path: root/plugins/ssr/ssrvernac.ml4
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/ssr/ssrvernac.ml4')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ssr/ssrvernac.ml4 b/plugins/ssr/ssrvernac.ml4
index 36dce37ae..cd614fee9 100644
--- a/plugins/ssr/ssrvernac.ml4
+++ b/plugins/ssr/ssrvernac.ml4
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ let coerce_search_pattern_to_sort hpat =
let hpat' = if np = na then hpat else mkPApp hpat (np - na) [||] in
let warn () =
Feedback.msg_warning (str "Listing only lemmas with conclusion matching " ++
- pr_constr_pattern hpat') in
+ pr_constr_pattern_env env sigma hpat') in
if EConstr.isSort sigma ht then begin warn (); true, hpat' end else
let filter_head, coe_path =
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ let coerce_search_pattern_to_sort hpat =
let n_imps = Option.get (Classops.hide_coercion coe_ref) in
mkPApp (Pattern.PRef coe_ref) n_imps [|hp|]
with _ ->
- errorstrm (str "need explicit coercion " ++ pr_constr coe ++ spc ()
+ errorstrm (str "need explicit coercion " ++ pr_constr_env env sigma coe ++ spc ()
++ str "to interpret head search pattern as type") in
filter_head, List.fold_left coerce hpat' coe_path
@@ -468,10 +468,12 @@ let pr_raw_ssrhintref prc _ _ = let open CAst in function
prc c ++ str "|" ++ int (List.length args)
| c -> prc c
-let pr_rawhintref c = match DAst.get c with
+let pr_rawhintref c =
+ let _, env = Pfedit.get_current_context () in
+ match DAst.get c with
| GApp (f, args) when isRHoles args ->
- pr_glob_constr f ++ str "|" ++ int (List.length args)
- | _ -> pr_glob_constr c
+ pr_glob_constr_env env f ++ str "|" ++ int (List.length args)
+ | _ -> pr_glob_constr_env env c
let pr_glob_ssrhintref _ _ _ (c, _) = pr_rawhintref c