path: root/pretyping/matching.mli
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1 files changed, 29 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/matching.mli b/pretyping/matching.mli
index 42f9eab12..574a4bbd2 100644
--- a/pretyping/matching.mli
+++ b/pretyping/matching.mli
@@ -22,36 +22,54 @@ exception PatternMatchingFailure
val special_meta : metavariable
+type bound_ident_map = (identifier * identifier) list
(* [matches pat c] matches [c] against [pat] and returns the resulting
assignment of metavariables; it raises [PatternMatchingFailure] if
not matchable; bindings are given in increasing order based on the
numbers given in the pattern *)
val matches : constr_pattern -> constr -> patvar_map
-(* [is_matching pat c] just tells if [c] matches against [pat] *)
+(* [extended_matches pat c] also returns the names of bound variables
+ in [c] that matches the bound variables in [pat]; if several bound
+ variables or metavariables have the same name, the metavariable,
+ or else the rightmost bound variable, takes precedence *)
+val extended_matches :
+ constr_pattern -> constr -> bound_ident_map * patvar_map
+(* [is_matching pat c] just tells if [c] matches against [pat] *)
val is_matching : constr_pattern -> constr -> bool
(* [matches_conv env sigma] matches up to conversion in environment
[(env,sigma)] when constants in pattern are concerned; it raises
[PatternMatchingFailure] if not matchable; bindings are given in
increasing order based on the numbers given in the pattern *)
val matches_conv :env -> Evd.evar_map -> constr_pattern -> constr -> patvar_map
+(* The type of subterm matching results: a substitution + a context
+ (whose hole is denoted with [special_meta]) + a continuation that
+ either returns the next matching subterm or raise PatternMatchingFailure *)
+type subterm_matching_result =
+ (bound_ident_map * patvar_map) * constr * (unit -> subterm_matching_result)
(* [match_subterm n pat c] returns the substitution and the context
- corresponding to the [n+1]th **closed** subterm of [c] matching [pat];
- It raises PatternMatchingFailure if no such matching exists *)
-val match_subterm : int -> constr_pattern -> constr -> patvar_map * constr
+ corresponding to the first **closed** subterm of [c] matching [pat], and
+ a continuation that looks for the next matching subterm.
+ It raises PatternMatchingFailure if no subterm matches the pattern *)
+val match_subterm : constr_pattern -> constr -> subterm_matching_result
+(* [match_appsubterm pat c] returns the substitution and the context
+ corresponding to the first **closed** subterm of [c] matching [pat],
+ considering application contexts as well. It also returns a
+ continuation that looks for the next matching subterm.
+ It raises PatternMatchingFailure if no subterm matches the pattern *)
+val match_appsubterm : constr_pattern -> constr -> subterm_matching_result
-(* [match_appsubterm n pat c] returns the substitution and the context
- corresponding to the [n+1]th **closed** subterm of [c] matching [pat],
- considering application contexts as well;
- It raises PatternMatchingFailure if no such matching exists *)
-val match_appsubterm : int -> constr_pattern -> constr -> patvar_map * constr
+(* [match_subterm_gen] calls either [match_subterm] or [match_appsubterm] *)
+val match_subterm_gen : bool (* true = with app context *) ->
+ constr_pattern -> constr -> subterm_matching_result
(* [is_matching_conv env sigma pat c] tells if [c] matches against [pat]
up to conversion for constants in patterns *)
val is_matching_conv :
env -> Evd.evar_map -> constr_pattern -> constr -> bool