path: root/pretyping/pretyping.ml
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1 files changed, 360 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/pretyping.ml b/pretyping/pretyping.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fa60737d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pretyping/pretyping.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Generic
+open Sign
+open Evd
+open Term
+open Reduction
+open Environ
+open Type_errors
+open Typeops
+open Classops
+open List
+open Recordops
+open Evarutil
+open Pretype_errors
+open Rawterm
+open Evarconv
+open Coercion
+let ctxt_of_ids ids =
+ Array.of_list (List.map (function id -> VAR id) ids)
+let mt_evd = Evd.empty
+let vect_lift_type = Array.mapi (fun i t -> typed_app (lift i) t)
+let j_nf_ise env sigma {uj_val=v;uj_type=t;uj_kind=k} =
+ {uj_val=nf_ise1 env sigma v;uj_type=nf_ise1 env sigma t;uj_kind=k}
+let jv_nf_ise env sigma = Array.map (j_nf_ise env sigma)
+let evar_type_fixpoint env isevars lna lar vdefj =
+ let lt = Array.length vdefj in
+ if Array.length lar = lt then
+ for i = 0 to lt-1 do
+ if not (the_conv_x_leq env isevars
+ (vdefj.(i)).uj_type (lift lt (body_of_type lar.(i)))) then
+ error_ill_typed_rec_body CCI env i lna
+ (jv_nf_ise env !isevars vdefj)
+ (Array.map (typed_app (nf_ise1 env !isevars)) lar)
+ done
+(* Inutile ?
+let cast_rel isevars env cj tj =
+ if the_conv_x_leq isevars env cj.uj_type tj.uj_val then
+ {uj_val=j_val_only cj;
+ uj_type=tj.uj_val;
+ uj_kind = hnf_constr !isevars tj.uj_type}
+ else error_actual_type CCI env (j_nf_ise !isevars cj) (j_nf_ise !isevars tj)
+let let_path = make_path ["Core"] (id_of_string "let") CCI
+let wrong_number_of_cases_message loc env isevars (c,ct) expn =
+ let c = nf_ise1 env !isevars c and ct = nf_ise1 env !isevars ct in
+ error_number_branches_loc loc env c ct expn
+let check_branches_message loc env isevars (c,ct) (explft,lft) =
+ let n = Array.length explft and expn = Array.length lft in
+ if n<>expn then wrong_number_of_cases_message loc env isevars (c,ct) expn;
+ for i = 0 to n-1 do
+ if not (the_conv_x_leq env isevars lft.(i) explft.(i)) then
+ let c = nf_ise1 env !isevars c
+ and ct = nf_ise1 env !isevars ct
+ and lfi = nf_betaiota env !isevars (nf_ise1 env !isevars lft.(i)) in
+ error_ill_formed_branch_loc loc CCI env c i lfi (nf_betaiota env !isevars explft.(i))
+ done
+let evar_type_case isevars env ct pt lft p c =
+ let (mind,bty,rslty) = type_case_branches env !isevars ct pt p c
+ in check_branches_message isevars env (c,ct) (bty,lft); (mind,rslty)
+let trad_metamap = ref []
+let trad_nocheck = ref false
+let pretype_ref loc isevars env = function
+| RMeta n ->
+ let metaty =
+ try List.assoc n !trad_metamap
+ with Not_found ->
+ Ast.user_err_loc
+ (loc,"pretype",
+ [< 'sTR "Metavariable "; 'iNT n; 'sTR "remains non instanciated" >])
+ in
+ (match kind_of_term metaty with
+ IsCast (typ,kind) -> {uj_val=DOP0 (Meta n); uj_type=typ; uj_kind=kind}
+ | _ ->
+ {uj_val=DOP0 (Meta n);
+ uj_type=metaty;
+ uj_kind=failwith "should be casted"})
+ (* hnf_constr !isevars (exemeta_hack metaty).uj_type}) *)
+| RVar id ->
+ let {body=typ;typ=s} = snd(lookup_glob id (context env)) in
+ {uj_val=VAR id; uj_type=typ; uj_kind = DOP0 (Sort s)}
+| RConst (sp,ids) ->
+ let cstr = mkConst sp (ctxt_of_ids ids) in
+ make_judge cstr (type_of_constant env !isevars cstr)
+| RAbst sp ->
+ if sp = let_path then
+ (match Array.to_list cl with
+ [m;DLAM(na,b)] ->
+ let mj = pretype mt_tycon isevars env m in
+ (try
+ let mj = inh_ass_of_j isevars env mj in
+ let mb = body_of_type mj in
+ let bj =
+ pretype mt_tycon isevars (add_rel (na,mj) env) b in
+ {uj_val = DOPN(Abst sp,[|mb;DLAM(na,bj.uj_val)|]);
+ uj_type = sAPP (DLAM(na,bj.uj_type)) mb;
+ uj_kind = pop bj.uj_kind }
+ with UserError _ ->
+ pretype vtcon isevars env (abst_value cstr))
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "Trad.constr_of_com" [< 'sTR"Malformed ``let''" >])
+ else if evaluable_abst cstr then
+ pretype vtcon isevars env (abst_value cstr)
+ else error "Cannot typecheck an unevaluable abstraction"
+| REVar (sp,ids) ->
+ let cstr = mkConst sp (ctxt_of_ids ids) in
+ make_judge cstr (type_of_existential env !isevars cstr)
+| RInd ((sp,i),ids) ->
+ let cstr = mkMutInd sp i (ctxt_of_ids ids) in
+ make_judge cstr (type_of_inductive env !isevars cstr)
+| RConstruct (((sp,i),j),ids) ->
+ let cstr = mkMutConstruct sp i j (ctxt_of_ids ids) in
+ let (typ,kind) = destCast (type_of_constructor env !isevars cstr) in
+ {uj_val=cstr; uj_type=typ; uj_kind=kind}
+(* pretype vtcon isevars env constr tries to solve the *)
+(* existential variables in constr in environment env with the *)
+(* constraint vtcon (see Tradevar). *)
+(* Invariant : Prod and Lambda types are casted !! *)
+let rec pretype vtcon env isevars cstr =
+match cstr with (* Où teste-t-on que le résultat doit satisfaire tycon ? *)
+| RRef (loc,ref) ->
+ pretype_ref loc isevars env ref
+| RRel (loc,n) -> relative env n
+| RHole loc ->
+ if !compter then nbimpl:=!nbimpl+1;
+ (match vtcon with
+ (true,(Some v, _)) ->
+ let (valc,typc) = destCast v in
+ {uj_val=valc; uj_type=typc; uj_kind=dummy_sort}
+ | (false,(None,Some ty)) ->
+ let (c,ty) = new_isevar env isevars ty CCI in
+ {uj_val=c;uj_type=ty;uj_kind = dummy_sort}
+ | (true,(None,None)) ->
+ let (c,ty) = new_isevar env isevars (mkCast dummy_sort dummy_sort) CCI in
+ {uj_val=c;uj_type=ty;uj_kind = dummy_sort}
+ | (false,(None,None)) ->
+ (match loc with
+ None -> anomaly "There is an implicit argument I cannot solve"
+ | Some loc ->
+ Ast.user_err_loc
+ (loc,"pretype",
+ [< 'sTR "Cannot infer a term for this placeholder" >]))
+ | _ -> anomaly "tycon")
+| RRec (loc,fixkind,lfi,lar,vdef) ->
+ let larj = Array.map (pretype def_vty_con env isevars) lar in
+ let lara = Array.map (assumption_of_judgment env !isevars) larj in
+ let nbfix = Array.length lfi in
+ let lfi = List.map (fun id -> Name id) (Array.to_list lfi) in
+ let newenv =
+ array_fold_left2 (fun env id ar -> (push_rel (id,ar) env))
+ env (Array.of_list (List.rev lfi)) (vect_lift_type lara) in
+ let vdefj =
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i def -> (* we lift nbfix times the type in tycon, because of
+ * the nbfix variables pushed to newenv *)
+ pretype (mk_tycon (lift nbfix (larj.(i).uj_val))) newenv isevars def)
+ vdef in
+ (evar_type_fixpoint env isevars lfi lara vdefj;
+ match fixkind with
+ | RFix(vn,i) ->
+ let fix = mkFix vn i lara (List.rev lfi) (Array.map j_val_only vdefj) in
+ check_fix env !isevars fix;
+ make_judge fix lara.(i)
+ | RCofix i ->
+ let cofix = mkCoFix i lara (List.rev lfi) (Array.map j_val_only vdefj) in
+ check_cofix env !isevars cofix;
+ make_judge cofix lara.(i))
+| RSort (loc,RProp c) -> make_judge_of_prop_contents c
+| RSort (loc,RType) ->
+ { uj_val = dummy_sort; uj_type = dummy_sort; uj_kind = dummy_sort }
+| RApp (loc,f,args) ->
+ let j = pretype mt_tycon env isevars f in
+ let j = inh_app_fun env isevars j in
+ let apply_one_arg (tycon,jl) c =
+ let cj = pretype (app_dom_tycon isevars tycon) env isevars c in
+ let rtc = app_rng_tycon isevars cj.uj_val tycon in
+ (rtc,cj::jl) in
+ let jl = List.rev (snd (List.fold_left apply_one_arg
+ (mk_tycon j.uj_type,[]) args)) in
+ inh_apply_rel_list !trad_nocheck env isevars jl j vtcon
+| RBinder(loc,BLambda,name,c1,c2) ->
+ let j = pretype (abs_dom_valcon isevars vtcon) env isevars c1 in
+ let assum = inh_ass_of_j env isevars j in
+ let var = (name,assum) in
+ let j' =
+ pretype (abs_rng_tycon isevars vtcon) isevars
+ (add_rel var env) c2 in
+ abs_rel !isevars name assum j'
+| RBinder(loc,BProd,name,c1,c2) ->
+ let j = pretype def_vty_con env isevars c1 in
+ let assum = inh_ass_of_j env isevars j in
+ let var = (name,assum) in
+ let j' = pretype def_vty_con isevars (add_rel var env) c2 in
+ let j'' = inh_tosort env isevars j' in
+ gen_rel !isevars CCI env name assum j''
+| ROldCase (loc,isrec,po,c,lf) ->
+ let cj = pretype mt_tycon env isevars c in
+ let (mind,_) =
+ try find_mrectype !isevars cj.uj_type
+ with Induc -> error_case_not_inductive CCI env
+ (nf_ise1 !isevars cj.uj_val) (nf_ise1 !isevars cj.uj_type) in
+ let pj = match po with
+ | Some p -> pretype mt_tycon env isevars p
+ | None ->
+ try match vtcon with
+ (_,(_,Some pred)) ->
+ let (predc,predt) = destCast pred in
+ let predj = {uj_val=predc;uj_type=predt;uj_kind=dummy_sort} in
+ inh_tosort env isevars predj
+ | _ -> error "notype"
+ with UserError _ -> (* get type information from type of branches *)
+ let rec findtype i =
+ if i > Array.length lf
+ then error_cant_find_case_type loc env cj.uj_val
+ else
+ try
+ let expti = Indrec.branch_scheme !isevars isrec i cj.uj_type in
+ let fj = pretype (mk_tycon expti) env isevars lf.(i-1) in
+ let efjt = nf_ise1 !isevars fj.uj_type in
+ let pred =
+ Indrec.pred_case_ml_onebranch env !isevars isrec
+ (cj.uj_val,cj.uj_type) (i,fj.uj_val,efjt) in
+ if has_ise pred then findtype (i+1)
+ else
+ let pty = Mach.newtype_of env !isevars pred in
+ {uj_val=pred;uj_type=pty;uj_kind=Mach.newtype_of env !isevars pty}
+ with UserError _ -> findtype (i+1) in
+ findtype 1 in
+ let evalct = nf_ise1 !isevars cj.uj_type
+ and evalPt = nf_ise1 !isevars pj.uj_type in
+ let (mind,bty,rsty) =
+ Indrec.type_rec_branches isrec env !isevars evalct evalPt pj.uj_val cj.uj_val in
+ if Array.length bty <> Array.length lf then
+ wrong_number_of_cases_message loc env isevars (cj.uj_val,evalct)
+ (Array.length bty)
+ else
+ let lfj =
+ map2_vect
+ (fun tyc f -> pretype (mk_tycon tyc) env isevars f) bty lf in
+ let lft = (Array.map (fun j -> j.uj_type) lfj) in
+ check_branches_message loc env isevars (cj.uj_val,evalct) (bty,lft);
+ let v =
+ if isrec
+ then
+ let rEC = Array.append [|(j_val pj); (j_val cj)|]
+ (Array.map j_val lfj) in
+ Indrec.transform_rec loc env !isevars rEC (evalct,evalPt)
+ else let ci = ci_of_mind mind in
+ mkMutCaseA ci (j_val pj) (j_val cj) (Array.map j_val lfj) in
+ {uj_val = v;
+ uj_type = rsty;
+ uj_kind = sort_of_arity !isevars evalPt}
+| RCases (loc,prinfo,po,tml,eqns) ->
+ Multcase.compile_multcase
+ ((fun vtyc -> pretype vtyc isevars),isevars)
+ vtcon env (po,tml,eqns)
+| DOP2(Cast,c,t) ->
+ let tj = pretype def_vty_con env isevars t in
+ let tj = inh_tosort_force env isevars tj in
+ let cj =
+ pretype (mk_tycon2 vtcon (assumption_of_judgement env !isevars tj).body)
+ env isevars c in
+ inh_cast_rel env isevars cj tj
+(* Maintenant, tout s'exécute...
+ | _ -> error_cant_execute CCI env (nf_ise1 !isevars cstr)
+let unsafe_fmachine vtcon nocheck isevars metamap env constr =
+ trad_metamap := metamap;
+ trad_nocheck := nocheck;
+ reset_problems ();
+ pretype vtcon env isevars constr
+(* [fail_evar] says how to process unresolved evars:
+ * true -> raise an error message
+ * false -> convert them into new Metas (casted with their type)
+ *)
+let process_evars fail_evar sigma =
+ (if fail_evar then whd_ise sigma else whd_ise1_metas sigma)
+let j_apply f j =
+ { uj_val=strong (under_outer_cast f) j.uj_val;
+ uj_type=strong f j.uj_type;
+ uj_kind=strong f j.uj_kind}
+(* TODO: comment faire remonter l'information si le typage a resolu des
+ variables du sigma original. il faudrait que la fonction de typage
+ retourne aussi le nouveau sigma...
+let ise_resolve fail_evar sigma metamap env c =
+ let isevars = ref sigma in
+ let j = unsafe_fmachine mt_tycon false isevars metamap env c in
+ j_apply (process_evars fail_evar !isevars) j
+let ise_resolve_type fail_evar sigma metamap env c =
+ let isevars = ref sigma in
+ let j = unsafe_fmachine def_vty_con false isevars metamap env c in
+ let tj = inh_ass_of_j env isevars j in
+ type_app (strong (process_evars fail_evar !isevars)) tj
+let ise_resolve_nocheck sigma metamap env c =
+ let isevars = ref sigma in
+ let j = unsafe_fmachine mt_tycon true isevars metamap env c in
+ j_apply (process_evars true !isevars) j
+let ise_resolve1 is_ass sigma env c =
+ if is_ass then body_of_type (ise_resolve_type true sigma [] env c)
+ else (ise_resolve true sigma [] env c).uj_val