path: root/tactics/tacinterp.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'tactics/tacinterp.ml')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/tacinterp.ml b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
index f7129b9ba..1c7ce8a7b 100644
--- a/tactics/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
@@ -927,82 +927,73 @@ let adjust (l,lc) = (l,List.map (fun (id,c) -> (id,([],c))) lc)
type 'a extended_matching_result =
{ e_ctx : 'a;
- e_sub : bound_ident_map * extended_patvar_map;
- e_nxt : unit -> 'a extended_matching_result }
+ e_sub : bound_ident_map * extended_patvar_map; }
+let push_id_couple id name env = match name with
+| Name idpat ->
+ let binding = idpat, VConstr ([], mkVar id) in
+ binding :: env
+| Anonymous -> env
+let match_pat refresh lmatch hyp gl = function
+| Term t ->
+ let hyp = if refresh then refresh_universes_strict hyp else hyp in
+ begin
+ try
+ let lmeta = extended_matches t hyp in
+ let lmeta = verify_metas_coherence gl lmatch lmeta in
+ let ans = { e_ctx = []; e_sub = lmeta; } in
+ IStream.cons ans IStream.lempty
+ with PatternMatchingFailure | Not_coherent_metas -> IStream.empty
+ end
+| Subterm (b,ic,t) ->
+ let hyp = if refresh then refresh_universes_strict hyp else hyp in
+ let matches = match_subterm_gen b t hyp in
+ let filter s =
+ try
+ let lmeta = verify_metas_coherence gl lmatch (adjust s.m_sub) in
+ let context = give_context s.m_ctx ic in
+ Some { e_ctx = context; e_sub = lmeta; }
+ with Not_coherent_metas -> None
+ in
+ IStream.map_filter filter matches
(* Tries to match one hypothesis pattern with a list of hypotheses *)
let apply_one_mhyp_context ist env gl lmatch (hypname,patv,pat) lhyps =
- let get_id_couple id = function
- | Name idpat -> [idpat,VConstr ([],mkVar id)]
- | Anonymous -> [] in
- let match_pat lmatch hyp pat =
- match pat with
- | Term t ->
- let lmeta = extended_matches t hyp in
- (try
- let lmeta = verify_metas_coherence gl lmatch lmeta in
- { e_ctx = [];
- e_sub = lmeta;
- e_nxt = fun () -> raise PatternMatchingFailure }
- with
- | Not_coherent_metas -> raise PatternMatchingFailure)
- | Subterm (b,ic,t) ->
- let rec match_next_pattern find_next () =
- let s = find_next () in
- try
- let lmeta = verify_metas_coherence gl lmatch (adjust s.m_sub) in
- { e_ctx = give_context s.m_ctx ic;
- e_sub = lmeta;
- e_nxt = match_next_pattern s.m_nxt }
- with
- | Not_coherent_metas -> match_next_pattern s.m_nxt ()
- in
- match_next_pattern (fun () -> match_subterm_gen b t hyp) ()
- in
let rec apply_one_mhyp_context_rec = function
- | (id,b,hyp as hd)::tl ->
- (match patv with
- | None ->
- let rec match_next_pattern find_next () =
- try
- let s = find_next () in
- { e_ctx = (get_id_couple id hypname @ s.e_ctx), hd;
- e_sub = s.e_sub;
- e_nxt = match_next_pattern s.e_nxt }
- with
- | PatternMatchingFailure -> apply_one_mhyp_context_rec tl in
- match_next_pattern (fun () ->
- let hyp = if Option.is_empty b then hyp else refresh_universes_strict hyp in
- match_pat lmatch hyp pat) ()
- | Some patv ->
- match b with
- | Some body ->
- let rec match_next_pattern_in_body next_in_body () =
- try
- let s1 = next_in_body() in
- let rec match_next_pattern_in_typ next_in_typ () =
- try
- let s2 = next_in_typ() in
- { e_ctx = (get_id_couple id hypname@s1.e_ctx@s2.e_ctx), hd;
- e_sub = s2.e_sub;
- e_nxt = match_next_pattern_in_typ s2.e_nxt }
- with
- | PatternMatchingFailure ->
- match_next_pattern_in_body s1.e_nxt () in
- match_next_pattern_in_typ
- (fun () ->
- let hyp = refresh_universes_strict hyp in
- match_pat s1.e_sub hyp pat) ()
- with PatternMatchingFailure -> apply_one_mhyp_context_rec tl
- in
- match_next_pattern_in_body
- (fun () -> match_pat lmatch body patv) ()
- | None -> apply_one_mhyp_context_rec tl)
| [] ->
- db_hyp_pattern_failure ist.debug env (hypname,pat);
- raise PatternMatchingFailure
+(* db_hyp_pattern_failure ist.debug env (hypname,pat);*)
+ IStream.empty
+ | (id, b, hyp as hd) :: tl ->
+ (match patv with
+ | None ->
+ let refresh = not (Option.is_empty b) in
+ let ans = IStream.thunk (lazy (match_pat refresh lmatch hyp gl pat)) in
+ let map s =
+ let context = (push_id_couple id hypname s.e_ctx), hd in
+ { e_ctx = context; e_sub = s.e_sub; }
+ in
+ let next = lazy (apply_one_mhyp_context_rec tl) in
+ IStream.app (IStream.map map ans) (IStream.thunk next)
+ | Some patv ->
+ match b with
+ | Some body ->
+ let body = match_pat false lmatch body gl patv in
+ let map_body s1 =
+ let types = lazy (match_pat true s1.e_sub hyp gl pat) in
+ let map_types s2 =
+ let env = push_id_couple id hypname s1.e_ctx in
+ let context = (env @s2.e_ctx), hd in
+ { e_ctx = context; e_sub = s2.e_sub; }
+ in
+ IStream.map map_types (IStream.thunk types)
+ in
+ let next = IStream.thunk (lazy (apply_one_mhyp_context_rec tl)) in
+ let body = IStream.map map_body body in
+ IStream.app (IStream.concat body) next
+ | None -> apply_one_mhyp_context_rec tl)
- apply_one_mhyp_context_rec lhyps
+ apply_one_mhyp_context_rec lhyps
(* misc *)
@@ -1261,12 +1252,15 @@ and interp_match_goal ist goal lz lr lmr =
let concl = pf_concl goal in
let env = pf_env goal in
let apply_goal_sub app ist (id,c) csr mt mhyps hyps =
- let rec match_next_pattern find_next () =
- let { m_sub=lgoal; m_ctx=ctxt; m_nxt=find_next' } = find_next () in
+ let matches = match_subterm_gen app c csr in
+ let rec match_next_pattern next = match IStream.peek next with
+ | None -> raise PatternMatchingFailure
+ | Some ({ m_sub=lgoal; m_ctx=ctxt }, next) ->
let lctxt = give_context ctxt id in
try apply_hyps_context ist env lz goal mt lctxt (adjust lgoal) mhyps hyps
- with e when is_match_catchable e -> match_next_pattern find_next' () in
- match_next_pattern (fun () -> match_subterm_gen app c csr) () in
+ with e when is_match_catchable e -> match_next_pattern next in
+ match_next_pattern matches
+ in
let rec apply_match_goal ist env goal nrs lex lpt =
let () = match lex with
@@ -1320,8 +1314,9 @@ and apply_hyps_context ist env lz goal mt lctxt lgmatch mhyps hyps =
| Hyp ((_,hypname),mhyp) -> hypname, None, mhyp
| Def ((_,hypname),mbod,mhyp) -> hypname, Some mbod, mhyp
- let rec match_next_pattern find_next =
- let s = find_next () in
+ let rec match_next_pattern next = match IStream.peek next with
+ | None -> raise PatternMatchingFailure
+ | Some (s, next) ->
let lids,hyp_match = s.e_ctx in
db_matched_hyp ist.debug (pf_env goal) hyp_match hypname;
@@ -1329,9 +1324,8 @@ and apply_hyps_context ist env lz goal mt lctxt lgmatch mhyps hyps =
let nextlhyps = List.remove_assoc_in_triple id_match lhyps_rest in
apply_hyps_context_rec (lfun@lids) s.e_sub nextlhyps tl
with e when is_match_catchable e ->
- match_next_pattern s.e_nxt in
- let init_match_pattern () =
- apply_one_mhyp_context ist env goal lmatch hyp_pat lhyps_rest in
+ match_next_pattern next in
+ let init_match_pattern = apply_one_mhyp_context ist env goal lmatch hyp_pat lhyps_rest in
match_next_pattern init_match_pattern
| [] ->
let lfun = extend_values_with_bindings lmatch (lfun@ist.lfun) in
@@ -1460,14 +1454,14 @@ and interp_genarg_var_list1 ist gl x =
(* Interprets the Match expressions *)
and interp_match ist g lz constr lmr =
let apply_match_subterm app ist (id,c) csr mt =
- let rec match_next_pattern find_next () =
- let { m_sub=lmatch; m_ctx=ctxt; m_nxt=find_next' } = find_next () in
+ let rec match_next_pattern next = match IStream.peek next with
+ | None -> raise PatternMatchingFailure
+ | Some ({ m_sub=lmatch; m_ctx=ctxt; }, next) ->
let lctxt = give_context ctxt id in
let lfun = extend_values_with_bindings (adjust lmatch) (lctxt@ist.lfun) in
try eval_with_fail {ist with lfun=lfun} lz g mt
- with e when is_match_catchable e ->
- match_next_pattern find_next' () in
- match_next_pattern (fun () -> match_subterm_gen app c csr) () in
+ with e when is_match_catchable e -> match_next_pattern next in
+ match_next_pattern (match_subterm_gen app c csr) in
let rec apply_match ist sigma csr = let g = { g with sigma=sigma } in function
| (All t)::tl ->
(try eval_with_fail ist lz g t