path: root/theories/Numbers/QRewrite.v
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1 files changed, 22 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/QRewrite.v b/theories/Numbers/QRewrite.v
index a781411a2..e41052f95 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/QRewrite.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/QRewrite.v
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ lazymatch (type of H) with
let x1 := fresh "x" in
let x2 := fresh "x" in
set (x1 := t1); set (x2 := t2);
- assert (H1 : E x1 x2); [apply H |];
- assert (H2 : (fun x => G x) x1 <-> (fun x => G x) x2); [qiff x1 x2 H1 |];
+ assert (H1 : E x1 x2) by apply H;
+ assert (H2 : (fun x => G x) x1 <-> (fun x => G x) x2) by qiff x1 x2 H1;
unfold x1 in *; unfold x2 in *; apply <- H2;
clear H1 H2 x1 x2
| _ => pattern t1; qsetoid_rewrite H
@@ -114,11 +114,15 @@ lazymatch (type of H) with
Tactic Notation "qsetoid_rewrite" "<-" constr(H) :=
-let H1 := fresh in
- pose proof H as H1;
- symmetry in H1;
- qsetoid_rewrite H1;
- clear H1.
+match goal with
+| |- ?G =>
+ let H1 := fresh in
+ pose proof H as H1;
+ symmetry in H1; (* symmetry unfolds the beta-redex in the goal (!), so we have to restore the goal *)
+ change G;
+ qsetoid_rewrite H1;
+ clear H1
Tactic Notation "qsetoid_replace" constr(t1) "with" constr(t2)
"using" "relation" constr(E) :=
@@ -141,8 +145,19 @@ as E_rel.
Notation "x == y" := (E x y) (at level 70).
+Parameter P : nat -> nat.
+Add Morphism S with signature E ==> E as S_morph. Admitted.
+Add Morphism P with signature E ==> E as P_morph. Admitted.
Add Morphism plus with signature E ==> E ==> E as plus_morph. Admitted.
+Theorem Zplus_pred : forall n m : nat, P n + m == P (n + m).
+intros n m.
+cut (forall n : nat, S (P n) == n). intro H.
+pattern n at 2.
+qsetoid_rewrite <- (H n).
Goal forall x, x == x + x ->
(exists y, forall z, y == y + z -> exists u, x == u) /\ x == 0.
intros x H1. pattern x at 1.