path: root/test-suite/bugs/closed/shouldsucceed
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Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/bugs/closed/shouldsucceed')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/shouldsucceed/2733.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/shouldsucceed/2733.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60c371934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/shouldsucceed/2733.v
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Unset Asymmetric Patterns.
+Inductive ty := N | B.
+Inductive alt_list : ty -> ty -> Type :=
+ | nil {k} : alt_list k k
+ | Ncons {k} : nat -> alt_list B k -> alt_list N k
+ | Bcons {k} : bool -> alt_list N k -> alt_list B k.
+Definition trullynul k {k'} (l : alt_list k k') :=
+match k,l with
+ |N,l' => Ncons 0 (Bcons true l')
+ |B,l' => Bcons true (Ncons 0 l')
+Fixpoint app (P : forall {k k'}, alt_list k k' -> alt_list k k') {t1 t2} (l : alt_list t1 t2) {struct l}: forall {t3}, alt_list t2 t3 ->
+alt_list t1 t3 :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => fun _ l2 => P l2
+ | Ncons n l1 => fun _ l2 => Ncons n (app (@P) l1 l2)
+ | Bcons b l1 => fun _ l2 => Bcons b (app (@P) l1 l2)
+ end.
+Check (fun {t t'} (l: alt_list t t') => app trullynul l nil).