path: root/stm
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1 files changed, 32 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stm/proofBlockDelimiter.ml b/stm/proofBlockDelimiter.ml
index 8c50ad969..7dec43d1a 100644
--- a/stm/proofBlockDelimiter.ml
+++ b/stm/proofBlockDelimiter.ml
@@ -147,3 +147,35 @@ let dynamic_par { dynamic_switch = id } =
let () = register_proof_block_delimiter "par" static_par dynamic_par
+(* ***************** simple indentation *********************************** *)
+let static_indent ({ entry_point; prev_node } as view) =
+ Printf.eprintf "@%d\n" (Stateid.to_int entry_point.id);
+ match prev_node entry_point with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some last_tac ->
+ if last_tac.indentation <= entry_point.indentation then None
+ else
+ crawl view ~init:(Some last_tac) (fun prev node ->
+ if node.indentation >= last_tac.indentation then `Cont node
+ else
+ `Found { stop = entry_point.id; start = node.id;
+ dynamic_switch = node.id;
+ carry_on_data = of_vernac_expr_val entry_point.ast }
+ ) last_tac
+let dynamic_indent { dynamic_switch = id; carry_on_data = e } =
+ Printf.eprintf "%s\n" (Stateid.to_string id);
+ match is_focused_goal_simple id with
+ | `Simple [] -> `Leaks
+ | `Simple focused ->
+ let but_last = List.tl (List.rev focused) in
+ `ValidBlock {
+ base_state = id;
+ goals_to_admit = but_last;
+ recovery_command = Some (to_vernac_expr_val e);
+ }
+ | `Not -> `Leaks
+let () = register_proof_block_delimiter "indent" static_indent dynamic_indent