path: root/plugins/nsatz/polynom.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/nsatz/polynom.ml')
1 files changed, 679 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/nsatz/polynom.ml b/plugins/nsatz/polynom.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14e279b56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/nsatz/polynom.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Recursive polynomials: R[x1]...[xn]. *)
+open Utile
+open Util
+(* 1. Coefficients: R *)
+module type Coef = sig
+ type t
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ val lt : t -> t -> bool
+ val le : t -> t -> bool
+ val abs : t -> t
+ val plus : t -> t -> t
+ val mult : t -> t -> t
+ val sub : t -> t -> t
+ val opp : t -> t
+ val div : t -> t -> t
+ val modulo : t -> t -> t
+ val puis : t -> int -> t
+ val pgcd : t -> t -> t
+ val hash : t -> int
+ val of_num : Num.num -> t
+ val to_string : t -> string
+module type S = sig
+ type coef
+ type variable = int
+ type t = Pint of coef | Prec of variable * t array
+ val of_num : Num.num -> t
+ val x : variable -> t
+ val monome : variable -> int -> t
+ val is_constantP : t -> bool
+ val is_zero : t -> bool
+ val max_var_pol : t -> variable
+ val max_var_pol2 : t -> variable
+ val max_var : t array -> variable
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ val norm : t -> t
+ val deg : variable -> t -> int
+ val deg_total : t -> int
+ val copyP : t -> t
+ val coef : variable -> int -> t -> t
+ val plusP : t -> t -> t
+ val content : t -> coef
+ val div_int : t -> coef -> t
+ val vire_contenu : t -> t
+ val vars : t -> variable list
+ val int_of_Pint : t -> coef
+ val multx : int -> variable -> t -> t
+ val multP : t -> t -> t
+ val deriv : variable -> t -> t
+ val oppP : t -> t
+ val moinsP : t -> t -> t
+ val puisP : t -> int -> t
+ val ( @@ ) : t -> t -> t
+ val ( -- ) : t -> t -> t
+ val ( ^^ ) : t -> int -> t
+ val coefDom : variable -> t -> t
+ val coefConst : variable -> t -> t
+ val remP : variable -> t -> t
+ val coef_int_tete : t -> coef
+ val normc : t -> t
+ val coef_constant : t -> coef
+ val univ : bool ref
+ val string_of_var : int -> string
+ val nsP : int ref
+ val to_string : t -> string
+ val printP : t -> unit
+ val print_tpoly : t array -> unit
+ val print_lpoly : t list -> unit
+ val quo_rem_pol : t -> t -> variable -> t * t
+ val div_pol : t -> t -> variable -> t
+ val divP : t -> t -> t
+ val div_pol_rat : t -> t -> bool
+ val pseudo_div : t -> t -> variable -> t * t * int * t
+ val pgcdP : t -> t -> t
+ val pgcd_pol : t -> t -> variable -> t
+ val content_pol : t -> variable -> t
+ val pgcd_coef_pol : t -> t -> variable -> t
+ val pgcd_pol_rec : t -> t -> variable -> t
+ val gcd_sub_res : t -> t -> variable -> t
+ val gcd_sub_res_rec : t -> t -> t -> t -> int -> variable -> t
+ val lazard_power : t -> t -> int -> variable -> t
+ val hash : t -> int
+ module Hashpol : Hashtbl.S with type key=t
+ 2. Type of polynomials, operations.
+module Make (C:Coef) = struct
+type coef = C.t
+let coef_of_int i = C.of_num (Num.Int i)
+let coef0 = coef_of_int 0
+let coef1 = coef_of_int 1
+type variable = int
+type t =
+ Pint of coef (* constant polynomial *)
+ | Prec of variable * (t array) (* coefficients, increasing degree *)
+(* by default, operations work with normalized polynomials:
+- variables are positive integers
+- coefficients of a polynomial in x only use variables < x
+- no zero coefficient at beginning
+- no Prec(x,a) where a is constant in x
+(* constant polynomials *)
+let of_num x = Pint (C.of_num x)
+let cf0 = of_num (Num.Int 0)
+let cf1 = of_num (Num.Int 1)
+(* nth variable *)
+let x n = Prec (n,[|cf0;cf1|])
+(* create v^n *)
+let monome v n =
+ match n with
+ 0->Pint coef1;
+ |_->let tmp = Array.create (n+1) (Pint coef0) in
+ tmp.(n)<-(Pint coef1);
+ Prec (v, tmp)
+let is_constantP = function
+ Pint _ -> true
+ | Prec _ -> false
+let int_of_Pint = function
+ Pint x -> x
+ | _ -> failwith "non"
+let is_zero p =
+ match p with Pint n -> if C.equal n coef0 then true else false |_-> false
+let max_var_pol p =
+ match p with
+ Pint _ -> 0
+ |Prec(x,_) -> x
+(* p not normalized *)
+let rec max_var_pol2 p =
+ match p with
+ Pint _ -> 0
+ |Prec(v,c)-> Array.fold_right (fun q m -> max (max_var_pol2 q) m) c v
+let rec max_var l = Array.fold_right (fun p m -> max (max_var_pol2 p) m) l 0
+(* equality between polynomials *)
+let rec equal p q =
+ match (p,q) with
+ (Pint a,Pint b) -> C.equal a b
+ |(Prec(x,p1),Prec(y,q1)) ->
+ if x<>y then false
+ else if (Array.length p1)<>(Array.length q1) then false
+ else (try (Array.iteri (fun i a -> if not (equal a q1.(i))
+ then failwith "raté")
+ p1;
+ true)
+ with _ -> false)
+ | (_,_) -> false
+(* normalize polynomial: remove head zeros, coefficients are normalized
+ if constant, returns the coefficient
+let rec norm p = match p with
+ Pint _ -> p
+ |Prec (x,a)->
+ let d = (Array.length a -1) in
+ let n = ref d in
+ while !n>0 && (equal a.(!n) (Pint coef0)) do
+ n:=!n-1;
+ done;
+ if !n<0 then Pint coef0
+ else if !n=0 then a.(0)
+ else if !n=d then p
+ else (let b=Array.create (!n+1) (Pint coef0) in
+ for i=0 to !n do b.(i)<-a.(i);done;
+ Prec(x,b))
+(* degree in v, v >= max var of p *)
+let rec deg v p =
+ match p with
+ Prec(x,p1) when x=v -> Array.length p1 -1
+ |_ -> 0
+(* total degree *)
+let rec deg_total p =
+ match p with
+ Prec (x,p1) -> let d = ref 0 in
+ Array.iteri (fun i q -> d:= (max !d (i+(deg_total q)))) p1;
+ !d
+ |_ -> 0
+let rec copyP p =
+ match p with
+ Pint i -> Pint i
+ |Prec(x,q) -> Prec(x,Array.map copyP q)
+(* coefficient of degree i in v, v >= max var of p *)
+let coef v i p =
+ match p with
+ Prec (x,p1) when x=v -> if i<(Array.length p1) then p1.(i) else Pint coef0
+ |_ -> if i=0 then p else Pint coef0
+(* addition *)
+let rec plusP p q =
+ let res =
+ (match (p,q) with
+ (Pint a,Pint b) -> Pint (C.plus a b)
+ |(Pint a, Prec (y,q1)) -> let q2=Array.map copyP q1 in
+ q2.(0)<- plusP p q1.(0);
+ Prec (y,q2)
+ |(Prec (x,p1),Pint b) -> let p2=Array.map copyP p1 in
+ p2.(0)<- plusP p1.(0) q;
+ Prec (x,p2)
+ |(Prec (x,p1),Prec (y,q1)) ->
+ if x<y then (let q2=Array.map copyP q1 in
+ q2.(0)<- plusP p q1.(0);
+ Prec (y,q2))
+ else if x>y then (let p2=Array.map copyP p1 in
+ p2.(0)<- plusP p1.(0) q;
+ Prec (x,p2))
+ else
+ (let n=max (deg x p) (deg x q) in
+ let r=Array.create (n+1) (Pint coef0) in
+ for i=0 to n do
+ r.(i)<- plusP (coef x i p) (coef x i q);
+ done;
+ Prec(x,r)))
+ in norm res
+(* content, positive integer *)
+let rec content p =
+ match p with
+ Pint a -> C.abs a
+ | Prec (x ,p1) ->
+ Array.fold_left C.pgcd coef0 (Array.map content p1)
+let rec div_int p a=
+ match p with
+ Pint b -> Pint (C.div b a)
+ | Prec(x,p1) -> Prec(x,Array.map (fun x -> div_int x a) p1)
+let vire_contenu p =
+ let c = content p in
+ if C.equal c coef0 then p else div_int p c
+(* sorted list of variables of a polynomial *)
+let rec vars=function
+ Pint _->[]
+ | Prec (x,l)->(List.flatten ([x]::(List.map vars (Array.to_list l))))
+(* multiply p by v^n, v >= max_var p *)
+let rec multx n v p =
+ match p with
+ Prec (x,p1) when x=v -> let p2= Array.create ((Array.length p1)+n) (Pint coef0) in
+ for i=0 to (Array.length p1)-1 do
+ p2.(i+n)<-p1.(i);
+ done;
+ Prec (x,p2)
+ |_ -> if p = (Pint coef0) then (Pint coef0)
+ else (let p2=Array.create (n+1) (Pint coef0) in
+ p2.(n)<-p;
+ Prec (v,p2))
+(* product *)
+let rec multP p q =
+ match (p,q) with
+ (Pint a,Pint b) -> Pint (C.mult a b)
+ |(Pint a, Prec (y,q1)) ->
+ if C.equal a coef0 then Pint coef0
+ else let q2 = Array.map (fun z-> multP p z) q1 in
+ Prec (y,q2)
+ |(Prec (x,p1), Pint b) ->
+ if C.equal b coef0 then Pint coef0
+ else let p2 = Array.map (fun z-> multP z q) p1 in
+ Prec (x,p2)
+ |(Prec (x,p1), Prec(y,q1)) ->
+ if x<y
+ then (let q2 = Array.map (fun z-> multP p z) q1 in
+ Prec (y,q2))
+ else if x>y
+ then (let p2 = Array.map (fun z-> multP z q) p1 in
+ Prec (x,p2))
+ else Array.fold_left plusP (Pint coef0)
+ (Array.mapi (fun i z-> (multx i x (multP z q))) p1)
+(* derive p with variable v, v >= max_var p *)
+let rec deriv v p =
+ match p with
+ Pint a -> Pint coef0
+ | Prec(x,p1) when x=v ->
+ let d = Array.length p1 -1 in
+ if d=1 then p1.(1)
+ else
+ (let p2 = Array.create d (Pint coef0) in
+ for i=0 to d-1 do
+ p2.(i)<- multP (Pint (coef_of_int (i+1))) p1.(i+1);
+ done;
+ Prec (x,p2))
+ | Prec(x,p1)-> Pint coef0
+(* opposite *)
+let rec oppP p =
+ match p with
+ Pint a -> Pint (C.opp a)
+ |Prec(x,p1) -> Prec(x,Array.map oppP p1)
+let moinsP p q=plusP p (oppP q)
+let rec puisP p n = match n with
+ 0 -> cf1
+ |_ -> (multP p (puisP p (n-1)))
+(* infix notations *)
+(*let (++) a b = plusP a b
+let (@@) a b = multP a b
+let (--) a b = moinsP a b
+let (^^) a b = puisP a b
+(* leading coefficient in v, v>= max_var p *)
+let coefDom v p= coef v (deg v p) p
+let coefConst v p = coef v 0 p
+(* tail of a polynomial *)
+let remP v p =
+ moinsP p (multP (coefDom v p) (puisP (x v) (deg v p)))
+(* first interger coefficient of p *)
+let rec coef_int_tete p =
+ let v = max_var_pol p in
+ if v>0
+ then coef_int_tete (coefDom v p)
+ else (match p with | Pint a -> a |_ -> assert false)
+(* divide by the content and make the head int coef positive *)
+let normc p =
+ let p = vire_contenu p in
+ let a = coef_int_tete p in
+ if C.le coef0 a then p else oppP p
+(* constant coef of normalized polynomial *)
+let rec coef_constant p =
+ match p with
+ Pint a->a
+ |Prec(_,q)->coef_constant q.(0)
+ 3. Printing polynomials.
+(* if univ = false, we use x,y,z,a,b,c,d... as variables, else x1,x2,...
+let univ=ref true
+let string_of_var x=
+ if !univ then
+ "u"^(string_of_int x)
+ else
+ if x<=3 then String.make 1 (Char.chr(x+(Char.code 'w')))
+ else String.make 1 (Char.chr(x-4+(Char.code 'a')))
+let nsP = ref 0
+let rec string_of_Pcut p =
+ if (!nsP)<=0
+ then "..."
+ else
+ match p with
+ |Pint a-> nsP:=(!nsP)-1;
+ if C.le coef0 a
+ then C.to_string a
+ else "("^(C.to_string a)^")"
+ |Prec (x,t)->
+ let v=string_of_var x
+ and s=ref ""
+ and sp=ref "" in
+ let st0 = string_of_Pcut t.(0) in
+ if st0<>"0"
+ then s:=st0;
+ let fin = ref false in
+ for i=(Array.length t)-1 downto 1 do
+ if (!nsP)<0
+ then (sp:="...";
+ if not (!fin) then s:=(!s)^"+"^(!sp);
+ fin:=true)
+ else (
+ let si=string_of_Pcut t.(i) in
+ sp:="";
+ if i=1
+ then (
+ if si<>"0"
+ then (nsP:=(!nsP)-1;
+ if si="1"
+ then sp:=v
+ else
+ (if (String.contains si '+')
+ then sp:="("^si^")*"^v
+ else sp:=si^"*"^v)))
+ else (
+ if si<>"0"
+ then (nsP:=(!nsP)-1;
+ if si="1"
+ then sp:=v^"^"^(string_of_int i)
+ else (if (String.contains si '+')
+ then sp:="("^si^")*"^v^"^"^(string_of_int i)
+ else sp:=si^"*"^v^"^"^(string_of_int i))));
+ if !sp<>"" && not (!fin)
+ then (nsP:=(!nsP)-1;
+ if !s=""
+ then s:=!sp
+ else s:=(!s)^"+"^(!sp)));
+ done;
+ if !s="" then (nsP:=(!nsP)-1;
+ (s:="0"));
+ !s
+let to_string p =
+ nsP:=20;
+ string_of_Pcut p
+let printP p = Format.printf "@[%s@]" (to_string p)
+let print_tpoly lp =
+ let s = ref "\n{ " in
+ Array.iter (fun p -> s:=(!s)^(to_string p)^"\n") lp;
+ prt0 ((!s)^"}")
+let print_lpoly lp = print_tpoly (Array.of_list lp)
+ 4. Exact division of polynomials.
+(* return (s,r) s.t. p = s*q+r *)
+let rec quo_rem_pol p q x =
+ if x=0
+ then (match (p,q) with
+ |(Pint a, Pint b) ->
+ if C.equal (C.modulo a b) coef0
+ then (Pint (C.div a b), cf0)
+ else failwith "div_pol1"
+ |_ -> assert false)
+ else
+ let m = deg x q in
+ let b = coefDom x q in
+ let q1 = remP x q in (* q = b*x^m+q1 *)
+ let r = ref p in
+ let s = ref cf0 in
+ let continue =ref true in
+ while (!continue) && (not (equal !r cf0)) do
+ let n = deg x !r in
+ if n<m
+ then continue:=false
+ else (
+ let a = coefDom x !r in
+ let p1 = remP x !r in (* r = a*x^n+p1 *)
+ let c = div_pol a b (x-1) in (* a = c*b *)
+ let s1 = c @@ ((monome x (n-m))) in
+ s:= plusP (!s) s1;
+ r:= p1 -- (s1 @@ q1);
+ )
+ done;
+ (!s,!r)
+(* returns quotient p/q if q divides p, else fails *)
+and div_pol p q x =
+ let (s,r) = quo_rem_pol p q x in
+ if equal r cf0
+ then s
+ else failwith ("div_pol:\n"
+ ^"p:"^(to_string p)^"\n"
+ ^"q:"^(to_string q)^"\n"
+ ^"r:"^(to_string r)^"\n"
+ ^"x:"^(string_of_int x)^"\n"
+ )
+let divP p q=
+ let x = max (max_var_pol p) (max_var_pol q) in
+ div_pol p q x
+let div_pol_rat p q=
+ let x = max (max_var_pol p) (max_var_pol q) in
+ try (let s = div_pol (multP p (puisP (Pint(coef_int_tete q))
+ (1+(deg x p) - (deg x q))))
+ q x in
+ (* degueulasse, mais c 'est pour enlever un warning *)
+ if s==s then true else true)
+ with _ -> false
+ 5. Pseudo-division and gcd with subresultants.
+(* pseudo division :
+ q = c*x^m+q1
+ retruns (r,c,d,s) s.t. c^d*p = s*q + r.
+let pseudo_div p q x =
+ match q with
+ Pint _ -> (cf0, q,1, p)
+ | Prec (v,q1) when x<>v -> (cf0, q,1, p)
+ | Prec (v,q1) ->
+ (
+ (* pr "pseudo_division: c^d*p = s*q + r";*)
+ let delta = ref 0 in
+ let r = ref p in
+ let c = coefDom x q in
+ let q1 = remP x q in
+ let d' = deg x q in
+ let s = ref cf0 in
+ while (deg x !r)>=(deg x q) do
+ let d = deg x !r in
+ let a = coefDom x !r in
+ let r1=remP x !r in
+ let u = a @@ ((monome x (d-d'))) in
+ r:=(c @@ r1) -- (u @@ q1);
+ s:=plusP (c @@ (!s)) u;
+ delta := (!delta) + 1;
+ done;
+ (*
+ pr ("deg d: "^(string_of_int (!delta))^", deg c: "^(string_of_int (deg_total c)));
+ pr ("deg r:"^(string_of_int (deg_total !r)));
+ *)
+ (!r,c,!delta, !s)
+ )
+(* gcd with subresultants *)
+let rec pgcdP p q =
+ let x = max (max_var_pol p) (max_var_pol q) in
+ pgcd_pol p q x
+and pgcd_pol p q x =
+ pgcd_pol_rec p q x
+and content_pol p x =
+ match p with
+ Prec(v,p1) when v=x ->
+ Array.fold_left (fun a b -> pgcd_pol_rec a b (x-1)) cf0 p1
+ | _ -> p
+and pgcd_coef_pol c p x =
+ match p with
+ Prec(v,p1) when x=v ->
+ Array.fold_left (fun a b -> pgcd_pol_rec a b (x-1)) c p1
+ |_ -> pgcd_pol_rec c p (x-1)
+and pgcd_pol_rec p q x =
+ match (p,q) with
+ (Pint a,Pint b) -> Pint (C.pgcd (C.abs a) (C.abs b))
+ |_ ->
+ if equal p cf0
+ then q
+ else if equal q cf0
+ then p
+ else if (deg x q) = 0
+ then pgcd_coef_pol q p x
+ else if (deg x p) = 0
+ then pgcd_coef_pol p q x
+ else (
+ let a = content_pol p x in
+ let b = content_pol q x in
+ let c = pgcd_pol_rec a b (x-1) in
+ pr (string_of_int x);
+ let p1 = div_pol p c x in
+ let q1 = div_pol q c x in
+ let r = gcd_sub_res p1 q1 x in
+ let cr = content_pol r x in
+ let res = c @@ (div_pol r cr x) in
+ res
+ )
+(* Sub-résultants:
+ ai*Ai = Qi*Ai+1 + bi*Ai+2
+ deg Ai+2 < deg Ai+1
+ Ai = ci*X^ni + ...
+ di = ni - ni+1
+ ai = (- ci+1)^(di + 1)
+ b1 = 1
+ bi = ci*si^di si i>1
+ s1 = 1
+ si+1 = ((ci+1)^di*si)/si^di
+and gcd_sub_res p q x =
+ if equal q cf0
+ then p
+ else
+ let d = deg x p in
+ let d' = deg x q in
+ if d<d'
+ then gcd_sub_res q p x
+ else
+ let delta = d-d' in
+ let c' = coefDom x q in
+ let r = snd (quo_rem_pol (((oppP c')^^(delta+1))@@p) (oppP q) x) in
+ gcd_sub_res_rec q r (c'^^delta) c' d' x
+and gcd_sub_res_rec p q s c d x =
+ if equal q cf0
+ then p
+ else (
+ let d' = deg x q in
+ let c' = coefDom x q in
+ let delta = d-d' in
+ let r = snd (quo_rem_pol (((oppP c')^^(delta+1))@@p) (oppP q) x) in
+ let s'= lazard_power c' s delta x in
+ gcd_sub_res_rec q (div_pol r (c @@ (s^^delta)) x) s' c' d' x
+ )
+and lazard_power c s d x =
+ let res = ref c in
+ for i=1 to d-1 do
+ res:= div_pol ((!res)@@c) s x;
+ done;
+ !res
+(* memoizations *)
+let rec hash = function
+ Pint a -> (C.hash a)
+ | Prec (v,p) ->
+ Array.fold_right (fun q h -> h + hash q) p 0
+module Hashpol = Hashtbl.Make(
+ struct
+ type poly = t
+ type t = poly
+ let equal = equal
+ let hash = hash
+ end)