path: root/test-suite/bugs/closed/5215.v
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/bugs/closed/5215.v')
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+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/5215.v
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
+Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
+Global Set Primitive Projections.
+Global Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Global Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
+Class Category : Type :=
+ Obj : Type;
+ Hom : Obj -> Obj -> Type;
+ compose : forall {a b c : Obj}, (Hom a b) -> (Hom b c) -> (Hom a c);
+ id : forall {a : Obj}, Hom a a;
+Arguments Obj {_}, _.
+Arguments id {_ _}, {_} _, _ _.
+Arguments Hom {_} _ _, _ _ _.
+Arguments compose {_} {_ _ _} _ _, _ {_ _ _} _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _.
+Coercion Obj : Category >-> Sortclass.
+Definition Opposite (C : Category) : Category :=
+ Obj := Obj C;
+ Hom := fun a b => Hom b a;
+ compose :=
+ fun a b c (f : Hom b a) (g : Hom c b) => compose C c b a g f;
+ id := fun c => id C c;
+Record Functor (C C' : Category) : Type :=
+ FO : C -> C';
+ FA : forall {a b}, Hom a b -> Hom (FO a) (FO b);
+Arguments FO {_ _} _ _.
+Arguments FA {_ _} _ {_ _} _, {_ _} _ _ _ _.
+Section Opposite_Functor.
+ Context {C D : Category} (F : Functor C D).
+ Program Definition Opposite_Functor : (Functor (Opposite C) (Opposite D)) :=
+ {|
+ FO := FO F;
+ FA := fun _ _ h => FA F h;
+ |}.
+End Opposite_Functor.
+Section Functor_Compose.
+ Context {C C' C'' : Category} (F : Functor C C') (F' : Functor C' C'').
+ Program Definition Functor_compose : Functor C C'' :=
+ {|
+ FO := fun c => FO F' (FO F c);
+ FA := fun c d f => FA F' (FA F f)
+ |}.
+End Functor_Compose.
+Section Algebras.
+ Context {C : Category} (T : Functor C C).
+ Record Algebra : Type :=
+ {
+ Alg_Carrier : C;
+ Constructors : Hom (FO T Alg_Carrier) Alg_Carrier
+ }.
+ Record Algebra_Hom (alg alg' : Algebra) : Type :=
+ {
+ Alg_map : Hom (Alg_Carrier alg) (Alg_Carrier alg');
+ Alg_map_com : compose (FA T Alg_map) (Constructors alg')
+ = compose (Constructors alg) Alg_map
+ }.
+ Arguments Alg_map {_ _} _.
+ Arguments Alg_map_com {_ _} _.
+ Program Definition Algebra_Hom_compose
+ {alg alg' alg'' : Algebra}
+ (h : Algebra_Hom alg alg')
+ (h' : Algebra_Hom alg' alg'')
+ : Algebra_Hom alg alg''
+ :=
+ {|
+ Alg_map := compose (Alg_map h) (Alg_map h')
+ |}.
+ Next Obligation. Proof. Admitted.
+ Lemma Algebra_Hom_eq_simplify (alg alg' : Algebra)
+ (ah ah' : Algebra_Hom alg alg')
+ : (Alg_map ah) = (Alg_map ah') -> ah = ah'.
+ Proof. Admitted.
+ Program Definition Algebra_Hom_id (alg : Algebra) : Algebra_Hom alg alg :=
+ {|
+ Alg_map := id
+ |}.
+ Next Obligation. Admitted.
+ Definition Algebra_Cat : Category :=
+ {|
+ Obj := Algebra;
+ Hom := Algebra_Hom;
+ compose := @Algebra_Hom_compose;
+ id := Algebra_Hom_id;
+ |}.
+End Algebras.
+Arguments Alg_Carrier {_ _} _.
+Arguments Constructors {_ _} _.
+Arguments Algebra_Hom {_ _} _ _.
+Arguments Alg_map {_ _ _ _} _.
+Arguments Alg_map_com {_ _ _ _} _.
+Arguments Algebra_Hom_id {_ _} _.
+Section CoAlgebras.
+ Context {C : Category}.
+ Definition CoAlgebra (T : Functor C C) :=
+ @Algebra (Opposite C) (Opposite_Functor T).
+ Definition CoAlgebra_Hom {T : Functor C C} :=
+ @Algebra_Hom (Opposite C) (Opposite_Functor T).
+ Definition CoAlgebra_Hom_id {T : Functor C C} :=
+ @Algebra_Hom_id (Opposite C) (Opposite_Functor T).
+ Definition CoAlgebra_Cat (T : Functor C C) :=
+ @Algebra_Cat (Opposite C) (Opposite_Functor T).
+End CoAlgebras.
+Program Definition Type_Cat : Category :=
+ Obj := Type;
+ Hom := (fun A B => A -> B);
+ compose := fun A B C (g : A -> B) (h : B -> C) => fun (x : A) => h (g x);
+ id := fun A => fun x => x
+Local Obligation Tactic := idtac.
+Program Definition Prod_Cat (C C' : Category) : Category :=
+ Obj := C * C';
+ Hom :=
+ fun a b =>
+ ((Hom (fst a) (fst b)) * (Hom (snd a) (snd b)))%type;
+ compose :=
+ fun a b c f g =>
+ ((compose (fst f) (fst g)), (compose (snd f)(snd g)));
+ id := fun c => (id, id)
+Class Terminal (C : Category) : Type :=
+ terminal : C;
+ t_morph : forall (d : Obj), Hom d terminal;
+ t_morph_unique : forall (d : Obj) (f g : (Hom d terminal)), f = g
+Arguments terminal {_} _.
+Arguments t_morph {_} _ _.
+Arguments t_morph_unique {_} _ _ _ _.
+Coercion terminal : Terminal >-> Obj.
+Definition Initial (C : Category) := Terminal (Opposite C).
+Existing Class Initial.
+Record Product {C : Category} (c d : C) : Type :=
+ product : C;
+ Pi_1 : Hom product c;
+ Pi_2 : Hom product d;
+ Prod_morph_ex : forall (p' : Obj) (r1 : Hom p' c) (r2 : Hom p' d), (Hom p' product);
+Arguments Product _ _ _, {_} _ _.
+Arguments Pi_1 {_ _ _ _}, {_ _ _} _.
+Arguments Pi_2 {_ _ _ _}, {_ _ _} _.
+Arguments Prod_morph_ex {_ _ _} _ _ _ _.
+Coercion product : Product >-> Obj.
+Definition Has_Products (C : Category) : Type := forall a b, Product a b.
+Existing Class Has_Products.
+Program Definition Prod_Func (C : Category) {HP : Has_Products C}
+ : Functor (Prod_Cat C C) C :=
+ FO := fun x => HP (fst x) (snd x);
+ FA := fun a b f => Prod_morph_ex _ _ (compose Pi_1 (fst f)) (compose Pi_2 (snd f))
+Arguments Prod_Func _ _, _ {_}.
+Definition Sum (C : Category) := @Product (Opposite C).
+Arguments Sum _ _ _, {_} _ _.
+Definition Has_Sums (C : Category) : Type := forall (a b : C), (Sum a b).
+Existing Class Has_Sums.
+Program Definition sum_Sum (A B : Type) : (@Sum Type_Cat A B) :=
+ product := (A + B)%type;
+ Prod_morph_ex :=
+ fun (p' : Type)
+ (r1 : A -> p')
+ (r2 : B -> p')
+ (X : A + B) =>
+ match X return p' with
+ | inl a => r1 a
+ | inr b => r2 b
+ end
+Next Obligation. simpl; auto. Defined.
+Next Obligation. simpl; auto. Defined.
+Program Instance Type_Cat_Has_Sums : Has_Sums Type_Cat := sum_Sum.
+Definition Sum_Func {C : Category} {HS : Has_Sums C} :
+ Functor (Prod_Cat C C) C := Opposite_Functor (Prod_Func (Opposite C) HS).
+Arguments Sum_Func _ _, _ {_}.
+Program Instance unit_Type_term : Terminal Type_Cat :=
+ terminal := unit;
+ t_morph := fun _ _=> tt
+Next Obligation. Proof. Admitted.
+Program Definition term_id : Functor Type_Cat (Prod_Cat Type_Cat Type_Cat) :=
+ FO := fun a => (@terminal Type_Cat _, a);
+ FA := fun a b f => (@id _ (@terminal Type_Cat _), f)
+Definition S_nat_func : Functor Type_Cat Type_Cat :=
+ Functor_compose term_id (Sum_Func Type_Cat _).
+Definition S_nat_alg_cat := Algebra_Cat S_nat_func.
+CoInductive CoNat : Set :=
+ | CoO : CoNat
+ | CoS : CoNat -> CoNat
+Definition S_nat_coalg_cat := @CoAlgebra_Cat Type_Cat S_nat_func.
+Set Printing Universes.
+Program Definition CoNat_alg_term : Initial S_nat_coalg_cat :=
+ terminal := _;
+ t_morph := _
+Next Obligation. Admitted.
+Next Obligation. Admitted.
+Axiom Admit : False.
+Next Obligation.
+ intros d f g.
+ assert(H1 := (@Alg_map_com _ _ _ _ f)). clear.
+ assert (inl tt = inr tt) by (exfalso; apply Admit).
+ discriminate.
+ all: exfalso; apply Admit.
+ Show Universes.