path: root/proofs/proof_trees.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'proofs/proof_trees.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/proof_trees.ml b/proofs/proof_trees.ml
index 86ec64c76..34e9a06e7 100644
--- a/proofs/proof_trees.ml
+++ b/proofs/proof_trees.ml
@@ -248,122 +248,3 @@ let pr_subgoals_existential sigma = function
let prest = pr_rec 2 rest in
v 0 (int(List.length rest+1) ++ str" subgoals" ++ cut ()
++ pg1 ++ prest ++ fnl ())
-open Ast
-open Termast
-open Tacexpr
-open Rawterm
-let ast_of_cvt_bind f = function
- | (NoDepBinding n,c) -> ope ("BINDING", [(num n); ope ("CONSTR",[(f c)])])
- | (DepBinding id,c) -> ope ("BINDING", [nvar id; ope ("CONSTR",[(f c)])])
- | (AnonymousBinding,c) -> ope ("BINDING", [ope ("CONSTR",[(f c)])])
-let rec ast_of_cvt_intro_pattern = function
- | WildPat -> ope ("WILDCAR",[])
- | IdPat id -> nvar id
-(* | DisjPat l -> ope ("DISJPATTERN", (List.map ast_of_cvt_intro_pattern l))*)
- | ConjPat l -> ope ("CONJPATTERN", (List.map ast_of_cvt_intro_pattern l))
-(* Gives the ast list corresponding to a reduction flag *)
-open RedFlags
-let last_of_cvt_flags red =
- (if (red_set red fBETA) then [ope("Beta",[])]
- else [])@
- (let (n_unf,lconst) = red_get_const red in
- let lqid =
- List.map
- (function
- | EvalVarRef id -> nvar id
- | EvalConstRef kn ->
- ast_of_qualid
- (shortest_qualid_of_global None (ConstRef kn)))
- lconst in
- if lqid = [] then []
- else if n_unf then [ope("Delta",[]);ope("UnfBut",lqid)]
- else [ope("Delta",[]);ope("Unf",lqid)])@
- (if (red_set red fIOTA) then [ope("Iota",[])]
- else [])
-(* Gives the ast corresponding to a reduction expression *)
-open Rawterm
-let ast_of_cvt_redexp = function
- | Red _ -> ope ("Red",[])
- | Hnf -> ope("Hnf",[])
- | Simpl -> ope("Simpl",[])
- | Cbv flg -> ope("Cbv",last_of_cvt_flags flg)
- | Lazy flg -> ope("Lazy",last_of_cvt_flags flg)
- | Unfold l ->
- ope("Unfold",List.map (fun (locc,sp) -> ope("UNFOLD",
- [match sp with
- | EvalVarRef id -> nvar id
- | EvalConstRef kn ->
- ast_of_qualid
- (shortest_qualid_of_global None (ConstRef kn))]
- @(List.map num locc))) l)
- | Fold l ->
- ope("Fold",List.map (fun c -> ope ("CONSTR",
- [ast_of_constr false (Global.env ()) c])) l)
- | Pattern l ->
- ope("Pattern",List.map (fun (locc,csr) -> ope("PATTERN",
- [ope ("CONSTR",[ast_of_constr false (Global.env ()) csr])]@
- (List.map num locc))) l)
-(* Gives the ast corresponding to a tactic argument *)
-let ast_of_cvt_arg = function
- | Identifier id -> nvar id
- | Qualid qid -> ast_of_qualid qid
- | Quoted_string s -> string s
- | Integer n -> num n
-(* | Command c -> ope ("CONSTR",[c])*)
- | Constr c ->
- ope ("CONSTR",[ast_of_constr false (Global.env ()) c])
- | OpenConstr (_,c) ->
- ope ("CONSTR",[ast_of_constr false (Global.env ()) c])
- | Constr_context _ ->
- anomalylabstrm "ast_of_cvt_arg" (str
- "Constr_context argument could not be used")
- | Clause idl ->
- let transl = function
- | InHyp id -> ope ("INHYP", [nvar id])
- | InHypType id -> ope ("INHYPTYPE", [nvar id]) in
- ope ("CLAUSE", List.map transl idl)
- | Bindings bl -> ope ("BINDINGS",
- List.map (ast_of_cvt_bind (fun x -> x)) bl)
- | Cbindings bl ->
- ope ("BINDINGS",
- List.map
- (ast_of_cvt_bind
- (ast_of_constr false (Global.env ()))) bl)
-(* TODO
- | Tacexp ast -> ope ("TACTIC",[ast])
- | Tac (tac,ast) -> ast
- | Redexp red -> ope("REDEXP",[ast_of_cvt_redexp red])
- | Fixexp (id,n,c) -> ope ("FIXEXP",[nvar id; num n; ope ("CONSTR",[ast_of_constr false (Global.env ()) c])])
- | Cofixexp (id,c) -> ope ("COFIXEXP",[nvar id; ope ("CONSTR",[ast_of_constr false (Global.env ()) c])])
-(* | Intropattern p -> ast_of_cvt_intro_pattern p*)
- | Letpatterns (gl_occ_opt,hyp_occ_list) ->
- let hyps_pats =
- List.map
- (fun (id,l) ->
- ope ("HYPPATTERN", nvar id :: (List.map num l)))
- hyp_occ_list in
- let all_pats =
- match gl_occ_opt with
- | None -> hyps_pats
- | Some l -> hyps_pats @ [ope ("CCLPATTERN", List.map num l)] in
- ope ("LETPATTERNS", all_pats)