path: root/stm
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2 files changed, 97 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/stm/stm.ml b/stm/stm.ml
index f8d959f97..fb0a0514d 100644
--- a/stm/stm.ml
+++ b/stm/stm.ml
@@ -93,49 +93,6 @@ let may_pierce_opaque = function
| { expr = VernacExtend (("ExtractionInductive",_), _) } -> true
| _ -> false
-(* Wrapper for Vernac.parse_sentence to set the feedback id *)
-let indentation_of_string s =
- let len = String.length s in
- let rec aux n i precise =
- if i >= len then 0, precise, len
- else
- match s.[i] with
- | ' ' | '\t' -> aux (succ n) (succ i) precise
- | '\n' | '\r' -> aux 0 (succ i) true
- | _ -> n, precise, len in
- aux 0 0 false
-(* We must parse on top of a state id, it should be something like:
- - get parsing information for that state.
- - feed the parsable / parser with the right parsing information.
- - call the parser
- Now, the invariant in ensured by the callers, but this is a bit
- problematic.
-let stm_parse ?(indlen_prev=fun() -> 0) s =
- let indentation, precise, strlen = indentation_of_string s in
- let indentation =
- if precise then indentation else indlen_prev () + indentation in
- let pa = Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s) in
- Flags.with_option Flags.we_are_parsing (fun () ->
- try
- match Pcoq.Gram.entry_parse Pcoq.main_entry pa with
- | None -> raise (Invalid_argument "stm_parse")
- | Some (loc, ast) -> indentation, strlen, loc, ast
- with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
- let (e, info) = CErrors.push e in
- (* This is the old error recovery strategy. *)
- (* let loc = Loc.get_loc info in *)
- (* feedback (?newtip || eid) (Message(Error, loc, msg)) *)
- iraise (e, info))
- ()
-let pr_open_cur_subgoals () =
- try Printer.pr_open_subgoals ()
- with Proof_global.NoCurrentProof -> Pp.str ""
let update_global_env () =
if Proof_global.there_are_pending_proofs () then
Proof_global.update_global_env ()
@@ -2385,6 +2342,10 @@ let observe id =
VCS.restore vcs;
iraise e
+let pr_open_cur_subgoals () =
+ try Printer.pr_open_subgoals ()
+ with Proof_global.NoCurrentProof -> Pp.str ""
let finish ?(print_goals=false) () =
let head = VCS.current_branch () in
observe (VCS.get_branch_pos head);
@@ -2706,26 +2667,80 @@ let get_ast id =
let stop_worker n = Slaves.cancel_worker n
+(* We must parse on top of a state id, it should be something like:
+ - get parsing information for that state.
+ - feed the parsable / parser with the right parsing information.
+ - call the parser
+ Now, the invariant in ensured by the callers, but this is a bit
+ problematic.
+exception End_of_input
+let parse_sentence sid pa =
+ (* XXX: Should this restore the previous state?
+ Using reach here to try to really get to the
+ proper state makes the error resilience code fail *)
+ (* Reach.known_state ~cache:`Yes sid; *)
+ let cur_tip = VCS.cur_tip () in
+ if not (Stateid.equal sid cur_tip) then
+ user_err ~hdr:"Stm.parse_sentence"
+ (str "Currently, the parsing api only supports parsing at the tip of the document.");
+ Flags.with_option Flags.we_are_parsing (fun () ->
+ try
+ match Pcoq.Gram.entry_parse Pcoq.main_entry pa with
+ | None -> raise End_of_input
+ | Some com -> com
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
+ let (e, info) = CErrors.push e in
+ iraise (e, info))
+ ()
(* You may need to know the len + indentation of previous command to compute
* the indentation of the current one.
* Eg. foo. bar.
* Here bar is indented of the indentation of foo + its strlen (4) *)
-let ind_len_of id =
- if Stateid.equal id Stateid.initial then 0
- else match (VCS.visit id).step with
- | `Cmd { ctac = true; cast = { indentation; strlen } } ->
- indentation + strlen
- | _ -> 0
-let add ~ontop ?newtip ?(check=ignore) verb s =
+let ind_len_loc_of_id sid =
+ if Stateid.equal sid Stateid.initial then None
+ else match (VCS.visit sid).step with
+ | `Cmd { ctac = true; cast = { indentation; strlen; loc } } ->
+ Some (indentation, strlen, loc)
+ | _ -> None
+(* the indentation logic works like this: if the beginning of the
+ command is different than the start we are in a new line, thus
+ indentation follows from the starting position. Otherwise, we use
+ the previous one plus the offset.
+ Note, this could maybe improved by handling more cases in
+ compute_indentation. *)
+let compute_indentation sid loc =
+ let open Loc in
+ (* The effective lenght is the lenght on the last line *)
+ let len = loc.ep - loc.bp in
+ let prev_indent = match ind_len_loc_of_id sid with
+ | None -> 0
+ | Some (i,l,p) -> i + l
+ in
+ (* Now if the line has not changed, the need to add the previous indent *)
+ let eff_indent = loc.bp - loc.bol_pos in
+ if loc.bol_pos = 0 then
+ eff_indent + prev_indent, len
+ else
+ eff_indent, len
+let add ~ontop ?newtip verb (loc, ast) =
let cur_tip = VCS.cur_tip () in
if not (Stateid.equal ontop cur_tip) then
- (* For now, arbitrary edits should be announced with edit_at *)
- anomaly(str"Not yet implemented, the GUI should not try this");
- let indentation, strlen, loc, ast =
- stm_parse ~indlen_prev:(fun () -> ind_len_of ontop) s in
+ user_err ~hdr:"Stm.add"
+ (str "You used Stm.add on a different state than the tip" ++ fnl () ++
+ str "This is not supported yet, sorry.");
+ let indentation, strlen = compute_indentation ontop loc in
CWarnings.set_current_loc loc;
- check(loc,ast);
+ (* XXX: Classifiy vernac should be moved inside process transaction *)
let clas = classify_vernac ast in
let aast = { verbose = verb; indentation; strlen; loc; expr = ast } in
match process_transaction ?newtip ~tty:false aast clas with
@@ -2744,7 +2759,8 @@ let query ~at ?(report_with=(Stateid.dummy,default_route)) s =
Future.purify (fun s ->
if Stateid.equal at Stateid.dummy then finish ()
else Reach.known_state ~cache:`Yes at;
- let indentation, strlen, loc, ast = stm_parse s in
+ let loc, ast = parse_sentence at s in
+ let indentation, strlen = compute_indentation at loc in
CWarnings.set_current_loc loc;
let clas = classify_vernac ast in
let aast = { verbose = true; indentation; strlen; loc; expr = ast } in
diff --git a/stm/stm.mli b/stm/stm.mli
index d3e5dde39..a31e4289d 100644
--- a/stm/stm.mli
+++ b/stm/stm.mli
@@ -13,24 +13,31 @@ open Loc
(** state-transaction-machine interface *)
-(* [add ontop check vebose eid s] adds a new command [s] on the state [ontop].
- [check] is called on the AST.
- The [ontop] parameter is just for asserting the GUI is on sync, but
- will eventually call edit_at on the fly if needed.
- The sentence [s] is parsed in the state [ontop].
- If [newtip] is provided, then the returned state id is guaranteed to be
- [newtip] *)
-val add :
- ontop:Stateid.t -> ?newtip:Stateid.t ->
- ?check:(vernac_expr located -> unit) ->
- bool -> string ->
- Stateid.t * [ `NewTip | `Unfocus of Stateid.t ]
-(* parses and executes a command at a given state, throws away its side effects
- but for the printings. Feedback is sent with report_with (defaults to dummy
- state id) *)
+(* [parse_sentence sid pa] Reads a sentence from [pa] with parsing
+ state [sid] Returns [End_of_input] if the stream ends *)
+val parse_sentence : Stateid.t -> Pcoq.Gram.coq_parsable ->
+ Vernacexpr.vernac_expr Loc.located
+(* Reminder: A parsable [pa] is constructed using
+ [Pcoq.Gram.coq_parsable stream], where [stream : char Stream.t]. *)
+exception End_of_input
+(* [add ~ontop ?newtip verbose cmd] adds a new command [cmd] ontop of
+ the state [ontop].
+ The [ontop] parameter just asserts that the GUI is on
+ sync, but it will eventually call edit_at on the fly if needed.
+ If [newtip] is provided, then the returned state id is guaranteed
+ to be [newtip] *)
+val add : ontop:Stateid.t -> ?newtip:Stateid.t ->
+ bool -> (Loc.t * Vernacexpr.vernac_expr) ->
+ Stateid.t * [ `NewTip | `Unfocus of Stateid.t ]
+(* [query at ?report_with cmd] Executes [cmd] at a given state [at],
+ throwing away side effects except messages. Feedback will
+ be sent with [report_with], which defaults to the dummy state id *)
val query :
- at:Stateid.t -> ?report_with:(Stateid.t * Feedback.route_id) -> string -> unit
+ at:Stateid.t -> ?report_with:(Stateid.t * Feedback.route_id) -> Pcoq.Gram.coq_parsable -> unit
(* [edit_at id] is issued to change the editing zone. [`NewTip] is returned if
the requested id is the new document tip hence the document portion following