path: root/pretyping/tacred.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'pretyping/tacred.ml')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/tacred.ml b/pretyping/tacred.ml
index 415f6f75b..f26da43a9 100644
--- a/pretyping/tacred.ml
+++ b/pretyping/tacred.ml
@@ -10,11 +10,99 @@ open Inductive
open Environ
open Reduction
open Instantiate
-open Redinfo
+(* Reduction of constant hiding fixpoints (e.g. for Simpl). The trick *)
+(* is to reuse the name of the function after reduction of the fixpoint *)
exception Elimconst
exception Redelimination
+type constant_evaluation =
+ | EliminationFix of (int * constr) list * int
+ | EliminationCases of int
+ | NotAnElimination
+(* We use a cache registered as a global table *)
+let eval_table = ref Spmap.empty
+type frozen = constant_evaluation Spmap.t
+let init () =
+ eval_table := Spmap.empty
+let freeze () =
+ !eval_table
+let unfreeze ct =
+ eval_table := ct
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "evaluation"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init }
+(* Check that c is an "elimination constant"
+ [xn:An]..[x1:A1](<P>MutCase (Rel i) of f1..fk end g1 ..gp)
+ or [xn:An]..[x1:A1](Fix(f|t) (Rel i1) ..(Rel ip))
+ with i1..ip distinct variables not occuring in t
+ keep relevenant information ([i1,Ai1;..;ip,Aip],n,b)
+ with b = true in case of a fixpoint in order to compute
+ an equivalent of Fix(f|t)[xi<-ai] as
+ [yip:Bip]..[yi1:Bi1](F bn..b1)
+ == [yip:Bip]..[yi1:Bi1](Fix(f|t)[xi<-ai] (Rel 1)..(Rel p))
+ with bj=aj if j<>ik and bj=(Rel c) and Bic=Aic[xn..xic-1 <- an..aic-1] *)
+let compute_consteval c =
+ let rec srec n labs c =
+ let c',l = whd_betadeltaeta_stack (Global.env()) Evd.empty c in
+ match kind_of_term c' with
+ | IsLambda (_,t,g) when l=[] -> srec (n+1) (t::labs) g
+ | IsFix ((nv,i),(tys,_,bds)) ->
+ if (List.length l) > n then raise Elimconst;
+ let nbfix = Array.length bds in
+ let li =
+ List.map
+ (function d -> match kind_of_term d with
+ | IsRel k ->
+ if
+ array_for_all (noccurn k) tys
+ && array_for_all (noccurn (k+nbfix)) bds
+ then
+ (k, List.nth labs (k-1))
+ else
+ raise Elimconst
+ | _ ->
+ raise Elimconst) l
+ in
+ if list_distinct (List.map fst li) then
+ EliminationFix (li,n)
+ else
+ raise Elimconst
+ | IsMutCase (_,_,d,_) when isRel d -> EliminationCases n
+ | _ -> raise Elimconst
+ in
+ try srec 0 [] c
+ with Elimconst -> NotAnElimination
+let constant_eval sp =
+ try
+ Spmap.find sp !eval_table
+ with Not_found -> begin
+ let v =
+ let cb = Global.lookup_constant sp in
+ match cb.Declarations.const_body with
+ | None -> NotAnElimination
+ | Some v -> let c = Declarations.cook_constant v in compute_consteval c
+ in
+ eval_table := Spmap.add sp v !eval_table;
+ v
+ end
let rev_firstn_liftn fn ln =
let rec rfprec p res l =
if p = 0 then
@@ -40,7 +128,7 @@ let make_elim_fun f lv n largs =
let ylv = List.map fst lv in
let la' = list_map_i
(fun q aq ->
- try (Rel (p+1-(list_index (n-q) ylv)))
+ try (mkRel (p+1-(list_index (n-q) ylv)))
with Not_found -> aq) 0
(List.map (lift p) labs)
@@ -92,24 +180,23 @@ let reduce_mind_case_use_function env f mia =
let cofix_def = contract_cofix_use_function f cofix in
mkMutCase (mia.mci, mia.mP, applist(cofix_def,mia.mcargs), mia.mlf)
| _ -> assert false
let special_red_case env whfun p c ci lf =
let rec redrec s =
let (constr, cargs) = whfun s in
match kind_of_term constr with
- | IsConst (sp,args) ->
- if evaluable_constant env constr then
- let gvalue = constant_value env constr in
- if reducible_mind_case gvalue then
- let build_fix_name id =
- mkConst (make_path (dirpath sp) id (kind_of_path sp),args)
- in reduce_mind_case_use_function env build_fix_name
- {mP=p; mconstr=gvalue; mcargs=list_of_stack cargs;
- mci=ci; mlf=lf}
- else
- redrec (gvalue, cargs)
- else
- raise Redelimination
+ | IsConst (sp,args as cst) ->
+ (match constant_opt_value env cst with
+ | Some gvalue ->
+ if reducible_mind_case gvalue then
+ let build_fix_name id =
+ mkConst (make_path (dirpath sp) id (kind_of_path sp),args)
+ in reduce_mind_case_use_function env build_fix_name
+ {mP=p; mconstr=gvalue; mcargs=list_of_stack cargs;
+ mci=ci; mlf=lf}
+ else
+ redrec (gvalue, cargs)
+ | None -> raise Redelimination)
| _ ->
if reducible_mind_case constr then
@@ -122,11 +209,11 @@ let special_red_case env whfun p c ci lf =
let rec red_elim_const env sigma k largs =
if not (evaluable_constant env k) then raise Redelimination;
- let (sp, args) = destConst k in
+ let (sp, args as cst) = destConst k in
let elim_style = constant_eval sp in
match elim_style with
| EliminationCases n when stack_args_size largs >= n -> begin
- let c = constant_value env k in
+ let c = constant_value env cst in
let c', lrest = whd_betadeltaeta_state env sigma (c,largs) in
match kind_of_term c' with
| IsMutCase (ci,p,c,lf) ->
@@ -135,7 +222,7 @@ let rec red_elim_const env sigma k largs =
| _ -> assert false
| EliminationFix (lv,n) when stack_args_size largs >= n -> begin
- let c = constant_value env k in
+ let c = constant_value env cst in
let d, lrest = whd_betadeltaeta_state env sigma (c, largs) in
match kind_of_term d with
| IsFix fix ->
@@ -151,17 +238,17 @@ let rec red_elim_const env sigma k largs =
and construct_const env sigma =
let rec hnfstack (x, stack as s) =
match kind_of_term x with
- | IsConst _ ->
+ | IsConst cst ->
hnfstack (red_elim_const env sigma x stack)
with Redelimination ->
- if evaluable_constant env x then
- let cval = constant_value env x in
- (match kind_of_term cval with
- | IsCoFix _ -> s
- | _ -> hnfstack (cval, stack))
- else
- raise Redelimination)
+ (match constant_opt_value env cst with
+ | Some cval ->
+ (match kind_of_term cval with
+ | IsCoFix _ -> s
+ | _ -> hnfstack (cval, stack))
+ | None ->
+ raise Redelimination))
| IsCast (c,_) -> hnfstack (c, stack)
| IsAppL (f,cl) -> hnfstack (f, append_stack cl stack)
| IsLambda (_,_,c) ->
@@ -181,6 +268,30 @@ and construct_const env sigma =
+(* Special Purpose Reduction Strategies *)
+(* Red reduction tactic: reduction to a product *)
+let internal_red_product env sigma c =
+ let rec redrec x =
+ match kind_of_term x with
+ | IsAppL (f,l) -> appvect (redrec f, l)
+ | IsConst cst -> constant_value env cst
+ | IsEvar ev -> existential_value sigma ev
+ | IsCast (c,_) -> redrec c
+ | IsProd (x,a,b) -> mkProd (x, a, redrec b)
+ | _ -> raise Redelimination
+ in
+ let c' =
+ try redrec c with NotEvaluableConst _ | NotInstantiatedEvar ->
+ raise Redelimination
+ in nf_betaiota env sigma (redrec c)
+let red_product env sigma c =
+ try internal_red_product env sigma c
+ with Redelimination -> error "Not reducible"
(* Hnf reduction tactic: *)
let hnf_constr env sigma c =
@@ -190,19 +301,19 @@ let hnf_constr env sigma c =
(match decomp_stack largs with
| None -> app_stack s
| Some (a,rest) -> stacklam redrec [a] c rest)
+ | IsLetIn (n,b,_,c) -> stacklam redrec [b] c largs
| IsAppL (f,cl) -> redrec (f, append_stack cl largs)
- | IsConst _ ->
+ | IsConst cst ->
let (c',lrest) = red_elim_const env sigma x largs in
redrec (c', lrest)
with Redelimination ->
- if evaluable_constant env x then
- let c = constant_value env x in
- (match kind_of_term c with
- | IsCoFix _ -> app_stack (x,largs)
- | _ -> redrec (c, largs))
- else
- app_stack s)
+ match constant_opt_value env cst with
+ | Some c ->
+ (match kind_of_term c with
+ | IsCoFix _ -> app_stack (x,largs)
+ | _ -> redrec (c, largs))
+ | None -> app_stack s)
| IsCast (c,_) -> redrec (c, largs)
| IsMutCase (ci,p,c,lf) ->
@@ -229,6 +340,7 @@ let whd_nf env sigma c =
(match decomp_stack stack with
| None -> (c,empty_stack)
| Some (a1,rest) -> stacklam nf_app [a1] c2 rest)
+ | IsLetIn (n,b,_,c) -> stacklam nf_app [b] c stack
| IsAppL (f,cl) -> nf_app (f, append_stack cl stack)
| IsCast (c,_) -> nf_app (c, stack)
| IsConst _ ->
@@ -251,10 +363,163 @@ let whd_nf env sigma c =
let nf env sigma c = strong whd_nf env sigma c
+(* linear substitution (following pretty-printer) of the value of name in c.
+ * n is the number of the next occurence of name.
+ * ol is the occurence list to find. *)
+let rec substlin env name n ol c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | IsConst (sp,_ as const) when sp = name ->
+ if List.hd ol = n then
+ try
+ (n+1, List.tl ol, constant_value env const)
+ with
+ NotEvaluableConst _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "substlin"
+ [< print_sp sp; 'sTR " is not a defined constant" >]
+ else
+ ((n+1),ol,c)
+ | IsAppL (c1,cl) ->
+ Array.fold_left
+ (fun (n1,ol1,c1') c2 ->
+ (match ol1 with
+ | [] -> (n1,[],applist(c1',[c2]))
+ | _ ->
+ let (n2,ol2,c2') = substlin env name n1 ol1 c2 in
+ (n2,ol2,applist(c1',[c2']))))
+ (substlin env name n ol c1) cl
+ | IsLambda (na,c1,c2) ->
+ let (n1,ol1,c1') = substlin env name n ol c1 in
+ (match ol1 with
+ | [] -> (n1,[],mkLambda (na,c1',c2))
+ | _ ->
+ let (n2,ol2,c2') = substlin env name n1 ol1 c2 in
+ (n2,ol2,mkLambda (na,c1',c2')))
+ | IsLetIn (na,c1,t,c2) ->
+ let (n1,ol1,c1') = substlin env name n ol c1 in
+ (match ol1 with
+ | [] -> (n1,[],mkLambda (na,c1',c2))
+ | _ ->
+ let (n2,ol2,c2') = substlin env name n1 ol1 c2 in
+ (n2,ol2,mkLambda (na,c1',c2')))
+ | IsProd (na,c1,c2) ->
+ let (n1,ol1,c1') = substlin env name n ol c1 in
+ (match ol1 with
+ | [] -> (n1,[],mkProd (na,c1',c2))
+ | _ ->
+ let (n2,ol2,c2') = substlin env name n1 ol1 c2 in
+ (n2,ol2,mkProd (na,c1',c2')))
+ | IsMutCase (ci,p,d,llf) ->
+ let rec substlist nn oll = function
+ | [] -> (nn,oll,[])
+ | f::lfe ->
+ let (nn1,oll1,f') = substlin env name nn oll f in
+ (match oll1 with
+ | [] -> (nn1,[],f'::lfe)
+ | _ ->
+ let (nn2,oll2,lfe') = substlist nn1 oll1 lfe in
+ (nn2,oll2,f'::lfe'))
+ in
+ let (n1,ol1,p') = substlin env name n ol p in (* ATTENTION ERREUR *)
+ (match ol1 with (* si P pas affiche *)
+ | [] -> (n1,[],mkMutCase (ci, p', d, llf))
+ | _ ->
+ let (n2,ol2,d') = substlin env name n1 ol1 d in
+ (match ol2 with
+ | [] -> (n2,[],mkMutCase (ci, p', d', llf))
+ | _ ->
+ let (n3,ol3,lf') = substlist n2 ol2 (Array.to_list llf)
+ in (n3,ol3,mkMutCaseL (ci, p', d', lf'))))
+ | IsCast (c1,c2) ->
+ let (n1,ol1,c1') = substlin env name n ol c1 in
+ (match ol1 with
+ | [] -> (n1,[],mkCast (c1',c2))
+ | _ ->
+ let (n2,ol2,c2') = substlin env name n1 ol1 c2 in
+ (n2,ol2,mkCast (c1',c2')))
+ | IsFix _ ->
+ (warning "do not consider occurrences inside fixpoints"; (n,ol,c))
+ | IsCoFix _ ->
+ (warning "do not consider occurrences inside cofixpoints"; (n,ol,c))
+ | (IsRel _|IsMeta _|IsVar _|IsXtra _|IsSort _
+ |IsEvar _|IsConst _|IsMutInd _|IsMutConstruct _) -> (n,ol,c)
+open Closure
+let unfold env sigma name =
+ clos_norm_flags (unfold_flags name) env sigma
+(* unfoldoccs : (readable_constraints -> (int list * section_path) -> constr -> constr)
+ * Unfolds the constant name in a term c following a list of occurrences occl.
+ * at the occurrences of occ_list. If occ_list is empty, unfold all occurences.
+ * Performs a betaiota reduction after unfolding. *)
+let unfoldoccs env sigma (occl,name) c =
+ match occl with
+ | [] -> unfold env sigma name c
+ | l ->
+ match substlin env name 1 (Sort.list (<) l) c with
+ | (_,[],uc) -> nf_betaiota env sigma uc
+ | (1,_,_) -> error ((string_of_path name)^" does not occur")
+ | _ -> error ("bad occurrence numbers of "^(string_of_path name))
+(* Unfold reduction tactic: *)
+let unfoldn loccname env sigma c =
+ List.fold_left (fun c occname -> unfoldoccs env sigma occname c) c loccname
+(* Re-folding constants tactics: refold com in term c *)
+let fold_one_com com env sigma c =
+ let rcom =
+ try red_product env sigma com
+ with Redelimination -> error "Not reducible" in
+ subst1 com (subst_term rcom c)
+let fold_commands cl env sigma c =
+ List.fold_right (fun com -> fold_one_com com env sigma) (List.rev cl) c
+(* call by value reduction functions *)
+let cbv_norm_flags flags env sigma t =
+ cbv_norm (create_cbv_infos flags env sigma) t
+let cbv_beta env = cbv_norm_flags beta env
+let cbv_betaiota env = cbv_norm_flags betaiota env
+let cbv_betadeltaiota env = cbv_norm_flags betadeltaiota env
+let compute = cbv_betadeltaiota
+(* Pattern *)
+(* gives [na:ta]c' such that c converts to ([na:ta]c' a), abstracting only
+ * the specified occurrences. *)
+let abstract_scheme env (locc,a,ta) t =
+ let na = named_hd env ta Anonymous in
+ if occur_meta ta then error "cannot find a type for the generalisation";
+ if occur_meta a then
+ mkLambda (na,ta,t)
+ else
+ mkLambda (na, ta,subst_term_occ locc a t)
+let pattern_occs loccs_trm_typ env sigma c =
+ let abstr_trm = List.fold_right (abstract_scheme env) loccs_trm_typ c in
+ applist(abstr_trm, List.map (fun (_,t,_) -> t) loccs_trm_typ)
(* Generic reduction: reduction functions used in reduction tactics *)
type red_expr =
- | Red
+ | Red of bool
| Hnf
| Simpl
| Cbv of Closure.flags
@@ -264,7 +529,7 @@ type red_expr =
| Pattern of (int list * constr * constr) list
let reduction_of_redexp = function
- | Red -> red_product
+ | Red internal -> if internal then internal_red_product else red_product
| Hnf -> hnf_constr
| Simpl -> nf
| Cbv f -> cbv_norm_flags f
@@ -283,13 +548,13 @@ let one_step_reduce env sigma c =
| None -> error "Not reducible 1"
| Some (a,rest) -> (subst1 a c, rest))
| IsAppL (f,cl) -> redrec (f, append_stack cl largs)
- | IsConst _ ->
+ | IsConst cst ->
red_elim_const env sigma x largs
with Redelimination ->
- if evaluable_constant env x then
- constant_value env x, largs
- else error "Not reductible 1")
+ try
+ constant_value env cst, largs
+ with NotEvaluableConst _ -> error "Not reductible 1")
| IsMutCase (ci,p,c,lf) ->