path: root/proofs
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1 files changed, 24 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/tacinterp.ml b/proofs/tacinterp.ml
index dfefece60..f84266a1d 100644
--- a/proofs/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/proofs/tacinterp.ml
@@ -105,14 +105,25 @@ let make_ids ast = function
| _ -> anomalylabstrm "make_ids" (str "Not an identifier")
(* Gives Qualid's and makes the possible injection identifier -> qualid *)
-let make_qid = function
+(*let make_qid = function
| VArg (Qualid _) as arg -> arg
| VArg (Identifier id) -> VArg (Qualid (make_short_qualid id))
| VArg (Constr c) ->
(match (kind_of_term c) with
| Const cst -> VArg (Qualid (qualid_of_sp cst))
| _ -> anomalylabstrm "make_qid" (str "Not a Qualid"))
- | _ -> anomalylabstrm "make_qid" (str "Not a Qualid")
+ | _ -> anomalylabstrm "make_qid" (str "Not a Qualid")*)
+(* Gives qualid's and makes the possible injection identifier -> qualid *)
+let make_qid = function
+ | VArg (Qualid q) -> q
+ | VArg (Identifier id) -> make_short_qualid id
+ | VArg (Constr c) ->
+ (match (kind_of_term c) with
+ | Const cst -> qualid_of_sp cst
+ | Var id -> make_short_qualid id
+ | _ -> anomalylabstrm "make_qid" (str "Not a qualid"))
+ | _ -> anomalylabstrm "make_qid" (str "Not a qualid")
(* Transforms a named_context into a (string * constr) list *)
let make_hyps = List.map (fun (id,_,typ) -> (string_of_id id,body_of_type typ))
@@ -520,10 +531,10 @@ let rec val_interp ist ast =
with | Not_found ->
(try (vcontext_interp ist (lookup s))
with | Not_found -> VArg (Identifier s)))
- | Node(_,"QUALIDARG",[Nvar(_,s)]) ->
+ (* | Node(_,"QUALIDARG",[Nvar(_,s)]) ->
(try (make_qid (unrec (List.assoc s ist.lfun)))
with | Not_found ->
- VArg (Qualid (qid_interp ist ast)))
+ VArg (Qualid (qid_interp ist ast)))*)
| Node(_,"QUALIDARG",_) | Node(_,"QUALIDMETA",_) ->
VArg (Qualid (qid_interp ist ast))
| Str(_,s) -> VArg (Quoted_string s)
@@ -1064,9 +1075,16 @@ and cast_opencom_interp ist com =
(* Interprets a qualified name. This can be a metavariable to be injected *)
and qid_interp ist = function
- | Node(loc,"QUALIDARG",p) -> interp_qualid p
+ | Node(_,"QUALIDARG",p) ->
+ (match p with
+ | [Nvar(_,s)] ->
+ (try (make_qid (unrec (List.assoc s ist.lfun)))
+ with | Not_found -> interp_qualid p)
+ | _ -> interp_qualid p)
| Node(loc,"QUALIDMETA",[Num(_,n)]) ->
- Nametab.qualid_of_sp (destConst(List.assoc n ist.lmatch))
+ (try Nametab.qualid_of_sp (destConst (List.assoc n ist.lmatch)) with
+ | Invalid_argument "destConst" ->
+ make_qualid (make_dirpath []) (destVar (List.assoc n ist.lmatch)))
| ast ->
anomaly_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Tacinterp.qid_interp",(str
"Unrecognizable qualid ast: " ++ print_ast ast))