path: root/theories/ZArith/Zminmax.v
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diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Zminmax.v b/theories/ZArith/Zminmax.v
index 70f72568f..3f2cd5a5f 100644
--- a/theories/ZArith/Zminmax.v
+++ b/theories/ZArith/Zminmax.v
@@ -8,135 +8,7 @@
Require Import Orders BinInt Zcompare Zorder ZBinary.
-(** * Maximum and Minimum of two [Z] numbers *)
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-(* All generic properties about max and min are already in [ZBinary.Z].
- We prove here in addition some results specific to Z.
-Module Z.
-Include ZBinary.Z.
-(** Compatibilities (consequences of monotonicity) *)
-Lemma plus_max_distr_l : forall n m p, Zmax (p + n) (p + m) = p + Zmax n m.
- intros. apply max_monotone.
- intros x y. apply Zplus_le_compat_l.
-Lemma plus_max_distr_r : forall n m p, Zmax (n + p) (m + p) = Zmax n m + p.
- intros. rewrite (Zplus_comm n p), (Zplus_comm m p), (Zplus_comm _ p).
- apply plus_max_distr_l.
-Lemma plus_min_distr_l : forall n m p, Zmin (p + n) (p + m) = p + Zmin n m.
- intros. apply Z.min_monotone.
- intros x y. apply Zplus_le_compat_l.
-Lemma plus_min_distr_r : forall n m p, Zmin (n + p) (m + p) = Zmin n m + p.
- intros. rewrite (Zplus_comm n p), (Zplus_comm m p), (Zplus_comm _ p).
- apply plus_min_distr_l.
-Lemma succ_max_distr : forall n m, Zsucc (Zmax n m) = Zmax (Zsucc n) (Zsucc m).
- unfold Zsucc. intros. symmetry. apply plus_max_distr_r.
-Lemma succ_min_distr : forall n m, Zsucc (Zmin n m) = Zmin (Zsucc n) (Zsucc m).
- unfold Zsucc. intros. symmetry. apply plus_min_distr_r.
-Lemma pred_max_distr : forall n m, Zpred (Zmax n m) = Zmax (Zpred n) (Zpred m).
- unfold Zpred. intros. symmetry. apply plus_max_distr_r.
-Lemma pred_min_distr : forall n m, Zsucc (Zmin n m) = Zmin (Zsucc n) (Zsucc m).
- unfold Zpred. intros. symmetry. apply plus_min_distr_r.
-(** Anti-monotonicity swaps the role of [min] and [max] *)
-Lemma opp_max_distr : forall n m : Z, -(Zmax n m) = Zmin (- n) (- m).
- intros. symmetry. apply min_max_antimonotone.
- intros x x'. red. red. rewrite <- Zcompare_opp; auto.
-Lemma opp_min_distr : forall n m : Z, - (Zmin n m) = Zmax (- n) (- m).
- intros. symmetry. apply max_min_antimonotone.
- intros x x'. red. red. rewrite <- Zcompare_opp; auto.
-Lemma minus_max_distr_l : forall n m p, Zmax (p - n) (p - m) = p - Zmin n m.
- unfold Zminus. intros. rewrite opp_min_distr. apply plus_max_distr_l.
-Lemma minus_max_distr_r : forall n m p, Zmax (n - p) (m - p) = Zmax n m - p.
- unfold Zminus. intros. apply plus_max_distr_r.
-Lemma minus_min_distr_l : forall n m p, Zmin (p - n) (p - m) = p - Zmax n m.
- unfold Zminus. intros. rewrite opp_max_distr. apply plus_min_distr_l.
-Lemma minus_min_distr_r : forall n m p, Zmin (n - p) (m - p) = Zmin n m - p.
- unfold Zminus. intros. apply plus_min_distr_r.
-(** Compatibility with [Zpos] *)
-Lemma pos_max : forall p q, Zpos (Pmax p q) = Zmax (Zpos p) (Zpos q).
- intros; unfold Zmax, Pmax; simpl; generalize (Pcompare_Eq_eq p q).
- destruct Pcompare; auto.
- intro H; rewrite H; auto.
-Lemma pos_min : forall p q, Zpos (Pmin p q) = Zmin (Zpos p) (Zpos q).
- intros; unfold Zmin, Pmin; simpl; generalize (Pcompare_Eq_eq p q).
- destruct Pcompare; auto.
-Lemma pos_max_1 : forall p, Zmax 1 (Zpos p) = Zpos p.
- intros; unfold Zmax; simpl; destruct p; simpl; auto.
-Lemma pos_min_1 : forall p, Zmin 1 (Zpos p) = 1.
- intros; unfold Zmax; simpl; destruct p; simpl; auto.
-End Z.
-(** * Characterization of Pminus in term of Zminus and Zmax *)
-Lemma Zpos_minus : forall p q, Zpos (Pminus p q) = Zmax 1 (Zpos p - Zpos q).
- intros; simpl. destruct (Pcompare p q Eq) as [ ]_eqn:H.
- rewrite (Pcompare_Eq_eq _ _ H).
- unfold Pminus; rewrite Pminus_mask_diag; reflexivity.
- rewrite Pminus_Lt; auto.
- symmetry. apply Z.pos_max_1.
+(** THIS FILE IS DEPRECATED. Use [ZBinary.Z] instead. *)
(*begin hide*)
(* Compatibility with names of the old Zminmax file *)