path: root/pretyping/evd.ml
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1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/evd.ml b/pretyping/evd.ml
index d775f9fe9..be35cb947 100644
--- a/pretyping/evd.ml
+++ b/pretyping/evd.ml
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ open Util
open Names
open Term
open Sign
+open Environ
(* The type of mappings for existential variables *)
@@ -63,3 +64,142 @@ let evar_body ev = ev.evar_body
let string_of_existential ev = "?" ^ string_of_int ev
let existential_of_int ev = ev
+(* Formerly Instantiate module *)
+let is_id_inst inst =
+ let is_id (id,c) = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Var id' -> id = id'
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ List.for_all is_id inst
+(* VĂ©rifier que les instances des let-in sont compatibles ?? *)
+let instantiate_sign_including_let sign args =
+ let rec instrec = function
+ | ((id,b,_) :: sign, c::args) -> (id,c) :: (instrec (sign,args))
+ | ([],[]) -> []
+ | ([],_) | (_,[]) ->
+ anomaly "Signature and its instance do not match"
+ in
+ instrec (sign,args)
+let instantiate_evar sign c args =
+ let inst = instantiate_sign_including_let sign args in
+ if is_id_inst inst then
+ c
+ else
+ replace_vars inst c
+(* Existentials. *)
+let existential_type sigma (n,args) =
+ let info =
+ try map sigma n
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly ("Evar "^(string_of_existential n)^" was not declared") in
+ let hyps = info.evar_hyps in
+ instantiate_evar hyps info.evar_concl (Array.to_list args)
+exception NotInstantiatedEvar
+let existential_value sigma (n,args) =
+ let info = map sigma n in
+ let hyps = info.evar_hyps in
+ match evar_body info with
+ | Evar_defined c ->
+ instantiate_evar hyps c (Array.to_list args)
+ | Evar_empty ->
+ raise NotInstantiatedEvar
+let existential_opt_value sigma ev =
+ try Some (existential_value sigma ev)
+ with NotInstantiatedEvar -> None
+(* The type constructor ['a sigma] adds an evar map to an object of
+ type ['a] *)
+type 'a sigma = {
+ it : 'a ;
+ sigma : evar_map}
+let sig_it x = x.it
+let sig_sig x = x.sigma
+(* Metamaps *)
+(* Constraints for existential variables *)
+type 'a freelisted = {
+ rebus : 'a;
+ freemetas : Intset.t }
+(* Collects all metavars appearing in a constr *)
+let metavars_of c =
+ let rec collrec acc c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Meta mv -> Intset.add mv acc
+ | _ -> fold_constr collrec acc c
+ in
+ collrec Intset.empty c
+let mk_freelisted c =
+ { rebus = c; freemetas = metavars_of c }
+(* Clausal environments *)
+type clbinding =
+ | Cltyp of constr freelisted
+ | Clval of constr freelisted * constr freelisted
+let map_fl f cfl = { cfl with rebus=f cfl.rebus }
+let map_clb f = function
+ | Cltyp cfl -> Cltyp (map_fl f cfl)
+ | Clval (cfl1,cfl2) -> Clval (map_fl f cfl1,map_fl f cfl2)
+module Metaset = Intset
+let meta_exists p s = Metaset.fold (fun x b -> (p x) || b) s false
+module Metamap = Intmap
+let metamap_in_dom x m =
+ try let _ = Metamap.find x m in true with Not_found -> false
+let metamap_to_list m =
+ Metamap.fold (fun n v l -> (n,v)::l) m []
+let metamap_inv m b =
+ Metamap.fold (fun n v l -> if v = b then n::l else l) m []
+type meta_map = clbinding Metamap.t
+let meta_defined env mv =
+ match Metamap.find mv env with
+ | Clval _ -> true
+ | Cltyp _ -> false
+let meta_fvalue env mv =
+ match Metamap.find mv env with
+ | Clval(b,_) -> b
+ | Cltyp _ -> anomaly "meta_fvalue: meta has no value"
+let meta_ftype env mv =
+ match Metamap.find mv env with
+ | Cltyp b -> b
+ | Clval(_,b) -> b
+let meta_declare mv v menv =
+ Metamap.add mv (Cltyp(mk_freelisted v)) menv
+let meta_assign mv v menv =
+ Metamap.add mv (Clval(mk_freelisted v, meta_ftype menv mv)) menv