rewrite times_convert;
+ Elim (ZL4 x);Intros h H1;Rewrite H1;Apply lt_mult_left;
+ Exact (compare_convert_INFERIEUR z y E0)]
+ | Cut (compare (times x z) (times x y) EGAL)=SUPERIEUR; [
+ Intros E;Rewrite E; Rewrite times_true_sub_distr; Auto with arith
+ | Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR; Unfold gt; Do 2 Rewrite times_convert;
+ Elim (ZL4 x);Intros h H1;Rewrite H1;Apply lt_mult_left;
+ Exact (compare_convert_SUPERIEUR z y E0) ]]).
+Theorem Zmult_plus_distr_r:
+ (x,y,z:Z) (Zmult x (Zplus y z)) = (Zplus (Zmult x y) (Zmult x z)).
+Intros x y z; Case x; [
+ Auto with arith
+| Intros x';Apply weak_Zmult_plus_distr_r
+| Intros p; Apply Zopp_intro; Rewrite Zopp_Zplus;
+ Do 3 Rewrite <- Zopp_Zmult; Rewrite Zopp_NEG;
+ Apply weak_Zmult_plus_distr_r ].
+Definition Zcompare := [x,y:Z]
+ <relation>Cases x of
+ ZERO => <relation>Cases y of
+ | (POS y') => INFERIEUR
+ | (NEG y') => SUPERIEUR
+ end
+ | (POS x') => <relation>Cases y of
+ | (POS y') => (compare x' y' EGAL)
+ | (NEG y') => SUPERIEUR
+ end
+ | (NEG x') => <relation>Cases y of
+ | (POS y') => INFERIEUR
+ | (NEG y') => (Op (compare x' y' EGAL))
+ end
+ end.
+Theorem Zcompare_EGAL : (x,y:Z) (Zcompare x y) = EGAL <-> x = y.
+Intros x y;Split; [
+ Case x;Case y;Simpl;Auto with arith; Try (Intros;Discriminate H); [
+ Intros x' y' H; Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL y' x' H); Trivial with arith
+ | Intros x' y' H; Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL y' x'); [
+ Trivial with arith
+ | Generalize H; Case (compare y' x' EGAL);
+ (Trivial with arith Orelse (Intros C;Discriminate C))]]
+| Intros E;Rewrite E; Case y; [
+ Trivial with arith
+ | Simpl;Exact convert_compare_EGAL
+ | Simpl; Intros p;Rewrite convert_compare_EGAL;Auto with arith ]].
+Theorem Zcompare_ANTISYM :
+ (x,y:Z) (Zcompare x y) = SUPERIEUR <-> (Zcompare y x) = INFERIEUR.
+Intros x y;Split; [
+ Case x;Case y;Simpl;Intros;(
+ Trivial with arith Orelse Discriminate H Orelse (Apply ZC1; Assumption) Orelse
+ (Cut (compare p p0 EGAL)=SUPERIEUR; [
+ Intros H1;Rewrite H1;Auto with arith
+ | Apply ZC2; Generalize H ; Case (compare p0 p EGAL);
+ (Trivial with arith Orelse (Intros H2;Discriminate H2))]))
+| Case x;Case y;Simpl;Intros;(
+ Trivial with arith Orelse Discriminate H Orelse (Apply ZC2; Assumption) Orelse
+ (Cut (compare p0 p EGAL)=INFERIEUR; [
+ Intros H1;Rewrite H1;Auto with arith
+ | Apply ZC1; Generalize H ; Case (compare p p0 EGAL);
+ (Trivial with arith Orelse (Intros H2;Discriminate H2))]))].
+Theorem le_minus: (i,h:nat) (le (minus i h) i).
+Intros i h;Pattern i h; Apply nat_double_ind; [
+ Auto with arith
+| Auto with arith
+| Intros m n H; Simpl; Apply le_trans with m:=m; Auto with arith ].
+Lemma ZL16: (p,q:positive)(lt (minus (convert p) (convert q)) (convert p)).
+Intros p q; Elim (ZL4 p);Elim (ZL4 q); Intros h H1 i H2;
+Rewrite H1;Rewrite H2; Simpl;Unfold lt; Apply le_n_S; Apply le_minus.
+Lemma ZL17: (p,q:positive)(lt (convert p) (convert (add p q))).
+Intros p q; Rewrite convert_add;Unfold lt;Elim (ZL4 q); Intros k H;Rewrite H;
+Rewrite plus_sym;Simpl; Apply le_n_S; Apply le_plus_r.
+Theorem Zcompare_Zopp :
+ (x,y:Z) (Zcompare x y) = (Zcompare (Zopp y) (Zopp x)).
+(Intros x y;Case x;Case y;Simpl;Auto with arith);
+(Intros;Rewrite <- ZC4;Trivial with arith).
+Hints Resolve convert_compare_EGAL.
+Theorem weaken_Zcompare_Zplus_compatible :
+ ((x,y:Z) (z:positive)
+ (Zcompare (Zplus (POS z) x) (Zplus (POS z) y)) = (Zcompare x y)) ->
+ (x,y,z:Z) (Zcompare (Zplus z x) (Zplus z y)) = (Zcompare x y).
+(Intros H x y z;Case x;Case y;Case z;Auto with arith;
+Try (Intros; Rewrite Zcompare_Zopp; Do 2 Rewrite Zopp_Zplus;
+ Rewrite Zopp_NEG; Rewrite H; Simpl; Auto with arith));
+Try (Intros; Simpl; Rewrite <- ZC4; Auto with arith).
+Hints Resolve ZC4.
+Theorem weak_Zcompare_Zplus_compatible :
+ (x,y:Z) (z:positive)
+ (Zcompare (Zplus (POS z) x) (Zplus (POS z) y)) = (Zcompare x y).
+Intros x y z;Case x;Case y;Simpl;Auto with arith; [
+ Intros p;Apply convert_compare_INFERIEUR; Apply ZL17
+| Intros p;(Elim (Dcompare(compare z p EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H;Clear H]);
+ Intros E;Rewrite E;Auto with arith; Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR;
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert; [ Unfold gt ;Apply ZL16 | Assumption ]
+| Intros p;(Elim (Dcompare(compare z p EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H;Clear H]);
+ Intros E;Auto with arith; Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR;Unfold gt;
+ Apply ZL17
+| Intros p q;
+ (Elim (Dcompare (compare q p EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H;Clear H]);
+ Intros E;Rewrite E;[
+ Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL q p E); Apply convert_compare_EGAL
+ | Apply convert_compare_INFERIEUR;Do 2 Rewrite convert_add;Apply lt_reg_l;
+ Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR with 1:=E
+ | Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR;Unfold gt ;Do 2 Rewrite convert_add;
+ Apply lt_reg_l;Exact (compare_convert_SUPERIEUR q p E) ]
+| Intros p q;
+ (Elim (Dcompare (compare z p EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H;Clear H]);
+ Intros E;Rewrite E;Auto with arith;
+ Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR; Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Unfold gt; Apply lt_trans with m:=(convert z); [Apply ZL16 | Apply ZL17]
+ | Assumption ]
+| Intros p;(Elim (Dcompare(compare z p EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H;Clear H]);
+ Intros E;Rewrite E;Auto with arith; Simpl; Apply convert_compare_INFERIEUR;
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert;[Apply ZL16|Assumption]
+| Intros p q;
+ (Elim (Dcompare (compare z q EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H;Clear H]);
+ Intros E;Rewrite E;Auto with arith; Simpl;Apply convert_compare_INFERIEUR;
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert;[
+ Apply lt_trans with m:=(convert z) ;[Apply ZL16|Apply ZL17]
+ | Assumption]
+| Intros p q;
+ (Elim (Dcompare (compare z q EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H;Clear H]);
+ Intros E0;Rewrite E0;
+ (Elim (Dcompare (compare z p EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H;Clear H]);
+ Intros E1;Rewrite E1;
+ (Elim (Dcompare (compare q p EGAL));[Idtac|Intros H;Elim H;Clear H]);
+ Intros E2;Rewrite E2;Auto with arith; [
+ Absurd (compare q p EGAL)=INFERIEUR; [
+ Rewrite <- (compare_convert_EGAL z q E0);
+ Rewrite <- (compare_convert_EGAL z p E1);
+ Rewrite (convert_compare_EGAL z); Discriminate
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Absurd (compare q p EGAL)=SUPERIEUR; [
+ Rewrite <- (compare_convert_EGAL z q E0);
+ Rewrite <- (compare_convert_EGAL z p E1);
+ Rewrite (convert_compare_EGAL z);Discriminate
+ | Assumption]
+ | Absurd (compare z p EGAL)=INFERIEUR; [
+ Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL z q E0);
+ Rewrite <- (compare_convert_EGAL q p E2);
+ Rewrite (convert_compare_EGAL q);Discriminate
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Absurd (compare z p EGAL)=INFERIEUR; [
+ Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL z q E0); Rewrite E2;Discriminate
+ | Assumption]
+ | Absurd (compare z p EGAL)=SUPERIEUR;[
+ Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL z q E0);
+ Rewrite <- (compare_convert_EGAL q p E2);
+ Rewrite (convert_compare_EGAL q);Discriminate
+ | Assumption]
+ | Absurd (compare z p EGAL)=SUPERIEUR;[
+ Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL z q E0);Rewrite E2;Discriminate
+ | Assumption]
+ | Absurd (compare z q EGAL)=INFERIEUR;[
+ Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL z p E1);
+ Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL q p E2);
+ Rewrite (convert_compare_EGAL p); Discriminate
+ | Assumption]
+ | Absurd (compare p q EGAL)=SUPERIEUR; [
+ Rewrite <- (compare_convert_EGAL z p E1);
+ Rewrite E0; Discriminate
+ | Apply ZC2;Assumption ]
+ | Simpl; Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL q p E2);
+ Rewrite (convert_compare_EGAL (true_sub p z)); Auto with arith
+ | Simpl; Rewrite <- ZC4; Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR;
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Unfold gt; Apply simpl_lt_plus_l with p:=(convert z);
+ Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Assumption
+ | Apply lt_le_weak; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Assumption ]
+ | Apply lt_le_weak; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Assumption ]
+ | Apply ZC2;Assumption ]
+ | Apply ZC2;Assumption ]
+ | Simpl; Rewrite <- ZC4; Apply convert_compare_INFERIEUR;
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Apply simpl_lt_plus_l with p:=(convert z);
+ Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Apply ZC1;Assumption
+ | Apply lt_le_weak; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Assumption ]
+ | Apply lt_le_weak; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Assumption ]
+ | Apply ZC2;Assumption]
+ | Apply ZC2;Assumption ]
+ | Absurd (compare z q EGAL)=INFERIEUR; [
+ Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL q p E2);Rewrite E1;Discriminate
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Absurd (compare q p EGAL)=INFERIEUR; [
+ Cut (compare q p EGAL)=SUPERIEUR; [
+ Intros E;Rewrite E;Discriminate
+ | Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR; Unfold gt;
+ Apply lt_trans with m:=(convert z); [
+ Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Apply ZC1;Assumption
+ | Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Assumption ]]
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Absurd (compare z q EGAL)=SUPERIEUR; [
+ Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL z p E1);
+ Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL q p E2);
+ Rewrite (convert_compare_EGAL p); Discriminate
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Absurd (compare z q EGAL)=SUPERIEUR; [
+ Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL z p E1);
+ Rewrite ZC1; [Discriminate | Assumption ]
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Absurd (compare z q EGAL)=SUPERIEUR; [
+ Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL q p E2); Rewrite E1; Discriminate
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Absurd (compare q p EGAL)=SUPERIEUR; [
+ Rewrite ZC1; [
+ Discriminate
+ | Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR; Unfold gt;
+ Apply lt_trans with m:=(convert z); [
+ Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Apply ZC1;Assumption
+ | Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Assumption ]]
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Simpl; Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL q p E2); Apply convert_compare_EGAL
+ | Simpl; Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR; Unfold gt;
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Apply simpl_lt_plus_l with p:=(convert p); Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Rewrite plus_sym; Apply simpl_lt_plus_l with p:=(convert q);
+ Rewrite plus_assoc_l; Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Rewrite (plus_sym (convert q)); Apply lt_reg_l;
+ Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Assumption
+ | Apply lt_le_weak; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;
+ Apply ZC1;Assumption ]
+ | Apply lt_le_weak; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Apply ZC1;
+ Assumption ]
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Simpl; Apply convert_compare_INFERIEUR; Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Apply simpl_lt_plus_l with p:=(convert q); Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Rewrite plus_sym; Apply simpl_lt_plus_l with p:=(convert p);
+ Rewrite plus_assoc_l; Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Rewrite (plus_sym (convert p)); Apply lt_reg_l;
+ Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Apply ZC1;Assumption
+ | Apply lt_le_weak; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Apply ZC1;
+ Assumption ]
+ | Apply lt_le_weak;Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Apply ZC1;Assumption]
+ | Assumption]
+ | Assumption]]].
+Theorem Zcompare_Zplus_compatible :
+ (x,y,z:Z) (Zcompare (Zplus z x) (Zplus z y)) = (Zcompare x y).
+Exact (weaken_Zcompare_Zplus_compatible weak_Zcompare_Zplus_compatible).
+Theorem Zcompare_trans_SUPERIEUR :
+ (x,y,z:Z) (Zcompare x y) = SUPERIEUR ->
+ (Zcompare y z) = SUPERIEUR ->
+ (Zcompare x z) = SUPERIEUR.
+Intros x y z;Case x;Case y;Case z; Simpl;
+Try (Intros; Discriminate H Orelse Discriminate H0);
+Auto with arith; [
+ Intros p q r H H0;Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR; Unfold gt;
+ Apply lt_trans with m:=(convert q);
+ Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Apply ZC1;Assumption
+| Intros p q r; Do 3 Rewrite <- ZC4; Intros H H0;
+ Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR;Unfold gt;Apply lt_trans with m:=(convert q);
+ Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Apply ZC1;Assumption ].
+ (x,y:Z) (Zcompare x y) = SUPERIEUR ->
+ (EX h:positive |(Zplus x (Zopp y)) = (POS h)).
+Intros x y;Case x;Case y; [
+ Simpl; Intros H; Discriminate H
+| Simpl; Intros p H; Discriminate H
+| Intros p H; Exists p; Simpl; Auto with arith
+| Intros p H; Exists p; Simpl; Auto with arith
+| Intros q p H; Exists (true_sub p q); Unfold Zplus Zopp;
+ Unfold Zcompare in H; Rewrite H; Trivial with arith
+| Intros q p H; Exists (add p q); Simpl; Trivial with arith
+| Simpl; Intros p H; Discriminate H
+| Simpl; Intros q p H; Discriminate H
+| Unfold Zcompare; Intros q p; Rewrite <- ZC4; Intros H; Exists (true_sub q p);
+ Simpl; Rewrite (ZC1 q p H); Trivial with arith].
+End fast_integer.
diff --git a/theories/Zarith/g_zsyntax.ml b/theories/Zarith/g_zsyntax.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85ebb140a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Zarith/g_zsyntax.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Coqast
+open Pcoq
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Ast
+let get_z_sign loc =
+ let ast_of_id id = Astterm.globalize_command (Nvar(loc,id)) in
+ ((ast_of_id "xI", ast_of_id "xO", ast_of_id "xH"),
+ (ast_of_id "ZERO", ast_of_id "POS", ast_of_id "NEG"),
+ (ast_of_id "My_special_variable0", ast_of_id "My_special_variable1"))
+let int_array_of_string s =
+ let a = Array.create (String.length s) 0 in
+ for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
+ a.(i) <- int_of_string (String.sub s i 1)
+ done;
+ a
+let string_of_int_array s =
+ String.concat "" (Array.to_list (Array.map string_of_int s))
+let is_nonzero a =
+ let b = ref false in Array.iter (fun x -> b := x <> 0 || !b) a; !b
+let div2_with_rest n =
+ let len = Array.length n in
+ let q = Array.create len 0 in
+ for i = 0 to len - 2 do
+ q.(i) <- q.(i) + n.(i) / 2; q.(i + 1) <- 5 * (n.(i) mod 2)
+ done;
+ q.(len - 1) <- q.(len - 1) + n.(len - 1) / 2;
+ q, n.(len - 1) mod 2
+let add_1 n =
+ let m = Array.copy n
+ and i = ref (Array.length n - 1) in
+ m.(!i) <- m.(!i) + 1;
+ while m.(!i) = 10 && !i > 0 do
+ m.(!i) <- 0; decr i; m.(!i) <- m.(!i) + 1
+ done;
+ if !i = 0 && m.(0) = 10 then
+ begin m.(0) <- 0; Array.concat [[| 1 |]; m] end
+ else m
+let rec mult_2 n =
+ let m = Array.copy n in
+ m.(Array.length n - 1) <- 2 * m.(Array.length n - 1);
+ for i = Array.length n - 2 downto 0 do
+ m.(i) <- 2 * m.(i);
+ if m.(i + 1) >= 10 then
+ begin m.(i + 1) <- m.(i + 1) - 10; m.(i) <- m.(i) + 1 end
+ done;
+ if m.(0) >= 10 then
+ begin m.(0) <- m.(0) - 10; Array.concat [[| 1 |]; m] end
+ else m
+let pos_of_int_array astxI astxO astxH x =
+ let rec pos_of x =
+ match div2_with_rest x with
+ | (q, 1) ->
+ if is_nonzero q then ope("APPLIST", [astxI; pos_of q])
+ else astxH
+ | (q, 0) -> ope("APPLIST", [astxO; pos_of q])
+ | _ -> anomaly "n mod 2 is neither 1 nor 0. Do you bielive that ?"
+ in
+ pos_of x
+let z_of_string pos_or_neg s dloc =
+ let ((astxI,astxO,astxH),(astZERO,astPOS,astNEG),_) = get_z_sign dloc in
+ let v = int_array_of_string s in
+ if is_nonzero v then
+ if pos_or_neg then
+ ope("APPLIST",[astPOS; pos_of_int_array astxI astxO astxH v])
+ else
+ ope("APPLIST",[astNEG; pos_of_int_array astxI astxO astxH v])
+ else
+ astZERO
+exception Non_closed_number
+let rec int_array_of_pos c1 c2 c3 p =
+ match p with
+ | Node (_,"APPLIST", [b; a]) when alpha_eq(b,c1) ->
+ mult_2 (int_array_of_pos c1 c2 c3 a)
+ | Node (_,"APPLIST", [b; a]) when alpha_eq(b,c2) ->
+ add_1 (mult_2 (int_array_of_pos c1 c2 c3 a))
+ | a when alpha_eq(a,c3) -> [| 1 |]
+ | _ -> raise Non_closed_number
+let int_array_option_of_pos astxI astxO astxH p =
+ try Some (int_array_of_pos astxO astxI astxH p)
+ with Non_closed_number -> None
+let inside_printer posneg std_pr p =
+ let ((astxI,astxO,astxH),_,(myvar0,myvar1)) = get_z_sign dummy_loc in
+ match (int_array_option_of_pos astxI astxO astxH p) with
+ | Some n ->
+ if posneg
+ then [< 'sTR (string_of_int_array n) >]
+ else [< 'sTR "(-"; 'sTR (string_of_int_array n); 'sTR ")" >]
+ | None ->
+ let c = if posneg then myvar0 else myvar1 in
+ std_pr (ope("ZEXPR",[ope("APPLIST",[c; p])]))
+let outside_printer posneg std_pr p =
+ let ((astxI,astxO,astxH),_,(myvar0,myvar1)) = get_z_sign dummy_loc in
+ match (int_array_option_of_pos astxI astxO astxH p) with
+ | Some n ->
+ if posneg
+ then [< 'sTR "`"; 'sTR (string_of_int_array n); 'sTR "`">]
+ else [< 'sTR "`-"; 'sTR (string_of_int_array n); 'sTR "`" >]
+ | None ->
+ let c = if posneg then myvar0 else myvar1 in
+ [< 'sTR "("; std_pr (ope("APPLIST",[c; p])); 'sTR ")" >]
+(* Declare pretty-printers for integers *)
+let _ = Esyntax.Ppprim.add ("positive_printer", (outside_printer true))
+let _ = Esyntax.Ppprim.add ("negative_printer", (outside_printer false))
+let _ = Esyntax.Ppprim.add ("positive_printer_inside", (inside_printer true))
+let _ = Esyntax.Ppprim.add ("negative_printer_inside", (inside_printer false))
+(* Declare the primitive parser *)
+open Pcoq
+let number =
+ match create_entry (get_univ "znatural") "number" ETast with
+ | Ast n -> n
+ | _ -> anomaly "G_zsyntax.number"
+let negnumber =
+ match create_entry (get_univ "znatural") "negnumber" ETast with
+ | Ast n -> n
+ | _ -> anomaly "G_zsyntax.negnumber"
+let _ =
+ Gram.extend number None
+ [None, None,
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("INT", "")],
+ Gramext.action (z_of_string true)]]
+let _ =
+ Gram.extend negnumber None
+ [None, None,
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("INT", "")],
+ Gramext.action (z_of_string false)]]
diff --git a/theories/Zarith/zarith_aux.v b/theories/Zarith/zarith_aux.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..516bcb02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Zarith/zarith_aux.v
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+(* *)
+(* Binary Integers *)
+(* *)
+(* Pierre Crégut (CNET, Lannion, France) *)
+(* *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Arith.
+Require Export fast_integer.
+Tactic Definition ElimCompare [$com1 $com2] :=
+ [<:tactic:<
+ Elim (Dcompare (Zcompare $com1 $com2)); [
+ Idtac
+ | Intro hidden_auxiliary; Elim hidden_auxiliary;
+ Clear hidden_auxiliary ] >>].
+Definition Zlt := [x,y:Z](Zcompare x y) = INFERIEUR.
+Definition Zgt := [x,y:Z](Zcompare x y) = SUPERIEUR.
+Definition Zle := [x,y:Z]~(Zcompare x y) = SUPERIEUR.
+Definition Zge := [x,y:Z]~(Zcompare x y) = INFERIEUR.
+Definition absolu := [x:Z]
+ Cases x of
+ ZERO => O
+ | (POS p) => (convert p)
+ | (NEG p) => (convert p)
+ end.
+Definition Zabs := [z:Z]
+ Cases z of
+ | (POS p) => (POS p)
+ | (NEG p) => (POS p)
+ end.
+Lemma Zabs_eq : (x:Z) (Zle ZERO x) -> (Zabs x)=x.
+Destruct x; Auto with arith.
+Compute; Intros; Absurd SUPERIEUR=SUPERIEUR; Trivial with arith.
+Definition inject_nat :=
+ [x:nat]Cases x of
+ O => ZERO
+ | (S y) => (POS (anti_convert y))
+ end.
+Definition Zs := [x:Z](Zplus x (POS xH)).
+Definition Zpred := [x:Z](Zplus x (NEG xH)).
+Theorem Zgt_Sn_n : (n:Z)(Zgt (Zs n) n).
+Intros n; Unfold Zgt Zs; Pattern 2 n; Rewrite <- (Zero_right n);
+Rewrite Zcompare_Zplus_compatible;Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zle_gt_trans : (n,m,p:Z)(Zle m n)->(Zgt m p)->(Zgt n p).
+Unfold Zle Zgt; Intros n m p H1 H2; ElimCompare m n; [
+ Intro E; Elim (Zcompare_EGAL m n); Intros H3 H4;Rewrite <- (H3 E); Assumption
+| Intro H3; Apply Zcompare_trans_SUPERIEUR with y:=m;[
+ Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM n m); Intros H4 H5;Apply H5; Assumption
+ | Assumption ]
+| Intro H3; Absurd (Zcompare m n)=SUPERIEUR;Assumption ].
+Theorem Zgt_le_trans : (n,m,p:Z)(Zgt n m)->(Zle p m)->(Zgt n p).
+Unfold Zle Zgt ;Intros n m p H1 H2; ElimCompare p m; [
+ Intros E;Elim (Zcompare_EGAL p m);Intros H3 H4; Rewrite (H3 E); Assumption
+| Intro H3; Apply Zcompare_trans_SUPERIEUR with y:=m; [
+ Assumption
+ | Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM m p); Auto with arith ]
+| Intro H3; Absurd (Zcompare p m)=SUPERIEUR;Assumption ].
+Theorem Zle_S_gt : (n,m:Z) (Zle (Zs n) m) -> (Zgt m n).
+Intros n m H;Apply Zle_gt_trans with m:=(Zs n);[ Assumption | Apply Zgt_Sn_n ].
+Theorem Zcompare_n_S : (n,m:Z)(Zcompare (Zs n) (Zs m)) = (Zcompare n m).
+Intros n m;Unfold Zs ;Do 2 Rewrite -> [t:Z](Zplus_sym t (POS xH));
+Rewrite -> Zcompare_Zplus_compatible;Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zgt_n_S : (n,m:Z)(Zgt m n) -> (Zgt (Zs m) (Zs n)).
+Unfold Zgt; Intros n m H; Rewrite Zcompare_n_S; Auto with arith.
+Lemma Zle_not_gt : (n,m:Z)(Zle n m)->~(Zgt n m).
+Unfold Zle Zgt; Auto with arith.
+Lemma Zgt_antirefl : (n:Z)~(Zgt n n).
+Unfold Zgt ;Intros n; Elim (Zcompare_EGAL n n); Intros H1 H2;
+Rewrite H2; [ Discriminate | Trivial with arith ].
+Lemma Zgt_not_sym : (n,m:Z)(Zgt n m)->~(Zgt m n).
+Unfold Zgt ;Intros n m H; Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM n m); Intros H1 H2;
+Rewrite -> H1; [ Discriminate | Assumption ].
+Lemma Zgt_not_le : (n,m:Z)(Zgt n m)->~(Zle n m).
+Unfold Zgt Zle not; Auto with arith.
+Lemma Zgt_trans : (n,m,p:Z)(Zgt n m)->(Zgt m p)->(Zgt n p).
+Unfold Zgt; Exact Zcompare_trans_SUPERIEUR.
+Lemma Zle_gt_S : (n,p:Z)(Zle n p)->(Zgt (Zs p) n).
+Unfold Zle Zgt ;Intros n p H; ElimCompare n p; [
+ Intros H1;Elim (Zcompare_EGAL n p);Intros H2 H3; Rewrite <- H2; [
+ Exact (Zgt_Sn_n n)
+ | Assumption ]
+| Intros H1;Apply Zcompare_trans_SUPERIEUR with y:=p; [
+ Exact (Zgt_Sn_n p)
+ | Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM p n); Auto with arith ]
+| Intros H1;Absurd (Zcompare n p)=SUPERIEUR;Assumption ].
+Lemma Zgt_pred : (n,p:Z)(Zgt p (Zs n))->(Zgt (Zpred p) n).
+Unfold Zgt Zs Zpred ;Intros n p H;
+Rewrite <- [x,y:Z](Zcompare_Zplus_compatible x y (POS xH));
+Rewrite (Zplus_sym p); Rewrite Zplus_assoc; Rewrite [x:Z](Zplus_sym x n);
+Simpl; Assumption.
+Lemma Zsimpl_gt_plus_l : (n,m,p:Z)(Zgt (Zplus p n) (Zplus p m))->(Zgt n m).
+Unfold Zgt; Intros n m p H; Rewrite <- (Zcompare_Zplus_compatible n m p);
+Lemma Zgt_reg_l : (n,m,p:Z)(Zgt n m)->(Zgt (Zplus p n) (Zplus p m)).
+Unfold Zgt; Intros n m p H; Rewrite (Zcompare_Zplus_compatible n m p);
+Theorem Zcompare_et_un:
+ (x,y:Z) (Zcompare x y)=SUPERIEUR <->
+ ~(Zcompare x (Zplus y (POS xH)))=INFERIEUR.
+Intros x y; Split; [
+ Intro H; ElimCompare x (Zplus y (POS xH));[
+ Intro H1; Rewrite H1; Discriminate
+ | Intros H1; Elim SUPERIEUR_POS with 1:=H; Intros h H2;
+ Absurd (gt (convert h) O) /\ (lt (convert h) (S O)); [
+ Unfold not ;Intros H3;Elim H3;Intros H4 H5; Absurd (gt (convert h) O); [
+ Unfold gt ;Apply le_not_lt; Apply le_S_n; Exact H5
+ | Assumption]
+ | Split; [
+ Elim (ZL4 h); Intros i H3;Rewrite H3; Apply gt_Sn_O
+ | Change (lt (convert h) (convert xH));
+ Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;
+ Change (Zcompare (POS h) (POS xH))=INFERIEUR;
+ Rewrite <- H2; Rewrite <- [m,n:Z](Zcompare_Zplus_compatible m n y);
+ Rewrite (Zplus_sym x);Rewrite Zplus_assoc; Rewrite Zplus_inverse_r;
+ Simpl; Exact H1 ]]
+ | Intros H1;Rewrite -> H1;Discriminate ]
+| Intros H; ElimCompare x (Zplus y (POS xH)); [
+ Intros H1;Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x (Zplus y (POS xH))); Intros H2 H3;
+ Rewrite (H2 H1); Exact (Zgt_Sn_n y)
+ | Intros H1;Absurd (Zcompare x (Zplus y (POS xH)))=INFERIEUR;Assumption
+ | Intros H1; Apply Zcompare_trans_SUPERIEUR with y:=(Zs y);
+ [ Exact H1 | Exact (Zgt_Sn_n y) ]]].
+Lemma Zgt_S_n : (n,p:Z)(Zgt (Zs p) (Zs n))->(Zgt p n).
+Unfold Zs Zgt;Intros n p;Do 2 Rewrite -> [m:Z](Zplus_sym m (POS xH));
+Rewrite -> (Zcompare_Zplus_compatible p n (POS xH));Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zle_S_n : (n,m:Z) (Zle (Zs m) (Zs n)) -> (Zle m n).
+Unfold Zle not ;Intros m n H1 H2;Apply H1;
+Unfold Zs ;Do 2 Rewrite <- (Zplus_sym (POS xH));
+Rewrite -> (Zcompare_Zplus_compatible n m (POS xH));Assumption.
+Lemma Zgt_le_S : (n,p:Z)(Zgt p n)->(Zle (Zs n) p).
+Unfold Zgt Zle; Intros n p H; Elim (Zcompare_et_un p n); Intros H1 H2;
+Unfold not ;Intros H3; Unfold not in H1; Apply H1; [
+ Assumption
+| Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM (Zplus n (POS xH)) p);Intros H4 H5;Apply H4;Exact H3].
+Lemma Zgt_S_le : (n,p:Z)(Zgt (Zs p) n)->(Zle n p).
+Intros n p H;Apply Zle_S_n; Apply Zgt_le_S; Assumption.
+Theorem Zgt_S : (n,m:Z)(Zgt (Zs n) m)->((Zgt n m)\/(<Z>m=n)).
+Intros n m H; Unfold Zgt; ElimCompare n m; [
+ Elim (Zcompare_EGAL n m); Intros H1 H2 H3;Rewrite -> H1;Auto with arith
+| Intros H1;Absurd (Zcompare m n)=SUPERIEUR;
+ [ Exact (Zgt_S_le m n H) | Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM m n); Auto with arith ]
+| Auto with arith ].
+Theorem Zgt_trans_S : (n,m,p:Z)(Zgt (Zs n) m)->(Zgt m p)->(Zgt n p).
+Intros n m p H1 H2;Apply Zle_gt_trans with m:=m;
+ [ Apply Zgt_S_le; Assumption | Assumption ].
+Theorem Zeq_S : (n,m:Z) n=m -> (Zs n)=(Zs m).
+Intros n m H; Rewrite H; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zpred_Sn : (m:Z) m=(Zpred (Zs m)).
+Intros m; Unfold Zpred Zs; Rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; Simpl;
+Rewrite Zplus_sym; Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zeq_add_S : (n,m:Z) (Zs n)=(Zs m) -> n=m.
+Intros n m H.
+Change (Zplus (Zplus (NEG xH) (POS xH)) n)=
+ (Zplus (Zplus (NEG xH) (POS xH)) m);
+Do 2 Rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; Do 2 Rewrite (Zplus_sym (POS xH));
+Unfold Zs in H;Rewrite H; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem Znot_eq_S : (n,m:Z) ~(n=m) -> ~((Zs n)=(Zs m)).
+Unfold not ;Intros n m H1 H2;Apply H1;Apply Zeq_add_S; Assumption.
+Lemma Zsimpl_plus_l : (n,m,p:Z)(Zplus n m)=(Zplus n p)->m=p.
+Intros n m p H; Cut (Zplus (Zopp n) (Zplus n m))=(Zplus (Zopp n) (Zplus n p));[
+ Do 2 Rewrite -> Zplus_assoc; Rewrite -> (Zplus_sym (Zopp n) n);
+ Rewrite -> Zplus_inverse_r;Simpl; Trivial with arith
+| Rewrite -> H; Trivial with arith ].
+Theorem Zn_Sn : (n:Z) ~(n=(Zs n)).
+Intros n;Cut ~ZERO=(POS xH);[
+ Unfold not ;Intros H1 H2;Apply H1;Apply (Zsimpl_plus_l n);Rewrite Zero_right;
+ Exact H2
+| Discriminate ].
+Lemma Zplus_n_O : (n:Z) n=(Zplus n ZERO).
+Intro; Rewrite Zero_right; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zplus_unit_left : (n,m:Z) (Zplus n ZERO)=m -> n=m.
+Intro; Rewrite Zero_right; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zplus_unit_right : (n,m:Z) n=(Zplus m ZERO) -> n=m.
+Intros n m; Rewrite (Zero_right m); Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zplus_n_Sm : (n,m:Z) (Zs (Zplus n m))=(Zplus n (Zs m)).
+Intros n m; Unfold Zs; Rewrite Zplus_assoc; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zmult_n_O : (n:Z) ZERO=(Zmult n ZERO).
+Intro;Rewrite Zmult_sym;Simpl; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zmult_n_Sm : (n,m:Z) (Zplus (Zmult n m) n)=(Zmult n (Zs m)).
+Intros n m;Unfold Zs; Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r;
+Rewrite (Zmult_sym n (POS xH));Rewrite Zmult_one; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem Zle_n : (n:Z) (Zle n n).
+Intros n;Elim (Zcompare_EGAL n n);Unfold Zle ;Intros H1 H2;Rewrite H2;
+ [ Discriminate | Trivial with arith ].
+Theorem Zle_refl : (n,m:Z) n=m -> (Zle n m).
+Intros; Rewrite H; Apply Zle_n.
+Theorem Zle_trans : (n,m,p:Z)(Zle n m)->(Zle m p)->(Zle n p).
+Intros n m p;Unfold 1 3 Zle; Unfold not; Intros H1 H2 H3;Apply H1;
+Exact (Zgt_le_trans n p m H3 H2).
+Theorem Zle_n_Sn : (n:Z)(Zle n (Zs n)).
+Intros n; Apply Zgt_S_le;Apply Zgt_trans with m:=(Zs n) ;Apply Zgt_Sn_n.
+Lemma Zle_n_S : (n,m:Z) (Zle m n) -> (Zle (Zs m) (Zs n)).
+Unfold Zle not ;Intros m n H1 H2; Apply H1;
+Rewrite <- (Zcompare_Zplus_compatible n m (POS xH));
+Do 2 Rewrite (Zplus_sym (POS xH)); Exact H2.
+Hints Resolve Zle_n Zle_n_Sn Zle_trans Zle_n_S : zarith.
+Hints Immediate Zle_refl : zarith.
+Lemma Zs_pred : (n:Z) n=(Zs (Zpred n)).
+Intros n; Unfold Zs Zpred ;Rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; Simpl; Rewrite Zero_right;
+Trivial with arith.
+Hints Immediate Zs_pred : zarith.
+Theorem Zle_pred_n : (n:Z)(Zle (Zpred n) n).
+Intros n;Pattern 2 n ;Rewrite Zs_pred; Apply Zle_n_Sn.
+Theorem Zle_trans_S : (n,m:Z)(Zle (Zs n) m)->(Zle n m).
+Intros n m H;Apply Zle_trans with m:=(Zs n); [ Apply Zle_n_Sn | Assumption ].
+Theorem Zle_Sn_n : (n:Z)~(Zle (Zs n) n).
+Intros n; Apply Zgt_not_le; Apply Zgt_Sn_n.
+Theorem Zle_antisym : (n,m:Z)(Zle n m)->(Zle m n)->(n=m).
+Unfold Zle ;Intros n m H1 H2; ElimCompare n m; [
+ Elim (Zcompare_EGAL n m);Auto with arith
+| Intros H3;Absurd (Zcompare m n)=SUPERIEUR; [
+ Assumption
+ | Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM m n);Auto with arith ]
+| Intros H3;Absurd (Zcompare n m)=SUPERIEUR;Assumption ].
+Theorem Zgt_lt : (m,n:Z) (Zgt m n) -> (Zlt n m).
+Unfold Zgt Zlt ;Intros m n H; Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM m n); Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zlt_gt : (m,n:Z) (Zlt m n) -> (Zgt n m).
+Unfold Zgt Zlt ;Intros m n H; Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM n m); Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zge_le : (m,n:Z) (Zge m n) -> (Zle n m).
+Intros m n; Change ~(Zlt m n)-> ~(Zgt n m);
+Unfold not; Intros H1 H2; Apply H1; Apply Zgt_lt; Assumption.
+Theorem Zle_ge : (m,n:Z) (Zle m n) -> (Zge n m).
+Intros m n; Change ~(Zgt m n)-> ~(Zlt n m);
+Unfold not; Intros H1 H2; Apply H1; Apply Zlt_gt; Assumption.
+Theorem Zlt_n_Sn : (n:Z)(Zlt n (Zs n)).
+Intro n; Apply Zgt_lt; Apply Zgt_Sn_n.
+Theorem Zlt_S : (n,m:Z)(Zlt n m)->(Zlt n (Zs m)).
+Intros n m H;Apply Zgt_lt; Apply Zgt_trans with m:=m; [
+ Apply Zgt_Sn_n
+| Apply Zlt_gt; Assumption ].
+Theorem Zlt_n_S : (n,m:Z)(Zlt n m)->(Zlt (Zs n) (Zs m)).
+Intros n m H;Apply Zgt_lt;Apply Zgt_n_S;Apply Zlt_gt; Assumption.
+Theorem Zlt_S_n : (n,m:Z)(Zlt (Zs n) (Zs m))->(Zlt n m).
+Intros n m H;Apply Zgt_lt;Apply Zgt_S_n;Apply Zlt_gt; Assumption.
+Theorem Zlt_n_n : (n:Z)~(Zlt n n).
+Intros n;Elim (Zcompare_EGAL n n); Unfold Zlt ;Intros H1 H2;
+Rewrite H2; [ Discriminate | Trivial with arith ].
+Lemma Zlt_pred : (n,p:Z)(Zlt (Zs n) p)->(Zlt n (Zpred p)).
+Intros n p H;Apply Zlt_S_n; Rewrite <- Zs_pred; Assumption.
+Lemma Zlt_pred_n_n : (n:Z)(Zlt (Zpred n) n).
+Intros n; Apply Zlt_S_n; Rewrite <- Zs_pred; Apply Zlt_n_Sn.
+Theorem Zlt_le_S : (n,p:Z)(Zlt n p)->(Zle (Zs n) p).
+Intros n p H; Apply Zgt_le_S; Apply Zlt_gt; Assumption.
+Theorem Zlt_n_Sm_le : (n,m:Z)(Zlt n (Zs m))->(Zle n m).
+Intros n m H; Apply Zgt_S_le; Apply Zlt_gt; Assumption.
+Theorem Zle_lt_n_Sm : (n,m:Z)(Zle n m)->(Zlt n (Zs m)).
+Intros n m H; Apply Zgt_lt; Apply Zle_gt_S; Assumption.
+Theorem Zlt_le_weak : (n,m:Z)(Zlt n m)->(Zle n m).
+Unfold Zlt Zle ;Intros n m H;Rewrite H;Discriminate.
+Theorem Zlt_trans : (n,m,p:Z)(Zlt n m)->(Zlt m p)->(Zlt n p).
+Intros n m p H1 H2; Apply Zgt_lt; Apply Zgt_trans with m:= m;
+Apply Zlt_gt; Assumption.
+Theorem Zlt_le_trans : (n,m,p:Z)(Zlt n m)->(Zle m p)->(Zlt n p).
+Intros n m p H1 H2;Apply Zgt_lt;Apply Zle_gt_trans with m:=m;
+ [ Assumption | Apply Zlt_gt;Assumption ].
+Theorem Zle_lt_trans : (n,m,p:Z)(Zle n m)->(Zlt m p)->(Zlt n p).
+Intros n m p H1 H2;Apply Zgt_lt;Apply Zgt_le_trans with m:=m;
+ [ Apply Zlt_gt;Assumption | Assumption ].
+Theorem Zle_lt_or_eq : (n,m:Z)(Zle n m)->((Zlt n m) \/ n=m).
+Unfold Zle Zlt ;Intros n m H; ElimCompare n m; [
+ Elim (Zcompare_EGAL n m);Auto with arith
+| Auto with arith
+| Intros H';Absurd (Zcompare n m)=SUPERIEUR;Assumption ].
+Theorem Zle_or_lt : (n,m:Z)((Zle n m)\/(Zlt m n)).
+Unfold Zle Zlt ;Intros n m; ElimCompare n m; [
+ Intros E;Rewrite -> E;Left;Discriminate
+| Intros E;Rewrite -> E;Left;Discriminate
+| Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM n m); Auto with arith ].
+Theorem Zle_not_lt : (n,m:Z)(Zle n m)->~(Zlt m n).
+Unfold Zle Zlt; Unfold not ;Intros n m H1 H2;Apply H1;
+Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM n m);Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zlt_not_le : (n,m:Z)(Zlt n m)->~(Zle m n).
+Unfold Zlt Zle not ;Intros n m H1 H2; Apply H2; Elim (Zcompare_ANTISYM m n);
+Auto with arith.
+Theorem Zlt_not_sym : (n,m:Z)(Zlt n m)->~(Zlt m n).
+Intros n m H;Apply Zle_not_lt; Apply Zlt_le_weak; Assumption.
+Theorem Zle_le_S : (x,y:Z)(Zle x y)->(Zle x (Zs y)).
+Apply Zle_trans with y; Trivial with zarith.
+Hints Resolve Zle_le_S : zarith.
+Definition Zmin := [n,m:Z]
+ <Z>Cases (Zcompare n m) of
+ EGAL => n
+ | INFERIEUR => n
+ | SUPERIEUR => m
+ end.
+Lemma Zmin_SS : (n,m:Z)((Zs (Zmin n m))=(Zmin (Zs n) (Zs m))).
+Intros n m;Unfold Zmin; Rewrite (Zcompare_n_S n m);
+ElimCompare n m;Intros E;Rewrite E;Auto with arith.
+Lemma Zle_min_l : (n,m:Z)(Zle (Zmin n m) n).
+Intros n m;Unfold Zmin ; ElimCompare n m;Intros E;Rewrite -> E;
+ [ Apply Zle_n | Apply Zle_n | Apply Zlt_le_weak; Apply Zgt_lt;Exact E ].
+Lemma Zle_min_r : (n,m:Z)(Zle (Zmin n m) m).
+Intros n m;Unfold Zmin ;ElimCompare n m;Intros E;Rewrite -> E;[
+ Unfold Zle ;Rewrite -> E;Discriminate
+| Unfold Zle ;Rewrite -> E;Discriminate
+| Apply Zle_n ].
+Lemma Zmin_case : (n,m:Z)(P:Z->Set)(P n)->(P m)->(P (Zmin n m)).
+Intros n m P H1 H2; Unfold Zmin; Case (Zcompare n m);Auto with arith.
+Lemma Zmin_or : (n,m:Z)(Zmin n m)=n \/ (Zmin n m)=m.
+Unfold Zmin; Intros; Elim (Zcompare n m); Auto.
+Lemma Zmin_n_n : (n:Z) (Zmin n n)=n.
+Unfold Zmin; Intros; Elim (Zcompare n n); Auto.
+Lemma Zplus_assoc_l : (n,m,p:Z)((Zplus n (Zplus m p))=(Zplus (Zplus n m) p)).
+Exact Zplus_assoc.
+Lemma Zplus_assoc_r : (n,m,p:Z)(Zplus (Zplus n m) p) =(Zplus n (Zplus m p)).
+Intros; Symmetry; Apply Zplus_assoc.
+Lemma Zplus_permute : (n,m,p:Z) (Zplus n (Zplus m p))=(Zplus m (Zplus n p)).
+Intros n m p;
+Rewrite Zplus_sym;Rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; Rewrite (Zplus_sym p n); Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zsimpl_le_plus_l : (p,n,m:Z)(Zle (Zplus p n) (Zplus p m))->(Zle n m).
+Intros p n m; Unfold Zle not ;Intros H1 H2;Apply H1;
+Rewrite (Zcompare_Zplus_compatible n m p); Assumption.
+Lemma Zle_reg_l : (n,m,p:Z)(Zle n m)->(Zle (Zplus p n) (Zplus p m)).
+Intros n m p; Unfold Zle not ;Intros H1 H2;Apply H1;
+Rewrite <- (Zcompare_Zplus_compatible n m p); Assumption.
+Lemma Zle_reg_r : (a,b,c:Z) (Zle a b)->(Zle (Zplus a c) (Zplus b c)).
+Intros a b c;Do 2 Rewrite [n:Z](Zplus_sym n c); Exact (Zle_reg_l a b c).
+Lemma Zle_plus_plus :
+ (n,m,p,q:Z) (Zle n m)->(Zle p q)->(Zle (Zplus n p) (Zplus m q)).
+Intros n m p q; Intros H1 H2;Apply Zle_trans with m:=(Zplus n q); [
+ Apply Zle_reg_l;Assumption | Apply Zle_reg_r;Assumption ].
+Lemma Zplus_Snm_nSm : (n,m:Z)(Zplus (Zs n) m)=(Zplus n (Zs m)).
+Unfold Zs ;Intros n m; Rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; Rewrite (Zplus_sym (POS xH));
+Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zsimpl_lt_plus_l : (n,m,p:Z)(Zlt (Zplus p n) (Zplus p m))->(Zlt n m).
+Unfold Zlt ;Intros n m p; Rewrite Zcompare_Zplus_compatible;Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zlt_reg_l : (n,m,p:Z)(Zlt n m)->(Zlt (Zplus p n) (Zplus p m)).
+Unfold Zlt ;Intros n m p; Rewrite Zcompare_Zplus_compatible;Trivial with arith.
+Definition Zminus := [m,n:Z](Zplus m (Zopp n)).
+Lemma Zminus_plus_simpl :
+ (n,m,p:Z)((Zminus n m)=(Zminus (Zplus p n) (Zplus p m))).
+Intros n m p;Unfold Zminus; Rewrite Zopp_Zplus; Rewrite Zplus_assoc;
+Rewrite (Zplus_sym p); Rewrite <- (Zplus_assoc n p); Rewrite Zplus_inverse_r;
+Rewrite Zero_right; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zminus_n_O : (n:Z)(n=(Zminus n ZERO)).
+Intro; Unfold Zminus; Simpl;Rewrite Zero_right; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zminus_n_n : (n:Z)(ZERO=(Zminus n n)).
+Intro; Unfold Zminus; Rewrite Zplus_inverse_r; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zplus_minus : (n,m,p:Z)(n=(Zplus m p))->(p=(Zminus n m)).
+Intros n m p H;Unfold Zminus;Apply (Zsimpl_plus_l m);
+Rewrite (Zplus_sym m (Zplus n (Zopp m))); Rewrite <- Zplus_assoc;
+Rewrite Zplus_inverse_l; Rewrite Zero_right; Rewrite H; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zminus_plus : (n,m:Z)(Zminus (Zplus n m) n)=m.
+Intros n m;Unfold Zminus ;Rewrite -> (Zplus_sym n m);Rewrite <- Zplus_assoc;
+Rewrite -> Zplus_inverse_r; Apply Zero_right.
+Lemma Zle_plus_minus : (n,m:Z) (Zplus n (Zminus m n))=m.
+Unfold Zminus; Intros n m; Rewrite Zplus_permute; Rewrite Zplus_inverse_r;
+Apply Zero_right.
+Lemma Zminus_Sn_m : (n,m:Z)((Zs (Zminus n m))=(Zminus (Zs n) m)).
+Intros n m;Unfold Zminus Zs; Rewrite (Zplus_sym n (Zopp m));
+Rewrite <- Zplus_assoc;Apply Zplus_sym.
+Lemma Zlt_minus : (n,m:Z)(Zlt ZERO m)->(Zlt (Zminus n m) n).
+Intros n m H; Apply Zsimpl_lt_plus_l with p:=m; Rewrite Zle_plus_minus;
+Pattern 1 n ;Rewrite <- (Zero_right n); Rewrite (Zplus_sym m n);
+Apply Zlt_reg_l; Assumption.
+Lemma Zlt_O_minus_lt : (n,m:Z)(Zlt ZERO (Zminus n m))->(Zlt m n).
+Intros n m H; Apply Zsimpl_lt_plus_l with p:=(Zopp m); Rewrite Zplus_inverse_l;
+Rewrite Zplus_sym;Exact H.
+Lemma Zmult_plus_distr_l :
+ (n,m,p:Z)((Zmult (Zplus n m) p)=(Zplus (Zmult n p) (Zmult m p))).
+Intros n m p;Rewrite Zmult_sym;Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r;
+Do 2 Rewrite -> (Zmult_sym p); Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zmult_minus_distr :
+ (n,m,p:Z)((Zmult (Zminus n m) p)=(Zminus (Zmult n p) (Zmult m p))).
+Intros n m p;Unfold Zminus; Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l; Rewrite Zopp_Zmult;
+Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zmult_assoc_r : (n,m,p:Z)((Zmult (Zmult n m) p) = (Zmult n (Zmult m p))).
+Intros n m p; Rewrite Zmult_assoc; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma Zmult_assoc_l : (n,m,p:Z)(Zmult n (Zmult m p)) = (Zmult (Zmult n m) p).
+Intros n m p; Rewrite Zmult_assoc; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem Zmult_permute : (n,m,p:Z)(Zmult n (Zmult m p)) = (Zmult m (Zmult n p)).
+Intros; Rewrite -> (Zmult_assoc m n p); Rewrite -> (Zmult_sym m n).
+Apply Zmult_assoc.
+Lemma Zmult_1_n : (n:Z)(Zmult (POS xH) n)=n.
+Exact Zmult_one.
+Lemma Zmult_n_1 : (n:Z)(Zmult n (POS xH))=n.
+Intro; Rewrite Zmult_sym; Apply Zmult_one.
+Lemma Zmult_Sm_n : (n,m:Z) (Zplus (Zmult n m) m)=(Zmult (Zs n) m).
+Intros n m; Unfold Zs; Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l; Rewrite Zmult_1_n;
+Trivial with arith.
+(*** Just for compatibility with previous versions ***)
+(*** Use Zmult_plus_distr_r and Zmult_plus_distr_l rather than
+ their synomymous ***)
+Definition Zmult_Zplus_distr := Zmult_plus_distr_r.
+Definition Zmult_plus_distr := Zmult_plus_distr_l.