path: root/pretyping
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4 files changed, 94 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/evarutil.ml b/pretyping/evarutil.ml
index a53ecf535..c556f998e 100644
--- a/pretyping/evarutil.ml
+++ b/pretyping/evarutil.ml
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ let split_evar_to_arrow sigma (ev,args) =
let (sigma1,dom) = new_type_var evenv sigma in
let hyps = evd.evar_hyps in
let nvar = next_ident_away (id_of_string "x") (ids_of_named_context hyps) in
- let newenv = push_named_decl (nvar, None, dom) evenv in
+ let newenv = push_named (nvar, None, dom) evenv in
let (sigma2,rng) = new_type_var newenv sigma1 in
let x = named_hd newenv dom Anonymous in
let prod = mkProd (x, dom, subst_var nvar rng) in
diff --git a/pretyping/tacred.ml b/pretyping/tacred.ml
index 151525c31..ad7e02b77 100644
--- a/pretyping/tacred.ml
+++ b/pretyping/tacred.ml
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ let abstract_scheme env (locc,a,ta) t =
if occur_meta a then
mkLambda (na,ta,t)
- mkLambda (na, ta,subst_term_occ locc a t)
+ mkLambda (na, ta,subst_term_occ env locc a t)
let pattern_occs loccs_trm_typ env sigma c =
diff --git a/pretyping/termops.ml b/pretyping/termops.ml
index 8958d1f58..867bbf50f 100644
--- a/pretyping/termops.ml
+++ b/pretyping/termops.ml
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ open Util
open Names
open Nameops
open Term
+open Sign
open Environ
open Nametab
-open Sign
let print_sort = function
| Prop Pos -> (str "Set")
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ let push_named_rec_types (lna,typarray,_) env =
| Anonymous -> anomaly "Fix declarations must be named")
lna typarray in
- (fun e assum -> push_named_decl assum e) env ctxt
+ (fun e assum -> push_named assum e) env ctxt
let rec lookup_rel_id id sign =
let rec lookrec = function
@@ -335,25 +335,34 @@ let dependent m t =
(* substitution functions *)
+let rec subst_meta bl c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Meta i -> (try List.assoc i bl with Not_found -> c)
+ | _ -> map_constr (subst_meta bl) c
(* Equality modulo let reduction *)
-let rec whd_rel hyps c =
+let rec whd_locals env c =
match kind_of_term c with
Rel i ->
- (match Sign.lookup_rel i hyps with
- (_,Some v,_) -> whd_rel hyps (lift i v)
+ (match lookup_rel i env with
+ (_,Some v,_) -> whd_locals env (lift i v)
+ | _ -> c)
+ with Not_found -> c)
+ | Var id ->
+ (try
+ (match lookup_named id env with
+ (_,Some v,_) -> whd_locals env v
| _ -> c)
with Not_found -> c)
| _ -> c
(* Expand de Bruijn indices bound to a value *)
-let rec nf_rel hyps c =
- map_constr_with_full_binders Sign.add_rel_decl nf_rel hyps (whd_rel hyps c)
+let rec nf_locals env c =
+ map_constr_with_full_binders push_rel nf_locals env (whd_locals env c)
-(* [m] is not evaluated because it is called only with terms for [m] which
- have been lifted of the length of [hyps], hence [nf_rel] would have no
- effect. *)
-let compare_zeta hyps m n = zeta_eq_constr m (nf_rel hyps n)
+(* compare terms modulo expansion of let and local variables *)
+let compare_zeta env m n = zeta_eq_constr m (nf_locals env n)
(* First utilities for avoiding telescope computation for subst_term *)
@@ -388,7 +397,7 @@ let my_prefix_application eq_fun (e,k,c) (by_c : constr) (t : constr) =
term [c] in a term [t] *)
(*i Bizarre : si on cherche un sous terme clos, pourquoi le lifter ? i*)
-let subst_term_gen eq_fun c t =
+let subst_term_gen eq_fun env c t =
let rec substrec (e,k,c as kc) t =
match prefix_application eq_fun kc t with
| Some x -> x
@@ -396,43 +405,38 @@ let subst_term_gen eq_fun c t =
(if eq_fun e c t then mkRel k
- (fun d (e,k,c) -> (Sign.add_rel_decl d e,k+1,lift 1 c))
+ (fun d (e,k,c) -> (push_rel d e,k+1,lift 1 c))
substrec kc t)
- substrec (empty_rel_context,1,c) t
+ substrec (env,1,nf_locals env c) t
(* Recognizing occurrences of a given (closed) subterm in a term :
[replace_term c1 c2 t] substitutes [c2] for all occurrences of (closed)
term [c1] in a term [t] *)
(*i Meme remarque : a priori [c] n'est pas forcement clos i*)
-let replace_term_gen eq_fun c by_c in_t =
+let replace_term_gen eq_fun env c by_c in_t =
let rec substrec (e,k,c as kc) t =
match my_prefix_application eq_fun kc by_c t with
| Some x -> x
| None ->
(if eq_fun e c t then (lift k by_c) else
- (fun d (e,k,c) -> (Sign.add_rel_decl d e,k+1,lift 1 c))
+ (fun d (e,k,c) -> (push_rel d e,k+1,lift 1 c))
substrec kc t)
- substrec (empty_rel_context,0,c) in_t
+ substrec (env,0,nf_locals env c) in_t
-let subst_term = subst_term_gen (fun _ -> eq_constr)
+let subst_term = subst_term_gen (fun _ -> eq_constr) empty_env
-let replace_term = replace_term_gen (fun _ -> eq_constr)
-let rec subst_meta bl c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Meta i -> (try List.assoc i bl with Not_found -> c)
- | _ -> map_constr (subst_meta bl) c
+let replace_term = replace_term_gen (fun _ -> eq_constr) empty_env
(* Substitute only a list of locations locs, the empty list is
interpreted as substitute all, if 0 is in the list then no
substitution is done. The list may contain only negative occurrences
that will not be substituted. *)
-let subst_term_occ_gen locs occ c t =
+let subst_term_occ_gen env locs occ c t =
let maxocc = List.fold_right max locs 0 in
let pos = ref occ in
let check = ref true in
@@ -452,34 +456,34 @@ let subst_term_occ_gen locs occ c t =
in incr pos; r
- (fun d (e,k,c) -> (Sign.add_rel_decl d e,k+1,lift 1 c))
+ (fun d (e,k,c) -> (push_rel d e,k+1,lift 1 c))
substrec kc t
- let t' = substrec (empty_rel_context,1,c) t in
+ let t' = substrec (env,1,nf_locals env c) t in
(!pos, t')
-let subst_term_occ locs c t =
+let subst_term_occ env locs c t =
if locs = [] then
- subst_term_gen compare_zeta c t
+ subst_term_gen compare_zeta env c t
else if List.mem 0 locs then
- let (nbocc,t') = subst_term_occ_gen locs 1 c t in
+ let (nbocc,t') = subst_term_occ_gen env locs 1 c t in
if List.exists (fun o -> o >= nbocc or o <= -nbocc) locs then
errorlabstrm "subst_term_occ" (str "Too few occurences");
-let subst_term_occ_decl locs c (id,bodyopt,typ as d) =
+let subst_term_occ_decl env locs c (id,bodyopt,typ as d) =
match bodyopt with
- | None -> (id,None,subst_term_occ locs c typ)
+ | None -> (id,None,subst_term_occ env locs c typ)
| Some body ->
if locs = [] then
(id,Some (subst_term c body),type_app (subst_term c) typ)
else if List.mem 0 locs then
- let (nbocc,body') = subst_term_occ_gen locs 1 c body in
- let (nbocc',t') = subst_term_occ_gen locs nbocc c typ in
+ let (nbocc,body') = subst_term_occ_gen env locs 1 c body in
+ let (nbocc',t') = subst_term_occ_gen env locs nbocc c typ in
if List.exists (fun o -> o >= nbocc' or o <= -nbocc') locs then
errorlabstrm "subst_term_occ_decl" (str "Too few occurences");
(id,Some body',t')
@@ -685,37 +689,6 @@ let eta_eq_constr =
in aux
-(* Remark: Anonymous var may be dependent in Evar's contexts *)
-let concrete_name env l env_names n c =
- if n = Anonymous & noccurn 1 c then
- (None,l)
- else
- let fresh_id = next_name_not_occuring env n l env_names c in
- let idopt = if noccurn 1 c then None else (Some fresh_id) in
- (idopt, fresh_id::l)
-let concrete_let_name env l env_names n c =
- let fresh_id = next_name_not_occuring env n l env_names c in
- (Name fresh_id, fresh_id::l)
-let global_vars env ids = Idset.elements (global_vars_set env ids)
-let rec rename_bound_var env l c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Prod (Name s,c1,c2) ->
- if noccurn 1 c2 then
- let env' = push_rel (Name s,None,c1) env in
- mkProd (Name s, c1, rename_bound_var env' l c2)
- else
- let s' = next_ident_away s (global_vars env c2@l) in
- let env' = push_rel (Name s',None,c1) env in
- mkProd (Name s', c1, rename_bound_var env' (s'::l) c2)
- | Prod (Anonymous,c1,c2) ->
- let env' = push_rel (Anonymous,None,c1) env in
- mkProd (Anonymous, c1, rename_bound_var env' l c2)
- | Cast (c,t) -> mkCast (rename_bound_var env l c, t)
- | x -> c
(* iterator on rel context *)
let process_rel_context f env =
let sign = named_context env in
@@ -755,3 +728,40 @@ let make_all_name_different env =
avoid := id::!avoid;
push_rel (Name id,c,t) newenv)
+let global_vars env ids = Idset.elements (global_vars_set env ids)
+let global_vars_set_of_decl env = function
+ | (_,None,t) -> global_vars_set env (body_of_type t)
+ | (_,Some c,t) ->
+ Idset.union (global_vars_set env (body_of_type t))
+ (global_vars_set env c)
+(* Remark: Anonymous var may be dependent in Evar's contexts *)
+let concrete_name env l env_names n c =
+ if n = Anonymous & noccurn 1 c then
+ (None,l)
+ else
+ let fresh_id = next_name_not_occuring env n l env_names c in
+ let idopt = if noccurn 1 c then None else (Some fresh_id) in
+ (idopt, fresh_id::l)
+let concrete_let_name env l env_names n c =
+ let fresh_id = next_name_not_occuring env n l env_names c in
+ (Name fresh_id, fresh_id::l)
+let rec rename_bound_var env l c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (Name s,c1,c2) ->
+ if noccurn 1 c2 then
+ let env' = push_rel (Name s,None,c1) env in
+ mkProd (Name s, c1, rename_bound_var env' l c2)
+ else
+ let s' = next_ident_away s (global_vars env c2@l) in
+ let env' = push_rel (Name s',None,c1) env in
+ mkProd (Name s', c1, rename_bound_var env' (s'::l) c2)
+ | Prod (Anonymous,c1,c2) ->
+ let env' = push_rel (Anonymous,None,c1) env in
+ mkProd (Anonymous, c1, rename_bound_var env' l c2)
+ | Cast (c,t) -> mkCast (rename_bound_var env l c, t)
+ | x -> c
diff --git a/pretyping/termops.mli b/pretyping/termops.mli
index ae28029c5..1bb74a303 100644
--- a/pretyping/termops.mli
+++ b/pretyping/termops.mli
@@ -69,21 +69,28 @@ val occur_var_in_decl :
identifier -> 'a * types option * types -> bool
val free_rels : constr -> Intset.t
+(* Substitution of metavariables *)
+val subst_meta : (int * constr) list -> constr -> constr
+(* Expansion of local definitions *)
+val whd_locals : env -> constr -> constr
+val nf_locals : env -> constr -> constr
(* substitution of an arbitrary large term. Uses equality modulo
reduction of let *)
val dependent : constr -> constr -> bool
val subst_term_gen :
- (rel_context -> constr -> constr -> bool) -> constr -> constr -> constr
+ (env -> constr -> constr -> bool) -> env -> constr -> constr -> constr
val replace_term_gen :
- (rel_context -> constr -> constr -> bool) -> constr -> constr -> constr -> constr
+ (env -> constr -> constr -> bool) ->
+ env -> constr -> constr -> constr -> constr
val subst_term : constr -> constr -> constr
val replace_term : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr
-val subst_meta : (int * constr) list -> constr -> constr
val subst_term_occ_gen :
- int list -> int -> constr -> types -> int * types
-val subst_term_occ : int list -> constr -> types -> types
+ env -> int list -> int -> constr -> types -> int * types
+val subst_term_occ : env -> int list -> constr -> types -> types
val subst_term_occ_decl :
- int list -> constr -> named_declaration -> named_declaration
+ env -> int list -> constr -> named_declaration -> named_declaration
(* Alternative term equalities *)
val zeta_eq_constr : constr -> constr -> bool
@@ -136,7 +143,6 @@ val concrete_name :
val concrete_let_name :
env -> identifier list -> name list ->
name -> constr -> name * identifier list
-val global_vars : env -> constr -> identifier list
val rename_bound_var : env -> identifier list -> types -> types
(* other signature iterators *)
@@ -144,7 +150,10 @@ val process_rel_context : (rel_declaration -> env -> env) -> env -> env
val assums_of_rel_context : rel_context -> (name * constr) list
val lift_rel_context : int -> rel_context -> rel_context
val fold_named_context_both_sides :
- ('a -> named_declaration -> named_context -> 'a) ->
+ ('a -> named_declaration -> named_declaration list -> 'a) ->
named_context -> init:'a -> 'a
val mem_named_context : identifier -> named_context -> bool
val make_all_name_different : env -> env
+val global_vars : env -> constr -> identifier list
+val global_vars_set_of_decl : env -> named_declaration -> Idset.t