path: root/test-suite/bugs/closed/3699.v
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/bugs/closed/3699.v')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/3699.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3699.v
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index 000000000..99b3d79e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3699.v
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+(* File reduced by coq-bug-finder from original input, then from 9593 lines to 104 lines, then from 187 lines to 103 lines, then from 113 lines to 90 lines *)
+(* coqc version trunk (October 2014) compiled on Oct 1 2014 18:13:54 with OCaml 4.01.0
+ coqtop version cagnode16:/afs/csail.mit.edu/u/j/jgross/coq-trunk,trunk (68846802a7be637ec805a5e374655a426b5723a5) *)
+Axiom transport : forall {A : Type} (P : A -> Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) (u : P x), P y.
+Inductive trunc_index := minus_two | trunc_S (_ : trunc_index).
+Axiom IsTrunc : trunc_index -> Type -> Type.
+Existing Class IsTrunc.
+Axiom Contr : Type -> Type.
+Inductive Trunc (n : trunc_index) (A :Type) : Type := tr : A -> Trunc n A.
+Module NonPrim.
+ Unset Primitive Projections.
+ Set Implicit Arguments.
+ Record sigT {A} (P : A -> Type) := existT { projT1 : A ; projT2 : P projT1 }.
+ Notation "{ x : A & P }" := (sigT (fun x:A => P)) : type_scope.
+ Unset Implicit Arguments.
+ Notation "( x ; y )" := (existT _ x y) : fibration_scope.
+ Open Scope fibration_scope.
+ Notation pr1 := projT1.
+ Notation pr2 := projT2.
+ Notation "x .1" := (pr1 x) (at level 3, format "x '.1'") : fibration_scope.
+ Notation "x .2" := (pr2 x) (at level 3, format "x '.2'") : fibration_scope.
+ Definition hfiber {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) (y : B) := { x : A & f x = y }.
+ Class IsConnected (n : trunc_index) (A : Type) := isconnected_contr_trunc :> Contr (Trunc n A).
+ Axiom isconnected_elim : forall {n} {A} `{IsConnected n A}
+ (C : Type) `{IsTrunc n C} (f : A -> C),
+ { c:C & forall a:A, f a = c }.
+ Class IsConnMap (n : trunc_index) {A B : Type} (f : A -> B)
+ := isconnected_hfiber_conn_map :> forall b:B, IsConnected n (hfiber f b).
+ Definition conn_map_elim {n : trunc_index}
+ {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) `{IsConnMap n _ _ f}
+ (P : B -> Type) {HP : forall b:B, IsTrunc n (P b)}
+ (d : forall a:A, P (f a))
+ : forall b:B, P b.
+ Proof.
+ intros b.
+ refine (pr1 (isconnected_elim _ _)).
+ 2:exact b.
+ intro x.
+ exact (transport P x.2 (d x.1)).
+ Defined.
+ Definition conn_map_elim' {n : trunc_index}
+ {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) `{IsConnMap n _ _ f}
+ (P : B -> Type) {HP : forall b:B, IsTrunc n (P b)}
+ (d : forall a:A, P (f a))
+ : forall b:B, P b.
+ Proof.
+ intros b.
+ refine (pr1 (isconnected_elim _ _)).
+ 2:exact b.
+ intros [a p].
+ exact (transport P p (d a)).
+ Defined.
+ Definition conn_map_comp {n : trunc_index}
+ {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) `{IsConnMap n _ _ f}
+ (P : B -> Type) {HP : forall b:B, IsTrunc n (P b)}
+ (d : forall a:A, P (f a))
+ : forall a:A, conn_map_elim f P d (f a) = d a /\ conn_map_elim' f P d (f a) = d a.
+ Proof.
+ intros a.
+ unfold conn_map_elim, conn_map_elim'.
+ Set Printing Coercions.
+ set (fibermap := fun a0p : hfiber f (f a)
+ => let (a0, p) := a0p in transport P p (d a0)).
+ Set Printing Implicit.
+ let G := match goal with |- ?G => constr:G end in
+ first [ match goal with
+ | [ |- (@isconnected_elim n (@hfiber A B f (f a))
+ (@isconnected_hfiber_conn_map n A B f H (f a))
+ (P (f a)) (HP (f a))
+ (fun x : @hfiber A B f (f a) =>
+ @transport B P (f x.1) (f a) x.2 (d x.1))).1 =
+ d a /\ _ ] => idtac
+ end
+ | fail 1 "projection names should be folded, [let] should generate unfolded projections, goal:" G ];
+ first [ match goal with
+ | [ |- _ /\ (@isconnected_elim n (@hfiber A B f (f a))
+ (@isconnected_hfiber_conn_map n A B f H (f a))
+ (P (f a)) (HP (f a)) fibermap).1 = d a ] => idtac
+ end
+ | fail 1 "destruct should generate unfolded projections, as should [let], goal:" G ].
+ admit.
+ Defined.
+End NonPrim.
+Module Prim.
+ Set Primitive Projections.
+ Set Implicit Arguments.
+ Record sigT {A} (P : A -> Type) := existT { projT1 : A ; projT2 : P projT1 }.
+ Notation "{ x : A & P }" := (sigT (fun x:A => P)) : type_scope.
+ Unset Implicit Arguments.
+ Notation "( x ; y )" := (existT _ x y) : fibration_scope.
+ Open Scope fibration_scope.
+ Notation pr1 := projT1.
+ Notation pr2 := projT2.
+ Notation "x .1" := (pr1 x) (at level 3, format "x '.1'") : fibration_scope.
+ Notation "x .2" := (pr2 x) (at level 3, format "x '.2'") : fibration_scope.
+ Definition hfiber {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) (y : B) := { x : A & f x = y }.
+ Class IsConnected (n : trunc_index) (A : Type) := isconnected_contr_trunc :> Contr (Trunc n A).
+ Axiom isconnected_elim : forall {n} {A} `{IsConnected n A}
+ (C : Type) `{IsTrunc n C} (f : A -> C),
+ { c:C & forall a:A, f a = c }.
+ Class IsConnMap (n : trunc_index) {A B : Type} (f : A -> B)
+ := isconnected_hfiber_conn_map :> forall b:B, IsConnected n (hfiber f b).
+ Definition conn_map_elim {n : trunc_index}
+ {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) `{IsConnMap n _ _ f}
+ (P : B -> Type) {HP : forall b:B, IsTrunc n (P b)}
+ (d : forall a:A, P (f a))
+ : forall b:B, P b.
+ Proof.
+ intros b.
+ refine (pr1 (isconnected_elim _ _)).
+ 2:exact b.
+ intro x.
+ exact (transport P x.2 (d x.1)).
+ Defined.
+ Definition conn_map_elim' {n : trunc_index}
+ {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) `{IsConnMap n _ _ f}
+ (P : B -> Type) {HP : forall b:B, IsTrunc n (P b)}
+ (d : forall a:A, P (f a))
+ : forall b:B, P b.
+ Proof.
+ intros b.
+ refine (pr1 (isconnected_elim _ _)).
+ 2:exact b.
+ intros [a p].
+ exact (transport P p (d a)).
+ Defined.
+ Definition conn_map_comp {n : trunc_index}
+ {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) `{IsConnMap n _ _ f}
+ (P : B -> Type) {HP : forall b:B, IsTrunc n (P b)}
+ (d : forall a:A, P (f a))
+ : forall a:A, conn_map_elim f P d (f a) = d a /\ conn_map_elim' f P d (f a) = d a.
+ Proof.
+ intros a.
+ unfold conn_map_elim, conn_map_elim'.
+ Set Printing Coercions.
+ set (fibermap := fun a0p : hfiber f (f a)
+ => let (a0, p) := a0p in transport P p (d a0)).
+ Set Printing Implicit.
+ let G := match goal with |- ?G => constr:G end in
+ first [ match goal with
+ | [ |- (@isconnected_elim n (@hfiber A B f (f a))
+ (@isconnected_hfiber_conn_map n A B f H (f a))
+ (P (f a)) (HP (f a))
+ (fun x : @hfiber A B f (f a) =>
+ @transport B P (f x.1) (f a) x.2 (d x.1))).1 =
+ d a /\ _ ] => idtac
+ end
+ | fail 1 "projection names should be folded, [let] should generate unfolded projections, goal:" G ];
+ first [ match goal with
+ | [ |- _ /\ (@isconnected_elim n (@hfiber A B f (f a))
+ (@isconnected_hfiber_conn_map n A B f H (f a))
+ (P (f a)) (HP (f a)) fibermap).1 = d a ] => idtac
+ end
+ | fail 1 "destruct should generate unfolded projections, as should [let], goal:" G ].
+ admit.
+ Defined.
+End Prim. \ No newline at end of file