path: root/theories/Reals/Rtrigo1.v
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1 files changed, 137 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Reals/Rtrigo1.v b/theories/Reals/Rtrigo1.v
index 88bf0e084..ed082fb49 100644
--- a/theories/Reals/Rtrigo1.v
+++ b/theories/Reals/Rtrigo1.v
@@ -1418,13 +1418,13 @@ Proof.
(cos_gt_0 y (Rlt_le_trans (- (PI / 2)) (- (PI / 4)) y H5 H1)
(Rle_lt_trans y (PI / 4) (PI / 2) H2 H4)); intro HP2;
- (sym_not_eq
+ (not_eq_sym
(Rlt_not_eq 0 (cos x)
(cos_gt_0 x (Rlt_le_trans (- (PI / 2)) (- (PI / 4)) x H5 H)
(Rle_lt_trans x (PI / 4) (PI / 2) H0 H4))));
intro H6;
- (sym_not_eq
+ (not_eq_sym
(Rlt_not_eq 0 (cos y)
(cos_gt_0 y (Rlt_le_trans (- (PI / 2)) (- (PI / 4)) y H5 H1)
(Rle_lt_trans y (PI / 4) (PI / 2) H2 H4))));
@@ -1504,13 +1504,13 @@ Proof.
(cos_gt_0 y (Rlt_le_trans (- (PI / 2)) (- (PI / 4)) y H5 H1)
(Rle_lt_trans y (PI / 4) (PI / 2) H2 H4)); intro HP2;
- (sym_not_eq
+ (not_eq_sym
(Rlt_not_eq 0 (cos x)
(cos_gt_0 x (Rlt_le_trans (- (PI / 2)) (- (PI / 4)) x H5 H)
(Rle_lt_trans x (PI / 4) (PI / 2) H0 H4))));
intro H6;
- (sym_not_eq
+ (not_eq_sym
(Rlt_not_eq 0 (cos y)
(cos_gt_0 y (Rlt_le_trans (- (PI / 2)) (- (PI / 4)) y H5 H1)
(Rle_lt_trans y (PI / 4) (PI / 2) H2 H4))));
@@ -1753,7 +1753,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite sin_0; ring.
apply le_IZR.
left; apply IZR_lt.
- assert (H2 := Zorder.Zgt_iff_lt).
+ assert (H2 := Z.gt_lt_iff).
elim (H2 x0 0%Z); intros.
apply H3; assumption.
@@ -1796,274 +1796,138 @@ Proof.
-Lemma sin_eq_0_0 : forall x:R, sin x = 0 -> exists k : Z, x = IZR k * PI.
+Lemma sin_eq_0_0 (x:R) : sin x = 0 -> exists k : Z, x = IZR k * PI.
- intros.
- assert (H0 := euclidian_division x PI PI_neq0).
- elim H0; intros q H1.
- elim H1; intros r H2.
+ intros Hx.
+ destruct (euclidian_division x PI PI_neq0) as (q & r & EQ & Hr & Hr').
exists q.
- cut (r = 0).
- intro.
- elim H2; intros H4 _; rewrite H4; rewrite H3.
- apply Rplus_0_r.
- elim H2; intros.
- rewrite H3 in H.
- rewrite sin_plus in H.
- cut (sin (IZR q * PI) = 0).
- intro.
- rewrite H5 in H.
- rewrite Rmult_0_l in H.
- rewrite Rplus_0_l in H.
- assert (H6 := Rmult_integral _ _ H).
- elim H6; intro.
- assert (H8 := sin2_cos2 (IZR q * PI)).
- rewrite H5 in H8; rewrite H7 in H8.
- rewrite Rsqr_0 in H8.
- rewrite Rplus_0_r in H8.
- elim R1_neq_R0; symmetry in |- *; assumption.
- cut (r = 0 \/ 0 < r < PI).
- intro; elim H8; intro.
- assumption.
- elim H9; intros.
- assert (H12 := sin_gt_0 _ H10 H11).
- rewrite H7 in H12; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H12).
- rewrite Rabs_right in H4.
- elim H4; intros.
- case (Rtotal_order 0 r); intro.
- right; split; assumption.
- elim H10; intro.
- left; symmetry in |- *; assumption.
- elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H8 H11)).
- apply Rle_ge.
- left; apply PI_RGT_0.
- apply sin_eq_0_1.
- exists q; reflexivity.
-Lemma cos_eq_0_0 :
- forall x:R, cos x = 0 -> exists k : Z, x = IZR k * PI + PI / 2.
- intros x H; rewrite cos_sin in H; generalize (sin_eq_0_0 (PI / INR 2 + x) H);
- intro H2; elim H2; intros x0 H3; exists (x0 - Z_of_nat 1)%Z;
- rewrite <- Z_R_minus; simpl.
-unfold INR in H3. field_simplify [(sym_eq H3)]. field.
- ring_simplify.
- (* rewrite (Rmult_comm PI);*) (* old ring compat *)
- rewrite <- H3; simpl;
- field;repeat split; discrR.
-Lemma cos_eq_0_1 :
- forall x:R, (exists k : Z, x = IZR k * PI + PI / 2) -> cos x = 0.
- intros x H1; rewrite cos_sin; elim H1; intros x0 H2; rewrite H2;
- replace (PI / 2 + (IZR x0 * PI + PI / 2)) with (IZR x0 * PI + PI).
- rewrite neg_sin; rewrite <- Ropp_0.
- apply Ropp_eq_compat; apply sin_eq_0_1; exists x0; reflexivity.
- pattern PI at 2 in |- *; rewrite (double_var PI); ring.
-Lemma sin_eq_O_2PI_0 :
- forall x:R,
- 0 <= x -> x <= 2 * PI -> sin x = 0 -> x = 0 \/ x = PI \/ x = 2 * PI.
- intros; generalize (sin_eq_0_0 x H1); intro.
- elim H2; intros k0 H3.
- case (Rtotal_order PI x); intro.
- rewrite H3 in H4; rewrite H3 in H0.
- right; right.
- generalize
- (Rmult_lt_compat_r (/ PI) PI (IZR k0 * PI) (Rinv_0_lt_compat PI PI_RGT_0) H4);
- rewrite Rmult_assoc; repeat rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
- rewrite Rmult_1_r; intro;
- generalize
- (Rmult_le_compat_r (/ PI) (IZR k0 * PI) (2 * PI)
- (Rlt_le 0 (/ PI) (Rinv_0_lt_compat PI PI_RGT_0)) H0);
- repeat rewrite Rmult_assoc; repeat rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
- repeat rewrite Rmult_1_r; intro;
- generalize (Rplus_lt_compat_l (IZR (-2)) 1 (IZR k0) H5);
- rewrite <- plus_IZR.
- replace (IZR (-2) + 1) with (-1).
- intro; generalize (Rplus_le_compat_l (IZR (-2)) (IZR k0) 2 H6);
- rewrite <- plus_IZR.
- replace (IZR (-2) + 2) with 0.
- intro; cut (-1 < IZR (-2 + k0) < 1).
- intro; generalize (one_IZR_lt1 (-2 + k0) H9); intro.
- cut (k0 = 2%Z).
- intro; rewrite H11 in H3; rewrite H3; simpl in |- *.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite <- (Zplus_opp_l 2) in H10; generalize (Zplus_reg_l (-2) k0 2 H10);
- intro; assumption.
- split.
- assumption.
- apply Rle_lt_trans with 0.
- assumption.
- apply Rlt_0_1.
- simpl in |- *; ring.
- simpl in |- *; ring.
- apply PI_neq0.
- apply PI_neq0.
- elim H4; intro.
- right; left.
- symmetry in |- *; assumption.
- left.
- rewrite H3 in H5; rewrite H3 in H;
- generalize
- (Rmult_lt_compat_r (/ PI) (IZR k0 * PI) PI (Rinv_0_lt_compat PI PI_RGT_0)
- H5); rewrite Rmult_assoc; repeat rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
- rewrite Rmult_1_r; intro;
- generalize
- (Rmult_le_compat_r (/ PI) 0 (IZR k0 * PI)
- (Rlt_le 0 (/ PI) (Rinv_0_lt_compat PI PI_RGT_0)) H);
- repeat rewrite Rmult_assoc; repeat rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
- rewrite Rmult_1_r; rewrite Rmult_0_l; intro.
- cut (-1 < IZR k0 < 1).
- intro; generalize (one_IZR_lt1 k0 H8); intro; rewrite H9 in H3; rewrite H3;
- simpl in |- *; apply Rmult_0_l.
- split.
- apply Rlt_le_trans with 0.
- rewrite <- Ropp_0; apply Ropp_gt_lt_contravar; apply Rlt_0_1.
- assumption.
- assumption.
- apply PI_neq0.
- apply PI_neq0.
-Lemma sin_eq_O_2PI_1 :
- forall x:R,
- 0 <= x -> x <= 2 * PI -> x = 0 \/ x = PI \/ x = 2 * PI -> sin x = 0.
- intros x H1 H2 H3; elim H3; intro H4;
- [ rewrite H4; rewrite sin_0; reflexivity
- | elim H4; intro H5;
- [ rewrite H5; rewrite sin_PI; reflexivity
- | rewrite H5; rewrite sin_2PI; reflexivity ] ].
-Lemma cos_eq_0_2PI_0 :
- forall x:R,
- 0 <= x -> x <= 2 * PI -> cos x = 0 -> x = PI / 2 \/ x = 3 * (PI / 2).
- intros; case (Rtotal_order x (3 * (PI / 2))); intro.
- rewrite cos_sin in H1.
- cut (0 <= PI / 2 + x).
- cut (PI / 2 + x <= 2 * PI).
- intros; generalize (sin_eq_O_2PI_0 (PI / 2 + x) H4 H3 H1); intros.
- decompose [or] H5.
- generalize (Rplus_le_compat_l (PI / 2) 0 x H); rewrite Rplus_0_r; rewrite H6;
- intro.
- elim (Rlt_irrefl 0 (Rlt_le_trans 0 (PI / 2) 0 PI2_RGT_0 H7)).
- left.
- generalize (Rplus_eq_compat_l (- (PI / 2)) (PI / 2 + x) PI H7).
- replace (- (PI / 2) + (PI / 2 + x)) with x.
- replace (- (PI / 2) + PI) with (PI / 2).
- intro; assumption.
- pattern PI at 3 in |- *; rewrite (double_var PI); ring.
- ring.
- right.
- generalize (Rplus_eq_compat_l (- (PI / 2)) (PI / 2 + x) (2 * PI) H7).
- replace (- (PI / 2) + (PI / 2 + x)) with x.
- replace (- (PI / 2) + 2 * PI) with (3 * (PI / 2)).
- intro; assumption.
- rewrite double; pattern PI at 3 4 in |- *; rewrite (double_var PI); ring.
- ring.
- left; replace (2 * PI) with (PI / 2 + 3 * (PI / 2)).
- apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; assumption.
- rewrite (double PI); pattern PI at 3 4 in |- *; rewrite (double_var PI); ring.
- apply Rplus_le_le_0_compat.
- left; unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
- apply PI_RGT_0.
- apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0.
- assumption.
- elim H2; intro.
- right; assumption.
- generalize (cos_eq_0_0 x H1); intro; elim H4; intros k0 H5.
- rewrite H5 in H3; rewrite H5 in H0;
- generalize
- (Rplus_lt_compat_l (- (PI / 2)) (3 * (PI / 2)) (IZR k0 * PI + PI / 2) H3);
- generalize
- (Rplus_le_compat_l (- (PI / 2)) (IZR k0 * PI + PI / 2) (2 * PI) H0).
- replace (- (PI / 2) + 3 * (PI / 2)) with PI.
- replace (- (PI / 2) + (IZR k0 * PI + PI / 2)) with (IZR k0 * PI).
- replace (- (PI / 2) + 2 * PI) with (3 * (PI / 2)).
- intros;
- generalize
- (Rmult_lt_compat_l (/ PI) PI (IZR k0 * PI) (Rinv_0_lt_compat PI PI_RGT_0)
- H7);
- generalize
- (Rmult_le_compat_l (/ PI) (IZR k0 * PI) (3 * (PI / 2))
- (Rlt_le 0 (/ PI) (Rinv_0_lt_compat PI PI_RGT_0)) H6).
- replace (/ PI * (IZR k0 * PI)) with (IZR k0).
- replace (/ PI * (3 * (PI / 2))) with (3 * / 2).
- rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
- intros; generalize (Rplus_lt_compat_l (IZR (-2)) 1 (IZR k0) H9);
- rewrite <- plus_IZR.
- replace (IZR (-2) + 1) with (-1).
- intro; generalize (Rplus_le_compat_l (IZR (-2)) (IZR k0) (3 * / 2) H8);
- rewrite <- plus_IZR.
- replace (IZR (-2) + 2) with 0.
- intro; cut (-1 < IZR (-2 + k0) < 1).
- intro; generalize (one_IZR_lt1 (-2 + k0) H12); intro.
- cut (k0 = 2%Z).
- intro; rewrite H14 in H8.
- assert (Hyp : 0 < 2).
- prove_sup0.
- generalize (Rmult_le_compat_l 2 (IZR 2) (3 * / 2) (Rlt_le 0 2 Hyp) H8);
- simpl in |- *.
- replace 4 with 4.
- replace (2 * (3 * / 2)) with 3.
- intro; cut (3 < 4).
- intro; elim (Rlt_irrefl 3 (Rlt_le_trans 3 4 3 H16 H15)).
- generalize (Rplus_lt_compat_l 3 0 1 Rlt_0_1); rewrite Rplus_0_r.
- replace (3 + 1) with 4.
- intro; assumption.
- ring.
- symmetry in |- *; rewrite <- Rmult_assoc; apply Rinv_r_simpl_m.
- discrR.
- ring.
- rewrite <- (Zplus_opp_l 2) in H13; generalize (Zplus_reg_l (-2) k0 2 H13);
- intro; assumption.
- split.
- assumption.
- apply Rle_lt_trans with (IZR (-2) + 3 * / 2).
- assumption.
- simpl in |- *; replace (-2 + 3 * / 2) with (- (1 * / 2)).
- apply Rlt_trans with 0.
- rewrite <- Ropp_0; apply Ropp_lt_gt_contravar.
- apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
- [ apply Rlt_0_1 | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ].
- apply Rlt_0_1.
- rewrite Rmult_1_l; apply Rmult_eq_reg_l with 2.
- rewrite Ropp_mult_distr_r_reverse; rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
- rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_l; rewrite <- Rmult_assoc; rewrite Rinv_r_simpl_m.
- ring.
- discrR.
- discrR.
- discrR.
- simpl in |- *; ring.
- simpl in |- *; ring.
- apply PI_neq0.
- unfold Rdiv in |- *; pattern 3 at 1 in |- *; rewrite (Rmult_comm 3);
- repeat rewrite <- Rmult_assoc; rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
- rewrite Rmult_1_l; apply Rmult_comm.
- apply PI_neq0.
- symmetry in |- *; rewrite (Rmult_comm (/ PI)); rewrite Rmult_assoc;
- rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
- apply Rmult_1_r.
- apply PI_neq0.
- rewrite double; pattern PI at 3 4 in |- *; rewrite double_var; ring.
- ring.
- pattern PI at 1 in |- *; rewrite double_var; ring.
-Lemma cos_eq_0_2PI_1 :
- forall x:R,
- 0 <= x -> x <= 2 * PI -> x = PI / 2 \/ x = 3 * (PI / 2) -> cos x = 0.
- intros x H1 H2 H3; elim H3; intro H4;
- [ rewrite H4; rewrite cos_PI2; reflexivity
- | rewrite H4; rewrite cos_3PI2; reflexivity ].
+ rewrite <- (Rplus_0_r (_*_)). subst. apply Rplus_eq_compat_l.
+ rewrite sin_plus in Hx.
+ assert (H : sin (IZR q * PI) = 0) by (apply sin_eq_0_1; now exists q).
+ rewrite H, Rmult_0_l, Rplus_0_l in Hx.
+ destruct (Rmult_integral _ _ Hx) as [H'|H'].
+ - exfalso.
+ generalize (sin2_cos2 (IZR q * PI)).
+ rewrite H, H', Rsqr_0, Rplus_0_l.
+ intros; now apply R1_neq_R0.
+ - rewrite Rabs_right in Hr'; [|left; apply PI_RGT_0].
+ destruct Hr as [Hr | ->]; trivial.
+ exfalso.
+ generalize (sin_gt_0 r Hr Hr'). rewrite H'. apply Rlt_irrefl.
+Lemma cos_eq_0_0 (x:R) :
+ cos x = 0 -> exists k : Z, x = IZR k * PI + PI / 2.
+ rewrite cos_sin. intros Hx.
+ destruct (sin_eq_0_0 (PI/2 + x) Hx) as (k,Hk). clear Hx.
+ exists (k-1)%Z. rewrite <- Z_R_minus; simpl.
+ symmetry in Hk. field_simplify [Hk]. field.
+Lemma cos_eq_0_1 (x:R) :
+ (exists k : Z, x = IZR k * PI + PI / 2) -> cos x = 0.
+ rewrite cos_sin. intros (k,->).
+ replace (_ + _) with (IZR k * PI + PI) by field.
+ rewrite neg_sin, <- Ropp_0. apply Ropp_eq_compat.
+ apply sin_eq_0_1. now exists k.
+Lemma sin_eq_O_2PI_0 (x:R) :
+ 0 <= x -> x <= 2 * PI -> sin x = 0 ->
+ x = 0 \/ x = PI \/ x = 2 * PI.
+ intros Lo Hi Hx. destruct (sin_eq_0_0 x Hx) as (k,Hk). clear Hx.
+ destruct (Rtotal_order PI x) as [Hx|[Hx|Hx]].
+ - right; right.
+ clear Lo. subst.
+ f_equal. change 2 with (IZR (- (-2))). f_equal.
+ apply Z.add_move_0_l.
+ apply one_IZR_lt1.
+ rewrite plus_IZR; simpl.
+ split.
+ + replace (-1) with (-2 + 1) by ring.
+ apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
+ apply Rmult_lt_reg_r with PI; [apply PI_RGT_0|].
+ now rewrite Rmult_1_l.
+ + apply Rle_lt_trans with 0; [|apply Rlt_0_1].
+ replace 0 with (-2 + 2) by ring.
+ apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
+ apply Rmult_le_reg_r with PI; [apply PI_RGT_0|].
+ trivial.
+ - right; left; auto.
+ - left.
+ clear Hi. subst.
+ replace 0 with (IZR 0 * PI) by (simpl; ring). f_equal. f_equal.
+ apply one_IZR_lt1.
+ split.
+ + apply Rlt_le_trans with 0;
+ [rewrite <- Ropp_0; apply Ropp_gt_lt_contravar, Rlt_0_1 | ].
+ apply Rmult_le_reg_r with PI; [apply PI_RGT_0|].
+ now rewrite Rmult_0_l.
+ + apply Rmult_lt_reg_r with PI; [apply PI_RGT_0|].
+ now rewrite Rmult_1_l.
+Lemma sin_eq_O_2PI_1 (x:R) :
+ 0 <= x -> x <= 2 * PI ->
+ x = 0 \/ x = PI \/ x = 2 * PI -> sin x = 0.
+ intros _ _ [ -> |[ -> | -> ]].
+ - now rewrite sin_0.
+ - now rewrite sin_PI.
+ - now rewrite sin_2PI.
+Lemma cos_eq_0_2PI_0 (x:R) :
+ 0 <= x -> x <= 2 * PI -> cos x = 0 ->
+ x = PI / 2 \/ x = 3 * (PI / 2).
+ intros Lo Hi Hx.
+ destruct (Rtotal_order x (3 * (PI / 2))) as [LT|[EQ|GT]].
+ - rewrite cos_sin in Hx.
+ assert (Lo' : 0 <= PI / 2 + x).
+ { apply Rplus_le_le_0_compat. apply Rlt_le, PI2_RGT_0. trivial. }
+ assert (Hi' : PI / 2 + x <= 2 * PI).
+ { apply Rlt_le.
+ replace (2 * PI) with (PI / 2 + 3 * (PI / 2)) by field.
+ now apply Rplus_lt_compat_l. }
+ destruct (sin_eq_O_2PI_0 (PI / 2 + x) Lo' Hi' Hx) as [H|[H|H]].
+ + exfalso.
+ apply (Rplus_le_compat_l (PI/2)) in Lo.
+ rewrite Rplus_0_r, H in Lo.
+ apply (Rlt_irrefl 0 (Rlt_le_trans 0 (PI / 2) 0 PI2_RGT_0 Lo)).
+ + left.
+ apply (Rplus_eq_compat_l (-(PI/2))) in H.
+ ring_simplify in H. rewrite H. field.
+ + right.
+ apply (Rplus_eq_compat_l (-(PI/2))) in H.
+ ring_simplify in H. rewrite H. field.
+ - now right.
+ - exfalso.
+ destruct (cos_eq_0_0 x Hx) as (k,Hk). clear Hx Lo.
+ subst.
+ assert (LT : (k < 2)%Z).
+ { apply lt_IZR. simpl.
+ apply (Rmult_lt_reg_r PI); [apply PI_RGT_0|].
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with (IZR k * PI + PI/2); trivial.
+ rewrite <- (Rplus_0_r (IZR k * PI)) at 1.
+ apply Rplus_lt_compat_l. apply PI2_RGT_0. }
+ assert (GT' : (1 < k)%Z).
+ { apply lt_IZR. simpl.
+ apply (Rmult_lt_reg_r PI); [apply PI_RGT_0|rewrite Rmult_1_l].
+ replace (3*(PI/2)) with (PI/2 + PI) in GT by field.
+ rewrite Rplus_comm in GT.
+ now apply Rplus_lt_reg_r in GT. }
+ omega.
+Lemma cos_eq_0_2PI_1 (x:R) :
+ 0 <= x -> x <= 2 * PI ->
+ x = PI / 2 \/ x = 3 * (PI / 2) -> cos x = 0.
+ intros Lo Hi [ -> | -> ].
+ - now rewrite cos_PI2.
+ - now rewrite cos_3PI2.