path: root/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZPred.v
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diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZPred.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZPred.v
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index 000000000..ffcb2dea8
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+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZPred.v
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+Axiom succ_pred : forall x : Z, S (P x) == x.
+Add Morphism P with signature E ==> E as pred_wd.
+Theorem pred_inj : forall x y, P x == P y -> x == y.
+intros x y H.
+setoid_replace x with (S (P x)); [| symmetry; apply succ_pred].
+setoid_replace y with (S (P y)); [| symmetry; apply succ_pred].
+now rewrite H.
+Theorem pred_succ : forall x, P (S x) == x.
+intro x.
+apply succ_inj.
+now rewrite succ_pred.
+(* The following tactics are intended for replacing a certain
+occurrence of a term t in the goal by (S (P t)) or by (P (S t)).
+Unfortunately, this cannot be done by setoid_replace tactic for two
+reasons. First, it seems impossible to do rewriting when one side of
+the equation in question (succ_pred or pred_succ) is a variable, due to bug 1604.
+This does not work even when the predicate is an identifier (e.g.,
+when one tries to rewrite (A x) into (A (S (P x)))). Second, the
+setoid_rewrite tactic, like the ordinary rewrite tactic, does not
+allow specifying the exact occurrence of the term to be rewritten. Now
+while not in the setoid context, this occurrence can be specified
+using the pattern tactic, it does not work with setoids, since pattern
+creates a lambda abstractuion, and setoid_rewrite does not work with
+them. *)
+Ltac rewrite_succP t set_tac repl thm :=
+let x := fresh "x" in
+set_tac x t;
+setoid_replace x with (repl x); [| symmetry; apply thm];
+unfold x; clear x.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_succ_pred" constr(t) :=
+rewrite_succP t ltac:(fun x t => (set (x := t))) (fun x => (S (P x))) succ_pred.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_succ_pred" constr(t) "at" integer(k) :=
+rewrite_succP t ltac:(fun x t => (set (x := t) in |-* at k)) (fun x => (S (P x))) succ_pred.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_pred_succ" constr(t) :=
+rewrite_succP t ltac:(fun x t => (set (x := t))) (fun x => (P (S x))) pred_succ.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_pred_succ" constr(t) "at" integer(k) :=
+rewrite_succP t ltac:(fun x t => (set (x := t) in |-* at k)) (fun x => (P (S x))) pred_succ.
+(* One can add tactic notations for replacements in assumptions rather
+than in the goal. For the reason of many possible variants, the core
+of the tactic is factored out. *)
+ Local Variables:
+ tags-file-name: "~/coq/trunk/theories/Numbers/TAGS"
+ End: