path: root/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract
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Diffstat (limited to 'theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract')
16 files changed, 2152 insertions, 277 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAdd.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAdd.v
index 2c386a980..f95dcc76f 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAdd.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAdd.v
@@ -16,23 +16,24 @@ Include ZBaseProp Z.
(** Theorems that are either not valid on N or have different proofs
on N and Z *)
+Hint Rewrite opp_0 : nz.
Theorem add_pred_l : forall n m, P n + m == P (n + m).
intros n m.
rewrite <- (succ_pred n) at 2.
-rewrite add_succ_l. now rewrite pred_succ.
+now rewrite add_succ_l, pred_succ.
Theorem add_pred_r : forall n m, n + P m == P (n + m).
-intros n m; rewrite (add_comm n (P m)), (add_comm n m);
-apply add_pred_l.
+intros n m; rewrite 2 (add_comm n); apply add_pred_l.
Theorem add_opp_r : forall n m, n + (- m) == n - m.
nzinduct m.
-rewrite opp_0; rewrite sub_0_r; now rewrite add_0_r.
+now nzsimpl.
intro m. rewrite opp_succ, sub_succ_r, add_pred_r; now rewrite pred_inj_wd.
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ Qed.
Theorem sub_succ_l : forall n m, S n - m == S (n - m).
-intros n m; do 2 rewrite <- add_opp_r; now rewrite add_succ_l.
+intros n m; rewrite <- 2 add_opp_r; now rewrite add_succ_l.
Theorem sub_pred_l : forall n m, P n - m == P (n - m).
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ Qed.
Theorem sub_diag : forall n, n - n == 0.
nzinduct n.
-now rewrite sub_0_r.
+now nzsimpl.
intro n. rewrite sub_succ_r, sub_succ_l; now rewrite pred_succ.
@@ -88,20 +89,20 @@ Qed.
Theorem add_sub_assoc : forall n m p, n + (m - p) == (n + m) - p.
-intros n m p; do 2 rewrite <- add_opp_r; now rewrite add_assoc.
+intros n m p; rewrite <- 2 add_opp_r; now rewrite add_assoc.
Theorem opp_involutive : forall n, - (- n) == n.
nzinduct n.
-now do 2 rewrite opp_0.
+now nzsimpl.
intro n. rewrite opp_succ, opp_pred; now rewrite succ_inj_wd.
Theorem opp_add_distr : forall n m, - (n + m) == - n + (- m).
intros n m; nzinduct n.
-rewrite opp_0; now do 2 rewrite add_0_l.
+now nzsimpl.
intro n. rewrite add_succ_l; do 2 rewrite opp_succ; rewrite add_pred_l.
now rewrite pred_inj_wd.
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ Qed.
Theorem opp_inj : forall n m, - n == - m -> n == m.
-intros n m H. apply opp_wd in H. now do 2 rewrite opp_involutive in H.
+intros n m H. apply opp_wd in H. now rewrite 2 opp_involutive in H.
Theorem opp_inj_wd : forall n m, - n == - m <-> n == m.
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ Qed.
Theorem sub_add_distr : forall n m p, n - (m + p) == (n - m) - p.
intros n m p; rewrite <- add_opp_r, opp_add_distr, add_assoc.
-now do 2 rewrite add_opp_r.
+now rewrite 2 add_opp_r.
Theorem sub_sub_distr : forall n m p, n - (m - p) == (n - m) + p.
@@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ Qed.
Theorem sub_opp_l : forall n m, - n - m == - m - n.
-intros n m. do 2 rewrite <- add_opp_r. now rewrite add_comm.
+intros n m. rewrite <- 2 add_opp_r. now rewrite add_comm.
Theorem sub_opp_r : forall n m, n - (- m) == n + m.
@@ -163,7 +164,7 @@ Qed.
Theorem sub_cancel_l : forall n m p, n - m == n - p <-> m == p.
intros n m p. rewrite <- (add_cancel_l (n - m) (n - p) (- n)).
-do 2 rewrite add_sub_assoc. rewrite add_opp_diag_l; do 2 rewrite sub_0_l.
+rewrite 2 add_sub_assoc. rewrite add_opp_diag_l; rewrite 2 sub_0_l.
apply opp_inj_wd.
@@ -250,6 +251,11 @@ Proof.
intros; now rewrite <- sub_sub_distr, sub_diag, sub_0_r.
+Theorem sub_add : forall n m, m - n + n == m.
+ intros. now rewrite <- add_sub_swap, add_simpl_r.
(** Now we have two sums or differences; the name includes the two
operators and the position of the terms being canceled *)
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAddOrder.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAddOrder.v
index b5ca908b4..423cdf585 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAddOrder.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAddOrder.v
@@ -18,173 +18,163 @@ Include ZOrderProp Z.
Theorem add_neg_neg : forall n m, n < 0 -> m < 0 -> n + m < 0.
-intros n m H1 H2. rewrite <- (add_0_l 0). now apply add_lt_mono.
+intros. rewrite <- (add_0_l 0). now apply add_lt_mono.
Theorem add_neg_nonpos : forall n m, n < 0 -> m <= 0 -> n + m < 0.
-intros n m H1 H2. rewrite <- (add_0_l 0). now apply add_lt_le_mono.
+intros. rewrite <- (add_0_l 0). now apply add_lt_le_mono.
Theorem add_nonpos_neg : forall n m, n <= 0 -> m < 0 -> n + m < 0.
-intros n m H1 H2. rewrite <- (add_0_l 0). now apply add_le_lt_mono.
+intros. rewrite <- (add_0_l 0). now apply add_le_lt_mono.
Theorem add_nonpos_nonpos : forall n m, n <= 0 -> m <= 0 -> n + m <= 0.
-intros n m H1 H2. rewrite <- (add_0_l 0). now apply add_le_mono.
+intros. rewrite <- (add_0_l 0). now apply add_le_mono.
(** Sub and order *)
Theorem lt_0_sub : forall n m, 0 < m - n <-> n < m.
-intros n m. stepl (0 + n < m - n + n) by symmetry; apply add_lt_mono_r.
-rewrite add_0_l; now rewrite sub_simpl_r.
+intros n m. now rewrite (add_lt_mono_r _ _ n), add_0_l, sub_simpl_r.
Notation sub_pos := lt_0_sub (only parsing).
Theorem le_0_sub : forall n m, 0 <= m - n <-> n <= m.
-intros n m; stepl (0 + n <= m - n + n) by symmetry; apply add_le_mono_r.
-rewrite add_0_l; now rewrite sub_simpl_r.
+intros n m. now rewrite (add_le_mono_r _ _ n), add_0_l, sub_simpl_r.
Notation sub_nonneg := le_0_sub (only parsing).
Theorem lt_sub_0 : forall n m, n - m < 0 <-> n < m.
-intros n m. stepl (n - m + m < 0 + m) by symmetry; apply add_lt_mono_r.
-rewrite add_0_l; now rewrite sub_simpl_r.
+intros n m. now rewrite (add_lt_mono_r _ _ m), add_0_l, sub_simpl_r.
Notation sub_neg := lt_sub_0 (only parsing).
Theorem le_sub_0 : forall n m, n - m <= 0 <-> n <= m.
-intros n m. stepl (n - m + m <= 0 + m) by symmetry; apply add_le_mono_r.
-rewrite add_0_l; now rewrite sub_simpl_r.
+intros n m. now rewrite (add_le_mono_r _ _ m), add_0_l, sub_simpl_r.
Notation sub_nonpos := le_sub_0 (only parsing).
Theorem opp_lt_mono : forall n m, n < m <-> - m < - n.
-intros n m. stepr (m + - m < m + - n) by symmetry; apply add_lt_mono_l.
-do 2 rewrite add_opp_r. rewrite sub_diag. symmetry; apply lt_0_sub.
+intros n m. now rewrite <- lt_0_sub, <- add_opp_l, <- sub_opp_r, lt_0_sub.
Theorem opp_le_mono : forall n m, n <= m <-> - m <= - n.
-intros n m. stepr (m + - m <= m + - n) by symmetry; apply add_le_mono_l.
-do 2 rewrite add_opp_r. rewrite sub_diag. symmetry; apply le_0_sub.
+intros n m. now rewrite <- le_0_sub, <- add_opp_l, <- sub_opp_r, le_0_sub.
Theorem opp_pos_neg : forall n, 0 < - n <-> n < 0.
-intro n; rewrite (opp_lt_mono n 0); now rewrite opp_0.
+intro n; now rewrite (opp_lt_mono n 0), opp_0.
Theorem opp_neg_pos : forall n, - n < 0 <-> 0 < n.
-intro n. rewrite (opp_lt_mono 0 n). now rewrite opp_0.
+intro n. now rewrite (opp_lt_mono 0 n), opp_0.
Theorem opp_nonneg_nonpos : forall n, 0 <= - n <-> n <= 0.
-intro n; rewrite (opp_le_mono n 0); now rewrite opp_0.
+intro n; now rewrite (opp_le_mono n 0), opp_0.
Theorem opp_nonpos_nonneg : forall n, - n <= 0 <-> 0 <= n.
-intro n. rewrite (opp_le_mono 0 n). now rewrite opp_0.
+intro n. now rewrite (opp_le_mono 0 n), opp_0.
-Theorem lt_m1_0 : -(1) < 0.
+Theorem lt_m1_0 : -1 < 0.
apply opp_neg_pos, lt_0_1.
Theorem sub_lt_mono_l : forall n m p, n < m <-> p - m < p - n.
-intros n m p. do 2 rewrite <- add_opp_r. rewrite <- add_lt_mono_l.
-apply opp_lt_mono.
+intros. now rewrite <- 2 add_opp_r, <- add_lt_mono_l, opp_lt_mono.
Theorem sub_lt_mono_r : forall n m p, n < m <-> n - p < m - p.
-intros n m p; do 2 rewrite <- add_opp_r; apply add_lt_mono_r.
+intros. now rewrite <- 2 add_opp_r, add_lt_mono_r.
Theorem sub_lt_mono : forall n m p q, n < m -> q < p -> n - p < m - q.
intros n m p q H1 H2.
apply lt_trans with (m - p);
-[now apply -> sub_lt_mono_r | now apply -> sub_lt_mono_l].
+[now apply sub_lt_mono_r | now apply sub_lt_mono_l].
Theorem sub_le_mono_l : forall n m p, n <= m <-> p - m <= p - n.
-intros n m p; do 2 rewrite <- add_opp_r; rewrite <- add_le_mono_l;
-apply opp_le_mono.
+intros. now rewrite <- 2 add_opp_r, <- add_le_mono_l, opp_le_mono.
Theorem sub_le_mono_r : forall n m p, n <= m <-> n - p <= m - p.
-intros n m p; do 2 rewrite <- add_opp_r; apply add_le_mono_r.
+intros. now rewrite <- 2 add_opp_r, add_le_mono_r.
Theorem sub_le_mono : forall n m p q, n <= m -> q <= p -> n - p <= m - q.
intros n m p q H1 H2.
apply le_trans with (m - p);
-[now apply -> sub_le_mono_r | now apply -> sub_le_mono_l].
+[now apply sub_le_mono_r | now apply sub_le_mono_l].
Theorem sub_lt_le_mono : forall n m p q, n < m -> q <= p -> n - p < m - q.
intros n m p q H1 H2.
apply lt_le_trans with (m - p);
-[now apply -> sub_lt_mono_r | now apply -> sub_le_mono_l].
+[now apply sub_lt_mono_r | now apply sub_le_mono_l].
Theorem sub_le_lt_mono : forall n m p q, n <= m -> q < p -> n - p < m - q.
intros n m p q H1 H2.
apply le_lt_trans with (m - p);
-[now apply -> sub_le_mono_r | now apply -> sub_lt_mono_l].
+[now apply sub_le_mono_r | now apply sub_lt_mono_l].
Theorem le_lt_sub_lt : forall n m p q, n <= m -> p - n < q - m -> p < q.
intros n m p q H1 H2. apply (le_lt_add_lt (- m) (- n));
-[now apply -> opp_le_mono | now do 2 rewrite add_opp_r].
+[now apply -> opp_le_mono | now rewrite 2 add_opp_r].
Theorem lt_le_sub_lt : forall n m p q, n < m -> p - n <= q - m -> p < q.
intros n m p q H1 H2. apply (lt_le_add_lt (- m) (- n));
-[now apply -> opp_lt_mono | now do 2 rewrite add_opp_r].
+[now apply -> opp_lt_mono | now rewrite 2 add_opp_r].
Theorem le_le_sub_lt : forall n m p q, n <= m -> p - n <= q - m -> p <= q.
intros n m p q H1 H2. apply (le_le_add_le (- m) (- n));
-[now apply -> opp_le_mono | now do 2 rewrite add_opp_r].
+[now apply -> opp_le_mono | now rewrite 2 add_opp_r].
Theorem lt_add_lt_sub_r : forall n m p, n + p < m <-> n < m - p.
-intros n m p. stepl (n + p - p < m - p) by symmetry; apply sub_lt_mono_r.
-now rewrite add_simpl_r.
+intros n m p. now rewrite (sub_lt_mono_r _ _ p), add_simpl_r.
Theorem le_add_le_sub_r : forall n m p, n + p <= m <-> n <= m - p.
-intros n m p. stepl (n + p - p <= m - p) by symmetry; apply sub_le_mono_r.
-now rewrite add_simpl_r.
+intros n m p. now rewrite (sub_le_mono_r _ _ p), add_simpl_r.
Theorem lt_add_lt_sub_l : forall n m p, n + p < m <-> p < m - n.
@@ -199,14 +189,12 @@ Qed.
Theorem lt_sub_lt_add_r : forall n m p, n - p < m <-> n < m + p.
-intros n m p. stepl (n - p + p < m + p) by symmetry; apply add_lt_mono_r.
-now rewrite sub_simpl_r.
+intros n m p. now rewrite (add_lt_mono_r _ _ p), sub_simpl_r.
Theorem le_sub_le_add_r : forall n m p, n - p <= m <-> n <= m + p.
-intros n m p. stepl (n - p + p <= m + p) by symmetry; apply add_le_mono_r.
-now rewrite sub_simpl_r.
+intros n m p. now rewrite (add_le_mono_r _ _ p), sub_simpl_r.
Theorem lt_sub_lt_add_l : forall n m p, n - m < p <-> n < m + p.
@@ -221,74 +209,68 @@ Qed.
Theorem lt_sub_lt_add : forall n m p q, n - m < p - q <-> n + q < m + p.
-intros n m p q. rewrite lt_sub_lt_add_l. rewrite add_sub_assoc.
-now rewrite <- lt_add_lt_sub_r.
+intros n m p q. now rewrite lt_sub_lt_add_l, add_sub_assoc, <- lt_add_lt_sub_r.
Theorem le_sub_le_add : forall n m p q, n - m <= p - q <-> n + q <= m + p.
-intros n m p q. rewrite le_sub_le_add_l. rewrite add_sub_assoc.
-now rewrite <- le_add_le_sub_r.
+intros n m p q. now rewrite le_sub_le_add_l, add_sub_assoc, <- le_add_le_sub_r.
Theorem lt_sub_pos : forall n m, 0 < m <-> n - m < n.
-intros n m. stepr (n - m < n - 0) by now rewrite sub_0_r. apply sub_lt_mono_l.
+intros n m. now rewrite (sub_lt_mono_l _ _ n), sub_0_r.
Theorem le_sub_nonneg : forall n m, 0 <= m <-> n - m <= n.
-intros n m. stepr (n - m <= n - 0) by now rewrite sub_0_r. apply sub_le_mono_l.
+intros n m. now rewrite (sub_le_mono_l _ _ n), sub_0_r.
Theorem sub_lt_cases : forall n m p q, n - m < p - q -> n < m \/ q < p.
-intros n m p q H. rewrite lt_sub_lt_add in H. now apply add_lt_cases.
+intros. now apply add_lt_cases, lt_sub_lt_add.
Theorem sub_le_cases : forall n m p q, n - m <= p - q -> n <= m \/ q <= p.
-intros n m p q H. rewrite le_sub_le_add in H. now apply add_le_cases.
+intros. now apply add_le_cases, le_sub_le_add.
Theorem sub_neg_cases : forall n m, n - m < 0 -> n < 0 \/ 0 < m.
-intros n m H; rewrite <- add_opp_r in H.
-setoid_replace (0 < m) with (- m < 0) using relation iff by (symmetry; apply opp_neg_pos).
-now apply add_neg_cases.
+rewrite <- (opp_neg_pos m). apply add_neg_cases. now rewrite add_opp_r.
Theorem sub_pos_cases : forall n m, 0 < n - m -> 0 < n \/ m < 0.
-intros n m H; rewrite <- add_opp_r in H.
-setoid_replace (m < 0) with (0 < - m) using relation iff by (symmetry; apply opp_pos_neg).
-now apply add_pos_cases.
+rewrite <- (opp_pos_neg m). apply add_pos_cases. now rewrite add_opp_r.
Theorem sub_nonpos_cases : forall n m, n - m <= 0 -> n <= 0 \/ 0 <= m.
-intros n m H; rewrite <- add_opp_r in H.
-setoid_replace (0 <= m) with (- m <= 0) using relation iff by (symmetry; apply opp_nonpos_nonneg).
-now apply add_nonpos_cases.
+rewrite <- (opp_nonpos_nonneg m). apply add_nonpos_cases. now rewrite add_opp_r.
Theorem sub_nonneg_cases : forall n m, 0 <= n - m -> 0 <= n \/ m <= 0.
-intros n m H; rewrite <- add_opp_r in H.
-setoid_replace (m <= 0) with (0 <= - m) using relation iff by (symmetry; apply opp_nonneg_nonpos).
-now apply add_nonneg_cases.
+rewrite <- (opp_nonneg_nonpos m). apply add_nonneg_cases. now rewrite add_opp_r.
Section PosNeg.
Variable P : Z.t -> Prop.
-Hypothesis P_wd : Proper (Z.eq ==> iff) P.
+Hypothesis P_wd : Proper (eq ==> iff) P.
Theorem zero_pos_neg :
P 0 -> (forall n, 0 < n -> P n /\ P (- n)) -> forall n, P n.
intros H1 H2 n. destruct (lt_trichotomy n 0) as [H3 | [H3 | H3]].
-apply <- opp_pos_neg in H3. apply H2 in H3. destruct H3 as [_ H3].
+apply opp_pos_neg, H2 in H3. destruct H3 as [_ H3].
now rewrite opp_involutive in H3.
now rewrite H3.
apply H2 in H3; now destruct H3.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAxioms.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAxioms.v
index f177755fa..237ac93ef 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAxioms.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAxioms.v
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
Require Export NZAxioms.
-Require Import NZPow NZSqrt NZLog NZGcd NZDiv.
+Require Import Bool NZParity NZPow NZSqrt NZLog NZGcd NZDiv NZBits.
(** We obtain integers by postulating that successor of predecessor
is identity. *)
@@ -38,8 +38,15 @@ Module Type IsOpp (Import Z : NZAxiomsSig')(Import O : Opp' Z).
Axiom opp_succ : forall n, - (S n) == P (- n).
End IsOpp.
+Module Type OppCstNotation (Import A : NZAxiomsSig)(Import B : Opp A).
+ Notation "- 1" := (opp one).
+ Notation "- 2" := (opp two).
+End OppCstNotation.
Module Type ZAxiomsMiniSig := NZOrdAxiomsSig <+ ZAxiom <+ Opp <+ IsOpp.
-Module Type ZAxiomsMiniSig' := NZOrdAxiomsSig' <+ ZAxiom <+ Opp' <+ IsOpp.
+Module Type ZAxiomsMiniSig' := NZOrdAxiomsSig' <+ ZAxiom <+ Opp' <+ IsOpp
+ <+ OppCstNotation.
(** Other functions and their specifications *)
@@ -57,19 +64,9 @@ Module Type HasSgn (Import Z : ZAxiomsMiniSig').
Parameter Inline sgn : t -> t.
Axiom sgn_null : forall n, n==0 -> sgn n == 0.
Axiom sgn_pos : forall n, 0<n -> sgn n == 1.
- Axiom sgn_neg : forall n, n<0 -> sgn n == -(1).
+ Axiom sgn_neg : forall n, n<0 -> sgn n == -1.
End HasSgn.
-(** Parity functions *)
-Module Type Parity (Import Z : ZAxiomsMiniSig').
- Parameter Inline even odd : t -> bool.
- Definition Even n := exists m, n == 2*m.
- Definition Odd n := exists m, n == 2*m+1.
- Axiom even_spec : forall n, even n = true <-> Even n.
- Axiom odd_spec : forall n, odd n = true <-> Odd n.
-End Parity.
(** Divisions *)
(** First, the usual Coq convention of Truncated-Toward-Bottom
@@ -110,16 +107,18 @@ End QuotRemSpec.
Module Type ZQuot (Z:ZAxiomsMiniSig) := QuotRem Z <+ QuotRemSpec Z.
Module Type ZQuot' (Z:ZAxiomsMiniSig) := QuotRem' Z <+ QuotRemSpec Z.
-(** For pow sqrt log2 gcd, the NZ axiomatizations are enough. *)
+(** For all other functions, the NZ axiomatizations are enough. *)
(** Let's group everything *)
Module Type ZAxiomsSig :=
- ZAxiomsMiniSig <+ HasCompare <+ HasAbs <+ HasSgn <+ Parity
+ ZAxiomsMiniSig <+ HasCompare <+ HasEqBool <+ HasAbs <+ HasSgn
+ <+ NZParity.NZParity
<+ NZPow.NZPow <+ NZSqrt.NZSqrt <+ NZLog.NZLog2 <+ NZGcd.NZGcd
- <+ ZDiv <+ ZQuot.
+ <+ ZDiv <+ ZQuot <+ NZBits.NZBits.
Module Type ZAxiomsSig' :=
- ZAxiomsMiniSig' <+ HasCompare <+ HasAbs <+ HasSgn <+ Parity
+ ZAxiomsMiniSig' <+ HasCompare <+ HasEqBool <+ HasAbs <+ HasSgn
+ <+ NZParity.NZParity
<+ NZPow.NZPow' <+ NZSqrt.NZSqrt' <+ NZLog.NZLog2 <+ NZGcd.NZGcd'
- <+ ZDiv' <+ ZQuot'.
+ <+ ZDiv' <+ ZQuot' <+ NZBits.NZBits'.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZBase.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZBase.v
index f9bd8dba3..4afc10201 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZBase.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZBase.v
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Include NZProp Z.
Theorem pred_inj : forall n m, P n == P m -> n == m.
-intros n m H. apply succ_wd in H. now do 2 rewrite succ_pred in H.
+intros n m H. apply succ_wd in H. now rewrite 2 succ_pred in H.
Theorem pred_inj_wd : forall n1 n2, P n1 == P n2 <-> n1 == n2.
@@ -27,5 +27,10 @@ Proof.
intros n1 n2; split; [apply pred_inj | apply pred_wd].
+Lemma succ_m1 : S (-1) == 0.
+ now rewrite one_succ, opp_succ, opp_0, succ_pred.
End ZBaseProp.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZBits.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZBits.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44cd08e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZBits.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1908 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+Require Import
+ Bool ZAxioms ZMulOrder ZPow ZDivFloor ZSgnAbs ZParity NZLog.
+(** Derived properties of bitwise operations *)
+Module Type ZBitsProp
+ (Import A : ZAxiomsSig')
+ (Import B : ZMulOrderProp A)
+ (Import C : ZParityProp A B)
+ (Import D : ZSgnAbsProp A B)
+ (Import E : ZPowProp A B C D)
+ (Import F : ZDivProp A B D)
+ (Import G : NZLog2Prop A A A B E).
+Include BoolEqualityFacts A.
+Ltac order_nz := try apply pow_nonzero; order'.
+Ltac order_pos' := try apply abs_nonneg; order_pos.
+Hint Rewrite div_0_l mod_0_l div_1_r mod_1_r : nz.
+(** Some properties of power and division *)
+Lemma pow_sub_r : forall a b c, a~=0 -> 0<=c<=b -> a^(b-c) == a^b / a^c.
+ intros a b c Ha (H,H'). rewrite <- (sub_simpl_r b c) at 2.
+ rewrite pow_add_r; trivial.
+ rewrite div_mul. reflexivity.
+ now apply pow_nonzero.
+ now apply le_0_sub.
+Lemma pow_div_l : forall a b c, b~=0 -> 0<=c -> a mod b == 0 ->
+ (a/b)^c == a^c / b^c.
+ intros a b c Hb Hc H. rewrite (div_mod a b Hb) at 2.
+ rewrite H, add_0_r, pow_mul_l, mul_comm, div_mul. reflexivity.
+ now apply pow_nonzero.
+(** An injection from bits [true] and [false] to numbers 1 and 0.
+ We declare it as a (local) coercion for shorter statements. *)
+Definition b2z (b:bool) := if b then 1 else 0.
+Local Coercion b2z : bool >-> t.
+(** Alternative caracterisations of [testbit] *)
+Lemma testbit_spec' : forall a n, 0<=n -> a.[n] == (a / 2^n) mod 2.
+ intros a n Hn.
+ destruct (testbit_spec a n Hn) as (l & h & H & EQ). fold (b2z a.[n]) in EQ.
+ apply mod_unique with h. left. destruct a.[n]; split; simpl; order'.
+ symmetry. apply div_unique with l. now left.
+ now rewrite add_comm, mul_comm, (add_comm (2*h)).
+Lemma testbit_true : forall a n, 0<=n ->
+ (a.[n] = true <-> (a / 2^n) mod 2 == 1).
+ intros a n Hn.
+ rewrite <- testbit_spec' by trivial.
+ destruct a.[n]; split; simpl; now try order'.
+Lemma testbit_false : forall a n, 0<=n ->
+ (a.[n] = false <-> (a / 2^n) mod 2 == 0).
+ intros a n Hn.
+ rewrite <- testbit_spec' by trivial.
+ destruct a.[n]; split; simpl; now try order'.
+Lemma testbit_eqb : forall a n, 0<=n ->
+ a.[n] = eqb ((a / 2^n) mod 2) 1.
+ intros a n Hn.
+ apply eq_true_iff_eq. now rewrite testbit_true, eqb_eq.
+(** testbit is hence a morphism *)
+Instance testbit_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>Logic.eq) testbit.
+ intros a a' Ha n n' Hn.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 n), (le_gt_cases 0 n'); try order.
+ now rewrite 2 testbit_eqb, Ha, Hn by trivial.
+ now rewrite 2 testbit_neg_r by trivial.
+(** Results about the injection [b2z] *)
+Lemma b2z_inj : forall (a0 b0:bool), a0 == b0 -> a0 = b0.
+ intros [|] [|]; simpl; trivial; order'.
+Lemma add_b2z_double_div2 : forall (a0:bool) a, (a0+2*a)/2 == a.
+ intros a0 a. rewrite mul_comm, div_add by order'.
+ now rewrite div_small, add_0_l by (destruct a0; split; simpl; order').
+Lemma add_b2z_double_bit0 : forall (a0:bool) a, (a0+2*a).[0] = a0.
+ intros a0 a. apply b2z_inj.
+ rewrite testbit_spec' by order.
+ nzsimpl. rewrite mul_comm, mod_add by order'.
+ now rewrite mod_small by (destruct a0; split; simpl; order').
+Lemma b2z_div2 : forall (a0:bool), a0/2 == 0.
+ intros a0. rewrite <- (add_b2z_double_div2 a0 0). now nzsimpl.
+Lemma b2z_bit0 : forall (a0:bool), a0.[0] = a0.
+ intros a0. rewrite <- (add_b2z_double_bit0 a0 0) at 2. now nzsimpl.
+(** The initial specification of testbit is complete *)
+Lemma testbit_unique : forall a n (a0:bool) l h,
+ 0<=l<2^n -> a == l + (a0 + 2*h)*2^n -> a.[n] = a0.
+ intros a n a0 l h Hl EQ.
+ assert (0<=n).
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 n) as [Hn|Hn]; trivial.
+ rewrite pow_neg_r in Hl by trivial. destruct Hl; order.
+ apply b2z_inj. rewrite testbit_spec' by trivial.
+ symmetry. apply mod_unique with h.
+ left; destruct a0; simpl; split; order'.
+ symmetry. apply div_unique with l.
+ now left.
+ now rewrite add_comm, (add_comm _ a0), mul_comm.
+(** All bits of number 0 are 0 *)
+Lemma bits_0 : forall n, 0.[n] = false.
+ intros n.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 n).
+ apply testbit_false; trivial. nzsimpl; order_nz.
+ now apply testbit_neg_r.
+(** For negative numbers, we are actually doing two's complement *)
+Lemma bits_opp : forall a n, 0<=n -> (-a).[n] = negb (P a).[n].
+ intros a n Hn.
+ destruct (testbit_spec (-a) n Hn) as (l & h & Hl & EQ).
+ fold (b2z (-a).[n]) in EQ.
+ apply negb_sym.
+ apply testbit_unique with (2^n-l-1) (-h-1).
+ split.
+ apply lt_succ_r. rewrite sub_1_r, succ_pred. now apply lt_0_sub.
+ apply le_succ_l. rewrite sub_1_r, succ_pred. apply le_sub_le_add_r.
+ rewrite <- (add_0_r (2^n)) at 1. now apply add_le_mono_l.
+ rewrite <- add_sub_swap, sub_1_r. apply pred_wd.
+ apply opp_inj. rewrite opp_add_distr, opp_sub_distr.
+ rewrite (add_comm _ l), <- add_assoc.
+ rewrite EQ at 1. apply add_cancel_l.
+ rewrite <- opp_add_distr.
+ rewrite <- (mul_1_l (2^n)) at 2. rewrite <- mul_add_distr_r.
+ rewrite <- mul_opp_l.
+ apply mul_wd; try reflexivity.
+ rewrite !opp_add_distr.
+ rewrite <- mul_opp_r.
+ rewrite opp_sub_distr, opp_involutive.
+ rewrite (add_comm h).
+ rewrite mul_add_distr_l.
+ rewrite !add_assoc.
+ apply add_cancel_r.
+ rewrite mul_1_r.
+ rewrite add_comm, add_assoc, !add_opp_r, sub_1_r, two_succ, pred_succ.
+ destruct (-a).[n]; simpl. now rewrite sub_0_r. now nzsimpl'.
+(** All bits of number (-1) are 1 *)
+Lemma bits_m1 : forall n, 0<=n -> (-1).[n] = true.
+ intros. now rewrite bits_opp, one_succ, pred_succ, bits_0.
+(** Various ways to refer to the lowest bit of a number *)
+Lemma bit0_mod : forall a, a.[0] == a mod 2.
+ intros a. rewrite testbit_spec' by order. now nzsimpl.
+Lemma bit0_eqb : forall a, a.[0] = eqb (a mod 2) 1.
+ intros a. rewrite testbit_eqb by order. now nzsimpl.
+Lemma bit0_odd : forall a, a.[0] = odd a.
+ intros. rewrite bit0_eqb by order.
+ apply eq_true_iff_eq. rewrite eqb_eq, odd_spec. split.
+ intros H. exists (a/2). rewrite <- H. apply div_mod. order'.
+ intros (b,H).
+ rewrite H, add_comm, mul_comm, mod_add, mod_small; try split; order'.
+(** Hence testing a bit is equivalent to shifting and testing parity *)
+Lemma testbit_odd : forall a n, a.[n] = odd (a>>n).
+ intros. now rewrite <- bit0_odd, shiftr_spec, add_0_l.
+(** [log2] gives the highest nonzero bit of positive numbers *)
+Lemma bit_log2 : forall a, 0<a -> a.[log2 a] = true.
+ intros a Ha.
+ assert (Ha' := log2_nonneg a).
+ destruct (log2_spec_alt a Ha) as (r & EQ & Hr).
+ rewrite EQ at 1.
+ rewrite testbit_true, add_comm by trivial.
+ rewrite <- (mul_1_l (2^log2 a)) at 1.
+ rewrite div_add by order_nz.
+ rewrite div_small; trivial.
+ rewrite add_0_l. apply mod_small. split; order'.
+Lemma bits_above_log2 : forall a n, 0<=a -> log2 a < n ->
+ a.[n] = false.
+ intros a n Ha H.
+ assert (Hn : 0<=n).
+ transitivity (log2 a). apply log2_nonneg. order'.
+ rewrite testbit_false by trivial.
+ rewrite div_small. nzsimpl; order'.
+ split. order. apply log2_lt_cancel. now rewrite log2_pow2.
+(** Hence the number of bits of [a] is [1+log2 a]
+ (see [Psize] and [Psize_pos]).
+(** For negative numbers, things are the other ways around:
+ log2 gives the highest zero bit (for numbers below -1).
+Lemma bit_log2_neg : forall a, a < -1 -> a.[log2 (P (-a))] = false.
+ intros a Ha.
+ rewrite <- (opp_involutive a) at 1.
+ rewrite bits_opp.
+ apply negb_false_iff.
+ apply bit_log2.
+ apply opp_lt_mono in Ha. rewrite opp_involutive in Ha.
+ apply lt_succ_lt_pred. now rewrite <- one_succ.
+ apply log2_nonneg.
+Lemma bits_above_log2_neg : forall a n, a < 0 -> log2 (P (-a)) < n ->
+ a.[n] = true.
+ intros a n Ha H.
+ assert (Hn : 0<=n).
+ transitivity (log2 (P (-a))). apply log2_nonneg. order'.
+ rewrite <- (opp_involutive a), bits_opp, negb_true_iff by trivial.
+ apply bits_above_log2; trivial.
+ now rewrite <- opp_succ, opp_nonneg_nonpos, le_succ_l.
+(** Accesing a high enough bit of a number gives its sign *)
+Lemma bits_iff_nonneg : forall a n, log2 (abs a) < n ->
+ (0<=a <-> a.[n] = false).
+ intros a n Hn. split; intros H.
+ rewrite abs_eq in Hn; trivial. now apply bits_above_log2.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 a); trivial.
+ rewrite abs_neq in Hn by order.
+ rewrite bits_above_log2_neg in H; try easy.
+ apply le_lt_trans with (log2 (-a)); trivial.
+ apply log2_le_mono. apply le_pred_l.
+Lemma bits_iff_nonneg' : forall a,
+ 0<=a <-> a.[S (log2 (abs a))] = false.
+ intros. apply bits_iff_nonneg. apply lt_succ_diag_r.
+Lemma bits_iff_nonneg_ex : forall a,
+ 0<=a <-> (exists k, forall m, k<m -> a.[m] = false).
+ intros a. split.
+ intros Ha. exists (log2 a). intros m Hm. now apply bits_above_log2.
+ intros (k,Hk). destruct (le_gt_cases k (log2 (abs a))).
+ now apply bits_iff_nonneg', Hk, lt_succ_r.
+ apply (bits_iff_nonneg a (S k)).
+ now apply lt_succ_r, lt_le_incl.
+ apply Hk. apply lt_succ_diag_r.
+Lemma bits_iff_neg : forall a n, log2 (abs a) < n ->
+ (a<0 <-> a.[n] = true).
+ intros a n Hn.
+ now rewrite lt_nge, <- not_false_iff_true, (bits_iff_nonneg a n).
+Lemma bits_iff_neg' : forall a, a<0 <-> a.[S (log2 (abs a))] = true.
+ intros. apply bits_iff_neg. apply lt_succ_diag_r.
+Lemma bits_iff_neg_ex : forall a,
+ a<0 <-> (exists k, forall m, k<m -> a.[m] = true).
+ intros a. split.
+ intros Ha. exists (log2 (P (-a))). intros m Hm. now apply bits_above_log2_neg.
+ intros (k,Hk). destruct (le_gt_cases k (log2 (abs a))).
+ now apply bits_iff_neg', Hk, lt_succ_r.
+ apply (bits_iff_neg a (S k)).
+ now apply lt_succ_r, lt_le_incl.
+ apply Hk. apply lt_succ_diag_r.
+(** Testing bits after division or multiplication by a power of two *)
+Lemma div2_bits : forall a n, 0<=n -> (a/2).[n] = a.[S n].
+ intros a n Hn.
+ apply eq_true_iff_eq. rewrite 2 testbit_true by order_pos.
+ rewrite pow_succ_r by trivial.
+ now rewrite div_div by order_pos.
+Lemma div_pow2_bits : forall a n m, 0<=n -> 0<=m -> (a/2^n).[m] = a.[m+n].
+ intros a n m Hn. revert a m. apply le_ind with (4:=Hn).
+ solve_predicate_wd.
+ intros a m Hm. now nzsimpl.
+ clear n Hn. intros n Hn IH a m Hm. nzsimpl; trivial.
+ rewrite <- div_div by order_pos.
+ now rewrite IH, div2_bits by order_pos.
+Lemma double_bits_succ : forall a n, (2*a).[S n] = a.[n].
+ intros a n.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 n) as [Hn|Hn].
+ now rewrite <- div2_bits, mul_comm, div_mul by order'.
+ rewrite (testbit_neg_r a n Hn).
+ apply le_succ_l, le_lteq in Hn. destruct Hn as [Hn|Hn].
+ now rewrite testbit_neg_r.
+ now rewrite Hn, bit0_odd, odd_mul, odd_2.
+Lemma double_bits : forall a n, (2*a).[n] = a.[P n].
+ intros a n. rewrite <- (succ_pred n) at 1. apply double_bits_succ.
+Lemma mul_pow2_bits_add : forall a n m, 0<=n -> (a*2^n).[n+m] = a.[m].
+ intros a n m Hn. revert a m. apply le_ind with (4:=Hn).
+ solve_predicate_wd.
+ intros a m. now nzsimpl.
+ clear n Hn. intros n Hn IH a m. nzsimpl; trivial.
+ rewrite mul_assoc, (mul_comm _ 2), <- mul_assoc.
+ now rewrite double_bits_succ.
+Lemma mul_pow2_bits : forall a n m, 0<=n -> (a*2^n).[m] = a.[m-n].
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- (add_simpl_r m n) at 1. rewrite add_sub_swap, add_comm.
+ now apply mul_pow2_bits_add.
+Lemma mul_pow2_bits_low : forall a n m, m<n -> (a*2^n).[m] = false.
+ intros.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 n).
+ rewrite mul_pow2_bits by trivial.
+ apply testbit_neg_r. now apply lt_sub_0.
+ now rewrite pow_neg_r, mul_0_r, bits_0.
+(** Selecting the low part of a number can be done by a modulo *)
+Lemma mod_pow2_bits_high : forall a n m, 0<=n<=m ->
+ (a mod 2^n).[m] = false.
+ intros a n m (Hn,H).
+ destruct (mod_pos_bound a (2^n)) as [LE LT]. order_pos.
+ apply le_lteq in LE; destruct LE as [LT'|EQ].
+ apply bits_above_log2; try order.
+ apply lt_le_trans with n; trivial.
+ apply log2_lt_pow2; trivial.
+ now rewrite <-EQ, bits_0.
+Lemma mod_pow2_bits_low : forall a n m, m<n ->
+ (a mod 2^n).[m] = a.[m].
+ intros a n m H.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 m) as [Hm|Hm]; [|now rewrite !testbit_neg_r].
+ rewrite testbit_eqb; trivial.
+ rewrite <- (mod_add _ (2^(P (n-m))*(a/2^n))) by order'.
+ rewrite <- div_add by order_nz.
+ rewrite (mul_comm _ 2), mul_assoc, <- pow_succ_r, succ_pred.
+ rewrite mul_comm, mul_assoc, <- pow_add_r, (add_comm m), sub_add; trivial.
+ rewrite add_comm, <- div_mod by order_nz.
+ symmetry. apply testbit_eqb; trivial.
+ apply le_0_sub; order.
+ now apply lt_le_pred, lt_0_sub.
+(** We now prove that having the same bits implies equality.
+ For that we use a notion of equality over functional
+ streams of bits. *)
+Definition eqf (f g:t -> bool) := forall n:t, f n = g n.
+Instance eqf_equiv : Equivalence eqf.
+ split; congruence.
+Local Infix "===" := eqf (at level 70, no associativity).
+Instance testbit_eqf : Proper (eq==>eqf) testbit.
+ intros a a' Ha n. now rewrite Ha.
+(** Only zero corresponds to the always-false stream. *)
+Lemma bits_inj_0 :
+ forall a, (forall n, a.[n] = false) -> a == 0.
+ intros a H. destruct (lt_trichotomy a 0) as [Ha|[Ha|Ha]]; trivial.
+ apply (bits_above_log2_neg a (S (log2 (P (-a))))) in Ha.
+ now rewrite H in Ha.
+ apply lt_succ_diag_r.
+ apply bit_log2 in Ha. now rewrite H in Ha.
+(** If two numbers produce the same stream of bits, they are equal. *)
+Lemma bits_inj : forall a b, testbit a === testbit b -> a == b.
+ assert (AUX : forall n, 0<=n -> forall a b,
+ 0<=a<2^n -> testbit a === testbit b -> a == b).
+ intros n Hn. apply le_ind with (4:=Hn).
+ solve_predicate_wd.
+ intros a b Ha H. rewrite pow_0_r, one_succ, lt_succ_r in Ha.
+ assert (Ha' : a == 0) by (destruct Ha; order).
+ rewrite Ha' in *.
+ symmetry. apply bits_inj_0.
+ intros m. now rewrite <- H, bits_0.
+ clear n Hn. intros n Hn IH a b (Ha,Ha') H.
+ rewrite (div_mod a 2), (div_mod b 2) by order'.
+ apply add_wd; [ | now rewrite <- 2 bit0_mod, H].
+ apply mul_wd. reflexivity.
+ apply IH.
+ split. apply div_pos; order'.
+ apply div_lt_upper_bound. order'. now rewrite <- pow_succ_r.
+ intros m.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 m).
+ rewrite 2 div2_bits by trivial. apply H.
+ now rewrite 2 testbit_neg_r.
+ intros a b H.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 a) as [Ha|Ha].
+ apply (AUX a); trivial. split; trivial.
+ apply pow_gt_lin_r; order'.
+ apply succ_inj, opp_inj.
+ assert (0 <= - S a).
+ apply opp_le_mono. now rewrite opp_involutive, opp_0, le_succ_l.
+ apply (AUX (-(S a))); trivial. split; trivial.
+ apply pow_gt_lin_r; order'.
+ intros m. destruct (le_gt_cases 0 m).
+ now rewrite 2 bits_opp, 2 pred_succ, H.
+ now rewrite 2 testbit_neg_r.
+Lemma bits_inj_iff : forall a b, testbit a === testbit b <-> a == b.
+ split. apply bits_inj. intros EQ; now rewrite EQ.
+(** In fact, checking the bits at positive indexes is enough. *)
+Lemma bits_inj' : forall a b,
+ (forall n, 0<=n -> a.[n] = b.[n]) -> a == b.
+ intros a b H. apply bits_inj.
+ intros n. destruct (le_gt_cases 0 n).
+ now apply H.
+ now rewrite 2 testbit_neg_r.
+Lemma bits_inj_iff' : forall a b, (forall n, 0<=n -> a.[n] = b.[n]) <-> a == b.
+ split. apply bits_inj'. intros EQ n Hn; now rewrite EQ.
+Ltac bitwise := apply bits_inj'; intros ?m ?Hm; autorewrite with bitwise.
+Hint Rewrite lxor_spec lor_spec land_spec ldiff_spec bits_0 : bitwise.
+(** The streams of bits that correspond to a numbers are
+ exactly the ones which are stationary after some point. *)
+Lemma are_bits : forall (f:t->bool), Proper (eq==>Logic.eq) f ->
+ ((exists n, forall m, 0<=m -> f m = n.[m]) <->
+ (exists k, forall m, k<=m -> f m = f k)).
+ intros f Hf. split.
+ intros (a,H).
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 a).
+ exists (S (log2 a)). intros m Hm. apply le_succ_l in Hm.
+ rewrite 2 H, 2 bits_above_log2; trivial using lt_succ_diag_r.
+ order_pos. apply le_trans with (log2 a); order_pos.
+ exists (S (log2 (P (-a)))). intros m Hm. apply le_succ_l in Hm.
+ rewrite 2 H, 2 bits_above_log2_neg; trivial using lt_succ_diag_r.
+ order_pos. apply le_trans with (log2 (P (-a))); order_pos.
+ intros (k,Hk).
+ destruct (lt_ge_cases k 0) as [LT|LE].
+ case_eq (f 0); intros H0.
+ exists (-1). intros m Hm. rewrite bits_m1, Hk by order.
+ symmetry; rewrite <- H0. apply Hk; order.
+ exists 0. intros m Hm. rewrite bits_0, Hk by order.
+ symmetry; rewrite <- H0. apply Hk; order.
+ revert f Hf Hk. apply le_ind with (4:=LE).
+ (* compat : solve_predicat_wd fails here *)
+ apply proper_sym_impl_iff. exact eq_sym.
+ clear k LE. intros k k' Hk IH f Hf H. apply IH; trivial.
+ now setoid_rewrite Hk.
+ (* /compat *)
+ intros f Hf H0. destruct (f 0).
+ exists (-1). intros m Hm. now rewrite bits_m1, H0.
+ exists 0. intros m Hm. now rewrite bits_0, H0.
+ clear k LE. intros k LE IH f Hf Hk.
+ destruct (IH (fun m => f (S m))) as (n, Hn).
+ solve_predicate_wd.
+ intros m Hm. apply Hk. now rewrite <- succ_le_mono.
+ exists (f 0 + 2*n). intros m Hm.
+ apply le_lteq in Hm. destruct Hm as [Hm|Hm].
+ rewrite <- (succ_pred m), Hn, <- div2_bits.
+ rewrite mul_comm, div_add, b2z_div2, add_0_l; trivial. order'.
+ now rewrite <- lt_succ_r, succ_pred.
+ now rewrite <- lt_succ_r, succ_pred.
+ rewrite <- Hm.
+ symmetry. apply add_b2z_double_bit0.
+(** * Properties of shifts *)
+(** First, a unified specification for [shiftl] : the [shiftl_spec]
+ below (combined with [testbit_neg_r]) is equivalent to
+ [shiftl_spec_low] and [shiftl_spec_high]. *)
+Lemma shiftl_spec : forall a n m, 0<=m -> (a << n).[m] = a.[m-n].
+ intros.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases n m).
+ now apply shiftl_spec_high.
+ rewrite shiftl_spec_low, testbit_neg_r; trivial. now apply lt_sub_0.
+(** A shiftl by a negative number is a shiftr, and vice-versa *)
+Lemma shiftr_opp_r : forall a n, a >> (-n) == a << n.
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite shiftr_spec, shiftl_spec, add_opp_r.
+Lemma shiftl_opp_r : forall a n, a << (-n) == a >> n.
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite shiftr_spec, shiftl_spec, sub_opp_r.
+(** Shifts correspond to multiplication or division by a power of two *)
+Lemma shiftr_div_pow2 : forall a n, 0<=n -> a >> n == a / 2^n.
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite shiftr_spec, div_pow2_bits.
+Lemma shiftr_mul_pow2 : forall a n, n<=0 -> a >> n == a * 2^(-n).
+ intros. bitwise. rewrite shiftr_spec, mul_pow2_bits; trivial.
+ now rewrite sub_opp_r.
+ now apply opp_nonneg_nonpos.
+Lemma shiftl_mul_pow2 : forall a n, 0<=n -> a << n == a * 2^n.
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite shiftl_spec, mul_pow2_bits.
+Lemma shiftl_div_pow2 : forall a n, n<=0 -> a << n == a / 2^(-n).
+ intros. bitwise. rewrite shiftl_spec, div_pow2_bits; trivial.
+ now rewrite add_opp_r.
+ now apply opp_nonneg_nonpos.
+(** Shifts are morphisms *)
+Instance shiftr_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) shiftr.
+ intros a a' Ha n n' Hn.
+ destruct (le_ge_cases n 0) as [H|H]; assert (H':=H); rewrite Hn in H'.
+ now rewrite 2 shiftr_mul_pow2, Ha, Hn.
+ now rewrite 2 shiftr_div_pow2, Ha, Hn.
+Instance shiftl_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) shiftl.
+ intros a a' Ha n n' Hn. now rewrite <- 2 shiftr_opp_r, Ha, Hn.
+(** We could also have specified shiftl with an addition on the left. *)
+Lemma shiftl_spec_alt : forall a n m, 0<=n -> (a << n).[m+n] = a.[m].
+ intros. now rewrite shiftl_mul_pow2, mul_pow2_bits, add_simpl_r.
+(** Chaining several shifts. The only case for which
+ there isn't any simple expression is a true shiftr
+ followed by a true shiftl.
+Lemma shiftl_shiftl : forall a n m, 0<=n ->
+ (a << n) << m == a << (n+m).
+ intros a n p Hn. bitwise.
+ rewrite 2 (shiftl_spec _ _ m) by trivial.
+ rewrite add_comm, sub_add_distr.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 (m-p)) as [H|H].
+ now rewrite shiftl_spec.
+ rewrite 2 testbit_neg_r; trivial.
+ apply lt_sub_0. now apply lt_le_trans with 0.
+Lemma shiftr_shiftl_l : forall a n m, 0<=n ->
+ (a << n) >> m == a << (n-m).
+ intros. now rewrite <- shiftl_opp_r, shiftl_shiftl, add_opp_r.
+Lemma shiftr_shiftl_r : forall a n m, 0<=n ->
+ (a << n) >> m == a >> (m-n).
+ intros. now rewrite <- 2 shiftl_opp_r, shiftl_shiftl, opp_sub_distr, add_comm.
+Lemma shiftr_shiftr : forall a n m, 0<=n -> 0<=m ->
+ (a >> n) >> m == a >> (n+m).
+ intros a n m Hn Hm.
+ now rewrite !shiftr_div_pow2, pow_add_r, div_div by order_pos.
+(** shifts and constants *)
+Lemma shiftl_1_l : forall n, 1 << n == 2^n.
+ intros n. destruct (le_gt_cases 0 n).
+ now rewrite shiftl_mul_pow2, mul_1_l.
+ rewrite shiftl_div_pow2, div_1_l, pow_neg_r; try order.
+ apply pow_gt_1. order'. now apply opp_pos_neg.
+Lemma shiftl_0_r : forall a, a << 0 == a.
+ intros. rewrite shiftl_mul_pow2 by order. now nzsimpl.
+Lemma shiftr_0_r : forall a, a >> 0 == a.
+ intros. now rewrite <- shiftl_opp_r, opp_0, shiftl_0_r.
+Lemma shiftl_0_l : forall n, 0 << n == 0.
+ intros.
+ destruct (le_ge_cases 0 n).
+ rewrite shiftl_mul_pow2 by trivial. now nzsimpl.
+ rewrite shiftl_div_pow2 by trivial.
+ rewrite <- opp_nonneg_nonpos in H. nzsimpl; order_nz.
+Lemma shiftr_0_l : forall n, 0 >> n == 0.
+ intros. now rewrite <- shiftl_opp_r, shiftl_0_l.
+Lemma shiftl_eq_0_iff : forall a n, 0<=n -> (a << n == 0 <-> a == 0).
+ intros a n Hn.
+ rewrite shiftl_mul_pow2 by trivial. rewrite eq_mul_0. split.
+ intros [H | H]; trivial. contradict H; order_nz.
+ intros H. now left.
+Lemma shiftr_eq_0_iff : forall a n,
+ a >> n == 0 <-> a==0 \/ (0<a /\ log2 a < n).
+ intros a n.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 n) as [Hn|Hn].
+ rewrite shiftr_div_pow2, div_small_iff by order_nz.
+ destruct (lt_trichotomy a 0) as [LT|[EQ|LT]].
+ split.
+ intros [(H,_)|(H,H')]. order. generalize (pow_nonneg 2 n le_0_2); order.
+ intros [H|(H,H')]; order.
+ rewrite EQ. split. now left. intros _; left. split; order_pos.
+ split. intros [(H,H')|(H,H')]; right. split; trivial.
+ apply log2_lt_pow2; trivial.
+ generalize (pow_nonneg 2 n le_0_2); order.
+ intros [H|(H,H')]. order. left.
+ split. order. now apply log2_lt_pow2.
+ rewrite shiftr_mul_pow2 by order. rewrite eq_mul_0.
+ split; intros [H|H].
+ now left.
+ elim (pow_nonzero 2 (-n)); try apply opp_nonneg_nonpos; order'.
+ now left.
+ destruct H. generalize (log2_nonneg a); order.
+Lemma shiftr_eq_0 : forall a n, 0<=a -> log2 a < n -> a >> n == 0.
+ intros a n Ha H.
+ apply shiftr_eq_0_iff.
+ apply le_lteq in Ha. destruct Ha as [Ha|Ha].
+ right. now split. now left.
+(** Properties of [div2]. *)
+Lemma div2_div : forall a, div2 a == a/2.
+ intros. rewrite div2_spec, shiftr_div_pow2. now nzsimpl. order'.
+Instance div2_wd : Proper (eq==>eq) div2.
+ intros a a' Ha. now rewrite 2 div2_div, Ha.
+Lemma div2_odd : forall a, a == 2*(div2 a) + odd a.
+ intros a. rewrite div2_div, <- bit0_odd, bit0_mod.
+ apply div_mod. order'.
+(** Properties of [lxor] and others, directly deduced
+ from properties of [xorb] and others. *)
+Instance lxor_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) lxor.
+ intros a a' Ha b b' Hb. bitwise. now rewrite Ha, Hb.
+Instance land_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) land.
+ intros a a' Ha b b' Hb. bitwise. now rewrite Ha, Hb.
+Instance lor_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) lor.
+ intros a a' Ha b b' Hb. bitwise. now rewrite Ha, Hb.
+Instance ldiff_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) ldiff.
+ intros a a' Ha b b' Hb. bitwise. now rewrite Ha, Hb.
+Lemma lxor_eq : forall a a', lxor a a' == 0 -> a == a'.
+ intros a a' H. bitwise. apply xorb_eq.
+ now rewrite <- lxor_spec, H, bits_0.
+Lemma lxor_nilpotent : forall a, lxor a a == 0.
+ intros. bitwise. apply xorb_nilpotent.
+Lemma lxor_eq_0_iff : forall a a', lxor a a' == 0 <-> a == a'.
+ split. apply lxor_eq. intros EQ; rewrite EQ; apply lxor_nilpotent.
+Lemma lxor_0_l : forall a, lxor 0 a == a.
+ intros. bitwise. apply xorb_false_l.
+Lemma lxor_0_r : forall a, lxor a 0 == a.
+ intros. bitwise. apply xorb_false_r.
+Lemma lxor_comm : forall a b, lxor a b == lxor b a.
+ intros. bitwise. apply xorb_comm.
+Lemma lxor_assoc :
+ forall a b c, lxor (lxor a b) c == lxor a (lxor b c).
+ intros. bitwise. apply xorb_assoc.
+Lemma lor_0_l : forall a, lor 0 a == a.
+ intros. bitwise. trivial.
+Lemma lor_0_r : forall a, lor a 0 == a.
+ intros. bitwise. apply orb_false_r.
+Lemma lor_comm : forall a b, lor a b == lor b a.
+ intros. bitwise. apply orb_comm.
+Lemma lor_assoc :
+ forall a b c, lor a (lor b c) == lor (lor a b) c.
+ intros. bitwise. apply orb_assoc.
+Lemma lor_diag : forall a, lor a a == a.
+ intros. bitwise. apply orb_diag.
+Lemma lor_eq_0_l : forall a b, lor a b == 0 -> a == 0.
+ intros a b H. bitwise.
+ apply (orb_false_iff a.[m] b.[m]).
+ now rewrite <- lor_spec, H, bits_0.
+Lemma lor_eq_0_iff : forall a b, lor a b == 0 <-> a == 0 /\ b == 0.
+ intros a b. split.
+ split. now apply lor_eq_0_l in H.
+ rewrite lor_comm in H. now apply lor_eq_0_l in H.
+ intros (EQ,EQ'). now rewrite EQ, lor_0_l.
+Lemma land_0_l : forall a, land 0 a == 0.
+ intros. bitwise. trivial.
+Lemma land_0_r : forall a, land a 0 == 0.
+ intros. bitwise. apply andb_false_r.
+Lemma land_comm : forall a b, land a b == land b a.
+ intros. bitwise. apply andb_comm.
+Lemma land_assoc :
+ forall a b c, land a (land b c) == land (land a b) c.
+ intros. bitwise. apply andb_assoc.
+Lemma land_diag : forall a, land a a == a.
+ intros. bitwise. apply andb_diag.
+Lemma ldiff_0_l : forall a, ldiff 0 a == 0.
+ intros. bitwise. trivial.
+Lemma ldiff_0_r : forall a, ldiff a 0 == a.
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite andb_true_r.
+Lemma ldiff_diag : forall a, ldiff a a == 0.
+ intros. bitwise. apply andb_negb_r.
+Lemma lor_land_distr_l : forall a b c,
+ lor (land a b) c == land (lor a c) (lor b c).
+ intros. bitwise. apply orb_andb_distrib_l.
+Lemma lor_land_distr_r : forall a b c,
+ lor a (land b c) == land (lor a b) (lor a c).
+ intros. bitwise. apply orb_andb_distrib_r.
+Lemma land_lor_distr_l : forall a b c,
+ land (lor a b) c == lor (land a c) (land b c).
+ intros. bitwise. apply andb_orb_distrib_l.
+Lemma land_lor_distr_r : forall a b c,
+ land a (lor b c) == lor (land a b) (land a c).
+ intros. bitwise. apply andb_orb_distrib_r.
+Lemma ldiff_ldiff_l : forall a b c,
+ ldiff (ldiff a b) c == ldiff a (lor b c).
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite negb_orb, andb_assoc.
+Lemma lor_ldiff_and : forall a b,
+ lor (ldiff a b) (land a b) == a.
+ intros. bitwise.
+ now rewrite <- andb_orb_distrib_r, orb_comm, orb_negb_r, andb_true_r.
+Lemma land_ldiff : forall a b,
+ land (ldiff a b) b == 0.
+ intros. bitwise.
+ now rewrite <-andb_assoc, (andb_comm (negb _)), andb_negb_r, andb_false_r.
+(** Properties of [setbit] and [clearbit] *)
+Definition setbit a n := lor a (1 << n).
+Definition clearbit a n := ldiff a (1 << n).
+Lemma setbit_spec' : forall a n, setbit a n == lor a (2^n).
+ intros. unfold setbit. now rewrite shiftl_1_l.
+Lemma clearbit_spec' : forall a n, clearbit a n == ldiff a (2^n).
+ intros. unfold clearbit. now rewrite shiftl_1_l.
+Instance setbit_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) setbit.
+ intros a a' Ha n n' Hn. unfold setbit. now rewrite Ha, Hn.
+Instance clearbit_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) clearbit.
+ intros a a' Ha n n' Hn. unfold clearbit. now rewrite Ha, Hn.
+Lemma pow2_bits_true : forall n, 0<=n -> (2^n).[n] = true.
+ intros. rewrite <- (mul_1_l (2^n)).
+ now rewrite mul_pow2_bits, sub_diag, bit0_odd, odd_1.
+Lemma pow2_bits_false : forall n m, n~=m -> (2^n).[m] = false.
+ intros.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 n); [|now rewrite pow_neg_r, bits_0].
+ destruct (le_gt_cases n m).
+ rewrite <- (mul_1_l (2^n)), mul_pow2_bits; trivial.
+ rewrite <- (succ_pred (m-n)), <- div2_bits.
+ now rewrite div_small, bits_0 by (split; order').
+ rewrite <- lt_succ_r, succ_pred, lt_0_sub. order.
+ rewrite <- (mul_1_l (2^n)), mul_pow2_bits_low; trivial.
+Lemma pow2_bits_eqb : forall n m, 0<=n -> (2^n).[m] = eqb n m.
+ intros n m Hn. apply eq_true_iff_eq. rewrite eqb_eq. split.
+ destruct (eq_decidable n m) as [H|H]. trivial.
+ now rewrite (pow2_bits_false _ _ H).
+ intros EQ. rewrite EQ. apply pow2_bits_true; order.
+Lemma setbit_eqb : forall a n m, 0<=n ->
+ (setbit a n).[m] = eqb n m || a.[m].
+ intros. now rewrite setbit_spec', lor_spec, pow2_bits_eqb, orb_comm.
+Lemma setbit_iff : forall a n m, 0<=n ->
+ ((setbit a n).[m] = true <-> n==m \/ a.[m] = true).
+ intros. now rewrite setbit_eqb, orb_true_iff, eqb_eq.
+Lemma setbit_eq : forall a n, 0<=n -> (setbit a n).[n] = true.
+ intros. apply setbit_iff; trivial. now left.
+Lemma setbit_neq : forall a n m, 0<=n -> n~=m ->
+ (setbit a n).[m] = a.[m].
+ intros a n m Hn H. rewrite setbit_eqb; trivial.
+ rewrite <- eqb_eq in H. apply not_true_is_false in H. now rewrite H.
+Lemma clearbit_eqb : forall a n m,
+ (clearbit a n).[m] = a.[m] && negb (eqb n m).
+ intros.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 m); [| now rewrite 2 testbit_neg_r].
+ rewrite clearbit_spec', ldiff_spec. f_equal. f_equal.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 n) as [Hn|Hn].
+ now apply pow2_bits_eqb.
+ symmetry. rewrite pow_neg_r, bits_0, <- not_true_iff_false, eqb_eq; order.
+Lemma clearbit_iff : forall a n m,
+ (clearbit a n).[m] = true <-> a.[m] = true /\ n~=m.
+ intros. rewrite clearbit_eqb, andb_true_iff, <- eqb_eq.
+ now rewrite negb_true_iff, not_true_iff_false.
+Lemma clearbit_eq : forall a n, (clearbit a n).[n] = false.
+ intros. rewrite clearbit_eqb, (proj2 (eqb_eq _ _) (eq_refl n)).
+ apply andb_false_r.
+Lemma clearbit_neq : forall a n m, n~=m ->
+ (clearbit a n).[m] = a.[m].
+ intros a n m H. rewrite clearbit_eqb.
+ rewrite <- eqb_eq in H. apply not_true_is_false in H. rewrite H.
+ apply andb_true_r.
+(** Shifts of bitwise operations *)
+Lemma shiftl_lxor : forall a b n,
+ (lxor a b) << n == lxor (a << n) (b << n).
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite !shiftl_spec, lxor_spec.
+Lemma shiftr_lxor : forall a b n,
+ (lxor a b) >> n == lxor (a >> n) (b >> n).
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite !shiftr_spec, lxor_spec.
+Lemma shiftl_land : forall a b n,
+ (land a b) << n == land (a << n) (b << n).
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite !shiftl_spec, land_spec.
+Lemma shiftr_land : forall a b n,
+ (land a b) >> n == land (a >> n) (b >> n).
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite !shiftr_spec, land_spec.
+Lemma shiftl_lor : forall a b n,
+ (lor a b) << n == lor (a << n) (b << n).
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite !shiftl_spec, lor_spec.
+Lemma shiftr_lor : forall a b n,
+ (lor a b) >> n == lor (a >> n) (b >> n).
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite !shiftr_spec, lor_spec.
+Lemma shiftl_ldiff : forall a b n,
+ (ldiff a b) << n == ldiff (a << n) (b << n).
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite !shiftl_spec, ldiff_spec.
+Lemma shiftr_ldiff : forall a b n,
+ (ldiff a b) >> n == ldiff (a >> n) (b >> n).
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite !shiftr_spec, ldiff_spec.
+(** For integers, we do have a binary complement function *)
+Definition lnot a := P (-a).
+Instance lnot_wd : Proper (eq==>eq) lnot.
+Proof. intros a a' Ha; unfold lnot; now rewrite Ha. Qed.
+Lemma lnot_spec : forall a n, 0<=n -> (lnot a).[n] = negb a.[n].
+ intros. unfold lnot. rewrite <- (opp_involutive a) at 2.
+ rewrite bits_opp, negb_involutive; trivial.
+Lemma lnot_involutive : forall a, lnot (lnot a) == a.
+ intros a. bitwise. now rewrite 2 lnot_spec, negb_involutive.
+Lemma lnot_0 : lnot 0 == -1.
+ unfold lnot. now rewrite opp_0, <- sub_1_r, sub_0_l.
+Lemma lnot_m1 : lnot (-1) == 0.
+ unfold lnot. now rewrite opp_involutive, one_succ, pred_succ.
+(** Complement and other operations *)
+Lemma lor_m1_r : forall a, lor a (-1) == -1.
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite bits_m1, orb_true_r.
+Lemma lor_m1_l : forall a, lor (-1) a == -1.
+ intros. now rewrite lor_comm, lor_m1_r.
+Lemma land_m1_r : forall a, land a (-1) == a.
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite bits_m1, andb_true_r.
+Lemma land_m1_l : forall a, land (-1) a == a.
+ intros. now rewrite land_comm, land_m1_r.
+Lemma ldiff_m1_r : forall a, ldiff a (-1) == 0.
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite bits_m1, andb_false_r.
+Lemma ldiff_m1_l : forall a, ldiff (-1) a == lnot a.
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite lnot_spec, bits_m1.
+Lemma lor_lnot_diag : forall a, lor a (lnot a) == -1.
+ intros a. bitwise. rewrite lnot_spec, bits_m1; trivial.
+ now destruct a.[m].
+Lemma add_lnot_diag : forall a, a + lnot a == -1.
+ intros a. unfold lnot.
+ now rewrite add_pred_r, add_opp_r, sub_diag, one_succ, opp_succ, opp_0.
+Lemma ldiff_land : forall a b, ldiff a b == land a (lnot b).
+ intros. bitwise. now rewrite lnot_spec.
+Lemma land_lnot_diag : forall a, land a (lnot a) == 0.
+ intros. now rewrite <- ldiff_land, ldiff_diag.
+Lemma lnot_lor : forall a b, lnot (lor a b) == land (lnot a) (lnot b).
+ intros a b. bitwise. now rewrite !lnot_spec, lor_spec, negb_orb.
+Lemma lnot_land : forall a b, lnot (land a b) == lor (lnot a) (lnot b).
+ intros a b. bitwise. now rewrite !lnot_spec, land_spec, negb_andb.
+Lemma lnot_ldiff : forall a b, lnot (ldiff a b) == lor (lnot a) b.
+ intros a b. bitwise.
+ now rewrite !lnot_spec, ldiff_spec, negb_andb, negb_involutive.
+Lemma lxor_lnot_lnot : forall a b, lxor (lnot a) (lnot b) == lxor a b.
+ intros a b. bitwise. now rewrite !lnot_spec, xorb_negb_negb.
+Lemma lnot_lxor_l : forall a b, lnot (lxor a b) == lxor (lnot a) b.
+ intros a b. bitwise. now rewrite !lnot_spec, !lxor_spec, negb_xorb_l.
+Lemma lnot_lxor_r : forall a b, lnot (lxor a b) == lxor a (lnot b).
+ intros a b. bitwise. now rewrite !lnot_spec, !lxor_spec, negb_xorb_r.
+Lemma lxor_m1_r : forall a, lxor a (-1) == lnot a.
+ intros. now rewrite <- (lxor_0_r (lnot a)), <- lnot_m1, lxor_lnot_lnot.
+Lemma lxor_m1_l : forall a, lxor (-1) a == lnot a.
+ intros. now rewrite lxor_comm, lxor_m1_r.
+Lemma lxor_lor : forall a b, land a b == 0 ->
+ lxor a b == lor a b.
+ intros a b H. bitwise.
+ assert (a.[m] && b.[m] = false)
+ by now rewrite <- land_spec, H, bits_0.
+ now destruct a.[m], b.[m].
+Lemma lnot_shiftr : forall a n, 0<=n -> lnot (a >> n) == (lnot a) >> n.
+ intros a n Hn. bitwise.
+ now rewrite lnot_spec, 2 shiftr_spec, lnot_spec by order_pos.
+(** [(ones n)] is [2^n-1], the number with [n] digits 1 *)
+Definition ones n := P (1<<n).
+Instance ones_wd : Proper (eq==>eq) ones.
+Proof. intros a a' Ha; unfold ones; now rewrite Ha. Qed.
+Lemma ones_equiv : forall n, ones n == P (2^n).
+ intros. unfold ones.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 n).
+ now rewrite shiftl_mul_pow2, mul_1_l.
+ apply pred_wd. rewrite pow_neg_r; trivial.
+ rewrite <- shiftr_opp_r. apply shiftr_eq_0_iff. right; split.
+ order'. rewrite log2_1. now apply opp_pos_neg.
+Lemma ones_add : forall n m, 0<=n -> 0<=m ->
+ ones (m+n) == 2^m * ones n + ones m.
+ intros n m Hn Hm. rewrite !ones_equiv.
+ rewrite <- !sub_1_r, mul_sub_distr_l, mul_1_r, <- pow_add_r by trivial.
+ rewrite add_sub_assoc, sub_add. reflexivity.
+Lemma ones_div_pow2 : forall n m, 0<=m<=n -> ones n / 2^m == ones (n-m).
+ intros n m (Hm,H). symmetry. apply div_unique with (ones m).
+ left. rewrite ones_equiv. split.
+ rewrite <- lt_succ_r, succ_pred. order_pos.
+ now rewrite <- le_succ_l, succ_pred.
+ rewrite <- (sub_add m n) at 1. rewrite (add_comm _ m).
+ apply ones_add; trivial. now apply le_0_sub.
+Lemma ones_mod_pow2 : forall n m, 0<=m<=n -> (ones n) mod (2^m) == ones m.
+ intros n m (Hm,H). symmetry. apply mod_unique with (ones (n-m)).
+ left. rewrite ones_equiv. split.
+ rewrite <- lt_succ_r, succ_pred. order_pos.
+ now rewrite <- le_succ_l, succ_pred.
+ rewrite <- (sub_add m n) at 1. rewrite (add_comm _ m).
+ apply ones_add; trivial. now apply le_0_sub.
+Lemma ones_spec_low : forall n m, 0<=m<n -> (ones n).[m] = true.
+ intros n m (Hm,H). apply testbit_true; trivial.
+ rewrite ones_div_pow2 by (split; order).
+ rewrite <- (pow_1_r 2). rewrite ones_mod_pow2.
+ rewrite ones_equiv. now nzsimpl'.
+ split. order'. apply le_add_le_sub_r. nzsimpl. now apply le_succ_l.
+Lemma ones_spec_high : forall n m, 0<=n<=m -> (ones n).[m] = false.
+ intros n m (Hn,H). apply le_lteq in Hn. destruct Hn as [Hn|Hn].
+ apply bits_above_log2; rewrite ones_equiv.
+ rewrite <-lt_succ_r, succ_pred; order_pos.
+ rewrite log2_pred_pow2; trivial. now rewrite <-le_succ_l, succ_pred.
+ rewrite ones_equiv. now rewrite <- Hn, pow_0_r, one_succ, pred_succ, bits_0.
+Lemma ones_spec_iff : forall n m, 0<=n ->
+ ((ones n).[m] = true <-> 0<=m<n).
+ intros n m Hn. split. intros H.
+ destruct (lt_ge_cases m 0) as [Hm|Hm].
+ now rewrite testbit_neg_r in H.
+ split; trivial. apply lt_nge. intro H'. rewrite ones_spec_high in H.
+ discriminate. now split.
+ apply ones_spec_low.
+Lemma lor_ones_low : forall a n, 0<=a -> log2 a < n ->
+ lor a (ones n) == ones n.
+ intros a n Ha H. bitwise. destruct (le_gt_cases n m).
+ rewrite ones_spec_high, bits_above_log2; try split; trivial.
+ now apply lt_le_trans with n.
+ apply le_trans with (log2 a); order_pos.
+ rewrite ones_spec_low, orb_true_r; try split; trivial.
+Lemma land_ones : forall a n, 0<=n -> land a (ones n) == a mod 2^n.
+ intros a n Hn. bitwise. destruct (le_gt_cases n m).
+ rewrite ones_spec_high, mod_pow2_bits_high, andb_false_r;
+ try split; trivial.
+ rewrite ones_spec_low, mod_pow2_bits_low, andb_true_r;
+ try split; trivial.
+Lemma land_ones_low : forall a n, 0<=a -> log2 a < n ->
+ land a (ones n) == a.
+ intros a n Ha H.
+ assert (Hn : 0<=n) by (generalize (log2_nonneg a); order).
+ rewrite land_ones; trivial. apply mod_small.
+ split; trivial.
+ apply log2_lt_cancel. now rewrite log2_pow2.
+Lemma ldiff_ones_r : forall a n, 0<=n ->
+ ldiff a (ones n) == (a >> n) << n.
+ intros a n Hn. bitwise. destruct (le_gt_cases n m).
+ rewrite ones_spec_high, shiftl_spec_high, shiftr_spec; trivial.
+ rewrite sub_add; trivial. apply andb_true_r.
+ now apply le_0_sub.
+ now split.
+ rewrite ones_spec_low, shiftl_spec_low, andb_false_r;
+ try split; trivial.
+Lemma ldiff_ones_r_low : forall a n, 0<=a -> log2 a < n ->
+ ldiff a (ones n) == 0.
+ intros a n Ha H. bitwise. destruct (le_gt_cases n m).
+ rewrite ones_spec_high, bits_above_log2; trivial.
+ now apply lt_le_trans with n.
+ split; trivial. now apply le_trans with (log2 a); order_pos.
+ rewrite ones_spec_low, andb_false_r; try split; trivial.
+Lemma ldiff_ones_l_low : forall a n, 0<=a -> log2 a < n ->
+ ldiff (ones n) a == lxor a (ones n).
+ intros a n Ha H. bitwise. destruct (le_gt_cases n m).
+ rewrite ones_spec_high, bits_above_log2; trivial.
+ now apply lt_le_trans with n.
+ split; trivial. now apply le_trans with (log2 a); order_pos.
+ rewrite ones_spec_low, xorb_true_r; try split; trivial.
+(** Bitwise operations and sign *)
+Lemma shiftl_nonneg : forall a n, 0 <= (a << n) <-> 0 <= a.
+ intros a n.
+ destruct (le_ge_cases 0 n) as [Hn|Hn].
+ (* 0<=n *)
+ rewrite 2 bits_iff_nonneg_ex. split; intros (k,Hk).
+ exists (k-n). intros m Hm.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 m); [|now rewrite testbit_neg_r].
+ rewrite <- (add_simpl_r m n), <- (shiftl_spec a n) by order_pos.
+ apply Hk. now apply lt_sub_lt_add_r.
+ exists (k+n). intros m Hm.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 m); [|now rewrite testbit_neg_r].
+ rewrite shiftl_spec by trivial. apply Hk. now apply lt_add_lt_sub_r.
+ (* n<=0*)
+ rewrite <- shiftr_opp_r, 2 bits_iff_nonneg_ex. split; intros (k,Hk).
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 k).
+ exists (k-n). intros m Hm. apply lt_sub_lt_add_r in Hm.
+ rewrite <- (add_simpl_r m n), <- add_opp_r, <- (shiftr_spec a (-n)).
+ now apply Hk. order.
+ assert (EQ : a >> (-n) == 0).
+ apply bits_inj'. intros m Hm. rewrite bits_0. apply Hk; order.
+ apply shiftr_eq_0_iff in EQ.
+ rewrite <- bits_iff_nonneg_ex. destruct EQ as [EQ|[LT _]]; order.
+ exists (k+n). intros m Hm.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 m); [|now rewrite testbit_neg_r].
+ rewrite shiftr_spec by trivial. apply Hk.
+ rewrite add_opp_r. now apply lt_add_lt_sub_r.
+Lemma shiftl_neg : forall a n, (a << n) < 0 <-> a < 0.
+ intros a n. now rewrite 2 lt_nge, shiftl_nonneg.
+Lemma shiftr_nonneg : forall a n, 0 <= (a >> n) <-> 0 <= a.
+ intros. rewrite <- shiftl_opp_r. apply shiftl_nonneg.
+Lemma shiftr_neg : forall a n, (a >> n) < 0 <-> a < 0.
+ intros a n. now rewrite 2 lt_nge, shiftr_nonneg.
+Lemma div2_nonneg : forall a, 0 <= div2 a <-> 0 <= a.
+ intros. rewrite div2_spec. apply shiftr_nonneg.
+Lemma div2_neg : forall a, div2 a < 0 <-> a < 0.
+ intros a. now rewrite 2 lt_nge, div2_nonneg.
+Lemma lor_nonneg : forall a b, 0 <= lor a b <-> 0<=a /\ 0<=b.
+ intros a b.
+ rewrite 3 bits_iff_nonneg_ex. split. intros (k,Hk).
+ split; exists k; intros m Hm; apply (orb_false_elim a.[m] b.[m]);
+ rewrite <- lor_spec; now apply Hk.
+ intros ((k,Hk),(k',Hk')).
+ destruct (le_ge_cases k k'); [ exists k' | exists k ];
+ intros m Hm; rewrite lor_spec, Hk, Hk'; trivial; order.
+Lemma lor_neg : forall a b, lor a b < 0 <-> a < 0 \/ b < 0.
+ intros a b. rewrite 3 lt_nge, lor_nonneg. split.
+ apply not_and. apply le_decidable.
+ now intros [H|H] (H',H'').
+Lemma lnot_nonneg : forall a, 0 <= lnot a <-> a < 0.
+ intros a; unfold lnot.
+ now rewrite <- opp_succ, opp_nonneg_nonpos, le_succ_l.
+Lemma lnot_neg : forall a, lnot a < 0 <-> 0 <= a.
+ intros a. now rewrite le_ngt, lt_nge, lnot_nonneg.
+Lemma land_nonneg : forall a b, 0 <= land a b <-> 0<=a \/ 0<=b.
+ intros a b.
+ now rewrite <- (lnot_involutive (land a b)), lnot_land, lnot_nonneg,
+ lor_neg, !lnot_neg.
+Lemma land_neg : forall a b, land a b < 0 <-> a < 0 /\ b < 0.
+ intros a b.
+ now rewrite <- (lnot_involutive (land a b)), lnot_land, lnot_neg,
+ lor_nonneg, !lnot_nonneg.
+Lemma ldiff_nonneg : forall a b, 0 <= ldiff a b <-> 0<=a \/ b<0.
+ intros. now rewrite ldiff_land, land_nonneg, lnot_nonneg.
+Lemma ldiff_neg : forall a b, ldiff a b < 0 <-> a<0 /\ 0<=b.
+ intros. now rewrite ldiff_land, land_neg, lnot_neg.
+Lemma lxor_nonneg : forall a b, 0 <= lxor a b <-> (0<=a <-> 0<=b).
+ assert (H : forall a b, 0<=a -> 0<=b -> 0<=lxor a b).
+ intros a b. rewrite 3 bits_iff_nonneg_ex. intros (k,Hk) (k', Hk').
+ destruct (le_ge_cases k k'); [ exists k' | exists k];
+ intros m Hm; rewrite lxor_spec, Hk, Hk'; trivial; order.
+ assert (H' : forall a b, 0<=a -> b<0 -> lxor a b<0).
+ intros a b. rewrite bits_iff_nonneg_ex, 2 bits_iff_neg_ex.
+ intros (k,Hk) (k', Hk').
+ destruct (le_ge_cases k k'); [ exists k' | exists k];
+ intros m Hm; rewrite lxor_spec, Hk, Hk'; trivial; order.
+ intros a b.
+ split.
+ intros Hab. split.
+ intros Ha. destruct (le_gt_cases 0 b) as [Hb|Hb]; trivial.
+ generalize (H' _ _ Ha Hb). order.
+ intros Hb. destruct (le_gt_cases 0 a) as [Ha|Ha]; trivial.
+ generalize (H' _ _ Hb Ha). rewrite lxor_comm. order.
+ intros E.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 a) as [Ha|Ha]. apply H; trivial. apply E; trivial.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 b) as [Hb|Hb]. apply H; trivial. apply E; trivial.
+ rewrite <- lxor_lnot_lnot. apply H; now apply lnot_nonneg.
+(** Bitwise operations and log2 *)
+Lemma log2_bits_unique : forall a n,
+ a.[n] = true ->
+ (forall m, n<m -> a.[m] = false) ->
+ log2 a == n.
+ intros a n H H'.
+ destruct (lt_trichotomy a 0) as [Ha|[Ha|Ha]].
+ (* a < 0 *)
+ destruct (proj1 (bits_iff_neg_ex a) Ha) as (k,Hk).
+ destruct (le_gt_cases n k).
+ specialize (Hk (S k) (lt_succ_diag_r _)).
+ rewrite H' in Hk. discriminate. apply lt_succ_r; order.
+ specialize (H' (S n) (lt_succ_diag_r _)).
+ rewrite Hk in H'. discriminate. apply lt_succ_r; order.
+ (* a = 0 *)
+ now rewrite Ha, bits_0 in H.
+ (* 0 < a *)
+ apply le_antisymm; apply le_ngt; intros LT.
+ specialize (H' _ LT). now rewrite bit_log2 in H'.
+ now rewrite bits_above_log2 in H by order.
+Lemma log2_shiftr : forall a n, 0<a -> log2 (a >> n) == max 0 (log2 a - n).
+ intros a n Ha.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 (log2 a - n));
+ [rewrite max_r | rewrite max_l]; try order.
+ apply log2_bits_unique.
+ now rewrite shiftr_spec, sub_add, bit_log2.
+ intros m Hm.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 m); [|now rewrite testbit_neg_r].
+ rewrite shiftr_spec; trivial. apply bits_above_log2; try order.
+ now apply lt_sub_lt_add_r.
+ rewrite lt_sub_lt_add_r, add_0_l in H.
+ apply log2_nonpos. apply le_lteq; right.
+ apply shiftr_eq_0_iff. right. now split.
+Lemma log2_shiftl : forall a n, 0<a -> 0<=n -> log2 (a << n) == log2 a + n.
+ intros a n Ha Hn.
+ rewrite shiftl_mul_pow2, add_comm by trivial.
+ now apply log2_mul_pow2.
+Lemma log2_shiftl' : forall a n, 0<a -> log2 (a << n) == max 0 (log2 a + n).
+ intros a n Ha.
+ rewrite <- shiftr_opp_r, log2_shiftr by trivial.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases 0 (log2 a + n));
+ [rewrite 2 max_r | rewrite 2 max_l]; rewrite ?sub_opp_r; try order.
+Lemma log2_lor : forall a b, 0<=a -> 0<=b ->
+ log2 (lor a b) == max (log2 a) (log2 b).
+ assert (AUX : forall a b, 0<=a -> a<=b -> log2 (lor a b) == log2 b).
+ intros a b Ha H.
+ apply le_lteq in Ha; destruct Ha as [Ha|Ha]; [|now rewrite <- Ha, lor_0_l].
+ apply log2_bits_unique.
+ now rewrite lor_spec, bit_log2, orb_true_r by order.
+ intros m Hm. assert (H' := log2_le_mono _ _ H).
+ now rewrite lor_spec, 2 bits_above_log2 by order.
+ (* main *)
+ intros a b Ha Hb. destruct (le_ge_cases a b) as [H|H].
+ rewrite max_r by now apply log2_le_mono.
+ now apply AUX.
+ rewrite max_l by now apply log2_le_mono.
+ rewrite lor_comm. now apply AUX.
+Lemma log2_land : forall a b, 0<=a -> 0<=b ->
+ log2 (land a b) <= min (log2 a) (log2 b).
+ assert (AUX : forall a b, 0<=a -> a<=b -> log2 (land a b) <= log2 a).
+ intros a b Ha Hb.
+ apply le_ngt. intros H'.
+ assert (LE : 0 <= land a b) by (apply land_nonneg; now left).
+ apply le_lteq in LE. destruct LE as [LT|EQ].
+ generalize (bit_log2 (land a b) LT).
+ now rewrite land_spec, bits_above_log2.
+ rewrite <- EQ in H'. apply log2_lt_cancel in H'; order.
+ (* main *)
+ intros a b Ha Hb.
+ destruct (le_ge_cases a b) as [H|H].
+ rewrite min_l by now apply log2_le_mono. now apply AUX.
+ rewrite min_r by now apply log2_le_mono. rewrite land_comm. now apply AUX.
+Lemma log2_lxor : forall a b, 0<=a -> 0<=b ->
+ log2 (lxor a b) <= max (log2 a) (log2 b).
+ assert (AUX : forall a b, 0<=a -> a<=b -> log2 (lxor a b) <= log2 b).
+ intros a b Ha Hb.
+ apply le_ngt. intros H'.
+ assert (LE : 0 <= lxor a b) by (apply lxor_nonneg; split; order).
+ apply le_lteq in LE. destruct LE as [LT|EQ].
+ generalize (bit_log2 (lxor a b) LT).
+ rewrite lxor_spec, 2 bits_above_log2; try order. discriminate.
+ apply le_lt_trans with (log2 b); trivial. now apply log2_le_mono.
+ rewrite <- EQ in H'. apply log2_lt_cancel in H'; order.
+ (* main *)
+ intros a b Ha Hb.
+ destruct (le_ge_cases a b) as [H|H].
+ rewrite max_r by now apply log2_le_mono. now apply AUX.
+ rewrite max_l by now apply log2_le_mono. rewrite lxor_comm. now apply AUX.
+(** Bitwise operations and arithmetical operations *)
+Local Notation xor3 a b c := (xorb (xorb a b) c).
+Local Notation lxor3 a b c := (lxor (lxor a b) c).
+Local Notation nextcarry a b c := ((a&&b) || (c && (a||b))).
+Local Notation lnextcarry a b c := (lor (land a b) (land c (lor a b))).
+Lemma add_bit0 : forall a b, (a+b).[0] = xorb a.[0] b.[0].
+ intros. now rewrite !bit0_odd, odd_add.
+Lemma add3_bit0 : forall a b c,
+ (a+b+c).[0] = xor3 a.[0] b.[0] c.[0].
+ intros. now rewrite !add_bit0.
+Lemma add3_bits_div2 : forall (a0 b0 c0 : bool),
+ (a0 + b0 + c0)/2 == nextcarry a0 b0 c0.
+ assert (H : 1+1 == 2) by now nzsimpl'.
+ intros [|] [|] [|]; simpl; rewrite ?add_0_l, ?add_0_r, ?H;
+ (apply div_same; order') || (apply div_small; split; order') || idtac.
+ symmetry. apply div_unique with 1. left; split; order'. now nzsimpl'.
+Lemma add_carry_div2 : forall a b (c0:bool),
+ (a + b + c0)/2 == a/2 + b/2 + nextcarry a.[0] b.[0] c0.
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- add3_bits_div2.
+ rewrite (add_comm ((a/2)+_)).
+ rewrite <- div_add by order'.
+ apply div_wd; try easy.
+ rewrite <- !div2_div, mul_comm, mul_add_distr_l.
+ rewrite (div2_odd a), <- bit0_odd at 1.
+ rewrite (div2_odd b), <- bit0_odd at 1.
+ rewrite add_shuffle1.
+ rewrite <-(add_assoc _ _ c0). apply add_comm.
+(** The main result concerning addition: we express the bits of the sum
+ in term of bits of [a] and [b] and of some carry stream which is also
+ recursively determined by another equation.
+Lemma add_carry_bits_aux : forall n, 0<=n ->
+ forall a b (c0:bool), -(2^n) <= a < 2^n -> -(2^n) <= b < 2^n ->
+ exists c,
+ a+b+c0 == lxor3 a b c /\ c/2 == lnextcarry a b c /\ c.[0] = c0.
+ intros n Hn. apply le_ind with (4:=Hn).
+ solve_predicate_wd.
+ (* base *)
+ intros a b c0. rewrite !pow_0_r, !one_succ, !lt_succ_r, <- !one_succ.
+ intros (Ha1,Ha2) (Hb1,Hb2).
+ apply le_lteq in Ha1; apply le_lteq in Hb1.
+ rewrite <- le_succ_l, succ_m1 in Ha1, Hb1.
+ destruct Ha1 as [Ha1|Ha1]; destruct Hb1 as [Hb1|Hb1].
+ (* base, a = 0, b = 0 *)
+ exists c0.
+ rewrite (le_antisymm _ _ Ha2 Ha1), (le_antisymm _ _ Hb2 Hb1).
+ rewrite !add_0_l, !lxor_0_l, !lor_0_r, !land_0_r, !lor_0_r.
+ rewrite b2z_div2, b2z_bit0; now repeat split.
+ (* base, a = 0, b = -1 *)
+ exists (-c0). rewrite <- Hb1, (le_antisymm _ _ Ha2 Ha1). repeat split.
+ rewrite add_0_l, lxor_0_l, lxor_m1_l.
+ unfold lnot. now rewrite opp_involutive, add_comm, add_opp_r, sub_1_r.
+ rewrite land_0_l, !lor_0_l, land_m1_r.
+ symmetry. apply div_unique with c0. left; destruct c0; simpl; split; order'.
+ now rewrite two_succ, mul_succ_l, mul_1_l, add_opp_r, sub_add.
+ rewrite bit0_odd, odd_opp; destruct c0; simpl; apply odd_1 || apply odd_0.
+ (* base, a = -1, b = 0 *)
+ exists (-c0). rewrite <- Ha1, (le_antisymm _ _ Hb2 Hb1). repeat split.
+ rewrite add_0_r, lxor_0_r, lxor_m1_l.
+ unfold lnot. now rewrite opp_involutive, add_comm, add_opp_r, sub_1_r.
+ rewrite land_0_r, lor_0_r, lor_0_l, land_m1_r.
+ symmetry. apply div_unique with c0. left; destruct c0; simpl; split; order'.
+ now rewrite two_succ, mul_succ_l, mul_1_l, add_opp_r, sub_add.
+ rewrite bit0_odd, odd_opp; destruct c0; simpl; apply odd_1 || apply odd_0.
+ (* base, a = -1, b = -1 *)
+ exists (c0 + 2*(-1)). rewrite <- Ha1, <- Hb1. repeat split.
+ rewrite lxor_m1_l, lnot_m1, lxor_0_l.
+ now rewrite two_succ, mul_succ_l, mul_1_l, add_comm, add_assoc.
+ rewrite land_m1_l, lor_m1_l.
+ apply add_b2z_double_div2.
+ apply add_b2z_double_bit0.
+ (* step *)
+ clear n Hn. intros n Hn IH a b c0 Ha Hb.
+ set (c1:=nextcarry a.[0] b.[0] c0).
+ destruct (IH (a/2) (b/2) c1) as (c & IH1 & IH2 & Hc); clear IH.
+ split.
+ apply div_le_lower_bound. order'. now rewrite mul_opp_r, <- pow_succ_r.
+ apply div_lt_upper_bound. order'. now rewrite <- pow_succ_r.
+ split.
+ apply div_le_lower_bound. order'. now rewrite mul_opp_r, <- pow_succ_r.
+ apply div_lt_upper_bound. order'. now rewrite <- pow_succ_r.
+ exists (c0 + 2*c). repeat split.
+ (* step, add *)
+ bitwise.
+ apply le_lteq in Hm. destruct Hm as [Hm|Hm].
+ rewrite <- (succ_pred m), lt_succ_r in Hm.
+ rewrite <- (succ_pred m), <- !div2_bits, <- 2 lxor_spec by trivial.
+ apply testbit_wd; try easy.
+ rewrite add_b2z_double_div2, <- IH1. apply add_carry_div2.
+ rewrite <- Hm.
+ now rewrite add_b2z_double_bit0, add3_bit0, b2z_bit0.
+ (* step, carry *)
+ rewrite add_b2z_double_div2.
+ bitwise.
+ apply le_lteq in Hm. destruct Hm as [Hm|Hm].
+ rewrite <- (succ_pred m), lt_succ_r in Hm.
+ rewrite <- (succ_pred m), <- !div2_bits, IH2 by trivial.
+ autorewrite with bitwise. now rewrite add_b2z_double_div2.
+ rewrite <- Hm.
+ now rewrite add_b2z_double_bit0.
+ (* step, carry0 *)
+ apply add_b2z_double_bit0.
+Lemma add_carry_bits : forall a b (c0:bool), exists c,
+ a+b+c0 == lxor3 a b c /\ c/2 == lnextcarry a b c /\ c.[0] = c0.
+ intros a b c0.
+ set (n := max (abs a) (abs b)).
+ apply (add_carry_bits_aux n).
+ (* positivity *)
+ unfold n.
+ destruct (le_ge_cases (abs a) (abs b));
+ [rewrite max_r|rewrite max_l]; order_pos'.
+ (* bound for a *)
+ assert (Ha : abs a < 2^n).
+ apply lt_le_trans with (2^(abs a)). apply pow_gt_lin_r; order_pos'.
+ apply pow_le_mono_r. order'. unfold n.
+ destruct (le_ge_cases (abs a) (abs b));
+ [rewrite max_r|rewrite max_l]; try order.
+ apply abs_lt in Ha. destruct Ha; split; order.
+ (* bound for b *)
+ assert (Hb : abs b < 2^n).
+ apply lt_le_trans with (2^(abs b)). apply pow_gt_lin_r; order_pos'.
+ apply pow_le_mono_r. order'. unfold n.
+ destruct (le_ge_cases (abs a) (abs b));
+ [rewrite max_r|rewrite max_l]; try order.
+ apply abs_lt in Hb. destruct Hb; split; order.
+(** Particular case : the second bit of an addition *)
+Lemma add_bit1 : forall a b,
+ (a+b).[1] = xor3 a.[1] b.[1] (a.[0] && b.[0]).
+ intros a b.
+ destruct (add_carry_bits a b false) as (c & EQ1 & EQ2 & Hc).
+ simpl in EQ1; rewrite add_0_r in EQ1. rewrite EQ1.
+ autorewrite with bitwise. f_equal.
+ rewrite one_succ, <- div2_bits, EQ2 by order.
+ autorewrite with bitwise.
+ rewrite Hc. simpl. apply orb_false_r.
+(** In an addition, there will be no carries iff there is
+ no common bits in the numbers to add *)
+Lemma nocarry_equiv : forall a b c,
+ c/2 == lnextcarry a b c -> c.[0] = false ->
+ (c == 0 <-> land a b == 0).
+ intros a b c H H'.
+ split. intros EQ; rewrite EQ in *.
+ rewrite div_0_l in H by order'.
+ symmetry in H. now apply lor_eq_0_l in H.
+ intros EQ. rewrite EQ, lor_0_l in H.
+ apply bits_inj'. intros n Hn. rewrite bits_0.
+ apply le_ind with (4:=Hn).
+ solve_predicate_wd.
+ trivial.
+ clear n Hn. intros n Hn IH.
+ rewrite <- div2_bits, H; trivial.
+ autorewrite with bitwise.
+ now rewrite IH.
+(** When there is no common bits, the addition is just a xor *)
+Lemma add_nocarry_lxor : forall a b, land a b == 0 ->
+ a+b == lxor a b.
+ intros a b H.
+ destruct (add_carry_bits a b false) as (c & EQ1 & EQ2 & Hc).
+ simpl in EQ1; rewrite add_0_r in EQ1. rewrite EQ1.
+ apply (nocarry_equiv a b c) in H; trivial.
+ rewrite H. now rewrite lxor_0_r.
+(** A null [ldiff] implies being smaller *)
+Lemma ldiff_le : forall a b, 0<=b -> ldiff a b == 0 -> 0 <= a <= b.
+ assert (AUX : forall n, 0<=n ->
+ forall a b, 0 <= a < 2^n -> 0<=b -> ldiff a b == 0 -> a <= b).
+ intros n Hn. apply le_ind with (4:=Hn); clear n Hn.
+ solve_predicate_wd.
+ intros a b Ha Hb _. rewrite pow_0_r, one_succ, lt_succ_r in Ha.
+ setoid_replace a with 0 by (destruct Ha; order'); trivial.
+ intros n Hn IH a b (Ha,Ha') Hb H.
+ assert (NEQ : 2 ~= 0) by order'.
+ rewrite (div_mod a 2 NEQ), (div_mod b 2 NEQ).
+ apply add_le_mono.
+ apply mul_le_mono_pos_l; try order'.
+ apply IH.
+ split. apply div_pos; order'.
+ apply div_lt_upper_bound; try order'. now rewrite <- pow_succ_r.
+ apply div_pos; order'.
+ rewrite <- (pow_1_r 2), <- 2 shiftr_div_pow2 by order'.
+ rewrite <- shiftr_ldiff, H, shiftr_div_pow2, pow_1_r, div_0_l; order'.
+ rewrite <- 2 bit0_mod.
+ apply bits_inj_iff in H. specialize (H 0).
+ rewrite ldiff_spec, bits_0 in H.
+ destruct a.[0], b.[0]; try discriminate; simpl; order'.
+ (* main *)
+ intros a b Hb Hd.
+ assert (Ha : 0<=a).
+ apply le_ngt; intros Ha'. apply (lt_irrefl 0). rewrite <- Hd at 1.
+ apply ldiff_neg. now split.
+ split; trivial. apply (AUX a); try split; trivial. apply pow_gt_lin_r; order'.
+(** Subtraction can be a ldiff when the opposite ldiff is null. *)
+Lemma sub_nocarry_ldiff : forall a b, ldiff b a == 0 ->
+ a-b == ldiff a b.
+ intros a b H.
+ apply add_cancel_r with b.
+ rewrite sub_add.
+ symmetry.
+ rewrite add_nocarry_lxor; trivial.
+ bitwise.
+ apply bits_inj_iff in H. specialize (H m).
+ rewrite ldiff_spec, bits_0 in H.
+ now destruct a.[m], b.[m].
+ apply land_ldiff.
+(** Adding numbers with no common bits cannot lead to a much bigger number *)
+Lemma add_nocarry_lt_pow2 : forall a b n, land a b == 0 ->
+ a < 2^n -> b < 2^n -> a+b < 2^n.
+ intros a b n H Ha Hb.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases a 0) as [Ha'|Ha'].
+ apply le_lt_trans with (0+b). now apply add_le_mono_r. now nzsimpl.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases b 0) as [Hb'|Hb'].
+ apply le_lt_trans with (a+0). now apply add_le_mono_l. now nzsimpl.
+ rewrite add_nocarry_lxor by order.
+ destruct (lt_ge_cases 0 (lxor a b)); [|apply le_lt_trans with 0; order_pos].
+ apply log2_lt_pow2; trivial.
+ apply log2_lt_pow2 in Ha; trivial.
+ apply log2_lt_pow2 in Hb; trivial.
+ apply le_lt_trans with (max (log2 a) (log2 b)).
+ apply log2_lxor; order.
+ destruct (le_ge_cases (log2 a) (log2 b));
+ [rewrite max_r|rewrite max_l]; order.
+Lemma add_nocarry_mod_lt_pow2 : forall a b n, 0<=n -> land a b == 0 ->
+ a mod 2^n + b mod 2^n < 2^n.
+ intros a b n Hn H.
+ apply add_nocarry_lt_pow2.
+ bitwise.
+ destruct (le_gt_cases n m).
+ rewrite mod_pow2_bits_high; now split.
+ now rewrite !mod_pow2_bits_low, <- land_spec, H, bits_0.
+ apply mod_pos_bound; order_pos.
+ apply mod_pos_bound; order_pos.
+End ZBitsProp.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZDivEucl.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZDivEucl.v
index 070003972..c8fd29a54 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZDivEucl.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZDivEucl.v
@@ -575,6 +575,23 @@ Proof.
apply div_mod; order.
+(** Similarly, the following result doesn't always hold for negative
+ [b] and [c]. For instance [3 mod (-2*-2)) = 3] while
+ [3 mod (-2) + (-2)*((3/-2) mod -2) = -1].
+Lemma mod_mul_r : forall a b c, 0<b -> 0<c ->
+ a mod (b*c) == a mod b + b*((a/b) mod c).
+ intros a b c Hb Hc.
+ apply add_cancel_l with (b*c*(a/(b*c))).
+ rewrite <- div_mod by (apply neq_mul_0; split; order).
+ rewrite <- div_div by trivial.
+ rewrite add_assoc, add_shuffle0, <- mul_assoc, <- mul_add_distr_l.
+ rewrite <- div_mod by order.
+ apply div_mod; order.
(** A last inequality: *)
Theorem div_mul_le:
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZDivFloor.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZDivFloor.v
index 5f52f046f..017f995cc 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZDivFloor.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZDivFloor.v
@@ -618,6 +618,23 @@ Proof.
apply div_mod; order.
+(** Similarly, the following result doesn't always hold for negative
+ [b] and [c]. For instance [3 mod (-2*-2)) = 3] while
+ [3 mod (-2) + (-2)*((3/-2) mod -2) = -1].
+Lemma rem_mul_r : forall a b c, 0<b -> 0<c ->
+ a mod (b*c) == a mod b + b*((a/b) mod c).
+ intros a b c Hb Hc.
+ apply add_cancel_l with (b*c*(a/(b*c))).
+ rewrite <- div_mod by (apply neq_mul_0; split; order).
+ rewrite <- div_div by trivial.
+ rewrite add_assoc, add_shuffle0, <- mul_assoc, <- mul_add_distr_l.
+ rewrite <- div_mod by order.
+ apply div_mod; order.
(** A last inequality: *)
Theorem div_mul_le:
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZDivTrunc.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZDivTrunc.v
index e33265762..09f9e023e 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZDivTrunc.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZDivTrunc.v
@@ -584,8 +584,7 @@ destruct (le_0_mul _ _ Hab) as [(Ha,Hb)|(Ha,Hb)];
setoid_replace b with 0 by order. rewrite rem_0_l by order. nzsimpl; order.
-(** Conversely, the following result needs less restrictions here. *)
+(** Conversely, the following results need less restrictions here. *)
Lemma quot_quot : forall a b c, b~=0 -> c~=0 ->
(a÷b)÷c == a÷(b*c).
@@ -605,6 +604,18 @@ apply opp_inj. rewrite <- 3 quot_opp_l; try order. apply Aux2; order.
rewrite <- neq_mul_0. tauto.
+Lemma mod_mul_r : forall a b c, b~=0 -> c~=0 ->
+ a rem (b*c) == a rem b + b*((a÷b) rem c).
+ intros a b c Hb Hc.
+ apply add_cancel_l with (b*c*(a÷(b*c))).
+ rewrite <- quot_rem by (apply neq_mul_0; split; order).
+ rewrite <- quot_quot by trivial.
+ rewrite add_assoc, add_shuffle0, <- mul_assoc, <- mul_add_distr_l.
+ rewrite <- quot_rem by order.
+ apply quot_rem; order.
(** A last inequality: *)
Theorem quot_mul_le:
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZGcd.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZGcd.v
index 6b1d4675e..8e128215d 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZGcd.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZGcd.v
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Proof.
now apply divide_abs_l.
-Lemma divide_1_r : forall n, (n | 1) -> n==1 \/ n==-(1).
+Lemma divide_1_r : forall n, (n | 1) -> n==1 \/ n==-1.
intros n (m,Hm). now apply eq_mul_1 with m.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZLcm.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZLcm.v
index 27bd5962c..bbf7d893a 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZLcm.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZLcm.v
@@ -43,6 +43,43 @@ Proof.
apply quot_rem. order.
+(** We can use the sign rule to have an relation between divisions. *)
+Lemma quot_div : forall a b, b~=0 ->
+ a÷b == (sgn a)*(sgn b)*(abs a / abs b).
+ assert (AUX : forall a b, 0<b -> a÷b == (sgn a)*(sgn b)*(abs a / abs b)).
+ intros a b Hb. rewrite (sgn_pos b), (abs_eq b), mul_1_r by order.
+ destruct (lt_trichotomy 0 a) as [Ha|[Ha|Ha]].
+ rewrite sgn_pos, abs_eq, mul_1_l, quot_div_nonneg; order.
+ rewrite <- Ha, abs_0, sgn_0, quot_0_l, div_0_l, mul_0_l; order.
+ rewrite sgn_neg, abs_neq, mul_opp_l, mul_1_l, eq_opp_r, <-quot_opp_l
+ by order.
+ apply quot_div_nonneg; trivial. apply opp_nonneg_nonpos; order.
+ (* main *)
+ intros a b Hb.
+ apply neg_pos_cases in Hb. destruct Hb as [Hb|Hb]; [|now apply AUX].
+ rewrite <- (opp_involutive b) at 1. rewrite quot_opp_r.
+ rewrite AUX, abs_opp, sgn_opp, mul_opp_r, mul_opp_l, opp_involutive.
+ reflexivity.
+ now apply opp_pos_neg.
+ rewrite eq_opp_l, opp_0; order.
+Lemma rem_mod : forall a b, b~=0 ->
+ a rem b == (sgn a) * ((abs a) mod (abs b)).
+ intros a b Hb.
+ rewrite <- rem_abs_r by trivial.
+ assert (Hb' := proj2 (abs_pos b) Hb).
+ destruct (lt_trichotomy 0 a) as [Ha|[Ha|Ha]].
+ rewrite (abs_eq a), sgn_pos, mul_1_l, rem_mod_nonneg; order.
+ rewrite <- Ha, abs_0, sgn_0, mod_0_l, rem_0_l, mul_0_l; order.
+ rewrite sgn_neg, (abs_neq a), mul_opp_l, mul_1_l, eq_opp_r, <-rem_opp_l
+ by order.
+ apply rem_mod_nonneg; trivial. apply opp_nonneg_nonpos; order.
(** Modulo and remainder are null at the same place,
and this correspond to the divisibility relation. *)
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZLt.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZLt.v
index 23eac0e69..5431b4a10 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZLt.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZLt.v
@@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ Proof.
intro; apply lt_neq; apply lt_pred_l.
-Theorem lt_n1_r : forall n m, n < m -> m < 0 -> n < -(1).
+Theorem lt_m1_r : forall n m, n < m -> m < 0 -> n < -1.
intros n m H1 H2. apply -> lt_le_pred in H2.
-setoid_replace (P 0) with (-(1)) in H2. now apply lt_le_trans with m.
+setoid_replace (P 0) with (-1) in H2. now apply lt_le_trans with m.
apply <- eq_opp_r. now rewrite one_succ, opp_pred, opp_0.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZMulOrder.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZMulOrder.v
index 1010a0f2f..4c0a9a2ca 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZMulOrder.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZMulOrder.v
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ Require Export ZAddOrder.
Module Type ZMulOrderProp (Import Z : ZAxiomsMiniSig').
Include ZAddOrderProp Z.
-Local Notation "- 1" := (-(1)).
Theorem mul_lt_mono_nonpos :
forall n m p q, m <= 0 -> n < m -> q <= 0 -> p < q -> m * q < n * p.
@@ -135,18 +133,18 @@ now apply lt_1_l with (- m).
-Theorem lt_mul_n1_neg : forall n m, 1 < n -> m < 0 -> n * m < -1.
+Theorem lt_mul_m1_neg : forall n m, 1 < n -> m < 0 -> n * m < -1.
intros n m H1 H2. apply -> (mul_lt_mono_neg_r m) in H1.
-rewrite mul_1_l in H1. now apply lt_n1_r with m.
+rewrite mul_1_l in H1. now apply lt_m1_r with m.
-Theorem lt_mul_n1_pos : forall n m, n < -1 -> 0 < m -> n * m < -1.
+Theorem lt_mul_m1_pos : forall n m, n < -1 -> 0 < m -> n * m < -1.
intros n m H1 H2. apply -> (mul_lt_mono_pos_r m) in H1.
rewrite mul_opp_l, mul_1_l in H1.
-apply <- opp_neg_pos in H2. now apply lt_n1_r with (- m).
+apply <- opp_neg_pos in H2. now apply lt_m1_r with (- m).
@@ -154,18 +152,18 @@ Theorem lt_1_mul_l : forall n m, 1 < n ->
n * m < -1 \/ n * m == 0 \/ 1 < n * m.
intros n m H; destruct (lt_trichotomy m 0) as [H1 | [H1 | H1]].
-left. now apply lt_mul_n1_neg.
+left. now apply lt_mul_m1_neg.
right; left; now rewrite H1, mul_0_r.
right; right; now apply lt_1_mul_pos.
-Theorem lt_n1_mul_r : forall n m, n < -1 ->
+Theorem lt_m1_mul_r : forall n m, n < -1 ->
n * m < -1 \/ n * m == 0 \/ 1 < n * m.
intros n m H; destruct (lt_trichotomy m 0) as [H1 | [H1 | H1]].
right; right. now apply lt_1_mul_neg.
right; left; now rewrite H1, mul_0_r.
-left. now apply lt_mul_n1_pos.
+left. now apply lt_mul_m1_pos.
Theorem eq_mul_1 : forall n m, n * m == 1 -> n == 1 \/ n == -1.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZParity.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZParity.v
index 4c752043c..5c7e9eb14 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZParity.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZParity.v
@@ -6,167 +6,23 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-Require Import Bool ZMulOrder.
+Require Import Bool ZMulOrder NZParity.
-(** Properties of [even] and [odd]. *)
-(** NB: most parts of [NParity] and [ZParity] are common,
- but it is difficult to share them in NZ, since
- initial proofs [Even_or_Odd] and [Even_Odd_False] must
- be proved differently *)
+(** Some more properties of [even] and [odd]. *)
Module Type ZParityProp (Import Z : ZAxiomsSig')
(Import ZP : ZMulOrderProp Z).
-Instance Even_wd : Proper (eq==>iff) Even.
-Proof. unfold Even. solve_predicate_wd. Qed.
-Instance Odd_wd : Proper (eq==>iff) Odd.
-Proof. unfold Odd. solve_predicate_wd. Qed.
-Instance even_wd : Proper (eq==>Logic.eq) even.
- intros x x' EQ. rewrite eq_iff_eq_true, 2 even_spec. now apply Even_wd.
-Instance odd_wd : Proper (eq==>Logic.eq) odd.
- intros x x' EQ. rewrite eq_iff_eq_true, 2 odd_spec. now apply Odd_wd.
-Lemma Even_or_Odd : forall x, Even x \/ Odd x.
- nzinduct x.
- left. exists 0. now nzsimpl.
- intros x.
- split; intros [(y,H)|(y,H)].
- right. exists y. rewrite H. now nzsimpl.
- left. exists (S y). rewrite H. now nzsimpl'.
- right. exists (P y). rewrite <- succ_inj_wd. rewrite H.
- nzsimpl'. now rewrite <- add_succ_l, <- add_succ_r, succ_pred.
- left. exists y. rewrite <- succ_inj_wd. rewrite H. now nzsimpl.
-Lemma double_below : forall n m, n<=m -> 2*n < 2*m+1.
- intros. nzsimpl'. apply lt_succ_r. now apply add_le_mono.
-Lemma double_above : forall n m, n<m -> 2*n+1 < 2*m.
- intros. nzsimpl'.
- rewrite <- le_succ_l, <- add_succ_l, <- add_succ_r.
- apply add_le_mono; now apply le_succ_l.
-Lemma Even_Odd_False : forall x, Even x -> Odd x -> False.
-intros x (y,E) (z,O). rewrite O in E; clear O.
-destruct (le_gt_cases y z) as [LE|GT].
-generalize (double_below _ _ LE); order.
-generalize (double_above _ _ GT); order.
-Lemma orb_even_odd : forall n, orb (even n) (odd n) = true.
- intros.
- destruct (Even_or_Odd n) as [H|H].
- rewrite <- even_spec in H. now rewrite H.
- rewrite <- odd_spec in H. now rewrite H, orb_true_r.
-Lemma negb_odd_even : forall n, negb (odd n) = even n.
- intros.
- generalize (Even_or_Odd n) (Even_Odd_False n).
- rewrite <- even_spec, <- odd_spec.
- destruct (odd n), (even n); simpl; intuition.
-Lemma negb_even_odd : forall n, negb (even n) = odd n.
- intros. rewrite <- negb_odd_even. apply negb_involutive.
-Lemma even_0 : even 0 = true.
- rewrite even_spec. exists 0. now nzsimpl.
-Lemma odd_1 : odd 1 = true.
- rewrite odd_spec. exists 0. now nzsimpl'.
-Lemma Odd_succ_Even : forall n, Odd (S n) <-> Even n.
- split; intros (m,H).
- exists m. apply succ_inj. now rewrite add_1_r in H.
- exists m. rewrite add_1_r. now apply succ_wd.
-Lemma odd_succ_even : forall n, odd (S n) = even n.
- intros. apply eq_iff_eq_true. rewrite even_spec, odd_spec.
- apply Odd_succ_Even.
-Lemma even_succ_odd : forall n, even (S n) = odd n.
- intros. now rewrite <- negb_odd_even, odd_succ_even, negb_even_odd.
-Lemma Even_succ_Odd : forall n, Even (S n) <-> Odd n.
- intros. now rewrite <- even_spec, even_succ_odd, odd_spec.
-Lemma odd_pred_even : forall n, odd (P n) = even n.
- intros. rewrite <- (succ_pred n) at 2. symmetry. apply even_succ_odd.
-Lemma even_pred_odd : forall n, even (P n) = odd n.
- intros. rewrite <- (succ_pred n) at 2. symmetry. apply odd_succ_even.
-Lemma even_add : forall n m, even (n+m) = Bool.eqb (even n) (even m).
- intros.
- case_eq (even n); case_eq (even m);
- rewrite <- ?negb_true_iff, ?negb_even_odd, ?odd_spec, ?even_spec;
- intros (m',Hm) (n',Hn).
- exists (n'+m'). now rewrite mul_add_distr_l, Hn, Hm.
- exists (n'+m'). now rewrite mul_add_distr_l, Hn, Hm, add_assoc.
- exists (n'+m'). now rewrite mul_add_distr_l, Hn, Hm, add_shuffle0.
- exists (n'+m'+1). rewrite Hm,Hn. nzsimpl'. now rewrite add_shuffle1.
-Lemma odd_add : forall n m, odd (n+m) = xorb (odd n) (odd m).
- intros. rewrite <- !negb_even_odd. rewrite even_add.
- now destruct (even n), (even m).
+Include NZParityProp Z Z ZP.
-Lemma even_mul : forall n m, even (mul n m) = even n || even m.
+Lemma odd_pred : forall n, odd (P n) = even n.
- intros.
- case_eq (even n); simpl; rewrite ?even_spec.
- intros (n',Hn). exists (n'*m). now rewrite Hn, mul_assoc.
- case_eq (even m); simpl; rewrite ?even_spec.
- intros (m',Hm). exists (n*m'). now rewrite Hm, !mul_assoc, (mul_comm 2).
- (* odd / odd *)
- rewrite <- !negb_true_iff, !negb_even_odd, !odd_spec.
- intros (m',Hm) (n',Hn). exists (n'*2*m' +n'+m').
- rewrite Hn,Hm, !mul_add_distr_l, !mul_add_distr_r, !mul_1_l, !mul_1_r.
- now rewrite add_shuffle1, add_assoc, !mul_assoc.
+ intros. rewrite <- (succ_pred n) at 2. symmetry. apply even_succ.
-Lemma odd_mul : forall n m, odd (mul n m) = odd n && odd m.
+Lemma even_pred : forall n, even (P n) = odd n.
- intros. rewrite <- !negb_even_odd. rewrite even_mul.
- now destruct (even n), (even m).
+ intros. rewrite <- (succ_pred n) at 2. symmetry. apply odd_succ.
Lemma even_opp : forall n, even (-n) = even n.
@@ -180,7 +36,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma odd_opp : forall n, odd (-n) = odd n.
- intros. rewrite <- !negb_even_odd. now rewrite even_opp.
+ intros. rewrite <- !negb_even. now rewrite even_opp.
Lemma even_sub : forall n m, even (n-m) = Bool.eqb (even n) (even m).
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZPow.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZPow.v
index 8ea012250..682c680cc 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZPow.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZPow.v
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma odd_pow : forall a b, 0<b -> odd (a^b) = odd a.
- intros. now rewrite <- !negb_even_odd, even_pow.
+ intros. now rewrite <- !negb_even, even_pow.
(** Properties of power of negative numbers *)
@@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite <- EQ'. nzsimpl.
destruct (le_gt_cases 0 b).
apply pow_0_l.
- assert (b~=0) by
- (contradict H; now rewrite H, <-odd_spec, <-negb_even_odd, even_0).
+ assert (b~=0) by (contradict H; now rewrite H, <-odd_spec, odd_0).
now rewrite pow_neg_r.
rewrite abs_neq by order.
@@ -95,8 +94,7 @@ Proof.
destruct (sgn_spec a) as [(LT,EQ)|[(EQ',EQ)|(LT,EQ)]]; rewrite EQ.
apply sgn_pos. apply pow_pos_nonneg; trivial.
rewrite <- EQ'. rewrite pow_0_l. apply sgn_0.
- assert (b~=0) by
- (contradict H; now rewrite H, <-odd_spec, <-negb_even_odd, even_0).
+ assert (b~=0) by (contradict H; now rewrite H, <-odd_spec, odd_0).
apply sgn_neg.
rewrite <- (opp_involutive a). rewrite pow_opp_odd by trivial.
@@ -105,4 +103,22 @@ Proof.
now apply opp_pos_neg.
+Lemma abs_pow : forall a b, abs (a^b) == (abs a)^b.
+ intros a b.
+ destruct (Even_or_Odd b).
+ rewrite pow_even_abs by trivial.
+ apply abs_eq, pow_nonneg, abs_nonneg.
+ rewrite pow_odd_abs_sgn by trivial.
+ rewrite abs_mul.
+ destruct (lt_trichotomy 0 a) as [Ha|[Ha|Ha]].
+ rewrite (sgn_pos a), (abs_eq 1), mul_1_l by order'.
+ apply abs_eq, pow_nonneg, abs_nonneg.
+ rewrite <- Ha, sgn_0, abs_0, mul_0_l.
+ symmetry. apply pow_0_l'. intro Hb. rewrite Hb in H.
+ apply (Even_Odd_False 0); trivial. exists 0; now nzsimpl.
+ rewrite (sgn_neg a), abs_opp, (abs_eq 1), mul_1_l by order'.
+ apply abs_eq, pow_nonneg, abs_nonneg.
End ZPowProp.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZProperties.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZProperties.v
index d04443d9c..c04551960 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZProperties.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZProperties.v
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Require Export ZAxioms ZMaxMin ZSgnAbs ZParity ZPow ZDivTrunc ZDivFloor
- ZGcd ZLcm NZLog NZSqrt.
+ ZGcd ZLcm NZLog NZSqrt ZBits.
(** This functor summarizes all known facts about Z. *)
@@ -15,4 +15,5 @@ Module Type ZProp (Z:ZAxiomsSig) :=
ZMaxMinProp Z <+ ZSgnAbsProp Z <+ ZParityProp Z <+ ZPowProp Z
<+ NZSqrtProp Z Z <+ NZSqrtUpProp Z Z
<+ NZLog2Prop Z Z Z <+ NZLog2UpProp Z Z Z
- <+ ZDivProp Z <+ ZQuotProp Z <+ ZGcdProp Z <+ ZLcmProp Z.
+ <+ ZDivProp Z <+ ZQuotProp Z <+ ZGcdProp Z <+ ZLcmProp Z
+ <+ ZBitsProp Z.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZSgnAbs.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZSgnAbs.v
index 6d90bc0fd..b2f6cc84d 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZSgnAbs.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZSgnAbs.v
@@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ Module Type ZDecAxiomsSig' := ZAxiomsMiniSig' <+ HasCompare.
Module Type GenericSgn (Import Z : ZDecAxiomsSig')
(Import ZP : ZMulOrderProp Z) <: HasSgn Z.
Definition sgn n :=
- match compare 0 n with Eq => 0 | Lt => 1 | Gt => -(1) end.
+ match compare 0 n with Eq => 0 | Lt => 1 | Gt => -1 end.
Lemma sgn_null : forall n, n==0 -> sgn n == 0.
Proof. unfold sgn; intros. destruct (compare_spec 0 n); order. Qed.
Lemma sgn_pos : forall n, 0<n -> sgn n == 1.
Proof. unfold sgn; intros. destruct (compare_spec 0 n); order. Qed.
- Lemma sgn_neg : forall n, n<0 -> sgn n == -(1).
+ Lemma sgn_neg : forall n, n<0 -> sgn n == -1.
Proof. unfold sgn; intros. destruct (compare_spec 0 n); order. Qed.
End GenericSgn.
@@ -168,6 +168,28 @@ Proof.
rewrite EQn, EQ, opp_inj_wd, eq_opp_l, or_comm. apply abs_eq_or_opp.
+Lemma abs_lt : forall a b, abs a < b <-> -b < a < b.
+ intros a b.
+ destruct (abs_spec a) as [[LE EQ]|[LT EQ]]; rewrite EQ; clear EQ.
+ split; try split; try destruct 1; try order.
+ apply lt_le_trans with 0; trivial. apply opp_neg_pos; order.
+ rewrite opp_lt_mono, opp_involutive.
+ split; try split; try destruct 1; try order.
+ apply lt_le_trans with 0; trivial. apply opp_nonpos_nonneg; order.
+Lemma abs_le : forall a b, abs a <= b <-> -b <= a <= b.
+ intros a b.
+ destruct (abs_spec a) as [[LE EQ]|[LT EQ]]; rewrite EQ; clear EQ.
+ split; try split; try destruct 1; try order.
+ apply le_trans with 0; trivial. apply opp_nonpos_nonneg; order.
+ rewrite opp_le_mono, opp_involutive.
+ split; try split; try destruct 1; try order.
+ apply le_trans with 0. order. apply opp_nonpos_nonneg; order.
(** Triangular inequality *)
Lemma abs_triangle : forall n m, abs (n + m) <= abs n + abs m.
@@ -234,7 +256,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma sgn_spec : forall n,
0 < n /\ sgn n == 1 \/
0 == n /\ sgn n == 0 \/
- 0 > n /\ sgn n == -(1).
+ 0 > n /\ sgn n == -1.
intros n.
destruct_sgn n; [left|right;left|right;right]; auto with relations.
@@ -249,7 +271,7 @@ Lemma sgn_pos_iff : forall n, sgn n == 1 <-> 0<n.
split; try apply sgn_pos. destruct_sgn n; auto.
intros. elim (lt_neq 0 1); auto. apply lt_0_1.
- intros. elim (lt_neq (-(1)) 1); auto.
+ intros. elim (lt_neq (-1) 1); auto.
apply lt_trans with 0. rewrite opp_neg_pos. apply lt_0_1. apply lt_0_1.
@@ -257,16 +279,16 @@ Lemma sgn_null_iff : forall n, sgn n == 0 <-> n==0.
split; try apply sgn_null. destruct_sgn n; auto with relations.
intros. elim (lt_neq 0 1); auto with relations. apply lt_0_1.
- intros. elim (lt_neq (-(1)) 0); auto.
+ intros. elim (lt_neq (-1) 0); auto.
rewrite opp_neg_pos. apply lt_0_1.
-Lemma sgn_neg_iff : forall n, sgn n == -(1) <-> n<0.
+Lemma sgn_neg_iff : forall n, sgn n == -1 <-> n<0.
split; try apply sgn_neg. destruct_sgn n; auto with relations.
- intros. elim (lt_neq (-(1)) 1); auto with relations.
+ intros. elim (lt_neq (-1) 1); auto with relations.
apply lt_trans with 0. rewrite opp_neg_pos. apply lt_0_1. apply lt_0_1.
- intros. elim (lt_neq (-(1)) 0); auto with relations.
+ intros. elim (lt_neq (-1) 0); auto with relations.
rewrite opp_neg_pos. apply lt_0_1.