path: root/pretyping
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diff --git a/pretyping/reductionops.ml b/pretyping/reductionops.ml
index 0b89830ef..1cae8ca47 100644
--- a/pretyping/reductionops.ml
+++ b/pretyping/reductionops.ml
@@ -19,17 +19,21 @@ open Reduction
exception Elimconst
+(** This module implements a call by name reduction used by (at
+ least) evarconv unification and cbn tactic.
+ It has an ability to "refold" constants by storing constants and
+ their parameters in its stack.
-(* The type of (machine) stacks (= lambda-bar-calculus' contexts) *)
+(** The type of (machine) stacks (= lambda-bar-calculus' contexts) *)
type 'a stack_member =
| Zapp of 'a list
| Zcase of case_info * 'a * 'a array * ('a * 'a list) option
| Zfix of fixpoint * 'a list * ('a * 'a list) option
| Zshift of int
| Zupdate of 'a
and 'a stack = 'a stack_member list
let empty_stack = []
@@ -46,7 +50,6 @@ let rec stack_args_size = function
| Zupdate(_)::s -> stack_args_size s
| _ -> 0
-(* When used as an argument stack (only Zapp can appear) *)
let rec decomp_stack = function
| Zapp[v]::s -> Some (v, s)
| Zapp(v::l)::s -> Some (v, (Zapp l :: s))
@@ -73,21 +76,6 @@ let list_of_app_stack s =
Option.init init out
let array_of_app_stack s =
Option.map Array.of_list (list_of_app_stack s)
-let rec zip ?(refold=false) = function
- | f, [] -> f
- | f, (Zapp [] :: s) -> zip ~refold (f, s)
- | f, (Zapp args :: s) ->
- zip ~refold (applist (f, args), s)
- | f, (Zcase (ci,rt,br,Some(cst, params))::s) when refold ->
- zip ~refold (cst, append_stack_app_list (List.rev params) s)
- | f, (Zcase (ci,rt,br,_)::s) -> zip ~refold (mkCase (ci,rt,f,br), s)
- | f, (Zfix (fix,st,Some(cst, params))::s) when refold -> zip ~refold
- (cst, append_stack_app_list (List.rev params)
- (append_stack_app_list st (append_stack_app_list [f] s)))
- | f, (Zfix (fix,st,_)::s) -> zip ~refold
- (mkFix fix, append_stack_app_list st (append_stack_app_list [f] s))
- | f, (Zshift n::s) -> zip ~refold (lift n f, s)
- | _ -> assert false
let rec stack_assign s p c = match s with
| Zapp args :: s ->
let q = List.length args in
@@ -113,8 +101,23 @@ let rec stack_nth s p = match s with
else List.nth args p
| _ -> raise Not_found
-(* The type of (machine) states (= lambda-bar-calculus' cuts) *)
+let rec zip ?(refold=false) = function
+ | f, [] -> f
+ | f, (Zapp [] :: s) -> zip ~refold (f, s)
+ | f, (Zapp args :: s) ->
+ zip ~refold (applist (f, args), s)
+ | f, (Zcase (ci,rt,br,Some(cst, params))::s) when refold ->
+ zip ~refold (cst, append_stack_app_list (List.rev params) s)
+ | f, (Zcase (ci,rt,br,_)::s) -> zip ~refold (mkCase (ci,rt,f,br), s)
+ | f, (Zfix (fix,st,Some(cst, params))::s) when refold -> zip ~refold
+ (cst, append_stack_app_list (List.rev params)
+ (append_stack_app_list st (append_stack_app_list [f] s)))
+ | f, (Zfix (fix,st,_)::s) -> zip ~refold
+ (mkFix fix, append_stack_app_list st (append_stack_app_list [f] s))
+ | f, (Zshift n::s) -> zip ~refold (lift n f, s)
+ | _ -> assert false
+(** The type of (machine) states (= lambda-bar-calculus' cuts) *)
type state = constr * constr stack
type contextual_reduction_function = env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr
@@ -260,21 +263,23 @@ let fix_recarg ((recindices,bodynum),_) stack =
with Not_found ->
-(* Generic reduction function *)
+(** Generic reduction function with environment
-(* Y avait un commentaire pour whd_betadeltaiota :
- NB : Cette fonction alloue peu c'est l'appel
- ``let (c,cargs) = whfun (recarg, empty_stack)''
- -------------------
- qui coute cher *)
+ Here is where unfolded constant are stored in order to be
+ eventualy refolded.
+ It uses the flag refold when it reaches a value and because it
+ substitutes fix and cofix by the constant they come from in
+ contract_*.
let rec whd_state_gen ?(refold=false) flags env sigma =
let noth = [] in
let rec whrec cst_l (x, stack as s) =
- let best_cst () = List.fold_left
- (fun def (c,params,nb_skip) -> if nb_skip = 0 then Some(c,params) else def)
- None cst_l in
+ let best_cst () =
+ if refold then List.fold_left
+ (fun def (c,params,nb_skip) -> if nb_skip = 0 then Some(c,params) else def)
+ None cst_l
+ else None in
let best_state def (cst,params,nb_skip) =
let apps,s' = strip_app stack in
@@ -285,152 +290,154 @@ let rec whd_state_gen ?(refold=false) flags env sigma =
if refold then List.fold_left best_state s cst_l else s
match kind_of_term x with
- | Rel n when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fDELTA ->
- (match lookup_rel n env with
- | (_,Some body,_) -> whrec noth (lift n body, stack)
- | _ -> fold ())
- | Var id when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags (Closure.RedFlags.fVAR id) ->
- (match lookup_named id env with
- | (_,Some body,_) -> whrec ((mkVar id,[],0)::cst_l) (body, stack)
- | _ -> fold ())
- | Evar ev ->
- (match safe_evar_value sigma ev with
- | Some body -> whrec noth (body, stack)
- | None -> fold ())
- | Meta ev ->
- (match safe_meta_value sigma ev with
- | Some body -> whrec noth (body, stack)
- | None -> fold ())
- | Const const when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags (Closure.RedFlags.fCONST const) ->
- (match constant_opt_value env const with
- | Some body -> whrec ((mkConst const,[],0)::cst_l) (body, stack)
- | None -> fold ())
- | LetIn (_,b,_,c) when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fZETA ->
- apply_subst whrec [b] cst_l c stack
- | Cast (c,_,_) -> whrec cst_l (c, stack)
- | App (f,cl) ->
- whrec
- (List.map (fun (a,b,nb_skip) -> (a,b,nb_skip+Array.length cl)) cst_l)
- (f, append_stack_app cl stack)
- | Lambda (na,t,c) ->
- (match decomp_stack stack with
- | Some _ when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fBETA ->
- apply_subst whrec [] cst_l x stack
- | None when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fETA ->
- let env' = push_rel (na,None,t) env in
- let whrec' = whd_state_gen ~refold flags env' sigma in
- (match kind_of_term (zip ~refold (whrec' (c, empty_stack))) with
- | App (f,cl) ->
- let napp = Array.length cl in
- if napp > 0 then
- let x', l' = whrec' (Array.last cl, empty_stack) in
- match kind_of_term x', l' with
- | Rel 1, [] ->
- let lc = Array.sub cl 0 (napp-1) in
- let u = if Int.equal napp 1 then f else appvect (f,lc) in
- if noccurn 1 u then (pop u,empty_stack) else fold ()
- | _ -> fold ()
- else fold ()
- | _ -> fold ())
- | _ -> fold ())
- | Case (ci,p,d,lf) ->
- whrec noth (d, Zcase (ci,p,lf,best_cst ()) :: stack)
- | Fix ((ri,n),_ as f) ->
- (match strip_n_app ri.(n) stack with
- |None -> fold ()
- |Some (bef,arg,s') -> whrec noth (arg, Zfix(f,bef,best_cst ())::s'))
- | Construct (ind,c) ->
- if Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fIOTA then
- match strip_app stack with
- |args, (Zcase(ci, _, lf,_)::s') ->
- whrec noth (lf.(c-1), append_stack_app_list (List.skipn ci.ci_npar args) s')
- |args, (Zfix (f,s',cst)::s'') ->
- let x' = applist(x,args) in
- whrec noth (contract_fix f cst, append_stack_app_list s' (append_stack_app_list [x'] s''))
- |_ -> fold ()
- else fold ()
+ | Rel n when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fDELTA ->
+ (match lookup_rel n env with
+ | (_,Some body,_) -> whrec noth (lift n body, stack)
+ | _ -> fold ())
+ | Var id when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags (Closure.RedFlags.fVAR id) ->
+ (match lookup_named id env with
+ | (_,Some body,_) -> whrec ((mkVar id,[],0)::cst_l) (body, stack)
+ | _ -> fold ())
+ | Evar ev ->
+ (match safe_evar_value sigma ev with
+ | Some body -> whrec noth (body, stack)
+ | None -> fold ())
+ | Meta ev ->
+ (match safe_meta_value sigma ev with
+ | Some body -> whrec noth (body, stack)
+ | None -> fold ())
+ | Const const when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags (Closure.RedFlags.fCONST const) ->
+ (match constant_opt_value env const with
+ | Some body -> whrec ((mkConst const,[],0)::cst_l) (body, stack)
+ | None -> fold ())
+ | LetIn (_,b,_,c) when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fZETA ->
+ apply_subst whrec [b] cst_l c stack
+ | Cast (c,_,_) -> whrec cst_l (c, stack)
+ | App (f,cl) ->
+ whrec
+ (List.map (fun (a,b,nb_skip) -> (a,b,nb_skip+Array.length cl)) cst_l)
+ (f, append_stack_app cl stack)
+ | Lambda (na,t,c) ->
+ (match decomp_stack stack with
+ | Some _ when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fBETA ->
+ apply_subst whrec [] cst_l x stack
+ | None when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fETA ->
+ let env' = push_rel (na,None,t) env in
+ let whrec' = whd_state_gen ~refold flags env' sigma in
+ (match kind_of_term (zip ~refold (whrec' (c, empty_stack))) with
+ | App (f,cl) ->
+ let napp = Array.length cl in
+ if napp > 0 then
+ let x', l' = whrec' (Array.last cl, empty_stack) in
+ match kind_of_term x', l' with
+ | Rel 1, [] ->
+ let lc = Array.sub cl 0 (napp-1) in
+ let u = if Int.equal napp 1 then f else appvect (f,lc) in
+ if noccurn 1 u then (pop u,empty_stack) else fold ()
+ | _ -> fold ()
+ else fold ()
+ | _ -> fold ())
+ | _ -> fold ())
+ | Case (ci,p,d,lf) ->
+ whrec noth (d, Zcase (ci,p,lf,best_cst ()) :: stack)
+ | Fix ((ri,n),_ as f) ->
+ (match strip_n_app ri.(n) stack with
+ |None -> fold ()
+ |Some (bef,arg,s') -> whrec noth (arg, Zfix(f,bef,best_cst ())::s'))
+ | Construct (ind,c) ->
+ if Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fIOTA then
+ match strip_app stack with
+ |args, (Zcase(ci, _, lf,_)::s') ->
+ whrec noth (lf.(c-1), append_stack_app_list (List.skipn ci.ci_npar args) s')
+ |args, (Zfix (f,s',cst)::s'') ->
+ let x' = applist(x,args) in
+ whrec noth (contract_fix f cst,
+ append_stack_app_list s' (append_stack_app_list [x'] s''))
+ |_ -> fold ()
+ else fold ()
- | CoFix cofix ->
- if Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fIOTA then
- match strip_app stack with
- |args, (Zcase(ci, _, lf,_)::s') ->
- whrec noth (contract_cofix cofix (best_cst ()), stack)
- |_ -> fold ()
- else fold ()
+ | CoFix cofix ->
+ if Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fIOTA then
+ match strip_app stack with
+ |args, (Zcase(ci, _, lf,_)::s') ->
+ whrec noth (contract_cofix cofix (best_cst ()), stack)
+ |_ -> fold ()
+ else fold ()
- | Rel _ | Var _ | Const _ | LetIn _ -> fold ()
- | Sort _ | Ind _ | Prod _ -> fold ()
+ | Rel _ | Var _ | Const _ | LetIn _ -> fold ()
+ | Sort _ | Ind _ | Prod _ -> fold ()
whrec noth
+(** reduction machine without global env and refold machinery *)
let local_whd_state_gen flags sigma =
let rec whrec (x, stack as s) =
match kind_of_term x with
- | LetIn (_,b,_,c) when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fZETA ->
- stacklam whrec [b] c stack
- | Cast (c,_,_) -> whrec (c, stack)
- | App (f,cl) -> whrec (f, append_stack_app cl stack)
- | Lambda (_,_,c) ->
- (match decomp_stack stack with
- | Some (a,m) when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fBETA ->
- stacklam whrec [a] c m
- | None when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fETA ->
- (match kind_of_term (zip (whrec (c, empty_stack))) with
- | App (f,cl) ->
- let napp = Array.length cl in
- if napp > 0 then
- let x', l' = whrec (Array.last cl, empty_stack) in
- match kind_of_term x', l' with
- | Rel 1, [] ->
- let lc = Array.sub cl 0 (napp-1) in
- let u = if Int.equal napp 1 then f else appvect (f,lc) in
- if noccurn 1 u then (pop u,empty_stack) else s
- | _ -> s
- else s
- | _ -> s)
- | _ -> s)
- | Case (ci,p,d,lf) ->
- whrec (d, Zcase (ci,p,lf,None) :: stack)
+ | LetIn (_,b,_,c) when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fZETA ->
+ stacklam whrec [b] c stack
+ | Cast (c,_,_) -> whrec (c, stack)
+ | App (f,cl) -> whrec (f, append_stack_app cl stack)
+ | Lambda (_,_,c) ->
+ (match decomp_stack stack with
+ | Some (a,m) when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fBETA ->
+ stacklam whrec [a] c m
+ | None when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fETA ->
+ (match kind_of_term (zip (whrec (c, empty_stack))) with
+ | App (f,cl) ->
+ let napp = Array.length cl in
+ if napp > 0 then
+ let x', l' = whrec (Array.last cl, empty_stack) in
+ match kind_of_term x', l' with
+ | Rel 1, [] ->
+ let lc = Array.sub cl 0 (napp-1) in
+ let u = if Int.equal napp 1 then f else appvect (f,lc) in
+ if noccurn 1 u then (pop u,empty_stack) else s
+ | _ -> s
+ else s
+ | _ -> s)
+ | _ -> s)
+ | Case (ci,p,d,lf) ->
+ whrec (d, Zcase (ci,p,lf,None) :: stack)
+ | Fix ((ri,n),_ as f) ->
+ (match strip_n_app ri.(n) stack with
+ |None -> s
+ |Some (bef,arg,s') -> whrec (arg, Zfix(f,bef,None)::s'))
- | Fix ((ri,n),_ as f) ->
- (match strip_n_app ri.(n) stack with
- |None -> s
- |Some (bef,arg,s') -> whrec (arg, Zfix(f,bef,None)::s'))
- | Evar ev ->
- (match safe_evar_value sigma ev with
- Some c -> whrec (c,stack)
- | None -> s)
+ | Evar ev ->
+ (match safe_evar_value sigma ev with
+ Some c -> whrec (c,stack)
+ | None -> s)
- | Meta ev ->
- (match safe_meta_value sigma ev with
- Some c -> whrec (c,stack)
- | None -> s)
+ | Meta ev ->
+ (match safe_meta_value sigma ev with
+ Some c -> whrec (c,stack)
+ | None -> s)
- | Construct (ind,c) ->
- if Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fIOTA then
- match strip_app stack with
- |args, (Zcase(ci, _, lf,_)::s') ->
- whrec (lf.(c-1), append_stack_app_list (List.skipn ci.ci_npar args) s')
- |args, (Zfix (f,s',cst)::s'') ->
- let x' = applist(x,args) in
- whrec (contract_fix f cst,append_stack_app_list s' (append_stack_app_list [x'] s''))
- |_ -> s
- else s
+ | Construct (ind,c) ->
+ if Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fIOTA then
+ match strip_app stack with
+ |args, (Zcase(ci, _, lf,_)::s') ->
+ whrec (lf.(c-1), append_stack_app_list (List.skipn ci.ci_npar args) s')
+ |args, (Zfix (f,s',cst)::s'') ->
+ let x' = applist(x,args) in
+ whrec (contract_fix f cst,append_stack_app_list s' (append_stack_app_list [x'] s''))
+ |_ -> s
+ else s
- | CoFix cofix ->
- if Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fIOTA then
- match strip_app stack with
- |args, (Zcase(ci, _, lf,_)::s') ->
- whrec (contract_cofix cofix None, stack)
- |_ -> s
- else s
+ | CoFix cofix ->
+ if Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fIOTA then
+ match strip_app stack with
+ |args, (Zcase(ci, _, lf,_)::s') ->
+ whrec (contract_cofix cofix None, stack)
+ |_ -> s
+ else s
- | x -> s
+ | x -> s
@@ -548,7 +555,7 @@ let clos_norm_flags flgs env sigma t =
(create_clos_infos ~evars:(safe_evar_value sigma) flgs env)
(inject t)
- with Anomaly _ -> error "Tried to normalized ill-typed term"
+ with Anomaly _ -> error "Tried to normalized ill-typed term"
let nf_beta = clos_norm_flags Closure.beta empty_env
let nf_betaiota = clos_norm_flags Closure.betaiota empty_env