path: root/theories/Reals/Rpower.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'theories/Reals/Rpower.v')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Reals/Rpower.v b/theories/Reals/Rpower.v
index c6fac951b..d465523a7 100644
--- a/theories/Reals/Rpower.v
+++ b/theories/Reals/Rpower.v
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Require Import R_sqrt.
Require Import Sqrt_reg.
Require Import MVT.
Require Import Ranalysis4.
-Require Import Fourier.
+Require Import Lra.
Local Open Scope R_scope.
Lemma P_Rmin : forall (P:R -> Prop) (x y:R), P x -> P y -> P (Rmin x y).
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma Rlt_Rpower_l a b c: 0 < c -> 0 < a < b -> a ^R c < b ^R c.
intros c0 [a0 ab]; apply exp_increasing.
-now apply Rmult_lt_compat_l; auto; apply ln_increasing; fourier.
+now apply Rmult_lt_compat_l; auto; apply ln_increasing; lra.
Lemma Rle_Rpower_l a b c: 0 <= c -> 0 < a <= b -> a ^R c <= b ^R c.
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ Proof.
intros [c0 | c0];
[ | intros; rewrite <- c0, !Rpower_O; [apply Rle_refl | |] ].
intros [a0 [ab|ab]].
- now apply Rlt_le, Rlt_Rpower_l;[ | split]; fourier.
+ now apply Rlt_le, Rlt_Rpower_l;[ | split]; lra.
rewrite ab; apply Rle_refl.
apply Rlt_le_trans with a; tauto.
@@ -754,10 +754,10 @@ assert (cmp : 0 < x + sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)).
replace (x ^ 2) with ((-x) ^ 2) by ring.
assert (sqrt ((- x) ^ 2) < sqrt ((-x)^2+1)).
apply sqrt_lt_1_alt.
- split;[apply pow_le | ]; fourier.
+ split;[apply pow_le | ]; lra.
pattern x at 1; replace x with (- (sqrt ((- x) ^ 2))).
- assert (t:= sqrt_pos ((-x)^2)); fourier.
- simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r, sqrt_square, Ropp_involutive;[reflexivity | fourier].
+ assert (t:= sqrt_pos ((-x)^2)); lra.
+ simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r, sqrt_square, Ropp_involutive;[reflexivity | lra].
apply Rplus_lt_le_0_compat;[apply Rnot_le_gt; assumption | apply sqrt_pos].
rewrite exp_ln;[ | assumption].
rewrite exp_Ropp, exp_ln;[ | assumption].
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ apply Rmult_eq_reg_l with (2 * (x + sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)));[ |
apply Rgt_not_eq, Rmult_lt_0_compat;[apply Rlt_0_2 | assumption]].
assert (pow2_sqrt : forall x, 0 <= x -> sqrt x ^ 2 = x) by
(intros; simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r, sqrt_sqrt; auto).
-field_simplify;[rewrite pow2_sqrt;[field | ] | apply Rgt_not_eq; fourier].
+field_simplify;[rewrite pow2_sqrt;[field | ] | apply Rgt_not_eq; lra].
apply Rplus_le_le_0_compat;[simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r; apply (Rle_0_sqr x)|apply Rlt_le, Rlt_0_1].
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@ assert (0 < x + sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)).
replace (x ^ 2) with ((-x) ^ 2) by ring.
assert (sqrt ((- x) ^ 2) < sqrt ((-x)^2+1)).
apply sqrt_lt_1_alt.
- split;[apply pow_le|]; fourier.
+ split;[apply pow_le|]; lra.
pattern x at 1; replace x with (- (sqrt ((- x) ^ 2))).
- assert (t:= sqrt_pos ((-x)^2)); fourier.
- simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r, sqrt_square, Ropp_involutive; auto; fourier.
+ assert (t:= sqrt_pos ((-x)^2)); lra.
+ simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r, sqrt_square, Ropp_involutive; auto; lra.
assert (0 < x ^ 2 + 1).
- apply Rplus_le_lt_0_compat;[simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r; apply Rle_0_sqr|fourier].
+ apply Rplus_le_lt_0_compat;[simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r; apply Rle_0_sqr|lra].
replace (/sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)) with
(/(x + sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)) *
(1 + (/(2 * sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)) * (INR 2 * x ^ 1 + 0)))).
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ intros x y xy.
case (Rle_dec (arcsinh y) (arcsinh x));[ | apply Rnot_le_lt ].
intros abs; case (Rlt_not_le _ _ xy).
rewrite <- (sinh_arcsinh y), <- (sinh_arcsinh x).
-destruct abs as [lt | q];[| rewrite q; fourier].
+destruct abs as [lt | q];[| rewrite q; lra].
apply Rlt_le, sinh_lt; assumption.