path: root/stm
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Diffstat (limited to 'stm')
12 files changed, 501 insertions, 257 deletions
diff --git a/stm/asyncTaskQueue.ml b/stm/asyncTaskQueue.ml
index a356f32e9..26aef5355 100644
--- a/stm/asyncTaskQueue.ml
+++ b/stm/asyncTaskQueue.ml
@@ -10,17 +10,19 @@ open CErrors
open Pp
open Util
-let stm_pr_err pp = Format.eprintf "%s] @[%a@]\n%!" (System.process_id ()) Pp.pp_with pp
+let stm_pr_err pp = Format.eprintf "%s] @[%a@]\n%!" (Spawned.process_id ()) Pp.pp_with pp
let stm_prerr_endline s = if !Flags.debug then begin stm_pr_err (str s) end else ()
-type 'a worker_status = [ `Fresh | `Old of 'a ]
+type cancel_switch = bool ref
+let async_proofs_flags_for_workers = ref []
module type Task = sig
type task
type competence
+ type worker_status = Fresh | Old of competence
(* Marshallable *)
type request
type response
@@ -29,15 +31,14 @@ module type Task = sig
val extra_env : unit -> string array
(* run by the master, on a thread *)
- val request_of_task : competence worker_status -> task -> request option
- val task_match : competence worker_status -> task -> bool
- val use_response :
- competence worker_status -> task -> response ->
- [ `Stay of competence * task list | `End ]
+ val request_of_task : worker_status -> task -> request option
+ val task_match : worker_status -> task -> bool
+ val use_response : worker_status -> task -> response ->
+ [ `Stay of competence * task list | `End ]
val on_marshal_error : string -> task -> unit
val on_task_cancellation_or_expiration_or_slave_death : task option -> unit
val forward_feedback : Feedback.feedback -> unit
(* run by the worker *)
val perform : request -> response
@@ -47,8 +48,6 @@ module type Task = sig
-type expiration = bool ref
module Make(T : Task) () = struct
exception Die
@@ -59,45 +58,45 @@ module Make(T : Task) () = struct
type request = Request of T.request
type more_data =
- | MoreDataUnivLevel of Univ.universe_level list
+ | MoreDataUnivLevel of Universes.universe_id list
let slave_respond (Request r) =
let res = T.perform r in
Response res
exception MarshalError of string
let marshal_to_channel oc data =
Marshal.to_channel oc data [];
flush oc
let marshal_err s = raise (MarshalError s)
let marshal_request oc (req : request) =
try marshal_to_channel oc req
with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
marshal_err ("marshal_request: "^s)
let unmarshal_request ic =
try (CThread.thread_friendly_input_value ic : request)
with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
marshal_err ("unmarshal_request: "^s)
let marshal_response oc (res : response) =
try marshal_to_channel oc res
with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
marshal_err ("marshal_response: "^s)
let unmarshal_response ic =
try (CThread.thread_friendly_input_value ic : response)
with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
marshal_err ("unmarshal_response: "^s)
let marshal_more_data oc (res : more_data) =
try marshal_to_channel oc res
with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
marshal_err ("marshal_more_data: "^s)
let unmarshal_more_data ic =
try (CThread.thread_friendly_input_value ic : more_data)
with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
@@ -112,18 +111,18 @@ module Make(T : Task) () = struct
module Model = struct
type process = Worker.process
- type extra = (T.task * expiration) TQueue.t
+ type extra = (T.task * cancel_switch) TQueue.t
let spawn id =
let name = Printf.sprintf "%s:%d" !T.name id in
let proc, ic, oc =
let rec set_slave_opt = function
- | [] -> !Flags.async_proofs_flags_for_workers @
+ | [] -> !async_proofs_flags_for_workers @
["-toploop"; !T.name^"top";
"-worker-id"; name;
- Flags.string_of_priority !Flags.async_proofs_worker_priority]
- | ("-ideslave"|"-emacs"|"-batch")::tl -> set_slave_opt tl
+ CoqworkmgrApi.(string_of_priority !WorkerLoop.async_proofs_worker_priority)]
+ | ("-ideslave"|"-emacs"|"-emacs-U"|"-batch")::tl -> set_slave_opt tl
| ("-async-proofs" |"-toploop" |"-vio2vo"
|"-load-vernac-source" |"-l" |"-load-vernac-source-verbose" |"-lv"
|"-compile" |"-compile-verbose"
@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ module Make(T : Task) () = struct
let { WorkerPool.extra = queue; exit; cancelled } = cpanel in
let exit () = report_status ~id "Dead"; exit () in
let last_task = ref None in
- let worker_age = ref `Fresh in
+ let worker_age = ref T.Fresh in
let got_token = ref false in
let giveback_exec_token () =
if !got_token then (CoqworkmgrApi.giveback 1; got_token := false) in
@@ -170,8 +169,7 @@ module Make(T : Task) () = struct
| Unix.WSIGNALED sno -> Printf.sprintf "signalled(%d)" sno
| Unix.WSTOPPED sno -> Printf.sprintf "stopped(%d)" sno) in
let more_univs n =
- CList.init n (fun _ ->
- Universes.new_univ_level (Global.current_dirpath ())) in
+ CList.init n (fun _ -> Universes.new_univ_id ()) in
let rec kill_if () =
if not (Worker.is_alive proc) then ()
@@ -213,7 +211,7 @@ module Make(T : Task) () = struct
| `Stay(competence, new_tasks) ->
last_task := None;
giveback_exec_token ();
- worker_age := `Old competence;
+ worker_age := T.Old competence;
add_tasks new_tasks
continue ()
@@ -236,7 +234,7 @@ module Make(T : Task) () = struct
type queue = {
active : Pool.pool;
- queue : (T.task * expiration) TQueue.t;
+ queue : (T.task * cancel_switch) TQueue.t;
cleaner : Thread.t option;
@@ -252,16 +250,16 @@ module Make(T : Task) () = struct
cleaner = if size > 0 then Some (Thread.create cleaner queue) else None;
let destroy { active; queue } =
Pool.destroy active;
TQueue.destroy queue
let broadcast { queue } = TQueue.broadcast queue
- let enqueue_task { queue; active } (t, _ as item) =
+ let enqueue_task { queue; active } t ~cancel_switch =
stm_prerr_endline ("Enqueue task "^T.name_of_task t);
- TQueue.push queue item
+ TQueue.push queue (t, cancel_switch)
let cancel_worker { active } n = Pool.cancel n active
@@ -297,7 +295,7 @@ module Make(T : Task) () = struct
let slave_handshake () =
Pool.worker_handshake (Option.get !slave_ic) (Option.get !slave_oc)
- let pp_pid pp = Pp.(str (System.process_id () ^ " ") ++ pp)
+ let pp_pid pp = Pp.(str (Spawned.process_id () ^ " ") ++ pp)
let debug_with_pid = Feedback.(function
| { contents = Message(Debug, loc, pp) } as fb ->
@@ -310,7 +308,7 @@ module Make(T : Task) () = struct
Marshal.to_channel oc (RespFeedback (debug_with_pid fb)) []; flush oc in
ignore (Feedback.add_feeder (fun x -> slave_feeder (Option.get !slave_oc) x));
(* We ask master to allocate universe identifiers *)
- Universes.set_remote_new_univ_level (bufferize (fun () ->
+ Universes.set_remote_new_univ_id (bufferize (fun () ->
marshal_response (Option.get !slave_oc) RespGetCounterNewUnivLevel;
match unmarshal_more_data (Option.get !slave_ic) with
| MoreDataUnivLevel l -> l));
@@ -339,14 +337,14 @@ module Make(T : Task) () = struct
let clear { queue; active } =
assert(Pool.is_empty active); (* We allow that only if no slaves *)
TQueue.clear queue
let snapshot { queue; active } =
List.map fst
(Pool.n_workers active) queue)
let with_n_workers n f =
- let q = create n in
+ let q = create n in
try let rc = f q in destroy q; rc
with e -> let e = CErrors.push e in destroy q; iraise e
diff --git a/stm/asyncTaskQueue.mli b/stm/asyncTaskQueue.mli
index 1044e668b..07689389f 100644
--- a/stm/asyncTaskQueue.mli
+++ b/stm/asyncTaskQueue.mli
@@ -6,79 +6,214 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-type 'a worker_status = [ `Fresh | `Old of 'a ]
+(* Default flags for workers *)
+val async_proofs_flags_for_workers : string list ref
+(** This file provides an API for defining and managing a queue of
+ tasks to be done by external workers.
+ A queue of items of type [task] is maintained, then for each task,
+ a request is generated, then sent to a worker using marshalling.
+ The workers will then eventually return a result, using marshalling
+ again:
+ ____ ____ ____ ________
+ | T1 | T2 | T3 | => [request ] => | Worker |
+ |____|____|____| <= [response] <= |________|
+ | Master Proc. |
+ \--------------/
+ Thus [request] and [response] must be safely marshallable.
+ Operations for managing the task queue are provide, see below
+ for more details.
+ *)
+(** The [Task] module type defines an abstract message-processing
+ queue. *)
module type Task = sig
+ (** Main description of a task. Elements are stored in the "master"
+ process, and then converted into a request.
+ *)
type task
+ (** [competence] stores the information about what kind of work a
+ worker has completed / has available. *)
type competence
- (* Marshallable *)
+ (** A worker_status is:
+ - [`Fresh] when a worker is born.
+ - [`Old of competence]: When a worker ends a job it can either die
+ (and be replaced by a fresh new worker) or hang there as an [`Old]
+ worker. In such case some data can be carried by the [`Old]
+ constructor, typically used to implement [request_of_task].
+ This allows to implement both one-shot workers and "persistent"
+ ones. E.g. par: is implement using workers that don't
+ "reboot". Proof workers do reboot mainly because the vm has some
+ C state that cannot be cleared, so you have a real memory leak if
+ you don't reboot the worker. *)
+ type worker_status = Fresh | Old of competence
+ (** Type of input and output data for workers.
+ The data must be marshallable as it send through the network
+ using [Marshal] . *)
type request
type response
- val name : string ref (* UID of the task kind, for -toploop *)
+ (** UID of the task kind, for -toploop *)
+ val name : string ref
+ (** Extra arguments of the task kind, for -toploop *)
val extra_env : unit -> string array
- (* run by the master, on a thread *)
- val request_of_task : competence worker_status -> task -> request option
- val task_match : competence worker_status -> task -> bool
- val use_response :
- competence worker_status -> task -> response ->
- [ `Stay of competence * task list | `End ]
+ (** {5} Master API, it is run by the master, on a thread *)
+ (** [request_of_task status t] takes the [status] of the worker
+ and a task [t] and creates the corresponding [Some request] to be
+ sent to the worker or it is not valid anymore [None]. *)
+ val request_of_task : worker_status -> task -> request option
+ (** [task_match status tid] Allows to discard tasks based on the
+ worker status. *)
+ val task_match : worker_status -> task -> bool
+ (** [use_response status t out]
+ For a response [out] to a task [t] with [status] we can choose
+ to end the worker of to keep it alive with some data and
+ immediately inject extra tasks in the queue.
+ For example, the proof worker runs a proof and finds an error,
+ the response signals that, e.g.
+ [ReponseError {state = 34; msg = "oops"}]
+ When the manager uses such a response he can tell the worker to
+ stay there and inject into the queue an extra task requesting
+ state 33 (to implement efficient proof repair). *)
+ val use_response : worker_status -> task -> response ->
+ [ `Stay of competence * task list | `End ]
+ (** [on_marshal_error err_msg tid] notifies of marshaling failure. *)
val on_marshal_error : string -> task -> unit
+ (** [on_task_cancellation_or_expiration_or_slave_death tid]
+ These functions are meant to parametrize the worker manager on
+ the actions to be taken when things go wrong or are cancelled
+ (you can kill a worker in CoqIDE, or using kill -9...)
+ E.g. master can decide to inhabit the (delegate) Future.t with a
+ closure (to be run in master), i.e. make the document still
+ checkable. This is what I do for marshaling errors. *)
val on_task_cancellation_or_expiration_or_slave_death : task option -> unit
+ (** [forward_feedback fb] sends fb to all the workers. *)
val forward_feedback : Feedback.feedback -> unit
- (* run by the worker *)
+ (** {5} Worker API, it is run by worker, on a different fresh
+ process *)
+ (** [perform in] synchronously processes a request [in] *)
val perform : request -> response
- (* debugging *)
+ (** debugging *)
val name_of_task : task -> string
val name_of_request : request -> string
-type expiration = bool ref
+(** [cancel_switch] to be flipped to true by anyone to signal the task
+ is not relevant anymore. When the STM performs an undo/edit-at, it
+ crawls the document and flips these flags (the Qed node carries a
+ pointer to the flag IIRC).
+type cancel_switch = bool ref
+(** Client-side functor. [MakeQueue T] creates a task queue for task [T] *)
module MakeQueue(T : Task) () : sig
+ (** [queue] is the abstract queue type. *)
type queue
- (* Number of workers, 0 = lazy local *)
+ (** [create n] will initialize the queue with [n] workers. If [n] is
+ 0, the queue won't spawn any process, working in a lazy local
+ manner. [not imposed by the this API] *)
val create : int -> queue
+ (** [destroy q] Deallocates [q], cancelling all pending tasks. *)
val destroy : queue -> unit
+ (** [n_workers q] returns the number of workers of [q] *)
val n_workers : queue -> int
- val enqueue_task : queue -> T.task * expiration -> unit
+ (** [enqueue_task q t ~cancel_switch] schedules [t] for execution in
+ [q]. [cancel_switch] can be flipped to true to cancel the task. *)
+ val enqueue_task : queue -> T.task -> cancel_switch:cancel_switch -> unit
- (* blocking function that waits for the task queue to be empty *)
+ (** [join q] blocks until the task queue is empty *)
val join : queue -> unit
+ (** [cancel_all q] Cancels all tasks *)
val cancel_all : queue -> unit
+ (** [cancel_worker q wid] cancels a particular worker [wid] *)
val cancel_worker : queue -> WorkerPool.worker_id -> unit
+ (** [set_order q cmp] reorders [q] using ordering [cmp] *)
val set_order : queue -> (T.task -> T.task -> int) -> unit
+ (** [broadcast q]
+ This is nasty. Workers can be picky, e.g. pick tasks only when
+ they are "on screen". Of course the screen is scrolled, and that
+ changes the potential choice of workers to pick up a task or
+ not.
+ This function wakes up the workers (the managers) that give a
+ look (again) to the tasks in the queue.
+ The STM calls it when the perspective (as in PIDE) changes.
+ A problem here is that why task_match has access to the
+ competence data in order to decide if the task is palatable to
+ the worker or not... such data is local to the worker (manager).
+ The perspective is global, so it does not quite fit this
+ picture. This API to make all managers reconsider the tasks in
+ the queue is the best I could came up with.
+ This API is crucial to Coqoon (or any other UI that invokes
+ Stm.finish eagerly but wants the workers to "focus" on the visible
+ part of the document).
+ *)
val broadcast : queue -> unit
- (* Take a snapshot (non destructive but waits until all workers are
- * enqueued) *)
+ (** [snapshot q] Takes a snapshot (non destructive but waits until
+ all workers are enqueued) *)
val snapshot : queue -> T.task list
- (* Clears the queue, only if the worker prool is empty *)
- val clear : queue -> unit
- (* create a queue, run the function, destroy the queue.
- * the user should call join *)
+ (** [clear q] Clears [q], only if the worker prool is empty *)
+ val clear : queue -> unit
+ (** [with_n_workers n f] create a queue, run the function, destroy
+ the queue. The user should call join *)
val with_n_workers : int -> (queue -> 'a) -> 'a
+(** Server-side functor. [MakeWorker T] creates the server task
+ dispatcher. *)
module MakeWorker(T : Task) () : sig
- val main_loop : unit -> unit
+ (** [init_stdout ()] is called at [Coqtop.toploop_init] time. *)
val init_stdout : unit -> unit
+ (** [main_loop ()] is called at [Coqtop.toploop_run] time. *)
+ val main_loop : unit -> unit
diff --git a/stm/coqworkmgrApi.ml b/stm/coqworkmgrApi.ml
index 6d6a198c5..14fd97a6d 100644
--- a/stm/coqworkmgrApi.ml
+++ b/stm/coqworkmgrApi.ml
@@ -8,8 +8,15 @@
let debug = false
+type priority = Low | High
+let string_of_priority = function Low -> "low" | High -> "high"
+let priority_of_string = function
+ | "low" -> Low
+ | "high" -> High
+ | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "priority_of_string")
type request =
- | Hello of Flags.priority
+ | Hello of priority
| Get of int
| TryGet of int
| GiveBack of int
@@ -36,8 +43,8 @@ let positive_int_of_string n =
let parse_request s =
if debug then Printf.eprintf "parsing '%s'\n" s;
match Str.split (Str.regexp " ") (strip_r s) with
- | [ "HELLO"; "LOW" ] -> Hello Flags.Low
- | [ "HELLO"; "HIGH" ] -> Hello Flags.High
+ | [ "HELLO"; "LOW" ] -> Hello Low
+ | [ "HELLO"; "HIGH" ] -> Hello High
| [ "GET"; n ] -> Get (positive_int_of_string n)
| [ "TRYGET"; n ] -> TryGet (positive_int_of_string n)
| [ "GIVEBACK"; n ] -> GiveBack (positive_int_of_string n)
@@ -57,8 +64,8 @@ let parse_response s =
| _ -> raise ParseError
let print_request = function
- | Hello Flags.Low -> "HELLO LOW\n"
- | Hello Flags.High -> "HELLO HIGH\n"
+ | Hello Low -> "HELLO LOW\n"
+ | Hello High -> "HELLO HIGH\n"
| Get n -> Printf.sprintf "GET %d\n" n
| TryGet n -> Printf.sprintf "TRYGET %d\n" n
| GiveBack n -> Printf.sprintf "GIVEBACK %d\n" n
@@ -106,8 +113,7 @@ let with_manager f g =
let get n =
- (fun () ->
- min n (min !Flags.async_proofs_n_workers !Flags.async_proofs_n_tacworkers))
+ (fun () -> n)
(fun cin cout ->
output_string cout (print_request (Get n));
flush cout;
@@ -118,10 +124,7 @@ let get n =
let tryget n =
- (fun () ->
- Some
- (min n
- (min !Flags.async_proofs_n_workers !Flags.async_proofs_n_tacworkers)))
+ (fun () -> Some n)
(fun cin cout ->
output_string cout (print_request (TryGet n));
flush cout;
diff --git a/stm/coqworkmgrApi.mli b/stm/coqworkmgrApi.mli
index 70d4173ae..953903810 100644
--- a/stm/coqworkmgrApi.mli
+++ b/stm/coqworkmgrApi.mli
@@ -8,9 +8,13 @@
(* High level api for clients of the service (like coqtop) *)
+type priority = Low | High
+val string_of_priority : priority -> string
+val priority_of_string : string -> priority
(* Connects to a work manager if any. If no worker manager, then
-async-proofs-j and -async-proofs-tac-j are used *)
-val init : Flags.priority -> unit
+val init : priority -> unit
(* blocking *)
val get : int -> int
@@ -21,7 +25,7 @@ val giveback : int -> unit
(* Low level *)
type request =
- | Hello of Flags.priority
+ | Hello of priority
| Get of int
| TryGet of int
| GiveBack of int
diff --git a/stm/proofBlockDelimiter.ml b/stm/proofBlockDelimiter.ml
index 01b75e496..77642946c 100644
--- a/stm/proofBlockDelimiter.ml
+++ b/stm/proofBlockDelimiter.ml
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ let simple_goal sigma g gs =
let is_focused_goal_simple ~doc id =
match state_of_id ~doc id with
| `Expired | `Error _ | `Valid None -> `Not
- | `Valid (Some { Vernacentries.proof }) ->
+ | `Valid (Some { Vernacstate.proof }) ->
let proof = Proof_global.proof_of_state proof in
let focused, r1, r2, r3, sigma = Proof.proof proof in
let rest = List.(flatten (map (fun (x,y) -> x @ y) r1)) @ r2 @ r3 in
diff --git a/stm/spawned.ml b/stm/spawned.ml
index 6ab096abf..fb5708f3a 100644
--- a/stm/spawned.ml
+++ b/stm/spawned.ml
@@ -73,3 +73,9 @@ let get_channels () =
Printf.eprintf "Fatal error: ideslave communication channels not set.\n";
exit 1
| Some(ic, oc) -> ic, oc
+let process_id () =
+ Printf.sprintf "%d:%s:%d" (Unix.getpid ())
+ (if Flags.async_proofs_is_worker () then !Flags.async_proofs_worker_id
+ else "master")
+ (Thread.id (Thread.self ()))
diff --git a/stm/spawned.mli b/stm/spawned.mli
index c3cf4d67b..7f463c6a6 100644
--- a/stm/spawned.mli
+++ b/stm/spawned.mli
@@ -20,3 +20,5 @@ val init_channels : unit -> unit
(* Once initialized, these are the channels to talk with our master *)
val get_channels : unit -> CThread.thread_ic * out_channel
+(** {6 Name of current process.} *)
+val process_id : unit -> string
diff --git a/stm/stm.ml b/stm/stm.ml
index 6c22d3771..1d46e0833 100644
--- a/stm/stm.ml
+++ b/stm/stm.ml
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
(* enable in case of stm problems *)
(* let stm_debug () = !Flags.debug *)
-let stm_debug () = !Flags.stm_debug
+let stm_debug = ref false
-let stm_pr_err s = Format.eprintf "%s] %s\n%!" (System.process_id ()) s
-let stm_pp_err pp = Format.eprintf "%s] @[%a@]\n%!" (System.process_id ()) Pp.pp_with pp
+let stm_pr_err s = Format.eprintf "%s] %s\n%!" (Spawned.process_id ()) s
+let stm_pp_err pp = Format.eprintf "%s] @[%a@]\n%!" (Spawned.process_id ()) Pp.pp_with pp
-let stm_prerr_endline s = if stm_debug () then begin stm_pr_err (s ()) end else ()
-let stm_pperr_endline s = if stm_debug () then begin stm_pp_err (s ()) end else ()
+let stm_prerr_endline s = if !stm_debug then begin stm_pr_err (s ()) end else ()
+let stm_pperr_endline s = if !stm_debug then begin stm_pp_err (s ()) end else ()
let stm_prerr_debug s = if !Flags.debug then begin stm_pr_err (s ()) end else ()
@@ -23,16 +23,45 @@ open CErrors
open Feedback
open Vernacexpr
+module AsyncOpts = struct
+ let async_proofs_n_workers = ref 1
+ let async_proofs_n_tacworkers = ref 2
+ type cache = Force
+ let async_proofs_cache : cache option ref = ref None
+ type async_proofs = APoff | APonLazy | APon
+ let async_proofs_mode = ref APoff
+ let async_proofs_private_flags = ref None
+ let async_proofs_full = ref false
+ let async_proofs_never_reopen_branch = ref false
+ type tac_error_filter = [ `None | `Only of string list | `All ]
+ let async_proofs_tac_error_resilience = ref (`Only [ "curly" ])
+ let async_proofs_cmd_error_resilience = ref true
+ let async_proofs_delegation_threshold = ref 0.03
+open AsyncOpts
+let async_proofs_is_master () =
+ !async_proofs_mode = APon &&
+ !Flags.async_proofs_worker_id = "master"
(* Protect against state changes *)
let stm_purify f x =
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
let res = f x in
- Vernacentries.unfreeze_interp_state st;
+ Vernacstate.unfreeze_interp_state st;
with e ->
let e = CErrors.push e in
- Vernacentries.unfreeze_interp_state st;
+ Vernacstate.unfreeze_interp_state st;
Exninfo.iraise e
let execution_error ?loc state_id msg =
@@ -48,7 +77,7 @@ let state_computed, state_computed_hook = Hook.make
let state_ready, state_ready_hook = Hook.make
~default:(fun state_id -> ()) ()
-let forward_feedback, forward_feedback_hook =
+let forward_feedback, forward_feedback_hook =
let m = Mutex.create () in
Hook.make ~default:(function
| { doc_id = did; span_id = id; route; contents } ->
@@ -108,7 +137,6 @@ module Vcs_ = Vcs.Make(Stateid.Self)
type future_proof = Proof_global.closed_proof_output Future.computation
type proof_mode = string
type depth = int
-type cancel_switch = bool ref
type branch_type =
[ `Master
| `Proof of proof_mode * depth
@@ -122,14 +150,14 @@ type cmd_t = {
cids : Names.Id.t list;
cblock : proof_block_name option;
cqueue : [ `MainQueue
- | `TacQueue of solving_tac * anon_abstracting_tac * cancel_switch
- | `QueryQueue of cancel_switch
+ | `TacQueue of solving_tac * anon_abstracting_tac * AsyncTaskQueue.cancel_switch
+ | `QueryQueue of AsyncTaskQueue.cancel_switch
| `SkipQueue ] }
type fork_t = aast * Vcs_.Branch.t * Vernacexpr.opacity_guarantee * Names.Id.t list
type qed_t = {
qast : aast;
keep : vernac_qed_type;
- mutable fproof : (future_proof * cancel_switch) option;
+ mutable fproof : (future_proof * AsyncTaskQueue.cancel_switch) option;
brname : Vcs_.Branch.t;
brinfo : branch_type Vcs_.branch_info
@@ -159,13 +187,14 @@ let mkTransCmd cast cids ceff cqueue =
Cmd { ctac = false; cast; cblock = None; cqueue; cids; ceff }
(* Parts of the system state that are morally part of the proof state *)
-let summary_pstate = [ Evarutil.meta_counter_summary_name;
- Evd.evar_counter_summary_name;
- "program-tcc-table" ]
+let summary_pstate = Evarutil.meta_counter_summary_tag,
+ Evd.evar_counter_summary_tag,
+ Obligations.program_tcc_summary_tag
type cached_state =
| Empty
| Error of Exninfo.iexn
- | Valid of Vernacentries.interp_state
+ | Valid of Vernacstate.t
type branch = Vcs_.Branch.t * branch_type Vcs_.branch_info
type backup = { mine : branch; others : branch list }
@@ -318,7 +347,7 @@ module VCS : sig
(* cuts from start -> stop, raising Expired if some nodes are not there *)
val slice : block_start:id -> block_stop:id -> vcs
val nodes_in_slice : block_start:id -> block_stop:id -> Stateid.t list
val create_proof_task_box : id list -> qed:id -> block_start:id -> unit
val create_proof_block : static_block_declaration -> string -> unit
val box_of : id -> box list
@@ -353,10 +382,10 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
In case you are hitting the race enable stm_debug.
- if stm_debug () then Flags.we_are_parsing := false;
+ if !stm_debug then Flags.we_are_parsing := false;
let fname =
- "stm_" ^ Str.global_replace (Str.regexp " ") "_" (System.process_id ()) in
+ "stm_" ^ Str.global_replace (Str.regexp " ") "_" (Spawned.process_id ()) in
let string_of_transaction = function
| Cmd { cast = t } | Fork (t, _,_,_) ->
(try Pp.string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast t) with _ -> "ERR")
@@ -367,7 +396,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| Noop -> " "
| Alias (id,_) -> sprintf "Alias(%s)" (Stateid.to_string id)
| Qed { qast } -> Pp.string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast qast) in
- let is_green id =
+ let is_green id =
match get_info vcs id with
| Some { state = Valid _ } -> true
| _ -> false in
@@ -435,7 +464,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let outerboxes boxes =
List.filter (fun b ->
not (List.exists (fun b1 ->
- not (same_box b1 b) && contains b1 b) boxes)
+ not (same_box b1 b) && contains b1 b) boxes)
) boxes in
let rec rec_print b =
boxes := CList.remove same_box b !boxes;
@@ -530,7 +559,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| None -> raise Vcs_aux.Expired
let set_state id s =
(get_info id).state <- s;
- if Flags.async_proofs_is_master () then Hooks.(call state_ready id)
+ if async_proofs_is_master () then Hooks.(call state_ready id)
let get_state id = (get_info id).state
let reached id =
let info = get_info id in
@@ -565,7 +594,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let id = new_node () in
merge id ~ours:(Sideff action) ~into:b Branch.master)
(List.filter (fun b -> not (Branch.equal b Branch.master)) (branches ()))
let visit id = Vcs_aux.visit !vcs id
let nodes_in_slice ~block_start ~block_stop =
@@ -664,7 +693,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
val command : now:bool -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
end = struct
let m = Mutex.create ()
let c = Condition.create ()
let job = ref None
@@ -735,16 +764,16 @@ module State : sig
val exn_on : Stateid.t -> valid:Stateid.t -> Exninfo.iexn -> Exninfo.iexn
(* to send states across worker/master *)
- val get_cached : Stateid.t -> Vernacentries.interp_state
- val same_env : Vernacentries.interp_state -> Vernacentries.interp_state -> bool
+ val get_cached : Stateid.t -> Vernacstate.t
+ val same_env : Vernacstate.t -> Vernacstate.t -> bool
type proof_part
type partial_state =
- [ `Full of Vernacentries.interp_state
+ [ `Full of Vernacstate.t
| `ProofOnly of Stateid.t * proof_part ]
- val proof_part_of_frozen : Vernacentries.interp_state -> proof_part
+ val proof_part_of_frozen : Vernacstate.t -> proof_part
val assign : Stateid.t -> partial_state -> unit
(* Handlers for initial state, prior to document creation. *)
@@ -757,26 +786,30 @@ module State : sig
end = struct (* {{{ *)
- open Vernacentries
(* cur_id holds Stateid.dummy in case the last attempt to define a state
* failed, so the global state may contain garbage *)
let cur_id = ref Stateid.dummy
let fix_exn_ref = ref (fun x -> x)
type proof_part =
- Proof_global.state * Summary.frozen_bits (* only meta counters *)
+ Proof_global.t *
+ int * (* Evarutil.meta_counter_summary_tag *)
+ int * (* Evd.evar_counter_summary_tag *)
+ Obligations.program_info Names.Id.Map.t (* Obligations.program_tcc_summary_tag *)
type partial_state =
- [ `Full of Vernacentries.interp_state
+ [ `Full of Vernacstate.t
| `ProofOnly of Stateid.t * proof_part ]
- let proof_part_of_frozen { Vernacentries.proof; system } =
+ let proof_part_of_frozen { Vernacstate.proof; system } =
+ let st = States.summary_of_state system in
- Summary.project_summary (States.summary_of_state system) summary_pstate
+ Summary.project_from_summary st Util.(pi1 summary_pstate),
+ Summary.project_from_summary st Util.(pi2 summary_pstate),
+ Summary.project_from_summary st Util.(pi3 summary_pstate)
let freeze marshallable id =
- VCS.set_state id (Valid (Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state marshallable))
+ VCS.set_state id (Valid (Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state marshallable))
let freeze_invalid id iexn = VCS.set_state id (Error iexn)
@@ -800,7 +833,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let install_cached id =
match VCS.get_info id with
| { state = Valid s } ->
- Vernacentries.unfreeze_interp_state s;
+ Vernacstate.unfreeze_interp_state s;
cur_id := id
| { state = Error ie } ->
@@ -819,6 +852,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
with VCS.Expired -> anomaly Pp.(str "not a cached state (expired).")
let assign id what =
+ let open Vernacstate in
if VCS.get_state id <> Empty then () else
try match what with
| `Full s ->
@@ -826,22 +860,27 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let prev = (VCS.visit id).next in
if is_cached_and_valid prev
- then { s with Vernacentries.proof =
+ then { s with proof =
~src:(get_cached prev).proof ~tgt:s.proof }
else s
with VCS.Expired -> s in
VCS.set_state id (Valid s)
- | `ProofOnly(ontop,(pstate,counters)) ->
+ | `ProofOnly(ontop,(pstate,c1,c2,c3)) ->
if is_cached_and_valid ontop then
let s = get_cached ontop in
let s = { s with proof =
Proof_global.copy_terminators ~src:s.proof ~tgt:pstate } in
let s = { s with system =
States.replace_summary s.system
- (Summary.surgery_summary
- (States.summary_of_state s.system)
- counters) } in
+ begin
+ let st = States.summary_of_state s.system in
+ let st = Summary.modify_summary st Util.(pi1 summary_pstate) c1 in
+ let st = Summary.modify_summary st Util.(pi2 summary_pstate) c2 in
+ let st = Summary.modify_summary st Util.(pi3 summary_pstate) c3 in
+ st
+ end
+ } in
VCS.set_state id (Valid s)
with VCS.Expired -> ()
@@ -854,12 +893,12 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
execution_error ?loc id (iprint (e, info));
(e, Stateid.add info ~valid id)
- let same_env { system = s1 } { system = s2 } =
+ let same_env { Vernacstate.system = s1 } { Vernacstate.system = s2 } =
let s1 = States.summary_of_state s1 in
- let e1 = Summary.project_summary s1 [Global.global_env_summary_name] in
+ let e1 = Summary.project_from_summary s1 Global.global_env_summary_tag in
let s2 = States.summary_of_state s2 in
- let e2 = Summary.project_summary s2 [Global.global_env_summary_name] in
- Summary.pointer_equal e1 e2
+ let e2 = Summary.project_from_summary s2 Global.global_env_summary_tag in
+ e1 == e2
let define ?safe_id ?(redefine=false) ?(cache=`No) ?(feedback_processed=true)
f id
@@ -902,11 +941,11 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let init_state = ref None
let register_root_state () =
- init_state := Some (Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No)
+ init_state := Some (Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No)
let restore_root_state () =
cur_id := Stateid.dummy;
- Vernacentries.unfreeze_interp_state (Option.get !init_state);
+ Vernacstate.unfreeze_interp_state (Option.get !init_state);
end (* }}} *)
@@ -973,7 +1012,7 @@ let get_script prf =
find ((x.expr, (VCS.get_info id).n_goals)::acc) view.next
| `Sideff (CherryPickEnv, id) -> find acc id
| `Cmd {cast = x; ctac} when ctac -> (* skip non-tactics *)
- find ((x.expr, (VCS.get_info id).n_goals)::acc) view.next
+ find ((x.expr, (VCS.get_info id).n_goals)::acc) view.next
| `Cmd _ -> find acc view.next
| `Alias (id,_) -> find acc id
| `Fork _ -> find acc view.next
@@ -1001,7 +1040,7 @@ end
(* Wrapper for Vernacentries.interp to set the feedback id *)
(* It is currently called 19 times, this number should be certainly
reduced... *)
-let stm_vernac_interp ?proof ?route id st { verbose; loc; expr } : Vernacentries.interp_state =
+let stm_vernac_interp ?proof ?route id st { verbose; loc; expr } : Vernacstate.t =
(* The Stm will gain the capability to interpret commmads affecting
the whole document state, such as backtrack, etc... so we start
to design the stm command interpreter now *)
@@ -1025,7 +1064,7 @@ let stm_vernac_interp ?proof ?route id st { verbose; loc; expr } : Vernacentries
| VernacShow ShowScript -> ShowScript.show_script (); st
| expr ->
stm_pperr_endline Pp.(fun () -> str "interpreting " ++ Ppvernac.pr_vernac expr);
- try Vernacentries.interp ?verbosely:(Some verbose) ?proof st (Loc.tag ?loc expr)
+ try Vernacentries.interp ?verbosely:(Some verbose) ?proof ~st (Loc.tag ?loc expr)
with e ->
let e = CErrors.push e in
Exninfo.iraise Hooks.(call_process_error_once e)
@@ -1107,7 +1146,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
" the \"-async-proofs-cache force\" option to Coq."))
let undo_vernac_classifier v =
- if VCS.is_interactive () = `No && !Flags.async_proofs_cache <> Some Flags.Force
+ if VCS.is_interactive () = `No && !async_proofs_cache <> Some Force
then undo_costly_in_batch_mode v;
match v with
@@ -1139,7 +1178,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let m = match e with VernacUndoTo m -> m | _ -> 0 in
let id = VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ()) in
let vcs =
- match (VCS.get_info id).vcs_backup with
+ match (VCS.get_info id).vcs_backup with
| None, _ -> anomaly Pp.(str"Backtrack: tip with no vcs_backup.")
| Some vcs, _ -> vcs in
let cb, _ =
@@ -1192,7 +1231,7 @@ let record_pb_time ?loc proof_name time =
Aux_file.record_in_aux_at proof_name proof_build_time;
hints := Aux_file.set !hints proof_name proof_build_time
exception RemoteException of Pp.t
let _ = CErrors.register_handler (function
| RemoteException ppcmd -> ppcmd
@@ -1243,15 +1282,15 @@ let prev_node { id } =
let cur_node id = mk_doc_node id (VCS.visit id)
let is_block_name_enabled name =
- match !Flags.async_proofs_tac_error_resilience with
+ match !async_proofs_tac_error_resilience with
| `None -> false
| `All -> true
| `Only l -> List.mem name l
let detect_proof_block id name =
- let name = match name with None -> "indent" | Some x -> x in
+ let name = match name with None -> "indent" | Some x -> x in
if is_block_name_enabled name &&
- (Flags.async_proofs_is_master () || Flags.async_proofs_is_worker ())
+ (async_proofs_is_master () || Flags.async_proofs_is_worker ())
then (
match cur_node id with
| None -> ()
@@ -1272,7 +1311,7 @@ let detect_proof_block id name =
(* Unused module warning doesn't understand [module rec] *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "-60"]
module rec ProofTask : sig
type competence = Stateid.t list
type task_build_proof = {
t_exn_info : Stateid.t * Stateid.t;
@@ -1295,8 +1334,8 @@ module rec ProofTask : sig
include AsyncTaskQueue.Task
with type task := task
- and type competence := competence
- and type request := request
+ and type competence := competence
+ and type request := request
val build_proof_here :
?loc:Loc.t ->
@@ -1305,7 +1344,7 @@ module rec ProofTask : sig
Proof_global.closed_proof_output Future.computation
(* If set, only tasks overlapping with this list are processed *)
- val set_perspective : Stateid.t list -> unit
+ val set_perspective : Stateid.t list -> unit
end = struct (* {{{ *)
@@ -1327,10 +1366,12 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| BuildProof of task_build_proof
| States of Stateid.t list
+ type worker_status = Fresh | Old of competence
type request =
| ReqBuildProof of (Future.UUID.t,VCS.vcs) Stateid.request * bool * competence
| ReqStates of Stateid.t list
type error = {
e_error_at : Stateid.t;
e_safe_id : Stateid.t;
@@ -1350,10 +1391,10 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let task_match age t =
match age, t with
- | `Fresh, BuildProof { t_states } ->
- not !Flags.async_proofs_full ||
+ | Fresh, BuildProof { t_states } ->
+ not !async_proofs_full ||
List.exists (fun x -> CList.mem_f Stateid.equal x !perspective) t_states
- | `Old my_states, States l ->
+ | Old my_states, States l ->
List.for_all (fun x -> CList.mem_f Stateid.equal x my_states) l
| _ -> false
@@ -1369,7 +1410,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| BuildProof {
} ->
- assert(age = `Fresh);
+ assert(age = Fresh);
try Some (ReqBuildProof ({
Stateid.exn_info = t_exn_info;
stop = t_stop;
@@ -1379,19 +1420,19 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
name = t_name }, t_drop, t_states))
with VCS.Expired -> None
- let use_response (s : competence AsyncTaskQueue.worker_status) t r =
+ let use_response (s : worker_status) t r =
match s, t, r with
- | `Old c, States _, RespStates l ->
+ | Old c, States _, RespStates l ->
List.iter (fun (id,s) -> State.assign id s) l; `End
- | `Fresh, BuildProof { t_assign; t_loc; t_name; t_states; t_drop },
+ | Fresh, BuildProof { t_assign; t_loc; t_name; t_states; t_drop },
RespBuiltProof (pl, time) ->
feedback (InProgress ~-1);
t_assign (`Val pl);
record_pb_time ?loc:t_loc t_name time;
- if !Flags.async_proofs_full || t_drop
+ if !async_proofs_full || t_drop
then `Stay(t_states,[States t_states])
else `End
- | `Fresh, BuildProof { t_assign; t_loc; t_name; t_states },
+ | Fresh, BuildProof { t_assign; t_loc; t_name; t_states },
RespError { e_error_at; e_safe_id = valid; e_msg; e_safe_states } ->
feedback (InProgress ~-1);
let info = Stateid.add ~valid Exninfo.null e_error_at in
@@ -1437,19 +1478,19 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
* a bad fixpoint *)
let fix_exn = Future.fix_exn_of future_proof in
(* STATE: We use the current installed imperative state *)
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
if not drop then begin
let checked_proof = Future.chain future_proof (fun p ->
(* Unfortunately close_future_proof and friends are not pure so we need
to set the state manually here *)
- Vernacentries.unfreeze_interp_state st;
+ Vernacstate.unfreeze_interp_state st;
let pobject, _ =
Proof_global.close_future_proof ~feedback_id:stop (Future.from_val ~fix_exn p) in
let terminator = (* The one sent by master is an InvalidKey *)
Lemmas.(standard_proof_terminator [] (mk_hook (fun _ _ -> ()))) in
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
stm_vernac_interp stop
~proof:(pobject, terminator) st
{ verbose = false; loc; indentation = 0; strlen = 0;
@@ -1457,7 +1498,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
ignore(Future.join checked_proof);
(* STATE: Restore the state XXX: handle exn *)
- Vernacentries.unfreeze_interp_state st;
+ Vernacstate.unfreeze_interp_state st;
| e when CErrors.noncritical e || e = Stack_overflow ->
@@ -1478,7 +1519,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| VtProofStep _, _ -> true
| _ -> false
- let initial =
+ let initial =
let rec aux id =
try match VCS.visit id with { next } -> aux next
with VCS.Expired -> id in
@@ -1491,7 +1532,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
then Some (prev, State.get_cached prev, step)
else None
with VCS.Expired -> None in
- let this =
+ let this =
if State.is_cached_and_valid id then Some (State.get_cached id) else None in
match prev, this with
| _, None -> None
@@ -1533,11 +1574,11 @@ and Slaves : sig
val build_proof :
?loc:Loc.t -> drop_pt:bool ->
exn_info:(Stateid.t * Stateid.t) -> block_start:Stateid.t -> block_stop:Stateid.t ->
- name:string -> future_proof * cancel_switch
+ name:string -> future_proof * AsyncTaskQueue.cancel_switch
(* blocking function that waits for the task queue to be empty *)
val wait_all_done : unit -> unit
(* initialize the whole machinery (optional) *)
val init : unit -> unit
@@ -1559,11 +1600,11 @@ and Slaves : sig
end = struct (* {{{ *)
module TaskQueue = AsyncTaskQueue.MakeQueue(ProofTask) ()
let queue = ref None
let init () =
- if Flags.async_proofs_is_master () then
- queue := Some (TaskQueue.create !Flags.async_proofs_n_workers)
+ if async_proofs_is_master () then
+ queue := Some (TaskQueue.create !async_proofs_n_workers)
queue := Some (TaskQueue.create 0)
@@ -1598,7 +1639,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
* => takes nothing from the itermediate states.
(* STATE We use the state resulting from reaching start. *)
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
ignore(stm_vernac_interp stop ~proof st
{ verbose = false; loc; indentation = 0; strlen = 0;
expr = (VernacEndProof (Proved (Opaque,None))) });
@@ -1614,8 +1655,8 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| Some (_, cur) ->
match VCS.visit cur with
| { step = `Cmd { cast = { loc } } }
- | { step = `Fork (( { loc }, _, _, _), _) }
- | { step = `Qed ( { qast = { loc } }, _) }
+ | { step = `Fork (( { loc }, _, _, _), _) }
+ | { step = `Qed ( { qast = { loc } }, _) }
| { step = `Sideff (ReplayCommand { loc }, _) } ->
let start, stop = Option.cata Loc.unloc (0,0) loc in
msg_error Pp.(
@@ -1665,7 +1706,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
u.(bucket) <- uc;
p.(bucket) <- pr;
u, Univ.ContextSet.union cst extra, false
let check_task name l i =
match check_task_aux "" name l i with
| `OK _ | `OK_ADMITTED -> true
@@ -1710,11 +1751,11 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
t_exn_info; t_start = block_start; t_stop = block_stop; t_drop = drop_pt;
t_assign = assign; t_loc = loc; t_uuid; t_name = pname;
t_states = VCS.nodes_in_slice ~block_start ~block_stop }) in
- TaskQueue.enqueue_task (Option.get !queue) (task,cancel_switch);
+ TaskQueue.enqueue_task (Option.get !queue) task ~cancel_switch;
f, cancel_switch
end else
ProofTask.build_proof_here ?loc ~drop_pt t_exn_info block_stop, cancel_switch
- else
+ else
let f, t_assign = Future.create_delegate ~name:pname (State.exn_on id ~valid) in
let t_uuid = Future.uuid f in
feedback (InProgress 1);
@@ -1722,7 +1763,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
t_exn_info; t_start = block_start; t_stop = block_stop; t_assign; t_drop = drop_pt;
t_loc = loc; t_uuid; t_name = pname;
t_states = VCS.nodes_in_slice ~block_start ~block_stop }) in
- TaskQueue.enqueue_task (Option.get !queue) (task,cancel_switch);
+ TaskQueue.enqueue_task (Option.get !queue) task ~cancel_switch;
f, cancel_switch
let wait_all_done () = TaskQueue.join (Option.get !queue)
@@ -1736,7 +1777,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let reqs =
ProofTask.(fun x ->
- match request_of_task `Fresh x with
+ match request_of_task Fresh x with
| Some (ReqBuildProof (r, b, _)) -> Some(r, b)
| _ -> None)
tasks in
@@ -1749,7 +1790,7 @@ end (* }}} *)
and TacTask : sig
- type output = (Constr.constr * Evd.evar_universe_context) option
+ type output = (Constr.constr * UState.t) option
type task = {
t_state : Stateid.t;
t_state_fb : Stateid.t;
@@ -1757,14 +1798,14 @@ and TacTask : sig
t_ast : int * aast;
t_goal : Goal.goal;
t_kill : unit -> unit;
- t_name : string }
+ t_name : string }
include AsyncTaskQueue.Task with type task := task
end = struct (* {{{ *)
- type output = (Constr.constr * Evd.evar_universe_context) option
+ type output = (Constr.constr * UState.t) option
let forward_feedback msg = Hooks.(call forward_feedback msg)
type task = {
@@ -1774,7 +1815,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
t_ast : int * aast;
t_goal : Goal.goal;
t_kill : unit -> unit;
- t_name : string }
+ t_name : string }
type request = {
r_state : Stateid.t;
@@ -1785,13 +1826,15 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
r_name : string }
type response =
- | RespBuiltSubProof of (Constr.constr * Evd.evar_universe_context)
+ | RespBuiltSubProof of (Constr.constr * UState.t)
| RespError of Pp.t
| RespNoProgress
let name = ref "tacworker"
let extra_env () = [||]
type competence = unit
+ type worker_status = Fresh | Old of competence
let task_match _ _ = true
(* run by the master, on a thread *)
@@ -1800,13 +1843,13 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
r_state = t_state;
r_state_fb = t_state_fb;
r_document =
- if age <> `Fresh then None
+ if age <> Fresh then None
else Some (VCS.slice ~block_start:t_state ~block_stop:t_state);
r_ast = t_ast;
r_goal = t_goal;
r_name = t_name }
with VCS.Expired -> None
let use_response _ { t_assign; t_state; t_state_fb; t_kill } resp =
match resp with
| RespBuiltSubProof o -> t_assign (`Val (Some o)); `Stay ((),[])
@@ -1819,7 +1862,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
t_assign (`Exn e);
t_kill ();
`Stay ((),[])
let on_marshal_error err { t_name } =
stm_pr_err ("Fatal marshal error: " ^ t_name );
flush_all (); exit 1
@@ -1827,7 +1870,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let on_task_cancellation_or_expiration_or_slave_death = function
| Some { t_kill } -> t_kill ()
| _ -> ()
let command_focus = Proof.new_focus_kind ()
let focus_cond = Proof.no_cond command_focus
@@ -1855,7 +1898,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
* => captures state id in a future closure, which will
discard execution state but for the proof + univs.
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
ignore(stm_vernac_interp r_state_fb st ast);
let _,_,_,_,sigma = Proof.proof (Proof_global.give_me_the_proof ()) in
match Evd.(evar_body (find sigma r_goal)) with
@@ -1872,21 +1915,20 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let name_of_task { t_name } = t_name
let name_of_request { r_name } = r_name
end (* }}} *)
and Partac : sig
val vernac_interp :
- solve:bool -> abstract:bool -> cancel_switch ->
- int -> Stateid.t -> Stateid.t -> aast ->
- unit
+ solve:bool -> abstract:bool -> cancel_switch:AsyncTaskQueue.cancel_switch ->
+ int -> Stateid.t -> Stateid.t -> aast -> unit
end = struct (* {{{ *)
module TaskQueue = AsyncTaskQueue.MakeQueue(TacTask) ()
- let vernac_interp ~solve ~abstract cancel nworkers safe_id id
+ let vernac_interp ~solve ~abstract ~cancel_switch nworkers safe_id id
{ indentation; verbose; loc; expr = e; strlen }
let e, time, fail =
@@ -1895,7 +1937,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| VernacRedirect (_,(_,e)) -> find ~time ~fail e
| VernacFail e -> find ~time ~fail:true e
| e -> e, time, fail in find ~time:false ~fail:false e in
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
Vernacentries.with_fail st fail (fun () ->
(if time then System.with_time !Flags.time else (fun x -> x)) (fun () ->
ignore(TaskQueue.with_n_workers nworkers (fun queue ->
@@ -1910,10 +1952,10 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let t_ast = (i, { indentation; verbose; loc; expr = e; strlen }) in
let t_name = Goal.uid g in
TaskQueue.enqueue_task queue
- ({ t_state = safe_id; t_state_fb = id;
+ { t_state = safe_id; t_state_fb = id;
t_assign = assign; t_ast; t_goal = g; t_name;
- t_kill = (fun () -> if solve then TaskQueue.cancel_all queue) },
- cancel);
+ t_kill = (fun () -> if solve then TaskQueue.cancel_all queue) }
+ ~cancel_switch;
1 goals in
TaskQueue.join queue;
@@ -1932,9 +1974,10 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let open Notations in
match Future.join f with
| Some (pt, uc) ->
+ let sigma, env = Pfedit.get_current_context () in
stm_pperr_endline (fun () -> hov 0 (
str"g=" ++ int (Evar.repr gid) ++ spc () ++
- str"t=" ++ (Printer.pr_constr pt) ++ spc () ++
+ str"t=" ++ (Printer.pr_constr_env env sigma pt) ++ spc () ++
str"uc=" ++ Termops.pr_evar_universe_context uc));
(if abstract then Tactics.tclABSTRACT None else (fun x -> x))
(V82.tactic (Refiner.tclPUSHEVARUNIVCONTEXT uc) <*>
@@ -1944,7 +1987,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
Proof.run_tactic (Global.env()) assign_tac p)))) ())
end (* }}} *)
and QueryTask : sig
@@ -1953,10 +1996,10 @@ and QueryTask : sig
include AsyncTaskQueue.Task with type task := task
end = struct (* {{{ *)
type task =
{ t_where : Stateid.t; t_for : Stateid.t ; t_what : aast }
type request =
{ r_where : Stateid.t ; r_for : Stateid.t ; r_what : aast; r_doc : VCS.vcs }
type response = unit
@@ -1964,6 +2007,8 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let name = ref "queryworker"
let extra_env _ = [||]
type competence = unit
+ type worker_status = Fresh | Old of competence
let task_match _ _ = true
let request_of_task _ { t_where; t_what; t_for } =
@@ -1973,7 +2018,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
r_doc = VCS.slice ~block_start:t_where ~block_stop:t_where;
r_what = t_what }
with VCS.Expired -> None
let use_response _ _ _ = `End
let on_marshal_error _ _ =
@@ -1981,7 +2026,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
flush_all (); exit 1
let on_task_cancellation_or_expiration_or_slave_death _ = ()
let forward_feedback msg = Hooks.(call forward_feedback msg)
let perform { r_where; r_doc; r_what; r_for } =
@@ -1989,7 +2034,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
VCS.print ();
Reach.known_state ~cache:`No r_where;
(* STATE *)
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
* - start: r_where
@@ -2001,16 +2046,16 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let e = CErrors.push e in
let msg = iprint e in
feedback ~id:r_for (Message (Error, None, msg))
let name_of_task { t_what } = string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast t_what)
let name_of_request { r_what } = string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast r_what)
end (* }}} *)
-and Query : sig
+and Query : sig
val init : unit -> unit
- val vernac_interp : cancel_switch -> Stateid.t -> Stateid.t -> aast -> unit
+ val vernac_interp : cancel_switch:AsyncTaskQueue.cancel_switch -> Stateid.t -> Stateid.t -> aast -> unit
end = struct (* {{{ *)
@@ -2018,13 +2063,13 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let queue = ref None
- let vernac_interp switch prev id q =
+ let vernac_interp ~cancel_switch prev id q =
assert(TaskQueue.n_workers (Option.get !queue) > 0);
TaskQueue.enqueue_task (Option.get !queue)
- QueryTask.({ t_where = prev; t_for = id; t_what = q }, switch)
+ QueryTask.({ t_where = prev; t_for = id; t_what = q }) ~cancel_switch
let init () = queue := Some (TaskQueue.create
- (if !Flags.async_proofs_full then 1 else 0))
+ (if !async_proofs_full then 1 else 0))
end (* }}} *)
@@ -2036,8 +2081,6 @@ and Reach : sig
end = struct (* {{{ *)
-let pstate = summary_pstate
let async_policy () =
let open Flags in
if is_universe_polymorphism () then false
@@ -2047,10 +2090,10 @@ let async_policy () =
(VCS.is_vio_doc () || !async_proofs_mode <> APoff)
let delegate name =
- get_hint_bp_time name >= !Flags.async_proofs_delegation_threshold
+ get_hint_bp_time name >= !async_proofs_delegation_threshold
|| VCS.is_vio_doc ()
- || !Flags.async_proofs_full
+ || !async_proofs_full
let warn_deprecated_nested_proofs =
CWarnings.create ~name:"deprecated-nested-proofs" ~category:"deprecated"
(fun () ->
@@ -2065,6 +2108,7 @@ let collect_proof keep cur hd brkind id =
| id :: _ -> Names.Id.to_string id in
let loc = (snd cur).loc in
let rec is_defined_expr = function
+ | VernacEndProof (Proved (Transparent,_)) -> true
| VernacTime (_, e) -> is_defined_expr e
| VernacRedirect (_, (_, e)) -> is_defined_expr e
| VernacTimeout (_, e) -> is_defined_expr e
@@ -2145,7 +2189,7 @@ let collect_proof keep cur hd brkind id =
let rc = collect (Some cur) [] id in
if is_empty rc then make_sync `AlreadyEvaluated rc
else if (keep == VtKeep || keep == VtKeepAsAxiom) &&
- (not(State.is_cached_and_valid id) || !Flags.async_proofs_full)
+ (not(State.is_cached_and_valid id) || !async_proofs_full)
then check_policy rc
else make_sync `AlreadyEvaluated rc
@@ -2175,7 +2219,7 @@ let log_processing_sync id name reason = log_string Printf.(sprintf
let wall_clock_last_fork = ref 0.0
let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
let error_absorbing_tactic id blockname exn =
(* We keep the static/dynamic part of block detection separate, since
the static part could be performed earlier. As of today there is
@@ -2203,7 +2247,7 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
Proofview.give_up else Proofview.tclUNIT ()
end in
match (VCS.get_info base_state).state with
- | Valid { Vernacentries.proof } ->
+ | Valid { Vernacstate.proof } ->
Proof_global.unfreeze proof;
Proof_global.with_current_proof (fun _ p ->
feedback ~id:id Feedback.AddedAxiom;
@@ -2213,7 +2257,7 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
* - end : maybe after recovery command.
(* STATE: We use an updated state with proof *)
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
Option.iter (fun expr -> ignore(stm_vernac_interp id st {
verbose = true; loc = None; expr; indentation = 0;
strlen = 0 } ))
@@ -2227,9 +2271,9 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
(* Absorb tactic errors from f () *)
let resilient_tactic id blockname f =
- if !Flags.async_proofs_tac_error_resilience = `None ||
- (Flags.async_proofs_is_master () &&
- !Flags.async_proofs_mode = Flags.APoff)
+ if !async_proofs_tac_error_resilience = `None ||
+ (async_proofs_is_master () &&
+ !async_proofs_mode = APoff)
then f ()
try f ()
@@ -2238,9 +2282,9 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
error_absorbing_tactic id blockname ie in
(* Absorb errors from f x *)
let resilient_command f x =
- if not !Flags.async_proofs_cmd_error_resilience ||
- (Flags.async_proofs_is_master () &&
- !Flags.async_proofs_mode = Flags.APoff)
+ if not !async_proofs_cmd_error_resilience ||
+ (async_proofs_is_master () &&
+ !async_proofs_mode = APoff)
then f x
try f x
@@ -2249,10 +2293,14 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
(* ugly functions to process nested lemmas, i.e. hard to reproduce
* side effects *)
let cherry_pick_non_pstate () =
- Summary.freeze_summary ~marshallable:`No ~complement:true pstate,
- Lib.freeze ~marshallable:`No in
+ let st = Summary.freeze_summaries ~marshallable:`No in
+ let st = Summary.remove_from_summary st Util.(pi1 summary_pstate) in
+ let st = Summary.remove_from_summary st Util.(pi2 summary_pstate) in
+ let st = Summary.remove_from_summary st Util.(pi3 summary_pstate) in
+ st, Lib.freeze ~marshallable:`No in
let inject_non_pstate (s,l) =
- Summary.unfreeze_summary s; Lib.unfreeze l; update_global_env ()
+ Summary.unfreeze_summaries ~partial:true s; Lib.unfreeze l; update_global_env ()
let rec pure_cherry_pick_non_pstate safe_id id =
stm_purify (fun id ->
@@ -2277,39 +2325,39 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
), cache, true
| `Cmd { cast = x; cqueue = `SkipQueue } -> (fun () ->
reach view.next), cache, true
- | `Cmd { cast = x; cqueue = `TacQueue (solve,abstract,cancel); cblock } ->
+ | `Cmd { cast = x; cqueue = `TacQueue (solve,abstract,cancel_switch); cblock } ->
(fun () ->
resilient_tactic id cblock (fun () ->
reach ~cache:`Shallow view.next;
- Partac.vernac_interp ~solve ~abstract
- cancel !Flags.async_proofs_n_tacworkers view.next id x)
+ Partac.vernac_interp ~solve ~abstract ~cancel_switch
+ !async_proofs_n_tacworkers view.next id x)
), cache, true
- | `Cmd { cast = x; cqueue = `QueryQueue cancel }
- when Flags.async_proofs_is_master () -> (fun () ->
+ | `Cmd { cast = x; cqueue = `QueryQueue cancel_switch }
+ when async_proofs_is_master () -> (fun () ->
reach view.next;
- Query.vernac_interp cancel view.next id x
+ Query.vernac_interp ~cancel_switch view.next id x
), cache, false
| `Cmd { cast = x; ceff = eff; ctac = true; cblock } -> (fun () ->
resilient_tactic id cblock (fun () ->
reach view.next;
(* State resulting from reach *)
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
ignore(stm_vernac_interp id st x)
if eff then update_global_env ()
), (if eff then `Yes else cache), true
| `Cmd { cast = x; ceff = eff } -> (fun () ->
- (match !Flags.async_proofs_mode with
- | Flags.APon | Flags.APonLazy ->
+ (match !async_proofs_mode with
+ | APon | APonLazy ->
resilient_command reach view.next
- | Flags.APoff -> reach view.next);
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ | APoff -> reach view.next);
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
ignore(stm_vernac_interp id st x);
if eff then update_global_env ()
), (if eff then `Yes else cache), true
| `Fork ((x,_,_,_), None) -> (fun () ->
resilient_command reach view.next;
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
ignore(stm_vernac_interp id st x);
wall_clock_last_fork := Unix.gettimeofday ()
), `Yes, true
@@ -2318,7 +2366,7 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
reach view.next;
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
ignore(stm_vernac_interp id st x);
with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
let (e, info) = CErrors.push e in
@@ -2369,16 +2417,16 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
Proof_global.close_future_proof ~feedback_id:id fp in
if not delegate then ignore(Future.compute fp);
reach view.next;
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
ignore(stm_vernac_interp id ~proof st x);
feedback ~id:id Incomplete
| { VCS.kind = `Master }, _ -> assert false
Proof_global.discard_all ()
), (if redefine_qed then `No else `Yes), true
- | `Sync (name, `Immediate) -> (fun () ->
+ | `Sync (name, `Immediate) -> (fun () ->
reach eop;
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
ignore(stm_vernac_interp id st x);
Proof_global.discard_all ()
), `Yes, true
@@ -2401,7 +2449,7 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
if keep != VtKeepAsAxiom then
reach view.next;
let wall_clock2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
ignore(stm_vernac_interp id ?proof st x);
let wall_clock3 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
Aux_file.record_in_aux_at ?loc:x.loc "proof_check_time"
@@ -2419,7 +2467,7 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
aux (collect_proof keep (view.next, x) brname brinfo eop)
| `Sideff (ReplayCommand x,_) -> (fun () ->
reach view.next;
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
ignore(stm_vernac_interp id st x);
update_global_env ()
), cache, true
@@ -2429,7 +2477,7 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
), cache, true
let cache_step =
- if !Flags.async_proofs_cache = Some Flags.Force then `Yes
+ if !async_proofs_cache = Some Force then `Yes
else cache_step in
State.define ?safe_id
~cache:cache_step ~redefine:redefine_qed ~feedback_processed step id;
@@ -2460,6 +2508,7 @@ let doc_type_module_name (std : stm_doc_type) =
let init_core () =
+ if !async_proofs_mode = APon then Control.enable_thread_delay := true;
State.register_root_state ()
let new_doc { doc_type ; require_libs } =
@@ -2478,12 +2527,16 @@ let new_doc { doc_type ; require_libs } =
begin match doc_type with
| Interactive ln ->
+ Safe_typing.allow_delayed_constants := true;
Declaremods.start_library ln
| VoDoc ln ->
let ldir = Flags.verbosely Library.start_library ln in
VCS.set_ldir ldir;
set_compilation_hints ln
| VioDoc ln ->
+ Safe_typing.allow_delayed_constants := true;
let ldir = Flags.verbosely Library.start_library ln in
VCS.set_ldir ldir;
set_compilation_hints ln
@@ -2494,10 +2547,10 @@ let new_doc { doc_type ; require_libs } =
State.define ~cache:`Yes ~redefine:true (fun () -> ()) Stateid.initial;
Backtrack.record ();
Slaves.init ();
- if Flags.async_proofs_is_master () then begin
+ if async_proofs_is_master () then begin
stm_prerr_endline (fun () -> "Initializing workers");
Query.init ();
- let opts = match !Flags.async_proofs_private_flags with
+ let opts = match !async_proofs_private_flags with
| None -> []
| Some s -> Str.split_delim (Str.regexp ",") s in
begin try
@@ -2688,7 +2741,7 @@ let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ?(part_of_script=true)
| VtQuery (false,route), VtNow ->
let query_sid = VCS.cur_tip () in
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
ignore(stm_vernac_interp ~route query_sid st x)
with e ->
let e = CErrors.push e in
@@ -2696,7 +2749,7 @@ let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ?(part_of_script=true)
| VtQuery (true, route), w ->
let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
let queue =
- if !Flags.async_proofs_full then `QueryQueue (ref false)
+ if !async_proofs_full then `QueryQueue (ref false)
else if VCS.is_vio_doc () &&
VCS.((get_branch head).kind = `Master) &&
may_pierce_opaque x
@@ -2762,7 +2815,7 @@ let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ?(part_of_script=true)
(* Side effect on all branches *)
| VtUnknown, _ when expr = VernacToplevelControl Drop ->
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
ignore(stm_vernac_interp (VCS.get_branch_pos head) st x);
@@ -2790,7 +2843,7 @@ let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ?(part_of_script=true)
VCS.checkout VCS.Branch.master;
let mid = VCS.get_branch_pos VCS.Branch.master in
let _st' = Reach.known_state ~cache:(VCS.is_interactive ()) mid in
- let st = Vernacentries.freeze_interp_state `No in
+ let st = Vernacstate.freeze_interp_state `No in
ignore(stm_vernac_interp id st x);
(* Vernac x may or may not start a proof *)
if not in_proof && Proof_global.there_are_pending_proofs () then
@@ -2831,7 +2884,7 @@ let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ?(part_of_script=true)
let get_ast ~doc id =
match VCS.visit id with
| { step = `Cmd { cast = { loc; expr } } }
- | { step = `Fork (({ loc; expr }, _, _, _), _) }
+ | { step = `Fork (({ loc; expr }, _, _, _), _) }
| { step = `Qed ({ qast = { loc; expr } }, _) } ->
Some (Loc.tag ?loc expr)
| _ -> None
@@ -2861,7 +2914,7 @@ let parse_sentence ~doc sid pa =
(str "Currently, the parsing api only supports parsing at the tip of the document." ++ fnl () ++
str "You wanted to parse at: " ++ str (Stateid.to_string sid) ++
str " but the current tip is: " ++ str (Stateid.to_string cur_tip)) ;
- if not (Stateid.equal sid real_tip) && !Flags.debug && stm_debug () then
+ if not (Stateid.equal sid real_tip) && !Flags.debug && !stm_debug then
(str "Warning, the real tip doesn't match the current tip." ++
str "You wanted to parse at: " ++ str (Stateid.to_string sid) ++
@@ -3020,7 +3073,7 @@ let edit_at ~doc id =
VCS.delete_boxes_of id;
VCS.gc ();
VCS.print ();
- if not !Flags.async_proofs_full then
+ if not !async_proofs_full then
Reach.known_state ~cache:(VCS.is_interactive ()) id;
VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
`NewTip in
@@ -3036,7 +3089,7 @@ let edit_at ~doc id =
| _, Some _, None -> assert false
| false, Some { qed = qed_id ; lemma = start }, Some(mode,bn) ->
let tip = VCS.cur_tip () in
- if has_failed qed_id && is_pure qed_id && not !Flags.async_proofs_never_reopen_branch
+ if has_failed qed_id && is_pure qed_id && not !async_proofs_never_reopen_branch
then reopen_branch start id mode qed_id tip bn
else backto id (Some bn)
| true, Some { qed = qed_id }, Some(mode,bn) ->
diff --git a/stm/stm.mli b/stm/stm.mli
index 31f4599d3..ef95be0e4 100644
--- a/stm/stm.mli
+++ b/stm/stm.mli
@@ -220,8 +220,35 @@ val forward_feedback_hook : (Feedback.feedback -> unit) Hook.t
val get_doc : Feedback.doc_id -> doc
val state_of_id : doc:doc ->
- Stateid.t -> [ `Valid of Vernacentries.interp_state option | `Expired | `Error of exn ]
+ Stateid.t -> [ `Valid of Vernacstate.t option | `Expired | `Error of exn ]
(* Queries for backward compatibility *)
val current_proof_depth : doc:doc -> int
val get_all_proof_names : doc:doc -> Id.t list
+(** Enable STM debugging *)
+val stm_debug : bool ref
+(* Flags *)
+module AsyncOpts : sig
+ (* Defaults for worker creation *)
+ val async_proofs_n_workers : int ref
+ val async_proofs_n_tacworkers : int ref
+ type async_proofs = APoff | APonLazy | APon
+ val async_proofs_mode : async_proofs ref
+ type cache = Force
+ val async_proofs_cache : cache option ref
+ val async_proofs_private_flags : string option ref
+ val async_proofs_full : bool ref
+ val async_proofs_never_reopen_branch : bool ref
+ type tac_error_filter = [ `None | `Only of string list | `All ]
+ val async_proofs_tac_error_resilience : tac_error_filter ref
+ val async_proofs_cmd_error_resilience : bool ref
+ val async_proofs_delegation_threshold : float ref
diff --git a/stm/vernac_classifier.ml b/stm/vernac_classifier.ml
index 3aa2cd707..c5ae27a11 100644
--- a/stm/vernac_classifier.ml
+++ b/stm/vernac_classifier.ml
@@ -103,8 +103,7 @@ let rec classify_vernac e =
| VernacUnsetOption (["Default";"Proof";"Using"])
| VernacSetOption (["Default";"Proof";"Using"],_) -> VtSideff [], VtNow
(* StartProof *)
- | VernacDefinition (
- (Some Decl_kinds.Discharge,Decl_kinds.Definition),((_,i),_),ProveBody _) ->
+ | VernacDefinition ((Decl_kinds.DoDischarge,_),((_,i),_),ProveBody _) ->
VtStartProof(default_proof_mode (),Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity,[i]), VtLater
| VernacDefinition (_,((_,i),_),ProveBody _) ->
VtStartProof(default_proof_mode (),GuaranteesOpacity,[i]), VtLater
@@ -113,19 +112,29 @@ let rec classify_vernac e =
CList.map_filter (function (Some ((_,i),pl), _) -> Some i | _ -> None) l in
VtStartProof (default_proof_mode (),GuaranteesOpacity,ids), VtLater
| VernacGoal _ -> VtStartProof (default_proof_mode (),GuaranteesOpacity,[]), VtLater
- | VernacFixpoint (_,l) ->
+ | VernacFixpoint (discharge,l) ->
+ let guarantee =
+ match discharge with
+ | Decl_kinds.NoDischarge -> GuaranteesOpacity
+ | Decl_kinds.DoDischarge -> Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity
+ in
let ids, open_proof =
List.fold_left (fun (l,b) ((((_,id),_),_,_,_,p),_) ->
id::l, b || p = None) ([],false) l in
if open_proof
- then VtStartProof (default_proof_mode (),GuaranteesOpacity,ids), VtLater
+ then VtStartProof (default_proof_mode (),guarantee,ids), VtLater
else VtSideff ids, VtLater
- | VernacCoFixpoint (_,l) ->
+ | VernacCoFixpoint (discharge,l) ->
+ let guarantee =
+ match discharge with
+ | Decl_kinds.NoDischarge -> GuaranteesOpacity
+ | Decl_kinds.DoDischarge -> Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity
+ in
let ids, open_proof =
List.fold_left (fun (l,b) ((((_,id),_),_,_,p),_) ->
id::l, b || p = None) ([],false) l in
if open_proof
- then VtStartProof (default_proof_mode (),GuaranteesOpacity,ids), VtLater
+ then VtStartProof (default_proof_mode (),guarantee,ids), VtLater
else VtSideff ids, VtLater
(* Sideff: apply to all open branches. usually run on master only *)
| VernacAssumption (_,_,l) ->
@@ -176,12 +185,12 @@ let rec classify_vernac e =
(* These commands alter the parser *)
| VernacOpenCloseScope _ | VernacDelimiters _ | VernacBindScope _
| VernacInfix _ | VernacNotation _ | VernacNotationAddFormat _
- | VernacSyntaxExtension _
+ | VernacSyntaxExtension _
| VernacSyntacticDefinition _
| VernacRequire _ | VernacImport _ | VernacInclude _
| VernacDeclareMLModule _
| VernacContext _ (* TASSI: unsure *)
- | VernacProofMode _
+ | VernacProofMode _ -> VtSideff [], VtNow
(* These are ambiguous *)
| VernacInstance _ -> VtUnknown, VtNow
(* Stm will install a new classifier to handle these *)
@@ -192,7 +201,7 @@ let rec classify_vernac e =
(* What are these? *)
| VernacToplevelControl _
| VernacRestoreState _
- | VernacWriteState _ -> VtUnknown, VtNow
+ | VernacWriteState _ -> VtSideff [], VtNow
(* Plugins should classify their commands *)
| VernacExtend (s,l) ->
try List.assoc s !classifiers l ()
diff --git a/stm/workerLoop.ml b/stm/workerLoop.ml
index 64121eb3d..704119186 100644
--- a/stm/workerLoop.ml
+++ b/stm/workerLoop.ml
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Default priority *)
+open CoqworkmgrApi
+let async_proofs_worker_priority = ref Low
let rec parse = function
| "--xml_format=Ppcmds" :: rest -> parse rest
| x :: rest -> x :: parse rest
@@ -15,5 +19,5 @@ let loop init args =
let args = parse args in
Flags.quiet := true;
init ();
- CoqworkmgrApi.init !Flags.async_proofs_worker_priority;
+ CoqworkmgrApi.init !async_proofs_worker_priority;
diff --git a/stm/workerLoop.mli b/stm/workerLoop.mli
index 53f745935..da2e6fe0c 100644
--- a/stm/workerLoop.mli
+++ b/stm/workerLoop.mli
@@ -6,4 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Default priority *)
+val async_proofs_worker_priority : CoqworkmgrApi.priority ref
val loop : (unit -> unit) -> string list -> string list