path: root/theories/Init/Logic.v
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1 files changed, 70 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Init/Logic.v b/theories/Init/Logic.v
index aace0f804..91ec84c42 100755
--- a/theories/Init/Logic.v
+++ b/theories/Init/Logic.v
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
Set Implicit Arguments.
V7only [Unset Implicit Arguments.].
+Require Notations.
Require Datatypes.
(** [True] is the always true proposition *)
@@ -22,8 +23,16 @@ Inductive False : Prop := .
(** [not A], written [~A], is the negation of [A] *)
Definition not := [A:Prop]A->False.
+Notation "~ x" := (not x).
Hints Unfold not : core.
+Inductive and [A,B:Prop] : Prop as "A /\ B" := conj : A -> B -> A /\ B.
+Notation "< P , Q > { p , q }" := (conj P Q p q) (P annot, at level 1).
Section Conjunction.
(** [and A B], written [A /\ B], is the conjunction of [A] and [B]
@@ -33,52 +42,47 @@ Section Conjunction.
[proj1] and [proj2] are first and second projections of a conjunction *)
- Inductive and [A,B:Prop] : Prop := conj : A -> B -> (and A B).
Variables A,B : Prop.
Theorem proj1 : (and A B) -> A.
- Induction 1; Trivial.
+ NewDestruct 1; Trivial.
Theorem proj2 : (and A B) -> B.
- Induction 1; Trivial.
+ NewDestruct 1; Trivial.
End Conjunction.
-Section Disjunction.
- (** [or A B], written [A \/ B], is the disjunction of [A] and [B] *)
+(** [or A B], written [A \/ B], is the disjunction of [A] and [B] *)
- Inductive or [A,B:Prop] : Prop :=
- or_introl : A -> (or A B)
- | or_intror : B -> (or A B).
+Inductive or [A,B:Prop] : Prop as "A \/ B":=
+ or_introl : A -> A \/ B
+ | or_intror : B -> A \/ B.
-End Disjunction.
+(** [iff A B], written [A <-> B], expresses the equivalence of [A] and [B] *)
-Section Equivalence.
- (** [iff A B], written [A <-> B], expresses the equivalence of [A] and [B] *)
+Definition iff := [A,B:Prop] (and (A->B) (B->A)).
- Definition iff := [P,Q:Prop] (and (P->Q) (Q->P)).
+Notation "A <-> B" := (iff A B).
+Section Equivalence.
-Theorem iff_refl : (a:Prop) (iff a a).
+Theorem iff_refl : (A:Prop) (iff A A).
Split; Auto.
-Theorem iff_trans : (a,b,c:Prop) (iff a b) -> (iff b c) -> (iff a c).
+Theorem iff_trans : (A,B,C:Prop) (iff A B) -> (iff B C) -> (iff A C).
- Intros a b c (H1,H2) (H3,H4); Split; Auto.
+ Intros A B C (H1,H2) (H3,H4); Split; Auto.
-Theorem iff_sym : (a,b:Prop) (iff a b) -> (iff b a).
+Theorem iff_sym : (A,B:Prop) (iff A B) -> (iff B A).
- Intros a b (H1,H2); Split; Auto.
+ Intros A B (H1,H2); Split; Auto.
End Equivalence.
@@ -87,6 +91,10 @@ End Equivalence.
denotes either [P] and [Q], or [~P] and [Q] *)
Definition IF := [P,Q,R:Prop] (or (and P Q) (and (not P) R)).
+Notation "'IF' c1 'then' c2 'else' c3" := (IF c1 c2 c3)
+ (at level 1, c1, c2, c3 at level 8)
+ V8only (at level 200).
Section First_order_quantifiers.
(** [(ex A P)], or simply [(EX x | P(x))], expresses the existence of an
@@ -110,20 +118,37 @@ Section First_order_quantifiers.
Definition all := [A:Type][P:A->Prop](x:A)(P x).
-End First_order_quantifiers.
+ Section universal_quantification.
-Section Equality.
+ Variable A : Type.
+ Variable P : A->Prop.
- (** [(eq A x y)], or simply [x=y], expresses the (Leibniz') equality
- of [x] and [y]. Both [x] and [y] must belong to the same type [A].
- The definition is inductive and states the reflexivity of the equality.
- The others properties (symmetry, transitivity, replacement of
- equals) are proved below *)
+ Theorem inst : (x:A)(all ? [x](P x))->(P x).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold all; Auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gen : (B:Prop)(f:(y:A)B->(P y))B->(all A P).
+ Proof.
+ Red; Auto.
+ Qed.
- Inductive eq [A:Type;x:A] : A->Prop
- := refl_equal : (eq A x x).
+ End universal_quantification.
-End Equality.
+End First_order_quantifiers.
+(** [(eq A x y)], or simply [x=y], expresses the (Leibniz') equality
+ of [x] and [y]. Both [x] and [y] must belong to the same type [A].
+ The definition is inductive and states the reflexivity of the equality.
+ The others properties (symmetry, transitivity, replacement of
+ equals) are proved below *)
+Inductive eq [A:Type;x:A] : (y:A)Prop as "x = y :> A"
+ := refl_equal : x = x :> A.
+Notation "x = y" := (eq ? x y).
+Notation "x <> y :> T" := ~ (!eq T x y).
+Notation "x <> y" := ~ x=y.
Hints Resolve I conj or_introl or_intror refl_equal : core v62.
Hints Resolve ex_intro ex_intro2 : core v62.
@@ -133,7 +158,7 @@ Section Logic_lemmas.
Theorem absurd : (A:Prop)(C:Prop) A -> (not A) -> C.
Unfold not; Intros A C h1 h2.
- Elim (h2 h1).
+ NewDestruct (h2 h1).
Section equality.
@@ -142,26 +167,26 @@ Section Logic_lemmas.
Variable x,y,z : A.
Theorem sym_eq : (eq ? x y) -> (eq ? y x).
- Proof.
- Induction 1; Trivial.
+ Proof.
+ NewDestruct 1; Trivial.
Opaque sym_eq.
Theorem trans_eq : (eq ? x y) -> (eq ? y z) -> (eq ? x z).
- Induction 2; Trivial.
+ NewDestruct 2; Trivial.
Opaque trans_eq.
Theorem f_equal : (eq ? x y) -> (eq ? (f x) (f y)).
- Induction 1; Trivial.
+ NewDestruct 1; Trivial.
Opaque f_equal.
Theorem sym_not_eq : (not (eq ? x y)) -> (not (eq ? y x)).
- Red; Intros h1 h2; Apply h1; Case h2; Trivial.
+ Red; Intros h1 h2; Apply h1; NewDestruct h2; Trivial.
Definition sym_equal := sym_eq.
@@ -176,34 +201,34 @@ Section Logic_lemmas.
Cut (identity A x y).
NewDestruct 1; Auto.
- Elim H; Auto.
+ NewDestruct H; Auto.
Definition eq_ind_r : (A:Type)(x:A)(P:A->Prop)(P x)->(y:A)(eq ? y x)->(P y).
- Intros A x P H y H0; Elim sym_eq with 1:= H0; Trivial.
+ Intros A x P H y H0; Elim sym_eq with 1:= H0; Assumption.
Definition eq_rec_r : (A:Type)(x:A)(P:A->Set)(P x)->(y:A)(eq ? y x)->(P y).
- Intros A x P H y H0; Elim sym_eq with 1:= H0; Trivial.
+ Intros A x P H y H0; Elim sym_eq with 1:= H0; Assumption.
Definition eq_rect_r : (A:Type)(x:A)(P:A->Type)(P x)->(y:A)(eq ? y x)->(P y).
- Intros A x P H y H0; Elim sym_eq with 1:= H0; Trivial.
+ Intros A x P H y H0; Elim sym_eq with 1:= H0; Assumption.
End Logic_lemmas.
Theorem f_equal2 : (A1,A2,B:Type)(f:A1->A2->B)(x1,y1:A1)(x2,y2:A2)
(eq ? x1 y1) -> (eq ? x2 y2) -> (eq ? (f x1 x2) (f y1 y2)).
- Induction 1; Induction 1; Trivial.
+ NewDestruct 1; NewDestruct 1; Reflexivity.
Theorem f_equal3 : (A1,A2,A3,B:Type)(f:A1->A2->A3->B)(x1,y1:A1)(x2,y2:A2)
(x3,y3:A3)(eq ? x1 y1) -> (eq ? x2 y2) -> (eq ? x3 y3)
-> (eq ? (f x1 x2 x3) (f y1 y2 y3)).
- Induction 1; Induction 1; Induction 1; Trivial.
+ NewDestruct 1; NewDestruct 1; NewDestruct 1; Reflexivity.
Theorem f_equal4 : (A1,A2,A3,A4,B:Type)(f:A1->A2->A3->A4->B)
@@ -211,7 +236,7 @@ Theorem f_equal4 : (A1,A2,A3,A4,B:Type)(f:A1->A2->A3->A4->B)
(eq ? x1 y1) -> (eq ? x2 y2) -> (eq ? x3 y3) -> (eq ? x4 y4)
-> (eq ? (f x1 x2 x3 x4) (f y1 y2 y3 y4)).
- Induction 1; Induction 1; Induction 1; Induction 1; Trivial.
+ NewDestruct 1; NewDestruct 1; NewDestruct 1; NewDestruct 1; Reflexivity.
Theorem f_equal5 : (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,B:Type)(f:A1->A2->A3->A4->A5->B)
@@ -219,7 +244,8 @@ Theorem f_equal5 : (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,B:Type)(f:A1->A2->A3->A4->A5->B)
(eq ? x1 y1) -> (eq ? x2 y2) -> (eq ? x3 y3) -> (eq ? x4 y4) -> (eq ? x5 y5)
-> (eq ? (f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) (f y1 y2 y3 y4 y5)).
- Induction 1; Induction 1; Induction 1; Induction 1; Induction 1; Trivial.
+ NewDestruct 1; NewDestruct 1; NewDestruct 1; NewDestruct 1; NewDestruct 1;
+ Reflexivity.
Hints Immediate sym_eq sym_not_eq : core v62.