path: root/theories/Numbers/Natural/Peano/NPeano.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'theories/Numbers/Natural/Peano/NPeano.v')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Peano/NPeano.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Peano/NPeano.v
index aa5ac99cf..2f6c13cac 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Peano/NPeano.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Peano/NPeano.v
@@ -2,416 +2,175 @@ Require Import Arith.
Require Import NMinus.
Module NPeanoAxiomsMod <: NAxiomsSig.
-Definition N := nat.
-Definition E := (@eq nat).
-Definition O := 0.
-Definition S := S.
-Definition P := pred.
-Definition plus := plus.
-Definition minus := minus.
-Definition times := mult.
-Definition lt := lt.
-Definition le := le.
-Definition recursion : forall A : Set, A -> (N -> A -> A) -> N -> A :=
- fun A : Set => nat_rec (fun _ => A).
-Implicit Arguments recursion [A].
-Theorem E_equiv : equiv nat E.
+Module Export NZOrdAxiomsMod <: NZOrdAxiomsSig.
+Module Export NZAxiomsMod <: NZAxiomsSig.
+Definition NZ := nat.
+Definition NZE := (@eq nat).
+Definition NZ0 := 0.
+Definition NZsucc := S.
+Definition NZpred := pred.
+Definition NZplus := plus.
+Definition NZminus := minus.
+Definition NZtimes := mult.
+Theorem NZE_equiv : equiv nat NZE.
Proof (eq_equiv nat).
-Add Relation nat E
- reflexivity proved by (proj1 E_equiv)
- symmetry proved by (proj2 (proj2 E_equiv))
- transitivity proved by (proj1 (proj2 E_equiv))
-as E_rel.
+Add Relation nat NZE
+ reflexivity proved by (proj1 NZE_equiv)
+ symmetry proved by (proj2 (proj2 NZE_equiv))
+ transitivity proved by (proj1 (proj2 NZE_equiv))
+as NZE_rel.
-(* If we say "Add Relation nat (@eq nat)" instead of "Add Relation nat E"
+(* If we say "Add Relation nat (@eq nat)" instead of "Add Relation nat NZE"
then the theorem generated for succ_wd below is forall x, succ x = succ x,
which does not match the axioms in NAxiomsSig *)
-Add Morphism S with signature E ==> E as succ_wd.
+Add Morphism NZsucc with signature NZE ==> NZE as NZsucc_wd.
-Add Morphism P with signature E ==> E as pred_wd.
+Add Morphism NZpred with signature NZE ==> NZE as NZpred_wd.
-Add Morphism plus with signature E ==> E ==> E as plus_wd.
+Add Morphism NZplus with signature NZE ==> NZE ==> NZE as NZplus_wd.
-Add Morphism minus with signature E ==> E ==> E as minus_wd.
+Add Morphism NZminus with signature NZE ==> NZE ==> NZE as NZminus_wd.
-Add Morphism times with signature E ==> E ==> E as times_wd.
+Add Morphism NZtimes with signature NZE ==> NZE ==> NZE as NZtimes_wd.
-Add Morphism lt with signature E ==> E ==> iff as lt_wd.
-unfold E; intros x1 x2 H1 y1 y2 H2; rewrite H1; now rewrite H2.
-Add Morphism le with signature E ==> E ==> iff as le_wd.
-unfold E; intros x1 x2 H1 y1 y2 H2; rewrite H1; now rewrite H2.
-Theorem induction :
+Theorem NZinduction :
forall A : nat -> Prop, predicate_wd (@eq nat) A ->
- A 0 -> (forall n : nat, A n -> A (S n)) -> forall n : nat, A n.
+ A 0 -> (forall n : nat, A n <-> A (S n)) -> forall n : nat, A n.
-intros; now apply nat_ind.
+intros A A_wd A0 AS. apply nat_ind. assumption. intros; now apply -> AS.
-Theorem pred_0 : pred 0 = 0.
-Theorem pred_succ : forall n : nat, pred (S n) = n.
+Theorem NZpred_succ : forall n : nat, pred (S n) = n.
-Theorem plus_0_l : forall n : nat, 0 + n = n.
+Theorem NZplus_0_l : forall n : nat, 0 + n = n.
-Theorem plus_succ_l : forall n m : nat, (S n) + m = S (n + m).
+Theorem NZplus_succ_l : forall n m : nat, (S n) + m = S (n + m).
-Theorem minus_0_r : forall n : nat, n - 0 = n.
+Theorem NZminus_0_r : forall n : nat, n - 0 = n.
intro n; now destruct n.
-Theorem minus_succ_r : forall n m : nat, n - (S m) = pred (n - m).
+Theorem NZminus_succ_r : forall n m : nat, n - (S m) = pred (n - m).
-intros n m; induction n m using nat_double_ind; simpl; auto. apply minus_0_r.
+intros n m; induction n m using nat_double_ind; simpl; auto. apply NZminus_0_r.
-Theorem times_0_r : forall n : nat, n * 0 = 0.
+Theorem NZtimes_0_r : forall n : nat, n * 0 = 0.
exact mult_0_r.
-Theorem times_succ_r : forall n m : nat, n * (S m) = n * m + n.
+Theorem NZtimes_succ_r : forall n m : nat, n * (S m) = n * m + n.
intros n m; symmetry; apply mult_n_Sm.
-Theorem le_lt_or_eq : forall n m : nat, n <= m <-> n < m \/ n = m.
-intros n m; split.
-apply le_lt_or_eq.
-intro H; destruct H as [H | H].
-now apply lt_le_weak. rewrite H; apply le_refl.
-Theorem nlt_0_r : forall n : nat, ~ (n < 0).
-exact lt_n_O.
-Theorem lt_succ_le : forall n m : nat, n < S m <-> n <= m.
-intros n m; split; [apply lt_n_Sm_le | apply le_lt_n_Sm].
-Theorem recursion_wd : forall (A : Set) (EA : relation A),
- forall a a' : A, EA a a' ->
- forall f f' : N -> A -> A, eq_fun2 (@eq nat) EA EA f f' ->
- forall n n' : N, n = n' ->
- EA (recursion a f n) (recursion a' f' n').
-unfold eq_fun2; induction n; intros n' Enn'; rewrite <- Enn' in *; simpl; auto.
-Theorem recursion_0 :
- forall (A : Set) (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A), recursion a f 0 = a.
-Theorem recursion_succ :
- forall (A : Set) (EA : relation A) (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
- EA a a -> fun2_wd (@eq nat) EA EA f ->
- forall n : N, EA (recursion a f (S n)) (f n (recursion a f n)).
-unfold eq_fun2; induction n; simpl; auto.
-End NPeanoAxiomsMod.
-(* Now we apply the largest property functor *)
-Module Export NPeanoMinusPropMod := NMinusPropFunct NPeanoAxiomsMod.
-Theorem succ_wd : fun_wd (@eq nat) (@eq nat) S.
-Theorem succ_inj : forall n1 n2 : nat, S n1 = S n2 -> n1 = n2.
-intros n1 n2 H; now simplify_eq H.
-Theorem succ_neq_0 : forall n : nat, S n <> 0.
-intros n H; simplify_eq H.
-Definition N := nat.
-Definition E := (@eq nat).
-Definition O := 0.
-Definition S := S.
-End NPeanoBaseMod.
-Module NPeanoPlusMod <: NPlusSig.
-Module NBaseMod := NPeanoBaseMod.
-Theorem plus_wd : fun2_wd (@eq nat) (@eq nat) (@eq nat) plus.
-Theorem plus_0_l : forall n, 0 + n = n.
-Theorem plus_succ_l : forall n m, (S n) + m = S (n + m).
-Definition plus := plus.
-End NPeanoPlusMod.
-Module Export NPeanoBasePropMod := NBasePropFunct NPeanoBaseMod.
-Module Export NPeanoPlusPropMod := NPlusPropFunct NPeanoPlusMod.
-Module Export NPeanoDepRec <: NDepRecSignature.
-Module Import NDomainModule := NPeanoDomain.
-Module Import NBaseMod := PeanoNat.
-Definition dep_recursion := nat_rec.
-Theorem dep_recursion_0 :
- forall (A : N -> Set) (a : A 0) (f : forall n, A n -> A (S n)),
- dep_recursion A a f 0 = a.
-Theorem dep_recursion_succ :
- forall (A : N -> Set) (a : A 0) (f : forall n, A n -> A (S n)) (n : N),
- dep_recursion A a f (S n) = f n (dep_recursion A a f n).
-End NPeanoDepRec.
-Module Export NPeanoOrder <: NOrderSig.
-Module Import NBaseMod := PeanoNat.
-Definition lt := lt.
-Definition le := le.
-Add Morphism lt with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as lt_wd.
-unfold E, eq_bool; congruence.
-Add Morphism le with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as le_wd.
-unfold E, eq_bool; congruence.
-(* It would be easier to prove the boolean lemma first because
-|| is simplified by simpl unlike \/ *)
-Lemma le_lt_bool : forall x y, le x y = (lt x y) || (e x y).
-induction x as [| x IH]; destruct y; simpl; (reflexivity || apply IH).
-Theorem le_lt : forall x y, le x y <-> lt x y \/ x = y.
-intros; rewrite E_equiv_e; rewrite <- eq_true_or;
-rewrite <- eq_true_iff; apply le_lt_bool.
+End NZAxiomsMod.
-Theorem lt_0 : forall x, ~ (lt x 0).
-destruct x as [|x]; simpl; now intro.
+Definition NZlt := lt.
+Definition NZle := le.
-Lemma lt_succ_bool : forall x y, lt x (S y) = le x y.
+Add Morphism NZlt with signature NZE ==> NZE ==> iff as NZlt_wd.
-unfold lt, le; induction x as [| x IH]; destruct y as [| y];
-simpl; try reflexivity.
-destruct x; now simpl.
-apply IH.
+unfold NZE; intros x1 x2 H1 y1 y2 H2; rewrite H1; now rewrite H2.
-Theorem lt_succ : forall x y, lt x (S y) <-> le x y.
+Add Morphism NZle with signature NZE ==> NZE ==> iff as NZle_wd.
-intros; rewrite <- eq_true_iff; apply lt_succ_bool.
+unfold NZE; intros x1 x2 H1 y1 y2 H2; rewrite H1; now rewrite H2.
-End NPeanoOrder.
-Module Export NPeanoTimes <: NTimesSig.
-Module Import NPlusMod := NPeanoPlus.
-Definition times := mult.
-Add Morphism times with signature E ==> E ==> E as times_wd.
+Theorem NZle_lt_or_eq : forall n m : nat, n <= m <-> n < m \/ n = m.
-unfold E; congruence.
+intros n m; split.
+apply le_lt_or_eq.
+intro H; destruct H as [H | H].
+now apply lt_le_weak. rewrite H; apply le_refl.
-Theorem times_0_r : forall n, n * 0 = 0.
+Theorem NZlt_irrefl : forall n : nat, ~ (n < n).
+exact lt_irrefl.
-Theorem times_succ_r : forall n m, n * (S m) = n * m + n.
+Theorem NZlt_succ_le : forall n m : nat, n < S m <-> n <= m.
+intros n m; split; [apply lt_n_Sm_le | apply le_lt_n_Sm].
-End NPeanoTimes.
+End NZOrdAxiomsMod.
-Module Export NPeanoPred <: NPredSignature.
-Module Export NBaseMod := PeanoNat.
-Definition P (n : nat) :=
-match n with
-| 0 => 0
-| S n' => n'
+Definition recursion : forall A : Set, A -> (nat -> A -> A) -> nat -> A :=
+ fun A : Set => nat_rec (fun _ => A).
+Implicit Arguments recursion [A].
-Add Morphism P with signature E ==> E as pred_wd.
+Theorem succ_neq_0 : forall n : nat, S n <> 0.
-unfold E; congruence.
+intros; discriminate.
-Theorem pred_0 : P 0 = 0.
+Theorem pred_0 : pred 0 = 0.
-Theorem pred_succ : forall n, P (S n) = n.
-now intro.
-End NPeanoPred.
-Module Export NPeanoMinus <: NMinusSignature.
-Module Import NPredModule := NPeanoPred.
-Definition minus := minus.
-Add Morphism minus with signature E ==> E ==> E as minus_wd.
-unfold E; congruence.
-Theorem minus_0_r : forall n, n - 0 = n.
-now destruct n.
-Theorem minus_succ_r : forall n m, n - (S m) = P (n - m).
-induction n as [| n IH]; simpl.
-now intro.
-destruct m; simpl; [apply minus_0_r | apply IH].
-End NPeanoMinus.
-(* Obtaining properties for +, *, <, and their combinations *)
-Module Export NPeanoTimesOrderProperties := NTimesOrderProperties NPeanoTimes NPeanoOrder.
-Module Export NPeanoDepRecTimesProperties :=
- NDepRecTimesProperties NPeanoDepRec NPeanoTimes.
-Module Export NPeanoMinusProperties :=
- NMinusProperties NPeanoMinus NPeanoPlus NPeanoOrder.
-Module MiscFunctModule := MiscFunctFunctor PeanoNat.
-(* The instruction above adds about 0.5M to the size of the .vo file !!! *)
-Theorem E_equiv_e : forall x y : N, E x y <-> e x y.
-induction x; destruct y; simpl; try now split; intro.
-rewrite <- IHx; split; intro H; [now injection H | now rewrite H].
-Definition recursion := fun A : Set => nat_rec (fun _ => A).
-Implicit Arguments recursion [A].
-Theorem recursion_wd :
-forall (A : Set) (EA : relation A),
+Theorem recursion_wd : forall (A : Set) (EA : relation A),
forall a a' : A, EA a a' ->
- forall f f' : N -> A -> A, eq_fun2 E EA EA f f' ->
- forall x x' : N, x = x' ->
- EA (recursion a f x) (recursion a' f' x').
+ forall f f' : nat -> A -> A, eq_fun2 (@eq nat) EA EA f f' ->
+ forall n n' : nat, n = n' ->
+ EA (recursion a f n) (recursion a' f' n').
-unfold fun2_wd, E.
-intros A EA a a' Eaa' f f' Eff'.
-induction x as [| n IH]; intros x' H; rewrite <- H; simpl.
-apply Eff'; [reflexivity | now apply IH].
+unfold eq_fun2; induction n; intros n' Enn'; rewrite <- Enn' in *; simpl; auto.
Theorem recursion_0 :
- forall (A : Set) (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A), recursion a f O = a.
+ forall (A : Set) (a : A) (f : nat -> A -> A), recursion a f 0 = a.
Theorem recursion_succ :
-forall (A : Set) (EA : relation A) (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
- EA a a -> fun2_wd E EA EA f ->
- forall n : N, EA (recursion a f (S n)) (f n (recursion a f n)).
+ forall (A : Set) (EA : relation A) (a : A) (f : nat -> A -> A),
+ EA a a -> fun2_wd (@eq nat) EA EA f ->
+ forall n : nat, EA (recursion a f (S n)) (f n (recursion a f n)).
-intros A EA a f EAaa f_wd. unfold fun2_wd, E in *.
-induction n; simpl; now apply f_wd.
+unfold eq_fun2; induction n; simpl; auto.
-(*Lemma e_implies_E : forall n m, e n m = true -> n = m.
-intros n m H; rewrite <- eq_true_unfold_pos in H;
-now apply <- E_equiv_e.
+End NPeanoAxiomsMod.
-Add Ring SR : semi_ring (decidable e_implies_E).
+(* Now we apply the largest property functor *)
-Goal forall x y : nat, x + y = y + x. intros. ring.*)
+Module Export NPeanoMinusPropMod := NMinusPropFunct NPeanoAxiomsMod.