path: root/printing/printer.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'printing/printer.ml')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/printing/printer.ml b/printing/printer.ml
index fb98f6073..0d3a1c17e 100644
--- a/printing/printer.ml
+++ b/printing/printer.ml
@@ -544,26 +544,27 @@ let default_pr_subgoals ?(pr_first=true) close_cmd sigma seeds shelf stack goals
pr_rec 1 (g::l)
+ (* Side effect! This has to be made more robust *)
+ let () =
+ match close_cmd with
+ | Some cmd -> msg_info cmd
+ | None -> ()
+ in
match goals with
| [] ->
- match close_cmd with
- Some cmd ->
- (str "Subproof completed, now type " ++ str cmd ++
- str ".")
- | None ->
- let exl = Evarutil.non_instantiated sigma in
- if Evar.Map.is_empty exl then
- (str"No more subgoals."
- ++ emacs_print_dependent_evars sigma seeds)
- else
- let pei = pr_evars_int sigma 1 exl in
- (str "No more subgoals but non-instantiated existential " ++
- str "variables:" ++ fnl () ++ (hov 0 pei)
- ++ emacs_print_dependent_evars sigma seeds ++ fnl () ++
- str "You can use Grab Existential Variables.")
+ let exl = Evarutil.non_instantiated sigma in
+ if Evar.Map.is_empty exl then
+ (str"No more subgoals."
+ ++ emacs_print_dependent_evars sigma seeds)
+ else
+ let pei = pr_evars_int sigma 1 exl in
+ (str "No more subgoals but non-instantiated existential " ++
+ str "variables:" ++ fnl () ++ (hov 0 pei)
+ ++ emacs_print_dependent_evars sigma seeds ++ fnl () ++
+ str "You can use Grab Existential Variables.")
- | [g] when not !Flags.print_emacs ->
+ | [g] when not !Flags.print_emacs && pr_first ->
let pg = default_pr_goal { it = g ; sigma = sigma; } in
v 0 (
str "1" ++ focused_if_needed ++ str"subgoal" ++ print_extra
@@ -572,8 +573,9 @@ let default_pr_subgoals ?(pr_first=true) close_cmd sigma seeds shelf stack goals
| g1::rest ->
let goals = print_multiple_goals g1 rest in
+ let ngoals = List.length rest+1 in
v 0 (
- int(List.length rest+1) ++ focused_if_needed ++ str"subgoals" ++
+ int ngoals ++ focused_if_needed ++ str(String.plural ngoals "subgoal") ++
print_extra ++
str ((if display_name then (fun x -> x) else emacs_str) ", subgoal 1")
++ pr_goal_tag g1
@@ -587,7 +589,7 @@ let default_pr_subgoals ?(pr_first=true) close_cmd sigma seeds shelf stack goals
type printer_pr = {
- pr_subgoals : ?pr_first:bool -> string option -> evar_map -> evar list -> Goal.goal list -> int list -> goal list -> std_ppcmds;
+ pr_subgoals : ?pr_first:bool -> std_ppcmds option -> evar_map -> evar list -> Goal.goal list -> int list -> goal list -> std_ppcmds;
pr_subgoal : int -> evar_map -> goal list -> std_ppcmds;
pr_goal : goal sigma -> std_ppcmds;
@@ -631,10 +633,14 @@ let pr_open_subgoals ?(proof=Proof_global.give_me_the_proof ()) () =
fnl ()
++ pr_subgoals ~pr_first:false None bsigma seeds [] [] shelf
| _ , _, _ ->
- msg_info (str "This subproof is complete, but there are still unfocused goals." ++
- (match Proof_global.Bullet.suggest p
- with None -> str"" | Some s -> fnl () ++ str s));
- fnl () ++ pr_subgoals ~pr_first:false None bsigma seeds shelf [] bgoals
+ let end_cmd =
+ strbrk "This subproof is complete, but there are still \
+ unfocused goals." ++
+ (match Proof_global.Bullet.suggest p
+ with None -> str"" | Some s -> fnl () ++ str s) ++
+ fnl ()
+ in
+ pr_subgoals ~pr_first:false (Some end_cmd) bsigma seeds shelf [] bgoals
| _ -> pr_subgoals None sigma seeds shelf stack goals