path: root/test-suite/bugs/opened/3166.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/bugs/opened/3166.v')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3166.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3166.v
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+++ b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3166.v
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+Set Asymmetric Patterns.
+Section eq.
+ Let A := { X : Type & X }.
+ Let B := (fun x : A => projT1 x).
+ Let T := (fun (a' : A) (b' : B a') => projT2 a' = b').
+ Let T' := T.
+ Let t1T := (fun _ : A => unit).
+ Let f1 := (fun x (_ : t1T x) => projT2 x).
+ Let t1 := (fun x (y : t1T x) => @eq_refl (projT1 x) (projT2 x)).
+ Let t1T' := t1T.
+ Let f1' := f1.
+ Let t1' := t1.
+ Theorem eq_matches_commute
+ a' b' (t' : T a' b')
+ (rta : forall b'', T' a' b'' -> A)
+ (rtb : forall b'' t'', B (rta b'' t''))
+ (rt1 : forall y, T _ (rtb (f1' a' y) (@t1' a' y)))
+ (R : forall (b : B (rta b' t')), T _ b -> Type)
+ (r1 : forall y, R (f1 _ y) (@t1 _ y))
+ : match
+ match t' as t0' in (@eq _ _ b0') return T (rta b0' t0') (rtb b0' t0') with
+ | eq_refl => rt1 tt
+ end
+ as t0 in (@eq _ _ b0)
+ return R b0 t0
+ with
+ | eq_refl => r1 tt
+ end
+ =
+ match t'
+ as t0' in (@eq _ _ b0')
+ return (forall (R : forall (b : B (rta b0' t0')), T _ b -> Type)
+ (r1 : forall y, R (f1 _ y) (@t1 _ y)),
+ R _ (match t0' as t0'0 in (@eq _ _ b0'0) return T (rta b0'0 t0'0) (rtb b0'0 t0'0) with
+ | eq_refl => rt1 tt
+ end))
+ with
+ | eq_refl => fun _ r1 =>
+ match rt1 tt with
+ | eq_refl => r1 tt
+ end
+ end R r1.
+ Proof.
+ destruct t'; reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Theorem eq_match_beta2
+ a b (t : T a b)
+ X
+ (R : forall b' (t' : T a b'), X b' -> Type)
+ (r1 : forall y x, R _ (@t1 _ y) x)
+ x
+ : match t as t' in (@eq _ _ b') return forall x, R b' t' x with
+ | eq_refl => r1 tt
+ end (x b)
+ =
+ match t as t' in (@eq _ _ b') return R b' t' (x b') with
+ | eq_refl => r1 tt (x _)
+ end.
+ Proof.
+ destruct t; reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+End eq.
+Definition typeof {T} (_ : T) := T.
+Eval compute in (eq_sym (eq_sym _)).
+Goal forall T (x y : T) (p : x = y), True.
+ intros.
+ pose proof
+ (@eq_matches_commute
+ (existT (fun T => T) T x) y p
+ (fun b'' _ => existT (fun T => T) T b'')
+ (fun _ _ => x)
+ (fun _ => eq_refl)
+ (fun x' _ => x' = y)
+ (fun _ => eq_refl)
+ ) as H0.
+ compute in H0.
+ change (fun (x' : T) (_ : y = x') => x' = y) with ((fun y => fun (x' : T) (_ : y = x') => x' = y) y) in H0.
+ Fail pose proof (fun k => @eq_trans _ _ _ k H0).