path: root/theories/FSets/FSetAVL.v
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
-(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-(** This module implements sets using AVL trees.
- It follows the implementation from Ocaml's standard library. *)
-Require FSetInterface.
-Require ZArith.
-Import Z_scope.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Set Ground Depth 3.
-Module Make [X : OrderedType] <: Sdep with Module E := X.
- Module E := X.
- Module ME := MoreOrderedType X.
- Definition elt := X.t.
- (** * Trees *)
- Inductive tree : Set :=
- | Leaf : tree
- | Node : tree -> X.t -> tree -> Z -> tree.
- (** * Occurrence in a tree *)
- Inductive In_tree [x:elt] : tree -> Prop :=
- | IsRoot : (l,r:tree)(h:Z)(y:elt)
- (X.eq x y) -> (In_tree x (Node l y r h))
- | InLeft : (l,r:tree)(h:Z)(y:elt)
- (In_tree x l) -> (In_tree x (Node l y r h))
- | InRight : (l,r:tree)(h:Z)(y:elt)
- (In_tree x r) -> (In_tree x (Node l y r h)).
- Hint In_tree := Constructors In_tree.
- (** [In_tree] is height-insensitive *)
- Lemma In_height : (h,h':Z)(x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)
- (In_tree y (Node l x r h)) -> (In_tree y (Node l x r h')).
- Proof.
- Inversion 1; Auto.
- Save.
- Hints Resolve In_height.
- (** * Binary search trees *)
- (** [lt_tree x s]: all elements in [s] are smaller than [x]
- (resp. greater for [gt_tree]) *)
- Definition lt_tree [x:elt; s:tree] := (y:elt)(In_tree y s) -> (X.lt y x).
- Definition gt_tree [x:elt; s:tree] := (y:elt)(In_tree y s) -> (X.lt x y).
- Hints Unfold lt_tree gt_tree.
- (** Results about [lt_tree] and [gt_tree] *)
- Lemma lt_leaf : (x:elt)(lt_tree x Leaf).
- Proof.
- Unfold lt_tree; Intros; Inversion H.
- Save.
- Lemma gt_leaf : (x:elt)(gt_tree x Leaf).
- Proof.
- Unfold gt_tree; Intros; Inversion H.
- Save.
- Lemma lt_tree_node : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (lt_tree x l) -> (lt_tree x r) -> (X.lt y x) ->
- (lt_tree x (Node l y r h)).
- Proof.
- Unfold lt_tree; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H2; Intuition.
- Apply ME.eq_lt with y; Auto.
- Save.
- Lemma gt_tree_node : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (gt_tree x l) -> (gt_tree x r) -> (E.lt x y) ->
- (gt_tree x (Node l y r h)).
- Proof.
- Unfold gt_tree; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H2; Intuition.
- Apply ME.lt_eq with y; Auto.
- Save.
- Hints Resolve lt_leaf gt_leaf lt_tree_node gt_tree_node.
- Lemma lt_node_lt : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (lt_tree x (Node l y r h)) -> (E.lt y x).
- Proof.
- Intros; Apply H; Auto.
- Save.
- Lemma gt_node_gt : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (gt_tree x (Node l y r h)) -> (E.lt x y).
- Proof.
- Intros; Apply H; Auto.
- Save.
- Lemma lt_left : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (lt_tree x (Node l y r h)) -> (lt_tree x l).
- Proof.
- Intros; Red; Intros; Apply H; Auto.
- Save.
- Lemma lt_right : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (lt_tree x (Node l y r h)) -> (lt_tree x r).
- Proof.
- Intros; Red; Intros; Apply H; Auto.
- Save.
- Lemma gt_left : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (gt_tree x (Node l y r h)) -> (gt_tree x l).
- Proof.
- Intros; Red; Intros; Apply H; Auto.
- Save.
- Lemma gt_right : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (gt_tree x (Node l y r h)) -> (gt_tree x r).
- Proof.
- Intros; Red; Intros; Apply H; Auto.
- Save.
- Hints Resolve lt_node_lt gt_node_gt
- lt_left lt_right gt_left gt_right.
- Lemma lt_tree_not_in :
- (x:elt)(t:tree)(lt_tree x t) -> ~(In_tree x t).
- Proof.
- Unfold lt_tree; Intros; Red; Intros.
- Generalize (H x H0); Intro; Absurd (X.lt x x); Auto.
- Save.
- Lemma lt_tree_trans :
- (x,y:elt)(X.lt x y) -> (t:tree)(lt_tree x t) -> (lt_tree y t).
- Proof.
- Unfold lt_tree; Ground EAuto.
- Save.
- Lemma gt_tree_not_in :
- (x:elt)(t:tree)(gt_tree x t) -> ~(In_tree x t).
- Proof.
- Unfold gt_tree; Intros; Red; Intros.
- Generalize (H x H0); Intro; Absurd (X.lt x x); Auto.
- Save.
- Lemma gt_tree_trans :
- (x,y:elt)(X.lt y x) -> (t:tree)(gt_tree x t) -> (gt_tree y t).
- Proof.
- Unfold gt_tree; Ground EAuto.
- Save.
- Hints Resolve lt_tree_not_in lt_tree_trans
- gt_tree_not_in gt_tree_trans.
- (** [bst t] : [t] is a binary search tree *)
- Inductive bst : tree -> Prop :=
- | BSLeaf :
- (bst Leaf)
- | BSNode : (x:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (bst l) -> (bst r) ->
- (lt_tree x l) -> (gt_tree x r) ->
- (bst (Node l x r h)).
- Hint bst := Constructors bst.
- (** Results about [bst] *)
- Lemma bst_left : (x:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (bst (Node l x r h)) -> (bst l).
- Proof.
- Intros x l r h H; Inversion H; Auto.
- Save.
- Lemma bst_right : (x:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (bst (Node l x r h)) -> (bst r).
- Proof.
- Intros x l r h H; Inversion H; Auto.
- Save.
- Implicits bst_left. Implicits bst_right.
- Hints Resolve bst_left bst_right.
- Lemma bst_height : (h,h':Z)(x:elt)(l,r:tree)
- (bst (Node l x r h)) -> (bst (Node l x r h')).
- Proof.
- Inversion 1; Auto.
- Save.
- Hints Resolve bst_height.
- (** Key fact about binary search trees: rotations preserve the
- [bst] property *)
- Lemma rotate_left : (x,y:elt)(a,b,c:tree)(h1,h2,h3,h4:Z)
- (bst (Node a x (Node b y c h2) h1)) ->
- (bst (Node (Node a x b h4) y c h3)).
- Proof.
- Intros; Inversion H; Intuition.
- Constructor; Intuition.
- Constructor; EAuto.
- EAuto.
- Apply lt_tree_node; Intuition.
- Apply lt_tree_trans with x; Auto.
- Inversion H5; Auto.
- Inversion H5; Auto.
- Save.
- Lemma rotate_right : (x,y:elt)(a,b,c:tree)(h1,h2,h3,h4:Z)
- (bst (Node (Node a x b h4) y c h3)) ->
- (bst (Node a x (Node b y c h2) h1)).
- Proof.
- Intros; Inversion H; Intuition.
- Constructor; Intuition.
- EAuto.
- Constructor; Auto.
- Inversion H4; Auto.
- Inversion H4; Auto.
- Apply gt_tree_node; Intuition.
- Inversion H4; Auto.
- Apply gt_tree_trans with y; Auto.
- EAuto.
- Save.
- Hints Resolve rotate_left rotate_right.
- (** * AVL trees *)
- (** [avl s] : [s] is a properly balanced AVL tree,
- i.e. for any node the heights of the two children
- differ by at most 2 *)
- Definition height : tree -> Z :=
- [s:tree]Cases s of
- | Leaf => 0
- | (Node _ _ _ h) => h end.
- Definition max [x,y:Z] : Z :=
- if (Z_lt_ge_dec x y) then [_]y else [_]x.
- Definition height_of_node [l,r:tree; h:Z] :=
- ((height l) >= (height r) /\ h = (height l) + 1) \/
- ((height r) >= (height l) /\ h = (height r) + 1).
- Inductive avl : tree -> Prop :=
- | RBLeaf :
- (avl Leaf)
- | RBNode : (x:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (avl l) -> (avl r) ->
- `-2 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 2` ->
- (height_of_node l r h) ->
- (avl (Node l x r h)).
- Hint avl := Constructors avl.
- (** Results about [avl] *)
- Lemma avl_left :
- (x:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (avl (Node l x r h)) -> (avl l).
- Proof.
- Intros x l r h H; Inversion_clear H; Intuition.
- Save.
- Lemma avl_right :
- (x:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
- (avl (Node l x r h)) -> (avl l).
- Proof.
- Intros x l r c H; Inversion_clear H; Intuition.
- Save.
- Implicits avl_left. Implicits avl_right.
- Hints Resolve avl_left avl_right.
- Tactic Definition MaxCase x y :=
- Unfold max; Case (Z_lt_ge_dec x y); Simpl.
- Lemma avl_node: (x:elt)(l,r:tree)
- (avl l) -> (avl r) ->
- `-2 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 2` ->
- (avl (Node l x r ((max (height l) (height r)) + 1))).
- Proof.
- Intros; Constructor; Unfold height_of_node;
- MaxCase '(height l) '(height r); Intuition.
- Save.
- Hints Resolve avl_node.
- Lemma height_non_negative :
- (s:tree)(avl s) -> (height s) >= 0.
- Proof.
- Induction s; Simpl; Intros.
- Omega.
- Inversion_clear H1; Unfold height_of_node in H5; Intuition.
- Save.
- Lemma height_equation :
- (l,r:tree)(x:elt)(h:Z)
- (avl (Node l x r h)) ->
- `-2 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 2` /\
- (((height l) >= (height r) /\ h = (height l) + 1) \/
- ((height r) >= (height l) /\ h = (height r) + 1)).
- Proof.
- Inversion 1; Intuition.
- Save.
- Implicits height_non_negative.
- Implicits height_equation.
- (** * Sets as AVL trees *)
- (** A set is implement as a record [t], containing a tree,
- a proof that it is a binary search tree and a proof that it is
- a properly balanced AVL tree *)
- Record t_ : Set := t_intro {
- the_tree :> tree;
- is_bst : (bst the_tree);
- is_avl : (avl the_tree) }.
- Definition t := t_.
- (** * Projections *)
- Lemma t_is_bst : (s:t)(bst s).
- Proof.
- Destruct s; Auto.
- Save.
- Hints Resolve t_is_bst.
- Lemma t_is_avl : (s:t)(avl s).
- Proof.
- Destruct s; Auto.
- Save.
- Hints Resolve t_is_avl.
- (** * Logical appartness *)
- Definition In : elt -> t -> Prop := [x:elt][s:t](In_tree x s).
- Definition Equal := [s,s'](a:elt)(In a s)<->(In a s').
- Definition Subset := [s,s'](a:elt)(In a s)->(In a s').
- Definition Add := [x:elt;s,s':t](y:elt)(In y s') <-> ((E.eq y x)\/(In y s)).
- Definition Empty := [s](a:elt)~(In a s).
- Definition For_all := [P:elt->Prop; s:t](x:elt)(In x s)->(P x).
- Definition Exists := [P:elt->Prop; s:t](EX x:elt | (In x s)/\(P x)).
- Lemma eq_In: (s:t)(x,y:elt)(E.eq x y) -> (In x s) -> (In y s).
- Proof.
- Unfold In; Destruct s; Simpl; Intuition Clear is_bst0 is_avl0.
- Induction the_tree0; Inversion_clear H0; Intuition.
- Apply IsRoot; EAuto.
- Save.
- Hints Resolve eq_In.
- (** * Empty set *)
- Definition t_empty : t.
- Proof.
- Exists Leaf; Auto.
- Defined.
- Definition empty : { s:t | (x:elt)~(In x s) }.
- Proof.
- Exists t_empty.
- Unfold In; Red; Intros.
- Inversion H.
- Defined.
- (** * Emptyness test *)
- Definition is_empty : (s:t){ Empty s }+{ ~(Empty s) }.
- Proof.
- Unfold Empty In; Destruct s; Destruct the_tree0; Simpl; Intros.
- Left; Auto.
- Right; Intuition.
- Apply (H t1); Auto.
- Defined.
- (** * Appartness *)
- (** The [mem] function is deciding appartness. It exploits the [bst] property
- to achieve logarithmic complexity. *)
- Definition mem : (x:elt) (s:t) { (In x s) } + { ~(In x s) }.
- Proof.
- Intros x (s,Hs,Ha).
- Unfold In; Simpl; Clear Ha.
- Generalize Hs; Elim s; Simpl; Intros.
- (* Leaf *)
- Right.
- Unfold In; Red; Intros; Inversion H.
- (* Node *)
- Elim (X.compare x t1); Intro.
- (* lt x t1 *)
- Case H; Intros.
- EAuto.
- Left; Auto.
- Right; Intro.
- Inversion H1; Intuition.
- Absurd (X.eq x t1); Auto.
- Inversion Hs0.
- Absurd (In_tree x t2); EAuto.
- (* eq x t1 *)
- Left; Auto.
- (* lt t1 x *)
- Case H0; Intros.
- EAuto.
- Left; Auto.
- Right; Intro.
- Inversion H1; Intuition.
- Absurd (X.eq t1 x); Auto.
- Inversion Hs0.
- Absurd (In_tree x t0); EAuto.
- Defined.
- (** * Singleton set *)
- Definition singleton_tree [x:elt] := (Node Leaf x Leaf 1).
- Lemma singleton_bst : (x:elt)(bst (singleton_tree x)).
- Proof.
- Unfold singleton_tree; Auto.
- Save.
- Lemma singleton_avl : (x:elt)(avl (singleton_tree x)).
- Proof.
- Unfold singleton_tree; Intro.
- Constructor; Auto; Unfold height_of_node height; Simpl; Omega.
- Save.
- Definition singleton : (x:elt){ s:t | (y:elt)(In y s) <-> (E.eq x y)}.
- Proof.
- Intro x; Exists (t_intro (singleton_tree x) (singleton_bst x)
- (singleton_avl x)).
- Unfold In singleton_tree; Simpl; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H; Auto; Inversion H0.
- Defined.
- (** * Helper functions *)
- (** [create l x r] creates a node, assuming [l] and [r]
- to be balanced and [|height l - height r| <= 2]. *)
- Definition create :
- (l:tree)(x:elt)(r:tree)
- (bst l) -> (avl l) -> (bst r) -> (avl r) ->
- (lt_tree x l) -> (gt_tree x r) ->
- `-2 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 2` ->
- { s:tree |
- (bst s) /\
- (avl s) /\
- (height_of_node l r (height s)) /\
- (y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
- ((X.eq y x) \/ (In_tree y l) \/ (In_tree y r)) }.
- Proof.
- Unfold height_of_node; Intros.
- Exists (Node l x r ((max (height l) (height r)) + 1)).
- Intuition.
- MaxCase '(height l) '(height r); Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H5; Intuition.
- Defined.
- (* [h] is a proof of [avl (Node l x r h)] *)
- Tactic Definition AVL h :=
- (Generalize (height_non_negative h); Try Simpl);
- (Try Generalize (height_equation h)); Intros.
- (** [bal l x r] acts as [create], but performs one step of
- rebalancing if necessary. *)
- Axiom bal :
- (l:tree)(x:elt)(r:tree)
- (bst l) -> (avl l) -> (bst r) -> (avl r) ->
- (lt_tree x l) -> (gt_tree x r) ->
- `-3 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 3` ->
- { s:tree |
- (bst s) /\ (avl s) /\
- (* height may be decreased by 1 *)
- (((height_of_node l r (height s)) \/
- (height_of_node l r ((height s) + 1))) /\
- (* ...but is unchanged when no rebalancing *)
- (`-2 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 2` ->
- (height_of_node l r (height s)))) /\
- (* elements are those of (l,x,r) *)
- (y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
- ((X.eq y x) \/ (In_tree y l) \/ (In_tree y r)) }.
- Definition bal :
- (l:tree)(x:elt)(r:tree)
- (bst l) -> (avl l) -> (bst r) -> (avl r) ->
- (lt_tree x l) -> (gt_tree x r) ->
- `-3 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 3` ->
- { s:tree |
- (bst s) /\ (avl s) /\
- (* height may be decreased by 1 *)
- (((height_of_node l r (height s)) \/
- (height_of_node l r ((height s) + 1))) /\
- (* ...but is unchanged when no rebalancing *)
- (`-2 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 2` ->
- (height_of_node l r (height s)))) /\
- (* elements are those of (l,x,r) *)
- (y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
- ((X.eq y x) \/ (In_tree y l) \/ (In_tree y r)) }.
- Proof.
- Intros l x r bst_l avl_l bst_r avl_r; Simpl.
- Intros Hl Hr Hh.
- LetTac hl := (height l).
- LetTac hr := (height r).
- Case (Z_gt_le_dec hl (hr + 2)); Intro.
- (* hl > hr + 2 *)
- NewDestruct l.
- (* l = Leaf => absurd *)
- Simpl in hl; Unfold hl.
- Absurd hl>hr+2; Trivial.
- Generalize (height_non_negative avl_r).
- Unfold hl hr; Omega.
- (* l = Node t0 t1 t2 z0 *)
- Case (Z_ge_lt_dec (height t0) (height t2)); Intro.
- (* height t0 >= height t2 *)
- Case (create t2 x r); Auto.
- Inversion_clear bst_l; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear avl_l; Trivial.
- Generalize Hh z; Clear Hh z; Simpl in hl; Unfold hl hr.
- AVL avl_l; AVL avl_r; Intuition Try Omega.
- Intro t2xr; Intuition.
- Case (create t0 t1 t2xr).
- Inversion_clear bst_l; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear avl_l; Trivial.
- Intuition.
- Intuition.
- Inversion_clear bst_l; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear bst_l; Trivial.
- Clear H2; Intro; Intro; Intuition; Generalize (H5 y); Intuition.
- Apply ME.lt_eq with x; Auto.
- Apply E.lt_trans with x; Auto.
- Apply Hl; Auto.
- Apply Hr; Auto.
- Clear H5.
- Generalize z H H0; Clear z H H0; Simpl in hl; Unfold hl hr.
- Unfold height_of_node in H2; AVL avl_l; AVL H3; Omega.
- Intros s (s_bst,(s_avl,(Hs1,Hs2))).
- Exists s; Simpl.
- Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Unfold height_of_node; Simpl.
- Clear H5 Hs2.
- Generalize z H H0; Clear z H H0; Simpl in hl; Unfold hl hr.
- Unfold height_of_node in H2 Hs1; AVL avl_l; AVL H3; AVL s_avl; Omega.
- Intuition; Generalize (Hs2 y); Generalize (H5 y); Clear Hs2 H5; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H4; Intuition.
- (* height t0 < height t2 *)
- NewDestruct t2.
- (* t2 = Leaf => absurd *)
- Simpl in z1.
- Absurd (height t0)<0; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear avl_l; AVL H; Omega.
- (* t2 = Node t2 t3 t4 z2 *)
- Case (create t4 x r); Auto.
- Inversion_clear bst_l; Inversion_clear H0; Auto.
- Inversion_clear avl_l; Inversion_clear H0; Auto.
- Generalize z Hh; Clear z Hh; Simpl in hl; Unfold hl hr.
- Simpl in z1; AVL avl_l; Simpl in H.
- Inversion_clear avl_l; Unfold height_of_node in H4; Simpl in H3 H4.
- AVL H2; Omega.
- Intros r' (r'_bst, (r'_avl, (r'_h1, r'_h2))).
- Case (create t0 t1 t2).
- Inversion_clear bst_l; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear avl_l; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear bst_l; Inversion_clear H0; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear avl_l; Inversion_clear H0; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear bst_l; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear bst_l; Intro; Intro; Apply H2; EAuto.
- Generalize z Hh; Clear z Hh; Simpl in hl; Unfold hl hr.
- Simpl in z1; AVL avl_l; Simpl in H.
- Inversion_clear avl_l; Unfold height_of_node in H4; Simpl in H3 H4.
- AVL H2; Omega.
- Intros l' (l'_bst, (l'_avl, (l'_h1, l'_h2))).
- Case (create l' t3 r'); Auto.
- Inversion_clear bst_l; Inversion_clear H0.
- Intro; Intro; Generalize (l'_h2 y); Clear l'_h2; Intuition.
- Apply ME.eq_lt with t1; Auto.
- Apply E.lt_trans with t1; [ Apply H1 | Apply H2 ]; Auto.
- Inversion_clear bst_l; Inversion_clear H0.
- Intro; Intro; Generalize (r'_h2 y); Clear r'_h2; Intuition.
- Apply ME.lt_eq with x; Auto.
- Apply E.lt_trans with x; [Apply Hl|Apply Hr]; Auto.
- Generalize z Hh; Clear z Hh; Simpl in hl; Unfold hl hr.
- Simpl in z1; AVL avl_l; Simpl in H.
- Inversion_clear avl_l; Unfold height_of_node in H4; Simpl in H3 H4.
- AVL H2; Unfold height_of_node in r'_h1 l'_h1; Omega.
- Intros s (s_bst,(s_avl,(s_h1,s_h2))).
- Exists s; Simpl; Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear r'_h2 l'_h2 s_h2.
- Generalize z Hh; Clear z Hh; Simpl in hl; Unfold hl hr.
- AVL avl_l; Inversion_clear avl_l.
- AVL H2; Unfold height_of_node in H4; Simpl in H4.
- Unfold height_of_node; Simpl.
- Unfold height_of_node in s_h1 r'_h1 l'_h1; Simpl.
- Simpl in z1; AVL r'_avl; AVL l'_avl; Simpl in H.
- Clear bst_l bst_r avl_r Hl Hr hl hr r'_bst r'_avl
- l'_bst l'_avl s_bst s_avl H1 H2; Intuition Omega. (* 9 seconds *)
- Intro y; Generalize (r'_h2 y);
- Generalize (l'_h2 y); Generalize (s_h2 y);
- Clear r'_h2 l'_h2 s_h2; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H10; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H14; Intuition.
- (* hl <= hr + 2 *)
- Case (Z_gt_le_dec hr (hl + 2)); Intro.
- (* hr > hl + 2 *)
- NewDestruct r.
- (* r = Leaf => absurd *)
- Simpl in hr; Unfold hr.
- Absurd hr>hl+2; Trivial.
- AVL avl_l; Unfold hl hr; Omega.
- (* r = Node t0 t1 t2 z0 *)
- Case (Z_ge_lt_dec (height t2) (height t0)); Intro.
- (* height t2 >= height t0 *)
- Case (create l x t0); Auto.
- Inversion_clear bst_r; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear avl_r; Trivial.
- Generalize Hh z z0; Clear Hh z z0; Simpl in hr; Unfold hl hr.
- AVL avl_l; AVL avl_r; Intuition Try Omega.
- Intro lxt0; Intuition.
- Case (create lxt0 t1 t2); Auto.
- Inversion_clear bst_r; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear avl_r; Trivial.
- Clear H2; Intro; Intro; Intuition; Generalize (H5 y); Intuition.
- Apply ME.eq_lt with x; Auto.
- Apply E.lt_trans with x; [Apply Hl|Apply Hr]; Auto.
- Inversion_clear bst_r; Auto.
- Inversion_clear bst_r; Auto.
- Clear H5.
- Generalize z z0 H H0; Clear z z0 H H0; Simpl in hr; Unfold hl hr.
- Unfold height_of_node in H2; AVL avl_r; AVL H3; Omega.
- Intros s (s_bst,(s_avl,(Hs1,Hs2))).
- Exists s; Simpl; Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Unfold height_of_node; Simpl.
- Clear H5 Hs2.
- Generalize z z0 H H0; Clear z z0 H H0; Simpl in hr; Unfold hl hr.
- Unfold height_of_node in H2 Hs1; AVL avl_r; AVL H3; AVL s_avl; Omega.
- Intuition; Generalize (Hs2 y); Generalize (H5 y); Clear Hs2 H5; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H4; Intuition.
- (* height t2 < height t0 *)
- NewDestruct t0.
- (* t0 = Leaf => absurd *)
- Simpl in z2.
- Absurd (height t2)<0; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear avl_r; AVL H0; Omega.
- (* t0 = Node t0 t3 t4 z2 *)
- Case (create l x t0); Auto.
- Inversion_clear bst_r; Inversion_clear H; Auto.
- Inversion_clear avl_r; Inversion_clear H; Auto.
- Generalize z z0 Hh; Clear z z0 Hh; Simpl in hr; Unfold hl hr.
- Simpl in z2; AVL avl_r; Simpl in H.
- Inversion_clear avl_r; Unfold height_of_node in H4; Simpl in H3 H4.
- AVL H1; Omega.
- Intros l' (l'_bst, (l'_avl, (l'_h1, l'_h2))).
- Case (create t4 t1 t2).
- Inversion_clear bst_r; Inversion_clear H; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear avl_r; Inversion_clear H; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear bst_r; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear avl_r; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear bst_r; Intro; Intro; Apply H1; EAuto.
- Inversion_clear bst_r; Trivial.
- Generalize z z0 Hh; Clear z z0 Hh; Simpl in hr; Unfold hl hr.
- Simpl in z2; AVL avl_r; Simpl in H.
- Inversion_clear avl_r; Unfold height_of_node in H4; Simpl in H3 H4.
- AVL H1; Omega.
- Intros r' (r'_bst, (r'_avl, (r'_h1, r'_h2))).
- Case (create l' t3 r'); Auto.
- Inversion_clear bst_r; Inversion_clear H.
- Intro; Intro; Generalize (l'_h2 y); Clear l'_h2; Intuition.
- Apply ME.eq_lt with x; Auto.
- Apply E.lt_trans with x; [ Apply Hl | Apply Hr ]; Auto.
- Inversion_clear bst_r; Inversion_clear H.
- Intro; Intro; Generalize (r'_h2 y); Clear r'_h2; Intuition.
- Apply ME.lt_eq with t1; Auto.
- Apply E.lt_trans with t1; [Apply H1|Apply H2]; Auto.
- Generalize z z0 Hh; Clear z z0 Hh; Simpl in hr; Unfold hl hr.
- Simpl in z2; AVL avl_r; Simpl in H.
- Inversion_clear avl_r; Unfold height_of_node in H4; Simpl in H3 H4.
- AVL H1; Unfold height_of_node in r'_h1 l'_h1; Omega.
- Intros s (s_bst,(s_avl,(s_h1,s_h2))).
- Exists s; Simpl; Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear r'_h2 l'_h2 s_h2.
- Generalize z z0 Hh; Clear z z0 Hh; Simpl in hr; Unfold hl hr.
- AVL avl_r; Inversion_clear avl_r.
- AVL H1; Unfold height_of_node in H4; Simpl in H4.
- Unfold height_of_node; Simpl.
- Unfold height_of_node in s_h1 r'_h1 l'_h1; Simpl.
- Simpl in z2; AVL r'_avl; AVL l'_avl; Simpl in H.
- Clear bst_l bst_r avl_l Hl Hr hl hr r'_bst r'_avl
- l'_bst l'_avl s_bst s_avl H1 H2; Intuition Omega. (* 9 seconds *)
- Intro y; Generalize (r'_h2 y);
- Generalize (l'_h2 y); Generalize (s_h2 y);
- Clear r'_h2 l'_h2 s_h2; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H10; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H14; Intuition.
- (* hr <= hl + 2 *)
- LetTac s := (Node l x r ((max (height l) (height r)) + 1)).
- Assert (bst s).
- Unfold s; Auto.
- Assert (avl s).
- Unfold s; Constructor; Auto.
- Generalize z z0; Unfold hl hr; Intros; Omega.
- Unfold height_of_node; MaxCase '(height l) '(height r); Intros; Omega.
- Exists s; Unfold s height_of_node; Simpl; Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Generalize z z0; Unfold hl hr; MaxCase '(height l) '(height r); Intros; Omega.
- Intuition; Inversion_clear H3; Intuition.
- Defined.
- (** * Insertion *)
- Definition add_tree :
- (x:elt)(s:tree)(bst s) -> (avl s) ->
- { s':tree | (bst s') /\ (avl s') /\
- 0 <= (height s')-(height s) <= 1 /\
- ((y:elt)(In_tree y s') <-> ((E.eq y x)\/(In_tree y s))) }.
- Proof.
- Induction s; Simpl; Intros.
- (* s = Leaf *)
- Exists (Node Leaf x Leaf 1); Simpl; Intuition.
- Constructor; Unfold height_of_node; Simpl;
- Intuition Try Omega.
- Inversion_clear H1; Intuition.
- (* s = Node t0 t1 t2 *)
- Case (X.compare x t1); Intro.
- (* x < t1 *)
- Clear H0; Case H; Clear H.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Intro l'; Simpl; Intuition.
- Case (bal l' t1 t2); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Intro; Intro; Generalize (H5 y); Clear H5; Intuition.
- Apply ME.eq_lt with x; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Clear H5; AVL H2; AVL H3; Intuition.
- Intros s' (s'_bst,(s'_avl,(s'_h1, s'_h2))).
- Exists s'; Simpl; Do 3 (Split ; Trivial).
- Clear s'_h2 H; Unfold height_of_node in s'_h1.
- AVL H2; AVL H3; AVL s'_avl. Omega.
- Clear s'_h1; Intro.
- Generalize (s'_h2 y) (H5 y); Clear s'_h2 H5; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H13; Intuition.
- (* x = t1 *)
- Clear H H0.
- Exists (Node t0 t1 t2 z); Simpl; Intuition.
- Apply IsRoot; Apply E.eq_trans with x; Auto.
- (* x > t1 *)
- Clear H; Case H0; Clear H0.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Intros r' (r'_bst,(r'_avl,H3)); Simpl; Intuition.
- Case (bal t0 t1 r'); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Intro; Intro; Generalize (H0 y); Clear H0; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Intro; Intro; Generalize (H0 y); Clear H0; Intuition.
- Apply ME.lt_eq with x; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Clear H0; AVL H2; AVL r'_avl; Intuition.
- Intros s' (s'_bst,(s'_avl,(s'_h1, s'_h2))).
- Exists s'; Simpl; Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear s'_h2 H0; Unfold height_of_node in s'_h1.
- AVL H2; AVL r'_avl; AVL s'_avl; Omega.
- Clear s'_h1; Intro.
- Generalize (s'_h2 y) (H0 y); Clear s'_h2 H0; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H11; Intuition.
- Defined.
- Definition add : (x:elt) (s:t) { s':t | (Add x s s') }.
- Proof.
- Intros x (s,s_bst,s_avl); Unfold Add In.
- Case (add_tree x s); Trivial.
- Intros s' (s'_bst,(s'_avl,Hs')).
- Exists (t_intro s' s'_bst s'_avl); Intuition.
- Defined.
- (** * Join
- Same as [bal] but does not assumme anything regarding heights
- of [l] and [r].
- let rec join l v r =
- match (l, r) with
- (Empty, _) -> add v r
- | (_, Empty) -> add v l
- | (Node(ll, lv, lr, lh), Node(rl, rv, rr, rh)) ->
- if lh > rh + 2 then bal ll lv (join lr v r) else
- if rh > lh + 2 then bal (join l v rl) rv rr else
- create l v r
- *)
- Definition join :
- (l:tree)(x:elt)(r:tree)
- (bst l) -> (avl l) -> (bst r) -> (avl r) ->
- (lt_tree x l) -> (gt_tree x r) ->
- { s:tree | (bst s) /\ (avl s) /\
- ((height_of_node l r (height s)) \/
- (height_of_node l r ((height s)+1))) /\
- ((y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
- ((X.eq y x) \/ (In_tree y l) \/ (In_tree y r))) }.
- Proof.
- Induction l; Simpl.
- (* l = Leaf *)
- Intros; Case (add_tree x r); Trivial.
- Intros s' (s'_bst,(s'_avl,Hs')); Simpl; Exists s'; Intuition.
- Unfold height_of_node; Simpl. AVL H2; AVL s'_avl; Intuition Omega.
- Ground. Ground. Inversion_clear H5. Ground.
- Intros; Clear H.
- Induction r; Simpl.
- (* r = Leaf *)
- Clear H0.
- Intros; Case (add_tree x (Node t0 t1 t2 z)); Simpl; Trivial.
- Intros s' (s'_bst,(s'_avl,Hs')); Simpl; Exists s'; Intuition.
- Unfold height_of_node; Simpl. AVL s'_avl; Intuition Omega.
- Ground. Ground. Ground. Inversion_clear H.
- (* l = Node t0 t1 t2 z and r = Node r1 t3 r0 z0 *)
- Intros.
- Case (Z_gt_le_dec z (z0+2)); Intro.
- (* z > z0+2 *)
- Clear Hrecr1 Hrecr0.
- Case (H0 x (Node r1 t3 r0 z0)); Clear H0; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Intro s'; Unfold height_of_node; Simpl; Intuition.
- Case (bal t0 t1 s'); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Clear H0; Intro; Intro; Generalize (H9 y); Clear H9; Intuition.
- Apply ME.lt_eq with x; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Apply X.lt_trans with x; Auto.
- Clear H9; AVL H2; Intuition Omega.
- Intro s''; Unfold height_of_node; Simpl; Intuition.
- Exists s''; Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H13; AVL H2; Clear H2; Intuition Omega.
- Clear H0 H12 H10; Ground.
- Inversion_clear H0; Ground.
- (* z <= z0 + 2 *)
- Case (Z_gt_le_dec z0 (z+2)); Intro.
- (* z0 > z+2 *)
- Clear H0 Hrecr0.
- Case Hrecr1; Clear Hrecr1; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H3; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H4; Trivial.
- Intro s'; Unfold height_of_node; Simpl; Intuition.
- Case (bal s' t3 r0); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H3; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H4; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H3; Trivial.
- Clear H0; Intro; Intro; Generalize (H9 y); Clear H9; Intuition.
- Apply ME.eq_lt with x; Auto.
- Apply X.lt_trans with x; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H3; Auto.
- Clear H9; AVL H4; Intuition Omega.
- Intro s''; Unfold height_of_node; Simpl; Intuition.
- Exists s''; Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H13; AVL H4; Clear H4; Intuition Omega.
- Clear H0 H12 H10; Ground.
- Inversion_clear H0; Ground.
- (* -2 <= z-z0 <= 2 *)
- Clear H0 Hrecr0 Hrecr1.
- Case (create (Node t0 t1 t2 z) x (Node r1 t3 r0 z0)); Simpl; Intuition.
- Exists x0; Intuition.
- Defined.
- (** * Extraction of minimum and maximum element *)
- Definition remove_min :
- (s:tree)(bst s) -> (avl s) -> ~s=Leaf ->
- { r : tree * elt |
- let (s',m) = r in
- (bst s') /\ (avl s') /\
- ((height s') = (height s) \/ (height s')=(height s)-1) /\
- ((y:elt)(In_tree y s') -> (E.lt m y)) /\
- ((y:elt)(In_tree y s) <-> (E.eq y m) \/ (In_tree y s')) }.
- Proof.
- Induction s; Simpl; Intros.
- Elim H1; Trivial.
- (* s = Node t0 t1 t2 *)
- NewDestruct t0.
- (* t0 = Leaf *)
- Clear H H0.
- Exists (t2, t1); Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- AVL H2; Simpl in H; Inversion_clear H2; AVL H5; Intuition; Omega.
- Inversion_clear H1; Apply H6; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H; Auto; Inversion_clear H0.
- (* t0 = Node t0 t3 t4 *)
- Clear H0; Case H; Clear H.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Discriminate.
- Intros (l',m); Intuition.
- Case (bal l' t1 t2); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Intro; Intros; Generalize (H7 y) (H5 y); Clear H7 H5 H0; Intuition.
- Elim (!ME.eq_not_gt y m); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Clear H5 H7.
- AVL H2; Omega.
- Intro s'; Unfold height_of_node; Intuition.
- Exists (s',m).
- Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear H5 H7 H11; AVL H2; AVL H4; AVL H9; Omega.
- Clear H0 H10 H8; Intuition.
- Generalize (H5 y) (H7 y) (H11 y); Clear H5 H11; Intuition.
- Apply ME.lt_eq with t1; Auto.
- Generalize (H7 m); Inversion_clear H1; Intuition.
- Apply X.lt_trans with t1; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Apply H18; Ground.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H0; Ground.
- Apply InLeft; Ground.
- Ground.
- Defined.
- Definition remove_max :
- (s:tree)(bst s) -> (avl s) -> ~s=Leaf ->
- { r : tree * elt |
- let (s',m) = r in
- (bst s') /\ (avl s') /\
- ((height s') = (height s) \/ (height s')=(height s)-1) /\
- ((y:elt)(In_tree y s') -> (E.lt y m)) /\
- ((y:elt)(In_tree y s) <-> (E.eq y m) \/ (In_tree y s')) }.
- Proof.
- Induction s; Simpl; Intros.
- Elim H1; Trivial.
- (* s = Node t0 t1 t2 *)
- NewDestruct t2.
- (* t2 = Leaf *)
- Clear H H0.
- Exists (t0, t1); Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- AVL H2; Simpl in H; Inversion_clear H2; AVL H4; Intuition; Omega.
- Inversion_clear H1; Apply H5; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H; Auto; Inversion_clear H0.
- (* t2 = Node t2 t3 t4 *)
- Clear H; Case H0; Clear H0.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Discriminate.
- Intros (r',m); Intuition.
- Case (bal t0 t1 r'); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Intro; Intros; Generalize (H7 y) (H5 y); Clear H7 H5 H0; Intuition.
- Elim (!ME.eq_not_lt y m); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Clear H5 H7.
- AVL H2; Omega.
- Intro s'; Unfold height_of_node; Intuition.
- Exists (s',m).
- Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear H5 H7 H11; AVL H2; AVL H4; AVL H9; Omega.
- Clear H0 H10 H8; Intuition.
- Generalize (H5 y) (H7 y) (H11 y); Clear H5 H11; Intuition.
- Apply ME.eq_lt with t1; Auto.
- Generalize (H7 m); Inversion_clear H1; Intuition.
- Apply X.lt_trans with t1; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Apply H18; Ground.
- Inversion_clear H1; Ground.
- Inversion_clear H0; Ground.
- Apply InRight; Ground.
- Ground.
- Defined.
- (** * Merging two trees
- let merge t1 t2 =
- match (t1, t2) with
- (Empty, t) -> t
- | (t, Empty) -> t
- | (_, _) -> let (m,t'2) = remove_min t2 in bal t1 m t'2
- *)
- Definition merge :
- (s1,s2:tree)(bst s1) -> (avl s1) -> (bst s2) -> (avl s2) ->
- ((y1,y2:elt)(In_tree y1 s1) -> (In_tree y2 s2) -> (X.lt y1 y2)) ->
- `-2 <= (height s1) - (height s2) <= 2` ->
- { s:tree | (bst s) /\ (avl s) /\
- ((height_of_node s1 s2 (height s)) \/
- (height_of_node s1 s2 ((height s)+1))) /\
- ((y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
- ((In_tree y s1) \/ (In_tree y s2))) }.
- Proof.
- Destruct s1; Simpl.
- (* s1 = Leaf *)
- Intros; Exists s2; Unfold height_of_node; Simpl; Intuition.
- AVL H2; Omega.
- Inversion_clear H7.
- (* s1 = Node t0 t1 t2 *)
- Destruct s2; Simpl.
- (* s2 = Leaf *)
- Intros; Exists (Node t0 t1 t2 z); Unfold height_of_node; Simpl; Intuition.
- AVL H0; Omega.
- Inversion_clear H7.
- (* s2 = Node t3 t4 t5 *)
- Intros.
- Case (remove_min (Node t3 t4 t5 z0)); Auto.
- Discriminate.
- Intros (s'2,m); Intuition.
- Case (bal (Node t0 t1 t2 z) m s'2); Auto.
- Ground.
- Clear H3 H11; AVL H0; AVL H2; AVL H8; Simpl in H7; Omega.
- Intro s'; Unfold height_of_node; Intuition.
- Exists s'.
- Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear H3 H9 H11 H15; AVL H0; AVL H2; AVL H8; AVL H13.
- Simpl in H7 H14 H12; Simpl; Intuition Omega.
- Clear H7 H12 H14; Ground.
- Defined.
- (** Variant where we remove from the biggest subtree *)
- Definition merge_bis :
- (s1,s2:tree)(bst s1) -> (avl s1) -> (bst s2) -> (avl s2) ->
- ((y1,y2:elt)(In_tree y1 s1) -> (In_tree y2 s2) -> (X.lt y1 y2)) ->
- `-2 <= (height s1) - (height s2) <= 2` ->
- { s:tree | (bst s) /\ (avl s) /\
- ((height_of_node s1 s2 (height s)) \/
- (height_of_node s1 s2 ((height s)+1))) /\
- ((y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
- ((In_tree y s1) \/ (In_tree y s2))) }.
- Proof.
- Destruct s1; Simpl.
- (* s1 = Leaf *)
- Intros; Exists s2; Unfold height_of_node; Simpl; Intuition.
- AVL H2; Omega.
- Inversion_clear H7.
- (* s1 = Node t0 t1 t2 *)
- Destruct s2; Simpl.
- (* s2 = Leaf *)
- Intros; Exists (Node t0 t1 t2 z); Unfold height_of_node; Simpl; Intuition.
- AVL H0; Omega.
- Inversion_clear H7.
- (* s2 = Node t3 t4 t5 *)
- Intros; Case (Z_ge_lt_dec z z0); Intro.
- (* z >= z0 *)
- Case (remove_max (Node t0 t1 t2 z)); Auto.
- Discriminate.
- Intros (s'1,m); Intuition.
- Case (create s'1 m (Node t3 t4 t5 z0)); Auto.
- Ground.
- Clear H3 H11; AVL H0; AVL H2; AVL H8; Simpl in H7; Omega.
- Intro s'; Unfold height_of_node; Intuition.
- Exists s'.
- Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear H3 H9 H11 H15; AVL H0; AVL H2; AVL H8; AVL H13.
- Simpl in H7 H14 H12; Simpl.
- Intuition Omega.
- Clear H7 H12; Ground.
- (* z < z0 *)
- Case (remove_min (Node t3 t4 t5 z0)); Auto.
- Discriminate.
- Intros (s'2,m); Intuition.
- Case (create (Node t0 t1 t2 z) m s'2); Auto.
- Ground.
- Clear H3 H11; AVL H0; AVL H2; AVL H8; Simpl in H7; Omega.
- Intro s'; Unfold height_of_node; Intuition.
- Exists s'.
- Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear H3 H9 H11 H15; AVL H0; AVL H2; AVL H8; AVL H13.
- Simpl in H7 H14 H12; Simpl.
- Intuition Omega.
- Clear H7 H12; Ground.
- Defined.
- (** * Deletion *)
- Definition remove_tree :
- (x:elt)(s:tree)(bst s) -> (avl s) ->
- { s':tree | (bst s') /\ (avl s') /\
- ((height s') = (height s) \/ (height s') = (height s) - 1) /\
- ((y:elt)(In_tree y s') <-> (~(E.eq y x) /\ (In_tree y s))) }.
- Proof.
- Induction s; Simpl; Intuition.
- (* s = Leaf *)
- Exists Leaf; Simpl; Intuition;
- (Inversion_clear H1 Orelse Inversion_clear H3).
- (* s = Node t0 t1 t2 *)
- Case (X.compare x t1); Intro.
- (* x < t1 *)
- Clear H0; Case H; Clear H.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Intros t'0; Intuition.
- Case (bal t'0 t1 t2); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Clear H0; Intro; Intro; Generalize (H5 y); Clear H5; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Clear H5; AVL H2; AVL H3; Omega.
- Intros s'; Unfold height_of_node; Intuition.
- Exists s'; Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear H5 H9; AVL H2; AVL H3; AVL H7; Omega.
- Clear H0 H8 H6; Intuition.
- Generalize (H9 y) (H5 y); Clear H5 H9; Intuition.
- Apply (!ME.eq_not_lt y t1); Auto.
- Apply ME.eq_lt with x; Auto.
- Apply (!ME.lt_not_gt t1 y); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Apply H16; Auto.
- Apply ME.eq_lt with x; Auto.
- Generalize (H9 y) (H5 y); Clear H5 H9; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H8;
- Generalize (H9 y) (H5 y); Clear H5 H9; Intuition.
- (* x = t1 *)
- Clear H H0; Case (merge t0 t2).
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H2; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H2; Auto.
- Intros; Apply X.lt_trans with t1; Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- AVL H2; Omega.
- Intro s'; Unfold height_of_node; Intuition.
- Exists s'; Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear H5; AVL H2; AVL H3; Omega.
- Clear H0; Intro; Generalize (H5 y); Clear H5; Intuition.
- Apply (!E.lt_not_eq y t1); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Apply H10; Auto.
- Apply X.eq_trans with x; Auto.
- Apply (!E.lt_not_eq t1 y); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Apply H11; Auto.
- Apply X.eq_trans with x; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H8; Intuition.
- Absurd (X.eq y x); Auto.
- Apply X.eq_trans with t1; Auto.
- (* t1 < x *)
- Clear H; Case H0; Clear H0.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Intros t'2; Intuition.
- Case (bal t0 t1 t'2); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Clear H0; Intro; Intro; Generalize (H5 y); Clear H5; Intuition.
- Clear H5; AVL H2; AVL H3; Omega.
- Intros s'; Unfold height_of_node; Intuition.
- Exists s'; Do 3 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear H5 H9; AVL H2; AVL H3; AVL H7; Omega.
- Clear H0 H8 H6; Intuition.
- Generalize (H9 y) (H5 y); Clear H5 H9; Intuition.
- Apply (!ME.eq_not_lt t1 y); Auto.
- Apply ME.lt_eq with x; Auto.
- Apply (!ME.lt_not_gt y t1); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Apply H15; Auto.
- Apply ME.lt_eq with x; Auto.
- Generalize (H9 y) (H5 y); Clear H5 H9; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H8;
- Generalize (H9 y) (H5 y); Clear H5 H9; Intuition.
- Defined.
- Definition remove : (x:elt)(s:t)
- { s':t | (y:elt)(In y s') <-> (~(E.eq y x) /\ (In y s))}.
- Proof.
- Intros x (s,Hs,Hrb); Case (remove_tree x s); Trivial.
- Intros s'; Intuition; Clear H0.
- Exists (t_intro s' H H1); Intuition.
- Defined.
- (** * Minimum element *)
- Definition min_elt :
- (s:t){ x:elt | (In x s) /\ (For_all [y]~(E.lt y x) s) } + { Empty s }.
- Proof.
- Intros (s,Hs,Ha).
- Unfold For_all Empty In; Simpl.
- Generalize Hs; Clear Hs Ha; Induction s; Simpl; Intros.
- (* s = Leaf *)
- Right; Intros; Intro; Inversion H.
- (* s = Node c s1 t0 s0 *)
- Clear Hrecs0; Generalize Hs Hrecs1; Clear Hs Hrecs1; Case s1; Intros.
- (* s1 = Leaf *)
- Left; Exists t0; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H.
- Absurd (X.eq x t0); Auto.
- Inversion H1.
- Inversion_clear Hs; Absurd (E.lt x t0); Auto.
- (* s1 = Node c0 t1 t2 t3 *)
- Case Hrecs1; Clear Hrecs1.
- Inversion Hs; Auto.
- (* a minimum for [s1] *)
- Intros (m,Hm); Left; Exists m; Intuition.
- Apply (H0 x); Auto.
- Assert (X.lt m t0).
- Inversion_clear Hs; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Elim (!X.lt_not_eq x t0); [ EAuto | Auto ].
- Inversion_clear Hs.
- Elim (!ME.lt_not_gt x t0); [ EAuto | Auto ].
- (* non minimum for [s1] => absurd *)
- Intro; Right; Intuition.
- Apply (n t2); Auto.
- Defined.
- (** * Maximum element *)
- Definition max_elt :
- (s:t){ x:elt | (In x s) /\ (For_all [y]~(E.lt x y) s) } + { Empty s }.
- Proof.
- Intros (s,Hs,Ha).
- Unfold For_all Empty In; Simpl.
- Generalize Hs; Clear Hs Ha; Induction s; Simpl; Intros.
- (* s = Leaf *)
- Right; Intros; Intro; Inversion H.
- (* s = Node c s1 t0 s0 *)
- Clear Hrecs1; Generalize Hs Hrecs0; Clear Hs Hrecs0; Case s0; Intros.
- (* s0 = Leaf *)
- Left; Exists t0; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H.
- Absurd (X.eq x t0); Auto.
- Inversion_clear Hs; Absurd (E.lt t0 x); Auto.
- Inversion H1.
- (* s0 = Node c0 t1 t2 t3 *)
- Case Hrecs0; Clear Hrecs0.
- Inversion Hs; Auto.
- (* a maximum for [s0] *)
- Intros (m,Hm); Left; Exists m; Intuition.
- Apply (H0 x); Auto.
- Assert (X.lt t0 m).
- Inversion_clear Hs; Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Auto.
- Elim (!X.lt_not_eq x t0); [ EAuto | Auto ].
- Inversion_clear Hs.
- Elim (!ME.lt_not_gt t0 x); [ EAuto | Auto ].
- (* non maximum for [s0] => absurd *)
- Intro; Right; Intuition.
- Apply (n t2); Auto.
- Defined.
- (** * Any element *)
- Definition choose : (s:t) { x:elt | (In x s)} + { Empty s }.
- Proof.
- Intros (s,Hs,Ha); Unfold Empty In; Simpl; Case s; Intuition.
- Right; Intros; Inversion H.
- Left; Exists t1; Auto.
- Defined.
- (** * Concatenation
- Same as [merge] but does not assume anything about heights
- let concat t1 t2 =
- match (t1, t2) with
- (Empty, t) -> t
- | (t, Empty) -> t
- | (_, _) -> join t1 (min_elt t2) (remove_min_elt t2)
- *)
- Definition concat :
- (s1,s2:tree)(bst s1) -> (avl s1) -> (bst s2) -> (avl s2) ->
- ((y1,y2:elt)(In_tree y1 s1) -> (In_tree y2 s2) -> (X.lt y1 y2)) ->
- { s:tree | (bst s) /\ (avl s) /\
- ((y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
- ((In_tree y s1) \/ (In_tree y s2))) }.
- Proof.
- Destruct s1; Simpl.
- (* s1 = Leaf *)
- Intros; Exists s2; Simpl; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H5.
- (* s1 = Node t0 t1 t2 *)
- Destruct s2; Simpl.
- (* s2 = Leaf *)
- Intros; Exists (Node t0 t1 t2 z); Simpl; Intuition.
- Inversion_clear H5.
- (* s2 = Node t3 t4 t5 *)
- Intros.
- Case (remove_min (Node t3 t4 t5 z0)); Auto.
- Discriminate.
- Intros (s'2,m); Intuition.
- Case (join (Node t0 t1 t2 z) m s'2); Auto.
- Ground.
- Intro s'; Intuition.
- Exists s'.
- Do 2 (Split; Trivial).
- Clear H5 H10; Ground.
- Defined.
- (** * Splitting
- [split x s] returns a triple [(l, present, r)] where
- - [l] is the set of elements of [s] that are [< x]
- - [r] is the set of elements of [s] that are [> x]
- - [present] is [false] if [s] contains no element equal to [x],
- or [true] if [s] contains an element equal to [x].
- let rec split x = function
- Empty ->
- (Empty, false, Empty)
- | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
- let c = Ord.compare x v in
- if c = 0 then (l, true, r)
- else if c < 0 then
- let (ll, pres, rl) = split x l in (ll, pres, join rl v r)
- else
- let (lr, pres, rr) = split x r in (join l v lr, pres, rr)
- *)
- Definition split :
- (x:elt)(s:tree)(bst s) -> (avl s) ->
- { res:tree*bool*tree |
- let (l,res') = res in
- let (b,r) = res' in
- (bst l) /\ (avl l) /\ (bst r) /\ (avl r) /\
- ((y:elt)(In_tree y l) <-> ((In_tree y s) /\ (X.lt y x))) /\
- ((y:elt)(In_tree y r) <-> ((In_tree y s) /\ (X.lt x y))) /\
- (b=true <-> (In_tree x s)) }.
- Proof.
- Induction s; Simpl; Intuition.
- (* s = Leaf *)
- Exists (Leaf,(false,Leaf)); Simpl; Intuition; Inversion_clear H1.
- (* s = Node t0 t1 t2 z *)
- Case (X.compare x t1); Intro.
- (* x < t1 *)
- Clear H0; Case H; Clear H.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Intros (ll,(pres,rl)); Intuition.
- Case (join rl t1 t2); Auto.
- Inversion_clear H1; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H2; Trivial.
- Inversion_clear H1; Ground.
- Inversion_clear H1; Ground.
- Intros s' (s'_bst,(s'_avl,(s'_h,s'_y))); Clear s'_h.
- Exists (ll,(pres,s')); Intuition.
- Ground.
- Defined.
-End Make.