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diff --git a/theories/FSets/FMapAVL.v b/theories/FSets/FMapAVL.v
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+++ b/theories/FSets/FMapAVL.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Finite map library. *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+(** This module implements map using AVL trees.
+ It follows the implementation from Ocaml's standard library. *)
+Require Import FSetInterface.
+Require Import FMapInterface.
+Require Import FMapList.
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import Int.
+Set Firstorder Depth 3.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Unset Strict Implicit.
+Module Raw (I:Int)(X: OrderedType).
+Import I.
+Module II:=MoreInt(I).
+Import II.
+Open Scope Int_scope.
+Module E := X.
+Module MX := OrderedTypeFacts X.
+Module PX := KeyOrderedType X.
+Module L := FMapList.Raw X.
+Import MX.
+Import PX.
+Definition key := X.t.
+(** * Trees *)
+Section Elt.
+Variable elt : Set.
+(* Now in KeyOrderedType:
+Definition eqk (p p':key*elt) := X.eq (fst p) (fst p').
+Definition eqke (p p':key*elt) :=
+ X.eq (fst p) (fst p') /\ (snd p) = (snd p').
+Definition ltk (p p':key*elt) := X.lt (fst p) (fst p').
+Notation eqk := (eqk (elt:= elt)).
+Notation eqke := (eqke (elt:= elt)).
+Notation ltk := (ltk (elt:= elt)).
+Inductive tree : Set :=
+ | Leaf : tree
+ | Node : tree -> key -> elt -> tree -> int -> tree.
+Notation t := tree.
+(** The Sixth field of [Node] is the height of the tree *)
+(** * Occurrence in a tree *)
+Inductive MapsTo (x : key)(e : elt) : tree -> Prop :=
+ | MapsRoot : forall l r h y,
+ X.eq x y -> MapsTo x e (Node l y e r h)
+ | MapsLeft : forall l r h y e',
+ MapsTo x e l -> MapsTo x e (Node l y e' r h)
+ | MapsRight : forall l r h y e',
+ MapsTo x e r -> MapsTo x e (Node l y e' r h).
+Inductive In (x : key) : tree -> Prop :=
+ | InRoot : forall l r h y e,
+ X.eq x y -> In x (Node l y e r h)
+ | InLeft : forall l r h y e',
+ In x l -> In x (Node l y e' r h)
+ | InRight : forall l r h y e',
+ In x r -> In x (Node l y e' r h).
+Definition In0 (k:key)(m:t) : Prop := exists e:elt, MapsTo k e m.
+(** * Binary search trees *)
+(** [lt_tree x s]: all elements in [s] are smaller than [x]
+ (resp. greater for [gt_tree]) *)
+Definition lt_tree x s := forall y:key, In y s -> X.lt y x.
+Definition gt_tree x s := forall y:key, In y s -> X.lt x y.
+(** [bst t] : [t] is a binary search tree *)
+Inductive bst : tree -> Prop :=
+ | BSLeaf : bst Leaf
+ | BSNode : forall x e l r h,
+ bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (Node l x e r h).
+(** * AVL trees *)
+(** [avl s] : [s] is a properly balanced AVL tree,
+ i.e. for any node the heights of the two children
+ differ by at most 2 *)
+Definition height (s : tree) : int :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => 0
+ | Node _ _ _ _ h => h
+ end.
+Inductive avl : tree -> Prop :=
+ | RBLeaf : avl Leaf
+ | RBNode : forall x e l r h,
+ avl l ->
+ avl r ->
+ -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 ->
+ h = max (height l) (height r) + 1 ->
+ avl (Node l x e r h).
+(* We should end this section before the big proofs that follows,
+ otherwise the discharge takes a lot of time. *)
+End Elt.
+(** Some helpful hints and tactics. *)
+Notation t := tree.
+Hint Constructors tree.
+Hint Constructors MapsTo.
+Hint Constructors In.
+Hint Constructors bst.
+Hint Constructors avl.
+Hint Unfold lt_tree gt_tree.
+Ltac inv f :=
+ match goal with
+ | H:f (Leaf _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | H:f _ (Leaf _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | H:f _ _ (Leaf _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | H:f _ _ _ (Leaf _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | H:f (Node _ _ _ _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | H:f _ (Node _ _ _ _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | H:f _ _ (Node _ _ _ _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | H:f _ _ _ (Node _ _ _ _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Ltac safe_inv f := match goal with
+ | H:f (Node _ _ _ _ _) |- _ =>
+ generalize H; inversion_clear H; safe_inv f
+ | H:f _ (Node _ _ _ _ _) |- _ =>
+ generalize H; inversion_clear H; safe_inv f
+ | _ => intros
+ end.
+Ltac inv_all f :=
+ match goal with
+ | H: f _ |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | H: f _ _ |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | H: f _ _ _ |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | H: f _ _ _ _ |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Ltac order := match goal with
+ | H: lt_tree ?x ?s, H1: In ?y ?s |- _ => generalize (H _ H1); clear H; order
+ | H: gt_tree ?x ?s, H1: In ?y ?s |- _ => generalize (H _ H1); clear H; order
+ | _ => MX.order
+Ltac intuition_in := repeat progress (intuition; inv In; inv MapsTo).
+Ltac firstorder_in := repeat progress (firstorder; inv In; inv MapsTo).
+Lemma height_non_negative : forall elt (s : t elt), avl s -> height s >= 0.
+ induction s; simpl; intros; auto with zarith.
+ inv avl; intuition; omega_max.
+Ltac avl_nn_hyp H :=
+ let nz := fresh "nz" in assert (nz := height_non_negative H).
+Ltac avl_nn h :=
+ let t := type of h in
+ match type of t with
+ | Prop => avl_nn_hyp h
+ | _ => match goal with H : avl h |- _ => avl_nn_hyp H end
+ end.
+(* Repeat the previous tactic.
+ Drawback: need to clear the [avl _] hyps ... Thank you Ltac *)
+Ltac avl_nns :=
+ match goal with
+ | H:avl _ |- _ => avl_nn_hyp H; clear H; avl_nns
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+(** Facts about [MapsTo] and [In]. *)
+Lemma MapsTo_In : forall elt k e (m:t elt), MapsTo k e m -> In k m.
+ induction 1; auto.
+Hint Resolve MapsTo_In.
+Lemma In_MapsTo : forall elt k (m:t elt), In k m -> exists e, MapsTo k e m.
+ induction 1; try destruct IHIn as (e,He); exists e; auto.
+Lemma In_alt : forall elt k (m:t elt), In0 k m <-> In k m.
+ split.
+ intros (e,H); eauto.
+ unfold In0; apply In_MapsTo; auto.
+Lemma MapsTo_1 :
+ forall elt (m:t elt) x y e, X.eq x y -> MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo y e m.
+ induction m; simpl; intuition_in; eauto.
+Hint Immediate MapsTo_1.
+Lemma In_1 :
+ forall elt (m:t elt) x y, X.eq x y -> In x m -> In y m.
+ intros elt m x y; induction m; simpl; intuition_in; eauto.
+(** Results about [lt_tree] and [gt_tree] *)
+Lemma lt_leaf : forall elt x, lt_tree x (Leaf elt).
+ unfold lt_tree in |- *; intros; intuition_in.
+Lemma gt_leaf : forall elt x, gt_tree x (Leaf elt).
+ unfold gt_tree in |- *; intros; intuition_in.
+Lemma lt_tree_node : forall elt x y (l:t elt) r e h,
+ lt_tree x l -> lt_tree x r -> X.lt y x -> lt_tree x (Node l y e r h).
+ unfold lt_tree in *; firstorder_in; order.
+Lemma gt_tree_node : forall elt x y (l:t elt) r e h,
+ gt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> X.lt x y -> gt_tree x (Node l y e r h).
+ unfold gt_tree in *; firstorder_in; order.
+Hint Resolve lt_leaf gt_leaf lt_tree_node gt_tree_node.
+Lemma lt_left : forall elt x y (l: t elt) r e h,
+ lt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> lt_tree x l.
+ intuition_in.
+Lemma lt_right : forall elt x y (l:t elt) r e h,
+ lt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> lt_tree x r.
+ intuition_in.
+Lemma gt_left : forall elt x y (l:t elt) r e h,
+ gt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> gt_tree x l.
+ intuition_in.
+Lemma gt_right : forall elt x y (l:t elt) r e h,
+ gt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> gt_tree x r.
+ intuition_in.
+Hint Resolve lt_left lt_right gt_left gt_right.
+Lemma lt_tree_not_in :
+ forall elt x (t : t elt), lt_tree x t -> ~ In x t.
+ intros; intro; generalize (H _ H0); order.
+Lemma lt_tree_trans :
+ forall elt x y, X.lt x y -> forall (t:t elt), lt_tree x t -> lt_tree y t.
+ firstorder eauto.
+Lemma gt_tree_not_in :
+ forall elt x (t : t elt), gt_tree x t -> ~ In x t.
+ intros; intro; generalize (H _ H0); order.
+Lemma gt_tree_trans :
+ forall elt x y, X.lt y x -> forall (t:t elt), gt_tree x t -> gt_tree y t.
+ firstorder eauto.
+Hint Resolve lt_tree_not_in lt_tree_trans gt_tree_not_in gt_tree_trans.
+(** Results about [avl] *)
+Lemma avl_node : forall elt x e (l:t elt) r,
+ avl l ->
+ avl r ->
+ -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 ->
+ avl (Node l x e r (max (height l) (height r) + 1)).
+ intros; auto.
+Hint Resolve avl_node.
+(** * Helper functions *)
+(** [create l x r] creates a node, assuming [l] and [r]
+ to be balanced and [|height l - height r| <= 2]. *)
+Definition create elt (l:t elt) x e r :=
+ Node l x e r (max (height l) (height r) + 1).
+Lemma create_bst :
+ forall elt (l:t elt) x e r, bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r ->
+ bst (create l x e r).
+ unfold create; auto.
+Hint Resolve create_bst.
+Lemma create_avl :
+ forall elt (l:t elt) x e r, avl l -> avl r -> -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 ->
+ avl (create l x e r).
+ unfold create; auto.
+Lemma create_height :
+ forall elt (l:t elt) x e r, avl l -> avl r -> -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 ->
+ height (create l x e r) = max (height l) (height r) + 1.
+ unfold create; intros; auto.
+Lemma create_in :
+ forall elt (l:t elt) x e r y, In y (create l x e r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y r.
+ unfold create; split; [ inversion_clear 1 | ]; intuition.
+(** trick for emulating [assert false] in Coq *)
+Notation assert_false := Leaf.
+(** [bal l x e r] acts as [create], but performs one step of
+ rebalancing if necessary, i.e. assumes [|height l - height r| <= 3]. *)
+Definition bal elt (l: tree elt) x e r :=
+ let hl := height l in
+ let hr := height r in
+ if gt_le_dec hl (hr+2) then
+ match l with
+ | Leaf => assert_false _
+ | Node ll lx le lr _ =>
+ if ge_lt_dec (height ll) (height lr) then
+ create ll lx le (create lr x e r)
+ else
+ match lr with
+ | Leaf => assert_false _
+ | Node lrl lrx lre lrr _ =>
+ create (create ll lx le lrl) lrx lre (create lrr x e r)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if gt_le_dec hr (hl+2) then
+ match r with
+ | Leaf => assert_false _
+ | Node rl rx re rr _ =>
+ if ge_lt_dec (height rr) (height rl) then
+ create (create l x e rl) rx re rr
+ else
+ match rl with
+ | Leaf => assert_false _
+ | Node rll rlx rle rlr _ =>
+ create (create l x e rll) rlx rle (create rlr rx re rr)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ create l x e r.
+Ltac bal_tac :=
+ intros elt l x e r;
+ unfold bal;
+ destruct (gt_le_dec (height l) (height r + 2));
+ [ destruct l as [ |ll lx le lr lh];
+ [ | destruct (ge_lt_dec (height ll) (height lr));
+ [ | destruct lr ] ]
+ | destruct (gt_le_dec (height r) (height l + 2));
+ [ destruct r as [ |rl rx re rr rh];
+ [ | destruct (ge_lt_dec (height rr) (height rl));
+ [ | destruct rl ] ]
+ | ] ]; intros.
+Ltac bal_tac_imp := match goal with
+ | |- context [ assert_false ] =>
+ inv avl; avl_nns; simpl in *; false_omega
+ | _ => idtac
+Lemma bal_bst : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r, bst l -> bst r ->
+ lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (bal l x e r).
+ bal_tac;
+ inv bst; repeat apply create_bst; auto; unfold create;
+ apply lt_tree_node || apply gt_tree_node; auto;
+ eapply lt_tree_trans || eapply gt_tree_trans || eauto; eauto.
+Lemma bal_avl : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r, avl l -> avl r ->
+ -(3) <= height l - height r <= 3 -> avl (bal l x e r).
+ bal_tac; inv avl; repeat apply create_avl; simpl in *; auto; omega_max.
+Lemma bal_height_1 : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r, avl l -> avl r ->
+ -(3) <= height l - height r <= 3 ->
+ 0 <= height (bal l x e r) - max (height l) (height r) <= 1.
+ bal_tac; inv avl; avl_nns; simpl in *; omega_max.
+Lemma bal_height_2 :
+ forall elt (l:t elt) x e r, avl l -> avl r -> -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 ->
+ height (bal l x e r) == max (height l) (height r) +1.
+ bal_tac; inv avl; simpl in *; omega_max.
+Lemma bal_in : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r y, avl l -> avl r ->
+ (In y (bal l x e r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y r).
+ bal_tac; bal_tac_imp; repeat rewrite create_in; intuition_in.
+Lemma bal_mapsto : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r y e', avl l -> avl r ->
+ (MapsTo y e' (bal l x e r) <-> MapsTo y e' (create l x e r)).
+ bal_tac; bal_tac_imp; unfold create; intuition_in.
+Ltac omega_bal := match goal with
+ | H:avl ?l, H':avl ?r |- context [ bal ?l ?x ?e ?r ] =>
+ generalize (bal_height_1 x e H H') (bal_height_2 x e H H');
+ omega_max
+ end.
+(** * Insertion *)
+Fixpoint add (elt:Set)(x:key)(e:elt)(s:t elt) { struct s } : t elt := match s with
+ | Leaf => Node (Leaf _) x e (Leaf _) 1
+ | Node l y e' r h =>
+ match X.compare x y with
+ | LT _ => bal (add x e l) y e' r
+ | EQ _ => Node l y e r h
+ | GT _ => bal l y e' (add x e r)
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma add_avl_1 : forall elt (m:t elt) x e, avl m ->
+ avl (add x e m) /\ 0 <= height (add x e m) - height m <= 1.
+ intros elt m x e; functional induction add elt x e m; intros; inv avl; simpl in *.
+ intuition; try constructor; simpl; auto; try omega_max.
+ (* LT *)
+ destruct H; auto.
+ split.
+ apply bal_avl; auto; omega_max.
+ omega_bal.
+ (* EQ *)
+ intuition; omega_max.
+ (* GT *)
+ destruct H; auto.
+ split.
+ apply bal_avl; auto; omega_max.
+ omega_bal.
+Lemma add_avl : forall elt (m:t elt) x e, avl m -> avl (add x e m).
+ intros; generalize (add_avl_1 x e H); intuition.
+Hint Resolve add_avl.
+Lemma add_in : forall elt (m:t elt) x y e, avl m ->
+ (In y (add x e m) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y m).
+ intros elt m x y e; functional induction add elt x e m; auto; intros.
+ intuition_in.
+ (* LT *)
+ inv avl.
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ rewrite (H H1); intuition_in.
+ (* EQ *)
+ inv avl.
+ firstorder_in.
+ eapply In_1; eauto.
+ (* GT *)
+ inv avl.
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ rewrite (H H2); intuition_in.
+Lemma add_bst : forall elt (m:t elt) x e, bst m -> avl m -> bst (add x e m).
+ intros elt m x e; functional induction add elt x e m;
+ intros; inv bst; inv avl; auto; apply bal_bst; auto.
+ (* lt_tree -> lt_tree (add ...) *)
+ red; red in H4.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (add_in x y0 e H0) in H1.
+ intuition.
+ eauto.
+ (* gt_tree -> gt_tree (add ...) *)
+ red; red in H4.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (add_in x y0 e H6) in H1.
+ intuition.
+ apply lt_eq with x; auto.
+Lemma add_1 : forall elt (m:t elt) x y e, avl m -> X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e m).
+ intros elt m x y e; functional induction add elt x e m;
+ intros; inv bst; inv avl; try rewrite bal_mapsto; unfold create; eauto.
+Lemma add_2 : forall elt (m:t elt) x y e e', avl m -> ~X.eq x y ->
+ MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m).
+ intros elt m x y e e'; induction m; simpl; auto.
+ destruct (X.compare x k);
+ intros; inv bst; inv avl; try rewrite bal_mapsto; unfold create; auto;
+ inv MapsTo; auto; order.
+Lemma add_3 : forall elt (m:t elt) x y e e', avl m -> ~X.eq x y ->
+ MapsTo y e (add x e' m) -> MapsTo y e m.
+ intros elt m x y e e'; induction m; simpl; auto.
+ intros; inv avl; inv MapsTo; auto; order.
+ destruct (X.compare x k); intro; inv avl;
+ try rewrite bal_mapsto; auto; unfold create; intros; inv MapsTo; auto;
+ order.
+(** * Extraction of minimum binding
+ morally, [remove_min] is to be applied to a non-empty tree
+ [t = Node l x e r h]. Since we can't deal here with [assert false]
+ for [t=Leaf], we pre-unpack [t] (and forget about [h]).
+Fixpoint remove_min (elt:Set)(l:t elt)(x:key)(e:elt)(r:t elt) { struct l } : t elt*(key*elt) :=
+ match l with
+ | Leaf => (r,(x,e))
+ | Node ll lx le lr lh => let (l',m) := remove_min ll lx le lr in (bal l' x e r, m)
+ end.
+Lemma remove_min_avl_1 : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r h, avl (Node l x e r h) ->
+ avl (fst (remove_min l x e r)) /\
+ 0 <= height (Node l x e r h) - height (fst (remove_min l x e r)) <= 1.
+ intros elt l x e r; functional induction remove_min elt l x e r; simpl in *; intros.
+ inv avl; simpl in *; split; auto.
+ avl_nns; omega_max.
+ (* l = Node *)
+ inversion_clear H0.
+ destruct (H lh); auto.
+ split; simpl in *.
+ apply bal_avl; auto; omega_max.
+ omega_bal.
+Lemma remove_min_avl : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r h, avl (Node l x e r h) ->
+ avl (fst (remove_min l x e r)).
+ intros; generalize (remove_min_avl_1 H); intuition.
+Lemma remove_min_in : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r h y, avl (Node l x e r h) ->
+ (In y (Node l x e r h) <->
+ X.eq y (fst (snd (remove_min l x e r))) \/ In y (fst (remove_min l x e r))).
+ intros elt l x e r; functional induction remove_min elt l x e r; simpl in *; intros.
+ intuition_in.
+ (* l = Node *)
+ inversion_clear H0.
+ generalize (remove_min_avl H1).
+ rewrite H_eq_0; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ generalize (H lh y H1).
+ intuition.
+ inversion_clear H8; intuition.
+Lemma remove_min_mapsto : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r h y e', avl (Node l x e r h) ->
+ (MapsTo y e' (Node l x e r h) <->
+ ((X.eq y (fst (snd (remove_min l x e r))) /\ e' = (snd (snd (remove_min l x e r))))
+ \/ MapsTo y e' (fst (remove_min l x e r)))).
+ intros elt l x e r; functional induction remove_min elt l x e r; simpl in *; intros.
+ intuition_in; subst; auto.
+ (* l = Node *)
+ inversion_clear H0.
+ generalize (remove_min_avl H1).
+ rewrite H_eq_0; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite bal_mapsto; auto; unfold create.
+ destruct (H lh y e').
+ auto.
+ intuition.
+ inversion_clear H3; intuition.
+ inversion_clear H10; intuition.
+Lemma remove_min_bst : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r h,
+ bst (Node l x e r h) -> avl (Node l x e r h) -> bst (fst (remove_min l x e r)).
+ intros elt l x e r; functional induction remove_min elt l x e r; simpl in *; intros.
+ inv bst; auto.
+ inversion_clear H0; inversion_clear H1.
+ apply bal_bst; auto.
+ firstorder.
+ intro; intros.
+ generalize (remove_min_in y H0).
+ rewrite H_eq_0; simpl.
+ destruct 1.
+ apply H4; intuition.
+Lemma remove_min_gt_tree : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r h,
+ bst (Node l x e r h) -> avl (Node l x e r h) ->
+ gt_tree (fst (snd (remove_min l x e r))) (fst (remove_min l x e r)).
+ intros elt l x e r; functional induction remove_min elt l x e r; simpl in *; intros.
+ inv bst; auto.
+ inversion_clear H0; inversion_clear H1.
+ intro; intro.
+ generalize (H lh H2 H0); clear H8 H7 H.
+ generalize (remove_min_avl H0).
+ generalize (remove_min_in (fst m) H0).
+ rewrite H_eq_0; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite (bal_in x e y H7 H6) in H1.
+ destruct H.
+ firstorder.
+ apply lt_eq with x; auto.
+ apply X.lt_trans with x; auto.
+(** * Merging two trees
+ [merge t1 t2] builds the union of [t1] and [t2] assuming all elements
+ of [t1] to be smaller than all elements of [t2], and
+ [|height t1 - height t2| <= 2].
+Definition merge elt (s1 s2 : t elt) := match s1,s2 with
+ | Leaf, _ => s2
+ | _, Leaf => s1
+ | _, Node l2 x2 e2 r2 h2 =>
+ let (s2',m) := remove_min l2 x2 e2 r2 in
+ let (x,e) := m in
+ bal s1 x e s2'
+Lemma merge_avl_1 : forall elt (s1 s2:t elt), avl s1 -> avl s2 ->
+ -(2) <= height s1 - height s2 <= 2 ->
+ avl (merge s1 s2) /\
+ 0<= height (merge s1 s2) - max (height s1) (height s2) <=1.
+ intros elt s1 s2; functional induction merge elt s1 s2; simpl in *; intros.
+ split; auto; avl_nns; omega_max.
+ split; auto; avl_nns; simpl in *; omega_max.
+ generalize (remove_min_avl_1 H0).
+ rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; destruct 1.
+ rewrite H_eq_2; simpl.
+ split.
+ apply bal_avl; auto.
+ simpl; omega_max.
+ omega_bal.
+Lemma merge_avl : forall elt (s1 s2:t elt), avl s1 -> avl s2 ->
+ -(2) <= height s1 - height s2 <= 2 -> avl (merge s1 s2).
+ intros; generalize (merge_avl_1 H H0 H1); intuition.
+Lemma merge_in : forall elt (s1 s2:t elt) y, bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ (In y (merge s1 s2) <-> In y s1 \/ In y s2).
+ intros elt s1 s2; functional induction merge elt s1 s2; simpl in *; intros.
+ intuition_in.
+ intuition_in.
+ rewrite H_eq_2; rewrite H_eq_2 in H_eq_1; clear H_eq_2.
+ replace s2' with (fst (remove_min l2 x2 e2 r2)); [|rewrite H_eq_1; auto].
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_avl H2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_in y0 H2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; intro.
+ rewrite H3; intuition.
+Lemma merge_mapsto : forall elt (s1 s2:t elt) y e, bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ (MapsTo y e (merge s1 s2) <-> MapsTo y e s1 \/ MapsTo y e s2).
+ intros elt s1 s2; functional induction merge elt s1 s2; simpl in *; intros.
+ intuition_in.
+ intuition_in.
+ rewrite H_eq_2; rewrite H_eq_2 in H_eq_1; clear H_eq_2.
+ replace s2' with (fst (remove_min l2 x2 e2 r2)); [|rewrite H_eq_1; auto].
+ rewrite bal_mapsto; auto; unfold create.
+ generalize (remove_min_avl H2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_mapsto y0 e0 H2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; intro.
+ rewrite H3; intuition (try subst; auto).
+ inversion_clear H3; intuition.
+Lemma merge_bst : forall elt (s1 s2:t elt), bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ (forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 s1 -> In y2 s2 -> X.lt y1 y2) ->
+ bst (merge s1 s2).
+ intros elt s1 s2; functional induction merge elt s1 s2; simpl in *; intros; auto.
+ rewrite H_eq_2; rewrite H_eq_2 in H_eq_1; clear H_eq_2.
+ apply bal_bst; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_bst H1); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl in *; auto.
+ intro; intro.
+ apply H3; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_in x H2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; intuition.
+ generalize (remove_min_gt_tree H1); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; auto.
+(** * Deletion *)
+Fixpoint remove (elt:Set)(x:key)(s:t elt) { struct s } : t elt := match s with
+ | Leaf => Leaf _
+ | Node l y e r h =>
+ match X.compare x y with
+ | LT _ => bal (remove x l) y e r
+ | EQ _ => merge l r
+ | GT _ => bal l y e (remove x r)
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma remove_avl_1 : forall elt (s:t elt) x, avl s ->
+ avl (remove x s) /\ 0 <= height s - height (remove x s) <= 1.
+ intros elt s x; functional induction remove elt x s; simpl; intros.
+ split; auto; omega_max.
+ (* LT *)
+ inv avl.
+ destruct (H H1).
+ split.
+ apply bal_avl; auto.
+ omega_max.
+ omega_bal.
+ (* EQ *)
+ inv avl.
+ generalize (merge_avl_1 H0 H1 H2).
+ intuition omega_max.
+ (* GT *)
+ inv avl.
+ destruct (H H2).
+ split.
+ apply bal_avl; auto.
+ omega_max.
+ omega_bal.
+Lemma remove_avl : forall elt (s:t elt) x, avl s -> avl (remove x s).
+ intros; generalize (remove_avl_1 x H); intuition.
+Hint Resolve remove_avl.
+Lemma remove_in : forall elt (s:t elt) x y, bst s -> avl s ->
+ (In y (remove x s) <-> ~ X.eq y x /\ In y s).
+ intros elt s x; functional induction remove elt x s; simpl; intros.
+ intuition_in.
+ (* LT *)
+ inv avl; inv bst; clear H_eq_0.
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ generalize (H y0 H1); intuition; [ order | order | intuition_in ].
+ (* EQ *)
+ inv avl; inv bst; clear H_eq_0.
+ rewrite merge_in; intuition; [ order | order | intuition_in ].
+ elim H9; eauto.
+ (* GT *)
+ inv avl; inv bst; clear H_eq_0.
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ generalize (H y0 H6); intuition; [ order | order | intuition_in ].
+Lemma remove_bst : forall elt (s:t elt) x, bst s -> avl s -> bst (remove x s).
+ intros elt s x; functional induction remove elt x s; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ (* LT *)
+ inv avl; inv bst.
+ apply bal_bst; auto.
+ intro; intro.
+ rewrite (remove_in x y0 H1) in H0; auto.
+ destruct H0; eauto.
+ (* EQ *)
+ inv avl; inv bst.
+ apply merge_bst; eauto.
+ (* GT *)
+ inv avl; inv bst.
+ apply bal_bst; auto.
+ intro; intro.
+ rewrite (remove_in x y0 H6) in H0; auto.
+ destruct H0; eauto.
+Lemma remove_1 : forall elt (m:t elt) x y, bst m -> avl m -> X.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m).
+ intros; rewrite remove_in; intuition.
+Lemma remove_2 : forall elt (m:t elt) x y e, bst m -> avl m -> ~X.eq x y ->
+ MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m).
+ intros elt m x y e; induction m; simpl; auto.
+ destruct (X.compare x k);
+ intros; inv bst; inv avl; try rewrite bal_mapsto; unfold create; auto;
+ try solve [inv MapsTo; auto].
+ rewrite merge_mapsto; auto.
+ inv MapsTo; auto; order.
+Lemma remove_3 : forall elt (m:t elt) x y e, bst m -> avl m ->
+ MapsTo y e (remove x m) -> MapsTo y e m.
+ intros elt m x y e; induction m; simpl; auto.
+ destruct (X.compare x k); intros Bs Av; inv avl; inv bst;
+ try rewrite bal_mapsto; auto; unfold create.
+ intros; inv MapsTo; auto.
+ rewrite merge_mapsto; intuition.
+ intros; inv MapsTo; auto.
+Section Elt2.
+Variable elt:Set.
+Notation eqk := (eqk (elt:= elt)).
+Notation eqke := (eqke (elt:= elt)).
+Notation ltk := (ltk (elt:= elt)).
+(** * Empty map *)
+Definition Empty m := forall (a : key)(e:elt) , ~ MapsTo a e m.
+Definition empty := (Leaf elt).
+Lemma empty_bst : bst empty.
+ unfold empty; auto.
+Lemma empty_avl : avl empty.
+ unfold empty; auto.
+Lemma empty_1 : Empty empty.
+ unfold empty, Empty; intuition_in.
+(** * Emptyness test *)
+Definition is_empty (s:t elt) := match s with Leaf => true | _ => false end.
+Lemma is_empty_1 : forall s, Empty s -> is_empty s = true.
+ destruct s as [|r x e l h]; simpl; auto.
+ intro H; elim (H x e); auto.
+Lemma is_empty_2 : forall s, is_empty s = true -> Empty s.
+ destruct s; simpl; intros; try discriminate; red; intuition_in.
+(** * Appartness *)
+(** The [mem] function is deciding appartness. It exploits the [bst] property
+ to achieve logarithmic complexity. *)
+Fixpoint mem (x:key)(m:t elt) { struct m } : bool :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => false
+ | Node l y e r _ => match X.compare x y with
+ | LT _ => mem x l
+ | EQ _ => true
+ | GT _ => mem x r
+ end
+ end.
+Implicit Arguments mem.
+Lemma mem_1 : forall s x, bst s -> In x s -> mem x s = true.
+ intros s x.
+ functional induction mem x s; inversion_clear 1; auto.
+ intuition_in.
+ intuition_in; firstorder; absurd (X.lt x y); eauto.
+ intuition_in; firstorder; absurd (X.lt y x); eauto.
+Lemma mem_2 : forall s x, mem x s = true -> In x s.
+ intros s x.
+ functional induction mem x s; firstorder; intros; try discriminate.
+Fixpoint find (x:key)(m:t elt) { struct m } : option elt :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => None
+ | Node l y e r _ => match X.compare x y with
+ | LT _ => find x l
+ | EQ _ => Some e
+ | GT _ => find x r
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma find_1 : forall m x e, bst m -> MapsTo x e m -> find x m = Some e.
+ intros m x e.
+ functional induction find x m; inversion_clear 1; auto.
+ intuition_in.
+ intuition_in; firstorder; absurd (X.lt x y); eauto.
+ intuition_in; auto.
+ absurd (X.lt x y); eauto.
+ absurd (X.lt y x); eauto.
+ intuition_in; firstorder; absurd (X.lt y x); eauto.
+Lemma find_2 : forall m x e, find x m = Some e -> MapsTo x e m.
+ intros m x.
+ functional induction find x m; firstorder; intros; try discriminate.
+ inversion H; subst; auto.
+(** An all-in-one spec for [add] used later in the naive [map2] *)
+Lemma add_spec : forall m x y e , bst m -> avl m ->
+ find x (add y e m) = if eq_dec x y then Some e else find x m.
+destruct (eq_dec x y).
+apply find_1.
+apply add_bst; auto.
+eapply MapsTo_1 with y; eauto.
+apply add_1; auto.
+case_eq (find x m); intros.
+apply find_1.
+apply add_bst; auto.
+apply add_2; auto.
+apply find_2; auto.
+case_eq (find x (add y e m)); auto; intros.
+rewrite <- H1; symmetry.
+apply find_1; auto.
+eapply add_3; eauto.
+apply find_2; eauto.
+(** * Elements *)
+(** [elements_tree_aux acc t] catenates the elements of [t] in infix
+ order to the list [acc] *)
+Fixpoint elements_aux (acc : list (key*elt)) (t : t elt) {struct t} : list (key*elt) :=
+ match t with
+ | Leaf => acc
+ | Node l x e r _ => elements_aux ((x,e) :: elements_aux acc r) l
+ end.
+(** then [elements] is an instanciation with an empty [acc] *)
+Definition elements := elements_aux nil.
+Lemma elements_aux_mapsto : forall s acc x e,
+ InA eqke (x,e) (elements_aux acc s) <-> MapsTo x e s \/ InA eqke (x,e) acc.
+ induction s as [ | l Hl x e r Hr h ]; simpl; auto.
+ intuition.
+ inversion H0.
+ intros.
+ rewrite Hl.
+ destruct (Hr acc x0 e0); clear Hl Hr.
+ intuition; inversion_clear H3; intuition.
+ destruct H0; simpl in *; subst; intuition.
+Lemma elements_mapsto : forall s x e, InA eqke (x,e) (elements s) <-> MapsTo x e s.
+ intros; generalize (elements_aux_mapsto s nil x e); intuition.
+ inversion_clear H0.
+Lemma elements_in : forall s x, L.PX.In x (elements s) <-> In x s.
+ intros.
+ unfold L.PX.In.
+ rewrite <- In_alt; unfold In0.
+ firstorder.
+ exists x0.
+ rewrite <- elements_mapsto; auto.
+ exists x0.
+ unfold L.PX.MapsTo; rewrite elements_mapsto; auto.
+Lemma elements_aux_sort : forall s acc, bst s -> sort ltk acc ->
+ (forall x e y, InA eqke (x,e) acc -> In y s -> X.lt y x) ->
+ sort ltk (elements_aux acc s).
+ induction s as [ | l Hl y e r Hr h]; simpl; intuition.
+ inv bst.
+ apply Hl; auto.
+ constructor.
+ apply Hr; eauto.
+ apply (InA_InfA (eqke_refl (elt:=elt))); intros (y',e') H6.
+ destruct (elements_aux_mapsto r acc y' e'); intuition.
+ red; simpl; eauto.
+ red; simpl; eauto.
+ intros.
+ inversion_clear H.
+ destruct H7; simpl in *.
+ order.
+ destruct (elements_aux_mapsto r acc x e0); intuition eauto.
+Lemma elements_sort : forall s : t elt, bst s -> sort ltk (elements s).
+ intros; unfold elements; apply elements_aux_sort; auto.
+ intros; inversion H0.
+Hint Resolve elements_sort.
+(** * Fold *)
+Fixpoint fold (A : Set) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A)(s : t elt) {struct s} : A -> A :=
+ fun a => match s with
+ | Leaf => a
+ | Node l x e r _ => fold f r (f x e (fold f l a))
+ end.
+Definition fold' (A : Set) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A)(s : t elt) :=
+ L.fold f (elements s).
+Lemma fold_equiv_aux :
+ forall (A : Set) (s : t elt) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A) acc,
+ L.fold f (elements_aux acc s) a = L.fold f acc (fold f s a).
+ simple induction s.
+ simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ simpl in |- *; intros.
+ rewrite H.
+ simpl.
+ apply H0.
+Lemma fold_equiv :
+ forall (A : Set) (s : t elt) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A),
+ fold f s a = fold' f s a.
+ unfold fold', elements in |- *.
+ simple induction s; simpl in |- *; auto; intros.
+ rewrite fold_equiv_aux.
+ rewrite H0.
+ simpl in |- *; auto.
+Lemma fold_1 :
+ forall (s:t elt)(Hs:bst s)(A : Set)(i:A)(f : key -> elt -> A -> A),
+ fold f s i = fold_left (fun a p => f (fst p) (snd p) a) (elements s) i.
+ intros.
+ rewrite fold_equiv.
+ unfold fold'.
+ rewrite L.fold_1.
+ unfold L.elements; auto.
+(** * Comparison *)
+Definition Equal (cmp:elt->elt->bool) m m' :=
+ (forall k, In k m <-> In k m') /\
+ (forall k e e', MapsTo k e m -> MapsTo k e' m' -> cmp e e' = true).
+(** ** Enumeration of the elements of a tree *)
+Inductive enumeration : Set :=
+ | End : enumeration
+ | More : key -> elt -> t elt -> enumeration -> enumeration.
+(** [flatten_e e] returns the list of elements of [e] i.e. the list
+ of elements actually compared *)
+Fixpoint flatten_e (e : enumeration) : list (key*elt) := match e with
+ | End => nil
+ | More x e t r => (x,e) :: elements t ++ flatten_e r
+ end.
+(** [sorted_e e] expresses that elements in the enumeration [e] are
+ sorted, and that all trees in [e] are binary search trees. *)
+Inductive In_e (p:key*elt) : enumeration -> Prop :=
+ | InEHd1 :
+ forall (y : key)(d:elt) (s : t elt) (e : enumeration),
+ eqke p (y,d) -> In_e p (More y d s e)
+ | InEHd2 :
+ forall (y : key) (d:elt) (s : t elt) (e : enumeration),
+ MapsTo (fst p) (snd p) s -> In_e p (More y d s e)
+ | InETl :
+ forall (y : key) (d:elt) (s : t elt) (e : enumeration),
+ In_e p e -> In_e p (More y d s e).
+Hint Constructors In_e.
+Inductive sorted_e : enumeration -> Prop :=
+ | SortedEEnd : sorted_e End
+ | SortedEMore :
+ forall (x : key) (d:elt) (s : t elt) (e : enumeration),
+ bst s ->
+ (gt_tree x s) ->
+ sorted_e e ->
+ (forall p, In_e p e -> ltk (x,d) p) ->
+ (forall p,
+ MapsTo (fst p) (snd p) s -> forall q, In_e q e -> ltk p q) ->
+ sorted_e (More x d s e).
+Hint Constructors sorted_e.
+Lemma in_flatten_e :
+ forall p e, InA eqke p (flatten_e e) -> In_e p e.
+ simple induction e; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ inversion_clear H.
+ inversion_clear H0; auto.
+ elim (InA_app H1); auto.
+ destruct (elements_mapsto t a b); auto.
+Lemma sorted_flatten_e :
+ forall e : enumeration, sorted_e e -> sort ltk (flatten_e e).
+ simple induction e; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ apply cons_sort.
+ apply (SortA_app (eqke_refl (elt:=elt))); inversion_clear H0; auto.
+ intros; apply H5; auto.
+ rewrite <- elements_mapsto; auto; destruct x; auto.
+ apply in_flatten_e; auto.
+ inversion_clear H0.
+ apply In_InfA; intros.
+ intros; elim (in_app_or _ _ _ H0); intuition.
+ generalize (In_InA (eqke_refl (elt:=elt)) H6).
+ destruct y; rewrite elements_mapsto; eauto.
+ apply H4; apply in_flatten_e; auto.
+ apply In_InA; auto.
+Lemma elements_app :
+ forall s acc, elements_aux acc s = elements s ++ acc.
+ simple induction s; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ rewrite H0.
+ rewrite H.
+ unfold elements; simpl.
+ do 2 rewrite H.
+ rewrite H0.
+ repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end.
+ repeat rewrite app_ass; auto.
+Lemma compare_flatten_1 :
+ forall t1 t2 x e z l,
+ elements t1 ++ (x,e) :: elements t2 ++ l =
+ elements (Node t1 x e t2 z) ++ l.
+ simpl in |- *; unfold elements in |- *; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ repeat rewrite elements_app.
+ repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end.
+ repeat rewrite app_ass; auto.
+(** key lemma for correctness *)
+Lemma flatten_e_elements :
+ forall l r x d z e,
+ elements l ++ flatten_e (More x d r e) =
+ elements (Node l x d r z) ++ flatten_e e.
+ intros; simpl.
+ apply compare_flatten_1.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+(** termination of [compare_aux] *)
+Fixpoint measure_e_t (s : t elt) : Z := match s with
+ | Leaf => 0
+ | Node l _ _ r _ => 1 + measure_e_t l + measure_e_t r
+ end.
+Fixpoint measure_e (e : enumeration) : Z := match e with
+ | End => 0
+ | More _ _ s r => 1 + measure_e_t s + measure_e r
+ end.
+Ltac Measure_e_t := unfold measure_e_t in |- *; fold measure_e_t in |- *.
+Ltac Measure_e := unfold measure_e in |- *; fold measure_e in |- *.
+Lemma measure_e_t_0 : forall s : t elt, measure_e_t s >= 0.
+ simple induction s.
+ simpl in |- *; omega.
+ intros.
+ Measure_e_t; omega.
+Ltac Measure_e_t_0 s := generalize (@measure_e_t_0 s); intro.
+Lemma measure_e_0 : forall e : enumeration, measure_e e >= 0.
+ simple induction e.
+ simpl in |- *; omega.
+ intros.
+ Measure_e; Measure_e_t_0 t; omega.
+Ltac Measure_e_0 e := generalize (@measure_e_0 e); intro.
+(** Induction principle over the sum of the measures for two lists *)
+Definition compare_rec2 :
+ forall P : enumeration -> enumeration -> Set,
+ (forall x x' : enumeration,
+ (forall y y' : enumeration,
+ measure_e y + measure_e y' < measure_e x + measure_e x' -> P y y') ->
+ P x x') ->
+ forall x x' : enumeration, P x x'.
+ intros P H x x'.
+ apply well_founded_induction_type_2
+ with (R := fun yy' xx' : enumeration * enumeration =>
+ measure_e (fst yy') + measure_e (snd yy') <
+ measure_e (fst xx') + measure_e (snd xx')); auto.
+ apply Wf_nat.well_founded_lt_compat
+ with (f := fun xx' : enumeration * enumeration =>
+ Zabs_nat (measure_e (fst xx') + measure_e (snd xx'))).
+ intros; apply Zabs.Zabs_nat_lt.
+ Measure_e_0 (fst x0); Measure_e_0 (snd x0); Measure_e_0 (fst y);
+ Measure_e_0 (snd y); intros; omega.
+(** [cons t e] adds the elements of tree [t] on the head of
+ enumeration [e]. Code:
+let rec cons s e = match s with
+ | Empty -> e
+ | Node(l, k, d, r, _) -> cons l (More(k, d, r, e))
+Definition cons : forall s e, bst s -> sorted_e e ->
+ (forall x y, MapsTo (fst x) (snd x) s -> In_e y e -> ltk x y) ->
+ { r : enumeration
+ | sorted_e r /\
+ measure_e r = measure_e_t s + measure_e e /\
+ flatten_e r = elements s ++ flatten_e e
+ }.
+ simple induction s; intuition.
+ (* s = Leaf *)
+ exists e; intuition.
+ (* s = Node t k e t0 z *)
+ clear H0.
+ case (H (More k e t0 e0)); clear H; intuition.
+ inv bst; auto.
+ constructor; inversion_clear H1; auto.
+ inversion_clear H0; inv bst; intuition.
+ destruct y; red; red in H4; simpl in *; intuition.
+ apply lt_eq with k; eauto.
+ destruct y; red; simpl in *; intuition.
+ apply X.lt_trans with k; eauto.
+ exists x; intuition.
+ generalize H4; Measure_e; intros; Measure_e_t; omega.
+ rewrite H5.
+ apply flatten_e_elements.
+Definition equal_aux :
+ forall (cmp: elt -> elt -> bool)(e1 e2:enumeration),
+ sorted_e e1 -> sorted_e e2 ->
+ { L.Equal cmp (flatten_e e1) (flatten_e e2) } +
+ { ~ L.Equal cmp (flatten_e e1) (flatten_e e2) }.
+ intros cmp e1 e2; pattern e1, e2 in |- *; apply compare_rec2.
+ simple destruct x; simple destruct x'; intuition.
+ (* x = x' = End *)
+ left; unfold L.Equal in |- *; intuition.
+ inversion H2.
+ (* x = End x' = More *)
+ right; simpl in |- *; auto.
+ destruct 1.
+ destruct (H2 k).
+ destruct H5; auto.
+ exists e; auto.
+ inversion H5.
+ (* x = More x' = End *)
+ right; simpl in |- *; auto.
+ destruct 1.
+ destruct (H2 k).
+ destruct H4; auto.
+ exists e; auto.
+ inversion H4.
+ (* x = More k e t e0, x' = More k0 e3 t0 e4 *)
+ case (X.compare k k0); intro.
+ (* k < k0 *)
+ right.
+ destruct 1.
+ clear H3 H.
+ assert (L.PX.In k (flatten_e (More k0 e3 t0 e4))).
+ destruct (H2 k).
+ apply H; simpl; exists e; auto.
+ destruct H.
+ generalize (Sort_In_cons_2 (sorted_flatten_e H1) (InA_eqke_eqk H)).
+ compute.
+ intuition order.
+ (* k = k0 *)
+ case_eq (cmp e e3).
+ intros EQ.
+ destruct (@cons t e0) as [c1 (H2,(H3,H4))]; try inversion_clear H0; auto.
+ destruct (@cons t0 e4) as [c2 (H5,(H6,H7))]; try inversion_clear H1; auto.
+ destruct (H c1 c2); clear H; intuition.
+ Measure_e; omega.
+ left.
+ rewrite H4 in e6; rewrite H7 in e6.
+ simpl; rewrite <- L.equal_cons; auto.
+ apply (sorted_flatten_e H0).
+ apply (sorted_flatten_e H1).
+ right.
+ simpl; rewrite <- L.equal_cons; auto.
+ apply (sorted_flatten_e H0).
+ apply (sorted_flatten_e H1).
+ swap f.
+ rewrite H4; rewrite H7; auto.
+ right.
+ destruct 1.
+ rewrite (H4 k) in H2; try discriminate; simpl; auto.
+ (* k > k0 *)
+ right.
+ destruct 1.
+ clear H3 H.
+ assert (L.PX.In k0 (flatten_e (More k e t e0))).
+ destruct (H2 k0).
+ apply H3; simpl; exists e3; auto.
+ destruct H.
+ generalize (Sort_In_cons_2 (sorted_flatten_e H0) (InA_eqke_eqk H)).
+ compute.
+ intuition order.
+Lemma Equal_elements : forall cmp s s',
+ Equal cmp s s' <-> L.Equal cmp (elements s) (elements s').
+unfold Equal, L.Equal; split; split; intros.
+do 2 rewrite elements_in; firstorder.
+destruct H.
+apply (H2 k); rewrite <- elements_mapsto; auto.
+do 2 rewrite <- elements_in; firstorder.
+destruct H.
+apply (H2 k); unfold L.PX.MapsTo; rewrite elements_mapsto; auto.
+Definition equal : forall cmp s s', bst s -> bst s' ->
+ {Equal cmp s s'} + {~ Equal cmp s s'}.
+ intros cmp s1 s2 s1_bst s2_bst; simpl.
+ destruct (@cons s1 End); auto.
+ inversion_clear 2.
+ destruct (@cons s2 End); auto.
+ inversion_clear 2.
+ simpl in a; rewrite <- app_nil_end in a.
+ simpl in a0; rewrite <- app_nil_end in a0.
+ destruct (@equal_aux cmp x x0); intuition.
+ left.
+ rewrite H4 in e; rewrite H5 in e.
+ rewrite Equal_elements; auto.
+ right.
+ swap n.
+ rewrite H4; rewrite H5.
+ rewrite <- Equal_elements; auto.
+End Elt2.
+Section Elts.
+Variable elt elt' elt'' : Set.
+Section Map.
+Variable f : elt -> elt'.
+Fixpoint map (m:t elt) {struct m} : t elt' :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf _
+ | Node l v d r h => Node (map l) v (f d) (map r) h
+ end.
+Lemma map_height : forall m, height (map m) = height m.
+destruct m; simpl; auto.
+Lemma map_avl : forall m, avl m -> avl (map m).
+induction m; simpl; auto.
+inversion_clear 1; constructor; auto; do 2 rewrite map_height; auto.
+Lemma map_1 : forall (m: tree elt)(x:key)(e:elt),
+ MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo x (f e) (map m).
+induction m; simpl; inversion_clear 1; auto.
+Lemma map_2 : forall (m: t elt)(x:key),
+ In x (map m) -> In x m.
+induction m; simpl; inversion_clear 1; auto.
+Lemma map_bst : forall m, bst m -> bst (map m).
+induction m; simpl; auto.
+inversion_clear 1; constructor; auto.
+red; intros; apply H2; apply map_2; auto.
+red; intros; apply H3; apply map_2; auto.
+End Map.
+Section Mapi.
+Variable f : key -> elt -> elt'.
+Fixpoint mapi (m:t elt) {struct m} : t elt' :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf _
+ | Node l v d r h => Node (mapi l) v (f v d) (mapi r) h
+ end.
+Lemma mapi_height : forall m, height (mapi m) = height m.
+destruct m; simpl; auto.
+Lemma mapi_avl : forall m, avl m -> avl (mapi m).
+induction m; simpl; auto.
+inversion_clear 1; constructor; auto; do 2 rewrite mapi_height; auto.
+Lemma mapi_1 : forall (m: tree elt)(x:key)(e:elt),
+ MapsTo x e m -> exists y, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e) (mapi m).
+induction m; simpl; inversion_clear 1; auto.
+exists k; auto.
+destruct (IHm1 _ _ H0).
+exists x0; intuition.
+destruct (IHm2 _ _ H0).
+exists x0; intuition.
+Lemma mapi_2 : forall (m: t elt)(x:key),
+ In x (mapi m) -> In x m.
+induction m; simpl; inversion_clear 1; auto.
+Lemma mapi_bst : forall m, bst m -> bst (mapi m).
+induction m; simpl; auto.
+inversion_clear 1; constructor; auto.
+red; intros; apply H2; apply mapi_2; auto.
+red; intros; apply H3; apply mapi_2; auto.
+End Mapi.
+Section Map2.
+Variable f : option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''.
+(* Not exactly pretty nor perfect, but should suffice as a first naive implem.
+ Anyway, map2 isn't in Ocaml...
+Definition anti_elements (l:list (key*elt'')) := L.fold (@add _) l (empty _).
+Definition map2 (m:t elt)(m':t elt') : t elt'' :=
+ anti_elements (L.map2 f (elements m) (elements m')).
+Lemma anti_elements_avl_aux : forall (l:list (key*elt''))(m:t elt''),
+ avl m -> avl (L.fold (@add _) l m).
+unfold anti_elements; induction l.
+simpl; auto.
+simpl; destruct a; intros.
+apply IHl.
+apply add_avl; auto.
+Lemma anti_elements_avl : forall l, avl (anti_elements l).
+unfold anti_elements, empty; intros; apply anti_elements_avl_aux; auto.
+Lemma anti_elements_bst_aux : forall (l:list (key*elt''))(m:t elt''),
+ bst m -> avl m -> bst (L.fold (@add _) l m).
+induction l.
+simpl; auto.
+simpl; destruct a; intros.
+apply IHl.
+apply add_bst; auto.
+apply add_avl; auto.
+Lemma anti_elements_bst : forall l, bst (anti_elements l).
+unfold anti_elements, empty; intros; apply anti_elements_bst_aux; auto.
+Lemma anti_elements_mapsto_aux : forall (l:list (key*elt'')) m k e,
+ bst m -> avl m -> NoDupA (eqk (elt:=elt'')) l ->
+ (forall x, L.PX.In x l -> In x m -> False) ->
+ (MapsTo k e (L.fold (@add _) l m) <-> L.PX.MapsTo k e l \/ MapsTo k e m).
+induction l.
+simpl; auto.
+inversion H4.
+simpl; destruct a; intros.
+rewrite IHl; clear IHl.
+apply add_bst; auto.
+apply add_avl; auto.
+inversion H1; auto.
+inversion_clear H1.
+assert (~X.eq x k).
+ swap H5.
+ destruct H3.
+ apply InA_eqA with (x,x0); eauto.
+apply (H2 x).
+destruct H3; exists x0; auto.
+revert H4; do 2 rewrite <- In_alt; destruct 1; exists x0; auto.
+eapply add_3; eauto.
+assert (find k0 (add k e m) = Some e0).
+ apply find_1; auto.
+ apply add_bst; auto.
+clear H4.
+rewrite add_spec in H3; auto.
+destruct (eq_dec k0 k).
+inversion_clear H3; subst; auto.
+right; apply find_2; auto.
+inversion_clear H4; auto.
+compute in H3; destruct H3.
+subst; right; apply add_1; auto.
+inversion_clear H1.
+destruct (eq_dec k0 k).
+destruct (H2 k); eauto.
+right; apply add_2; auto.
+Lemma anti_elements_mapsto : forall l k e, NoDupA (eqk (elt:=elt'')) l ->
+ (MapsTo k e (anti_elements l) <-> L.PX.MapsTo k e l).
+unfold anti_elements.
+rewrite anti_elements_mapsto_aux; auto; unfold empty; auto.
+inversion 2.
+inversion H1.
+Lemma map2_avl : forall (m: t elt)(m': t elt'), avl (map2 m m').
+unfold map2; intros; apply anti_elements_avl; auto.
+Lemma map2_bst : forall (m: t elt)(m': t elt'), bst (map2 m m').
+unfold map2; intros; apply anti_elements_bst; auto.
+Lemma find_elements : forall (elt:Set)(m: t elt) x, bst m ->
+ L.find x (elements m) = find x m.
+case_eq (find x m); intros.
+apply L.find_1.
+apply elements_sort; auto.
+red; rewrite elements_mapsto.
+apply find_2; auto.
+case_eq (L.find x (elements m)); auto; intros.
+rewrite <- H0; symmetry.
+apply find_1; auto.
+rewrite <- elements_mapsto.
+apply L.find_2; auto.
+Lemma find_anti_elements : forall (l: list (key*elt'')) x, sort (@ltk _) l ->
+ find x (anti_elements l) = L.find x l.
+case_eq (L.find x l); intros.
+apply find_1.
+apply anti_elements_bst; auto.
+rewrite anti_elements_mapsto.
+apply L.PX.Sort_NoDupA; auto.
+apply L.find_2; auto.
+case_eq (find x (anti_elements l)); auto; intros.
+rewrite <- H0; symmetry.
+apply L.find_1; auto.
+rewrite <- anti_elements_mapsto.
+apply L.PX.Sort_NoDupA; auto.
+apply find_2; auto.
+Lemma map2_1 : forall (m: t elt)(m': t elt')(x:key), bst m -> bst m' ->
+ In x m \/ In x m' -> find x (map2 m m') = f (find x m) (find x m').
+unfold map2; intros.
+rewrite find_anti_elements; auto.
+rewrite <- find_elements; auto.
+rewrite <- find_elements; auto.
+apply L.map2_1; auto.
+apply elements_sort; auto.
+apply elements_sort; auto.
+do 2 rewrite elements_in; auto.
+apply L.map2_sorted; auto.
+apply elements_sort; auto.
+apply elements_sort; auto.
+Lemma map2_2 : forall (m: t elt)(m': t elt')(x:key), bst m -> bst m' ->
+ In x (map2 m m') -> In x m \/ In x m'.
+unfold map2; intros.
+do 2 rewrite <- elements_in.
+apply L.map2_2 with (f:=f); auto.
+apply elements_sort; auto.
+apply elements_sort; auto.
+revert H1.
+rewrite <- In_alt.
+destruct 1.
+exists x0.
+rewrite <- anti_elements_mapsto; auto.
+apply L.PX.Sort_NoDupA; auto.
+apply L.map2_sorted; auto.
+apply elements_sort; auto.
+apply elements_sort; auto.
+End Map2.
+End Elts.
+End Raw.
+(** * Encapsulation
+ Now, in order to really provide a functor implementing [S], we
+ need to encapsulate everything into a type of balanced binary search trees. *)
+Module IntMake (I:Int)(X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X.
+ Module E := X.
+ Module Raw := Raw I X.
+ Import Raw.
+ Record bbst (elt:Set) : Set := Bbst {this :> tree elt; is_bst : bst this; is_avl: avl this}.
+ Definition t := bbst.
+ Definition key := X.t.
+ Section Elt.
+ Variable elt elt' elt'': Set.
+ Implicit Types m : t elt.
+ Definition empty := Bbst (empty_bst elt) (empty_avl elt).
+ Definition is_empty m := is_empty m.(this).
+ Definition add x e m :=
+ Bbst (add_bst x e m.(is_bst) m.(is_avl)) (add_avl x e m.(is_avl)).
+ Definition remove x m :=
+ Bbst (remove_bst x m.(is_bst) m.(is_avl)) (remove_avl x m.(is_avl)).
+ Definition mem x m := mem x m.(this).
+ Definition find x m := find x m.(this).
+ Definition map f m : t elt' :=
+ Bbst (map_bst f m.(is_bst)) (map_avl f m.(is_avl)).
+ Definition mapi f m : t elt' :=
+ Bbst (mapi_bst f m.(is_bst)) (mapi_avl f m.(is_avl)).
+ Definition map2 f m (m':t elt') : t elt'' :=
+ Bbst (map2_bst f m m') (map2_avl f m m').
+ Definition elements m := elements m.(this).
+ Definition fold (A:Set) f m i := fold (A:=A) f m.(this) i.
+ Definition equal cmp m m' :=
+ if (equal cmp m.(is_bst) m'.(is_bst)) then true else false.
+ Definition MapsTo x e m := MapsTo x e m.(this).
+ Definition In x m := In0 x m.(this).
+ Definition Empty m := Empty m.(this).
+ Definition eq_key := @Raw.PX.eqk elt.
+ Definition eq_key_elt := @Raw.PX.eqke elt.
+ Definition lt_key := @Raw.PX.ltk elt.
+ Definition MapsTo_1 m := @MapsTo_1 _ m.(this).
+ Lemma mem_1 : forall m x, In x m -> mem x m = true.
+ Proof.
+ unfold In, mem; intros m x; rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply mem_1; auto.
+ apply m.(is_bst).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mem_2 : forall m x, mem x m = true -> In x m.
+ Proof.
+ unfold In, mem; intros m x; rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply mem_2; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition empty_1 := empty_1.
+ Definition is_empty_1 m := @is_empty_1 _ m.(this).
+ Definition is_empty_2 m := @is_empty_2 _ m.(this).
+ Definition add_1 m x y e := @add_1 elt m.(this) x y e m.(is_avl).
+ Definition add_2 m x y e e':= @add_2 elt m.(this) x y e e' m.(is_avl).
+ Definition add_3 m x y e e' := @add_3 elt m.(this) x y e e' m.(is_avl).
+ Lemma remove_1 : forall m x y, E.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold In, remove; intros m x y; rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply remove_1; auto.
+ apply m.(is_bst).
+ apply m.(is_avl).
+ Qed.
+ Definition remove_2 m x y e := @remove_2 elt m.(this) x y e m.(is_bst) m.(is_avl).
+ Definition remove_3 m x y e := @remove_3 elt m.(this) x y e m.(is_bst) m.(is_avl).
+ Definition find_1 m x e := @find_1 elt m.(this) x e m.(is_bst).
+ Definition find_2 m x e := @find_2 elt m.(this) x e.
+ Definition fold_1 m := @fold_1 elt m.(this) m.(is_bst).
+ Definition map_1 m x e f := @map_1 elt elt' f m.(this) x e.
+ Lemma map_2 : forall m x f, In0 x (map f m) -> In0 x m.
+ Proof.
+ intros m x f; do 2 rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply map_2; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition mapi_1 m x e f := @mapi_1 elt elt' f m.(this) x e.
+ Lemma mapi_2 : forall m x f, In0 x (mapi f m) -> In0 x m.
+ Proof.
+ intros m x f; do 2 rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply mapi_2; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma elements_1 : forall m x e,
+ MapsTo x e m -> InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m).
+ Proof.
+ intros; unfold elements, MapsTo, eq_key_elt; rewrite elements_mapsto; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma elements_2 : forall m x e,
+ InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m) -> MapsTo x e m.
+ Proof.
+ intros; unfold elements, MapsTo, eq_key_elt; rewrite <- elements_mapsto; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition elements_3 m := @elements_sort elt m.(this) m.(is_bst).
+ Definition Equal cmp m m' :=
+ (forall k, In k m <-> In k m') /\
+ (forall k e e', MapsTo k e m -> MapsTo k e' m' -> cmp e e' = true).
+ Lemma Equal_Equal : forall cmp m m', Equal cmp m m' <-> Raw.Equal cmp m m'.
+ Proof.
+ intros; unfold Equal, Raw.Equal, In; intuition.
+ generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite In_alt; intuition.
+ generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite In_alt; intuition.
+ generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite <- In_alt; intuition.
+ generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite <- In_alt; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma equal_1 : forall m m' cmp,
+ Equal cmp m m' -> equal cmp m m' = true.
+ Proof.
+ unfold equal; intros m m' cmp; rewrite Equal_Equal.
+ destruct (@Raw.equal _ cmp m m'); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma equal_2 : forall m m' cmp,
+ equal cmp m m' = true -> Equal cmp m m'.
+ Proof.
+ unfold equal; intros; rewrite Equal_Equal.
+ destruct (@Raw.equal _ cmp m m'); auto; try discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ End Elt.
+ Lemma map2_1 : forall (elt elt' elt'':Set)(m: t elt)(m': t elt')
+ (x:key)(f:option elt->option elt'->option elt''),
+ In x m \/ In x m' ->
+ find x (map2 f m m') = f (find x m) (find x m').
+ Proof.
+ unfold find, map2, In; intros elt elt' elt'' m m' x f.
+ do 2 rewrite In_alt; intros; simpl; apply map2_1; auto.
+ apply m.(is_bst).
+ apply m'.(is_bst).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma map2_2 : forall (elt elt' elt'':Set)(m: t elt)(m': t elt')
+ (x:key)(f:option elt->option elt'->option elt''),
+ In x (map2 f m m') -> In x m \/ In x m'.
+ Proof.
+ unfold In, map2; intros elt elt' elt'' m m' x f.
+ do 3 rewrite In_alt; intros; simpl in *; eapply map2_2; eauto.
+ apply m.(is_bst).
+ apply m'.(is_bst).
+ Qed.
+End IntMake.
+Module IntMake_ord (I:Int)(X: OrderedType)(D : OrderedType) <:
+ Sord with Module Data := D
+ with Module MapS.E := X.
+ Module Data := D.
+ Module MapS := IntMake(I)(X).
+ Import MapS.
+ Module MD := OrderedTypeFacts(D).
+ Import MD.
+ Module LO := FMapList.Make_ord(X)(D).
+ Definition t := MapS.t D.t.
+ Definition cmp e e' := match D.compare e e' with EQ _ => true | _ => false end.
+ Definition elements (m:t) :=
+ LO.MapS.Build_slist (Raw.elements_sort m.(is_bst)).
+ Definition eq : t -> t -> Prop :=
+ fun m1 m2 => LO.eq (elements m1) (elements m2).
+ Definition lt : t -> t -> Prop :=
+ fun m1 m2 => LO.lt (elements m1) (elements m2).
+ Lemma eq_1 : forall m m', Equal cmp m m' -> eq m m'.
+ Proof.
+ intros m m'.
+ unfold eq.
+ rewrite Equal_Equal.
+ rewrite Raw.Equal_elements.
+ intros.
+ apply LO.eq_1.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_2 : forall m m', eq m m' -> Equal cmp m m'.
+ Proof.
+ intros m m'.
+ unfold eq.
+ rewrite Equal_Equal.
+ rewrite Raw.Equal_elements.
+ intros.
+ generalize (LO.eq_2 H).
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_refl : forall m : t, eq m m.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq; intros; apply LO.eq_refl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_sym : forall m1 m2 : t, eq m1 m2 -> eq m2 m1.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq; intros; apply LO.eq_sym; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_trans : forall m1 m2 m3 : t, eq m1 m2 -> eq m2 m3 -> eq m1 m3.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq; intros; eapply LO.eq_trans; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lt_trans : forall m1 m2 m3 : t, lt m1 m2 -> lt m2 m3 -> lt m1 m3.
+ Proof.
+ unfold lt; intros; eapply LO.lt_trans; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lt_not_eq : forall m1 m2 : t, lt m1 m2 -> ~ eq m1 m2.
+ Proof.
+ unfold lt, eq; intros; apply LO.lt_not_eq; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Import Raw.
+ Definition flatten_slist (e:enumeration D.t)(He:sorted_e e) :=
+ LO.MapS.Build_slist (sorted_flatten_e He).
+ Open Scope Z_scope.
+ Definition compare_aux :
+ forall (e1 e2:enumeration D.t)(He1:sorted_e e1)(He2: sorted_e e2),
+ Compare LO.lt LO.eq (flatten_slist He1) (flatten_slist He2).
+ Proof.
+ intros e1 e2; pattern e1, e2 in |- *; apply compare_rec2.
+ simple destruct x; simple destruct x'; intuition.
+ (* x = x' = End *)
+ constructor 2.
+ compute; auto.
+ (* x = End x' = More *)
+ constructor 1.
+ compute; auto.
+ (* x = More x' = End *)
+ constructor 3.
+ compute; auto.
+ (* x = More k t0 t1 e, x' = More k0 t2 t3 e0 *)
+ case (X.compare k k0); intro.
+ (* k < k0 *)
+ constructor 1.
+ compute; MX.elim_comp; auto.
+ (* k = k0 *)
+ destruct (D.compare t t1).
+ constructor 1.
+ compute; MX.elim_comp; auto.
+ destruct (@cons _ t0 e) as [c1 (H2,(H3,H4))]; try inversion_clear He1; auto.
+ destruct (@cons _ t2 e0) as [c2 (H5,(H6,H7))]; try inversion_clear He2; auto.
+ assert (measure_e c1 + measure_e c2 <
+ measure_e (More k t t0 e) +
+ measure_e (More k0 t1 t2 e0)).
+ unfold measure_e in *; fold measure_e in *; omega.
+ destruct (H c1 c2 H0 H2 H5); clear H.
+ constructor 1.
+ unfold flatten_slist, LO.lt in *; simpl; simpl in l.
+ MX.elim_comp.
+ right; split; auto.
+ rewrite <- H7; rewrite <- H4; auto.
+ constructor 2.
+ unfold flatten_slist, LO.eq in *; simpl; simpl in e5.
+ MX.elim_comp.
+ split; auto.
+ rewrite <- H7; rewrite <- H4; auto.
+ constructor 3.
+ unfold flatten_slist, LO.lt in *; simpl; simpl in l.
+ MX.elim_comp.
+ right; split; auto.
+ rewrite <- H7; rewrite <- H4; auto.
+ constructor 3.
+ compute; MX.elim_comp; auto.
+ (* k > k0 *)
+ constructor 3.
+ compute; MX.elim_comp; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition compare : forall m1 m2, Compare lt eq m1 m2.
+ Proof.
+ intros (m1,m1_bst,m1_avl) (m2,m2_bst,m2_avl); simpl.
+ destruct (@cons _ m1 (End _)) as [x1 (H1,H11)]; auto.
+ apply SortedEEnd.
+ inversion_clear 2.
+ destruct (@cons _ m2 (End _)) as [x2 (H2,H22)]; auto.
+ apply SortedEEnd.
+ inversion_clear 2.
+ simpl in H11; rewrite <- app_nil_end in H11.
+ simpl in H22; rewrite <- app_nil_end in H22.
+ destruct (compare_aux H1 H2); intuition.
+ constructor 1.
+ unfold lt, LO.lt, IntMake_ord.elements, flatten_slist in *; simpl in *.
+ rewrite <- H0; rewrite <- H4; auto.
+ constructor 2.
+ unfold eq, LO.eq, IntMake_ord.elements, flatten_slist in *; simpl in *.
+ rewrite <- H0; rewrite <- H4; auto.
+ constructor 3.
+ unfold lt, LO.lt, IntMake_ord.elements, flatten_slist in *; simpl in *.
+ rewrite <- H0; rewrite <- H4; auto.
+ Qed.
+End IntMake_ord.
+(* For concrete use inside Coq, we propose an instantiation of [Int] by [Z]. *)
+Module Make (X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X
+ :=IntMake(Z_as_Int)(X).
+Module Make_ord (X: OrderedType)(D: OrderedType)
+ <: Sord with Module Data := D
+ with Module MapS.E := X
+ :=IntMake_ord(Z_as_Int)(X)(D).
diff --git a/theories/FSets/FMapIntMap.v b/theories/FSets/FMapIntMap.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e4da1cd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/FSets/FMapIntMap.v
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Finite sets library.
+ * Authors: Pierre Letouzey and Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
+ * Institution: LRI, CNRS UMR 8623 - Université Paris Sud
+ * 91405 Orsay, France *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Import Bool.
+Require Import NArith Ndigits Ndec Nnat.
+Require Import Allmaps.
+Require Import OrderedType.
+Require Import OrderedTypeEx.
+Require Import FMapInterface FMapList.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(** * An implementation of [FMapInterface.S] based on [IntMap] *)
+(** Keys are of type [N]. The main functions are directly taken from
+ [IntMap]. Since they have no exact counterpart in [IntMap], functions
+ [fold], [map2] and [equal] are for now obtained by translation
+ to sorted lists. *)
+(** [N] is an ordered type, using not the usual order on numbers,
+ but lexicographic ordering on bits (lower bit considered first). *)
+Module NUsualOrderedType <: UsualOrderedType.
+ Definition t:=N.
+ Definition eq:=@eq N.
+ Definition eq_refl := @refl_equal t.
+ Definition eq_sym := @sym_eq t.
+ Definition eq_trans := @trans_eq t.
+ Definition lt p q:= Nless p q = true.
+ Definition lt_trans := Nless_trans.
+ Lemma lt_not_eq : forall x y : t, lt x y -> ~ eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ intros; intro.
+ rewrite H0 in H.
+ red in H.
+ rewrite Nless_not_refl in H; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Definition compare : forall x y : t, Compare lt eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ intros x y.
+ destruct (Nless_total x y) as [[H|H]|H].
+ apply LT; unfold lt; auto.
+ apply GT; unfold lt; auto.
+ apply EQ; auto.
+ Qed.
+End NUsualOrderedType.
+(** The module of maps over [N] keys based on [IntMap] *)
+Module MapIntMap <: S with Module E:=NUsualOrderedType.
+ Module E:=NUsualOrderedType.
+ Module ME:=OrderedTypeFacts(E).
+ Module PE:=KeyOrderedType(E).
+ Definition key := N.
+ Definition t := Map.
+ Section A.
+ Variable A:Set.
+ Definition empty : t A := M0 A.
+ Definition is_empty (m : t A) : bool :=
+ MapEmptyp _ (MapCanonicalize _ m).
+ Definition find (x:key)(m: t A) : option A := MapGet _ m x.
+ Definition mem (x:key)(m: t A) : bool :=
+ match find x m with
+ | Some _ => true
+ | None => false
+ end.
+ Definition add (x:key)(v:A)(m:t A) : t A := MapPut _ m x v.
+ Definition remove (x:key)(m:t A) : t A := MapRemove _ m x.
+ Definition elements (m : t A) : list (N*A) := alist_of_Map _ m.
+ Definition MapsTo (x:key)(v:A)(m:t A) := find x m = Some v.
+ Definition In (x:key)(m:t A) := exists e:A, MapsTo x e m.
+ Definition Empty m := forall (a : key)(e:A) , ~ MapsTo a e m.
+ Definition eq_key (p p':key*A) := E.eq (fst p) (fst p').
+ Definition eq_key_elt (p p':key*A) :=
+ E.eq (fst p) (fst p') /\ (snd p) = (snd p').
+ Definition lt_key (p p':key*A) := E.lt (fst p) (fst p').
+ Lemma Empty_alt : forall m, Empty m <-> forall a, find a m = None.
+ Proof.
+ unfold Empty, MapsTo.
+ intuition.
+ generalize (H a).
+ destruct (find a m); intuition.
+ elim (H0 a0); auto.
+ rewrite H in H0; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Section Spec.
+ Variable m m' m'' : t A.
+ Variable x y z : key.
+ Variable e e' : A.
+ Lemma MapsTo_1 : E.eq x y -> MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo y e m.
+ Proof. intros; rewrite <- H; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma find_1 : MapsTo x e m -> find x m = Some e.
+ Proof. unfold MapsTo; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma find_2 : find x m = Some e -> MapsTo x e m.
+ Proof. red; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma empty_1 : Empty empty.
+ Proof.
+ rewrite Empty_alt; intros; unfold empty, find; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma is_empty_1 : Empty m -> is_empty m = true.
+ Proof.
+ unfold Empty, is_empty, find; intros.
+ cut (MapCanonicalize _ m = M0 _).
+ intros; rewrite H0; simpl; auto.
+ apply mapcanon_unique.
+ apply mapcanon_exists_2.
+ constructor.
+ red; red; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite <- (mapcanon_exists_1 _ m).
+ unfold MapsTo, find in *.
+ generalize (H a).
+ destruct (MapGet _ m a); auto.
+ intros; generalize (H0 a0); destruct 1; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma is_empty_2 : is_empty m = true -> Empty m.
+ Proof.
+ unfold Empty, is_empty, MapsTo, find; intros.
+ generalize (MapEmptyp_complete _ _ H); clear H; intros.
+ rewrite (mapcanon_exists_1 _ m).
+ rewrite H; simpl; auto.
+ discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mem_1 : In x m -> mem x m = true.
+ Proof.
+ unfold In, MapsTo, mem.
+ destruct (find x m); auto.
+ destruct 1; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mem_2 : forall m x, mem x m = true -> In x m.
+ Proof.
+ unfold In, MapsTo, mem.
+ intros.
+ destruct (find x0 m0); auto; try discriminate.
+ exists a; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma add_1 : E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo, find, add.
+ intro H; rewrite H; clear H.
+ rewrite MapPut_semantics.
+ rewrite Neqb_correct; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma add_2 : ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo, find, add.
+ intros.
+ rewrite MapPut_semantics.
+ rewrite H0.
+ generalize (Neqb_complete x y).
+ destruct (Neqb x y); auto.
+ intros.
+ elim H; auto.
+ apply H1; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma add_3 : ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m) -> MapsTo y e m.
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo, find, add.
+ rewrite MapPut_semantics.
+ intro H.
+ generalize (Neqb_complete x y).
+ destruct (Neqb x y); auto.
+ intros; elim H; auto.
+ apply H0; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma remove_1 : E.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold In, MapsTo, find, remove.
+ rewrite MapRemove_semantics.
+ intro H.
+ rewrite H; rewrite Neqb_correct.
+ red; destruct 1; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma remove_2 : ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo, find, remove.
+ rewrite MapRemove_semantics.
+ intros.
+ rewrite H0.
+ generalize (Neqb_complete x y).
+ destruct (Neqb x y); auto.
+ intros; elim H; apply H1; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma remove_3 : MapsTo y e (remove x m) -> MapsTo y e m.
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo, find, remove.
+ rewrite MapRemove_semantics.
+ destruct (Neqb x y); intros; auto.
+ discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma alist_sorted_sort : forall l, alist_sorted A l=true -> sort lt_key l.
+ Proof.
+ induction l.
+ auto.
+ simpl.
+ destruct a.
+ destruct l.
+ auto.
+ destruct p.
+ intros; destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma elements_3 : sort lt_key (elements m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold elements.
+ apply alist_sorted_sort.
+ apply alist_of_Map_sorts.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma elements_1 :
+ MapsTo x e m -> InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo, find, elements.
+ rewrite InA_alt.
+ intro H.
+ exists (x,e).
+ split.
+ red; simpl; unfold E.eq; auto.
+ rewrite alist_of_Map_semantics in H.
+ generalize H.
+ set (l:=alist_of_Map A m); clearbody l; clear.
+ induction l; simpl; auto.
+ intro; discriminate.
+ destruct a; simpl; auto.
+ generalize (Neqb_complete a x).
+ destruct (Neqb a x); auto.
+ left.
+ injection H0; auto.
+ intros; f_equal; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma elements_2 :
+ InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m) -> MapsTo x e m.
+ Proof.
+ generalize elements_3.
+ unfold MapsTo, find, elements.
+ rewrite InA_alt.
+ intros H ((e0,a),(H0,H1)).
+ red in H0; simpl in H0; unfold E.eq in H0; destruct H0; subst.
+ rewrite alist_of_Map_semantics.
+ generalize H H1; clear H H1.
+ set (l:=alist_of_Map A m); clearbody l; clear.
+ induction l; simpl; auto.
+ intro; contradiction.
+ intros.
+ destruct a0; simpl.
+ inversion H1.
+ injection H0; intros; subst.
+ rewrite Neqb_correct; auto.
+ assert (InA eq_key (e0,a) l).
+ rewrite InA_alt.
+ exists (e0,a); split; auto.
+ red; simpl; auto; red; auto.
+ generalize (PE.Sort_In_cons_1 H H2).
+ unfold PE.ltk; simpl.
+ intros H3; generalize (E.lt_not_eq H3).
+ generalize (Neqb_complete a0 e0).
+ destruct (Neqb a0 e0); auto.
+ destruct 2.
+ apply H4; auto.
+ inversion H; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition Equal cmp m m' :=
+ (forall k, In k m <-> In k m') /\
+ (forall k e e', MapsTo k e m -> MapsTo k e' m' -> cmp e e' = true).
+ (** unfortunately, the [MapFold] of [IntMap] isn't compatible with
+ the FMap interface. We use a naive version for now : *)
+ Definition fold (B:Set)(f:key -> A -> B -> B)(m:t A)(i:B) : B :=
+ fold_left (fun a p => f (fst p) (snd p) a) (elements m) i.
+ Lemma fold_1 :
+ forall (B:Set) (i : B) (f : key -> A -> B -> B),
+ fold f m i = fold_left (fun a p => f (fst p) (snd p) a) (elements m) i.
+ Proof. auto. Qed.
+ End Spec.
+ Variable B : Set.
+ Fixpoint mapi_aux (pf:N->N)(f : N -> A -> B)(m:t A) { struct m }: t B :=
+ match m with
+ | M0 => M0 _
+ | M1 x y => M1 _ x (f (pf x) y)
+ | M2 m0 m1 => M2 _ (mapi_aux (fun n => pf (Ndouble n)) f m0)
+ (mapi_aux (fun n => pf (Ndouble_plus_one n)) f m1)
+ end.
+ Definition mapi := mapi_aux (fun n => n).
+ Definition map (f:A->B) := mapi (fun _ => f).
+ End A.
+ Lemma mapi_aux_1 : forall (elt elt':Set)(m: t elt)(pf:N->N)(x:key)(e:elt)
+ (f:key->elt->elt'), MapsTo x e m ->
+ exists y, E.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f (pf y) e) (mapi_aux pf f m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo; induction m; simpl; auto.
+ inversion 1.
+ intros.
+ exists x; split; [red; auto|].
+ generalize (Neqb_complete a x).
+ destruct (Neqb a x); try discriminate.
+ injection H; intros; subst; auto.
+ rewrite H1; auto.
+ intros.
+ exists x; split; [red;auto|].
+ destruct x; simpl in *.
+ destruct (IHm1 (fun n : N => pf (Ndouble n)) _ _ f H) as (y,(Hy,Hy')).
+ rewrite Hy in Hy'; simpl in Hy'; auto.
+ destruct p; simpl in *.
+ destruct (IHm2 (fun n : N => pf (Ndouble_plus_one n)) _ _ f H) as (y,(Hy,Hy')).
+ rewrite Hy in Hy'; simpl in Hy'; auto.
+ destruct (IHm1 (fun n : N => pf (Ndouble n)) _ _ f H) as (y,(Hy,Hy')).
+ rewrite Hy in Hy'; simpl in Hy'; auto.
+ destruct (IHm2 (fun n : N => pf (Ndouble_plus_one n)) _ _ f H) as (y,(Hy,Hy')).
+ rewrite Hy in Hy'; simpl in Hy'; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mapi_1 : forall (elt elt':Set)(m: t elt)(x:key)(e:elt)
+ (f:key->elt->elt'), MapsTo x e m ->
+ exists y, E.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e) (mapi f m).
+ Proof.
+ intros elt elt' m; exact (mapi_aux_1 (fun n => n)).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mapi_aux_2 : forall (elt elt':Set)(m: t elt)(pf:N->N)(x:key)
+ (f:key->elt->elt'), In x (mapi_aux pf f m) -> In x m.
+ Proof.
+ unfold In, MapsTo.
+ induction m; simpl in *.
+ intros pf x f (e,He); inversion He.
+ intros pf x f (e,He).
+ exists a0.
+ destruct (Neqb a x); try discriminate; auto.
+ intros pf x f (e,He).
+ destruct x; [|destruct p]; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mapi_2 : forall (elt elt':Set)(m: t elt)(x:key)
+ (f:key->elt->elt'), In x (mapi f m) -> In x m.
+ Proof.
+ intros elt elt' m; exact (mapi_aux_2 m (fun n => n)).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma map_1 : forall (elt elt':Set)(m: t elt)(x:key)(e:elt)(f:elt->elt'),
+ MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo x (f e) (map f m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold map; intros.
+ destruct (@mapi_1 _ _ m x e (fun _ => f)) as (e',(_,H0)); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma map_2 : forall (elt elt':Set)(m: t elt)(x:key)(f:elt->elt'),
+ In x (map f m) -> In x m.
+ Proof.
+ unfold map; intros.
+ eapply mapi_2; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Module L := FMapList.Raw E.
+ (** Not exactly pretty nor perfect, but should suffice as a first naive implem.
+ Anyway, map2 isn't in Ocaml...
+ *)
+ Definition anti_elements (A:Set)(l:list (key*A)) := L.fold (@add _) l (empty _).
+ Definition map2 (A B C:Set)(f:option A->option B -> option C)(m:t A)(m':t B) : t C :=
+ anti_elements (L.map2 f (elements m) (elements m')).
+ Lemma add_spec : forall (A:Set)(m:t A) x y e,
+ find x (add y e m) = if ME.eq_dec x y then Some e else find x m.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ destruct (ME.eq_dec x y).
+ apply find_1.
+ eapply MapsTo_1 with y; eauto.
+ red; auto.
+ apply add_1; auto.
+ red; auto.
+ case_eq (find x m); intros.
+ apply find_1.
+ apply add_2; auto.
+ case_eq (find x (add y e m)); auto; intros.
+ rewrite <- H; symmetry.
+ apply find_1; auto.
+ apply (@add_3 _ m y x a e); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma anti_elements_mapsto_aux : forall (A:Set)(l:list (key*A)) m k e,
+ NoDupA (eq_key (A:=A)) l ->
+ (forall x, L.PX.In x l -> In x m -> False) ->
+ (MapsTo k e (L.fold (@add _) l m) <-> L.PX.MapsTo k e l \/ MapsTo k e m).
+ Proof.
+ induction l.
+ simpl; auto.
+ intuition.
+ inversion H2.
+ simpl; destruct a; intros.
+ rewrite IHl; clear IHl.
+ inversion H; auto.
+ intros.
+ inversion_clear H.
+ assert (~E.eq x k).
+ swap H3.
+ destruct H1.
+ apply InA_eqA with (x,x0); eauto.
+ unfold eq_key, E.eq; eauto.
+ unfold eq_key, E.eq; congruence.
+ apply (H0 x).
+ destruct H1; exists x0; auto.
+ revert H2.
+ unfold In.
+ intros (e',He').
+ exists e'; apply (@add_3 _ m k x e' a); unfold E.eq; auto.
+ intuition.
+ red in H2.
+ rewrite add_spec in H2; auto.
+ destruct (ME.eq_dec k0 k).
+ inversion_clear H2; subst; auto.
+ right; apply find_2; auto.
+ inversion_clear H2; auto.
+ compute in H1; destruct H1.
+ subst; right; apply add_1; auto.
+ red; auto.
+ inversion_clear H.
+ destruct (ME.eq_dec k0 k).
+ subst.
+ destruct (H0 k); eauto.
+ red; eauto.
+ right; apply add_2; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma anti_elements_mapsto : forall (A:Set) l k e, NoDupA (eq_key (A:=A)) l ->
+ (MapsTo k e (anti_elements l) <-> L.PX.MapsTo k e l).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold anti_elements.
+ rewrite anti_elements_mapsto_aux; auto; unfold empty; auto.
+ inversion 2.
+ inversion H2.
+ intuition.
+ inversion H1.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma find_anti_elements : forall (A:Set)(l: list (key*A)) x, sort (@lt_key _) l ->
+ find x (anti_elements l) = L.find x l.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ case_eq (L.find x l); intros.
+ apply find_1.
+ rewrite anti_elements_mapsto.
+ apply L.PX.Sort_NoDupA; auto.
+ apply L.find_2; auto.
+ case_eq (find x (anti_elements l)); auto; intros.
+ rewrite <- H0; symmetry.
+ apply L.find_1; auto.
+ rewrite <- anti_elements_mapsto.
+ apply L.PX.Sort_NoDupA; auto.
+ apply find_2; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma find_elements : forall (A:Set)(m: t A) x,
+ L.find x (elements m) = find x m.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ case_eq (find x m); intros.
+ apply L.find_1.
+ apply elements_3; auto.
+ red; apply elements_1.
+ apply find_2; auto.
+ case_eq (L.find x (elements m)); auto; intros.
+ rewrite <- H; symmetry.
+ apply find_1; auto.
+ apply elements_2.
+ apply L.find_2; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma elements_in : forall (A:Set)(s:t A) x, L.PX.In x (elements s) <-> In x s.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold L.PX.In, In.
+ firstorder.
+ exists x0.
+ red; rewrite <- find_elements; auto.
+ apply L.find_1; auto.
+ apply elements_3.
+ exists x0.
+ apply L.find_2.
+ rewrite find_elements; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma map2_1 : forall (A B C:Set)(m: t A)(m': t B)(x:key)
+ (f:option A->option B ->option C),
+ In x m \/ In x m' -> find x (map2 f m m') = f (find x m) (find x m').
+ Proof.
+ unfold map2; intros.
+ rewrite find_anti_elements; auto.
+ rewrite <- find_elements; auto.
+ rewrite <- find_elements; auto.
+ apply L.map2_1; auto.
+ apply elements_3; auto.
+ apply elements_3; auto.
+ do 2 rewrite elements_in; auto.
+ apply L.map2_sorted; auto.
+ apply elements_3; auto.
+ apply elements_3; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma map2_2 : forall (A B C: Set)(m: t A)(m': t B)(x:key)
+ (f:option A->option B ->option C),
+ In x (map2 f m m') -> In x m \/ In x m'.
+ Proof.
+ unfold map2; intros.
+ do 2 rewrite <- elements_in.
+ apply L.map2_2 with (f:=f); auto.
+ apply elements_3; auto.
+ apply elements_3; auto.
+ destruct H.
+ exists x0.
+ rewrite <- anti_elements_mapsto; auto.
+ apply L.PX.Sort_NoDupA; auto.
+ apply L.map2_sorted; auto.
+ apply elements_3; auto.
+ apply elements_3; auto.
+ Qed.
+ (** same trick for [equal] *)
+ Definition equal (A:Set)(cmp:A -> A -> bool)(m m' : t A) : bool :=
+ L.equal cmp (elements m) (elements m').
+ Lemma equal_1 :
+ forall (A:Set)(m: t A)(m': t A)(cmp: A -> A -> bool),
+ Equal cmp m m' -> equal cmp m m' = true.
+ Proof.
+ unfold equal, Equal.
+ intros.
+ apply L.equal_1.
+ apply elements_3.
+ apply elements_3.
+ unfold L.Equal.
+ destruct H.
+ split; intros.
+ do 2 rewrite elements_in; auto.
+ apply (H0 k);
+ red; rewrite <- find_elements; apply L.find_1; auto;
+ apply elements_3.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma equal_2 :
+ forall (A:Set)(m: t A)(m': t A)(cmp: A -> A -> bool),
+ equal cmp m m' = true -> Equal cmp m m'.
+ Proof.
+ unfold equal, Equal.
+ intros.
+ destruct (L.equal_2 (elements_3 m) (elements_3 m') H); clear H.
+ split.
+ intros; do 2 rewrite <- elements_in; auto.
+ intros; apply (H1 k);
+ apply L.find_2; rewrite find_elements;auto.
+ Qed.
+End MapIntMap.
diff --git a/theories/FSets/FMapPositive.v b/theories/FSets/FMapPositive.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c6374899
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+++ b/theories/FSets/FMapPositive.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Finite sets library.
+ * Authors: Pierre Letouzey and Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
+ * Institution: LRI, CNRS UMR 8623 - Université Paris Sud
+ * 91405 Orsay, France *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import OrderedType.
+Require Import FMapInterface.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Open Scope positive_scope.
+(** * An implementation of [FMapInterface.S] for positive keys. *)
+(** This file is an adaptation to the [FMap] framework of a work by
+ Xavier Leroy and Sandrine Blazy (used for building certified compilers).
+ Keys are of type [positive], and maps are binary trees: the sequence
+ of binary digits of a positive number corresponds to a path in such a tree.
+ This is quite similar to the [IntMap] library, except that no path compression
+ is implemented, and that the current file is simple enough to be
+ self-contained. *)
+(** Even if [positive] can be seen as an ordered type with respect to the
+ usual order (see [OrderedTypeEx]), we use here a lexicographic order
+ over bits, which is more natural here (lower bits are considered first). *)
+Module PositiveOrderedTypeBits <: OrderedType.
+ Definition t:=positive.
+ Definition eq:=@eq positive.
+ Fixpoint bits_lt (p q:positive) { struct p } : Prop :=
+ match p, q with
+ | xH, xI _ => True
+ | xH, _ => False
+ | xO p, xO q => bits_lt p q
+ | xO _, _ => True
+ | xI p, xI q => bits_lt p q
+ | xI _, _ => False
+ end.
+ Definition lt:=bits_lt.
+ Lemma eq_refl : forall x : t, eq x x.
+ Proof. red; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma eq_sym : forall x y : t, eq x y -> eq y x.
+ Proof. red; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma eq_trans : forall x y z : t, eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
+ Proof. red; intros; transitivity y; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma bits_lt_trans : forall x y z : positive, bits_lt x y -> bits_lt y z -> bits_lt x z.
+ Proof.
+ induction x.
+ induction y; destruct z; simpl; eauto; intuition.
+ induction y; destruct z; simpl; eauto; intuition.
+ induction y; destruct z; simpl; eauto; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lt_trans : forall x y z : t, lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z.
+ Proof.
+ exact bits_lt_trans.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma bits_lt_antirefl : forall x : positive, ~ bits_lt x x.
+ Proof.
+ induction x; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lt_not_eq : forall x y : t, lt x y -> ~ eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ intros; intro.
+ rewrite <- H0 in H; clear H0 y.
+ unfold lt in H.
+ exact (bits_lt_antirefl x H).
+ Qed.
+ Definition compare : forall x y : t, Compare lt eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ induction x; destruct y.
+ (* I I *)
+ destruct (IHx y).
+ apply LT; auto.
+ apply EQ; rewrite e; red; auto.
+ apply GT; auto.
+ (* I O *)
+ apply GT; simpl; auto.
+ (* I H *)
+ apply GT; simpl; auto.
+ (* O I *)
+ apply LT; simpl; auto.
+ (* O O *)
+ destruct (IHx y).
+ apply LT; auto.
+ apply EQ; rewrite e; red; auto.
+ apply GT; auto.
+ (* O H *)
+ apply LT; simpl; auto.
+ (* H I *)
+ apply LT; simpl; auto.
+ (* H O *)
+ apply GT; simpl; auto.
+ (* H H *)
+ apply EQ; red; auto.
+ Qed.
+End PositiveOrderedTypeBits.
+(** Other positive stuff *)
+Lemma peq_dec (x y: positive): {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ intros. case_eq ((x ?= y) Eq); intros.
+ left. apply Pcompare_Eq_eq; auto.
+ right. red. intro. subst y. rewrite (Pcompare_refl x) in H. discriminate.
+ right. red. intro. subst y. rewrite (Pcompare_refl x) in H. discriminate.
+Fixpoint append (i j : positive) {struct i} : positive :=
+ match i with
+ | xH => j
+ | xI ii => xI (append ii j)
+ | xO ii => xO (append ii j)
+ end.
+Lemma append_assoc_0 :
+ forall (i j : positive), append i (xO j) = append (append i (xO xH)) j.
+ induction i; intros; destruct j; simpl;
+ try rewrite (IHi (xI j));
+ try rewrite (IHi (xO j));
+ try rewrite <- (IHi xH);
+ auto.
+Lemma append_assoc_1 :
+ forall (i j : positive), append i (xI j) = append (append i (xI xH)) j.
+ induction i; intros; destruct j; simpl;
+ try rewrite (IHi (xI j));
+ try rewrite (IHi (xO j));
+ try rewrite <- (IHi xH);
+ auto.
+Lemma append_neutral_r : forall (i : positive), append i xH = i.
+ induction i; simpl; congruence.
+Lemma append_neutral_l : forall (i : positive), append xH i = i.
+ simpl; auto.
+(** The module of maps over positive keys *)
+Module PositiveMap <: S with Module E:=PositiveOrderedTypeBits.
+ Module E:=PositiveOrderedTypeBits.
+ Definition key := positive.
+ Inductive tree (A : Set) : Set :=
+ | Leaf : tree A
+ | Node : tree A -> option A -> tree A -> tree A.
+ Definition t := tree.
+ Section A.
+ Variable A:Set.
+ Implicit Arguments Leaf [A].
+ Definition empty : t A := Leaf.
+ Fixpoint is_empty (m : t A) {struct m} : bool :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => true
+ | Node l None r => (is_empty l) && (is_empty r)
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+ Fixpoint find (i : positive) (m : t A) {struct i} : option A :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => None
+ | Node l o r =>
+ match i with
+ | xH => o
+ | xO ii => find ii l
+ | xI ii => find ii r
+ end
+ end.
+ Fixpoint mem (i : positive) (m : t A) {struct i} : bool :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => false
+ | Node l o r =>
+ match i with
+ | xH => match o with None => false | _ => true end
+ | xO ii => mem ii l
+ | xI ii => mem ii r
+ end
+ end.
+ Fixpoint add (i : positive) (v : A) (m : t A) {struct i} : t A :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf =>
+ match i with
+ | xH => Node Leaf (Some v) Leaf
+ | xO ii => Node (add ii v Leaf) None Leaf
+ | xI ii => Node Leaf None (add ii v Leaf)
+ end
+ | Node l o r =>
+ match i with
+ | xH => Node l (Some v) r
+ | xO ii => Node (add ii v l) o r
+ | xI ii => Node l o (add ii v r)
+ end
+ end.
+ Fixpoint remove (i : positive) (m : t A) {struct i} : t A :=
+ match i with
+ | xH =>
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node Leaf o Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l o r => Node l None r
+ end
+ | xO ii =>
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l None Leaf =>
+ match remove ii l with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | mm => Node mm None Leaf
+ end
+ | Node l o r => Node (remove ii l) o r
+ end
+ | xI ii =>
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node Leaf None r =>
+ match remove ii r with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | mm => Node Leaf None mm
+ end
+ | Node l o r => Node l o (remove ii r)
+ end
+ end.
+ (** [elements] *)
+ Fixpoint xelements (m : t A) (i : positive) {struct m}
+ : list (positive * A) :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => nil
+ | Node l None r =>
+ (xelements l (append i (xO xH))) ++ (xelements r (append i (xI xH)))
+ | Node l (Some x) r =>
+ (xelements l (append i (xO xH)))
+ ++ ((i, x) :: xelements r (append i (xI xH)))
+ end.
+ (* Note: function [xelements] above is inefficient. We should apply
+ deforestation to it, but that makes the proofs even harder. *)
+ Definition elements (m : t A) := xelements m xH.
+ Section CompcertSpec.
+ Theorem gempty:
+ forall (i: positive), find i empty = None.
+ Proof.
+ destruct i; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gss:
+ forall (i: positive) (x: A) (m: t A), find i (add i x m) = Some x.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; destruct m; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gleaf : forall (i : positive), find i (Leaf : t A) = None.
+ Proof. exact gempty. Qed.
+ Theorem gso:
+ forall (i j: positive) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ i <> j -> find i (add j x m) = find i m.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; intros; destruct j; destruct m; simpl;
+ try rewrite <- (gleaf i); auto; try apply IHi; congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma rleaf : forall (i : positive), remove i (Leaf : t A) = Leaf.
+ Proof. destruct i; simpl; auto. Qed.
+ Theorem grs:
+ forall (i: positive) (m: t A), find i (remove i m) = None.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; destruct m.
+ simpl; auto.
+ destruct m1; destruct o; destruct m2 as [ | ll oo rr]; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite (rleaf i); auto.
+ cut (find i (remove i (Node ll oo rr)) = None).
+ destruct (remove i (Node ll oo rr)); auto; apply IHi.
+ apply IHi.
+ simpl; auto.
+ destruct m1 as [ | ll oo rr]; destruct o; destruct m2; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite (rleaf i); auto.
+ cut (find i (remove i (Node ll oo rr)) = None).
+ destruct (remove i (Node ll oo rr)); auto; apply IHi.
+ apply IHi.
+ simpl; auto.
+ destruct m1; destruct m2; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gro:
+ forall (i j: positive) (m: t A),
+ i <> j -> find i (remove j m) = find i m.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; intros; destruct j; destruct m;
+ try rewrite (rleaf (xI j));
+ try rewrite (rleaf (xO j));
+ try rewrite (rleaf 1); auto;
+ destruct m1; destruct o; destruct m2;
+ simpl;
+ try apply IHi; try congruence;
+ try rewrite (rleaf j); auto;
+ try rewrite (gleaf i); auto.
+ cut (find i (remove j (Node m2_1 o m2_2)) = find i (Node m2_1 o m2_2));
+ [ destruct (remove j (Node m2_1 o m2_2)); try rewrite (gleaf i); auto
+ | apply IHi; congruence ].
+ destruct (remove j (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2)); simpl; try rewrite (gleaf i);
+ auto.
+ destruct (remove j (Node m2_1 o m2_2)); simpl; try rewrite (gleaf i);
+ auto.
+ cut (find i (remove j (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2)) = find i (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2));
+ [ destruct (remove j (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2)); try rewrite (gleaf i); auto
+ | apply IHi; congruence ].
+ destruct (remove j (Node m2_1 o m2_2)); simpl; try rewrite (gleaf i);
+ auto.
+ destruct (remove j (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2)); simpl; try rewrite (gleaf i);
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_correct:
+ forall (m: t A) (i j : positive) (v: A),
+ find i m = Some v -> List.In (append j i, v) (xelements m j).
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros.
+ rewrite (gleaf i) in H; congruence.
+ destruct o; destruct i; simpl; simpl in H.
+ rewrite append_assoc_1; apply in_or_app; right; apply in_cons;
+ apply IHm2; auto.
+ rewrite append_assoc_0; apply in_or_app; left; apply IHm1; auto.
+ rewrite append_neutral_r; apply in_or_app; injection H;
+ intro EQ; rewrite EQ; right; apply in_eq.
+ rewrite append_assoc_1; apply in_or_app; right; apply IHm2; auto.
+ rewrite append_assoc_0; apply in_or_app; left; apply IHm1; auto.
+ congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem elements_correct:
+ forall (m: t A) (i: positive) (v: A),
+ find i m = Some v -> List.In (i, v) (elements m).
+ Proof.
+ intros m i v H.
+ exact (xelements_correct m i xH H).
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint xfind (i j : positive) (m : t A) {struct j} : option A :=
+ match i, j with
+ | _, xH => find i m
+ | xO ii, xO jj => xfind ii jj m
+ | xI ii, xI jj => xfind ii jj m
+ | _, _ => None
+ end.
+ Lemma xfind_left :
+ forall (j i : positive) (m1 m2 : t A) (o : option A) (v : A),
+ xfind i (append j (xO xH)) m1 = Some v -> xfind i j (Node m1 o m2) = Some v.
+ Proof.
+ induction j; intros; destruct i; simpl; simpl in H; auto; try congruence.
+ destruct i; congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_ii :
+ forall (m: t A) (i j : positive) (v: A),
+ List.In (xI i, v) (xelements m (xI j)) -> List.In (i, v) (xelements m j).
+ Proof.
+ induction m.
+ simpl; auto.
+ intros; destruct o; simpl; simpl in H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H);
+ apply in_or_app.
+ left; apply IHm1; auto.
+ right; destruct (in_inv H0).
+ injection H1; intros Eq1 Eq2; rewrite Eq1; rewrite Eq2; apply in_eq.
+ apply in_cons; apply IHm2; auto.
+ left; apply IHm1; auto.
+ right; apply IHm2; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_io :
+ forall (m: t A) (i j : positive) (v: A),
+ ~List.In (xI i, v) (xelements m (xO j)).
+ Proof.
+ induction m.
+ simpl; auto.
+ intros; destruct o; simpl; intro H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H).
+ apply (IHm1 _ _ _ H0).
+ destruct (in_inv H0).
+ congruence.
+ apply (IHm2 _ _ _ H1).
+ apply (IHm1 _ _ _ H0).
+ apply (IHm2 _ _ _ H0).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_oo :
+ forall (m: t A) (i j : positive) (v: A),
+ List.In (xO i, v) (xelements m (xO j)) -> List.In (i, v) (xelements m j).
+ Proof.
+ induction m.
+ simpl; auto.
+ intros; destruct o; simpl; simpl in H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H);
+ apply in_or_app.
+ left; apply IHm1; auto.
+ right; destruct (in_inv H0).
+ injection H1; intros Eq1 Eq2; rewrite Eq1; rewrite Eq2; apply in_eq.
+ apply in_cons; apply IHm2; auto.
+ left; apply IHm1; auto.
+ right; apply IHm2; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_oi :
+ forall (m: t A) (i j : positive) (v: A),
+ ~List.In (xO i, v) (xelements m (xI j)).
+ Proof.
+ induction m.
+ simpl; auto.
+ intros; destruct o; simpl; intro H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H).
+ apply (IHm1 _ _ _ H0).
+ destruct (in_inv H0).
+ congruence.
+ apply (IHm2 _ _ _ H1).
+ apply (IHm1 _ _ _ H0).
+ apply (IHm2 _ _ _ H0).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_ih :
+ forall (m1 m2: t A) (o: option A) (i : positive) (v: A),
+ List.In (xI i, v) (xelements (Node m1 o m2) xH) -> List.In (i, v) (xelements m2 xH).
+ Proof.
+ destruct o; simpl; intros; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H).
+ absurd (List.In (xI i, v) (xelements m1 2)); auto; apply xelements_io; auto.
+ destruct (in_inv H0).
+ congruence.
+ apply xelements_ii; auto.
+ absurd (List.In (xI i, v) (xelements m1 2)); auto; apply xelements_io; auto.
+ apply xelements_ii; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_oh :
+ forall (m1 m2: t A) (o: option A) (i : positive) (v: A),
+ List.In (xO i, v) (xelements (Node m1 o m2) xH) -> List.In (i, v) (xelements m1 xH).
+ Proof.
+ destruct o; simpl; intros; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H).
+ apply xelements_oo; auto.
+ destruct (in_inv H0).
+ congruence.
+ absurd (List.In (xO i, v) (xelements m2 3)); auto; apply xelements_oi; auto.
+ apply xelements_oo; auto.
+ absurd (List.In (xO i, v) (xelements m2 3)); auto; apply xelements_oi; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_hi :
+ forall (m: t A) (i : positive) (v: A),
+ ~List.In (xH, v) (xelements m (xI i)).
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros.
+ simpl; auto.
+ destruct o; simpl; intro H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H).
+ generalize H0; apply IHm1; auto.
+ destruct (in_inv H0).
+ congruence.
+ generalize H1; apply IHm2; auto.
+ generalize H0; apply IHm1; auto.
+ generalize H0; apply IHm2; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_ho :
+ forall (m: t A) (i : positive) (v: A),
+ ~List.In (xH, v) (xelements m (xO i)).
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros.
+ simpl; auto.
+ destruct o; simpl; intro H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H).
+ generalize H0; apply IHm1; auto.
+ destruct (in_inv H0).
+ congruence.
+ generalize H1; apply IHm2; auto.
+ generalize H0; apply IHm1; auto.
+ generalize H0; apply IHm2; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma find_xfind_h :
+ forall (m: t A) (i: positive), find i m = xfind i xH m.
+ Proof.
+ destruct i; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_complete:
+ forall (i j : positive) (m: t A) (v: A),
+ List.In (i, v) (xelements m j) -> xfind i j m = Some v.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; simpl; intros; destruct j; simpl.
+ apply IHi; apply xelements_ii; auto.
+ absurd (List.In (xI i, v) (xelements m (xO j))); auto; apply xelements_io.
+ destruct m.
+ simpl in H; tauto.
+ rewrite find_xfind_h. apply IHi. apply (xelements_ih _ _ _ _ _ H).
+ absurd (List.In (xO i, v) (xelements m (xI j))); auto; apply xelements_oi.
+ apply IHi; apply xelements_oo; auto.
+ destruct m.
+ simpl in H; tauto.
+ rewrite find_xfind_h. apply IHi. apply (xelements_oh _ _ _ _ _ H).
+ absurd (List.In (xH, v) (xelements m (xI j))); auto; apply xelements_hi.
+ absurd (List.In (xH, v) (xelements m (xO j))); auto; apply xelements_ho.
+ destruct m.
+ simpl in H; tauto.
+ destruct o; simpl in H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H).
+ absurd (List.In (xH, v) (xelements m1 (xO xH))); auto; apply xelements_ho.
+ destruct (in_inv H0).
+ congruence.
+ absurd (List.In (xH, v) (xelements m2 (xI xH))); auto; apply xelements_hi.
+ absurd (List.In (xH, v) (xelements m1 (xO xH))); auto; apply xelements_ho.
+ absurd (List.In (xH, v) (xelements m2 (xI xH))); auto; apply xelements_hi.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem elements_complete:
+ forall (m: t A) (i: positive) (v: A),
+ List.In (i, v) (elements m) -> find i m = Some v.
+ Proof.
+ intros m i v H.
+ unfold elements in H.
+ rewrite find_xfind_h.
+ exact (xelements_complete i xH m v H).
+ Qed.
+ End CompcertSpec.
+ Definition MapsTo (i:positive)(v:A)(m:t A) := find i m = Some v.
+ Definition In (i:positive)(m:t A) := exists e:A, MapsTo i e m.
+ Definition Empty m := forall (a : positive)(e:A) , ~ MapsTo a e m.
+ Definition eq_key (p p':positive*A) := E.eq (fst p) (fst p').
+ Definition eq_key_elt (p p':positive*A) :=
+ E.eq (fst p) (fst p') /\ (snd p) = (snd p').
+ Definition lt_key (p p':positive*A) := E.lt (fst p) (fst p').
+ Lemma mem_find :
+ forall m x, mem x m = match find x m with None => false | _ => true end.
+ Proof.
+ induction m; destruct x; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Empty_alt : forall m, Empty m <-> forall a, find a m = None.
+ Proof.
+ unfold Empty, MapsTo.
+ intuition.
+ generalize (H a).
+ destruct (find a m); intuition.
+ elim (H0 a0); auto.
+ rewrite H in H0; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Empty_Node : forall l o r, Empty (Node l o r) <-> o=None /\ Empty l /\ Empty r.
+ Proof.
+ intros l o r.
+ split.
+ rewrite Empty_alt.
+ split.
+ destruct o; auto.
+ generalize (H 1); simpl; auto.
+ split; rewrite Empty_alt; intros.
+ generalize (H (xO a)); auto.
+ generalize (H (xI a)); auto.
+ intros (H,(H0,H1)).
+ subst.
+ rewrite Empty_alt; intros.
+ destruct a; auto.
+ simpl; generalize H1; rewrite Empty_alt; auto.
+ simpl; generalize H0; rewrite Empty_alt; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Section FMapSpec.
+ Lemma mem_1 : forall m x, In x m -> mem x m = true.
+ Proof.
+ unfold In, MapsTo; intros m x; rewrite mem_find.
+ destruct 1 as (e0,H0); rewrite H0; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mem_2 : forall m x, mem x m = true -> In x m.
+ Proof.
+ unfold In, MapsTo; intros m x; rewrite mem_find.
+ destruct (find x m).
+ exists a; auto.
+ intros; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Variable m m' m'' : t A.
+ Variable x y z : key.
+ Variable e e' : A.
+ Lemma MapsTo_1 : E.eq x y -> MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo y e m.
+ Proof. intros; rewrite <- H; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma find_1 : MapsTo x e m -> find x m = Some e.
+ Proof. unfold MapsTo; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma find_2 : find x m = Some e -> MapsTo x e m.
+ Proof. red; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma empty_1 : Empty empty.
+ Proof.
+ rewrite Empty_alt; apply gempty.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma is_empty_1 : Empty m -> is_empty m = true.
+ Proof.
+ induction m; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite Empty_Node.
+ intros (H,(H0,H1)).
+ subst; simpl.
+ rewrite IHt0_1; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma is_empty_2 : is_empty m = true -> Empty m.
+ Proof.
+ induction m; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite Empty_alt.
+ intros _; exact gempty.
+ rewrite Empty_Node.
+ destruct o.
+ intros; discriminate.
+ intro H; destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma add_1 : E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo.
+ intro H; rewrite H; clear H.
+ apply gss.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma add_2 : ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo.
+ intros; rewrite gso; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma add_3 : ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m) -> MapsTo y e m.
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo.
+ intro H; rewrite gso; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma remove_1 : E.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m).
+ Proof.
+ intros; intro.
+ generalize (mem_1 H0).
+ rewrite mem_find.
+ rewrite H.
+ rewrite grs.
+ intros; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma remove_2 : ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo.
+ intro H; rewrite gro; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma remove_3 : MapsTo y e (remove x m) -> MapsTo y e m.
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo.
+ destruct (peq_dec x y).
+ subst.
+ rewrite grs; intros; discriminate.
+ rewrite gro; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma elements_1 :
+ MapsTo x e m -> InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo.
+ rewrite InA_alt.
+ intro H.
+ exists (x,e).
+ split.
+ red; simpl; unfold E.eq; auto.
+ apply elements_correct; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma elements_2 :
+ InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m) -> MapsTo x e m.
+ Proof.
+ unfold MapsTo.
+ rewrite InA_alt.
+ intros ((e0,a),(H,H0)).
+ red in H; simpl in H; unfold E.eq in H; destruct H; subst.
+ apply elements_complete; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_bits_lt_1 : forall p p0 q m v,
+ List.In (p0,v) (xelements m (append p (xO q))) -> E.bits_lt p0 p.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ generalize (xelements_complete _ _ _ _ H); clear H; intros.
+ revert H; revert v; revert m; revert q; revert p0.
+ induction p; destruct p0; simpl; intros; eauto; try discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_bits_lt_2 : forall p p0 q m v,
+ List.In (p0,v) (xelements m (append p (xI q))) -> E.bits_lt p p0.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ generalize (xelements_complete _ _ _ _ H); clear H; intros.
+ revert H; revert v; revert m; revert q; revert p0.
+ induction p; destruct p0; simpl; intros; eauto; try discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_sort : forall p, sort lt_key (xelements m p).
+ Proof.
+ induction m.
+ simpl; auto.
+ destruct o; simpl; intros.
+ (* Some *)
+ apply (SortA_app (eqA:=eq_key_elt)); auto.
+ compute; intuition.
+ constructor; auto.
+ apply In_InfA; intros.
+ destruct y0.
+ red; red; simpl.
+ eapply xelements_bits_lt_2; eauto.
+ intros x0 y0.
+ do 2 rewrite InA_alt.
+ intros (y1,(Hy1,H)) (y2,(Hy2,H0)).
+ destruct y1; destruct x0; compute in Hy1; destruct Hy1; subst.
+ destruct y2; destruct y0; compute in Hy2; destruct Hy2; subst.
+ red; red; simpl.
+ destruct H0.
+ injection H0; clear H0; intros _ H0; subst.
+ eapply xelements_bits_lt_1; eauto.
+ apply E.bits_lt_trans with p.
+ eapply xelements_bits_lt_1; eauto.
+ eapply xelements_bits_lt_2; eauto.
+ (* None *)
+ apply (SortA_app (eqA:=eq_key_elt)); auto.
+ compute; intuition.
+ intros x0 y0.
+ do 2 rewrite InA_alt.
+ intros (y1,(Hy1,H)) (y2,(Hy2,H0)).
+ destruct y1; destruct x0; compute in Hy1; destruct Hy1; subst.
+ destruct y2; destruct y0; compute in Hy2; destruct Hy2; subst.
+ red; red; simpl.
+ apply E.bits_lt_trans with p.
+ eapply xelements_bits_lt_1; eauto.
+ eapply xelements_bits_lt_2; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma elements_3 : sort lt_key (elements m).
+ Proof.
+ unfold elements.
+ apply xelements_sort; auto.
+ Qed.
+ End FMapSpec.
+ (** [map] and [mapi] *)
+ Variable B : Set.
+ Fixpoint xmapi (f : positive -> A -> B) (m : t A) (i : positive)
+ {struct m} : t B :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => @Leaf B
+ | Node l o r => Node (xmapi f l (append i (xO xH)))
+ (option_map (f i) o)
+ (xmapi f r (append i (xI xH)))
+ end.
+ Definition mapi (f : positive -> A -> B) m := xmapi f m xH.
+ Definition map (f : A -> B) m := mapi (fun _ => f) m.
+ End A.
+ Lemma xgmapi:
+ forall (A B: Set) (f: positive -> A -> B) (i j : positive) (m: t A),
+ find i (xmapi f m j) = option_map (f (append j i)) (find i m).
+ Proof.
+ induction i; intros; destruct m; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite (append_assoc_1 j i); apply IHi.
+ rewrite (append_assoc_0 j i); apply IHi.
+ rewrite (append_neutral_r j); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gmapi:
+ forall (A B: Set) (f: positive -> A -> B) (i: positive) (m: t A),
+ find i (mapi f m) = option_map (f i) (find i m).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold mapi.
+ replace (f i) with (f (append xH i)).
+ apply xgmapi.
+ rewrite append_neutral_l; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mapi_1 :
+ forall (elt elt':Set)(m: t elt)(x:key)(e:elt)(f:key->elt->elt'),
+ MapsTo x e m ->
+ exists y, E.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e) (mapi f m).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ exists x.
+ split; [red; auto|].
+ apply find_2.
+ generalize (find_1 H); clear H; intros.
+ rewrite gmapi.
+ rewrite H.
+ simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mapi_2 :
+ forall (elt elt':Set)(m: t elt)(x:key)(f:key->elt->elt'),
+ In x (mapi f m) -> In x m.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ apply mem_2.
+ rewrite mem_find.
+ destruct H as (v,H).
+ generalize (find_1 H); clear H; intros.
+ rewrite gmapi in H.
+ destruct (find x m); auto.
+ simpl in *; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma map_1 : forall (elt elt':Set)(m: t elt)(x:key)(e:elt)(f:elt->elt'),
+ MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo x (f e) (map f m).
+ Proof.
+ intros; unfold map.
+ destruct (mapi_1 (fun _ => f) H); intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma map_2 : forall (elt elt':Set)(m: t elt)(x:key)(f:elt->elt'),
+ In x (map f m) -> In x m.
+ Proof.
+ intros; unfold map in *; eapply mapi_2; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Section map2.
+ Variable A B C : Set.
+ Variable f : option A -> option B -> option C.
+ Implicit Arguments Leaf [A].
+ Fixpoint xmap2_l (m : t A) {struct m} : t C :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l o r => Node (xmap2_l l) (f o None) (xmap2_l r)
+ end.
+ Lemma xgmap2_l : forall (i : positive) (m : t A),
+ f None None = None -> find i (xmap2_l m) = f (find i m) None.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; intros; destruct m; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint xmap2_r (m : t B) {struct m} : t C :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l o r => Node (xmap2_r l) (f None o) (xmap2_r r)
+ end.
+ Lemma xgmap2_r : forall (i : positive) (m : t B),
+ f None None = None -> find i (xmap2_r m) = f None (find i m).
+ Proof.
+ induction i; intros; destruct m; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint _map2 (m1 : t A)(m2 : t B) {struct m1} : t C :=
+ match m1 with
+ | Leaf => xmap2_r m2
+ | Node l1 o1 r1 =>
+ match m2 with
+ | Leaf => xmap2_l m1
+ | Node l2 o2 r2 => Node (_map2 l1 l2) (f o1 o2) (_map2 r1 r2)
+ end
+ end.
+ Lemma gmap2: forall (i: positive)(m1:t A)(m2: t B),
+ f None None = None ->
+ find i (_map2 m1 m2) = f (find i m1) (find i m2).
+ Proof.
+ induction i; intros; destruct m1; destruct m2; simpl; auto;
+ try apply xgmap2_r; try apply xgmap2_l; auto.
+ Qed.
+ End map2.
+ Definition map2 (elt elt' elt'':Set)(f:option elt->option elt'->option elt'') :=
+ _map2 (fun o1 o2 => match o1,o2 with None,None => None | _, _ => f o1 o2 end).
+ Lemma map2_1 : forall (elt elt' elt'':Set)(m: t elt)(m': t elt')
+ (x:key)(f:option elt->option elt'->option elt''),
+ In x m \/ In x m' ->
+ find x (map2 f m m') = f (find x m) (find x m').
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold map2.
+ rewrite gmap2; auto.
+ generalize (@mem_1 _ m x) (@mem_1 _ m' x).
+ do 2 rewrite mem_find.
+ destruct (find x m); simpl; auto.
+ destruct (find x m'); simpl; auto.
+ intros.
+ destruct H; intuition; try discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma map2_2 : forall (elt elt' elt'':Set)(m: t elt)(m': t elt')
+ (x:key)(f:option elt->option elt'->option elt''),
+ In x (map2 f m m') -> In x m \/ In x m'.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ generalize (mem_1 H); clear H; intros.
+ rewrite mem_find in H.
+ unfold map2 in H.
+ rewrite gmap2 in H; auto.
+ generalize (@mem_2 _ m x) (@mem_2 _ m' x).
+ do 2 rewrite mem_find.
+ destruct (find x m); simpl in *; auto.
+ destruct (find x m'); simpl in *; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition fold (A B : Set) (f: positive -> A -> B -> B) (tr: t A) (v: B) :=
+ List.fold_left (fun a p => f (fst p) (snd p) a) (elements tr) v.
+ Lemma fold_1 :
+ forall (A:Set)(m:t A)(B:Set)(i : B) (f : key -> A -> B -> B),
+ fold f m i = fold_left (fun a p => f (fst p) (snd p) a) (elements m) i.
+ Proof.
+ intros; unfold fold; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint equal (A:Set)(cmp : A -> A -> bool)(m1 m2 : t A) {struct m1} : bool :=
+ match m1, m2 with
+ | Leaf, _ => is_empty m2
+ | _, Leaf => is_empty m1
+ | Node l1 o1 r1, Node l2 o2 r2 =>
+ (match o1, o2 with
+ | None, None => true
+ | Some v1, Some v2 => cmp v1 v2
+ | _, _ => false
+ end)
+ && equal cmp l1 l2 && equal cmp r1 r2
+ end.
+ Definition Equal (A:Set)(cmp:A->A->bool)(m m':t A) :=
+ (forall k, In k m <-> In k m') /\
+ (forall k e e', MapsTo k e m -> MapsTo k e' m' -> cmp e e' = true).
+ Lemma equal_1 : forall (A:Set)(m m':t A)(cmp:A->A->bool),
+ Equal cmp m m' -> equal cmp m m' = true.
+ Proof.
+ induction m.
+ (* m = Leaf *)
+ destruct 1.
+ simpl.
+ apply is_empty_1.
+ red; red; intros.
+ assert (In a (Leaf A)).
+ rewrite H.
+ exists e; auto.
+ destruct H2; red in H2.
+ destruct a; simpl in *; discriminate.
+ (* m = Node *)
+ destruct m'.
+ (* m' = Leaf *)
+ destruct 1.
+ simpl.
+ destruct o.
+ assert (In xH (Leaf A)).
+ rewrite <- H.
+ exists a; red; auto.
+ destruct H1; red in H1; simpl in H1; discriminate.
+ apply andb_true_intro; split; apply is_empty_1; red; red; intros.
+ assert (In (xO a) (Leaf A)).
+ rewrite <- H.
+ exists e; auto.
+ destruct H2; red in H2; simpl in H2; discriminate.
+ assert (In (xI a) (Leaf A)).
+ rewrite <- H.
+ exists e; auto.
+ destruct H2; red in H2; simpl in H2; discriminate.
+ (* m' = Node *)
+ destruct 1.
+ assert (Equal cmp m1 m'1).
+ split.
+ intros k; generalize (H (xO k)); unfold In, MapsTo; simpl; auto.
+ intros k e e'; generalize (H0 (xO k) e e'); unfold In, MapsTo; simpl; auto.
+ assert (Equal cmp m2 m'2).
+ split.
+ intros k; generalize (H (xI k)); unfold In, MapsTo; simpl; auto.
+ intros k e e'; generalize (H0 (xI k) e e'); unfold In, MapsTo; simpl; auto.
+ simpl.
+ destruct o; destruct o0; simpl.
+ repeat (apply andb_true_intro; split); auto.
+ apply (H0 xH); red; auto.
+ generalize (H xH); unfold In, MapsTo; simpl; intuition.
+ destruct H4; try discriminate; eauto.
+ generalize (H xH); unfold In, MapsTo; simpl; intuition.
+ destruct H5; try discriminate; eauto.
+ apply andb_true_intro; split; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma equal_2 : forall (A:Set)(m m':t A)(cmp:A->A->bool),
+ equal cmp m m' = true -> Equal cmp m m'.
+ Proof.
+ induction m.
+ (* m = Leaf *)
+ simpl.
+ split; intros.
+ split.
+ destruct 1; red in H0; destruct k; discriminate.
+ destruct 1; elim (is_empty_2 H H0).
+ red in H0; destruct k; discriminate.
+ (* m = Node *)
+ destruct m'.
+ (* m' = Leaf *)
+ simpl.
+ destruct o; intros; try discriminate.
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); clear H.
+ split; intros.
+ split; unfold In, MapsTo; destruct 1.
+ destruct k; simpl in *; try discriminate.
+ destruct (is_empty_2 H1 (find_2 _ _ H)).
+ destruct (is_empty_2 H0 (find_2 _ _ H)).
+ destruct k; simpl in *; discriminate.
+ unfold In, MapsTo; destruct k; simpl in *; discriminate.
+ (* m' = Node *)
+ destruct o; destruct o0; simpl; intros; try discriminate.
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); clear H.
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H0); clear H0.
+ destruct (IHm1 _ _ H2); clear H2 IHm1.
+ destruct (IHm2 _ _ H1); clear H1 IHm2.
+ split; intros.
+ destruct k; unfold In, MapsTo in *; simpl; auto.
+ split; eauto.
+ destruct k; unfold In, MapsTo in *; simpl in *.
+ eapply H4; eauto.
+ eapply H3; eauto.
+ congruence.
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); clear H.
+ destruct (IHm1 _ _ H0); clear H0 IHm1.
+ destruct (IHm2 _ _ H1); clear H1 IHm2.
+ split; intros.
+ destruct k; unfold In, MapsTo in *; simpl; auto.
+ split; eauto.
+ destruct k; unfold In, MapsTo in *; simpl in *.
+ eapply H3; eauto.
+ eapply H2; eauto.
+ try discriminate.
+ Qed.
+End PositiveMap.
+(** Here come some additionnal facts about this implementation.
+ Most are facts that cannot be derivable from the general interface. *)
+Module PositiveMapAdditionalFacts.
+ Import PositiveMap.
+ (* Derivable from the Map interface *)
+ Theorem gsspec:
+ forall (A:Set)(i j: positive) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ find i (add j x m) = if peq_dec i j then Some x else find i m.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ destruct (peq_dec i j); [ rewrite e; apply gss | apply gso; auto ].
+ Qed.
+ (* Not derivable from the Map interface *)
+ Theorem gsident:
+ forall (A:Set)(i: positive) (m: t A) (v: A),
+ find i m = Some v -> add i v m = m.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; intros; destruct m; simpl; simpl in H; try congruence.
+ rewrite (IHi m2 v H); congruence.
+ rewrite (IHi m1 v H); congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xmap2_lr :
+ forall (A B : Set)(f g: option A -> option A -> option B)(m : t A),
+ (forall (i j : option A), f i j = g j i) ->
+ xmap2_l f m = xmap2_r g m.
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite IHm1; auto.
+ rewrite IHm2; auto.
+ rewrite H; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem map2_commut:
+ forall (A B: Set) (f g: option A -> option A -> option B),
+ (forall (i j: option A), f i j = g j i) ->
+ forall (m1 m2: t A),
+ _map2 f m1 m2 = _map2 g m2 m1.
+ Proof.
+ intros A B f g Eq1.
+ assert (Eq2: forall (i j: option A), g i j = f j i).
+ intros; auto.
+ induction m1; intros; destruct m2; simpl;
+ try rewrite Eq1;
+ repeat rewrite (xmap2_lr f g);
+ repeat rewrite (xmap2_lr g f);
+ auto.
+ rewrite IHm1_1.
+ rewrite IHm1_2.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+End PositiveMapAdditionalFacts.
diff --git a/theories/FSets/FMaps.v b/theories/FSets/FMaps.v
index dac1b4396..d7b29547a 100644
--- a/theories/FSets/FMaps.v
+++ b/theories/FSets/FMaps.v
@@ -8,5 +8,10 @@
(* $Id$ *)
+Require Export OrderedType.
+Require Export OrderedTypeEx.
+Require Export OrderedTypeAlt.
Require Export FMapInterface.
Require Export FMapList.
+Require Export FMapPositive.
+Require Export FMapIntMap.
diff --git a/theories/FSets/FSetAVL.v b/theories/FSets/FSetAVL.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cdc5e8d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/FSets/FSetAVL.v
@@ -0,0 +1,2883 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Finite sets library.
+ * Authors: Pierre Letouzey and Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
+ * Institution: LRI, CNRS UMR 8623 - Université Paris Sud
+ * 91405 Orsay, France *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+(** This module implements sets using AVL trees.
+ It follows the implementation from Ocaml's standard library. *)
+Require Import FSetInterface.
+Require Import FSetList.
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import Int.
+Set Firstorder Depth 3.
+Module Raw (I:Int)(X:OrderedType).
+Import I.
+Module II:=MoreInt(I).
+Import II.
+Open Scope Int_scope.
+Module E := X.
+Module MX := OrderedTypeFacts X.
+Definition elt := X.t.
+(** * Trees *)
+Inductive tree : Set :=
+ | Leaf : tree
+ | Node : tree -> X.t -> tree -> int -> tree.
+Notation t := tree.
+(** The fourth field of [Node] is the height of the tree *)
+(** A tactic to repeat [inversion_clear] on all hyps of the
+ form [(f (Node _ _ _ _))] *)
+Ltac inv f :=
+ match goal with
+ | H:f Leaf |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | H:f _ Leaf |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | H:f (Node _ _ _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | H:f _ (Node _ _ _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+(** Same, but with a backup of the original hypothesis. *)
+Ltac safe_inv f := match goal with
+ | H:f (Node _ _ _ _) |- _ =>
+ generalize H; inversion_clear H; safe_inv f
+ | _ => intros
+ end.
+(** * Occurrence in a tree *)
+Inductive In (x : elt) : tree -> Prop :=
+ | IsRoot :
+ forall (l r : tree) (h : int) (y : elt),
+ X.eq x y -> In x (Node l y r h)
+ | InLeft :
+ forall (l r : tree) (h : int) (y : elt),
+ In x l -> In x (Node l y r h)
+ | InRight :
+ forall (l r : tree) (h : int) (y : elt),
+ In x r -> In x (Node l y r h).
+Hint Constructors In.
+Ltac intuition_in := repeat progress (intuition; inv In).
+(** [In] is compatible with [X.eq] *)
+Lemma In_1 :
+ forall s x y, X.eq x y -> In x s -> In y s.
+ induction s; simpl; intuition_in; eauto.
+Hint Immediate In_1.
+(** * Binary search trees *)
+(** [lt_tree x s]: all elements in [s] are smaller than [x]
+ (resp. greater for [gt_tree]) *)
+Definition lt_tree (x : elt) (s : tree) :=
+ forall y:elt, In y s -> X.lt y x.
+Definition gt_tree (x : elt) (s : tree) :=
+ forall y:elt, In y s -> X.lt x y.
+Hint Unfold lt_tree gt_tree.
+Ltac order := match goal with
+ | H: lt_tree ?x ?s, H1: In ?y ?s |- _ => generalize (H _ H1); clear H; order
+ | H: gt_tree ?x ?s, H1: In ?y ?s |- _ => generalize (H _ H1); clear H; order
+ | _ => MX.order
+(** Results about [lt_tree] and [gt_tree] *)
+Lemma lt_leaf : forall x : elt, lt_tree x Leaf.
+ unfold lt_tree in |- *; intros; inversion H.
+Lemma gt_leaf : forall x : elt, gt_tree x Leaf.
+ unfold gt_tree in |- *; intros; inversion H.
+Lemma lt_tree_node :
+ forall (x y : elt) (l r : tree) (h : int),
+ lt_tree x l -> lt_tree x r -> X.lt y x -> lt_tree x (Node l y r h).
+ unfold lt_tree in *; intuition_in; order.
+Lemma gt_tree_node :
+ forall (x y : elt) (l r : tree) (h : int),
+ gt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> X.lt x y -> gt_tree x (Node l y r h).
+ unfold gt_tree in *; intuition_in; order.
+Hint Resolve lt_leaf gt_leaf lt_tree_node gt_tree_node.
+Lemma lt_tree_not_in :
+ forall (x : elt) (t : tree), lt_tree x t -> ~ In x t.
+ intros; intro; order.
+Lemma lt_tree_trans :
+ forall x y, X.lt x y -> forall t, lt_tree x t -> lt_tree y t.
+ firstorder eauto.
+Lemma gt_tree_not_in :
+ forall (x : elt) (t : tree), gt_tree x t -> ~ In x t.
+ intros; intro; order.
+Lemma gt_tree_trans :
+ forall x y, X.lt y x -> forall t, gt_tree x t -> gt_tree y t.
+ firstorder eauto.
+Hint Resolve lt_tree_not_in lt_tree_trans gt_tree_not_in gt_tree_trans.
+(** [bst t] : [t] is a binary search tree *)
+Inductive bst : tree -> Prop :=
+ | BSLeaf : bst Leaf
+ | BSNode :
+ forall (x : elt) (l r : tree) (h : int),
+ bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (Node l x r h).
+Hint Constructors bst.
+(** * AVL trees *)
+(** [avl s] : [s] is a properly balanced AVL tree,
+ i.e. for any node the heights of the two children
+ differ by at most 2 *)
+Definition height (s : tree) : int :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => 0
+ | Node _ _ _ h => h
+ end.
+Inductive avl : tree -> Prop :=
+ | RBLeaf : avl Leaf
+ | RBNode :
+ forall (x : elt) (l r : tree) (h : int),
+ avl l ->
+ avl r ->
+ -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 ->
+ h = max (height l) (height r) + 1 ->
+ avl (Node l x r h).
+Hint Constructors avl.
+(** Results about [avl] *)
+Lemma avl_node :
+ forall (x : elt) (l r : tree),
+ avl l ->
+ avl r ->
+ -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 ->
+ avl (Node l x r (max (height l) (height r) + 1)).
+ intros; auto.
+Hint Resolve avl_node.
+(** The tactics *)
+Lemma height_non_negative : forall s : tree, avl s -> height s >= 0.
+ induction s; simpl; intros; auto with zarith.
+ inv avl; intuition; omega_max.
+Implicit Arguments height_non_negative.
+(** When [H:avl r], typing [avl_nn H] or [avl_nn r] adds [height r>=0] *)
+Ltac avl_nn_hyp H :=
+ let nz := fresh "nz" in assert (nz := height_non_negative H).
+Ltac avl_nn h :=
+ let t := type of h in
+ match type of t with
+ | Prop => avl_nn_hyp h
+ | _ => match goal with H : avl h |- _ => avl_nn_hyp H end
+ end.
+(* Repeat the previous tactic.
+ Drawback: need to clear the [avl _] hyps ... Thank you Ltac *)
+Ltac avl_nns :=
+ match goal with
+ | H:avl _ |- _ => avl_nn_hyp H; clear H; avl_nns
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+(** * Some shortcuts. *)
+Definition Equal s s' := forall a : elt, In a s <-> In a s'.
+Definition Subset s s' := forall a : elt, In a s -> In a s'.
+Definition Empty s := forall a : elt, ~ In a s.
+Definition For_all (P : elt -> Prop) s := forall x, In x s -> P x.
+Definition Exists (P : elt -> Prop) s := exists x, In x s /\ P x.
+(** * Empty set *)
+Definition empty := Leaf.
+Lemma empty_bst : bst empty.
+ auto.
+Lemma empty_avl : avl empty.
+ auto.
+Lemma empty_1 : Empty empty.
+ intro; intro.
+ inversion H.
+(** * Emptyness test *)
+Definition is_empty (s:t) := match s with Leaf => true | _ => false end.
+Lemma is_empty_1 : forall s, Empty s -> is_empty s = true.
+ destruct s as [|r x l h]; simpl; auto.
+ intro H; elim (H x); auto.
+Lemma is_empty_2 : forall s, is_empty s = true -> Empty s.
+ destruct s; simpl; intros; try discriminate; red; auto.
+(** * Appartness *)
+(** The [mem] function is deciding appartness. It exploits the [bst] property
+ to achieve logarithmic complexity. *)
+Fixpoint mem (x:elt)(s:t) { struct s } : bool :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => false
+ | Node l y r _ => match X.compare x y with
+ | LT _ => mem x l
+ | EQ _ => true
+ | GT _ => mem x r
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma mem_1 : forall s x, bst s -> In x s -> mem x s = true.
+ intros s x.
+ functional induction mem x s; inversion_clear 1; auto.
+ inversion_clear 1.
+ inversion_clear 1; auto; absurd (X.lt x y); eauto.
+ inversion_clear 1; auto; absurd (X.lt y x); eauto.
+Lemma mem_2 : forall s x, mem x s = true -> In x s.
+ intros s x.
+ functional induction mem x s; auto; intros; try discriminate.
+(** * Singleton set *)
+Definition singleton (x : elt) := Node Leaf x Leaf 1.
+Lemma singleton_bst : forall x : elt, bst (singleton x).
+ unfold singleton; auto.
+Lemma singleton_avl : forall x : elt, avl (singleton x).
+ unfold singleton; intro.
+ constructor; auto; try red; simpl; omega_max.
+Lemma singleton_1 : forall x y, In y (singleton x) -> X.eq x y.
+ unfold singleton; inversion_clear 1; auto; inversion_clear H0.
+Lemma singleton_2 : forall x y, X.eq x y -> In y (singleton x).
+ unfold singleton; auto.
+(** * Helper functions *)
+(** [create l x r] creates a node, assuming [l] and [r]
+ to be balanced and [|height l - height r| <= 2]. *)
+Definition create l x r :=
+ Node l x r (max (height l) (height r) + 1).
+Lemma create_bst :
+ forall l x r, bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r ->
+ bst (create l x r).
+ unfold create; auto.
+Hint Resolve create_bst.
+Lemma create_avl :
+ forall l x r, avl l -> avl r -> -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 ->
+ avl (create l x r).
+ unfold create; auto.
+Lemma create_height :
+ forall l x r, avl l -> avl r -> -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 ->
+ height (create l x r) = max (height l) (height r) + 1.
+ unfold create; intros; auto.
+Lemma create_in :
+ forall l x r y, In y (create l x r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y r.
+ unfold create; split; [ inversion_clear 1 | ]; intuition.
+(** trick for emulating [assert false] in Coq *)
+Definition assert_false := Leaf.
+(** [bal l x r] acts as [create], but performs one step of
+ rebalancing if necessary, i.e. assumes [|height l - height r| <= 3]. *)
+Definition bal l x r :=
+ let hl := height l in
+ let hr := height r in
+ if gt_le_dec hl (hr+2) then
+ match l with
+ | Leaf => assert_false
+ | Node ll lx lr _ =>
+ if ge_lt_dec (height ll) (height lr) then
+ create ll lx (create lr x r)
+ else
+ match lr with
+ | Leaf => assert_false
+ | Node lrl lrx lrr _ =>
+ create (create ll lx lrl) lrx (create lrr x r)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if gt_le_dec hr (hl+2) then
+ match r with
+ | Leaf => assert_false
+ | Node rl rx rr _ =>
+ if ge_lt_dec (height rr) (height rl) then
+ create (create l x rl) rx rr
+ else
+ match rl with
+ | Leaf => assert_false
+ | Node rll rlx rlr _ =>
+ create (create l x rll) rlx (create rlr rx rr)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ create l x r.
+Ltac bal_tac :=
+ intros l x r;
+ unfold bal;
+ destruct (gt_le_dec (height l) (height r + 2));
+ [ destruct l as [ |ll lx lr lh];
+ [ | destruct (ge_lt_dec (height ll) (height lr));
+ [ | destruct lr ] ]
+ | destruct (gt_le_dec (height r) (height l + 2));
+ [ destruct r as [ |rl rx rr rh];
+ [ | destruct (ge_lt_dec (height rr) (height rl));
+ [ | destruct rl ] ]
+ | ] ]; intros.
+Lemma bal_bst : forall l x r, bst l -> bst r ->
+ lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (bal l x r).
+ (* intros l x r; functional induction bal l x r. MARCHE PAS !*)
+ bal_tac;
+ inv bst; repeat apply create_bst; auto; unfold create;
+ apply lt_tree_node || apply gt_tree_node; auto;
+ eapply lt_tree_trans || eapply gt_tree_trans || eauto; eauto.
+Lemma bal_avl : forall l x r, avl l -> avl r ->
+ -(3) <= height l - height r <= 3 -> avl (bal l x r).
+ bal_tac; inv avl; repeat apply create_avl; simpl in *; auto; omega_max.
+Lemma bal_height_1 : forall l x r, avl l -> avl r ->
+ -(3) <= height l - height r <= 3 ->
+ 0 <= height (bal l x r) - max (height l) (height r) <= 1.
+ bal_tac; inv avl; avl_nns; simpl in *; omega_max.
+Lemma bal_height_2 :
+ forall l x r, avl l -> avl r -> -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 ->
+ height (bal l x r) == max (height l) (height r) +1.
+ bal_tac; inv avl; simpl in *; omega_max.
+Lemma bal_in : forall l x r y, avl l -> avl r ->
+ (In y (bal l x r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y r).
+ bal_tac;
+ solve [repeat rewrite create_in; intuition_in
+ |inv avl; avl_nns; simpl in *; false_omega].
+Ltac omega_bal := match goal with
+ | H:avl ?l, H':avl ?r |- context [ bal ?l ?x ?r ] =>
+ generalize (bal_height_1 l x r H H') (bal_height_2 l x r H H');
+ omega_max
+ end.
+(** * Insertion *)
+Fixpoint add (x:elt)(s:t) { struct s } : t := match s with
+ | Leaf => Node Leaf x Leaf 1
+ | Node l y r h =>
+ match X.compare x y with
+ | LT _ => bal (add x l) y r
+ | EQ _ => Node l y r h
+ | GT _ => bal l y (add x r)
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma add_avl_1 : forall s x, avl s ->
+ avl (add x s) /\ 0 <= height (add x s) - height s <= 1.
+ intros s x; functional induction add x s; intros; inv avl; simpl in *.
+ intuition; try constructor; simpl; auto; try omega_max.
+ (* LT *)
+ destruct H; auto.
+ split.
+ apply bal_avl; auto; omega_max.
+ omega_bal.
+ (* EQ *)
+ intuition; omega_max.
+ (* GT *)
+ destruct H; auto.
+ split.
+ apply bal_avl; auto; omega_max.
+ omega_bal.
+Lemma add_avl : forall s x, avl s -> avl (add x s).
+ intros; generalize (add_avl_1 s x H); intuition.
+Hint Resolve add_avl.
+Lemma add_in : forall s x y, avl s ->
+ (In y (add x s) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y s).
+ intros s x; functional induction add x s; auto; intros.
+ intuition_in.
+ (* LT *)
+ inv avl.
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ rewrite (H y0 H1); intuition_in.
+ (* EQ *)
+ inv avl.
+ intuition.
+ eapply In_1; eauto.
+ (* GT *)
+ inv avl.
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ rewrite (H y0 H2); intuition_in.
+Lemma add_bst : forall s x, bst s -> avl s -> bst (add x s).
+ intros s x; functional induction add x s; auto; intros.
+ inv bst; inv avl; apply bal_bst; auto.
+ (* lt_tree -> lt_tree (add ...) *)
+ red; red in H4.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (add_in l x y0 H0) in H1.
+ intuition.
+ eauto.
+ inv bst; inv avl; apply bal_bst; auto.
+ (* gt_tree -> gt_tree (add ...) *)
+ red; red in H4.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (add_in r x y0 H6) in H1.
+ intuition.
+ apply MX.lt_eq with x; auto.
+(** * Join
+ Same as [bal] but does not assume anything regarding heights
+ of [l] and [r].
+Fixpoint join (l:t) : elt -> t -> t :=
+ match l with
+ | Leaf => add
+ | Node ll lx lr lh => fun x =>
+ fix join_aux (r:t) : t := match r with
+ | Leaf => add x l
+ | Node rl rx rr rh =>
+ if gt_le_dec lh (rh+2) then bal ll lx (join lr x r)
+ else if gt_le_dec rh (lh+2) then bal (join_aux rl) rx rr
+ else create l x r
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac join_tac :=
+ intro l; induction l as [| ll _ lx lr Hlr lh];
+ [ | intros x r; induction r as [| rl Hrl rx rr _ rh]; unfold join;
+ [ | destruct (gt_le_dec lh (rh+2));
+ [ match goal with |- context b [ bal ?a ?b ?c] =>
+ replace (bal a b c)
+ with (bal ll lx (join lr x (Node rl rx rr rh))); [ | auto]
+ end
+ | destruct (gt_le_dec rh (lh+2));
+ [ match goal with |- context b [ bal ?a ?b ?c] =>
+ replace (bal a b c)
+ with (bal (join (Node ll lx lr lh) x rl) rx rr); [ | auto]
+ end
+ | ] ] ] ]; intros.
+Lemma join_avl_1 : forall l x r, avl l -> avl r -> avl (join l x r) /\
+ 0<= height (join l x r) - max (height l) (height r) <= 1.
+ (* intros l x r; functional induction join l x r. AUTRE PROBLEME! *)
+ join_tac.
+ split; simpl; auto.
+ destruct (add_avl_1 r x H0).
+ avl_nns; omega_max.
+ split; auto.
+ set (l:=Node ll lx lr lh) in *.
+ destruct (add_avl_1 l x H).
+ simpl (height Leaf).
+ avl_nns; omega_max.
+ inversion_clear H.
+ assert (height (Node rl rx rr rh) = rh); auto.
+ set (r := Node rl rx rr rh) in *; clearbody r.
+ destruct (Hlr x r H2 H0); clear Hrl Hlr.
+ set (j := join lr x r) in *; clearbody j.
+ simpl.
+ assert (-(3) <= height ll - height j <= 3) by omega_max.
+ split.
+ apply bal_avl; auto.
+ omega_bal.
+ inversion_clear H0.
+ assert (height (Node ll lx lr lh) = lh); auto.
+ set (l := Node ll lx lr lh) in *; clearbody l.
+ destruct (Hrl H H1); clear Hrl Hlr.
+ set (j := join l x rl) in *; clearbody j.
+ simpl.
+ assert (-(3) <= height j - height rr <= 3) by omega_max.
+ split.
+ apply bal_avl; auto.
+ omega_bal.
+ clear Hrl Hlr.
+ assert (height (Node ll lx lr lh) = lh); auto.
+ assert (height (Node rl rx rr rh) = rh); auto.
+ set (l := Node ll lx lr lh) in *; clearbody l.
+ set (r := Node rl rx rr rh) in *; clearbody r.
+ assert (-(2) <= height l - height r <= 2) by omega_max.
+ split.
+ apply create_avl; auto.
+ rewrite create_height; auto; omega_max.
+Lemma join_avl : forall l x r, avl l -> avl r -> avl (join l x r).
+ intros; generalize (join_avl_1 l x r H H0); intuition.
+Hint Resolve join_avl.
+Lemma join_in : forall l x r y, avl l -> avl r ->
+ (In y (join l x r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y r).
+ join_tac.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite add_in; intuition_in.
+ rewrite add_in; intuition_in.
+ inv avl.
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ rewrite Hlr; clear Hlr Hrl; intuition_in.
+ inv avl.
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ rewrite Hrl; clear Hlr Hrl; intuition_in.
+ apply create_in.
+Lemma join_bst : forall l x r, bst l -> avl l -> bst r -> avl r ->
+ lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (join l x r).
+ join_tac.
+ apply add_bst; auto.
+ apply add_bst; auto.
+ inv bst; safe_inv avl.
+ apply bal_bst; auto.
+ clear Hrl Hlr H13 H14 H16 H17 z; intro; intros.
+ set (r:=Node rl rx rr rh) in *; clearbody r.
+ rewrite (join_in lr x r y) in H13; auto.
+ intuition.
+ apply MX.lt_eq with x; eauto.
+ eauto.
+ inv bst; safe_inv avl.
+ apply bal_bst; auto.
+ clear Hrl Hlr H13 H14 H16 H17 z; intro; intros.
+ set (l:=Node ll lx lr lh) in *; clearbody l.
+ rewrite (join_in l x rl y) in H13; auto.
+ intuition.
+ apply MX.eq_lt with x; eauto.
+ eauto.
+ apply create_bst; auto.
+(** * Extraction of minimum element
+ morally, [remove_min] is to be applied to a non-empty tree
+ [t = Node l x r h]. Since we can't deal here with [assert false]
+ for [t=Leaf], we pre-unpack [t] (and forget about [h]).
+Fixpoint remove_min (l:t)(x:elt)(r:t) { struct l } : t*elt :=
+ match l with
+ | Leaf => (r,x)
+ | Node ll lx lr lh => let (l',m) := remove_min ll lx lr in (bal l' x r, m)
+ end.
+Lemma remove_min_avl_1 : forall l x r h, avl (Node l x r h) ->
+ avl (fst (remove_min l x r)) /\
+ 0 <= height (Node l x r h) - height (fst (remove_min l x r)) <= 1.
+ intros l x r; functional induction remove_min l x r; simpl in *; intros.
+ inv avl; simpl in *; split; auto.
+ avl_nns; omega_max.
+ (* l = Node *)
+ inversion_clear H0.
+ destruct (H lh); auto.
+ split; simpl in *.
+ apply bal_avl; auto; omega_max.
+ omega_bal.
+Lemma remove_min_avl : forall l x r h, avl (Node l x r h) ->
+ avl (fst (remove_min l x r)).
+ intros; generalize (remove_min_avl_1 l x r h H); intuition.
+Lemma remove_min_in : forall l x r h y, avl (Node l x r h) ->
+ (In y (Node l x r h) <->
+ X.eq y (snd (remove_min l x r)) \/ In y (fst (remove_min l x r))).
+ intros l x r; functional induction remove_min l x r; simpl in *; intros.
+ intuition_in.
+ (* l = Node *)
+ inversion_clear H0.
+ generalize (remove_min_avl ll lx lr lh H1).
+ rewrite H_eq_0; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ generalize (H lh y H1).
+ intuition.
+ inversion_clear H8; intuition.
+Lemma remove_min_bst : forall l x r h,
+ bst (Node l x r h) -> avl (Node l x r h) -> bst (fst (remove_min l x r)).
+ intros l x r; functional induction remove_min l x r; simpl in *; intros.
+ inv bst; auto.
+ inversion_clear H0; inversion_clear H1.
+ apply bal_bst; auto.
+ firstorder.
+ intro; intros.
+ generalize (remove_min_in ll lx lr lh y H0).
+ rewrite H_eq_0; simpl.
+ destruct 1.
+ apply H4; intuition.
+Lemma remove_min_gt_tree : forall l x r h,
+ bst (Node l x r h) -> avl (Node l x r h) ->
+ gt_tree (snd (remove_min l x r)) (fst (remove_min l x r)).
+ intros l x r; functional induction remove_min l x r; simpl in *; intros.
+ inv bst; auto.
+ inversion_clear H0; inversion_clear H1.
+ intro; intro.
+ generalize (H lh H2 H0); clear H8 H7 H.
+ generalize (remove_min_avl ll lx lr lh H0).
+ generalize (remove_min_in ll lx lr lh m H0).
+ rewrite H_eq_0; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite (bal_in l' x r y H7 H6) in H1.
+ destruct H.
+ firstorder.
+ apply MX.lt_eq with x; auto.
+ apply X.lt_trans with x; auto.
+(** * Merging two trees
+ [merge t1 t2] builds the union of [t1] and [t2] assuming all elements
+ of [t1] to be smaller than all elements of [t2], and
+ [|height t1 - height t2| <= 2].
+Definition merge s1 s2 := match s1,s2 with
+ | Leaf, _ => s2
+ | _, Leaf => s1
+ | _, Node l2 x2 r2 h2 =>
+ let (s2',m) := remove_min l2 x2 r2 in bal s1 m s2'
+Lemma merge_avl_1 : forall s1 s2, avl s1 -> avl s2 ->
+ -(2) <= height s1 - height s2 <= 2 ->
+ avl (merge s1 s2) /\
+ 0<= height (merge s1 s2) - max (height s1) (height s2) <=1.
+ intros s1 s2; functional induction merge s1 s2; simpl in *; intros.
+ split; auto; avl_nns; omega_max.
+ split; auto; avl_nns; simpl in *; omega_max.
+ generalize (remove_min_avl_1 l2 x2 r2 h2 H0).
+ rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; destruct 1.
+ split.
+ apply bal_avl; auto.
+ simpl; omega_max.
+ omega_bal.
+Lemma merge_avl : forall s1 s2, avl s1 -> avl s2 ->
+ -(2) <= height s1 - height s2 <= 2 -> avl (merge s1 s2).
+ intros; generalize (merge_avl_1 s1 s2 H H0 H1); intuition.
+Lemma merge_in : forall s1 s2 y, bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ (In y (merge s1 s2) <-> In y s1 \/ In y s2).
+ intros s1 s2; functional induction merge s1 s2; simpl in *; intros.
+ intuition_in.
+ intuition_in.
+ replace s2' with (fst (remove_min l2 x2 r2)); [|rewrite H_eq_1; auto].
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_avl l2 x2 r2 h2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_in l2 x2 r2 h2 y); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; intro.
+ rewrite H3; intuition.
+Lemma merge_bst : forall s1 s2, bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ (forall y1 y2 : elt, In y1 s1 -> In y2 s2 -> X.lt y1 y2) ->
+ bst (merge s1 s2).
+ intros s1 s2; functional induction merge s1 s2; simpl in *; intros; auto.
+ apply bal_bst; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_bst l2 x2 r2 h2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl in *; auto.
+ intro; intro.
+ apply H3; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_in l2 x2 r2 h2 m); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; intuition.
+ generalize (remove_min_gt_tree l2 x2 r2 h2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; auto.
+(** * Deletion *)
+Fixpoint remove (x:elt)(s:tree) { struct s } : t := match s with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l y r h =>
+ match X.compare x y with
+ | LT _ => bal (remove x l) y r
+ | EQ _ => merge l r
+ | GT _ => bal l y (remove x r)
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma remove_avl_1 : forall s x, avl s ->
+ avl (remove x s) /\ 0 <= height s - height (remove x s) <= 1.
+ intros s x; functional induction remove x s; simpl; intros.
+ intuition; omega_max.
+ (* LT *)
+ inv avl.
+ destruct (H H1).
+ split.
+ apply bal_avl; auto.
+ omega_max.
+ omega_bal.
+ (* EQ *)
+ inv avl.
+ generalize (merge_avl_1 l r H0 H1 H2).
+ intuition omega_max.
+ (* GT *)
+ inv avl.
+ destruct (H H2).
+ split.
+ apply bal_avl; auto.
+ omega_max.
+ omega_bal.
+Lemma remove_avl : forall s x, avl s -> avl (remove x s).
+ intros; generalize (remove_avl_1 s x H); intuition.
+Hint Resolve remove_avl.
+Lemma remove_in : forall s x y, bst s -> avl s ->
+ (In y (remove x s) <-> ~ X.eq y x /\ In y s).
+ intros s x; functional induction remove x s; simpl; intros.
+ intuition_in.
+ (* LT *)
+ inv avl; inv bst; clear H_eq_0.
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ generalize (H y0 H1); intuition; [ order | order | intuition_in ].
+ (* EQ *)
+ inv avl; inv bst; clear H_eq_0.
+ rewrite merge_in; intuition; [ order | order | intuition_in ].
+ elim H9; eauto.
+ (* GT *)
+ inv avl; inv bst; clear H_eq_0.
+ rewrite bal_in; auto.
+ generalize (H y0 H6); intuition; [ order | order | intuition_in ].
+Lemma remove_bst : forall s x, bst s -> avl s -> bst (remove x s).
+ intros s x; functional induction remove x s; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ (* LT *)
+ inv avl; inv bst.
+ apply bal_bst; auto.
+ intro; intro.
+ rewrite (remove_in l x y0) in H0; auto.
+ destruct H0; eauto.
+ (* EQ *)
+ inv avl; inv bst.
+ apply merge_bst; eauto.
+ (* GT *)
+ inv avl; inv bst.
+ apply bal_bst; auto.
+ intro; intro.
+ rewrite (remove_in r x y0) in H0; auto.
+ destruct H0; eauto.
+ (** * Minimum element *)
+Fixpoint min_elt (s:t) : option elt := match s with
+ | Leaf => None
+ | Node Leaf y _ _ => Some y
+ | Node l _ _ _ => min_elt l
+Lemma min_elt_1 : forall s x, min_elt s = Some x -> In x s.
+ intro s; functional induction min_elt s; simpl.
+ inversion 1.
+ inversion 1; auto.
+ intros.
+ destruct t0; auto.
+Lemma min_elt_2 : forall s x y, bst s ->
+ min_elt s = Some x -> In y s -> ~ X.lt y x.
+ intro s; functional induction min_elt s; simpl.
+ inversion_clear 2.
+ inversion_clear 1.
+ inversion 1; subst.
+ inversion_clear 1; auto.
+ inversion_clear H5.
+ inversion_clear 1.
+ destruct t0.
+ inversion 1; subst.
+ assert (X.lt x y) by apply H3; auto.
+ inversion_clear 1; auto; order.
+ assert (X.lt t1 y) by auto.
+ inversion_clear 2; auto;
+ (assert (~ X.lt t1 x) by auto); order.
+Lemma min_elt_3 : forall s, min_elt s = None -> Empty s.
+ intro s; functional induction min_elt s; simpl.
+ red; auto.
+ inversion 1.
+ destruct t0.
+ inversion 1.
+ intros H0; destruct (H H0 t1); auto.
+(** * Maximum element *)
+Fixpoint max_elt (s:t) : option elt := match s with
+ | Leaf => None
+ | Node _ y Leaf _ => Some y
+ | Node _ _ r _ => max_elt r
+Lemma max_elt_1 : forall s x, max_elt s = Some x -> In x s.
+ intro s; functional induction max_elt s; simpl.
+ inversion 1.
+ inversion 1; auto.
+ intros.
+ destruct t2; auto.
+Lemma max_elt_2 : forall s x y, bst s ->
+ max_elt s = Some x -> In y s -> ~ X.lt x y.
+ intro s; functional induction max_elt s; simpl.
+ inversion_clear 2.
+ inversion_clear 1.
+ inversion 1; subst.
+ inversion_clear 1; auto.
+ inversion_clear H5.
+ inversion_clear 1.
+ destruct t2.
+ inversion 1; subst.
+ assert (X.lt y x) by apply H4; auto.
+ inversion_clear 1; auto; order.
+ assert (X.lt y t1) by auto.
+ inversion_clear 2; auto;
+ (assert (~ X.lt x t1) by auto); order.
+Lemma max_elt_3 : forall s, max_elt s = None -> Empty s.
+ intro s; functional induction max_elt s; simpl.
+ red; auto.
+ inversion 1.
+ destruct t2.
+ inversion 1.
+ intros H0; destruct (H H0 t1); auto.
+(** * Any element *)
+Definition choose := min_elt.
+Lemma choose_1 : forall s x, choose s = Some x -> In x s.
+ exact min_elt_1.
+Lemma choose_2 : forall s, choose s = None -> Empty s.
+ exact min_elt_3.
+(** * Concatenation
+ Same as [merge] but does not assume anything about heights.
+Definition concat s1 s2 :=
+ match s1, s2 with
+ | Leaf, _ => s2
+ | _, Leaf => s1
+ | _, Node l2 x2 r2 h2 =>
+ let (s2',m) := remove_min l2 x2 r2 in
+ join s1 m s2'
+ end.
+Lemma concat_avl : forall s1 s2, avl s1 -> avl s2 -> avl (concat s1 s2).
+ intros s1 s2; functional induction concat s1 s2; auto.
+ intros; change (avl (join (Node t t0 t1 i) m s2')).
+ rewrite <- H_eq_ in H; rewrite <- H_eq_.
+ apply join_avl; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_avl l2 x2 r2 h2 H0); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; auto.
+Lemma concat_bst : forall s1 s2, bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ (forall y1 y2 : elt, In y1 s1 -> In y2 s2 -> X.lt y1 y2) ->
+ bst (concat s1 s2).
+ intros s1 s2; functional induction concat s1 s2; auto.
+ intros; change (bst (join (Node t t0 t1 i) m s2')).
+ rewrite <- H_eq_ in H; rewrite <- H_eq_ in H0;
+ rewrite <- H_eq_ in H3; rewrite <- H_eq_.
+ apply join_bst; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_bst l2 x2 r2 h2 H1 H2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_avl l2 x2 r2 h2 H2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_in l2 x2 r2 h2 m H2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; auto.
+ destruct 1; intuition.
+ generalize (remove_min_gt_tree l2 x2 r2 h2 H1 H2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; auto.
+Lemma concat_in : forall s1 s2 y, bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ (forall y1 y2 : elt, In y1 s1 -> In y2 s2 -> X.lt y1 y2) ->
+ (In y (concat s1 s2) <-> In y s1 \/ In y s2).
+ intros s1 s2; functional induction concat s1 s2.
+ intuition.
+ inversion_clear H5.
+ intuition.
+ inversion_clear H5.
+ intros.
+ change (In y (join (Node t t0 t1 i) m s2') <->
+ In y (Node t t0 t1 i) \/ In y (Node l2 x2 r2 h2)).
+ rewrite <- H_eq_ in H; rewrite <- H_eq_ in H0;
+ rewrite <- H_eq_ in H3; rewrite <- H_eq_.
+ rewrite (join_in s1 m s2' y H0).
+ generalize (remove_min_avl l2 x2 r2 h2 H2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_in l2 x2 r2 h2 y H2); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl.
+ intro EQ; rewrite EQ; intuition.
+(** * Splitting
+ [split x s] returns a triple [(l, present, r)] where
+ - [l] is the set of elements of [s] that are [< x]
+ - [r] is the set of elements of [s] that are [> x]
+ - [present] is [true] if and only if [s] contains [x].
+Fixpoint split (x:elt)(s:t) {struct s} : t * (bool * t) := match s with
+ | Leaf => (Leaf, (false, Leaf))
+ | Node l y r h =>
+ match X.compare x y with
+ | LT _ => match split x l with
+ | (ll,(pres,rl)) => (ll, (pres, join rl y r))
+ end
+ | EQ _ => (l, (true, r))
+ | GT _ => match split x r with
+ | (rl,(pres,rr)) => (join l y rl, (pres, rr))
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma split_avl : forall s x, avl s ->
+ avl (fst (split x s)) /\ avl (snd (snd (split x s))).
+ intros s x; functional induction split x s.
+ auto.
+ destruct p; simpl in *.
+ inversion_clear 1; intuition.
+ simpl; inversion_clear 1; auto.
+ destruct p; simpl in *.
+ inversion_clear 1; intuition.
+Lemma split_in_1 : forall s x y, bst s -> avl s ->
+ (In y (fst (split x s)) <-> In y s /\ X.lt y x).
+ intros s x; functional induction split x s.
+ intuition; try inversion_clear H1.
+ (* LT *)
+ destruct p; simpl in *; inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 1; clear H7 H8.
+ rewrite (H y0 H1 H5); clear H H_eq_0.
+ intuition.
+ inversion_clear H0; auto; order.
+ (* EQ *)
+ simpl in *; inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 1; clear H6 H7 H_eq_0.
+ intuition.
+ order.
+ intuition_in; order.
+ (* GT *)
+ destruct p; simpl in *; inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 1; clear H7 H8.
+ rewrite join_in; auto.
+ generalize (split_avl r x H6); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; intuition.
+ rewrite (H y0 H2 H6); clear H.
+ intuition; [ eauto | eauto | intuition_in ].
+Lemma split_in_2 : forall s x y, bst s -> avl s ->
+ (In y (snd (snd (split x s))) <-> In y s /\ X.lt x y).
+ intros s x; functional induction split x s.
+ intuition; try inversion_clear H1.
+ (* LT *)
+ destruct p; simpl in *; inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 1; clear H7 H8.
+ rewrite join_in; auto.
+ generalize (split_avl l x H5); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; intuition.
+ rewrite (H y0 H1 H5); clear H H_eq_0.
+ intuition; [ order | order | intuition_in ].
+ (* EQ *)
+ simpl in *; inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 1; clear H6 H7 H_eq_0.
+ intuition; [ order | intuition_in; order ].
+ (* GT *)
+ destruct p; simpl in *; inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 1; clear H7 H8.
+ rewrite (H y0 H2 H6); clear H H_eq_0.
+ intuition; intuition_in; order.
+Lemma split_in_3 : forall s x, bst s -> avl s ->
+ (fst (snd (split x s)) = true <-> In x s).
+ intros s x; functional induction split x s.
+ intuition; try inversion_clear H1.
+ (* LT *)
+ destruct p; simpl in *; inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 1; clear H7 H8.
+ rewrite H; auto.
+ intuition_in; absurd (X.lt x y); eauto.
+ (* EQ *)
+ simpl in *; inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 1; intuition.
+ (* GT *)
+ destruct p; simpl in *; inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 1; clear H7 H8.
+ rewrite H; auto.
+ intuition_in; absurd (X.lt y x); eauto.
+Lemma split_bst : forall s x, bst s -> avl s ->
+ bst (fst (split x s)) /\ bst (snd (snd (split x s))).
+ intros s x; functional induction split x s.
+ intuition.
+ (* LT *)
+ destruct p; simpl in *; inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 1.
+ intuition.
+ apply join_bst; auto.
+ generalize (split_avl l x H5); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; intuition.
+ intro; intro.
+ generalize (split_in_2 l x y0 H1 H5); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; intuition.
+ (* EQ *)
+ simpl in *; inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 1; intuition.
+ (* GT *)
+ destruct p; simpl in *; inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 1.
+ intuition.
+ apply join_bst; auto.
+ generalize (split_avl r x H6); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; intuition.
+ intro; intro.
+ generalize (split_in_1 r x y0 H2 H6); rewrite H_eq_1; simpl; intuition.
+(** * Intersection *)
+ Fixpoint inter (s1 s2 : t) {struct s1} : t := match s1, s2 with
+ | Leaf,_ => Leaf
+ | _,Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l1 x1 r1 h1, _ =>
+ match split x1 s2 with
+ | (l2',(true,r2')) => join (inter l1 l2') x1 (inter r1 r2')
+ | (l2',(false,r2')) => concat (inter l1 l2') (inter r1 r2')
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma inter_avl : forall s1 s2, avl s1 -> avl s2 -> avl (inter s1 s2).
+ (* intros s1 s2; functional induction inter s1 s2; auto. BOF BOF *)
+ induction s1 as [ | l1 Hl1 x1 r1 Hr1 h1]; simpl; auto.
+ destruct s2 as [ | l2 x2 r2 h2]; intros; auto.
+ generalize H0; inv avl.
+ set (r:=Node l2 x2 r2 h2) in *; clearbody r; intros.
+ destruct (split_avl r x1 H8).
+ destruct (split x1 r) as [l2' (b,r2')]; simpl in *.
+ destruct b; [ apply join_avl | apply concat_avl ]; auto.
+Lemma inter_bst_in : forall s1 s2, bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ bst (inter s1 s2) /\ (forall y, In y (inter s1 s2) <-> In y s1 /\ In y s2).
+ induction s1 as [ | l1 Hl1 x1 r1 Hr1 h1]; simpl; auto.
+ intuition; inversion_clear H3.
+ destruct s2 as [ | l2 x2 r2 h2]; intros.
+ simpl; intuition; inversion_clear H3.
+ generalize H1 H2; inv avl; inv bst.
+ set (r:=Node l2 x2 r2 h2) in *; clearbody r; intros.
+ destruct (split_avl r x1 H17).
+ destruct (split_bst r x1 H16 H17).
+ split.
+ (* bst *)
+ destruct (split x1 r) as [l2' (b,r2')]; simpl in *.
+ destruct (Hl1 l2'); auto.
+ destruct (Hr1 r2'); auto.
+ destruct b.
+ (* bst join *)
+ apply join_bst; try apply inter_avl; firstorder.
+ (* bst concat *)
+ apply concat_bst; try apply inter_avl; auto.
+ intros; generalize (H22 y1) (H24 y2); intuition eauto.
+ (* in *)
+ intros.
+ destruct (split_in_1 r x1 y H16 H17).
+ destruct (split_in_2 r x1 y H16 H17).
+ destruct (split_in_3 r x1 H16 H17).
+ destruct (split x1 r) as [l2' (b,r2')]; simpl in *.
+ destruct (Hl1 l2'); auto.
+ destruct (Hr1 r2'); auto.
+ destruct b.
+ (* in join *)
+ rewrite join_in; try apply inter_avl; auto.
+ rewrite H30.
+ rewrite H28.
+ intuition_in.
+ apply In_1 with x1; auto.
+ (* in concat *)
+ rewrite concat_in; try apply inter_avl; auto.
+ intros.
+ intros; generalize (H28 y1) (H30 y2); intuition eauto.
+ rewrite H30.
+ rewrite H28.
+ intuition_in.
+ generalize (H26 (In_1 _ _ _ H22 H35)); intro; discriminate.
+Lemma inter_bst : forall s1 s2, bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ bst (inter s1 s2).
+ intros; generalize (inter_bst_in s1 s2); intuition.
+Lemma inter_in : forall s1 s2 y, bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ (In y (inter s1 s2) <-> In y s1 /\ In y s2).
+ intros; generalize (inter_bst_in s1 s2); firstorder.
+(** * Difference *)
+Fixpoint diff (s1 s2 : t) { struct s1 } : t := match s1, s2 with
+ | Leaf, _ => Leaf
+ | _, Leaf => s1
+ | Node l1 x1 r1 h1, _ =>
+ match split x1 s2 with
+ | (l2',(true,r2')) => concat (diff l1 l2') (diff r1 r2')
+ | (l2',(false,r2')) => join (diff l1 l2') x1 (diff r1 r2')
+ end
+Lemma diff_avl : forall s1 s2, avl s1 -> avl s2 -> avl (diff s1 s2).
+ (* intros s1 s2; functional induction diff s1 s2; auto. BOF BOF *)
+ induction s1 as [ | l1 Hl1 x1 r1 Hr1 h1]; simpl; auto.
+ destruct s2 as [ | l2 x2 r2 h2]; intros; auto.
+ generalize H0; inv avl.
+ set (r:=Node l2 x2 r2 h2) in *; clearbody r; intros.
+ destruct (split_avl r x1 H8).
+ destruct (split x1 r) as [l2' (b,r2')]; simpl in *.
+ destruct b; [ apply concat_avl | apply join_avl ]; auto.
+Lemma diff_bst_in : forall s1 s2, bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ bst (diff s1 s2) /\ (forall y, In y (diff s1 s2) <-> In y s1 /\ ~In y s2).
+ induction s1 as [ | l1 Hl1 x1 r1 Hr1 h1]; simpl; auto.
+ intuition; inversion_clear H3.
+ destruct s2 as [ | l2 x2 r2 h2]; intros; auto.
+ intuition; inversion_clear H4.
+ generalize H1 H2; inv avl; inv bst.
+ set (r:=Node l2 x2 r2 h2) in *; clearbody r; intros.
+ destruct (split_avl r x1 H17).
+ destruct (split_bst r x1 H16 H17).
+ split.
+ (* bst *)
+ destruct (split x1 r) as [l2' (b,r2')]; simpl in *.
+ destruct (Hl1 l2'); auto.
+ destruct (Hr1 r2'); auto.
+ destruct b.
+ (* bst concat *)
+ apply concat_bst; try apply diff_avl; auto.
+ intros; generalize (H22 y1) (H24 y2); intuition eauto.
+ (* bst join *)
+ apply join_bst; try apply diff_avl; firstorder.
+ (* in *)
+ intros.
+ destruct (split_in_1 r x1 y H16 H17).
+ destruct (split_in_2 r x1 y H16 H17).
+ destruct (split_in_3 r x1 H16 H17).
+ destruct (split x1 r) as [l2' (b,r2')]; simpl in *.
+ destruct (Hl1 l2'); auto.
+ destruct (Hr1 r2'); auto.
+ destruct b.
+ (* in concat *)
+ rewrite concat_in; try apply diff_avl; auto.
+ intros.
+ intros; generalize (H28 y1) (H30 y2); intuition eauto.
+ rewrite H30.
+ rewrite H28.
+ intuition_in.
+ elim H35; apply In_1 with x1; auto.
+ (* in join *)
+ rewrite join_in; try apply diff_avl; auto.
+ rewrite H30.
+ rewrite H28.
+ intuition_in.
+ generalize (H26 (In_1 _ _ _ H34 H24)); intro; discriminate.
+Lemma diff_bst : forall s1 s2, bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ bst (diff s1 s2).
+ intros; generalize (diff_bst_in s1 s2); intuition.
+Lemma diff_in : forall s1 s2 y, bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ (In y (diff s1 s2) <-> In y s1 /\ ~In y s2).
+ intros; generalize (diff_bst_in s1 s2); firstorder.
+(** * Elements *)
+(** [elements_tree_aux acc t] catenates the elements of [t] in infix
+ order to the list [acc] *)
+Fixpoint elements_aux (acc : list X.t) (t : tree) {struct t} : list X.t :=
+ match t with
+ | Leaf => acc
+ | Node l x r _ => elements_aux (x :: elements_aux acc r) l
+ end.
+(** then [elements] is an instanciation with an empty [acc] *)
+Definition elements := elements_aux nil.
+Lemma elements_aux_in : forall s acc x,
+ InA X.eq x (elements_aux acc s) <-> In x s \/ InA X.eq x acc.
+ induction s as [ | l Hl x r Hr h ]; simpl; auto.
+ intuition.
+ inversion H0.
+ intros.
+ rewrite Hl.
+ destruct (Hr acc x0); clear Hl Hr.
+ intuition; inversion_clear H3; intuition.
+Lemma elements_in : forall s x, InA X.eq x (elements s) <-> In x s.
+ intros; generalize (elements_aux_in s nil x); intuition.
+ inversion_clear H0.
+Lemma elements_aux_sort : forall s acc, bst s -> sort X.lt acc ->
+ (forall x y : elt, InA X.eq x acc -> In y s -> X.lt y x) ->
+ sort X.lt (elements_aux acc s).
+ induction s as [ | l Hl y r Hr h]; simpl; intuition.
+ inv bst.
+ apply Hl; auto.
+ constructor.
+ apply Hr; auto.
+ apply MX.In_Inf; intros.
+ destruct (elements_aux_in r acc y0); intuition.
+ intros.
+ inversion_clear H.
+ order.
+ destruct (elements_aux_in r acc x); intuition eauto.
+Lemma elements_sort : forall s : tree, bst s -> sort X.lt (elements s).
+ intros; unfold elements; apply elements_aux_sort; auto.
+ intros; inversion H0.
+Hint Resolve elements_sort.
+(** * Filter *)
+Section F.
+Variable f : elt -> bool.
+Fixpoint filter_acc (acc:t)(s:t) { struct s } : t := match s with
+ | Leaf => acc
+ | Node l x r h =>
+ filter_acc (filter_acc (if f x then add x acc else acc) l) r
+ end.
+Definition filter := filter_acc Leaf.
+Lemma filter_acc_avl : forall s acc, avl s -> avl acc ->
+ avl (filter_acc acc s).
+ induction s; simpl; auto.
+ intros.
+ inv avl.
+ apply IHs2; auto.
+ apply IHs1; auto.
+ destruct (f t); auto.
+Hint Resolve filter_acc_avl.
+Lemma filter_acc_bst : forall s acc, bst s -> avl s -> bst acc -> avl acc ->
+ bst (filter_acc acc s).
+ induction s; simpl; auto.
+ intros.
+ inv avl; inv bst.
+ destruct (f t); auto.
+ apply IHs2; auto.
+ apply IHs1; auto.
+ apply add_bst; auto.
+Lemma filter_acc_in : forall s acc, avl s -> avl acc ->
+ compat_bool X.eq f -> forall x : elt,
+ In x (filter_acc acc s) <-> In x acc \/ In x s /\ f x = true.
+ induction s; simpl; intros.
+ intuition_in.
+ inv bst; inv avl.
+ rewrite IHs2; auto.
+ destruct (f t); auto.
+ rewrite IHs1; auto.
+ destruct (f t); auto.
+ case_eq (f t); intros.
+ rewrite (add_in); auto.
+ intuition_in.
+ rewrite (H1 _ _ H8).
+ intuition.
+ intuition_in.
+ rewrite (H1 _ _ H8) in H9.
+ rewrite H in H9; discriminate.
+Lemma filter_avl : forall s, avl s -> avl (filter s).
+ unfold filter; intros; apply filter_acc_avl; auto.
+Lemma filter_bst : forall s, bst s -> avl s -> bst (filter s).
+ unfold filter; intros; apply filter_acc_bst; auto.
+Lemma filter_in : forall s, avl s ->
+ compat_bool X.eq f -> forall x : elt,
+ In x (filter s) <-> In x s /\ f x = true.
+ unfold filter; intros; rewrite filter_acc_in; intuition_in.
+(** * Partition *)
+Fixpoint partition_acc (acc : t*t)(s : t) { struct s } : t*t :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => acc
+ | Node l x r _ =>
+ let (acct,accf) := acc in
+ partition_acc
+ (partition_acc
+ (if f x then (add x acct, accf) else (acct, add x accf)) l) r
+ end.
+Definition partition := partition_acc (Leaf,Leaf).
+Lemma partition_acc_avl_1 : forall s acc, avl s ->
+ avl (fst acc) -> avl (fst (partition_acc acc s)).
+ induction s; simpl; auto.
+ destruct acc as [acct accf]; simpl in *.
+ intros.
+ inv avl.
+ apply IHs2; auto.
+ apply IHs1; auto.
+ destruct (f t); simpl; auto.
+Lemma partition_acc_avl_2 : forall s acc, avl s ->
+ avl (snd acc) -> avl (snd (partition_acc acc s)).
+ induction s; simpl; auto.
+ destruct acc as [acct accf]; simpl in *.
+ intros.
+ inv avl.
+ apply IHs2; auto.
+ apply IHs1; auto.
+ destruct (f t); simpl; auto.
+Hint Resolve partition_acc_avl_1 partition_acc_avl_2.
+Lemma partition_acc_bst_1 : forall s acc, bst s -> avl s ->
+ bst (fst acc) -> avl (fst acc) ->
+ bst (fst (partition_acc acc s)).
+ induction s; simpl; auto.
+ destruct acc as [acct accf]; simpl in *.
+ intros.
+ inv avl; inv bst.
+ destruct (f t); auto.
+ apply IHs2; simpl; auto.
+ apply IHs1; simpl; auto.
+ apply add_bst; auto.
+ apply partition_acc_avl_1; simpl; auto.
+Lemma partition_acc_bst_2 : forall s acc, bst s -> avl s ->
+ bst (snd acc) -> avl (snd acc) ->
+ bst (snd (partition_acc acc s)).
+ induction s; simpl; auto.
+ destruct acc as [acct accf]; simpl in *.
+ intros.
+ inv avl; inv bst.
+ destruct (f t); auto.
+ apply IHs2; simpl; auto.
+ apply IHs1; simpl; auto.
+ apply add_bst; auto.
+ apply partition_acc_avl_2; simpl; auto.
+Lemma partition_acc_in_1 : forall s acc, avl s -> avl (fst acc) ->
+ compat_bool X.eq f -> forall x : elt,
+ In x (fst (partition_acc acc s)) <->
+ In x (fst acc) \/ In x s /\ f x = true.
+ induction s; simpl; intros.
+ intuition_in.
+ destruct acc as [acct accf]; simpl in *.
+ inv bst; inv avl.
+ rewrite IHs2; auto.
+ destruct (f t); auto.
+ apply partition_acc_avl_1; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite IHs1; auto.
+ destruct (f t); simpl; auto.
+ case_eq (f t); simpl; intros.
+ rewrite (add_in); auto.
+ intuition_in.
+ rewrite (H1 _ _ H8).
+ intuition.
+ intuition_in.
+ rewrite (H1 _ _ H8) in H9.
+ rewrite H in H9; discriminate.
+Lemma partition_acc_in_2 : forall s acc, avl s -> avl (snd acc) ->
+ compat_bool X.eq f -> forall x : elt,
+ In x (snd (partition_acc acc s)) <->
+ In x (snd acc) \/ In x s /\ f x = false.
+ induction s; simpl; intros.
+ intuition_in.
+ destruct acc as [acct accf]; simpl in *.
+ inv bst; inv avl.
+ rewrite IHs2; auto.
+ destruct (f t); auto.
+ apply partition_acc_avl_2; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite IHs1; auto.
+ destruct (f t); simpl; auto.
+ case_eq (f t); simpl; intros.
+ intuition.
+ intuition_in.
+ rewrite (H1 _ _ H8) in H9.
+ rewrite H in H9; discriminate.
+ rewrite (add_in); auto.
+ intuition_in.
+ rewrite (H1 _ _ H8).
+ intuition.
+Lemma partition_avl_1 : forall s, avl s -> avl (fst (partition s)).
+ unfold partition; intros; apply partition_acc_avl_1; auto.
+Lemma partition_avl_2 : forall s, avl s -> avl (snd (partition s)).
+ unfold partition; intros; apply partition_acc_avl_2; auto.
+Lemma partition_bst_1 : forall s, bst s -> avl s ->
+ bst (fst (partition s)).
+ unfold partition; intros; apply partition_acc_bst_1; auto.
+Lemma partition_bst_2 : forall s, bst s -> avl s ->
+ bst (snd (partition s)).
+ unfold partition; intros; apply partition_acc_bst_2; auto.
+Lemma partition_in_1 : forall s, avl s ->
+ compat_bool X.eq f -> forall x : elt,
+ In x (fst (partition s)) <-> In x s /\ f x = true.
+ unfold partition; intros; rewrite partition_acc_in_1;
+ simpl in *; intuition_in.
+Lemma partition_in_2 : forall s, avl s ->
+ compat_bool X.eq f -> forall x : elt,
+ In x (snd (partition s)) <-> In x s /\ f x = false.
+ unfold partition; intros; rewrite partition_acc_in_2;
+ simpl in *; intuition_in.
+(** [for_all] and [exists] *)
+Fixpoint for_all (s:t) : bool := match s with
+ | Leaf => true
+ | Node l x r _ => f x && for_all l && for_all r
+Lemma for_all_1 : forall s, compat_bool E.eq f ->
+ For_all (fun x => f x = true) s -> for_all s = true.
+ induction s; simpl; auto.
+ intros.
+ rewrite IHs1; try red; auto.
+ rewrite IHs2; try red; auto.
+ generalize (H0 t).
+ destruct (f t); simpl; auto.
+Lemma for_all_2 : forall s, compat_bool E.eq f ->
+ for_all s = true -> For_all (fun x => f x = true) s.
+ induction s; simpl; auto; intros; red; intros; inv In.
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H0); auto.
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H1); eauto.
+ apply IHs1; auto.
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H0); auto.
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H1); auto.
+ apply IHs2; auto.
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H0); auto.
+Fixpoint exists_ (s:t) : bool := match s with
+ | Leaf => false
+ | Node l x r _ => f x || exists_ l || exists_ r
+Lemma exists_1 : forall s, compat_bool E.eq f ->
+ Exists (fun x => f x = true) s -> exists_ s = true.
+ induction s; simpl; destruct 2 as (x,(U,V)); inv In.
+ rewrite (H _ _ (X.eq_sym H0)); rewrite V; auto.
+ apply orb_true_intro; left.
+ apply orb_true_intro; right; apply IHs1; firstorder.
+ apply orb_true_intro; right; apply IHs2; firstorder.
+Lemma exists_2 : forall s, compat_bool E.eq f ->
+ exists_ s = true -> Exists (fun x => f x = true) s.
+ induction s; simpl; intros.
+ discriminate.
+ destruct (orb_true_elim _ _ H0) as [H1|H1].
+ destruct (orb_true_elim _ _ H1) as [H2|H2].
+ exists t; auto.
+ destruct (IHs1 H H2); firstorder.
+ destruct (IHs2 H H1); firstorder.
+End F.
+(** * Fold *)
+Module L := FSetList.Raw X.
+Fixpoint fold (A : Set) (f : elt -> A -> A)(s : tree) {struct s} : A -> A :=
+ fun a => match s with
+ | Leaf => a
+ | Node l x r _ => fold A f r (f x (fold A f l a))
+ end.
+Implicit Arguments fold [A].
+Definition fold' (A : Set) (f : elt -> A -> A)(s : tree) :=
+ L.fold f (elements s).
+Implicit Arguments fold' [A].
+Lemma fold_equiv_aux :
+ forall (A : Set) (s : tree) (f : elt -> A -> A) (a : A) (acc : list elt),
+ L.fold f (elements_aux acc s) a = L.fold f acc (fold f s a).
+ simple induction s.
+ simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ simpl in |- *; intros.
+ rewrite H.
+ simpl.
+ apply H0.
+Lemma fold_equiv :
+ forall (A : Set) (s : tree) (f : elt -> A -> A) (a : A),
+ fold f s a = fold' f s a.
+ unfold fold', elements in |- *.
+ simple induction s; simpl in |- *; auto; intros.
+ rewrite fold_equiv_aux.
+ rewrite H0.
+ simpl in |- *; auto.
+Lemma fold_1 :
+ forall (s:t)(Hs:bst s)(A : Set)(f : elt -> A -> A)(i : A),
+ fold f s i = fold_left (fun a e => f e a) (elements s) i.
+ intros.
+ rewrite fold_equiv.
+ unfold fold'.
+ rewrite L.fold_1.
+ unfold L.elements; auto.
+ apply elements_sort; auto.
+(** * Cardinal *)
+Fixpoint cardinal (s : tree) : nat :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => 0%nat
+ | Node l _ r _ => S (cardinal l + cardinal r)
+ end.
+Lemma cardinal_elements_aux_1 :
+ forall s acc, (length acc + cardinal s)%nat = length (elements_aux acc s).
+ simple induction s; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ rewrite <- H.
+ simpl in |- *.
+ rewrite <- H0; omega.
+Lemma cardinal_elements_1 : forall s : tree, cardinal s = length (elements s).
+ exact (fun s => cardinal_elements_aux_1 s nil).
+(** NB: the remaining functions (union, subset, compare) are still defined
+ in a dependent style, due to the use of well-founded induction. *)
+(** Induction over cardinals *)
+Lemma sorted_subset_cardinal : forall l' l : list X.t,
+ MX.Sort l -> MX.Sort l' ->
+ (forall x : elt, MX.In x l -> MX.In x l') -> (length l <= length l')%nat.
+ simple induction l'; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ destruct l; trivial; intros.
+ absurd (MX.In t nil); intuition.
+ inversion_clear H2.
+ inversion_clear H1.
+ destruct l0; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ inversion_clear H0.
+ apply le_n_S.
+ case (X.compare t a); intro.
+ absurd (MX.In t (a :: l)).
+ intro.
+ inversion_clear H0.
+ order.
+ assert (X.lt a t).
+ apply MX.Sort_Inf_In with l; auto.
+ order.
+ firstorder.
+ apply H; auto.
+ intros.
+ assert (MX.In x (a :: l)).
+ apply H2; auto.
+ inversion_clear H6; auto.
+ assert (X.lt t x).
+ apply MX.Sort_Inf_In with l0; auto.
+ order.
+ apply le_trans with (length (t :: l0)).
+ simpl in |- *; omega.
+ apply (H (t :: l0)); auto.
+ intros.
+ assert (MX.In x (a :: l)); firstorder.
+ inversion_clear H6; auto.
+ assert (X.lt a x).
+ apply MX.Sort_Inf_In with (t :: l0); auto.
+ elim (X.lt_not_eq (x:=a) (y:=x)); auto.
+Lemma cardinal_subset : forall a b : tree, bst a -> bst b ->
+ (forall y : elt, In y a -> In y b) ->
+ (cardinal a <= cardinal b)%nat.
+ intros.
+ do 2 rewrite cardinal_elements_1.
+ apply sorted_subset_cardinal; auto.
+ intros.
+ generalize (elements_in a x) (elements_in b x).
+ intuition.
+Lemma cardinal_left : forall (l r : tree) (x : elt) (h : int),
+ (cardinal l < cardinal (Node l x r h))%nat.
+ simpl in |- *; intuition.
+Lemma cardinal_right :
+ forall (l r : tree) (x : elt) (h : int),
+ (cardinal r < cardinal (Node l x r h))%nat.
+ simpl in |- *; intuition.
+Lemma cardinal_rec2 : forall P : tree -> tree -> Set,
+ (forall s1 s2 : tree,
+ (forall t1 t2 : tree,
+ (cardinal t1 + cardinal t2 < cardinal s1 + cardinal s2)%nat -> P t1 t2)
+ -> P s1 s2) ->
+ forall s1 s2 : tree, P s1 s2.
+ intros P H s1 s2.
+ apply well_founded_induction_type_2
+ with (R := fun yy' xx' : tree * tree =>
+ (cardinal (fst yy') + cardinal (snd yy') <
+ cardinal (fst xx') + cardinal (snd xx'))%nat); auto.
+ apply (Wf_nat.well_founded_ltof _
+ (fun xx' : tree * tree => (cardinal (fst xx') + cardinal (snd xx'))%nat)).
+Lemma height_0 : forall s, avl s -> height s = 0 -> s = Leaf.
+ destruct 1; intuition; simpl in *.
+ avl_nns; simpl in *; false_omega_max.
+(** * Union
+ [union s1 s2] does an induction over the sum of the cardinals of
+ [s1] and [s2]. Code is
+ let rec union s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ (Empty, t2) -> t2
+ | (t1, Empty) -> t1
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, h1), Node(l2, v2, r2, h2)) ->
+ if h1 >= h2 then
+ if h2 = 1 then add v2 s1 else begin
+ let (l2', _, r2') = split v1 s2 in
+ join (union l1 l2') v1 (union r1 r2')
+ end
+ else
+ if h1 = 1 then add v1 s2 else begin
+ let (l1', _, r1') = split v2 s1 in
+ join (union l1' l2) v2 (union r1' r2)
+ end
+Definition union :
+ forall s1 s2, bst s1 -> avl s1 -> bst s2 -> avl s2 ->
+ {s' : t | bst s' /\ avl s' /\ forall x : elt, In x s' <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2}.
+ intros s1 s2; pattern s1, s2; apply cardinal_rec2; clear s1 s2.
+ destruct s1 as [| l1 x1 r1 h1]; intros.
+ (* s = Leaf *)
+ clear H.
+ exists s2; intuition_in.
+ (* s1 = Node l1 x1 r1 *)
+ destruct s2 as [| l2 x2 r2 h2]; simpl in |- *.
+ (* s2 = Leaf *)
+ clear H.
+ exists (Node l1 x1 r1 h1); simpl; intuition_in.
+ (* x' = Node l2 x2 r2 *)
+ case (ge_lt_dec h1 h2); intro.
+ (* h1 >= h2 *)
+ case (eq_dec h2 1); intro.
+ (* h2 = 1 *)
+ clear H.
+ exists (add x2 (Node l1 x1 r1 h1)); auto.
+ inv avl; inv bst.
+ avl_nn l2; avl_nn r2.
+ rewrite (height_0 _ H); [ | omega_max].
+ rewrite (height_0 _ H4); [ | omega_max].
+ split; [apply add_bst; auto|].
+ split; [apply add_avl; auto|].
+ intros.
+ rewrite (add_in (Node l1 x1 r1 h1) x2 x); intuition_in.
+ (* h2 <> 1 *)
+ (* split x1 s2 = l2',_,r2' *)
+ case_eq (split x1 (Node l2 x2 r2 h2)); intros l2' (b,r2') EqSplit.
+ set (s2 := Node l2 x2 r2 h2) in *; clearbody s2.
+ generalize (split_avl s2 x1 H3); rewrite EqSplit; simpl in *; intros (A,B).
+ generalize (split_bst s2 x1 H2 H3); rewrite EqSplit; simpl in *; intros (C,D).
+ generalize (split_in_1 s2 x1); rewrite EqSplit; simpl in *; intros.
+ generalize (split_in_2 s2 x1); rewrite EqSplit; simpl in *; intros.
+ (* union l1 l2' = l0 *)
+ destruct (H l1 l2') as [l0 (H7,(H8,H9))]; inv avl; inv bst; auto.
+ assert (cardinal l2' <= cardinal s2)%nat.
+ apply cardinal_subset; trivial.
+ intros y; rewrite (H4 y); intuition.
+ omega.
+ (* union r1 r2' = r0 *)
+ destruct (H r1 r2') as [r0 (H10,(H11,H12))]; inv avl; inv bst; auto.
+ assert (cardinal r2' <= cardinal s2)%nat.
+ apply cardinal_subset; trivial.
+ intros y; rewrite (H5 y); intuition.
+ omega.
+ exists (join l0 x1 r0).
+ inv avl; inv bst; clear H.
+ split.
+ apply join_bst; auto.
+ red; intros.
+ rewrite (H9 y) in H.
+ destruct H; auto.
+ rewrite (H4 y) in H; intuition.
+ red; intros.
+ rewrite (H12 y) in H.
+ destruct H; auto.
+ rewrite (H5 y) in H; intuition.
+ split.
+ apply join_avl; auto.
+ intros.
+ rewrite join_in; auto.
+ rewrite H9.
+ rewrite H12.
+ rewrite H4; auto.
+ rewrite H5; auto.
+ intuition_in.
+ case (X.compare x x1); intuition.
+ (* h1 < h2 *)
+ case (eq_dec h1 1); intro.
+ (* h1 = 1 *)
+ exists (add x1 (Node l2 x2 r2 h2)); auto.
+ inv avl; inv bst.
+ avl_nn l1; avl_nn r1.
+ rewrite (height_0 _ H3); [ | omega_max].
+ rewrite (height_0 _ H8); [ | omega_max].
+ split; [apply add_bst; auto|].
+ split; [apply add_avl; auto|].
+ intros.
+ rewrite (add_in (Node l2 x2 r2 h2) x1 x); intuition_in.
+ (* h1 <> 1 *)
+ (* split x2 s1 = l1',_,r1' *)
+ case_eq (split x2 (Node l1 x1 r1 h1)); intros l1' (b,r1') EqSplit.
+ set (s1 := Node l1 x1 r1 h1) in *; clearbody s1.
+ generalize (split_avl s1 x2 H1); rewrite EqSplit; simpl in *; intros (A,B).
+ generalize (split_bst s1 x2 H0 H1); rewrite EqSplit; simpl in *; intros (C,D).
+ generalize (split_in_1 s1 x2); rewrite EqSplit; simpl in *; intros.
+ generalize (split_in_2 s1 x2); rewrite EqSplit; simpl in *; intros.
+ (* union l1' l2 = l0 *)
+ destruct (H l1' l2) as [l0 (H7,(H8,H9))]; inv avl; inv bst; auto.
+ assert (cardinal l1' <= cardinal s1)%nat.
+ apply cardinal_subset; trivial.
+ intros y; rewrite (H4 y); intuition.
+ omega.
+ (* union r1' r2 = r0 *)
+ destruct (H r1' r2) as [r0 (H10,(H11,H12))]; inv avl; inv bst; auto.
+ assert (cardinal r1' <= cardinal s1)%nat.
+ apply cardinal_subset; trivial.
+ intros y; rewrite (H5 y); intuition.
+ omega.
+ exists (join l0 x2 r0).
+ inv avl; inv bst; clear H.
+ split.
+ apply join_bst; auto.
+ red; intros.
+ rewrite (H9 y) in H.
+ destruct H; auto.
+ rewrite (H4 y) in H; intuition.
+ red; intros.
+ rewrite (H12 y) in H.
+ destruct H; auto.
+ rewrite (H5 y) in H; intuition.
+ split.
+ apply join_avl; auto.
+ intros.
+ rewrite join_in; auto.
+ rewrite H9.
+ rewrite H12.
+ rewrite H4; auto.
+ rewrite H5; auto.
+ intuition_in.
+ case (X.compare x x2); intuition.
+(** * Subset
+ let rec subset s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ Empty, _ -> true
+ | _, Empty -> false
+ | Node (l1, v1, r1, _), (Node (l2, v2, r2, _) as t2) ->
+ let c = Ord.compare v1 v2 in
+ if c = 0 then
+ subset l1 l2 && subset r1 r2
+ else if c < 0 then
+ subset (Node (l1, v1, Empty, 0)) l2 && subset r1 t2
+ else
+ subset (Node (Empty, v1, r1, 0)) r2 && subset l1 t2
+Definition subset : forall s1 s2 : t, bst s1 -> bst s2 ->
+ {Subset s1 s2} + {~ Subset s1 s2}.
+ intros s1 s2; pattern s1, s2; apply cardinal_rec2; clear s1 s2.
+ destruct s1 as [| l1 x1 r1 h1]; intros.
+ (* s1 = Leaf *)
+ left; red; intros; inv In.
+ (* s1 = Node l1 x1 r1 h1 *)
+ destruct s2 as [| l2 x2 r2 h2].
+ (* s2 = Leaf *)
+ right; intros; intro.
+ assert (In x1 Leaf); auto.
+ inversion_clear H3.
+ (* s2 = Node l2 x2 r2 h2 *)
+ case (X.compare x1 x2); intro.
+ (* x1 < x2 *)
+ case (H (Node l1 x1 Leaf 0) l2); inv bst; auto; intros.
+ simpl in |- *; omega.
+ case (H r1 (Node l2 x2 r2 h2)); inv bst; auto; intros.
+ simpl in |- *; omega.
+ clear H; left; red; intuition.
+ generalize (s a) (s0 a); clear s s0; intuition_in.
+ clear H; right; red; firstorder.
+ clear H; right; red; inv bst; intuition.
+ apply n; red; intros.
+ assert (In a (Node l2 x2 r2 h2)) by inv In; auto.
+ intuition_in; order.
+ (* x1 = x2 *)
+ case (H l1 l2); inv bst; auto; intros.
+ simpl in |- *; omega.
+ case (H r1 r2); inv bst; auto; intros.
+ simpl in |- *; omega.
+ clear H; left; red; intuition_in; eauto.
+ clear H; right; red; inv bst; intuition.
+ apply n; red; intros.
+ assert (In a (Node l2 x2 r2 h2)) by auto.
+ intuition_in; order.
+ clear H; right; red; inv bst; intuition.
+ apply n; red; intros.
+ assert (In a (Node l2 x2 r2 h2)) by auto.
+ intuition_in; order.
+ (* x1 > x2 *)
+ case (H (Node Leaf x1 r1 0) r2); inv bst; auto; intros.
+ simpl in |- *; omega.
+ intros; case (H l1 (Node l2 x2 r2 h2)); inv bst; auto; intros.
+ simpl in |- *; omega.
+ clear H; left; red; intuition.
+ generalize (s a) (s0 a); clear s s0; intuition_in.
+ clear H; right; red; firstorder.
+ clear H; right; red; inv bst; intuition.
+ apply n; red; intros.
+ assert (In a (Node l2 x2 r2 h2)) by inv In; auto.
+ intuition_in; order.
+(** * Comparison *)
+(** ** Relations [eq] and [lt] over trees *)
+Definition eq : t -> t -> Prop := Equal.
+Lemma eq_refl : forall s : t, eq s s.
+ unfold eq, Equal in |- *; intuition.
+Lemma eq_sym : forall s s' : t, eq s s' -> eq s' s.
+ unfold eq, Equal in |- *; firstorder.
+Lemma eq_trans : forall s s' s'' : t, eq s s' -> eq s' s'' -> eq s s''.
+ unfold eq, Equal in |- *; firstorder.
+Lemma eq_L_eq :
+ forall s s' : t, eq s s' -> L.eq (elements s) (elements s').
+ unfold eq, Equal, L.eq, L.Equal in |- *; intros.
+ generalize (elements_in s a) (elements_in s' a).
+ firstorder.
+Lemma L_eq_eq :
+ forall s s' : t, L.eq (elements s) (elements s') -> eq s s'.
+ unfold eq, Equal, L.eq, L.Equal in |- *; intros.
+ generalize (elements_in s a) (elements_in s' a).
+ firstorder.
+Hint Resolve eq_L_eq L_eq_eq.
+Definition lt (s1 s2 : t) : Prop := L.lt (elements s1) (elements s2).
+Definition lt_trans (s s' s'' : t) (h : lt s s')
+ (h' : lt s' s'') : lt s s'' := L.lt_trans h h'.
+Lemma lt_not_eq : forall s s' : t, bst s -> bst s' -> lt s s' -> ~ eq s s'.
+ unfold lt in |- *; intros; intro.
+ apply L.lt_not_eq with (s := elements s) (s' := elements s'); auto.
+(** A new comparison algorithm suggested by Xavier Leroy:
+type enumeration = End | More of elt * t * enumeration
+let rec cons s e = match s with
+ | Empty -> e
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> cons l (More(v, r, e))
+let rec compare_aux e1 e2 = match (e1, e2) with
+ | (End, End) -> 0
+ | (End, More _) -> -1
+ | (More _, End) -> 1
+ | (More(v1, r1, k1), More(v2, r2, k2)) ->
+ let c = Ord.compare v1 v2 in
+ if c <> 0 then c else compare_aux (cons r1 k1) (cons r2 k2)
+let compare s1 s2 = compare_aux (cons s1 End) (cons s2 End)
+(** ** Enumeration of the elements of a tree *)
+Inductive enumeration : Set :=
+ | End : enumeration
+ | More : elt -> tree -> enumeration -> enumeration.
+(** [flatten_e e] returns the list of elements of [e] i.e. the list
+ of elements actually compared *)
+Fixpoint flatten_e (e : enumeration) : list elt := match e with
+ | End => nil
+ | More x t r => x :: elements t ++ flatten_e r
+ end.
+(** [sorted_e e] expresses that elements in the enumeration [e] are
+ sorted, and that all trees in [e] are binary search trees. *)
+Inductive In_e (x:elt) : enumeration -> Prop :=
+ | InEHd1 :
+ forall (y : elt) (s : tree) (e : enumeration),
+ X.eq x y -> In_e x (More y s e)
+ | InEHd2 :
+ forall (y : elt) (s : tree) (e : enumeration),
+ In x s -> In_e x (More y s e)
+ | InETl :
+ forall (y : elt) (s : tree) (e : enumeration),
+ In_e x e -> In_e x (More y s e).
+Hint Constructors In_e.
+Inductive sorted_e : enumeration -> Prop :=
+ | SortedEEnd : sorted_e End
+ | SortedEMore :
+ forall (x : elt) (s : tree) (e : enumeration),
+ bst s ->
+ (gt_tree x s) ->
+ sorted_e e ->
+ (forall y : elt, In_e y e -> X.lt x y) ->
+ (forall y : elt,
+ In y s -> forall z : elt, In_e z e -> X.lt y z) ->
+ sorted_e (More x s e).
+Hint Constructors sorted_e.
+Lemma in_app :
+ forall (x : elt) (l1 l2 : list elt),
+ L.MX.In x (l1 ++ l2) -> L.MX.In x l1 \/ L.MX.In x l2.
+ simple induction l1; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ inversion_clear H0; auto.
+ elim (H l2 H1); auto.
+Lemma in_flatten_e :
+ forall (x : elt) (e : enumeration), L.MX.In x (flatten_e e) -> In_e x e.
+ simple induction e; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ inversion_clear H.
+ inversion_clear H0; auto.
+ elim (in_app x _ _ H1); auto.
+ destruct (elements_in t x); auto.
+Lemma sort_app :
+ forall l1 l2 : list elt, L.MX.Sort l1 -> L.MX.Sort l2 ->
+ (forall x y : elt, L.MX.In x l1 -> L.MX.In y l2 -> X.lt x y) ->
+ L.MX.Sort (l1 ++ l2).
+ simple induction l1; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ apply cons_sort; auto.
+ apply H; auto.
+ inversion_clear H0; trivial.
+ induction l as [| a0 l Hrecl]; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ induction l2 as [| a0 l2 Hrecl2]; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ inversion_clear H0; inversion_clear H4; auto.
+Lemma sorted_flatten_e :
+ forall e : enumeration, sorted_e e -> L.MX.Sort (flatten_e e).
+ simple induction e; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ apply cons_sort.
+ apply sort_app; inversion H0; auto.
+ intros; apply H8; auto.
+ destruct (elements_in t x0); auto.
+ apply in_flatten_e; auto.
+ apply L.MX.ListIn_Inf.
+ inversion_clear H0.
+ intros; elim (in_app_or _ _ _ H0); intuition.
+ destruct (elements_in t y); auto.
+ apply H4; apply in_flatten_e; auto.
+Lemma elements_app :
+ forall (s : tree) (acc : list elt), elements_aux acc s = elements s ++ acc.
+ simple induction s; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ rewrite H0.
+ rewrite H.
+ unfold elements; simpl.
+ do 2 rewrite H.
+ rewrite H0.
+ repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end.
+ repeat rewrite app_ass; auto.
+Lemma compare_flatten_1 :
+ forall (t0 t2 : tree) (t1 : elt) (z : int) (l : list elt),
+ elements t0 ++ t1 :: elements t2 ++ l =
+ elements (Node t0 t1 t2 z) ++ l.
+ simpl in |- *; unfold elements in |- *; simpl in |- *; intuition.
+ repeat rewrite elements_app.
+ repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end.
+ repeat rewrite app_ass; auto.
+(** key lemma for correctness *)
+Lemma flatten_e_elements :
+ forall (x : elt) (l r : tree) (z : int) (e : enumeration),
+ elements l ++ flatten_e (More x r e) = elements (Node l x r z) ++ flatten_e e.
+ intros; simpl.
+ apply compare_flatten_1.
+(** termination of [compare_aux] *)
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Fixpoint measure_e_t (s : tree) : Z := match s with
+ | Leaf => 0
+ | Node l _ r _ => 1 + measure_e_t l + measure_e_t r
+ end.
+Fixpoint measure_e (e : enumeration) : Z := match e with
+ | End => 0
+ | More _ s r => 1 + measure_e_t s + measure_e r
+ end.
+Ltac Measure_e_t := unfold measure_e_t in |- *; fold measure_e_t in |- *.
+Ltac Measure_e := unfold measure_e in |- *; fold measure_e in |- *.
+Lemma measure_e_t_0 : forall s : tree, measure_e_t s >= 0.
+ simple induction s.
+ simpl in |- *; omega.
+ intros.
+ Measure_e_t; omega. (* BUG Simpl! *)
+Ltac Measure_e_t_0 s := generalize (measure_e_t_0 s); intro.
+Lemma measure_e_0 : forall e : enumeration, measure_e e >= 0.
+ simple induction e.
+ simpl in |- *; omega.
+ intros.
+ Measure_e; Measure_e_t_0 t; omega.
+Ltac Measure_e_0 e := generalize (measure_e_0 e); intro.
+(** Induction principle over the sum of the measures for two lists *)
+Definition compare_rec2 :
+ forall P : enumeration -> enumeration -> Set,
+ (forall x x' : enumeration,
+ (forall y y' : enumeration,
+ measure_e y + measure_e y' < measure_e x + measure_e x' -> P y y') ->
+ P x x') ->
+ forall x x' : enumeration, P x x'.
+ intros P H x x'.
+ apply well_founded_induction_type_2
+ with (R := fun yy' xx' : enumeration * enumeration =>
+ measure_e (fst yy') + measure_e (snd yy') <
+ measure_e (fst xx') + measure_e (snd xx')); auto.
+ apply Wf_nat.well_founded_lt_compat
+ with (f := fun xx' : enumeration * enumeration =>
+ Zabs_nat (measure_e (fst xx') + measure_e (snd xx'))).
+ intros; apply Zabs.Zabs_nat_lt.
+ Measure_e_0 (fst x0); Measure_e_0 (snd x0); Measure_e_0 (fst y);
+ Measure_e_0 (snd y); intros; omega.
+(** [cons t e] adds the elements of tree [t] on the head of
+ enumeration [e]. Code:
+let rec cons s e = match s with
+ | Empty -> e
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> cons l (More(v, r, e))
+Definition cons : forall (s : tree) (e : enumeration), bst s -> sorted_e e ->
+ (forall (x y : elt), In x s -> In_e y e -> X.lt x y) ->
+ { r : enumeration
+ | sorted_e r /\
+ measure_e r = measure_e_t s + measure_e e /\
+ flatten_e r = elements s ++ flatten_e e
+ }.
+ simple induction s; intuition.
+ (* s = Leaf *)
+ exists e; intuition.
+ (* s = Node t t0 t1 z *)
+ clear H0.
+ case (H (More t0 t1 e)); clear H; intuition.
+ inv bst; auto.
+ constructor; inversion_clear H1; auto.
+ inversion_clear H0; inv bst; intuition; order.
+ exists x; intuition.
+ generalize H4; Measure_e; intros; Measure_e_t; omega.
+ rewrite H5.
+ apply flatten_e_elements.
+Lemma l_eq_cons :
+ forall (l1 l2 : list elt) (x y : elt),
+ X.eq x y -> L.eq l1 l2 -> L.eq (x :: l1) (y :: l2).
+ unfold L.eq, L.Equal in |- *; intuition.
+ inversion_clear H1; generalize (H0 a); clear H0; intuition.
+ apply InA_eqA with x; eauto.
+ inversion_clear H1; generalize (H0 a); clear H0; intuition.
+ apply InA_eqA with y; eauto.
+Definition compare_aux :
+ forall e1 e2 : enumeration, sorted_e e1 -> sorted_e e2 ->
+ Compare L.lt L.eq (flatten_e e1) (flatten_e e2).
+ intros e1 e2; pattern e1, e2 in |- *; apply compare_rec2.
+ simple destruct x; simple destruct x'; intuition.
+ (* x = x' = End *)
+ constructor 2; unfold L.eq, L.Equal in |- *; intuition.
+ (* x = End x' = More *)
+ constructor 1; simpl in |- *; auto.
+ (* x = More x' = End *)
+ constructor 3; simpl in |- *; auto.
+ (* x = More e t e0, x' = More e3 t0 e4 *)
+ case (X.compare e e3); intro.
+ (* e < e3 *)
+ constructor 1; simpl; auto.
+ (* e = e3 *)
+ destruct (cons t e0) as [c1 (H2,(H3,H4))]; try inversion_clear H0; auto.
+ destruct (cons t0 e4) as [c2 (H5,(H6,H7))]; try inversion_clear H1; auto.
+ destruct (H c1 c2); clear H; intuition.
+ Measure_e; omega.
+ constructor 1; simpl.
+ apply L.lt_cons_eq; auto.
+ rewrite H4 in l; rewrite H7 in l; auto.
+ constructor 2; simpl.
+ apply l_eq_cons; auto.
+ rewrite H4 in e6; rewrite H7 in e6; auto.
+ constructor 3; simpl.
+ apply L.lt_cons_eq; auto.
+ rewrite H4 in l; rewrite H7 in l; auto.
+ (* e > e3 *)
+ constructor 3; simpl; auto.
+Definition compare : forall s1 s2, bst s1 -> bst s2 -> Compare lt eq s1 s2.
+ intros s1 s2 s1_bst s2_bst; unfold lt, eq; simpl.
+ destruct (cons s1 End); intuition.
+ inversion_clear H0.
+ destruct (cons s2 End); intuition.
+ inversion_clear H3.
+ simpl in H2; rewrite <- app_nil_end in H2.
+ simpl in H5; rewrite <- app_nil_end in H5.
+ destruct (compare_aux x x0); intuition.
+ constructor 1; simpl in |- *.
+ rewrite H2 in l; rewrite H5 in l; auto.
+ constructor 2; apply L_eq_eq; simpl in |- *.
+ rewrite H2 in e; rewrite H5 in e; auto.
+ constructor 3; simpl in |- *.
+ rewrite H2 in l; rewrite H5 in l; auto.
+(** * Equality test *)
+Definition equal : forall s s' : t, bst s -> bst s' -> {Equal s s'} + {~ Equal s s'}.
+ intros s s' Hs Hs'; case (compare s s'); auto; intros.
+ right; apply lt_not_eq; auto.
+ right; intro; apply (lt_not_eq s' s); auto; apply eq_sym; auto.
+(** We provide additionally a different implementation for union, subset and
+ equal, which is less efficient, but uses structural induction, hence computes
+ within Coq. *)
+(** Alternative union based on fold.
+ Complexity : [min(|s|,|s'|)*log(max(|s|,|s'|))] *)
+Definition union' s s' :=
+ if ge_lt_dec (height s) (height s') then fold add s' s else fold add s s'.
+Lemma fold_add_avl : forall s s', avl s -> avl s' -> avl (fold add s s').
+ induction s; simpl; intros; inv avl; auto.
+Hint Resolve fold_add_avl.
+Lemma union'_avl : forall s s', avl s -> avl s' -> avl (union' s s').
+ unfold union'; intros; destruct (ge_lt_dec (height s) (height s')); auto.
+Lemma fold_add_bst : forall s s', bst s -> avl s -> bst s' -> avl s' ->
+ bst (fold add s s').
+ induction s; simpl; intros; inv avl; inv bst; auto.
+ apply IHs2; auto.
+ apply add_bst; auto.
+Lemma union'_bst : forall s s', bst s -> avl s -> bst s' -> avl s' ->
+ bst (union' s s').
+ unfold union'; intros; destruct (ge_lt_dec (height s) (height s'));
+ apply fold_add_bst; auto.
+Lemma fold_add_in : forall s s' y, bst s -> avl s -> bst s' -> avl s' ->
+ (In y (fold add s s') <-> In y s \/ In y s').
+ induction s; simpl; intros; inv avl; inv bst; auto.
+ intuition_in.
+ rewrite IHs2; auto.
+ apply add_bst; auto.
+ apply fold_add_bst; auto.
+ rewrite add_in; auto.
+ rewrite IHs1; auto.
+ intuition_in.
+Lemma union'_in : forall s s' y, bst s -> avl s -> bst s' -> avl s' ->
+ (In y (union' s s') <-> In y s \/ In y s').
+ unfold union'; intros; destruct (ge_lt_dec (height s) (height s')).
+ rewrite fold_add_in; intuition.
+ apply fold_add_in; auto.
+(** Alternative subset based on diff. *)
+Definition subset' s s' := is_empty (diff s s').
+Lemma subset'_1 : forall s s', bst s -> avl s -> bst s' -> avl s' ->
+ Subset s s' -> subset' s s' = true.
+ unfold subset', Subset; intros; apply is_empty_1; red; intros.
+ rewrite (diff_in); intuition.
+Lemma subset'_2 : forall s s', bst s -> avl s -> bst s' -> avl s' ->
+ subset' s s' = true -> Subset s s'.
+ unfold subset', Subset; intros; generalize (is_empty_2 _ H3 a); unfold Empty.
+ rewrite (diff_in); intuition.
+ generalize (mem_2 s' a) (mem_1 s' a); destruct (mem a s'); intuition.
+(** Alternative equal based on subset *)
+Definition equal' s s' := subset' s s' && subset' s' s.
+Lemma equal'_1 : forall s s', bst s -> avl s -> bst s' -> avl s' ->
+ Equal s s' -> equal' s s' = true.
+ unfold equal', Equal; intros.
+ rewrite subset'_1; firstorder; simpl.
+ apply subset'_1; firstorder.
+Lemma equal'_2 : forall s s', bst s -> avl s -> bst s' -> avl s' ->
+ equal' s s' = true -> Equal s s'.
+ unfold equal', Equal; intros; destruct (andb_prop _ _ H3); split;
+ apply subset'_2; auto.
+End Raw.
+(** * Encapsulation
+ Now, in order to really provide a functor implementing [S], we
+ need to encapsulate everything into a type of balanced binary search trees. *)
+Module IntMake (I:Int)(X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X.
+ Module E := X.
+ Module Raw := Raw I X.
+ Import Raw.
+ Record bbst : Set := Bbst {this :> t; is_bst : bst this; is_avl: avl this}.
+ Definition t := bbst.
+ Definition elt := X.t.
+ Definition In (x : elt) (s : t) := In x s.
+ Definition Equal s s' := forall a : elt, In a s <-> In a s'.
+ Definition Subset s s' := forall a : elt, In a s -> In a s'.
+ Definition Empty s := forall a : elt, ~ In a s.
+ Definition For_all (P : elt -> Prop) s := forall x, In x s -> P x.
+ Definition Exists (P : elt -> Prop) s := exists x, In x s /\ P x.
+ Implicit Types s : t.
+ Implicit Types x y : elt.
+ Definition In_1 s := In_1 s.
+ Definition mem x s := mem x s.
+ Definition empty := Bbst _ empty_bst empty_avl.
+ Definition is_empty s := is_empty s.
+ Definition singleton x := Bbst _ (singleton_bst x) (singleton_avl x).
+ Definition add x s :=
+ Bbst _ (add_bst s x (is_bst s) (is_avl s))
+ (add_avl s x (is_avl s)).
+ Definition remove x s :=
+ Bbst _ (remove_bst s x (is_bst s) (is_avl s))
+ (remove_avl s x (is_avl s)).
+ Definition inter s s' :=
+ Bbst _ (inter_bst _ _ (is_bst s) (is_avl s) (is_bst s') (is_avl s'))
+ (inter_avl _ _ (is_avl s) (is_avl s')).
+ Definition diff s s' :=
+ Bbst _ (diff_bst _ _ (is_bst s) (is_avl s) (is_bst s') (is_avl s'))
+ (diff_avl _ _ (is_avl s) (is_avl s')).
+ Definition elements s := elements s.
+ Definition min_elt s := min_elt s.
+ Definition max_elt s := max_elt s.
+ Definition choose s := choose s.
+ Definition fold (B : Set) (f : elt -> B -> B) s := fold f s.
+ Definition cardinal s := cardinal s.
+ Definition filter (f : elt -> bool) s :=
+ Bbst _ (filter_bst f _ (is_bst s) (is_avl s))
+ (filter_avl f _ (is_avl s)).
+ Definition for_all (f : elt -> bool) s := for_all f s.
+ Definition exists_ (f : elt -> bool) s := exists_ f s.
+ Definition partition (f : elt -> bool) s :=
+ let p := partition f s in
+ (Bbst (fst p) (partition_bst_1 f _ (is_bst s) (is_avl s))
+ (partition_avl_1 f _ (is_avl s)),
+ Bbst (snd p) (partition_bst_2 f _ (is_bst s) (is_avl s))
+ (partition_avl_2 f _ (is_avl s))).
+ Definition union s s' :=
+ let (u,p) := union _ _ (is_bst s) (is_avl s) (is_bst s') (is_avl s') in
+ let (b,p) := p in
+ let (a,_) := p in
+ Bbst u b a.
+ Definition union' s s' :=
+ Bbst _ (union'_bst _ _ (is_bst s) (is_avl s) (is_bst s') (is_avl s'))
+ (union'_avl _ _ (is_avl s) (is_avl s')).
+ Definition equal s s':= if equal _ _ (is_bst s) (is_bst s') then true else false.
+ Definition equal' s s' := equal' s s'.
+ Definition subset s s':= if subset _ _ (is_bst s) (is_bst s') then true else false.
+ Definition subset' s s' := subset' s s'.
+ Definition eq s s' := eq s s'.
+ Definition lt s s' := lt s s'.
+ Definition compare s s' : Compare lt eq s s'.
+ Proof.
+ intros; elim (compare _ _ (is_bst s) (is_bst s'));
+ [ constructor 1 | constructor 2 | constructor 3 ];
+ auto.
+ Defined.
+ (* specs *)
+ Section Specs.
+ Variable s s' : t.
+ Variable x y : elt.
+ Hint Resolve is_bst is_avl.
+ Definition mem_1 := mem_1 s x (is_bst s).
+ Definition mem_2 := mem_2 s x.
+ Lemma equal_1 : Equal s s' -> equal s s' = true.
+ Proof.
+ unfold equal; destruct (Raw.equal s s'); simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma equal_2 : equal s s' = true -> Equal s s'.
+ Proof.
+ unfold equal; destruct (Raw.equal s s'); simpl; intuition; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Definition equal'_1 s s' :=
+ equal'_1 _ _ (is_bst s) (is_avl s) (is_bst s') (is_avl s').
+ Definition equal'_2 s s' :=
+ equal'_2 _ _ (is_bst s) (is_avl s) (is_bst s') (is_avl s').
+ Lemma subset_1 : Subset s s' -> subset s s' = true.
+ Proof.
+ unfold subset; destruct (Raw.subset s s'); simpl; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma subset_2 : subset s s' = true -> Subset s s'.
+ Proof.
+ unfold subset; destruct (Raw.subset s s'); simpl; intuition discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Definition subset'_1 s s' :=
+ subset'_1 _ _ (is_bst s) (is_avl s) (is_bst s') (is_avl s').
+ Definition subset'_2 s s' :=
+ subset'_2 _ _ (is_bst s) (is_avl s) (is_bst s') (is_avl s').
+ Definition empty_1 : Empty empty := empty_1.
+ Definition is_empty_1 : Empty s -> is_empty s = true := is_empty_1 s.
+ Definition is_empty_2 : is_empty s = true -> Empty s := is_empty_2 s.
+ Lemma add_1 : X.eq x y -> In y (add x s).
+ Proof.
+ unfold add, In; simpl; rewrite add_in; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma add_2 : In y s -> In y (add x s).
+ Proof.
+ unfold add, In; simpl; rewrite add_in; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma add_3 : ~ X.eq x y -> In y (add x s) -> In y s.
+ Proof.
+ unfold add, In; simpl; rewrite add_in; intuition.
+ elim H; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma remove_1 : E.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x s).
+ Proof.
+ unfold remove, In; simpl; rewrite remove_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma remove_2 : ~ E.eq x y -> In y s -> In y (remove x s).
+ Proof.
+ unfold remove, In; simpl; rewrite remove_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma remove_3 : In y (remove x s) -> In y s.
+ Proof.
+ unfold remove, In; simpl; rewrite remove_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Definition singleton_1 := singleton_1 x y.
+ Definition singleton_2 := singleton_2 x y.
+ Lemma union_1 : In x (union s s') -> In x s \/ In x s'.
+ Proof.
+ unfold union, In; simpl.
+ destruct (Raw.union s s' (is_bst s) (is_avl s) (is_bst s') (is_avl s'))
+ as (u,(b,(a,i))).
+ simpl in *; rewrite i; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma union_2 : In x s -> In x (union s s').
+ Proof.
+ unfold union, In; simpl.
+ destruct (Raw.union s s' (is_bst s) (is_avl s) (is_bst s') (is_avl s'))
+ as (u,(b,(a,i))).
+ simpl in *; rewrite i; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma union_3 : In x s' -> In x (union s s').
+ Proof.
+ unfold union, In; simpl.
+ destruct (Raw.union s s' (is_bst s) (is_avl s) (is_bst s') (is_avl s'))
+ as (u,(b,(a,i))).
+ simpl in *; rewrite i; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma union'_1 : In x (union' s s') -> In x s \/ In x s'.
+ Proof.
+ unfold union', In; simpl; rewrite union'_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma union'_2 : In x s -> In x (union' s s').
+ Proof.
+ unfold union', In; simpl; rewrite union'_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma union'_3 : In x s' -> In x (union' s s').
+ Proof.
+ unfold union', In; simpl; rewrite union'_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma inter_1 : In x (inter s s') -> In x s.
+ Proof.
+ unfold inter, In; simpl; rewrite inter_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma inter_2 : In x (inter s s') -> In x s'.
+ Proof.
+ unfold inter, In; simpl; rewrite inter_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma inter_3 : In x s -> In x s' -> In x (inter s s').
+ Proof.
+ unfold inter, In; simpl; rewrite inter_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma diff_1 : In x (diff s s') -> In x s.
+ Proof.
+ unfold diff, In; simpl; rewrite diff_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma diff_2 : In x (diff s s') -> ~ In x s'.
+ Proof.
+ unfold diff, In; simpl; rewrite diff_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma diff_3 : In x s -> ~ In x s' -> In x (diff s s').
+ Proof.
+ unfold diff, In; simpl; rewrite diff_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma fold_1 : forall (A : Set) (i : A) (f : elt -> A -> A),
+ fold A f s i = fold_left (fun a e => f e a) (elements s) i.
+ Proof.
+ unfold fold, elements; intros; apply fold_1; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma cardinal_1 : cardinal s = length (elements s).
+ Proof.
+ unfold cardinal, elements; intros; apply cardinal_elements_1; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Section Filter.
+ Variable f : elt -> bool.
+ Lemma filter_1 : compat_bool E.eq f -> In x (filter f s) -> In x s.
+ Proof.
+ intro; unfold filter, In; simpl; rewrite filter_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma filter_2 : compat_bool E.eq f -> In x (filter f s) -> f x = true.
+ Proof.
+ intro; unfold filter, In; simpl; rewrite filter_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma filter_3 : compat_bool E.eq f -> In x s -> f x = true -> In x (filter f s).
+ Proof.
+ intro; unfold filter, In; simpl; rewrite filter_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Definition for_all_1 := for_all_1 f s.
+ Definition for_all_2 := for_all_2 f s.
+ Definition exists_1 := exists_1 f s.
+ Definition exists_2 := exists_2 f s.
+ Lemma partition_1 : compat_bool E.eq f ->
+ Equal (fst (partition f s)) (filter f s).
+ Proof.
+ unfold partition, filter, Equal, In; simpl ;intros H a.
+ rewrite partition_in_1; auto.
+ rewrite filter_in; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma partition_2 : compat_bool E.eq f ->
+ Equal (snd (partition f s)) (filter (fun x => negb (f x)) s).
+ Proof.
+ unfold partition, filter, Equal, In; simpl ;intros H a.
+ rewrite partition_in_2; auto.
+ rewrite filter_in; intuition.
+ red; intros.
+ f_equal; auto.
+ destruct (f a); auto.
+ destruct (f a); auto.
+ Qed.
+ End Filter.
+ Lemma elements_1 : In x s -> InA E.eq x (elements s).
+ Proof.
+ unfold elements, In; rewrite elements_in; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma elements_2 : InA E.eq x (elements s) -> In x s.
+ Proof.
+ unfold elements, In; rewrite elements_in; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition elements_3 : sort E.lt (elements s) := elements_sort _ (is_bst s).
+ Definition min_elt_1 := min_elt_1 s x.
+ Definition min_elt_2 := min_elt_2 s x y (is_bst s).
+ Definition min_elt_3 := min_elt_3 s.
+ Definition max_elt_1 := max_elt_1 s x.
+ Definition max_elt_2 := max_elt_2 s x y (is_bst s).
+ Definition max_elt_3 := max_elt_3 s.
+ Definition choose_1 := choose_1 s x.
+ Definition choose_2 := choose_2 s.
+ Definition eq_refl s := eq_refl s.
+ Definition eq_sym s s' := eq_sym s s'.
+ Definition eq_trans s s' s'' := eq_trans s s' s''.
+ Definition lt_trans s s' s'' := lt_trans s s' s''.
+ Definition lt_not_eq s s' := lt_not_eq _ _ (is_bst s) (is_bst s').
+ End Specs.
+End IntMake.
+(* For concrete use inside Coq, we propose an instantiation of [Int] by [Z]. *)
+Module Make (X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X
+ :=IntMake(Z_as_Int)(X).
diff --git a/theories/FSets/FSetToFiniteSet.v b/theories/FSets/FSetToFiniteSet.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9dd5f2739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/FSets/FSetToFiniteSet.v
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Finite sets library.
+ * Authors: Pierre Letouzey and Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
+ * Institution: LRI, CNRS UMR 8623 - Université Paris Sud
+ * 91405 Orsay, France *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Import Ensembles Finite_sets.
+Require Import FSetInterface FSetProperties OrderedTypeEx.
+(** * Going from [FSets] with usual equality
+ to the old [Ensembles] and [Finite_sets] theory. *)
+Module S_to_Finite_set (U:UsualOrderedType)(M:S with Module E := U).
+ Module MP:= Properties(M).
+ Import M MP FM Ensembles Finite_sets.
+ Definition mkEns : M.t -> Ensemble M.elt :=
+ fun s x => M.In x s.
+ Notation " !! " := mkEns.
+ Lemma In_In : forall s x, M.In x s <-> In _ (!!s) x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold In; compute; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Subset_Included : forall s s', s[<=]s' <-> Included _ (!!s) (!!s').
+ Proof.
+ unfold Subset, Included, In, mkEns; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Notation " a === b " := (Same_set M.elt a b) (at level 70, no associativity).
+ Lemma Equal_Same_set : forall s s', s[=]s' <-> !!s === !!s'.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ rewrite double_inclusion.
+ unfold Subset, Included, Same_set, In, mkEns; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma empty_Empty_Set : !!M.empty === Empty_set _.
+ Proof.
+ unfold Same_set, Included, mkEns, In.
+ split; intro; set_iff; inversion 1.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Empty_Empty_set : forall s, Empty s -> !!s === Empty_set _.
+ Proof.
+ unfold Same_set, Included, mkEns, In.
+ split; intros.
+ destruct(H x H0).
+ inversion H0.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma singleton_Singleton : forall x, !!(M.singleton x) === Singleton _ x .
+ Proof.
+ unfold Same_set, Included, mkEns, In.
+ split; intro; set_iff; inversion 1; try constructor; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma union_Union : forall s s', !!(union s s') === Union _ (!!s) (!!s').
+ Proof.
+ unfold Same_set, Included, mkEns, In.
+ split; intro; set_iff; inversion 1; [ constructor 1 | constructor 2 | | ]; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma inter_Intersection : forall s s', !!(inter s s') === Intersection _ (!!s) (!!s').
+ Proof.
+ unfold Same_set, Included, mkEns, In.
+ split; intro; set_iff; inversion 1; try constructor; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma add_Add : forall x s, !!(add x s) === Add _ (!!s) x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold Same_set, Included, mkEns, In.
+ split; intro; set_iff; inversion 1; auto with sets.
+ inversion H0.
+ constructor 2; constructor.
+ constructor 1; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Add_Add : forall x s s', MP.Add x s s' -> !!s' === Add _ (!!s) x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold Same_set, Included, mkEns, In.
+ split; intros.
+ red in H; rewrite H in H0.
+ destruct H0.
+ inversion H0.
+ constructor 2; constructor.
+ constructor 1; auto.
+ red in H; rewrite H.
+ inversion H0; auto.
+ inversion H1; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma remove_Subtract : forall x s, !!(remove x s) === Subtract _ (!!s) x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold Same_set, Included, mkEns, In.
+ split; intro; set_iff; inversion 1; auto with sets.
+ split; auto.
+ swap H1.
+ inversion H2; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mkEns_Finite : forall s, Finite _ (!!s).
+ Proof.
+ intro s; pattern s; apply set_induction; clear s; intros.
+ intros; replace (!!s) with (Empty_set elt); auto with sets.
+ symmetry; apply Extensionality_Ensembles.
+ apply Empty_Empty_set; auto.
+ replace (!!s') with (Add _ (!!s) x).
+ constructor 2; auto.
+ symmetry; apply Extensionality_Ensembles.
+ apply Add_Add; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mkEns_cardinal : forall s, cardinal _ (!!s) (M.cardinal s).
+ Proof.
+ intro s; pattern s; apply set_induction; clear s; intros.
+ intros; replace (!!s) with (Empty_set elt); auto with sets.
+ rewrite cardinal_1; auto with sets.
+ symmetry; apply Extensionality_Ensembles.
+ apply Empty_Empty_set; auto.
+ replace (!!s') with (Add _ (!!s) x).
+ rewrite (cardinal_2 H0 H1); auto with sets.
+ symmetry; apply Extensionality_Ensembles.
+ apply Add_Add; auto.
+ Qed.
+End S_to_Finite_set.
diff --git a/theories/FSets/FSets.v b/theories/FSets/FSets.v
index 51cd23c12..8b4123ebd 100644
--- a/theories/FSets/FSets.v
+++ b/theories/FSets/FSets.v
@@ -9,8 +9,11 @@
(* $Id$ *)
Require Export OrderedType.
+Require Export OrderedTypeEx.
+Require Export OrderedTypeAlt.
Require Export FSetInterface.
Require Export FSetBridge.
Require Export FSetProperties.
Require Export FSetEqProperties.
Require Export FSetList.
+Require Export FSetToFiniteSet. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theories/FSets/Int.v b/theories/FSets/Int.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..534934a70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/FSets/Int.v
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Finite sets library.
+ * Authors: Pierre Letouzey and Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
+ * Institution: LRI, CNRS UMR 8623 - Université Paris Sud
+ * 91405 Orsay, France *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+(** * An axiomatization of integers. *)
+(** We define a signature for an integer datatype based on [Z].
+ The goal is to allow a switch after extraction to ocaml's
+ [big_int] or even [int] when finiteness isn't a problem
+ (typically : when mesuring the height of an AVL tree).
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import ROmega.
+Module Type Int.
+ Delimit Scope Int_scope with I.
+ Open Scope Int_scope.
+ Parameter int : Set.
+ Parameter i2z : int -> Z.
+ Arguments Scope i2z [ Int_scope ].
+ Parameter _0 : int.
+ Parameter _1 : int.
+ Parameter _2 : int.
+ Parameter _3 : int.
+ Parameter plus : int -> int -> int.
+ Parameter opp : int -> int.
+ Parameter minus : int -> int -> int.
+ Parameter mult : int -> int -> int.
+ Parameter max : int -> int -> int.
+ Notation "0" := _0 : Int_scope.
+ Notation "1" := _1 : Int_scope.
+ Notation "2" := _2 : Int_scope.
+ Notation "3" := _3 : Int_scope.
+ Infix "+" := plus : Int_scope.
+ Infix "-" := minus : Int_scope.
+ Infix "*" := mult : Int_scope.
+ Notation "- x" := (opp x) : Int_scope.
+(** For logical relations, we can rely on their counterparts in Z,
+ since they don't appear after extraction. Moreover, using tactics
+ like omega is easier this way. *)
+ Notation "x == y" := (i2z x = i2z y)
+ (at level 70, y at next level, no associativity) : Int_scope.
+ Notation "x <= y" := (Zle (i2z x) (i2z y)): Int_scope.
+ Notation "x < y" := (Zlt (i2z x) (i2z y)) : Int_scope.
+ Notation "x >= y" := (Zge (i2z x) (i2z y)) : Int_scope.
+ Notation "x > y" := (Zgt (i2z x) (i2z y)): Int_scope.
+ Notation "x <= y <= z" := (x <= y /\ y <= z) : Int_scope.
+ Notation "x <= y < z" := (x <= y /\ y < z) : Int_scope.
+ Notation "x < y < z" := (x < y /\ y < z) : Int_scope.
+ Notation "x < y <= z" := (x < y /\ y <= z) : Int_scope.
+ (** Some decidability fonctions (informative). *)
+ Axiom gt_le_dec : forall x y: int, {x > y} + {x <= y}.
+ Axiom ge_lt_dec : forall x y : int, {x >= y} + {x < y}.
+ Axiom eq_dec : forall x y : int, { x == y } + {~ x==y }.
+ (** Specifications *)
+ (** First, we ask [i2z] to be injective. Said otherwise, our ad-hoc equality
+ [==] and the generic [=] are in fact equivalent. We define [==]
+ nonetheless since the translation to [Z] for using automatic tactic is easier. *)
+ Axiom i2z_eq : forall n p : int, n == p -> n = p.
+ (** Then, we express the specifications of the above parameters using their
+ Z counterparts. *)
+ Open Scope Z_scope.
+ Axiom i2z_0 : i2z _0 = 0.
+ Axiom i2z_1 : i2z _1 = 1.
+ Axiom i2z_2 : i2z _2 = 2.
+ Axiom i2z_3 : i2z _3 = 3.
+ Axiom i2z_plus : forall n p, i2z (n + p) = i2z n + i2z p.
+ Axiom i2z_opp : forall n, i2z (-n) = -i2z n.
+ Axiom i2z_minus : forall n p, i2z (n - p) = i2z n - i2z p.
+ Axiom i2z_mult : forall n p, i2z (n * p) = i2z n * i2z p.
+ Axiom i2z_max : forall n p, i2z (max n p) = Zmax (i2z n) (i2z p).
+End Int.
+Module MoreInt (I:Int).
+ Import I.
+ Open Scope Int_scope.
+ (** A magic (but costly) tactic that goes from [int] back to the [Z]
+ friendly world ... *)
+ Hint Rewrite ->
+ i2z_0 i2z_1 i2z_2 i2z_3 i2z_plus i2z_opp i2z_minus i2z_mult i2z_max : i2z.
+ Ltac i2z := match goal with
+ | H : (eq (A:=int) ?a ?b) |- _ =>
+ generalize (f_equal i2z H);
+ try autorewrite with i2z; clear H; intro H; i2z
+ | |- (eq (A:=int) ?a ?b) => apply (i2z_eq a b); try autorewrite with i2z; i2z
+ | H : _ |- _ => progress autorewrite with i2z in H; i2z
+ | _ => try autorewrite with i2z
+ end.
+ (** A reflexive version of the [i2z] tactic *)
+ (** this [i2z_refl] is actually weaker than [i2z]. For instance, if a
+ [i2z] is buried deep inside a subterm, [i2z_refl] may miss it.
+ See also the limitation about [Set] or [Type] part below.
+ Anyhow, [i2z_refl] is enough for applying [romega]. *)
+ Ltac i2z_gen := match goal with
+ | |- (eq (A:=int) ?a ?b) => apply (i2z_eq a b); i2z_gen
+ | H : (eq (A:=int) ?a ?b) |- _ =>
+ generalize (f_equal i2z H); clear H; i2z_gen
+ | H : (eq (A:=Z) ?a ?b) |- _ => generalize H; clear H; i2z_gen
+ | H : (Zlt ?a ?b) |- _ => generalize H; clear H; i2z_gen
+ | H : (Zle ?a ?b) |- _ => generalize H; clear H; i2z_gen
+ | H : (Zgt ?a ?b) |- _ => generalize H; clear H; i2z_gen
+ | H : (Zge ?a ?b) |- _ => generalize H; clear H; i2z_gen
+ | H : _ -> ?X |- _ =>
+ (* A [Set] or [Type] part cannot be dealt with easily
+ using the [ExprP] datatype. So we forget it, leaving
+ a goal that can be weaker than the original. *)
+ match type of X with
+ | Type => clear H; i2z_gen
+ | Prop => generalize H; clear H; i2z_gen
+ end
+ | H : _ <-> _ |- _ => generalize H; clear H; i2z_gen
+ | H : _ /\ _ |- _ => generalize H; clear H; i2z_gen
+ | H : _ \/ _ |- _ => generalize H; clear H; i2z_gen
+ | H : ~ _ |- _ => generalize H; clear H; i2z_gen
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+ Inductive ExprI : Set :=
+ | EI0 : ExprI
+ | EI1 : ExprI
+ | EI2 : ExprI
+ | EI3 : ExprI
+ | EIplus : ExprI -> ExprI -> ExprI
+ | EIopp : ExprI -> ExprI
+ | EIminus : ExprI -> ExprI -> ExprI
+ | EImult : ExprI -> ExprI -> ExprI
+ | EImax : ExprI -> ExprI -> ExprI
+ | EIraw : int -> ExprI.
+ Inductive ExprZ : Set :=
+ | EZplus : ExprZ -> ExprZ -> ExprZ
+ | EZopp : ExprZ -> ExprZ
+ | EZminus : ExprZ -> ExprZ -> ExprZ
+ | EZmult : ExprZ -> ExprZ -> ExprZ
+ | EZmax : ExprZ -> ExprZ -> ExprZ
+ | EZofI : ExprI -> ExprZ
+ | EZraw : Z -> ExprZ.
+ Inductive ExprP : Type :=
+ | EPeq : ExprZ -> ExprZ -> ExprP
+ | EPlt : ExprZ -> ExprZ -> ExprP
+ | EPle : ExprZ -> ExprZ -> ExprP
+ | EPgt : ExprZ -> ExprZ -> ExprP
+ | EPge : ExprZ -> ExprZ -> ExprP
+ | EPimpl : ExprP -> ExprP -> ExprP
+ | EPequiv : ExprP -> ExprP -> ExprP
+ | EPand : ExprP -> ExprP -> ExprP
+ | EPor : ExprP -> ExprP -> ExprP
+ | EPneg : ExprP -> ExprP
+ | EPraw : Prop -> ExprP.
+ (** [int] to [ExprI] *)
+ Ltac i2ei trm :=
+ match constr:trm with
+ | 0 => constr:EI0
+ | 1 => constr:EI1
+ | 2 => constr:EI2
+ | 3 => constr:EI3
+ | ?x + ?y => let ex := i2ei x with ey := i2ei y in constr:(EIplus ex ey)
+ | ?x - ?y => let ex := i2ei x with ey := i2ei y in constr:(EIminus ex ey)
+ | ?x * ?y => let ex := i2ei x with ey := i2ei y in constr:(EImult ex ey)
+ | max ?x ?y => let ex := i2ei x with ey := i2ei y in constr:(EImax ex ey)
+ | - ?x => let ex := i2ei x in constr:(EIopp ex)
+ | ?x => constr:(EIraw x)
+ end
+ (** [Z] to [ExprZ] *)
+ with z2ez trm :=
+ match constr:trm with
+ | (?x+?y)%Z => let ex := z2ez x with ey := z2ez y in constr:(EZplus ex ey)
+ | (?x-?y)%Z => let ex := z2ez x with ey := z2ez y in constr:(EZminus ex ey)
+ | (?x*?y)%Z => let ex := z2ez x with ey := z2ez y in constr:(EZmult ex ey)
+ | (Zmax ?x ?y) => let ex := z2ez x with ey := z2ez y in constr:(EZmax ex ey)
+ | (-?x)%Z => let ex := z2ez x in constr:(EZopp ex)
+ | i2z ?x => let ex := i2ei x in constr:(EZofI ex)
+ | ?x => constr:(EZraw x)
+ end.
+ (** [Prop] to [ExprP] *)
+ Ltac p2ep trm :=
+ match constr:trm with
+ | (?x <-> ?y) => let ex := p2ep x with ey := p2ep y in constr:(EPequiv ex ey)
+ | (?x -> ?y) => let ex := p2ep x with ey := p2ep y in constr:(EPimpl ex ey)
+ | (?x /\ ?y) => let ex := p2ep x with ey := p2ep y in constr:(EPand ex ey)
+ | (?x \/ ?y) => let ex := p2ep x with ey := p2ep y in constr:(EPor ex ey)
+ | (~ ?x) => let ex := p2ep x in constr:(EPneg ex)
+ | (eq (A:=Z) ?x ?y) => let ex := z2ez x with ey := z2ez y in constr:(EPeq ex ey)
+ | (?x<?y)%Z => let ex := z2ez x with ey := z2ez y in constr:(EPlt ex ey)
+ | (?x<=?y)%Z => let ex := z2ez x with ey := z2ez y in constr:(EPle ex ey)
+ | (?x>?y)%Z => let ex := z2ez x with ey := z2ez y in constr:(EPgt ex ey)
+ | (?x>=?y)%Z => let ex := z2ez x with ey := z2ez y in constr:(EPge ex ey)
+ | ?x => constr:(EPraw x)
+ end.
+ (** [ExprI] to [int] *)
+ Fixpoint ei2i (e:ExprI) : int :=
+ match e with
+ | EI0 => 0
+ | EI1 => 1
+ | EI2 => 2
+ | EI3 => 3
+ | EIplus e1 e2 => (ei2i e1)+(ei2i e2)
+ | EIminus e1 e2 => (ei2i e1)-(ei2i e2)
+ | EImult e1 e2 => (ei2i e1)*(ei2i e2)
+ | EImax e1 e2 => max (ei2i e1) (ei2i e2)
+ | EIopp e => -(ei2i e)
+ | EIraw i => i
+ end.
+ (** [ExprZ] to [Z] *)
+ Fixpoint ez2z (e:ExprZ) : Z :=
+ match e with
+ | EZplus e1 e2 => ((ez2z e1)+(ez2z e2))%Z
+ | EZminus e1 e2 => ((ez2z e1)-(ez2z e2))%Z
+ | EZmult e1 e2 => ((ez2z e1)*(ez2z e2))%Z
+ | EZmax e1 e2 => Zmax (ez2z e1) (ez2z e2)
+ | EZopp e => (-(ez2z e))%Z
+ | EZofI e => i2z (ei2i e)
+ | EZraw z => z
+ end.
+ (** [ExprP] to [Prop] *)
+ Fixpoint ep2p (e:ExprP) : Prop :=
+ match e with
+ | EPeq e1 e2 => (ez2z e1) = (ez2z e2)
+ | EPlt e1 e2 => ((ez2z e1)<(ez2z e2))%Z
+ | EPle e1 e2 => ((ez2z e1)<=(ez2z e2))%Z
+ | EPgt e1 e2 => ((ez2z e1)>(ez2z e2))%Z
+ | EPge e1 e2 => ((ez2z e1)>=(ez2z e2))%Z
+ | EPimpl e1 e2 => (ep2p e1) -> (ep2p e2)
+ | EPequiv e1 e2 => (ep2p e1) <-> (ep2p e2)
+ | EPand e1 e2 => (ep2p e1) /\ (ep2p e2)
+ | EPor e1 e2 => (ep2p e1) \/ (ep2p e2)
+ | EPneg e => ~ (ep2p e)
+ | EPraw p => p
+ end.
+ (** [ExprI] (supposed under a [i2z]) to a simplified [ExprZ] *)
+ Fixpoint norm_ei (e:ExprI) : ExprZ :=
+ match e with
+ | EI0 => EZraw (0%Z)
+ | EI1 => EZraw (1%Z)
+ | EI2 => EZraw (2%Z)
+ | EI3 => EZraw (3%Z)
+ | EIplus e1 e2 => EZplus (norm_ei e1) (norm_ei e2)
+ | EIminus e1 e2 => EZminus (norm_ei e1) (norm_ei e2)
+ | EImult e1 e2 => EZmult (norm_ei e1) (norm_ei e2)
+ | EImax e1 e2 => EZmax (norm_ei e1) (norm_ei e2)
+ | EIopp e => EZopp (norm_ei e)
+ | EIraw i => EZofI (EIraw i)
+ end.
+ (** [ExprZ] to a simplified [ExprZ] *)
+ Fixpoint norm_ez (e:ExprZ) : ExprZ :=
+ match e with
+ | EZplus e1 e2 => EZplus (norm_ez e1) (norm_ez e2)
+ | EZminus e1 e2 => EZminus (norm_ez e1) (norm_ez e2)
+ | EZmult e1 e2 => EZmult (norm_ez e1) (norm_ez e2)
+ | EZmax e1 e2 => EZmax (norm_ez e1) (norm_ez e2)
+ | EZopp e => EZopp (norm_ez e)
+ | EZofI e => norm_ei e
+ | EZraw z => EZraw z
+ end.
+ (** [ExprP] to a simplified [ExprP] *)
+ Fixpoint norm_ep (e:ExprP) : ExprP :=
+ match e with
+ | EPeq e1 e2 => EPeq (norm_ez e1) (norm_ez e2)
+ | EPlt e1 e2 => EPlt (norm_ez e1) (norm_ez e2)
+ | EPle e1 e2 => EPle (norm_ez e1) (norm_ez e2)
+ | EPgt e1 e2 => EPgt (norm_ez e1) (norm_ez e2)
+ | EPge e1 e2 => EPge (norm_ez e1) (norm_ez e2)
+ | EPimpl e1 e2 => EPimpl (norm_ep e1) (norm_ep e2)
+ | EPequiv e1 e2 => EPequiv (norm_ep e1) (norm_ep e2)
+ | EPand e1 e2 => EPand (norm_ep e1) (norm_ep e2)
+ | EPor e1 e2 => EPor (norm_ep e1) (norm_ep e2)
+ | EPneg e => EPneg (norm_ep e)
+ | EPraw p => EPraw p
+ end.
+ Lemma norm_ei_correct : forall e:ExprI, ez2z (norm_ei e) = i2z (ei2i e).
+ Proof.
+ induction e; simpl; intros; i2z; auto; try congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma norm_ez_correct : forall e:ExprZ, ez2z (norm_ez e) = ez2z e.
+ Proof.
+ induction e; simpl; intros; i2z; auto; try congruence; apply norm_ei_correct.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma norm_ep_correct :
+ forall e:ExprP, ep2p (norm_ep e) <-> ep2p e.
+ Proof.
+ induction e; simpl; repeat (rewrite norm_ez_correct); intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma norm_ep_correct2 :
+ forall e:ExprP, ep2p (norm_ep e) -> ep2p e.
+ Proof.
+ intros; destruct (norm_ep_correct e); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Ltac i2z_refl :=
+ i2z_gen;
+ match goal with |- ?t =>
+ let e := p2ep t
+ in
+ (change (ep2p e);
+ apply norm_ep_correct2;
+ simpl)
+ end.
+ Ltac iauto := i2z_refl; auto.
+ Ltac iomega := i2z_refl; intros; romega.
+ Open Scope Z_scope.
+ Lemma max_spec : forall (x y:Z),
+ x >= y /\ Zmax x y = x \/
+ x < y /\ Zmax x y = y.
+ Proof.
+ intros; unfold Zmax, Zlt, Zge.
+ destruct (Zcompare x y); [ left | right | left ]; split; auto; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Ltac omega_max_genspec x y :=
+ generalize (max_spec x y);
+ let z := fresh "z" in let Hz := fresh "Hz" in
+ (set (z:=Zmax x y); clearbody z).
+ Ltac omega_max_loop :=
+ match goal with
+ (* hack: we don't want [i2z (height ...)] to be reduced by romega later... *)
+ | |- context [ i2z (?f ?x) ] =>
+ let i := fresh "i2z" in (set (i:=i2z (f x)); clearbody i); omega_max_loop
+ | |- context [ Zmax ?x ?y ] => omega_max_genspec x y; omega_max_loop
+ | _ => intros
+ end.
+ Ltac omega_max := i2z_refl; omega_max_loop; try romega.
+ Ltac false_omega := i2z_refl; intros; romega.
+ Ltac false_omega_max := elimtype False; omega_max.
+ Open Scope Int_scope.
+End MoreInt.
+(** It's always nice to know that our [Int] interface is realizable :-) *)
+Module Z_as_Int <: Int.
+ Open Scope Z_scope.
+ Definition int := Z.
+ Definition _0 := 0.
+ Definition _1 := 1.
+ Definition _2 := 2.
+ Definition _3 := 3.
+ Definition plus := Zplus.
+ Definition opp := Zopp.
+ Definition minus := Zminus.
+ Definition mult := Zmult.
+ Definition max := Zmax.
+ Definition gt_le_dec := Z_gt_le_dec.
+ Definition ge_lt_dec := Z_ge_lt_dec.
+ Definition eq_dec := Z_eq_dec.
+ Definition i2z : int -> Z := fun n => n.
+ Lemma i2z_eq : forall n p, i2z n=i2z p -> n = p. Proof. auto. Qed.
+ Lemma i2z_0 : i2z _0 = 0. Proof. auto. Qed.
+ Lemma i2z_1 : i2z _1 = 1. Proof. auto. Qed.
+ Lemma i2z_2 : i2z _2 = 2. Proof. auto. Qed.
+ Lemma i2z_3 : i2z _3 = 3. Proof. auto. Qed.
+ Lemma i2z_plus : forall n p, i2z (n + p) = i2z n + i2z p. Proof. auto. Qed.
+ Lemma i2z_opp : forall n, i2z (- n) = - i2z n. Proof. auto. Qed.
+ Lemma i2z_minus : forall n p, i2z (n - p) = i2z n - i2z p. Proof. auto. Qed.
+ Lemma i2z_mult : forall n p, i2z (n * p) = i2z n * i2z p. Proof. auto. Qed.
+ Lemma i2z_max : forall n p, i2z (max n p) = Zmax (i2z n) (i2z p). Proof. auto. Qed.
+End Z_as_Int.
diff --git a/theories/FSets/OrderedTypeAlt.v b/theories/FSets/OrderedTypeAlt.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4eaaca403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/FSets/OrderedTypeAlt.v
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Finite sets library.
+ * Authors: Pierre Letouzey and Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
+ * Institution: LRI, CNRS UMR 8623 - Université Paris Sud
+ * 91405 Orsay, France *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Import OrderedType.
+(** * An alternative (but equivalent) presentation for an Ordered Type inferface. *)
+(** NB: [comparison], defined in [theories/Init/datatypes.v] is [Eq|Lt|Gt]
+whereas [compare], defined in [theories/FSets/OrderedType.v] is [EQ _ | LT _ | GT _ ]
+Module Type OrderedTypeAlt.
+ Parameter t : Set.
+ Parameter compare : t -> t -> comparison.
+ Infix "?=" := compare (at level 70, no associativity).
+ Parameter compare_sym :
+ forall x y, (y?=x) = CompOpp (x?=y).
+ Parameter compare_trans :
+ forall c x y z, (x?=y) = c -> (y?=z) = c -> (x?=z) = c.
+End OrderedTypeAlt.
+(** From this new presentation to the original one. *)
+Module OrderedType_from_Alt (O:OrderedTypeAlt) <: OrderedType.
+ Import O.
+ Definition t := t.
+ Definition eq x y := (x?=y) = Eq.
+ Definition lt x y := (x?=y) = Lt.
+ Lemma eq_refl : forall x, eq x x.
+ Proof.
+ intro x.
+ unfold eq.
+ assert (H:=compare_sym x x).
+ destruct (x ?= x); simpl in *; try discriminate; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_sym : forall x y, eq x y -> eq y x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq; intros.
+ rewrite compare_sym.
+ rewrite H; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition eq_trans := (compare_trans Eq).
+ Definition lt_trans := (compare_trans Lt).
+ Lemma lt_not_eq : forall x y, lt x y -> ~eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq, lt; intros.
+ rewrite H; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Definition compare : forall x y, Compare lt eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ case_eq (x ?= y); intros.
+ apply EQ; auto.
+ apply LT; auto.
+ apply GT; red.
+ rewrite compare_sym; rewrite H; auto.
+ Defined.
+End OrderedType_from_Alt.
+(** From the original presentation to this alternative one. *)
+Module OrderedType_to_Alt (O:OrderedType) <: OrderedTypeAlt.
+ Import O.
+ Module MO:=OrderedTypeFacts(O).
+ Import MO.
+ Definition t := t.
+ Definition compare x y := match compare x y with
+ | LT _ => Lt
+ | EQ _ => Eq
+ | GT _ => Gt
+ end.
+ Infix "?=" := compare (at level 70, no associativity).
+ Lemma compare_sym :
+ forall x y, (y?=x) = CompOpp (x?=y).
+ Proof.
+ intros x y.
+ unfold compare.
+ destruct (O.compare y x); elim_comp; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma compare_trans :
+ forall c x y z, (x?=y) = c -> (y?=z) = c -> (x?=z) = c.
+ Proof.
+ intros c x y z.
+ destruct c; unfold compare.
+ destruct (O.compare x y); intros; try discriminate.
+ destruct (O.compare y z); intros; try discriminate.
+ elim_comp; auto.
+ destruct (O.compare x y); intros; try discriminate.
+ destruct (O.compare y z); intros; try discriminate.
+ elim_comp; auto.
+ destruct (O.compare x y); intros; try discriminate.
+ destruct (O.compare y z); intros; try discriminate.
+ elim_comp; auto.
+ Qed.
+End OrderedType_to_Alt.
diff --git a/theories/FSets/OrderedTypeEx.v b/theories/FSets/OrderedTypeEx.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cee0413b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/FSets/OrderedTypeEx.v
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Finite sets library.
+ * Authors: Pierre Letouzey and Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
+ * Institution: LRI, CNRS UMR 8623 - Université Paris Sud
+ * 91405 Orsay, France *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+Require Import OrderedType.
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import NArith Ndec.
+Require Import Compare_dec.
+(** * Examples of Ordered Type structures. *)
+(** First, a particular case of [OrderedType] where
+ the equality is the usual one of Coq. *)
+Module Type UsualOrderedType.
+ Parameter t : Set.
+ Definition eq := @eq t.
+ Parameter lt : t -> t -> Prop.
+ Definition eq_refl := @refl_equal t.
+ Definition eq_sym := @sym_eq t.
+ Definition eq_trans := @trans_eq t.
+ Axiom lt_trans : forall x y z : t, lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z.
+ Axiom lt_not_eq : forall x y : t, lt x y -> ~ eq x y.
+ Parameter compare : forall x y : t, Compare lt eq x y.
+End UsualOrderedType.
+(** a [UsualOrderedType] is in particular an [OrderedType]. *)
+Module UOT_to_OT (U:UsualOrderedType) <: OrderedType := U.
+(** [nat] is an ordered type with respect to the usual order on natural numbers. *)
+Module Nat_as_OT <: UsualOrderedType.
+ Definition t := nat.
+ Definition eq := @eq nat.
+ Definition eq_refl := @refl_equal t.
+ Definition eq_sym := @sym_eq t.
+ Definition eq_trans := @trans_eq t.
+ Definition lt := lt.
+ Lemma lt_trans : forall x y z : t, lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z.
+ Proof. unfold lt in |- *; intros; apply lt_trans with y; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma lt_not_eq : forall x y : t, lt x y -> ~ eq x y.
+ Proof. unfold lt, eq in |- *; intros; omega. Qed.
+ Definition compare : forall x y : t, Compare lt eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ intros; case (lt_eq_lt_dec x y).
+ simple destruct 1; intro.
+ constructor 1; auto.
+ constructor 2; auto.
+ intro; constructor 3; auto.
+ Qed.
+End Nat_as_OT.
+(** [Z] is an ordered type with respect to the usual order on integers. *)
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Module Z_as_OT <: UsualOrderedType.
+ Definition t := Z.
+ Definition eq := @eq Z.
+ Definition eq_refl := @refl_equal t.
+ Definition eq_sym := @sym_eq t.
+ Definition eq_trans := @trans_eq t.
+ Definition lt (x y:Z) := (x<y).
+ Lemma lt_trans : forall x y z, x<y -> y<z -> x<z.
+ Proof. auto with zarith. Qed.
+ Lemma lt_not_eq : forall x y, x<y -> ~ x=y.
+ Proof. auto with zarith. Qed.
+ Definition compare : forall x y, Compare lt eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ intros x y; case_eq (x ?= y); intros.
+ apply EQ; unfold eq; apply Zcompare_Eq_eq; auto.
+ apply LT; unfold lt, Zlt; auto.
+ apply GT; unfold lt, Zlt; rewrite <- Zcompare_Gt_Lt_antisym; auto.
+ Defined.
+End Z_as_OT.
+(** [positive] is an ordered type with respect to the usual order on natural numbers. *)
+Open Scope positive_scope.
+Module Positive_as_OT <: UsualOrderedType.
+ Definition t:=positive.
+ Definition eq:=@eq positive.
+ Definition eq_refl := @refl_equal t.
+ Definition eq_sym := @sym_eq t.
+ Definition eq_trans := @trans_eq t.
+ Definition lt p q:= (p ?= q) Eq = Lt.
+ Lemma lt_trans : forall x y z : t, lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z.
+ Proof.
+ unfold lt; intros x y z.
+ change ((Zpos x < Zpos y)%Z -> (Zpos y < Zpos z)%Z -> (Zpos x < Zpos z)%Z).
+ auto with zarith.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lt_not_eq : forall x y : t, lt x y -> ~ eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ intros; intro.
+ rewrite H0 in H.
+ unfold lt in H.
+ rewrite Pcompare_refl in H; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Definition compare : forall x y : t, Compare lt eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ intros x y.
+ case_eq ((x ?= y) Eq); intros.
+ apply EQ; apply Pcompare_Eq_eq; auto.
+ apply LT; unfold lt; auto.
+ apply GT; unfold lt.
+ replace Eq with (CompOpp Eq); auto.
+ rewrite <- Pcompare_antisym; rewrite H; auto.
+ Qed.
+End Positive_as_OT.
+(** [N] is an ordered type with respect to the usual order on natural numbers. *)
+Open Scope positive_scope.
+Module N_as_OT <: UsualOrderedType.
+ Definition t:=N.
+ Definition eq:=@eq N.
+ Definition eq_refl := @refl_equal t.
+ Definition eq_sym := @sym_eq t.
+ Definition eq_trans := @trans_eq t.
+ Definition lt p q:= Nle q p = false.
+ Definition lt_trans := Nlt_trans.
+ Lemma lt_not_eq : forall x y : t, lt x y -> ~ eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ intros; intro.
+ rewrite H0 in H.
+ unfold lt in H.
+ rewrite Nle_refl in H; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Definition compare : forall x y : t, Compare lt eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ intros x y.
+ case_eq ((x ?= y)%N); intros.
+ apply EQ; apply Ncompare_Eq_eq; auto.
+ apply LT; unfold lt; auto.
+ generalize (Nle_Ncompare y x).
+ destruct (Nle y x); auto.
+ rewrite <- Ncompare_antisym.
+ destruct (x ?= y)%N; simpl; try discriminate.
+ intros (H0,_); elim H0; auto.
+ apply GT; unfold lt.
+ generalize (Nle_Ncompare x y).
+ destruct (Nle x y); auto.
+ destruct (x ?= y)%N; simpl; try discriminate.
+ intros (H0,_); elim H0; auto.
+ Qed.
+End N_as_OT.
+(** From two ordered types, we can build a new OrderedType
+ over their cartesian product, using the lexicographic order. *)
+Module PairOrderedType(O1 O2:OrderedType) <: OrderedType.
+ Module MO1:=OrderedTypeFacts(O1).
+ Module MO2:=OrderedTypeFacts(O2).
+ Definition t := prod O1.t O2.t.
+ Definition eq x y := O1.eq (fst x) (fst y) /\ O2.eq (snd x) (snd y).
+ Definition lt x y :=
+ O1.lt (fst x) (fst y) \/
+ (O1.eq (fst x) (fst y) /\ O2.lt (snd x) (snd y)).
+ Lemma eq_refl : forall x : t, eq x x.
+ Proof.
+ intros (x1,x2); red; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_sym : forall x y : t, eq x y -> eq y x.
+ Proof.
+ intros (x1,x2) (y1,y2); unfold eq; simpl; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_trans : forall x y z : t, eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
+ Proof.
+ intros (x1,x2) (y1,y2) (z1,z2); unfold eq; simpl; intuition eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lt_trans : forall x y z : t, lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z.
+ Proof.
+ intros (x1,x2) (y1,y2) (z1,z2); unfold eq, lt; simpl; intuition.
+ left; eauto.
+ left; eapply MO1.lt_eq; eauto.
+ left; eapply MO1.eq_lt; eauto.
+ right; split; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lt_not_eq : forall x y : t, lt x y -> ~ eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ intros (x1,x2) (y1,y2); unfold eq, lt; simpl; intuition.
+ apply (O1.lt_not_eq H0 H1).
+ apply (O2.lt_not_eq H3 H2).
+ Qed.
+ Definition compare : forall x y : t, Compare lt eq x y.
+ intros (x1,x2) (y1,y2).
+ destruct (O1.compare x1 y1).
+ apply LT; unfold lt; auto.
+ destruct (O2.compare x2 y2).
+ apply LT; unfold lt; auto.
+ apply EQ; unfold eq; auto.
+ apply GT; unfold lt; auto.
+ apply GT; unfold lt; auto.
+ Qed.
+End PairOrderedType.