path: root/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NOtherInd.v
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+Require Export NDomain.
+Declare Module Export DomainModule : DomainSignature.
+Parameter O : N.
+Parameter S : N -> N.
+Notation "0" := O.
+Definition induction :=
+forall P : N -> Prop, pred_wd E P ->
+ P 0 -> (forall n : N, P n -> P (S n)) -> forall n : N, P n.
+Definition other_induction :=
+forall P : N -> Prop,
+ (forall n : N, n == 0 -> P n) ->
+ (forall n : N, P n -> forall m : N, m == S n -> P m) ->
+ forall n : N, P n.
+Theorem other_ind_implies_ind : other_induction -> induction.
+unfold induction, other_induction; intros OI P P_wd Base Step.
+apply OI; unfold pred_wd in P_wd.
+intros; now apply -> (P_wd 0).
+intros n Pn m EmSn; now apply -> (P_wd (S n)); [apply Step|].
+Theorem ind_implies_other_ind : induction -> other_induction.
+intros I P Base Step.
+set (Q := fun n => forall m, m == n -> P m).
+cut (forall n, Q n).
+unfold Q; intros H n; now apply (H n).
+apply I.
+unfold pred_wd, Q. intros x y Exy.
+split; intros H m Em; apply H; [now rewrite Exy | now rewrite <- Exy].
+exact Base.
+intros n Qn m EmSn; now apply Step with (n := n); [apply Qn |].
+(* This theorem is not really needed. It shows that if we have
+other_induction and we proved the base case and the induction step, we
+can in fact show that the predicate in question is well-defined, and
+therefore we can turn this other induction into the standard one. *)
+Theorem other_ind_implies_pred_wd :
+other_induction ->
+ forall P : N -> Prop,
+ (forall n : N, n == 0 -> P n) ->
+ (forall n : N, P n -> forall m : N, m == S n -> P m) ->
+ pred_wd E P.
+intros OI P Base Step; unfold pred_wd.
+intros x; pattern x; apply OI; clear x.
+(* Base case *)
+intros x H1 y H2.
+assert (y == 0); [rewrite <- H2; now rewrite H1|].
+assert (P x); [now apply Base|].
+assert (P y); [now apply Base|].
+split; now intro.
+(* Step *)
+intros x IH z H y H1.
+rewrite H in H1. symmetry in H1.
+split; (intro H2; eapply Step; [|apply H || apply H1]); now apply OI.
+Section Recursion.
+Variable A : Set.
+Variable EA : relation A.
+Hypothesis EA_symm : symmetric A EA.
+Hypothesis EA_trans : transitive A EA.
+Add Relation A EA
+ symmetry proved by EA_symm
+ transitivity proved by EA_trans
+as EA_rel.
+Lemma EA_neighbor : forall a a' : A, EA a a' -> EA a a.
+intros a a' EAaa'.
+apply EA_trans with (y := a'); [assumption | apply EA_symm; assumption].
+Parameter recursion : A -> (N -> A -> A) -> N -> A.
+Axiom recursion_0 :
+ forall (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
+ EA a a -> forall x : N, x == 0 -> EA (recursion a f x) a.
+Axiom recursion_S :
+ forall (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
+ EA a a -> fun2_wd E EA EA f ->
+ forall n m : N, n == S m -> EA (recursion a f n) (f m (recursion a f m)).
+Theorem recursion_wd : induction ->
+ forall a a' : A, EA a a' ->
+ forall f f' : N -> A -> A, fun2_wd E EA EA f -> fun2_wd E EA EA f' -> eq_fun2 E EA EA f f' ->
+ forall x x' : N, x == x' ->
+ EA (recursion a f x) (recursion a' f' x').
+intros I a a' Eaa' f f' f_wd f'_wd Eff'.
+apply ind_implies_other_ind in I.
+intro x; pattern x; apply I; clear x.
+intros x Ex0 x' Exx'.
+rewrite Ex0 in Exx'; symmetry in Exx'.
+(* apply recursion_0 in Ex0. produces
+Anomaly: type_of: this is not a well-typed term. Please report. *)
+assert (EA (recursion a f x) a).
+apply recursion_0. now apply EA_neighbor with (a' := a'). assumption.
+assert (EA a' (recursion a' f' x')).
+apply EA_symm. apply recursion_0. now apply EA_neighbor with (a' := a). assumption.
+apply EA_trans with (y := a). assumption.
+now apply EA_trans with (y := a').
+intros x IH y H y' H1.
+rewrite H in H1; symmetry in H1.
+assert (EA (recursion a f y) (f x (recursion a f x))).
+apply recursion_S. now apply EA_neighbor with (a' := a').
+assumption. now symmetry.
+assert (EA (f' x (recursion a' f' x)) (recursion a' f' y')).
+symmetry; apply recursion_S. now apply EA_neighbor with (a' := a). assumption.
+now symmetry.
+assert (EA (f x (recursion a f x)) (f' x (recursion a' f' x))).
+apply Eff'. reflexivity. apply IH. reflexivity.
+apply EA_trans with (y := (f x (recursion a f x))). assumption.
+apply EA_trans with (y := (f' x (recursion a' f' x))). assumption.
+Axiom recursion_0' :
+ forall (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
+ forall x : N, x == 0 -> recursion a f x = a.
+Axiom recursion_S' :
+ forall (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
+ EA a a -> fun2_wd E EA EA f ->
+ forall n m : N, n == S m -> EA (recursion a f n) (f m (recursion a f m)).
+Theorem recursion_wd' : other_induction ->
+ forall a a' : A, EA a a -> EA a' a' -> EA a a' ->
+ forall f f' : N -> A -> A, fun2_wd E EA EA f -> fun2_wd E EA EA f' -> eq_fun2 E EA EA f f' ->
+ forall x x' : N, x == x' ->
+ EA (recursion a f x) (recursion a' f' x').
+intros I a a' a_wd a'_wd Eaa' f f' f_wd f'_wd Eff'.
+intro x; pattern x; apply I; clear x.
+intros x Ex0 x' Exx'. rewrite Ex0 in Exx'. symmetry in Exx'.
+replace (recursion a f x) with a. replace (recursion a' f' x') with a'.
+assumption. symmetry; now apply recursion_0'. symmetry; now apply recursion_0'.
+intros x IH y EySx y' Eyy'. rewrite EySx in Eyy'. symmetry in Eyy'.
+apply EA_trans with (y := (f x (recursion a f x))). now apply recursion_S'.
+apply EA_trans with (y := (f' x (recursion a' f' x))).
+apply Eff'. reflexivity. now apply IH.
+symmetry; now apply recursion_S'.
+End Recursion.
+Implicit Arguments recursion [A].