path: root/pretyping/termops.mli
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/termops.mli b/pretyping/termops.mli
index ebcf4285c..e01b3f455 100644
--- a/pretyping/termops.mli
+++ b/pretyping/termops.mli
@@ -147,56 +147,6 @@ val subst_term : constr -> constr -> constr
(** [replace_term d e c] replaces [d] by [e] in [c] *)
val replace_term : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr
-(** [subst_closed_term_occ_gen occl n c d] replaces occurrences of closed [c] at
- positions [occl], counting from [n], by [Rel 1] in [d] *)
-val subst_closed_term_occ_gen :
- occurrences -> int -> constr -> types -> int * types
-(** [subst_closed_term_occ_modulo] looks for subterm modulo a
- testing function returning a substitution of type ['a] (or failing
- with NotUnifiable); a function for merging substitution (possibly
- failing with NotUnifiable) and an initial substitution are
- required too; [subst_closed_term_occ_modulo] itself turns a
- NotUnifiable exception into a SubtermUnificationError *)
-exception NotUnifiable
-type position =(Id.t * Locus.hyp_location_flag) option
-type subterm_unification_error = bool * (position * int * constr) * (position * int * constr)
-exception SubtermUnificationError of subterm_unification_error
-type 'a testing_function = {
- match_fun : 'a -> constr -> 'a;
- merge_fun : 'a -> 'a -> 'a;
- mutable testing_state : 'a;
- mutable last_found : ((Id.t * hyp_location_flag) option * int * constr) option
-val make_eq_test : constr -> unit testing_function
-val subst_closed_term_occ_modulo :
- occurrences -> 'a testing_function -> (Id.t * hyp_location_flag) option
- -> constr -> types
-(** [subst_closed_term_occ occl c d] replaces occurrences of closed [c] at
- positions [occl] by [Rel 1] in [d] (see also Note OCC) *)
-val subst_closed_term_occ : occurrences -> constr -> constr -> constr
-(** [subst_closed_term_occ_decl occl c decl] replaces occurrences of closed [c]
- at positions [occl] by [Rel 1] in [decl] *)
-val subst_closed_term_occ_decl :
- occurrences * hyp_location_flag -> constr -> named_declaration ->
- named_declaration
-val subst_closed_term_occ_decl_modulo :
- occurrences * hyp_location_flag -> 'a testing_function ->
- named_declaration -> named_declaration
-val error_invalid_occurrence : int list -> 'a
(** Alternative term equalities *)
val base_sort_cmp : Reduction.conv_pb -> sorts -> sorts -> bool
val compare_constr_univ : (Reduction.conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> bool) ->