path: root/theories/ZArith/Zdiv.v
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diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Zdiv.v b/theories/ZArith/Zdiv.v
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index 000000000..75894ffa3
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+++ b/theories/ZArith/Zdiv.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
+(* Contribution by Claude Marché and Xavier Urbain *)
+Euclidean Division
+Defines first of function that allows Coq to normalize.
+Then only after proves the main required property.
+Require ZArith.
+Require Omega.
+Require ZArithRing.
+ Euclidean division of a positive by a integer
+ (that is supposed to be positive).
+ total function than returns an arbitrary value when
+ divisor is not positive
+Fixpoint Zdiv_eucl_POS [a:positive] : Z -> Z*Z := [b:Z]
+ Cases a of
+ | xH => if `(Zge_bool b 2)` then `(0,1)` else `(1,0)`
+ | (xO a') =>
+ let (q,r) = (Zdiv_eucl_POS a' b) in
+ if `(Zgt_bool b (r+r))` then `(q+q,r+r)` else `(q+q+1,r+r-b)`
+ | (xI a') =>
+ let (q,r) = (Zdiv_eucl_POS a' b) in
+ if `(Zgt_bool b (r+r+1))` then `(q+q,r+r+1)` else `(q+q+1,r+r+1-b)`
+ end.
+ Euclidean division of integers.
+ Total function than returns (0,0) when dividing by 0.
+ The pseudo-code is:
+ if b = 0 : (0,0)
+ if b <> 0 and a = 0 : (0,0)
+ if b > 0 and a < 0 : let (q,r) = div_eucl_pos (-a) b in
+ if r = 0 then (-q,0) else (-(q+1),b-r)
+ if b < 0 and a < 0 : let (q,r) = div_eucl (-a) (-b) in (q,-r)
+ if b < 0 and a > 0 : let (q,r) = div_eucl a (-b) in
+ if r = 0 then (-q,0) else (-(q+1),b+r)
+Definition Zdiv_eucl [a,b:Z] : Z*Z :=
+ Cases a b of
+ | ZERO _ => `(0,0)`
+ | _ ZERO => `(0,0)`
+ | (POS a') (POS _) => (Zdiv_eucl_POS a' b)
+ | (NEG a') (POS _) =>
+ let (q,r) = (Zdiv_eucl_POS a' b) in
+ Cases r of
+ | ZERO => `(-q,0)`
+ | _ => `(-(q+1),b-r)`
+ end
+ | (NEG a') (NEG b') =>
+ let (q,r) = (Zdiv_eucl_POS a' (POS b')) in `(q,-r)`
+ | (POS a') (NEG b') =>
+ let (q,r) = (Zdiv_eucl_POS a' (POS b')) in
+ Cases r of
+ | ZERO => `(-q,0)`
+ | _ => `(-(q+1),b+r)`
+ end
+ end.
+(** Division and modulo are projections of [Zdiv_eucl] *)
+Definition Zdiv [a,b:Z] : Z := let (q,_) = (Zdiv_eucl a b) in q.
+Definition Zmod [a,b:Z] : Z := let (_,r) = (Zdiv_eucl a b) in r.
+(* Tests:
+Eval Compute in `(Zdiv_eucl 7 3)`.
+Eval Compute in `(Zdiv_eucl (-7) 3)`.
+Eval Compute in `(Zdiv_eucl 7 (-3))`.
+Eval Compute in `(Zdiv_eucl (-7) (-3))`.
+ Main division theorem.
+ First a lemma for positive
+Lemma Z_div_mod_POS : (b:Z)`b > 0` -> (a:positive)
+ let (q,r)=(Zdiv_eucl_POS a b) in `(POS a) = b*q + r`/\`0<=r<b`.
+Induction a; Simpl.
+Intro p.
+Case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p b).
+Intros q r H1.
+Decompose [and] H1.
+Generalize (Zgt_cases b `r+r+1`).
+Case (Zgt_bool b `r+r+1`);
+(Rewrite POS_xI; Rewrite H0; Split ; [ Ring | Omega ]).
+Intros p.
+Case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p b).
+Intros q r H1.
+Decompose [and] H1.
+Generalize (Zgt_cases b `r+r`).
+Case (Zgt_bool b `r+r`);
+(Rewrite POS_xO; Rewrite H0; Split ; [ Ring | Omega ]).
+Generalize (Zge_cases b `2`).
+Case (Zge_bool b `2`);
+(Intros; Split; [Ring | Omega ]).
+Theorem Z_div_mod : (a,b:Z)`b > 0` ->
+ let (q,r) = (Zdiv_eucl a b) in `a = b*q + r` /\ `0<=r<b`.
+Intros a b; Case a; Case b.
+Simpl; Omega.
+Simpl; Intros; Omega.
+Simpl; Intros; Omega.
+Simpl; Intros; Omega.
+Unfold Zdiv_eucl; Intros; Apply Z_div_mod_POS; Trivial.
+Absurd `(NEG p) > 0`.
+Generalize (NEG_lt_ZERO p).
+Intros; Absurd `0>0`.
+Unfold Zgt; Simpl.
+Generalize (Z_div_mod_POS (POS p) H p0).
+Unfold Zdiv_eucl.
+Case (Zdiv_eucl_POS p0 (POS p)).
+Intros z z0.
+Case z0.
+Intros [H1 H2].
+Replace (NEG p0) with `-(POS p0)`.
+Rewrite H1.
+Intros p1 [H1 H2].
+Replace (NEG p0) with `-(POS p0)`.
+Rewrite H1.
+Generalize (POS_gt_ZERO p1); Omega.
+Intros p1 [H1 H2].
+Replace (NEG p0) with `-(POS p0)`.
+Rewrite H1.
+Generalize (NEG_lt_ZERO p1); Omega.
+Absurd `(NEG p)>0`.
+Generalize (NEG_lt_ZERO p); Omega.
+(** Existence theorems *)
+Implicit Arguments On.
+Theorem Zdiv_eucl_exist : (b:Z)`b > 0` -> (a:Z)
+ { qr:Z*Z | let (q,r)=qr in `a=b*q+r` /\ `0 <= r < b` }.
+Intros b Hb a.
+Exists (Zdiv_eucl a b).
+Exact (Z_div_mod a b Hb).
+Theorem Zdiv_eucl_extended : (b:Z)`b <> 0` -> (a:Z)
+ { qr:Z*Z | let (q,r)=qr in `a=b*q+r` /\ `0 <= r < |b|` }.
+Intros b Hb a.
+Elim (Z_le_gt_dec `0` b);Intro Hb'.
+Cut `b>0`;[Intro Hb''|Omega].
+Rewrite Zabs_eq;[Apply Zdiv_eucl_exist;Assumption|Assumption].
+Cut `-b>0`;[Intro Hb''|Omega].
+Elim (Zdiv_eucl_exist Hb'' a);Intros qr.
+Elim qr;Intros q r Hqr.
+Exists (pair ? ? `-q` r).
+Elim Hqr;Intros.
+Rewrite <- Zmult_Zopp_left;Assumption.
+Rewrite Zabs_non_eq;[Assumption|Omega].