path: root/theories/FSets/FSetInterface.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: FSetInterface.v,v 1.11 2006/03/10 10:49:48 letouzey Exp $ *)
+(** * Finite set library *)
+(** Set interfaces *)
+Require Export Bool.
+Require Export OrderedType.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Unset Strict Implicit.
+(** Compatibility of a boolean function with respect to an equality. *)
+Definition compat_bool (A:Set)(eqA: A->A->Prop)(f: A-> bool) :=
+ forall x y : A, eqA x y -> f x = f y.
+(** Compatibility of a predicate with respect to an equality. *)
+Definition compat_P (A:Set)(eqA: A->A->Prop)(P : A -> Prop) :=
+ forall x y : A, eqA x y -> P x -> P y.
+Hint Unfold compat_bool compat_P.
+(** * Non-dependent signature
+ Signature [S] presents sets as purely informative programs
+ together with axioms *)
+Module Type S.
+ Declare Module E : OrderedType.
+ Definition elt := E.t.
+ Parameter t : Set. (** the abstract type of sets *)
+ (** Logical predicates *)
+ Parameter In : elt -> t -> Prop.
+ Definition Equal s s' := forall a : elt, In a s <-> In a s'.
+ Definition Subset s s' := forall a : elt, In a s -> In a s'.
+ Definition Empty s := forall a : elt, ~ In a s.
+ Definition For_all (P : elt -> Prop) s := forall x, In x s -> P x.
+ Definition Exists (P : elt -> Prop) s := exists x, In x s /\ P x.
+ Notation "s [=] t" := (Equal s t) (at level 70, no associativity).
+ Notation "s [<=] t" := (Subset s t) (at level 70, no associativity).
+ Parameter empty : t.
+ (** The empty set. *)
+ Parameter is_empty : t -> bool.
+ (** Test whether a set is empty or not. *)
+ Parameter mem : elt -> t -> bool.
+ (** [mem x s] tests whether [x] belongs to the set [s]. *)
+ Parameter add : elt -> t -> t.
+ (** [add x s] returns a set containing all elements of [s],
+ plus [x]. If [x] was already in [s], [s] is returned unchanged. *)
+ Parameter singleton : elt -> t.
+ (** [singleton x] returns the one-element set containing only [x]. *)
+ Parameter remove : elt -> t -> t.
+ (** [remove x s] returns a set containing all elements of [s],
+ except [x]. If [x] was not in [s], [s] is returned unchanged. *)
+ Parameter union : t -> t -> t.
+ (** Set union. *)
+ Parameter inter : t -> t -> t.
+ (** Set intersection. *)
+ Parameter diff : t -> t -> t.
+ (** Set difference. *)
+ Definition eq : t -> t -> Prop := Equal.
+ Parameter lt : t -> t -> Prop.
+ Parameter compare : forall s s' : t, Compare lt eq s s'.
+ (** Total ordering between sets. Can be used as the ordering function
+ for doing sets of sets. *)
+ Parameter equal : t -> t -> bool.
+ (** [equal s1 s2] tests whether the sets [s1] and [s2] are
+ equal, that is, contain equal elements. *)
+ Parameter subset : t -> t -> bool.
+ (** [subset s1 s2] tests whether the set [s1] is a subset of
+ the set [s2]. *)
+ (** Coq comment: [iter] is useless in a purely functional world *)
+ (** iter: (elt -> unit) -> set -> unit. i*)
+ (** [iter f s] applies [f] in turn to all elements of [s].
+ The order in which the elements of [s] are presented to [f]
+ is unspecified. *)
+ Parameter fold : forall A : Set, (elt -> A -> A) -> t -> A -> A.
+ (** [fold f s a] computes [(f xN ... (f x2 (f x1 a))...)],
+ where [x1 ... xN] are the elements of [s], in increasing order. *)
+ Parameter for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool.
+ (** [for_all p s] checks if all elements of the set
+ satisfy the predicate [p]. *)
+ Parameter exists_ : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool.
+ (** [exists p s] checks if at least one element of
+ the set satisfies the predicate [p]. *)
+ Parameter filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t.
+ (** [filter p s] returns the set of all elements in [s]
+ that satisfy predicate [p]. *)
+ Parameter partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t.
+ (** [partition p s] returns a pair of sets [(s1, s2)], where
+ [s1] is the set of all the elements of [s] that satisfy the
+ predicate [p], and [s2] is the set of all the elements of
+ [s] that do not satisfy [p]. *)
+ Parameter cardinal : t -> nat.
+ (** Return the number of elements of a set. *)
+ (** Coq comment: nat instead of int ... *)
+ Parameter elements : t -> list elt.
+ (** Return the list of all elements of the given set.
+ The returned list is sorted in increasing order with respect
+ to the ordering [Ord.compare], where [Ord] is the argument
+ given to {!Set.Make}. *)
+ Parameter min_elt : t -> option elt.
+ (** Return the smallest element of the given set
+ (with respect to the [Ord.compare] ordering), or raise
+ [Not_found] if the set is empty. *)
+ (** Coq comment: [Not_found] is represented by the option type *)
+ Parameter max_elt : t -> option elt.
+ (** Same as {!Set.S.min_elt}, but returns the largest element of the
+ given set. *)
+ (** Coq comment: [Not_found] is represented by the option type *)
+ Parameter choose : t -> option elt.
+ (** Return one element of the given set, or raise [Not_found] if
+ the set is empty. Which element is chosen is unspecified,
+ but equal elements will be chosen for equal sets. *)
+ (** Coq comment: [Not_found] is represented by the option type *)
+ Section Spec.
+ Variable s s' s'' : t.
+ Variable x y z : elt.
+ (** Specification of [In] *)
+ Parameter In_1 : E.eq x y -> In x s -> In y s.
+ (** Specification of [eq] *)
+ Parameter eq_refl : eq s s.
+ Parameter eq_sym : eq s s' -> eq s' s.
+ Parameter eq_trans : eq s s' -> eq s' s'' -> eq s s''.
+ (** Specification of [lt] *)
+ Parameter lt_trans : lt s s' -> lt s' s'' -> lt s s''.
+ Parameter lt_not_eq : lt s s' -> ~ eq s s'.
+ (** Specification of [mem] *)
+ Parameter mem_1 : In x s -> mem x s = true.
+ Parameter mem_2 : mem x s = true -> In x s.
+ (** Specification of [equal] *)
+ Parameter equal_1 : s[=]s' -> equal s s' = true.
+ Parameter equal_2 : equal s s' = true ->s[=]s'.
+ (** Specification of [subset] *)
+ Parameter subset_1 : s[<=]s' -> subset s s' = true.
+ Parameter subset_2 : subset s s' = true -> s[<=]s'.
+ (** Specification of [empty] *)
+ Parameter empty_1 : Empty empty.
+ (** Specification of [is_empty] *)
+ Parameter is_empty_1 : Empty s -> is_empty s = true.
+ Parameter is_empty_2 : is_empty s = true -> Empty s.
+ (** Specification of [add] *)
+ Parameter add_1 : E.eq x y -> In y (add x s).
+ Parameter add_2 : In y s -> In y (add x s).
+ Parameter add_3 : ~ E.eq x y -> In y (add x s) -> In y s.
+ (** Specification of [remove] *)
+ Parameter remove_1 : E.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x s).
+ Parameter remove_2 : ~ E.eq x y -> In y s -> In y (remove x s).
+ Parameter remove_3 : In y (remove x s) -> In y s.
+ (** Specification of [singleton] *)
+ Parameter singleton_1 : In y (singleton x) -> E.eq x y.
+ Parameter singleton_2 : E.eq x y -> In y (singleton x).
+ (** Specification of [union] *)
+ Parameter union_1 : In x (union s s') -> In x s \/ In x s'.
+ Parameter union_2 : In x s -> In x (union s s').
+ Parameter union_3 : In x s' -> In x (union s s').
+ (** Specification of [inter] *)
+ Parameter inter_1 : In x (inter s s') -> In x s.
+ Parameter inter_2 : In x (inter s s') -> In x s'.
+ Parameter inter_3 : In x s -> In x s' -> In x (inter s s').
+ (** Specification of [diff] *)
+ Parameter diff_1 : In x (diff s s') -> In x s.
+ Parameter diff_2 : In x (diff s s') -> ~ In x s'.
+ Parameter diff_3 : In x s -> ~ In x s' -> In x (diff s s').
+ (** Specification of [fold] *)
+ Parameter fold_1 : forall (A : Set) (i : A) (f : elt -> A -> A),
+ fold f s i = fold_left (fun a e => f e a) (elements s) i.
+ (** Specification of [cardinal] *)
+ Parameter cardinal_1 : cardinal s = length (elements s).
+ Section Filter.
+ Variable f : elt -> bool.
+ (** Specification of [filter] *)
+ Parameter filter_1 : compat_bool E.eq f -> In x (filter f s) -> In x s.
+ Parameter filter_2 : compat_bool E.eq f -> In x (filter f s) -> f x = true.
+ Parameter filter_3 :
+ compat_bool E.eq f -> In x s -> f x = true -> In x (filter f s).
+ (** Specification of [for_all] *)
+ Parameter for_all_1 :
+ compat_bool E.eq f ->
+ For_all (fun x => f x = true) s -> for_all f s = true.
+ Parameter for_all_2 :
+ compat_bool E.eq f ->
+ for_all f s = true -> For_all (fun x => f x = true) s.
+ (** Specification of [exists] *)
+ Parameter exists_1 :
+ compat_bool E.eq f ->
+ Exists (fun x => f x = true) s -> exists_ f s = true.
+ Parameter exists_2 :
+ compat_bool E.eq f ->
+ exists_ f s = true -> Exists (fun x => f x = true) s.
+ (** Specification of [partition] *)
+ Parameter partition_1 : compat_bool E.eq f ->
+ fst (partition f s) [=] filter f s.
+ Parameter partition_2 : compat_bool E.eq f ->
+ snd (partition f s) [=] filter (fun x => negb (f x)) s.
+ (** Specification of [elements] *)
+ Parameter elements_1 : In x s -> InA E.eq x (elements s).
+ Parameter elements_2 : InA E.eq x (elements s) -> In x s.
+ Parameter elements_3 : sort E.lt (elements s).
+ (** Specification of [min_elt] *)
+ Parameter min_elt_1 : min_elt s = Some x -> In x s.
+ Parameter min_elt_2 : min_elt s = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt y x.
+ Parameter min_elt_3 : min_elt s = None -> Empty s.
+ (** Specification of [max_elt] *)
+ Parameter max_elt_1 : max_elt s = Some x -> In x s.
+ Parameter max_elt_2 : max_elt s = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt x y.
+ Parameter max_elt_3 : max_elt s = None -> Empty s.
+ (** Specification of [choose] *)
+ Parameter choose_1 : choose s = Some x -> In x s.
+ Parameter choose_2 : choose s = None -> Empty s.
+(* Parameter choose_equal:
+ (equal s s')=true -> E.eq (choose s) (choose s'). *)
+ End Filter.
+ End Spec.
+ Hint Immediate In_1.
+ Hint Resolve mem_1 mem_2 equal_1 equal_2 subset_1 subset_2 empty_1
+ is_empty_1 is_empty_2 choose_1 choose_2 add_1 add_2 add_3 remove_1
+ remove_2 remove_3 singleton_1 singleton_2 union_1 union_2 union_3 inter_1
+ inter_2 inter_3 diff_1 diff_2 diff_3 filter_1 filter_2 filter_3 for_all_1
+ for_all_2 exists_1 exists_2 partition_1 partition_2 elements_1 elements_2
+ elements_3 min_elt_1 min_elt_2 min_elt_3 max_elt_1 max_elt_2 max_elt_3.
+End S.
+(** * Dependent signature
+ Signature [Sdep] presents sets using dependent types *)
+Module Type Sdep.
+ Declare Module E : OrderedType.
+ Definition elt := E.t.
+ Parameter t : Set.
+ Parameter In : elt -> t -> Prop.
+ Definition Equal s s' := forall a : elt, In a s <-> In a s'.
+ Definition Subset s s' := forall a : elt, In a s -> In a s'.
+ Definition Add x s s' := forall y, In y s' <-> E.eq x y \/ In y s.
+ Definition Empty s := forall a : elt, ~ In a s.
+ Definition For_all (P : elt -> Prop) s := forall x, In x s -> P x.
+ Definition Exists (P : elt -> Prop) s := exists x, In x s /\ P x.
+ Notation "s [=] t" := (Equal s t) (at level 70, no associativity).
+ Definition eq : t -> t -> Prop := Equal.
+ Parameter lt : t -> t -> Prop.
+ Parameter compare : forall s s' : t, Compare lt eq s s'.
+ Parameter eq_refl : forall s : t, eq s s.
+ Parameter eq_sym : forall s s' : t, eq s s' -> eq s' s.
+ Parameter eq_trans : forall s s' s'' : t, eq s s' -> eq s' s'' -> eq s s''.
+ Parameter lt_trans : forall s s' s'' : t, lt s s' -> lt s' s'' -> lt s s''.
+ Parameter lt_not_eq : forall s s' : t, lt s s' -> ~ eq s s'.
+ Parameter eq_In : forall (s : t) (x y : elt), E.eq x y -> In x s -> In y s.
+ Parameter empty : {s : t | Empty s}.
+ Parameter is_empty : forall s : t, {Empty s} + {~ Empty s}.
+ Parameter mem : forall (x : elt) (s : t), {In x s} + {~ In x s}.
+ Parameter add : forall (x : elt) (s : t), {s' : t | Add x s s'}.
+ Parameter
+ singleton : forall x : elt, {s : t | forall y : elt, In y s <-> E.eq x y}.
+ Parameter
+ remove :
+ forall (x : elt) (s : t),
+ {s' : t | forall y : elt, In y s' <-> ~ E.eq x y /\ In y s}.
+ Parameter
+ union :
+ forall s s' : t,
+ {s'' : t | forall x : elt, In x s'' <-> In x s \/ In x s'}.
+ Parameter
+ inter :
+ forall s s' : t,
+ {s'' : t | forall x : elt, In x s'' <-> In x s /\ In x s'}.
+ Parameter
+ diff :
+ forall s s' : t,
+ {s'' : t | forall x : elt, In x s'' <-> In x s /\ ~ In x s'}.
+ Parameter equal : forall s s' : t, {s[=]s'} + {~ s[=]s'}.
+ Parameter subset : forall s s' : t, {Subset s s'} + {~ Subset s s'}.
+ Parameter
+ filter :
+ forall (P : elt -> Prop) (Pdec : forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x})
+ (s : t),
+ {s' : t | compat_P E.eq P -> forall x : elt, In x s' <-> In x s /\ P x}.
+ Parameter
+ for_all :
+ forall (P : elt -> Prop) (Pdec : forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x})
+ (s : t),
+ {compat_P E.eq P -> For_all P s} + {compat_P E.eq P -> ~ For_all P s}.
+ Parameter
+ exists_ :
+ forall (P : elt -> Prop) (Pdec : forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x})
+ (s : t),
+ {compat_P E.eq P -> Exists P s} + {compat_P E.eq P -> ~ Exists P s}.
+ Parameter
+ partition :
+ forall (P : elt -> Prop) (Pdec : forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x})
+ (s : t),
+ {partition : t * t |
+ let (s1, s2) := partition in
+ compat_P E.eq P ->
+ For_all P s1 /\
+ For_all (fun x => ~ P x) s2 /\
+ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)}.
+ Parameter
+ elements :
+ forall s : t,
+ {l : list elt |
+ sort E.lt l /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> InA E.eq x l)}.
+ Parameter
+ fold :
+ forall (A : Set) (f : elt -> A -> A) (s : t) (i : A),
+ {r : A | let (l,_) := elements s in
+ r = fold_left (fun a e => f e a) l i}.
+ Parameter
+ cardinal :
+ forall s : t,
+ {r : nat | let (l,_) := elements s in r = length l }.
+ Parameter
+ min_elt :
+ forall s : t,
+ {x : elt | In x s /\ For_all (fun y => ~ E.lt y x) s} + {Empty s}.
+ Parameter
+ max_elt :
+ forall s : t,
+ {x : elt | In x s /\ For_all (fun y => ~ E.lt x y) s} + {Empty s}.
+ Parameter choose : forall s : t, {x : elt | In x s} + {Empty s}.
+End Sdep.