path: root/theories/Numbers
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Diffstat (limited to 'theories/Numbers')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/NMake_gen.ml b/theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/NMake_gen.ml
index cd8798236..bde8c1064 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/NMake_gen.ml
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/NMake_gen.ml
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ let rec gen2 n = if n == 0 then "1" else if n == 1 then "2"
let rec genxO n s =
if n == 0 then s else " (xO" ^ (genxO (n - 1) s) ^ ")"
+let rec iter_str n s = if n = 0 then "" else (iter_str (n-1) s) ^ s
+let rec iter_name i j base sep =
+ if i >= j then base^(string_of_int i)
+ else (iter_name i (j-1) base sep)^sep^" "^base^(string_of_int j)
(* NB: in ocaml >= 3.10, we could use Printf.ifprintf for printing to
/dev/null, but for being compatible with earlier ocaml and not
relying on system-dependent stuff like open_out "/dev/null",
@@ -97,7 +103,7 @@ let _ =
pr "";
pr " Local Notation w0_op := W0.ops.";
- for i = 1 to 3 do
+ for i = 1 to min 3 size do
pr " Instance w%i_op : ZnZ.Ops w%i := mk_zn2z_ops w%i_op." i i (i-1)
for i = 4 to size do
@@ -132,7 +138,7 @@ let _ =
pr "";
pr " Definition make_op_list := dmemo_list _ omake_op.";
pr "";
- pr " Instance make_op n : ZnZ.Ops (word w6 (S n))";
+ pr " Instance make_op n : ZnZ.Ops (word w%i (S n))" size;
pr " := dmemo_get _ omake_op n make_op_list.";
pr "";
@@ -163,8 +169,6 @@ let _ =
pr " (** * A generic toolbox for building and deconstructing [t] *)";
pr "";
- let rec iter_str n s = if n = 0 then "" else (iter_str (n-1) s) ^ s
- in
pr " Local Notation SizePlus n := %sn%s."
(iter_str size "(S ") (iter_str size ")");
pr "";
@@ -173,7 +177,7 @@ let _ =
for i = 0 to size do
pr " | %i => w%i" i i;
- pr " | SizePlus n => word w%i n" size;
+ pr " | %sn => word w%i n" (if size=0 then "" else "SizePlus ") size;
pr " end.";
pr "";
@@ -199,7 +203,7 @@ let _ =
for i = 0 to size do
pr " | %i => %s%i" i c i;
- pr " | SizePlus (S n) => %sn n" c;
+ pr " | %s(S n) => %sn n" (if size=0 then "" else "SizePlus ") c;
pr " end.";
pr "";
@@ -327,15 +331,19 @@ pr "
pr " (** * The specification proofs for the word operators *)";
pr "";
- pr " Typeclasses Opaque w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6.";
+ if size <> 0 then
+ pr " Typeclasses Opaque %s." (iter_name 1 size "w" " ");
pr "";
pp " Instance w0_spec: ZnZ.Specs w0_op := W0.specs.";
- for i = 1 to 3 do
+ for i = 1 to min 3 size do
pp " Instance w%i_spec: ZnZ.Specs w%i_op := mk_zn2z_specs w%i_spec." i i (i-1)
- for i = 4 to size + 3 do
- pp " Instance w%i_spec : ZnZ.Specs w%i_op := mk_zn2z_specs_karatsuba w%i_spec." i i (i-1)
+ for i = 4 to size do
+ pp " Instance w%i_spec: ZnZ.Specs w%i_op := mk_zn2z_specs_karatsuba w%i_spec." i i (i-1)
+ done;
+ for i = size+1 to size+3 do
+ pp " Instance w%i_spec: ZnZ.Specs w%i_op := mk_zn2z_specs_karatsuba w%i_spec." i i (i-1)
pp "";
@@ -373,11 +381,6 @@ pr "
pp " Qed.";
pp "";
- let rec iter_name i j base sep =
- if i = j then base^(string_of_int i)
- else (iter_name i (j-1) base sep)^sep^" "^base^(string_of_int j)
- in
for i = 0 to size do
pp " Theorem digits_w%i: ZnZ.digits w%i_op = ZnZ.digits (nmake_op _ w0_op %i)." i i i;
if i == 0 then
@@ -536,18 +539,18 @@ pr "
Zpos (ZnZ.digits (dom_op n)) = Zpos (ZnZ.digits W0.ops) * 2 ^ Z_of_nat n.
intros. rewrite Zmult_comm.
- do 7 (destruct n; try reflexivity).
+ do %i (destruct n; try reflexivity).
rewrite <- shift_pos_correct. f_equal.
rewrite shift_pos_nat.
- rewrite !nat_of_P_succ_morphism, nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ.
+ rewrite ?nat_of_P_succ_morphism, nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ.
unfold shift_nat. simpl.
generalize (digits_w%in n); simpl; intros ->.
rewrite digits_doubled.
- rewrite digits_w%i, !digits_nmake. simpl.
+ rewrite digits_w%i, ?digits_nmake. simpl.
induction n; simpl; congruence.
-" size size;
+" (size+1) size size;
pp " Let spec_extendn_0: forall n wx, [%sn n (extend n _ wx)] = [%sn 0 wx]." c c;
pp " intros n; elim n; auto.";
@@ -877,14 +880,11 @@ pr "
pr "";
pr " Definition reduce_0 (x:w0) := %s0 x." c;
- pr " Definition reduce_1 :=";
- pr " Eval lazy beta iota delta[reduce_n1] in";
- pr " reduce_n1 _ _ zero (ZnZ.eq0 (Ops:=w0_op)) %s0 %s1." c c;
- for i = 2 to size do
- pr " Definition reduce_%i :=" i;
- pr " Eval lazy beta iota delta[reduce_n1] in";
- pr " reduce_n1 _ _ zero (ZnZ.eq0 (Ops:=w%i_op)) reduce_%i %s%i."
- (i-1) (i-1) c i
+ for i = 1 to size do
+ pr " Definition reduce_%i :=" i;
+ pr " Eval lazy beta iota delta[reduce_n1] in";
+ pr " reduce_n1 _ _ zero (ZnZ.eq0 (Ops:=w%i_op)) %s%i %s%i."
+ (i-1) (if i = 1 then c else "reduce_") (i-1) c i
pr " Definition reduce_%i :=" (size+1);
pr " Eval lazy beta iota delta[reduce_n1] in";
@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ pr " match n with";
for i = 0 to size do
pr " | %i => reduce_%i" i i;
-pr " | SizePlus (S n) => reduce_n n";
+pr " | %s(S n) => reduce_n n" (if size=0 then "" else "SizePlus ");
pr " end%%nat.";
pr "";
@@ -1492,193 +1492,6 @@ pr "";
pp " Qed.";
pr "";
- (* Unsafe_Shiftl *)
- for i = 0 to size do
- pr " Definition unsafe_shiftl%i n x := w%i_op.(znz_add_mul_div) n x w%i_op.(znz_0)." i i i
- done;
- pr " Definition unsafe_shiftln n p x := (make_op n).(znz_add_mul_div) p x (make_op n).(znz_0).";
- pr " Definition unsafe_shiftl := Eval lazy beta delta [same_level] in";
- pr " same_level _ (fun n x => %s0 (unsafe_shiftl0 n x))" c;
- for i = 1 to size do
- pr " (fun n x => reduce_%i (unsafe_shiftl%i n x))" i i;
- done;
- pr " (fun n p x => reduce_n n (unsafe_shiftln n p x)).";
- pr "";
- pr "";
- pr " Theorem spec_unsafe_shiftl: forall n x,";
- pr " [n] <= [head0 x] -> [unsafe_shiftl n x] = [x] * 2 ^ [n].";
- pa " Admitted.";
- pp " Proof.";
- pp " assert (F0: forall x y, x - (x - y) = y).";
- pp " intros; ring.";
- pp " assert (F2: forall x y z, 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> x < z -> 0 <= x / 2 ^ y < z).";
- pp " intros x y z HH HH1 HH2.";
- pp " split; auto with zarith.";
- pp " apply Zle_lt_trans with (2 := HH2); auto with zarith.";
- pp " apply Zdiv_le_upper_bound; auto with zarith.";
- pp " pattern x at 1; replace x with (x * 2 ^ 0); auto with zarith.";
- pp " apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto.";
- pp " apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.";
- pp " rewrite Zpower_0_r; ring.";
- pp " assert (F3: forall x y, 0 <= y -> y <= x -> 0 <= x - y < 2 ^ x).";
- pp " intros xx y HH HH1.";
- pp " split; auto with zarith.";
- pp " apply Zle_lt_trans with xx; auto with zarith.";
- pp " apply Zpower2_lt_lin; auto with zarith.";
- pp " assert (F4: forall ww ww1 ww2";
- pp " (ww_op: ZnZ.Ops ww) (ww1_op: ZnZ.Ops ww1) (ww2_op: ZnZ.Ops ww2)";
- pp " xx yy xx1 yy1,";
- pp " ZnZ.to_Z ww2_op yy <= ZnZ.to_Z ww1_op (znz_head0 ww1_op xx) ->";
- pp " ZnZ.to_Z ww1_op (ZnZ.zdigits ww1_op) <= ZnZ.to_Z ww_op (ZnZ.zdigits ww_op) ->";
- pp " znz_spec ww_op -> znz_spec ww1_op -> znz_spec ww2_op ->";
- pp " ZnZ.to_Z ww_op xx1 = ZnZ.to_Z ww1_op xx ->";
- pp " ZnZ.to_Z ww_op yy1 = ZnZ.to_Z ww2_op yy ->";
- pp " ZnZ.to_Z ww_op";
- pp " (znz_add_mul_div ww_op yy1";
- pp " xx1 (znz_0 ww_op)) = ZnZ.to_Z ww1_op xx * 2 ^ ZnZ.to_Z ww2_op yy).";
- pp " intros ww ww1 ww2 ww_op ww1_op ww2_op xx yy xx1 yy1 Hl Hl1 Hw Hw1 Hw2 Hx Hy.";
- pp " case (spec_to_Z Hw xx1); auto with zarith; intros HH1 HH2.";
- pp " case (spec_to_Z Hw yy1); auto with zarith; intros HH3 HH4.";
- pp " rewrite <- Hx.";
- pp " rewrite <- Hy.";
- pp " generalize (spec_add_mul_div Hw xx1 (znz_0 ww_op) yy1).";
- pp " rewrite ZnZ.spec_0.";
- pp " assert (F1: ZnZ.to_Z ww1_op (znz_head0 ww1_op xx) <= Zpos (ZnZ.digits ww1_op)).";
- pp " case (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ HH1); intros HH5.";
- pp " apply Zlt_le_weak.";
- pp " case (CyclicAxioms.spec_head0 Hw1 xx).";
- pp " rewrite <- Hx; auto.";
- pp " intros _ Hu; unfold base in Hu.";
- pp " case (Zle_or_lt (Zpos (ZnZ.digits ww1_op))";
- pp " (ZnZ.to_Z ww1_op (znz_head0 ww1_op xx))); auto; intros H1.";
- pp " absurd (2 ^ (Zpos (ZnZ.digits ww1_op)) <= 2 ^ (ZnZ.to_Z ww1_op (znz_head0 ww1_op xx))).";
- pp " apply Zlt_not_le.";
- pp " case (spec_to_Z Hw1 xx); intros HHx3 HHx4.";
- pp " rewrite <- (Zmult_1_r (2 ^ ZnZ.to_Z ww1_op (znz_head0 ww1_op xx))).";
- pp " apply Zle_lt_trans with (2 := Hu).";
- pp " apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with zarith.";
- pp " apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.";
- pp " rewrite (CyclicAxioms.spec_head00 Hw1 xx); auto with zarith.";
- pp " rewrite Zdiv_0_l; auto with zarith.";
- pp " rewrite Zplus_0_r.";
- pp " case (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ HH1); intros HH5.";
- pp " rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.";
- pp " intros HH; apply HH.";
- pp " rewrite Hy; apply Zle_trans with (1:= Hl).";
- pp " rewrite <- (spec_zdigits Hw).";
- pp " apply Zle_trans with (2 := Hl1); auto.";
- pp " rewrite (spec_zdigits Hw1); auto with zarith.";
- pp " split; auto with zarith .";
- pp " apply Zlt_le_trans with (base (ZnZ.digits ww1_op)).";
- pp " rewrite Hx.";
- pp " case (CyclicAxioms.spec_head0 Hw1 xx); auto.";
- pp " rewrite <- Hx; auto.";
- pp " intros _ Hu; rewrite Zmult_comm in Hu.";
- pp " apply Zle_lt_trans with (2 := Hu).";
- pp " apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with zarith.";
- pp " apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.";
- pp " unfold base; apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.";
- pp " split; auto with zarith.";
- pp " rewrite <- (spec_zdigits Hw); auto with zarith.";
- pp " rewrite <- (spec_zdigits Hw1); auto with zarith.";
- pp " rewrite <- HH5.";
- pp " rewrite Zmult_0_l.";
- pp " rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.";
- pp " intros HH; apply HH.";
- pp " rewrite Hy; apply Zle_trans with (1 := Hl).";
- pp " rewrite (CyclicAxioms.spec_head00 Hw1 xx); auto with zarith.";
- pp " rewrite <- (spec_zdigits Hw); auto with zarith.";
- pp " rewrite <- (spec_zdigits Hw1); auto with zarith.";
- pp " assert (F5: forall n m, (n <= m)%snat ->" "%";
- pp " Zpos (ZnZ.digits (make_op n)) <= Zpos (ZnZ.digits (make_op m))).";
- pp " intros n m HH; elim HH; clear m HH; auto with zarith.";
- pp " intros m HH Hrec; apply Zle_trans with (1 := Hrec).";
- pp " rewrite make_op_S.";
- pp " match goal with |- Zpos ?Y <= ?X => change X with (Zpos (xO Y)) end.";
- pp " rewrite Zpos_xO.";
- pp " assert (0 <= Zpos (ZnZ.digits (make_op n))); auto with zarith.";
- pp " assert (F6: forall n, Zpos (ZnZ.digits w%i_op) <= Zpos (ZnZ.digits (make_op n)))." size;
- pp " intros n ; apply Zle_trans with (Zpos (ZnZ.digits (make_op 0))).";
- pp " change (ZnZ.digits (make_op 0)) with (xO (ZnZ.digits w%i_op))." size;
- pp " rewrite Zpos_xO.";
- pp " assert (0 <= Zpos (ZnZ.digits w%i_op)); auto with zarith." size;
- pp " apply F5; auto with arith.";
- pp " intros x; case x; clear x; unfold unsafe_shiftl, same_level.";
- for i = 0 to size do
- pp " intros x y; case y; clear y.";
- for j = 0 to i - 1 do
- pp " intros y; unfold unsafe_shiftl%i, head0." i;
- pp " repeat rewrite spec_reduce_%i; repeat rewrite spec_reduce_%i; unfold to_Z; intros H1." i j;
- pp " apply F4 with (3:=w%i_spec)(4:=w%i_spec)(5:=w%i_spec); auto with zarith." i j i;
- pp " rewrite (spec_zdigits w%i_spec)." i;
- pp " rewrite (spec_zdigits w%i_spec)." j;
- pp " change (ZnZ.digits w%i_op) with %s." i (genxO (i - j) (" (ZnZ.digits w"^(string_of_int j)^"_op)"));
- pp " repeat rewrite (fun x => Zpos_xO (xO x)).";
- pp " repeat rewrite (fun x y => Zpos_xO (@ZnZ.digits x y)).";
- pp " assert (0 <= Zpos (ZnZ.digits w%i_op)); auto with zarith." j;
- pp " try (apply sym_equal; exact (spec_extend%in%i y))." j i;
- done;
- pp " intros y; unfold unsafe_shiftl%i, head0." i;
- pp " repeat rewrite spec_reduce_%i; unfold to_Z; intros H1." i;
- pp " apply F4 with (3:=w%i_spec)(4:=w%i_spec)(5:=w%i_spec); auto with zarith." i i i;
- for j = i + 1 to size do
- pp " intros y; unfold unsafe_shiftl%i, head0." j;
- pp " repeat rewrite spec_reduce_%i; repeat rewrite spec_reduce_%i; unfold to_Z; intros H1." i j;
- pp " apply F4 with (3:=w%i_spec)(4:=w%i_spec)(5:=w%i_spec); auto with zarith." j j i;
- pp " try (apply sym_equal; exact (spec_extend%in%i x))." i j;
- done;
- if i == size then
- begin
- pp " intros m y; unfold unsafe_shiftln, head0.";
- pp " repeat rewrite spec_reduce_n; unfold to_Z; intros H1.";
- pp " apply F4 with (3:=(wn_spec m))(4:=wn_spec m)(5:=w%i_spec); auto with zarith." size;
- pp " try (apply sym_equal; exact (spec_extend%in m x))." size;
- end
- else
- begin
- pp " intros m y; unfold unsafe_shiftln, head0.";
- pp " repeat rewrite spec_reduce_n; unfold to_Z; intros H1.";
- pp " apply F4 with (3:=(wn_spec m))(4:=wn_spec m)(5:=w%i_spec); auto with zarith." i;
- pp " change ([Nn m (extend%i m (extend%i %i x))] = [N%i x])." size i (size - i - 1) i;
- pp " rewrite <- (spec_extend%in m); rewrite <- spec_extend%in%i; auto." size i size;
- end
- done;
- pp " intros n x y; case y; clear y;";
- pp " intros y; unfold unsafe_shiftln, head0; try rewrite spec_reduce_n.";
- for i = 0 to size do
- pp " try rewrite spec_reduce_%i; unfold to_Z; intros H1." i;
- pp " apply F4 with (3:=(wn_spec n))(4:=w%i_spec)(5:=wn_spec n); auto with zarith." i;
- pp " rewrite (spec_zdigits w%i_spec)." i;
- pp " rewrite (spec_zdigits (wn_spec n)).";
- pp " apply Zle_trans with (2 := F6 n).";
- pp " change (ZnZ.digits w%i_op) with %s." size (genxO (size - i) ("(ZnZ.digits w" ^ (string_of_int i) ^ "_op)"));
- pp " repeat rewrite (fun x => Zpos_xO (xO x)).";
- pp " repeat rewrite (fun x y => Zpos_xO (@ZnZ.digits x y)).";
- pp " assert (H: 0 <= Zpos (ZnZ.digits w%i_op)); auto with zarith." i;
- if i == size then
- pp " change ([Nn n (extend%i n y)] = [N%i y])." size i
- else
- pp " change ([Nn n (extend%i n (extend%i %i y))] = [N%i y])." size i (size - i - 1) i;
- pp " rewrite <- (spec_extend%in n); auto." size;
- if i <> size then
- pp " try (rewrite <- spec_extend%in%i; auto)." i size;
- done;
- pp " generalize y; clear y; intros m y.";
- pp " repeat rewrite spec_reduce_n; unfold to_Z; intros H1.";
- pp " apply F4 with (3:=(wn_spec (Max.max n m)))(4:=wn_spec m)(5:=wn_spec n); auto with zarith.";
- pp " rewrite (spec_zdigits (wn_spec m)).";
- pp " rewrite (spec_zdigits (wn_spec (Max.max n m))).";
- pp " apply F5; auto with arith.";
- pp " exact (spec_cast_r n m y).";
- pp " exact (spec_cast_l n m x).";
- pp " Qed.";
- pr "";
pr "End Make.";
pr "";