path: root/theories/Arith/Minus.v
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1 files changed, 27 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Arith/Minus.v b/theories/Arith/Minus.v
index 0bbed2789..8a62eb88b 100644
--- a/theories/Arith/Minus.v
+++ b/theories/Arith/Minus.v
@@ -97,23 +97,40 @@ Hint Resolve le_plus_minus_r: arith v62.
(** * Relation with order *)
-Theorem le_minus : forall n m, n - m <= n.
+Theorem minus_le_compat_r : forall n m p : nat, n <= m -> n - p <= m - p.
- intros i h; pattern i, h in |- *; apply nat_double_ind;
- [ auto
- | auto
- | intros m n H; simpl in |- *; apply le_trans with (m := m); auto ].
+ intros n m p; generalize n m; clear n m; induction p as [|p HI].
+ intros n m; rewrite <- (minus_n_O n); rewrite <- (minus_n_O m); trivial.
+ intros n m Hnm; apply le_elim_rel with (n:=n) (m:=m); auto with arith.
+ intros q r H _. simpl. auto using HI.
+Theorem minus_le_compat_l : forall n m p : nat, n <= m -> p - m <= p - n.
+ intros n m p; generalize n m; clear n m; induction p as [|p HI].
+ trivial.
+ intros n m Hnm; apply le_elim_rel with (n:=n) (m:=m); trivial.
+ intros q; destruct q; auto with arith.
+ simpl.
+ apply le_trans with (m := p - 0); [apply HI | rewrite <- minus_n_O];
+ auto with arith.
+ intros q r Hqr _. simpl. auto using HI.
+Corollary le_minus : forall n m, n - m <= n.
+ intros n m; rewrite minus_n_O; auto using minus_le_compat_l with arith.
+Hint Resolve le_minus: arith v62.
Lemma lt_minus : forall n m, m <= n -> 0 < m -> n - m < n.
intros n m Le; pattern m, n in |- *; apply le_elim_rel; simpl in |- *;
auto with arith.
- intros; absurd (0 < 0); auto with arith.
- intros p q lepq Hp gtp.
- elim (le_lt_or_eq 0 p); auto with arith.
- auto with arith.
- induction 1; elim minus_n_O; auto with arith.
+ intros; absurd (0 < 0); auto with arith.
Hint Resolve lt_minus: arith v62.