path: root/theories/Program
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7 files changed, 209 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Program/Equality.v b/theories/Program/Equality.v
index 96c1c8f4d..85ed18891 100644
--- a/theories/Program/Equality.v
+++ b/theories/Program/Equality.v
@@ -85,17 +85,6 @@ Ltac abstract_eq_hyp H' p :=
-(** Try to abstract a proof of equality, if no proof of the same equality is present in the context. *)
-Ltac abstract_any_hyp H' p :=
- match type of p with
- ?X =>
- match goal with
- | [ H : X |- _ ] => fail 1
- | _ => set (H':=p) ; try (change p with H') ; clearbody H' ; simpl in H'
- end
- end.
(** Apply the tactic tac to proofs of equality appearing as coercion arguments.
Just redefine this tactic (using [Ltac on_coerce_proof tac ::=]) to handle custom coercion operators.
@@ -180,3 +169,39 @@ Ltac clear_eqs := repeat clear_eq.
Ltac simplify_eqs :=
simpl ; simpl_eqs ; clear_eq_ctx ; clear_refl_eqs ;
try subst ; simpl ; repeat simpl_uip ; rewrite_refl_id.
+(** A tactic to remove trivial equality guards in hypotheses. *)
+Ltac simpl_IH_eq H :=
+ let tac H' := clear H ; rename H' into H in
+ let H' := fresh "H" in
+ match type of H with
+ | JMeq _ _ -> _ =>
+ assert (H' := H (JMeq_refl _)) ; tac H'
+ | _ = _ -> _ =>
+ assert (H' := H (refl_equal _)) ; tac H'
+ end.
+Ltac simpl_IH_eqs H := repeat simpl_IH_eq H.
+Ltac simpl_IHs_eqs :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : JMeq _ _ -> _ |- _ ] => simpl_IH_eqs H
+ | [ H : _ = _ -> _ |- _ ] => simpl_IH_eqs H
+ end.
+Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
+(** The following tactics allow to do induction on an already instantiated inductive predicate
+ by first generalizing it and adding the proper equalities to the context, in a maner similar to
+ the BasicElim tactic of "Elimination with a motive" by Conor McBride. *)
+Tactic Notation "dependent" "induction" ident(H) :=
+ generalize_eqs H ; clear H ; (intros until 1 || intros until H) ;
+ induction H ; intros ; subst* ; try discriminates ; try simpl_IHs_eqs.
+(** This tactic also generalizes the goal by the given variables before the induction. *)
+Tactic Notation "dependent" "induction" ident(H) "generalizing" ne_hyp_list(l) :=
+ generalize_eqs H ; clear H ; (intros until 1 || intros until H) ;
+ generalize l ; clear l ; induction H ; intros ; subst* ; try discriminates ; try simpl_IHs_eqs.
diff --git a/theories/Program/FunctionalExtensionality.v b/theories/Program/FunctionalExtensionality.v
index 22cb93d56..382252ce2 100644
--- a/theories/Program/FunctionalExtensionality.v
+++ b/theories/Program/FunctionalExtensionality.v
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ Ltac apply_ext :=
(** For a function defined with Program using a well-founded order. *)
-Lemma fix_sub_eq_ext :
+Program Lemma fix_sub_eq_ext :
forall (A : Set) (R : A -> A -> Prop) (Rwf : well_founded R)
(P : A -> Set)
- (F_sub : forall x : A, (forall {y : A | R y x}, P (`y)) -> P x),
+ (F_sub : forall x : A, (forall (y : A | R y x), P y) -> P x),
forall x : A,
Fix_sub A R Rwf P F_sub x =
- F_sub x (fun {y : A | R y x}=> Fix A R Rwf P F_sub (`y)).
+ F_sub x (fun (y : A | R y x) => Fix A R Rwf P F_sub y).
intros ; apply Fix_eq ; auto.
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ Qed.
(** For a function defined with Program using a measure. *)
-Lemma fix_sub_measure_eq_ext :
+Program Lemma fix_sub_measure_eq_ext :
forall (A : Type) (f : A -> nat) (P : A -> Type)
- (F_sub : forall x : A, (forall {y : A | f y < f x}, P (`y)) -> P x),
+ (F_sub : forall x : A, (forall (y : A | f y < f x), P y) -> P x),
forall x : A,
Fix_measure_sub A f P F_sub x =
- F_sub x (fun {y : A | f y < f x}=> Fix_measure_sub A f P F_sub (`y)).
+ F_sub x (fun (y : A | f y < f x) => Fix_measure_sub A f P F_sub y).
intros ; apply Fix_measure_eq ; auto.
diff --git a/theories/Program/Program.v b/theories/Program/Program.v
index 39c5b7734..fb172db84 100644
--- a/theories/Program/Program.v
+++ b/theories/Program/Program.v
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Require Export Coq.Program.Utils.
Require Export Coq.Program.Wf.
Require Export Coq.Program.Equality.
+Require Export Coq.Program.Subset.
diff --git a/theories/Program/Subset.v b/theories/Program/Subset.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54d830c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Program/Subset.v
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+Require Import Coq.Program.Utils.
+Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
+(** Tactics related to subsets and proof irrelevance. *)
+(** Simplify dependent equality using sigmas to equality of the codomains if possible. *)
+Ltac simpl_existT :=
+ match goal with
+ [ H : existT _ ?x _ = existT _ ?x _ |- _ ] =>
+ let Hi := fresh H in assert(Hi:=inj_pairT2 _ _ _ _ _ H) ; clear H
+ end.
+Ltac simpl_existTs := repeat simpl_existT.
+(** The following tactics implement a poor-man's solution for proof-irrelevance: it tries to
+ factorize every proof of the same proposition in a goal so that equality of such proofs becomes trivial. *)
+Ltac on_subset_proof_aux tac T :=
+ match T with
+ | context [ exist ?P _ ?p ] => try on_subset_proof_aux tac P ; tac p
+ end.
+Ltac on_subset_proof tac :=
+ match goal with
+ [ |- ?T ] => on_subset_proof_aux tac T
+ end.
+Ltac abstract_any_hyp H' p :=
+ match type of p with
+ ?X =>
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : X |- _ ] => fail 1
+ | _ => set (H':=p) ; try (change p with H') ; clearbody H'
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac abstract_subset_proof :=
+ on_subset_proof ltac:(fun p => let H := fresh "eqH" in abstract_any_hyp H p ; simpl in H).
+Ltac abstract_subset_proofs := repeat abstract_subset_proof.
+Ltac pi_subset_proof_hyp p :=
+ match type of p with
+ ?X =>
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : X |- _ ] =>
+ match p with
+ | H => fail 2
+ | _ => rewrite (proof_irrelevance X p H)
+ end
+ | _ => fail " No hypothesis with same type "
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac pi_subset_proof := on_subset_proof pi_subset_proof_hyp.
+Ltac pi_subset_proofs := repeat pi_subset_proof.
+(** Clear duplicated hypotheses *)
+Ltac clear_dup :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : ?X |- _ ] =>
+ match goal with
+ | [ H' : X |- _ ] =>
+ match H' with
+ | H => fail 2
+ | _ => clear H' || clear H
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac clear_dups := repeat clear_dup.
+(** The two preceding tactics in sequence. *)
+Ltac clear_subset_proofs :=
+ abstract_subset_proofs ; simpl in * |- ; pi_subset_proofs ; clear_dups.
+Ltac pi := repeat progress f_equal ; apply proof_irrelevance.
+Lemma subset_eq : forall A (P : A -> Prop) (n m : sig P), n = m <-> (`n) = (`m).
+ induction n.
+ induction m.
+ simpl.
+ split ; intros ; subst.
+ inversion H.
+ reflexivity.
+ pi.
+(* Somewhat trivial definition, but not unfolded automatically hence we can match on [match_eq ?A ?B ?x ?f]
+ in tactics. *)
+Program Definition match_eq (A B : Type) (x : A) (fn : forall (y : A | y = x), B) : B :=
+ fn (exist _ x (refl_equal x)).
+(* This is what we want to be able to do: replace the originaly matched object by a new,
+ propositionally equal one. If [fn] works on [x] it should work on any [y | y = x]. *)
+Lemma match_eq_rewrite : forall (A B : Type) (x : A) (fn : forall (y : A | y = x), B)
+ (y : A | y = x),
+ match_eq A B x fn = fn y.
+ intros.
+ unfold match_eq.
+ f_equal.
+ destruct y.
+ (* uses proof-irrelevance *)
+ apply <- subset_eq.
+ symmetry. assumption.
+(** Now we make a tactic to be able to rewrite a term [t] which is applied to a [match_eq] using an arbitrary
+ equality [t = u], and [u] is now the subject of the [match]. *)
+Ltac rewrite_match_eq H :=
+ match goal with
+ [ |- ?T ] =>
+ match T with
+ context [ match_eq ?A ?B ?t ?f ] =>
+ rewrite (match_eq_rewrite A B t f (exist _ _ (sym_eq H)))
+ end
+ end.
+(** Otherwise we can simply unfold [match_eq] and the term trivially reduces to the original definition. *)
+Ltac simpl_match_eq := unfold match_eq ; simpl.
diff --git a/theories/Program/Tactics.v b/theories/Program/Tactics.v
index e4c60e14a..ac0f5cf71 100644
--- a/theories/Program/Tactics.v
+++ b/theories/Program/Tactics.v
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ Tactic Notation "destruct" "exist" ident(t) ident(Ht) := destruct t as [t Ht].
Tactic Notation "destruct" "or" ident(H) := destruct H as [H|H].
(** Discriminate that also work on a [x <> x] hypothesis. *)
Ltac discriminates :=
match goal with
| [ H : ?x <> ?x |- _ ] => elim H ; reflexivity
@@ -151,21 +152,12 @@ Ltac bang :=
Tactic Notation "contradiction" "by" constr(t) :=
let H := fresh in assert t as H by auto with * ; contradiction.
-(** The following tactics allow to do induction on an already instantiated inductive predicate
- by first generalizing it and adding the proper equalities to the context, in a manner similar to
- the BasicElim tactic of "Elimination with a motive" by Conor McBride. *)
-Tactic Notation "dependent" "induction" ident(H) :=
- generalize_eqs H ; clear H ; (intros until 1 || intros until H) ;
- induction H ; intros ; subst* ; try discriminates.
-(** This tactic also generalizes the goal by the given variables before the induction. *)
-Tactic Notation "dependent" "induction" ident(H) "generalizing" ne_hyp_list(l) :=
- generalize_eqs H ; clear H ; (intros until 1 || intros until H) ;
- generalize l ; clear l ; induction H ; intros ; subst* ; try discriminates.
+(** The default simplification tactic used by Program is defined by [program_simpl], sometimes [auto with *]
+ is overkill and slows things down, better rebind using [Obligations Tactic := tac] in this case,
+ possibly using [program_simplify] to use standard goal-cleaning tactics. *)
-(** The default simplification tactic used by Program. *)
+Ltac program_simplify :=
+ simpl ; intros ; destruct_conjs ; simpl proj1_sig in * ; subst* ;
+ try (solve [ red ; intros ; destruct_conjs ; discriminate ]).
-Ltac program_simpl := simpl ; intros ; destruct_conjs ; simpl in * ; try subst ;
- try (solve [ red ; intros ; destruct_conjs ; discriminate ]) ; auto with *.
+Ltac program_simpl := program_simplify ; auto with *.
diff --git a/theories/Program/Utils.v b/theories/Program/Utils.v
index a268f0afb..6af81a410 100644
--- a/theories/Program/Utils.v
+++ b/theories/Program/Utils.v
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ Notation " {{ x }} " := (tt : { y : unit | x }).
(** A simpler notation for subsets defined on a cartesian product. *)
-Notation "{ ( x , y ) : A | P }" :=
- (sig (fun anonymous : A => let (x,y) := anonymous in P))
- (x ident, y ident) : type_scope.
+(* Notation "{ ( x , y ) : A | P }" := *)
+(* (sig (fun anonymous : A => let (x,y) := anonymous in P)) *)
+(* (x ident, y ident, at level 10) : type_scope. *)
(** Generates an obligation to prove False. *)
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ Notation " x '`=' y " := ((x :>) = (y :>)) (at level 70).
(** Quantifying over subsets. *)
-Notation "'fun' { x : A | P } => Q" :=
- (fun x:{x:A|P} => Q)
- (at level 200, x ident, right associativity).
+(* Notation "'fun' ( x : A | P ) => Q" := *)
+(* (fun (x :A|P} => Q) *)
+(* (at level 200, x ident, right associativity). *)
-Notation "'forall' { x : A | P } , Q" :=
- (forall x:{x:A|P}, Q)
- (at level 200, x ident, right associativity).
+(* Notation "'forall' ( x : A | P ), Q" := *)
+(* (forall (x : A | P), Q) *)
+(* (at level 200, x ident, right associativity). *)
Require Import Coq.Bool.Sumbool.
diff --git a/theories/Program/Wf.v b/theories/Program/Wf.v
index 55784671f..70b1b1b5a 100644
--- a/theories/Program/Wf.v
+++ b/theories/Program/Wf.v
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ Section Well_founded.
F_ext :
forall (x:A) (f g:forall y:{y:A | R y x}, P (`y)),
- (forall y:{ y:A | R y x}, f y = g y) -> F_sub x f = F_sub x g.
+ (forall (y : A | R y x), f y = g y) -> F_sub x f = F_sub x g.
Lemma Fix_F_eq :
forall (x:A) (r:Acc R x),
- F_sub x (fun (y:{y:A|R y x}) => Fix_F (`y) (Acc_inv r (proj1_sig y) (proj2_sig y))) = Fix_F x r.
+ F_sub x (fun (y:A|R y x) => Fix_F (`y) (Acc_inv r (proj1_sig y) (proj2_sig y))) = Fix_F x r.
destruct r using Acc_inv_dep; auto.
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Section Well_founded.
rewrite (proof_irrelevance (Acc R x) r s) ; auto.
- Lemma Fix_eq : forall x:A, Fix x = F_sub x (fun (y:{y:A|R y x}) => Fix (proj1_sig y)).
+ Lemma Fix_eq : forall x:A, Fix x = F_sub x (fun (y:A|R y x) => Fix (proj1_sig y)).
intro x; unfold Fix in |- *.
rewrite <- (Fix_F_eq ).
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Section Well_founded.
forall x : A,
Fix_sub P F_sub x =
let f_sub := F_sub in
- f_sub x (fun {y : A | R y x}=> Fix (`y)).
+ f_sub x (fun (y : A | R y x) => Fix (`y)).
exact Fix_eq.
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Section Well_founded_measure.
Section FixPoint.
Variable P : A -> Type.
- Variable F_sub : forall x:A, (forall y: { y : A | m y < m x }, P (proj1_sig y)) -> P x.
+ Variable F_sub : forall x:A, (forall (y : A | m y < m x), P (proj1_sig y)) -> P x.
Notation Fix_F := (Fix_measure_F_sub P F_sub) (only parsing). (* alias *)
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ Section Well_founded_measure.
F_ext :
- forall (x:A) (f g:forall y:{y:A | m y < m x}, P (`y)),
- (forall y:{ y:A | m y < m x}, f y = g y) -> F_sub x f = F_sub x g.
+ forall (x:A) (f g:forall y : { y : A | m y < m x}, P (`y)),
+ (forall y : { y : A | m y < m x}, f y = g y) -> F_sub x f = F_sub x g.
Lemma Fix_measure_F_eq :
forall (x:A) (r:Acc lt (m x)),
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Section Well_founded_measure.
forall x : A,
Fix_measure_sub P F_sub x =
let f_sub := F_sub in
- f_sub x (fun {y : A | m y < m x}=> Fix_measure (`y)).
+ f_sub x (fun (y : A | m y < m x) => Fix_measure (`y)).
exact Fix_measure_eq.