path: root/proofs/tacinterp.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'proofs/tacinterp.ml')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/tacinterp.ml b/proofs/tacinterp.ml
index 034389549..bd7ff32a7 100644
--- a/proofs/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/proofs/tacinterp.ml
@@ -32,27 +32,27 @@ type value=
|VArg of tactic_arg
|VFun of (string*value) list*string option list*Coqast.t
- |VRec of value ref;;
+ |VRec of value ref
(*Gives the identifier corresponding to an Identifier tactic_arg*)
let id_of_Identifier=function
Identifier id -> id
|_ ->
- anomalylabstrm "id_of_IDENTIFIER" [<'sTR "Not an IDENTIFIER tactic_arg">];;
+ anomalylabstrm "id_of_IDENTIFIER" [<'sTR "Not an IDENTIFIER tactic_arg">]
(*Gives the constr corresponding to a Constr tactic_arg*)
let constr_of_Constr=function
Constr c -> c
- |_ -> anomalylabstrm "constr_of_Constr" [<'sTR "Not a CONSTR tactic_arg">];;
+ |_ -> anomalylabstrm "constr_of_Constr" [<'sTR "Not a CONSTR tactic_arg">]
(*Signature for interpretation: val_interp and interpretation functions*)
type interp_sign=
evar_declarations*Environ.env*(string*value) list*(int*constr) list*
- goal sigma option;;
+ goal sigma option
(*Table of interpretation functions*)
let interp_tab=
- (Hashtbl.create 17:(string,interp_sign->Coqast.t->value) Hashtbl.t);;
+ (Hashtbl.create 17:(string,interp_sign->Coqast.t->value) Hashtbl.t)
(*Adds an interpretation function*)
let interp_add (ast_typ,interp_fun)=
@@ -62,37 +62,38 @@ let interp_add (ast_typ,interp_fun)=
Failure _ ->
errorlabstrm "interp_add" [<'sTR
"Cannot add the interpretation function for "; 'sTR ast_typ; 'sTR
- " twice">];;
+ " twice">]
(*Adds a possible existing interpretation function*)
let overwriting_interp_add (ast_typ,interp_fun)=
if Hashtbl.mem interp_tab ast_typ then
(Hashtbl.remove interp_tab ast_typ;
warning ("Overwriting definition of tactic interpreter command "^ast_typ));
- Hashtbl.add interp_tab ast_typ interp_fun;;
+ Hashtbl.add interp_tab ast_typ interp_fun
(*Finds the interpretation function corresponding to a given ast type*)
-let look_for_interp=Hashtbl.find interp_tab;;
+let look_for_interp=Hashtbl.find interp_tab
(*Globalizes the identifier*)
let glob_nvar id=
Nametab.sp_of_id CCI id
- Not_found -> error ("unbound variable "^(string_of_id id));;
+ Not_found -> error ("unbound variable "^(string_of_id id))
(*Summary and Object declaration*)
-let mactab=ref Gmap.empty;;
+let mactab=ref Gmap.empty
-let lookup id=Gmap.find id !mactab;;
+let lookup id=Gmap.find id !mactab
-let init ()=mactab:=Gmap.empty in
-let freeze ()= !mactab in
-let unfreeze fs=mactab:=fs in
- Summary.declare_summary "tactic-definition"
- {Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
- Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
- Summary.init_function = init};;
+let _ =
+ let init () = mactab := Gmap.empty in
+ let freeze () = !mactab in
+ let unfreeze fs = mactab := fs in
+ Summary.declare_summary "tactic-definition"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init }
let (inMD,outMD)=
let add (na,td)=mactab:=Gmap.add na td !mactab in
@@ -101,32 +102,30 @@ let (inMD,outMD)=
load_function=(fun _ -> ());
open_function=(fun _ -> ());
- specification_function=(fun x -> x)});;
+ specification_function=(fun x -> x)})
(*Adds a Tactic Definition in the table*)
-let add_tacdef na vbody=
+let add_tacdef na vbody =
if Gmap.mem na !mactab then
- errorlabstrm "Tacdef.add_tacdef" [<'sTR
- "There is already a Tactic Definition named "; 'sTR na>]
- else
- let _=Lib.add_leaf (id_of_string na) OBJ (inMD (na,vbody))
- in
- mSGNL [<'sTR (na^" is defined")>];;
+ errorlabstrm "Tacdef.add_tacdef"
+ [< 'sTR "There is already a Tactic Definition named "; 'sTR na >];
+ let _ = Lib.add_leaf (id_of_string na) OBJ (inMD (na,vbody)) in
+ if Options.is_verbose() then mSGNL [< 'sTR (na^" is defined") >]
(*Unboxes the tactic_arg*)
let unvarg=function
VArg a -> a
- |_ -> errorlabstrm "unvarg" [<'sTR "Not a tactic argument">];;
+ |_ -> errorlabstrm "unvarg" [<'sTR "Not a tactic argument">]
(*Unboxes VRec*)
let unrec=function
VRec v -> !v
- |a -> a;;
+ |a -> a
(*Unboxes REDEXP*)
let unredexp=function
Redexp c -> c
- |_ -> errorlabstrm "unredexp" [<'sTR "Not a REDEXP tactic_arg">];;
+ |_ -> errorlabstrm "unredexp" [<'sTR "Not a REDEXP tactic_arg">]
(*Reads the head of Fun*)
let read_fun ast=
@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ let read_fun ast=
match ast with
Node(_,"FUNVAR",l) -> read_fun_rec l
|_ ->
- anomalylabstrm "Tacinterp.read_fun" [<'sTR "Fun not well formed">];;
+ anomalylabstrm "Tacinterp.read_fun" [<'sTR "Fun not well formed">]
(*Reads the clauses of a Rec*)
let rec read_rec_clauses=function
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ let rec read_rec_clauses=function
(name,it,body)::(read_rec_clauses tl)
|_ ->
anomalylabstrm "Tacinterp.read_rec_clauses" [<'sTR
- "Rec not well formed">];;
+ "Rec not well formed">]
(*Associates variables with values and gives the remaining variables and
@@ -163,24 +162,24 @@ let head_with_value (lvar,lval)=
|(vr,[]) -> (lacc,vr,[])
|([],ve) -> (lacc,[],ve)
- head_with_value_rec [] (lvar,lval);;
+ head_with_value_rec [] (lvar,lval)
(*Type of hypotheses for a Match Context rule*)
type match_context_hyps=
NoHypId of constr_pattern
- |Hyp of string*constr_pattern;;
+ |Hyp of string*constr_pattern
(*Type of a Match rule for Match Context and Match*)
type match_rule=
Pat of match_context_hyps list*constr_pattern*Coqast.t
- |All of Coqast.t;;
+ |All of Coqast.t
(*Gives the ast of a COMMAND ast node*)
let ast_of_command=function
Node(_,"COMMAND",[c]) -> c
|ast ->
anomaly_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Tacinterp.ast_of_command",[<'sTR
- "Not a COMMAND ast node: ";print_ast ast>]);;
+ "Not a COMMAND ast node: ";print_ast ast>])
(*Reads the hypotheses of a Match Context rule*)
let rec read_match_context_hyps evc env=function
@@ -193,7 +192,7 @@ let rec read_match_context_hyps evc env=function
|ast::tl ->
anomaly_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Tacinterp.read_match_context_hyp",[<'sTR
"Not a MATCHCONTEXTHYP ast node: ";print_ast ast>])
- |[] -> [];;
+ |[] -> []
(*Reads the rules of a Match Context*)
let rec read_match_context_rule evc env=function
@@ -208,7 +207,7 @@ let rec read_match_context_rule evc env=function
|ast::tl ->
anomaly_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Tacinterp.read_match_context_rule",[<'sTR
"Not a MATCHCONTEXTRULE ast node: ";print_ast ast>])
- |[] -> [];;
+ |[] -> []
(*Reads the rules of a Match*)
let rec read_match_rule evc env=function
@@ -220,18 +219,18 @@ let rec read_match_rule evc env=function
|ast::tl ->
anomaly_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Tacinterp.read_match_context_rule",[<'sTR
"Not a MATCHRULE ast node: ";print_ast ast>])
- |[] -> [];;
+ |[] -> []
(*Transforms a type_judgment signature into a (string*constr) list*)
let make_hyps hyps=
let lid=List.map string_of_id (ids_of_sign hyps)
and lhyp=List.map body_of_type (vals_of_sign hyps)
- List.combine lid lhyp;;
+ List.combine lid lhyp
(*For Match Context and Match*)
-exception No_match;;
-exception Not_coherent_metas;;
+exception No_match
+exception Not_coherent_metas
(*Verifies if the matched list is coherent with respect to lcm*)
let rec verify_metas_coherence lcm=function
@@ -245,14 +244,14 @@ let rec verify_metas_coherence lcm=function
(num,csr)::(verify_metas_coherence lcm tl)
raise Not_coherent_metas
- |[] -> [];;
+ |[] -> []
(*Tries to match a pattern and a constr*)
let apply_matching pat csr=
(Pattern.matches pat csr)
- PatternMatchingFailure -> raise No_match;;
+ PatternMatchingFailure -> raise No_match
(*Tries to match one hypothesis with a list of hypothesis patterns*)
let apply_one_hyp_context lmatch mhyps (idhyp,hyp)=
@@ -276,7 +275,7 @@ let apply_one_hyp_context lmatch mhyps (idhyp,hyp)=
|[] -> raise No_match
- apply_one_hyp_context_rec (idhyp,hyp) [] mhyps;;
+ apply_one_hyp_context_rec (idhyp,hyp) [] mhyps
(*Prepares the lfun list for constr substitutions*)
let rec make_subs_list=function
@@ -285,7 +284,7 @@ let rec make_subs_list=function
|(id,VArg (Constr c))::tl ->
(id_of_string id,c)::(make_subs_list tl)
|e::tl -> make_subs_list tl
- |[] -> [];;
+ |[] -> []
(*Interprets any expression*)
let rec val_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) ast=
@@ -690,13 +689,13 @@ and cvt_letpattern (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) (o,l)=function
error "\"Goal\" occurs twice"
(Some (List.map num_of_ast nums), l)
- |arg -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc arg,"cvt_hyppattern");;
+ |arg -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc arg,"cvt_hyppattern")
(*Interprets tactic arguments*)
-let interp_tacarg sign ast=unvarg (val_interp sign ast);;
+let interp_tacarg sign ast=unvarg (val_interp sign ast)
(*Initial call for interpretation*)
-let interp=tac_interp [] [];;
+let interp=tac_interp [] []
let is_just_undef_macro ast =
match ast with