path: root/plugins/ssr/ssrcommon.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/ssr/ssrcommon.ml')
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ssr/ssrcommon.ml b/plugins/ssr/ssrcommon.ml
index 1a02fb91c..48ec8166c 100644
--- a/plugins/ssr/ssrcommon.ml
+++ b/plugins/ssr/ssrcommon.ml
@@ -170,6 +170,11 @@ let array_list_of_tl v =
(* end patch *)
+let option_assert_get o msg =
+ match o with
+ | None -> CErrors.anomaly msg
+ | Some x -> x
(** Constructors for rawconstr *)
open Glob_term
@@ -220,8 +225,9 @@ let splay_open_constr gl (sigma, c) =
let env = pf_env gl in let t = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma c in
Reductionops.splay_prod env sigma t
-let isAppInd gl c =
- try ignore (pf_reduce_to_atomic_ind gl c); true with _ -> false
+let isAppInd env sigma c =
+ try ignore(Tacred.reduce_to_atomic_ind env sigma c); true
+ with CErrors.UserError _ -> false
(** Generic argument-based globbing/typing utilities *)
@@ -276,30 +282,46 @@ let interp_hyps ist gl ghyps =
let hyps = List.map snd (List.map (interp_hyp ist gl) ghyps) in
check_hyps_uniq [] hyps; Tacmach.project gl, hyps
+(* Old terms *)
let mk_term k c = k, (mkRHole, Some c)
let mk_lterm c = mk_term xNoFlag c
-let interp_view_nbimps ist gl rc =
- try
- let sigma, t = interp_open_constr ist gl (rc, None) in
- let si = sig_it gl in
- let gl = re_sig si sigma in
- let pl, c = splay_open_constr gl t in
- if isAppInd gl c then List.length pl else (-(List.length pl))
- with _ -> 0
+(* New terms *)
+let mk_ast_closure_term a t = {
+ annotation = a;
+ body = t;
+ interp_env = None;
+ glob_env = None;
+let glob_ast_closure_term (ist : Genintern.glob_sign) t =
+ { t with glob_env = Some ist }
+let subst_ast_closure_term (_s : Mod_subst.substitution) t =
+ (* _s makes sense only for glob constr *)
+ t
+let interp_ast_closure_term (ist : Geninterp.interp_sign) (gl : 'goal Evd.sigma) t =
+ (* gl is only useful if we want to interp *now*, later we have
+ * a potentially different gl.sigma *)
+ Tacmach.project gl, { t with interp_env = Some ist }
+let ssrterm_of_ast_closure_term { body; annotation } =
+ let c = match annotation with
+ | `Parens -> xInParens
+ | `At -> xWithAt
+ | _ -> xNoFlag in
+ mk_term c body
+let ssrdgens_of_parsed_dgens = function
+ | [], clr -> { dgens = []; gens = []; clr }
+ | [gens], clr -> { dgens = []; gens; clr }
+ | [dgens;gens], clr -> { dgens; gens; clr }
+ | _ -> assert false
let nbargs_open_constr gl oc =
let pl, _ = splay_open_constr gl oc in List.length pl
-let interp_nbargs ist gl rc =
- try
- let rc6 = mkRApp rc (mkRHoles 6) in
- let sigma, t = interp_open_constr ist gl (rc6, None) in
- let si = sig_it gl in
- let gl = re_sig si sigma in
- 6 + nbargs_open_constr gl t
- with _ -> 5
let pf_nbargs gl c = nbargs_open_constr gl (project gl, c)
let internal_names = ref []
@@ -378,7 +400,7 @@ let max_suffix m (t, j0 as tj0) id =
dt < ds && skip_digits s i = n in
loop m
-let mk_anon_id t gl =
+let mk_anon_id t gl_ids =
let m, si0, id0 =
let s = ref (Printf.sprintf "_%s_" t) in
if is_internal_name !s then s := "_" ^ !s;
@@ -387,7 +409,6 @@ let mk_anon_id t gl =
let d = !s.[i] in if not (is_digit d) then i + 1, j else
loop (i - 1) (if d = '0' then j else i) in
let m, j = loop (n - 1) n in m, (!s, j), Id.of_string !s in
- let gl_ids = pf_ids_of_hyps gl in
if not (List.mem id0 gl_ids) then id0 else
let s, i = List.fold_left (max_suffix m) si0 gl_ids in
let open Bytes in
@@ -435,8 +456,8 @@ let red_product_skip_id env sigma c = match EConstr.kind sigma c with
| App(hd,args) when Array.length args = 1 && is_id_constr sigma hd -> args.(0)
| _ -> try Tacred.red_product env sigma c with _ -> c
-let ssrevaltac ist gtac =
- Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tacinterp.tactic_of_value ist gtac)
+let ssrevaltac ist gtac = Tacinterp.tactic_of_value ist gtac
(** Open term to lambda-term coercion {{{ ************************************)
(* This operation takes a goal gl and an open term (sigma, t), and *)
@@ -480,7 +501,7 @@ let nf_evar sigma t =
EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (Evarutil.nf_evar sigma (EConstr.of_constr t))
let pf_abs_evars2 gl rigid (sigma, c0) =
- let c0 = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c0 in
+ let c0 = EConstr.to_constr sigma c0 in
let sigma0, ucst = project gl, Evd.evar_universe_context sigma in
let nenv = env_size (pf_env gl) in
let abs_evar n k =
@@ -776,7 +797,7 @@ let rec is_name_in_ipats name = function
List.exists (function SsrHyp(_,id) -> id = name) clr
|| is_name_in_ipats name tl
| IPatId id :: tl -> id = name || is_name_in_ipats name tl
- | IPatCase l :: tl -> List.exists (is_name_in_ipats name) l || is_name_in_ipats name tl
+ | (IPatCase l | IPatDispatch l) :: tl -> List.exists (is_name_in_ipats name) l || is_name_in_ipats name tl
| _ :: tl -> is_name_in_ipats name tl
| [] -> false
@@ -1082,14 +1103,10 @@ let introid ?(orig=ref Anonymous) name = tclTHEN (fun gl ->
let anontac decl gl =
let id = match RelDecl.get_name decl with
| Name id ->
- if is_discharged_id id then id else mk_anon_id (Id.to_string id) gl
- | _ -> mk_anon_id ssr_anon_hyp gl in
+ if is_discharged_id id then id else mk_anon_id (Id.to_string id) (Tacmach.pf_ids_of_hyps gl)
+ | _ -> mk_anon_id ssr_anon_hyp (Tacmach.pf_ids_of_hyps gl) in
introid id gl
-let intro_all gl =
- let dc, _ = EConstr.decompose_prod_assum (project gl) (Tacmach.pf_concl gl) in
- tclTHENLIST (List.map anontac (List.rev dc)) gl
let rec intro_anon gl =
try anontac (List.hd (fst (EConstr.decompose_prod_n_assum (project gl) 1 (Tacmach.pf_concl gl)))) gl
with err0 -> try tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.of_tactic Tactics.red_in_concl) intro_anon gl with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> raise err0
@@ -1146,15 +1163,16 @@ let tclMULT = function
| n, Must when n > 1 -> tclDO n
| _ -> tclID
-let cleartac clr = check_hyps_uniq [] clr; Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tactics.clear (hyps_ids clr))
+let old_cleartac clr = check_hyps_uniq [] clr; Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tactics.clear (hyps_ids clr))
+let cleartac clr = check_hyps_uniq [] clr; Tactics.clear (hyps_ids clr)
(** }}} *)
(** Generalize tactic *)
(* XXX the k of the redex should percolate out *)
-let pf_interp_gen_aux ist gl to_ind ((oclr, occ), t) =
- let pat = interp_cpattern ist gl t None in (* UGLY API *)
+let pf_interp_gen_aux gl to_ind ((oclr, occ), t) =
+ let pat = interp_cpattern gl t None in (* UGLY API *)
let cl, env, sigma = Tacmach.pf_concl gl, pf_env gl, project gl in
let (c, ucst), cl =
try fill_occ_pattern ~raise_NoMatch:true env sigma (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr cl) pat occ 1
@@ -1195,22 +1213,22 @@ let genclrtac cl cs clr =
(fun type_err gl ->
(tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tactics.elim_type (EConstr.of_constr
- (Universes.constr_of_global @@ Coqlib.build_coq_False ())))) (cleartac clr))
+ (Universes.constr_of_global @@ Coqlib.build_coq_False ())))) (old_cleartac clr))
(fun gl -> raise type_err)
- (cleartac clr)
+ (old_cleartac clr)
-let gentac ist gen gl =
+let gentac gen gl =
(* ppdebug(lazy(str"sigma@gentac=" ++ pr_evar_map None (project gl))); *)
- let conv, _, cl, c, clr, ucst,gl = pf_interp_gen_aux ist gl false gen in
+ let conv, _, cl, c, clr, ucst,gl = pf_interp_gen_aux gl false gen in
ppdebug(lazy(str"c@gentac=" ++ pr_econstr_env (pf_env gl) (project gl) c));
let gl = pf_merge_uc ucst gl in
if conv
- then tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_concl cl)) (cleartac clr) gl
+ then tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_concl cl)) (old_cleartac clr) gl
else genclrtac cl [c] clr gl
-let genstac (gens, clr) ist =
- tclTHENLIST (cleartac clr :: List.rev_map (gentac ist) gens)
+let genstac (gens, clr) =
+ tclTHENLIST (old_cleartac clr :: List.rev_map gentac gens)
let gen_tmp_ids
?(ist=Geninterp.({ lfun = Id.Map.empty; extra = Tacinterp.TacStore.empty })) gl
@@ -1220,13 +1238,13 @@ let gen_tmp_ids
(List.map (fun (id,orig_ref) ->
- (gentac ist ((None,Some(false,[])),cpattern_of_id id))
+ (gentac ((None,Some(false,[])),cpattern_of_id id))
(rename_hd_prod orig_ref))
ctx.tmp_ids) gl)
-let pf_interp_gen ist gl to_ind gen =
- let _, _, a, b, c, ucst,gl = pf_interp_gen_aux ist gl to_ind gen in
+let pf_interp_gen gl to_ind gen =
+ let _, _, a, b, c, ucst,gl = pf_interp_gen_aux gl to_ind gen in
a, b ,c, pf_merge_uc ucst gl
(* TASSI: This version of unprotects inlines the unfold tactic definition,
@@ -1247,7 +1265,11 @@ let unprotecttac gl =
CClosure.RedFlags.fCOFIX]), DEFAULTcast) hyploc))
allHypsAndConcl gl
-let abs_wgen keep_let ist f gen (gl,args,c) =
+let is_protect hd env sigma =
+ let _, protectC = mkSsrConst "protect_term" env sigma in
+ EConstr.eq_constr_nounivs sigma hd protectC
+let abs_wgen keep_let f gen (gl,args,c) =
let sigma, env = project gl, pf_env gl in
let evar_closed t p =
if occur_existential sigma t then
@@ -1267,7 +1289,7 @@ let abs_wgen keep_let ist f gen (gl,args,c) =
gl, EConstr.mkVar x :: args, EConstr.mkProd (Name (f x),Tacmach.pf_get_hyp_typ gl x, EConstr.Vars.subst_var x c)
| _, Some ((x, "@"), Some p) ->
let x = hoi_id x in
- let cp = interp_cpattern ist gl p None in
+ let cp = interp_cpattern gl p None in
let (t, ucst), c =
try fill_occ_pattern ~raise_NoMatch:true env sigma (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c) cp None 1
with NoMatch -> redex_of_pattern env cp, (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c) in
@@ -1279,7 +1301,7 @@ let abs_wgen keep_let ist f gen (gl,args,c) =
pf_merge_uc ucst gl, args, EConstr.mkLetIn(Name (f x), ut, ty, c)
| _, Some ((x, _), Some p) ->
let x = hoi_id x in
- let cp = interp_cpattern ist gl p None in
+ let cp = interp_cpattern gl p None in
let (t, ucst), c =
try fill_occ_pattern ~raise_NoMatch:true env sigma (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c) cp None 1
with NoMatch -> redex_of_pattern env cp, (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c) in
@@ -1293,8 +1315,252 @@ let abs_wgen keep_let ist f gen (gl,args,c) =
let clr_of_wgen gen clrs = match gen with
| clr, Some ((x, _), None) ->
let x = hoi_id x in
- cleartac clr :: cleartac [SsrHyp(Loc.tag x)] :: clrs
- | clr, _ -> cleartac clr :: clrs
+ old_cleartac clr :: old_cleartac [SsrHyp(Loc.tag x)] :: clrs
+ | clr, _ -> old_cleartac clr :: clrs
+let reduct_in_concl t = Tactics.reduct_in_concl (t, DEFAULTcast)
+let unfold cl =
+ let module R = Reductionops in let module F = CClosure.RedFlags in
+ reduct_in_concl (R.clos_norm_flags (F.mkflags
+ (List.map (fun c -> F.fCONST (fst (destConst (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c)))) cl @
+ [F.fBETA; F.fMATCH; F.fFIX; F.fCOFIX])))
+open Proofview
+open Notations
+let tacSIGMA = Goal.enter_one begin fun g ->
+ let k = Goal.goal g in
+ let sigma = Goal.sigma g in
+ tclUNIT (Tacmach.re_sig k sigma)
+ tclINDEPENDENTL begin tacSIGMA >>= fun gl ->
+ let old_ssrterm = mkRHole, Some c.Ssrast.body in
+ let ist =
+ option_assert_get c.Ssrast.interp_env
+ Pp.(str "tclINTERP_AST_CLOSURE_TERM_AS_CONSTR: term with no ist") in
+ let sigma, t =
+ interp_wit Stdarg.wit_constr ist gl old_ssrterm in
+ Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*>
+ tclUNIT t
+ tacSIGMA >>= fun gl ->
+ tclUNIT (Tacmach.pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl ty)
+let tacTYPEOF c = Goal.enter_one ~__LOC__ (fun g ->
+ let sigma, env = Goal.sigma g, Goal.env g in
+ let sigma, ty = Typing.type_of env sigma c in
+ Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*> tclUNIT ty)
+(** This tactic creates a partial proof realizing the introduction rule, but
+ does not check anything. *)
+let unsafe_intro env store decl b =
+ let open Context.Named.Declaration in
+ Refine.refine ~typecheck:false begin fun sigma ->
+ let ctx = Environ.named_context_val env in
+ let nctx = EConstr.push_named_context_val decl ctx in
+ let inst = List.map (get_id %> EConstr.mkVar) (Environ.named_context env) in
+ let ninst = EConstr.mkRel 1 :: inst in
+ let nb = EConstr.Vars.subst1 (EConstr.mkVar (get_id decl)) b in
+ let sigma, ev =
+ Evarutil.new_evar_instance nctx sigma nb ~principal:true ~store ninst in
+ sigma, EConstr.mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn decl ev
+ end
+let set_decl_id id = let open Context in function
+ | Rel.Declaration.LocalAssum(name,ty) -> Named.Declaration.LocalAssum(id,ty)
+ | Rel.Declaration.LocalDef(name,ty,t) -> Named.Declaration.LocalDef(id,ty,t)
+let rec decompose_assum env sigma orig_goal =
+ let open Context in
+ match EConstr.kind sigma orig_goal with
+ | Prod(name,ty,t) ->
+ Rel.Declaration.LocalAssum(name,ty), t, true
+ | LetIn(name,ty,t1,t2) -> Rel.Declaration.LocalDef(name, ty, t1), t2, true
+ | _ ->
+ let goal = Reductionops.whd_allnolet env sigma orig_goal in
+ match EConstr.kind sigma goal with
+ | Prod(name,ty,t) -> Rel.Declaration.LocalAssum(name,ty), t, false
+ | LetIn(name,ty,t1,t2) -> Rel.Declaration.LocalDef(name,ty,t1), t2, false
+ | App(hd,args) when EConstr.isLetIn sigma hd -> (* hack *)
+ let _,v,_,b = EConstr.destLetIn sigma hd in
+ let ctx, t, _ =
+ decompose_assum env sigma
+ (EConstr.mkApp (EConstr.Vars.subst1 v b, args)) in
+ ctx, t, false
+ | _ -> CErrors.user_err
+ Pp.(str "No assumption in " ++ Printer.pr_econstr_env env sigma goal)
+let tclFULL_BETAIOTA = Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let r, _ = Redexpr.reduction_of_red_expr (Goal.env gl)
+ Genredexpr.(Lazy {
+ rBeta=true; rMatch=true; rFix=true; rCofix=true;
+ rZeta=false; rDelta=false; rConst=[]}) in
+ Tactics.e_reduct_in_concl ~check:false (r,Constr.DEFAULTcast)
+(** [intro id k] introduces the first premise (product or let-in) of the goal
+ under the name [id], reducing the head of the goal (using beta, iota, delta
+ but not zeta) if necessary. If [id] is None, a name is generated, that will
+ not be user accessible. If the goal does not start with a product or a
+let-in even after reduction, it fails. In case of success, the original name
+and final id are passed to the continuation [k] which gets evaluated. *)
+let tclINTRO ~id ~conclusion:k = Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let open Context in
+ let env, sigma, extra, g = Goal.(env gl, sigma gl, extra gl, concl gl) in
+ let decl, t, no_red = decompose_assum env sigma g in
+ let original_name = Rel.Declaration.get_name decl in
+ let already_used = Tacmach.New.pf_ids_of_hyps gl in
+ let id = match id, original_name with
+ | Some id, _ -> id
+ | _, Name id ->
+ if is_discharged_id id then id
+ else mk_anon_id (Id.to_string id) already_used
+ | _, _ ->
+ let ids = Tacmach.New.pf_ids_of_hyps gl in
+ mk_anon_id ssr_anon_hyp ids
+ in
+ if List.mem id already_used then
+ errorstrm Pp.(Id.print id ++ str" already used");
+ unsafe_intro env extra (set_decl_id id decl) t <*>
+ (if no_red then tclUNIT () else tclFULL_BETAIOTA) <*>
+ k ~orig_name:original_name ~new_name:id
+let return ~orig_name:_ ~new_name:_ = tclUNIT ()
+let tclINTRO_ID id = tclINTRO ~id:(Some id) ~conclusion:return
+let tclINTRO_ANON = tclINTRO ~id:None ~conclusion:return
+let tclRENAME_HD_PROD name = Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let convert_concl_no_check t =
+ Tactics.convert_concl_no_check t Term.DEFAULTcast in
+ let concl = Goal.concl gl in
+ let sigma = Goal.sigma gl in
+ match EConstr.kind sigma concl with
+ | Prod(_,src,tgt) ->
+ convert_concl_no_check EConstr.(mkProd (name,src,tgt))
+ | _ -> CErrors.anomaly (Pp.str "rename_hd_prod: no head product")
+let tcl0G tac =
+ numgoals >>= fun ng -> if ng = 0 then tclUNIT () else tac
+let rec tclFIRSTa = function
+ | [] -> Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG Pp.(str"No applicable tactic.")
+ | tac :: rest -> tclORELSE tac (fun _ -> tclFIRSTa rest)
+let rec tclFIRSTi tac n =
+ if n < 0 then Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG Pp.(str "tclFIRSTi")
+ else tclORELSE (tclFIRSTi tac (n-1)) (fun _ -> tac n)
+let tacCONSTR_NAME ?name c =
+ match name with
+ | Some n -> tclUNIT n
+ | None ->
+ Goal.enter_one ~__LOC__ (fun g ->
+ let sigma = Goal.sigma g in
+ tclUNIT (constr_name sigma c))
+let tacMKPROD c ?name cl =
+ tacTYPEOF c >>= fun t ->
+ tacCONSTR_NAME ?name c >>= fun name ->
+ Goal.enter_one ~__LOC__ begin fun g ->
+ let sigma, env = Goal.sigma g, Goal.env g in
+ if name <> Names.Name.Anonymous || EConstr.Vars.noccurn sigma 1 cl
+ then tclUNIT (EConstr.mkProd (name, t, cl))
+ else
+ let name = Names.Id.of_string (Namegen.hdchar env sigma t) in
+ tclUNIT (EConstr.mkProd (Names.Name.Name name, t, cl))
+let tacINTERP_CPATTERN cp =
+ tacSIGMA >>= begin fun gl ->
+ tclUNIT (Ssrmatching.interp_cpattern gl cp None)
+let tacUNIFY a b =
+ tacSIGMA >>= begin fun gl ->
+ let gl = Ssrmatching.pf_unify_HO gl a b in
+ Unsafe.tclEVARS (Tacmach.project gl)
+let tclOPTION o d =
+ match o with
+ | None -> d >>= tclUNIT
+ | Some x -> tclUNIT x
+let tacIS_INJECTION_CASE ?ty t = begin
+ tclOPTION ty (tacTYPEOF t) >>= fun ty ->
+ tacREDUCE_TO_QUANTIFIED_IND ty >>= fun ((mind,_),_) ->
+ tclUNIT (Globnames.eq_gr (Globnames.IndRef mind) (Coqlib.build_coq_eq ()))
+let tclWITHTOP tac = Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let top =
+ mk_anon_id "top_assumption" (Tacmach.New.pf_ids_of_hyps gl) in
+ tclINTRO_ID top <*>
+ tac (EConstr.mkVar top) <*>
+ Tactics.clear [top]
+let tacMK_SSR_CONST name = Goal.enter_one ~__LOC__ begin fun g ->
+ let sigma, env = Goal.(sigma g, env g) in
+ let sigma, c = mkSsrConst name env sigma in
+ Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*>
+ tclUNIT c
+module type StateType = sig
+ type state
+ val init : state
+module MakeState(S : StateType) = struct
+let state_field : S.state Proofview_monad.StateStore.field =
+ Proofview_monad.StateStore.field ()
+(* FIXME: should not inject fresh_state, but initialize it at the beginning *)
+let lift_upd_state upd s =
+ let open Proofview_monad.StateStore in
+ let old_state = Option.default S.init (get s state_field) in
+ upd old_state >>= fun new_state ->
+ tclUNIT (set s state_field new_state)
+let tacUPDATE upd = Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let s0 = Goal.state gl in
+ Goal.enter_one ~__LOC__ (fun _ -> lift_upd_state upd s0) >>= fun s ->
+ Unsafe.tclGETGOALS >>= fun gls ->
+ let gls = List.map (fun gs ->
+ let g = Proofview_monad.drop_state gs in
+ Proofview_monad.goal_with_state g s) gls in
+ Unsafe.tclSETGOALS gls
+let tclGET k = Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let open Proofview_monad.StateStore in
+ k (Option.default S.init (get (Goal.state gl) state_field))
+let tclSET new_s =
+ let open Proofview_monad.StateStore in
+ Unsafe.tclGETGOALS >>= fun gls ->
+ let gls = List.map (fun gs ->
+ let g = Proofview_monad.drop_state gs in
+ let s = Proofview_monad.get_state gs in
+ Proofview_monad.goal_with_state g (set s state_field new_s)) gls in
+ Unsafe.tclSETGOALS gls
+let get g =
+ Option.default S.init
+ (Proofview_monad.StateStore.get (Goal.state g) state_field)
(* vim: set filetype=ocaml foldmethod=marker: *)