path: root/tactics
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Diffstat (limited to 'tactics')
7 files changed, 120 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/inv.ml b/tactics/inv.ml
index 3574990f6..01124e867 100644
--- a/tactics/inv.ml
+++ b/tactics/inv.ml
@@ -296,17 +296,17 @@ let get_names (allow_conj,issimple) (loc, pat as x) = match pat with
error "Discarding pattern not allowed for inversion equations."
| IntroAction (IntroRewrite _) ->
error "Rewriting pattern not allowed for inversion equations."
- | IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern [[]]) when allow_conj -> (None, [])
- | IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern [(_,IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)) :: _ as l])
+ | IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern (IntroAndPattern [])) when allow_conj -> (None, [])
+ | IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern (IntroAndPattern ((_,IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)) :: _ as l)))
when allow_conj -> (Some id,l)
- | IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern [_]) ->
+ | IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern (IntroAndPattern _)) ->
if issimple then
error"Conjunctive patterns not allowed for simple inversion equations."
error"Nested conjunctive patterns not allowed for inversion equations."
| IntroAction (IntroInjection l) ->
error "Injection patterns not allowed for inversion equations."
- | IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern l) ->
+ | IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern (IntroOrPattern _)) ->
error "Disjunctive patterns not allowed for inversion equations."
| IntroAction (IntroApplyOn (c,pat)) ->
error "Apply patterns not allowed for inversion equations."
diff --git a/tactics/tacintern.ml b/tactics/tacintern.ml
index 14e0fed31..f92213da8 100644
--- a/tactics/tacintern.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacintern.ml
@@ -258,8 +258,11 @@ and intern_intro_pattern_action lf ist = function
| IntroApplyOn (c,pat) ->
IntroApplyOn (intern_constr ist c, intern_intro_pattern lf ist pat)
-and intern_or_and_intro_pattern lf ist =
- List.map (List.map (intern_intro_pattern lf ist))
+and intern_or_and_intro_pattern lf ist = function
+ | IntroAndPattern l ->
+ IntroAndPattern (List.map (intern_intro_pattern lf ist) l)
+ | IntroOrPattern ll ->
+ IntroOrPattern (List.map (List.map (intern_intro_pattern lf ist)) ll)
let intern_or_and_intro_pattern_loc lf ist = function
| ArgVar (_,id) as x ->
diff --git a/tactics/tacinterp.ml b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
index 8db91c07f..a6991691f 100644
--- a/tactics/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
@@ -511,7 +511,9 @@ let extract_ltac_constr_values ist env =
(* Extract the identifier list from lfun: join all branches (what to do else?)*)
let rec intropattern_ids (loc,pat) = match pat with
| IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id) -> [id]
- | IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern ll) ->
+ | IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern (IntroAndPattern l)) ->
+ List.flatten (List.map intropattern_ids l)
+ | IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern (IntroOrPattern ll)) ->
List.flatten (List.map intropattern_ids (List.flatten ll))
| IntroAction (IntroInjection l) ->
List.flatten (List.map intropattern_ids l)
@@ -940,8 +942,13 @@ and interp_intro_pattern_action ist env sigma = function
sigma, IntroApplyOn (c,ipat)
| IntroWildcard | IntroRewrite _ as x -> sigma, x
-and interp_or_and_intro_pattern ist env sigma =
- List.fold_map (interp_intro_pattern_list_as_list ist env) sigma
+and interp_or_and_intro_pattern ist env sigma = function
+ | IntroAndPattern l ->
+ let sigma, l = List.fold_map (interp_intro_pattern ist env) sigma l in
+ sigma, IntroAndPattern l
+ | IntroOrPattern ll ->
+ let sigma, ll = List.fold_map (interp_intro_pattern_list_as_list ist env) sigma ll in
+ sigma, IntroOrPattern ll
and interp_intro_pattern_list_as_list ist env sigma = function
| [loc,IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)] as l ->
diff --git a/tactics/tacsubst.ml b/tactics/tacsubst.ml
index c74f6093a..e09360a6a 100644
--- a/tactics/tacsubst.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacsubst.ml
@@ -54,10 +54,16 @@ and subst_intro_pattern_action subst = function
| IntroApplyOn (t,pat) ->
IntroApplyOn (subst_glob_constr subst t,subst_intro_pattern subst pat)
| IntroOrAndPattern l ->
- IntroOrAndPattern (List.map (List.map (subst_intro_pattern subst)) l)
+ IntroOrAndPattern (subst_intro_or_and_pattern subst l)
| IntroInjection l -> IntroInjection (List.map (subst_intro_pattern subst) l)
| IntroWildcard | IntroRewrite _ as x -> x
+and subst_intro_or_and_pattern subst = function
+ | IntroAndPattern l ->
+ IntroAndPattern (List.map (subst_intro_pattern subst) l)
+ | IntroOrPattern ll ->
+ IntroOrPattern (List.map (List.map (subst_intro_pattern subst)) ll)
let subst_induction_arg subst = function
| clear,ElimOnConstr c -> clear,ElimOnConstr (subst_glob_with_bindings subst c)
| clear,ElimOnAnonHyp n as x -> x
diff --git a/tactics/tacticals.ml b/tactics/tacticals.ml
index 061c05b9b..4029d1fcc 100644
--- a/tactics/tacticals.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacticals.ml
@@ -147,51 +147,85 @@ type branch_args = {
largs : constr list; (* its arguments *)
branchnum : int; (* the branch number *)
pred : constr; (* the predicate we used *)
- nassums : int; (* the number of assumptions to be introduced *)
+ nassums : int; (* number of assumptions/letin to be introduced *)
branchsign : bool list; (* the signature of the branch.
- true=recursive argument, false=constant *)
+ true=assumption, false=let-in *)
branchnames : Tacexpr.intro_patterns}
type branch_assumptions = {
ba : branch_args; (* the branch args *)
assums : Context.Named.t} (* the list of assumptions introduced *)
+open Misctypes
let fix_empty_or_and_pattern nv l =
(* 1- The syntax does not distinguish between "[ ]" for one clause with no
names and "[ ]" for no clause at all *)
(* 2- More generally, we admit "[ ]" for any disjunctive pattern of
arbitrary length *)
match l with
- | [[]] -> List.make nv []
+ | IntroOrPattern [[]] -> IntroOrPattern (List.make nv [])
| _ -> l
-let check_or_and_pattern_size loc names n =
- if not (Int.equal (List.length names) n) then
- if Int.equal n 1 then
- user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Expects a conjunctive pattern.")
- else
- user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Expects a disjunctive pattern with " ++ int n
- ++ str " branches.")
-let compute_induction_names n = function
+let check_or_and_pattern_size loc names branchsigns =
+ let n = Array.length branchsigns in
+ let msg p1 p2 = strbrk "a conjunctive pattern made of " ++ int p1 ++ (if p1 == p2 then mt () else str " or " ++ int p2) ++ str " patterns" in
+ let err1 p1 p2 =
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Expects " ++ msg p1 p2 ++ str ".") in
+ let errn n =
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Expects a disjunctive pattern with " ++ int n
+ ++ str " branches.") in
+ let err1' p1 p2 =
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",strbrk "Expects a disjunctive pattern with 1 branch or " ++ msg p1 p2 ++ str ".") in
+ match names with
+ | IntroAndPattern l ->
+ if not (Int.equal n 1) then errn n;
+ let p1 = List.count (fun x -> x) branchsigns.(0) in
+ let p2 = List.length branchsigns.(0) in
+ let p = List.length l in
+ if not (Int.equal p p1 || Int.equal p p2) ||
+ not (List.for_all (function _,IntroNaming _ | _,IntroAction _ -> true | _,IntroForthcoming _ -> false) l) then err1 p1 p2;
+ if Int.equal p p1 then
+ IntroAndPattern
+ (List.extend branchsigns.(0) (Loc.ghost,IntroNaming IntroAnonymous) l)
+ else
+ names
+ | IntroOrPattern ll ->
+ if not (Int.equal n (List.length ll)) then
+ if Int.equal n 1 then
+ let p1 = List.count (fun x -> x) branchsigns.(0) in
+ let p2 = List.length branchsigns.(0) in
+ err1' p1 p2 else errn n;
+ names
+let get_and_check_or_and_pattern loc names branchsigns =
+ let names = check_or_and_pattern_size loc names branchsigns in
+ match names with
+ | IntroAndPattern l -> [|l|]
+ | IntroOrPattern l -> Array.of_list l
+let compute_induction_names branchletsigns = function
| None ->
- Array.make n []
+ Array.make (Array.length branchletsigns) []
| Some (loc,names) ->
- let names = fix_empty_or_and_pattern n names in
- check_or_and_pattern_size loc names n;
- Array.of_list names
+ let names = fix_empty_or_and_pattern (Array.length branchletsigns) names in
+ get_and_check_or_and_pattern loc names branchletsigns
-let compute_construtor_signatures isrec ((_,k as ity),u) =
+(* Compute the let-in signature of case analysis or standard induction scheme *)
+let compute_constructor_signatures isrec ((_,k as ity),u) =
let rec analrec c recargs =
match kind_of_term c, recargs with
| Prod (_,_,c), recarg::rest ->
- let b = match Declareops.dest_recarg recarg with
- | Norec | Imbr _ -> false
- | Mrec (_,j) -> isrec && Int.equal j k
- in b :: (analrec c rest)
- | LetIn (_,_,_,c), rest -> false :: (analrec c rest)
+ let rest = analrec c rest in
+ begin match Declareops.dest_recarg recarg with
+ | Norec | Imbr _ -> true :: rest
+ | Mrec (_,j) ->
+ if isrec && Int.equal j k then true :: true :: rest
+ else true :: rest
+ end
+ | LetIn (_,_,_,c), rest -> false :: analrec c rest
| _, [] -> []
- | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "compute_construtor_signatures")
+ | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "compute_constructor_signatures")
let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ity in
let n = mib.mind_nparams in
@@ -596,8 +630,8 @@ module New = struct
(str "The elimination combinator " ++ str name_elim ++ str " is unknown.")
let elimclause' = clenv_fchain ~with_univs:false indmv elimclause indclause in
- let branchsigns = compute_construtor_signatures isrec ind in
- let brnames = compute_induction_names (Array.length branchsigns) allnames in
+ let branchsigns = compute_constructor_signatures isrec ind in
+ let brnames = compute_induction_names branchsigns allnames in
let flags = Unification.elim_flags () in
let elimclause' =
match predicate with
@@ -609,10 +643,7 @@ module New = struct
let (hd,largs) = decompose_app clenv'.templtyp.Evd.rebus in
let ba = { branchsign = branchsigns.(i);
branchnames = brnames.(i);
- nassums =
- List.fold_left
- (fun acc b -> if b then acc+2 else acc+1)
- 0 branchsigns.(i);
+ nassums = List.length branchsigns.(i);
branchnum = i+1;
ity = ind;
largs = List.map (clenv_nf_meta clenv') largs;
diff --git a/tactics/tacticals.mli b/tactics/tacticals.mli
index 147f1f0f2..4f6f87f69 100644
--- a/tactics/tacticals.mli
+++ b/tactics/tacticals.mli
@@ -102,28 +102,32 @@ type branch_args = {
largs : constr list; (** its arguments *)
branchnum : int; (** the branch number *)
pred : constr; (** the predicate we used *)
- nassums : int; (** the number of assumptions to be introduced *)
+ nassums : int; (** number of assumptions/letin to be introduced *)
branchsign : bool list; (** the signature of the branch.
- true=recursive argument, false=constant *)
+ true=assumption, false=let-in *)
branchnames : intro_patterns}
type branch_assumptions = {
ba : branch_args; (** the branch args *)
assums : Context.Named.t} (** the list of assumptions introduced *)
-(** [check_disjunctive_pattern_size loc pats n] returns an appropriate
- error message if |pats| <> n *)
-val check_or_and_pattern_size :
- Loc.t -> delayed_open_constr or_and_intro_pattern_expr -> int -> unit
+(** [check_disjunctive_pattern_size loc pats n] returns an appropriate
+ error message if |pats| <> n; extends them if no pattern is given
+ for let-ins in the case of a conjunctive pattern *)
+val get_and_check_or_and_pattern :
+ Loc.t -> delayed_open_constr or_and_intro_pattern_expr ->
+ bool list array -> intro_patterns array
(** Tolerate "[]" to mean a disjunctive pattern of any length *)
val fix_empty_or_and_pattern : int ->
delayed_open_constr or_and_intro_pattern_expr ->
delayed_open_constr or_and_intro_pattern_expr
+val compute_constructor_signatures : rec_flag -> pinductive -> bool list array
(** Useful for [as intro_pattern] modifier *)
val compute_induction_names :
- int -> or_and_intro_pattern option -> intro_patterns array
+ bool list array -> or_and_intro_pattern option -> intro_patterns array
val elimination_sort_of_goal : goal sigma -> sorts_family
val elimination_sort_of_hyp : Id.t -> goal sigma -> sorts_family
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.ml b/tactics/tactics.ml
index f0f46c14d..796cea98f 100644
--- a/tactics/tactics.ml
+++ b/tactics/tactics.ml
@@ -2089,14 +2089,15 @@ let intro_or_and_pattern loc bracketed ll thin tac id =
Proofview.Goal.enter { enter = begin fun gl ->
let c = mkVar id in
let t = Tacmach.New.pf_unsafe_type_of gl c in
- let ((ind,u),t) = Tacmach.New.pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl t in
- let nv = constructors_nrealdecls ind in
- let ll = fix_empty_or_and_pattern (Array.length nv) ll in
- check_or_and_pattern_size loc ll (Array.length nv);
+ let (ind,t) = Tacmach.New.pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl t in
+ let branchsigns = compute_constructor_signatures false ind in
+ let nv_with_let = Array.map List.length branchsigns in
+ let ll = fix_empty_or_and_pattern (Array.length branchsigns) ll in
+ let ll = get_and_check_or_and_pattern loc ll branchsigns in
(Tacticals.New.tclTHEN (simplest_case c) (Proofview.V82.tactic (clear [id])))
(Array.map2 (fun n l -> tac thin (Some (bracketed,n)) l)
- nv (Array.of_list ll))
+ nv_with_let ll)
end }
let rewrite_hyp assert_style l2r id =
@@ -2137,7 +2138,8 @@ let prepare_naming loc = function
let rec explicit_intro_names = function
| (_, IntroForthcoming _) :: l -> explicit_intro_names l
| (_, IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)) :: l -> id :: explicit_intro_names l
-| (_, IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern ll)) :: l' ->
+| (_, IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern l)) :: l' ->
+ let ll = match l with IntroAndPattern l -> [l] | IntroOrPattern ll -> ll in
List.flatten (List.map (fun l -> explicit_intro_names (l@l')) ll)
| (_, IntroAction (IntroInjection l)) :: l' ->
explicit_intro_names (l@l')
@@ -2842,8 +2844,8 @@ let induct_discharge dests avoid' tac (avoid,ra) names =
let avoid = avoid @ avoid' in
let rec peel_tac ra dests names thin =
match ra with
- | (RecArg,deprec,recvarname) ::
- (IndArg,depind,hyprecname) :: ra' ->
+ | (RecArg,_,deprec,recvarname) ::
+ (IndArg,_,depind,hyprecname) :: ra' ->
Proofview.Goal.enter { enter = begin fun gl ->
let (recpat,names) = match names with
| [loc,IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id) as pat] ->
@@ -2860,7 +2862,7 @@ let induct_discharge dests avoid' tac (avoid,ra) names =
peel_tac ra' (update_dest dests ids') names thin)
end })
end }
- | (IndArg,dep,hyprecname) :: ra' ->
+ | (IndArg,_,dep,hyprecname) :: ra' ->
Proofview.Goal.enter { enter = begin fun gl ->
(* Rem: does not happen in Coq schemes, only in user-defined schemes *)
let pat,names =
@@ -2868,7 +2870,7 @@ let induct_discharge dests avoid' tac (avoid,ra) names =
dest_intro_patterns avoid thin MoveLast [pat] (fun ids thin ->
peel_tac ra' (update_dest dests ids) names thin)
end }
- | (RecArg,dep,recvarname) :: ra' ->
+ | (RecArg,_,dep,recvarname) :: ra' ->
Proofview.Goal.enter { enter = begin fun gl ->
let (pat,names) =
consume_pattern avoid (Name recvarname) dep gl names in
@@ -2876,7 +2878,7 @@ let induct_discharge dests avoid' tac (avoid,ra) names =
dest_intro_patterns avoid thin dest [pat] (fun ids thin ->
peel_tac ra' dests names thin)
end }
- | (OtherArg,dep,_) :: ra' ->
+ | (OtherArg,_,dep,_) :: ra' ->
Proofview.Goal.enter { enter = begin fun gl ->
let (pat,names) = consume_pattern avoid Anonymous dep gl names in
let dest = get_recarg_dest dests in
@@ -3682,9 +3684,9 @@ let compute_scheme_signature scheme names_info ind_type_guess =
let rec check_branch p c =
match kind_of_term c with
| Prod (_,t,c) ->
- (is_pred p t, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
+ (is_pred p t, true, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
| LetIn (_,_,_,c) ->
- (OtherArg, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
+ (OtherArg, false, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
| _ when is_pred p c == IndArg -> []
| _ -> raise Exit
@@ -3694,12 +3696,12 @@ let compute_scheme_signature scheme names_info ind_type_guess =
let lchck_brch = check_branch p t in
let n = List.fold_left
- (fun n (b,_) -> if b == RecArg then n+1 else n) 0 lchck_brch in
+ (fun n (b,_,_) -> if b == RecArg then n+1 else n) 0 lchck_brch in
let recvarname, hyprecname, avoid =
make_up_names n scheme.indref names_info in
let namesign =
- List.map (fun (b,dep) ->
- (b, dep, if b == IndArg then hyprecname else recvarname))
+ List.map (fun (b,is_assum,dep) ->
+ (b,is_assum,dep,if b == IndArg then hyprecname else recvarname))
lchck_brch in
(avoid,namesign) :: find_branches (p+1) brs
with Exit-> error_ind_scheme "the branches of")
@@ -3744,7 +3746,7 @@ let given_elim hyp0 (elimc,lbind as e) gl =
Tacmach.New.project gl, (e, Tacmach.New.pf_unsafe_type_of gl elimc), ind_type_guess
type scheme_signature =
- (Id.t list * (elim_arg_kind * bool * Id.t) list) array
+ (Id.t list * (elim_arg_kind * bool * bool * Id.t) list) array
type eliminator_source =
| ElimUsing of (eliminator * types) * scheme_signature
@@ -3865,7 +3867,10 @@ let apply_induction_in_context hyp0 inhyps elim indvars names induct_tac =
(fun a (id,b,_) -> if Option.is_empty b then (mkVar id)::a else a) [] deps in
let (sigma, isrec, elim, indsign) = get_eliminator elim dep s (Proofview.Goal.assume gl) in
- let names = compute_induction_names (Array.length indsign) names in
+ let branchletsigns =
+ let f (_,is_not_let,_,_) = is_not_let in
+ Array.map (fun (_,l) -> List.map f l) indsign in
+ let names = compute_induction_names branchletsigns names in
let tac =
(if isrec then Tacticals.New.tclTHENFIRSTn else Tacticals.New.tclTHENLASTn)
(Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [