path: root/theories/Lists/List.v
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diff --git a/theories/Lists/List.v b/theories/Lists/List.v
index 71f8346d3..105340635 100644
--- a/theories/Lists/List.v
+++ b/theories/Lists/List.v
@@ -147,6 +147,14 @@ Section Facts.
unfold not in |- *; intros a H; inversion_clear H.
+ Lemma In_split : forall x (l:list A), In x l -> exists l1, exists l2, l = l1++x::l2.
+ Proof.
+ induction l; simpl; destruct 1.
+ subst a; auto.
+ exists (@nil A); exists l; auto.
+ destruct (IHl H) as (l1,(l2,H0)).
+ exists (a::l1); exists l2; simpl; f_equal; auto.
+ Qed.
(** Inversion *)
Theorem in_inv : forall (a b:A) (l:list A), In b (a :: l) -> a = b \/ In b l.
@@ -154,7 +162,6 @@ Section Facts.
intros a b l H; inversion_clear H; auto.
(** Decidability of [In] *)
Theorem In_dec :
(forall x y:A, {x = y} + {x <> y}) ->
@@ -753,6 +760,22 @@ Section ListOps.
apply Permutation_trans with (l' := y :: x :: l' ++ l); constructor.
apply Permutation_trans with (l' := x :: l ++ l'); auto.
+ Theorem Permutation_cons_app : forall (l l1 l2:list A) a,
+ Permutation l (l1 ++ l2) -> Permutation (a :: l) (l1 ++ a :: l2).
+ Proof.
+ intros l l1; revert l.
+ induction l1.
+ simpl.
+ intros; apply perm_skip; auto.
+ simpl; intros.
+ apply perm_trans with (a0::a::l1++l2).
+ apply perm_skip; auto.
+ apply perm_trans with (a::a0::l1++l2).
+ apply perm_swap; auto.
+ apply perm_skip; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Resolve Permutation_cons_app.
Theorem Permutation_length : forall (l l' : list A), Permutation l l' -> length l = length l'.
@@ -768,6 +791,108 @@ Section ListOps.
apply Permutation_app_swap.
+ Theorem Permutation_ind_bis :
+ forall P : list A -> list A -> Prop,
+ P (@nil A) (@nil A) ->
+ (forall x l l', Permutation l l' -> P l l' -> P (x :: l) (x :: l')) ->
+ (forall x y l l', Permutation l l' -> P l l' -> P (y :: x :: l) (x :: y :: l')) ->
+ (forall l l' l'', Permutation l l' -> P l l' -> Permutation l' l'' -> P l' l'' -> P l l'') ->
+ forall l l', Permutation l l' -> P l l'.
+ Proof.
+ intros P Hnil Hskip Hswap Htrans.
+ induction 1; auto.
+ apply Htrans with (x::y::l); auto.
+ apply Hswap; auto.
+ induction l; auto.
+ apply Hskip; auto.
+ apply Hskip; auto.
+ induction l; auto.
+ eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Ltac break_list l x l' H :=
+ destruct l as [|x l']; simpl in *;
+ injection H; intros; subst; clear H.
+ Theorem Permutation_app_inv : forall (l1 l2 l3 l4:list A) a,
+ Permutation (l1++a::l2) (l3++a::l4) -> Permutation (l1++l2) (l3 ++ l4).
+ Proof.
+ set (P:=fun l l' =>
+ forall a l1 l2 l3 l4, l=l1++a::l2 -> l'=l3++a::l4 -> Permutation (l1++l2) (l3++l4)).
+ cut (forall l l', Permutation l l' -> P l l').
+ intros; apply (H _ _ H0 a); auto.
+ intros; apply (Permutation_ind_bis P); unfold P; clear P; try clear H l l'; simpl; auto.
+ (* nil *)
+ intros; destruct l1; simpl in *; discriminate.
+ (* skip *)
+ intros x l l' H IH; intros.
+ break_list l1 b l1' H0; break_list l3 c l3' H1.
+ auto.
+ apply perm_trans with (l3'++c::l4); auto.
+ apply perm_trans with (l1'++a::l2); auto.
+ apply perm_skip.
+ apply (IH a l1' l2 l3' l4); auto.
+ (* swap *)
+ intros x y l l' Hp IH; intros.
+ break_list l1 b l1' H; break_list l3 c l3' H0.
+ auto.
+ break_list l3' b l3'' H.
+ auto.
+ apply perm_trans with (c::l3''++b::l4); auto.
+ break_list l1' c l1'' H1.
+ auto.
+ apply perm_trans with (b::l1''++c::l2); auto.
+ break_list l3' d l3'' H; break_list l1' e l1'' H1.
+ auto.
+ apply perm_trans with (e::a::l1''++l2); auto.
+ apply perm_trans with (e::l1''++a::l2); auto.
+ apply perm_trans with (d::a::l3''++l4); auto.
+ apply perm_trans with (d::l3''++a::l4); auto.
+ apply perm_trans with (e::d::l1''++l2); auto.
+ apply perm_skip; apply perm_skip.
+ apply (IH a l1'' l2 l3'' l4); auto.
+ (*trans*)
+ intros.
+ destruct (In_split a l') as (l'1,(l'2,H6)).
+ apply (Permutation_in a H).
+ subst l.
+ apply in_or_app; right; red; auto.
+ apply perm_trans with (l'1++l'2).
+ apply (H0 _ _ _ _ _ H3 H6).
+ apply (H2 _ _ _ _ _ H6 H4).
+ Qed.
+ Theorem Permutation_cons_inv :
+ forall l l' a, Permutation (a::l) (a::l') -> Permutation l l'.
+ Proof.
+ intros; exact (Permutation_app_inv (@nil _) l (@nil _) l' a H).
+ Qed.
+ Theorem Permutation_cons_app_inv :
+ forall l l1 l2 a, Permutation (a :: l) (l1 ++ a :: l2) -> Permutation l (l1 ++ l2).
+ Proof.
+ intros; exact (Permutation_app_inv (@nil _) l l1 l2 a H).
+ Qed.
+ Theorem Permutation_app_inv_l :
+ forall l l1 l2, Permutation (l ++ l1) (l ++ l2) -> Permutation l1 l2.
+ Proof.
+ induction l; simpl; auto.
+ intros.
+ apply IHl.
+ apply Permutation_cons_inv with a; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem Permutation_app_inv_r :
+ forall l l1 l2, Permutation (l1 ++ l) (l2 ++ l) -> Permutation l1 l2.
+ Proof.
+ induction l.
+ intros l1 l2; do 2 rewrite <- app_nil_end; auto.
+ intros.
+ apply IHl.
+ apply Permutation_app_inv with a; auto.
+ Qed.
End Permutation.
@@ -848,6 +973,13 @@ Section Map.
rewrite IHl; auto.
+ Hint Constructors Permutation.
+ Lemma Permutation_map :
+ forall l l', Permutation l l' -> Permutation (map l) (map l').
+ Proof.
+ induction 1; simpl; auto; eauto.
+ Qed.
(** [flat_map] *)
@@ -892,7 +1024,6 @@ Proof.
(** Left-to-right iterator on lists *)
@@ -1467,8 +1598,58 @@ Section ReDun.
| NoDup_nil : NoDup nil
| NoDup_cons : forall x l, ~ In x l -> NoDup l -> NoDup (x::l).
-End ReDun.
+ Lemma NoDup_remove_1 : forall l l' a, NoDup (l++a::l') -> NoDup (l++l').
+ Proof.
+ induction l; simpl.
+ inversion_clear 1; auto.
+ inversion_clear 1.
+ constructor.
+ swap H0.
+ apply in_or_app; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H); simpl; tauto.
+ apply IHl with a0; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma NoDup_remove_2 : forall l l' a, NoDup (l++a::l') -> ~In a (l++l').
+ Proof.
+ induction l; simpl.
+ inversion_clear 1; auto.
+ inversion_clear 1.
+ swap H0.
+ destruct H.
+ subst a0.
+ apply in_or_app; right; red; auto.
+ destruct (IHl _ _ H1); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma NoDup_Permutation : forall l l',
+ NoDup l -> NoDup l' -> (forall x, In x l <-> In x l') -> Permutation l l'.
+ Proof.
+ induction l.
+ destruct l'; simpl; intros.
+ apply perm_nil.
+ destruct (H1 a) as (_,H2); destruct H2; auto.
+ intros.
+ destruct (In_split a l') as (l'1,(l'2,H2)).
+ destruct (H1 a) as (H2,H3); simpl in *; auto.
+ subst l'.
+ apply Permutation_cons_app.
+ inversion_clear H.
+ apply IHl; auto.
+ apply NoDup_remove_1 with a; auto.
+ intro x; split; intros.
+ assert (In x (l'1++a::l'2)).
+ destruct (H1 x); simpl in *; auto.
+ apply in_or_app; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H4); auto.
+ destruct H5; auto.
+ subst x; destruct H2; auto.
+ assert (In x (l'1++a::l'2)).
+ apply in_or_app; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H); simpl; auto.
+ destruct (H1 x) as (_,H5); destruct H5; auto.
+ subst x.
+ destruct (NoDup_remove_2 _ _ _ H0 H).
+ Qed.
+End ReDun.