path: root/plugins/micromega
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/micromega')
5 files changed, 14 insertions, 2346 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/MExtraction.v b/plugins/micromega/MExtraction.v
index d28bb8286..4d5c3b1d5 100644
--- a/plugins/micromega/MExtraction.v
+++ b/plugins/micromega/MExtraction.v
@@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ Extract Inductive sumor => option [ Some None ].
Let's rather use the ocaml && *)
Extract Inlined Constant andb => "(&&)".
-Require Import Reals.
+Import Reals.Rdefinitions.
-Extract Constant R => "int".
-Extract Constant R0 => "0".
-Extract Constant R1 => "1".
+Extract Constant R => "int".
+Extract Constant R0 => "0".
+Extract Constant R1 => "1".
Extract Constant Rplus => "( + )".
Extract Constant Rmult => "( * )".
Extract Constant Ropp => "fun x -> - x".
Extract Constant Rinv => "fun x -> 1 / x".
-Extraction "micromega.ml"
+Extraction "plugins/micromega/micromega.ml"
List.map simpl_cone (*map_cone indexes*)
denorm Qpower vm_add
n_of_Z N.of_nat ZTautoChecker ZWeakChecker QTautoChecker RTautoChecker find.
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/coq_micromega.ml b/plugins/micromega/coq_micromega.ml
index 7497aae3c..83f374346 100644
--- a/plugins/micromega/coq_micromega.ml
+++ b/plugins/micromega/coq_micromega.ml
@@ -1668,8 +1668,6 @@ let rcst_domain_spec = lazy {
dump_proof = dump_psatz coq_Q dump_q
-open Proofview.Notations
(** Naive topological sort of constr according to the subterm-ordering *)
(* An element is minimal x is minimal w.r.t y if
@@ -1712,7 +1710,7 @@ let micromega_order_change spec cert cert_typ env ff (*: unit Proofview.tactic*
let ff = dump_formula formula_typ (dump_cstr spec.coeff spec.dump_coeff) ff in
let vm = dump_varmap (spec.typ) (vm_of_list env) in
(* todo : directly generate the proof term - or generalize before conversion? *)
- Proofview.Goal.nf_enter { enter = begin fun gl ->
+ Proofview.Goal.nf_enter begin fun gl ->
@@ -1724,7 +1722,7 @@ let micromega_order_change spec cert cert_typ env ff (*: unit Proofview.tactic*
(Tacmach.New.pf_concl gl))
- end }
+ end
@@ -1972,7 +1970,7 @@ let micromega_gen
(normalise:'cst atom -> 'cst mc_cnf)
unsat deduce
spec dumpexpr prover tac =
- Proofview.Goal.nf_enter { enter = begin fun gl ->
+ Proofview.Goal.nf_enter begin fun gl ->
let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
let concl = Tacmach.New.pf_concl gl in
let hyps = Tacmach.New.pf_hyps_types gl in
@@ -2029,7 +2027,7 @@ let micromega_gen
^ "the use of a specialized external tool called csdp. \n\n"
^ "Unfortunately Coq isn't aware of the presence of any \"csdp\" executable in the path. \n\n"
^ "Csdp packages are provided by some OS distributions; binaries and source code can be downloaded from https://projects.coin-or.org/Csdp"))
- end }
+ end
let micromega_gen parse_arith
(negate:'cst atom -> 'cst mc_cnf)
@@ -2050,7 +2048,7 @@ let micromega_order_changer cert env ff =
let formula_typ = (Term.mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Cstr,[| coeff|])) in
let ff = dump_formula formula_typ (dump_cstr coeff dump_coeff) ff in
let vm = dump_varmap (typ) (vm_of_list env) in
- Proofview.Goal.nf_enter { enter = begin fun gl ->
+ Proofview.Goal.nf_enter begin fun gl ->
@@ -2065,7 +2063,7 @@ let micromega_order_changer cert env ff =
(Tacmach.New.pf_concl gl)));
(* Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST (List.map (fun id -> (Tactics.introduction id)) ids)*)
- end }
+ end
let micromega_genr prover tac =
let parse_arith = parse_rarith in
@@ -2080,7 +2078,7 @@ let micromega_genr prover tac =
proof_typ = Lazy.force coq_QWitness ;
dump_proof = dump_psatz coq_Q dump_q
} in
- Proofview.Goal.nf_enter { enter = begin fun gl ->
+ Proofview.Goal.nf_enter begin fun gl ->
let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
let concl = Tacmach.New.pf_concl gl in
let hyps = Tacmach.New.pf_hyps_types gl in
@@ -2144,7 +2142,7 @@ let micromega_genr prover tac =
^ "the use of a specialized external tool called csdp. \n\n"
^ "Unfortunately Coq isn't aware of the presence of any \"csdp\" executable in the path. \n\n"
^ "Csdp packages are provided by some OS distributions; binaries and source code can be downloaded from https://projects.coin-or.org/Csdp"))
- end }
+ end
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/micromega.ml b/plugins/micromega/micromega.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cf1da8ea..000000000
--- a/plugins/micromega/micromega.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1809 +0,0 @@
-(** val negb : bool -> bool **)
-let negb = function
-| true -> false
-| false -> true
-type nat =
-| O
-| S of nat
-(** val app : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list **)
-let rec app l m =
- match l with
- | [] -> m
- | a::l1 -> a::(app l1 m)
-type comparison =
-| Eq
-| Lt
-| Gt
-(** val compOpp : comparison -> comparison **)
-let compOpp = function
-| Eq -> Eq
-| Lt -> Gt
-| Gt -> Lt
-module Coq__1 = struct
- (** val add : nat -> nat -> nat **)
- let rec add n0 m =
- match n0 with
- | O -> m
- | S p -> S (add p m)
-let add = Coq__1.add
-type positive =
-| XI of positive
-| XO of positive
-| XH
-type n =
-| N0
-| Npos of positive
-type z =
-| Z0
-| Zpos of positive
-| Zneg of positive
-module Pos =
- struct
- type mask =
- | IsNul
- | IsPos of positive
- | IsNeg
- end
-module Coq_Pos =
- struct
- (** val succ : positive -> positive **)
- let rec succ = function
- | XI p -> XO (succ p)
- | XO p -> XI p
- | XH -> XO XH
- (** val add : positive -> positive -> positive **)
- let rec add x y =
- match x with
- | XI p ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> XO (add_carry p q0)
- | XO q0 -> XI (add p q0)
- | XH -> XO (succ p))
- | XO p ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> XI (add p q0)
- | XO q0 -> XO (add p q0)
- | XH -> XI p)
- | XH ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> XO (succ q0)
- | XO q0 -> XI q0
- | XH -> XO XH)
- (** val add_carry : positive -> positive -> positive **)
- and add_carry x y =
- match x with
- | XI p ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> XI (add_carry p q0)
- | XO q0 -> XO (add_carry p q0)
- | XH -> XI (succ p))
- | XO p ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> XO (add_carry p q0)
- | XO q0 -> XI (add p q0)
- | XH -> XO (succ p))
- | XH ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> XI (succ q0)
- | XO q0 -> XO (succ q0)
- | XH -> XI XH)
- (** val pred_double : positive -> positive **)
- let rec pred_double = function
- | XI p -> XI (XO p)
- | XO p -> XI (pred_double p)
- | XH -> XH
- type mask = Pos.mask =
- | IsNul
- | IsPos of positive
- | IsNeg
- (** val succ_double_mask : mask -> mask **)
- let succ_double_mask = function
- | IsNul -> IsPos XH
- | IsPos p -> IsPos (XI p)
- | IsNeg -> IsNeg
- (** val double_mask : mask -> mask **)
- let double_mask = function
- | IsPos p -> IsPos (XO p)
- | x0 -> x0
- (** val double_pred_mask : positive -> mask **)
- let double_pred_mask = function
- | XI p -> IsPos (XO (XO p))
- | XO p -> IsPos (XO (pred_double p))
- | XH -> IsNul
- (** val sub_mask : positive -> positive -> mask **)
- let rec sub_mask x y =
- match x with
- | XI p ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> double_mask (sub_mask p q0)
- | XO q0 -> succ_double_mask (sub_mask p q0)
- | XH -> IsPos (XO p))
- | XO p ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> succ_double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q0)
- | XO q0 -> double_mask (sub_mask p q0)
- | XH -> IsPos (pred_double p))
- | XH ->
- (match y with
- | XH -> IsNul
- | _ -> IsNeg)
- (** val sub_mask_carry : positive -> positive -> mask **)
- and sub_mask_carry x y =
- match x with
- | XI p ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> succ_double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q0)
- | XO q0 -> double_mask (sub_mask p q0)
- | XH -> IsPos (pred_double p))
- | XO p ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q0)
- | XO q0 -> succ_double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q0)
- | XH -> double_pred_mask p)
- | XH -> IsNeg
- (** val sub : positive -> positive -> positive **)
- let sub x y =
- match sub_mask x y with
- | IsPos z0 -> z0
- | _ -> XH
- (** val mul : positive -> positive -> positive **)
- let rec mul x y =
- match x with
- | XI p -> add y (XO (mul p y))
- | XO p -> XO (mul p y)
- | XH -> y
- (** val size_nat : positive -> nat **)
- let rec size_nat = function
- | XI p2 -> S (size_nat p2)
- | XO p2 -> S (size_nat p2)
- | XH -> S O
- (** val compare_cont :
- comparison -> positive -> positive -> comparison **)
- let rec compare_cont r x y =
- match x with
- | XI p ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> compare_cont r p q0
- | XO q0 -> compare_cont Gt p q0
- | XH -> Gt)
- | XO p ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> compare_cont Lt p q0
- | XO q0 -> compare_cont r p q0
- | XH -> Gt)
- | XH ->
- (match y with
- | XH -> r
- | _ -> Lt)
- (** val compare : positive -> positive -> comparison **)
- let compare =
- compare_cont Eq
- (** val gcdn : nat -> positive -> positive -> positive **)
- let rec gcdn n0 a b =
- match n0 with
- | O -> XH
- | S n1 ->
- (match a with
- | XI a' ->
- (match b with
- | XI b' ->
- (match compare a' b' with
- | Eq -> a
- | Lt -> gcdn n1 (sub b' a') a
- | Gt -> gcdn n1 (sub a' b') b)
- | XO b0 -> gcdn n1 a b0
- | XH -> XH)
- | XO a0 ->
- (match b with
- | XI _ -> gcdn n1 a0 b
- | XO b0 -> XO (gcdn n1 a0 b0)
- | XH -> XH)
- | XH -> XH)
- (** val gcd : positive -> positive -> positive **)
- let gcd a b =
- gcdn (Coq__1.add (size_nat a) (size_nat b)) a b
- (** val of_succ_nat : nat -> positive **)
- let rec of_succ_nat = function
- | O -> XH
- | S x -> succ (of_succ_nat x)
- end
-module N =
- struct
- (** val of_nat : nat -> n **)
- let of_nat = function
- | O -> N0
- | S n' -> Npos (Coq_Pos.of_succ_nat n')
- end
-(** val pow_pos : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 **)
-let rec pow_pos rmul x = function
-| XI i0 -> let p = pow_pos rmul x i0 in rmul x (rmul p p)
-| XO i0 -> let p = pow_pos rmul x i0 in rmul p p
-| XH -> x
-(** val nth : nat -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
-let rec nth n0 l default =
- match n0 with
- | O ->
- (match l with
- | [] -> default
- | x::_ -> x)
- | S m ->
- (match l with
- | [] -> default
- | _::t0 -> nth m t0 default)
-(** val map : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list **)
-let rec map f = function
-| [] -> []
-| a::t0 -> (f a)::(map f t0)
-(** val fold_right : ('a2 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 list -> 'a1 **)
-let rec fold_right f a0 = function
-| [] -> a0
-| b::t0 -> f b (fold_right f a0 t0)
-module Z =
- struct
- (** val double : z -> z **)
- let double = function
- | Z0 -> Z0
- | Zpos p -> Zpos (XO p)
- | Zneg p -> Zneg (XO p)
- (** val succ_double : z -> z **)
- let succ_double = function
- | Z0 -> Zpos XH
- | Zpos p -> Zpos (XI p)
- | Zneg p -> Zneg (Coq_Pos.pred_double p)
- (** val pred_double : z -> z **)
- let pred_double = function
- | Z0 -> Zneg XH
- | Zpos p -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.pred_double p)
- | Zneg p -> Zneg (XI p)
- (** val pos_sub : positive -> positive -> z **)
- let rec pos_sub x y =
- match x with
- | XI p ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> double (pos_sub p q0)
- | XO q0 -> succ_double (pos_sub p q0)
- | XH -> Zpos (XO p))
- | XO p ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> pred_double (pos_sub p q0)
- | XO q0 -> double (pos_sub p q0)
- | XH -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.pred_double p))
- | XH ->
- (match y with
- | XI q0 -> Zneg (XO q0)
- | XO q0 -> Zneg (Coq_Pos.pred_double q0)
- | XH -> Z0)
- (** val add : z -> z -> z **)
- let add x y =
- match x with
- | Z0 -> y
- | Zpos x' ->
- (match y with
- | Z0 -> x
- | Zpos y' -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.add x' y')
- | Zneg y' -> pos_sub x' y')
- | Zneg x' ->
- (match y with
- | Z0 -> x
- | Zpos y' -> pos_sub y' x'
- | Zneg y' -> Zneg (Coq_Pos.add x' y'))
- (** val opp : z -> z **)
- let opp = function
- | Z0 -> Z0
- | Zpos x0 -> Zneg x0
- | Zneg x0 -> Zpos x0
- (** val sub : z -> z -> z **)
- let sub m n0 =
- add m (opp n0)
- (** val mul : z -> z -> z **)
- let mul x y =
- match x with
- | Z0 -> Z0
- | Zpos x' ->
- (match y with
- | Z0 -> Z0
- | Zpos y' -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.mul x' y')
- | Zneg y' -> Zneg (Coq_Pos.mul x' y'))
- | Zneg x' ->
- (match y with
- | Z0 -> Z0
- | Zpos y' -> Zneg (Coq_Pos.mul x' y')
- | Zneg y' -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.mul x' y'))
- (** val compare : z -> z -> comparison **)
- let compare x y =
- match x with
- | Z0 ->
- (match y with
- | Z0 -> Eq
- | Zpos _ -> Lt
- | Zneg _ -> Gt)
- | Zpos x' ->
- (match y with
- | Zpos y' -> Coq_Pos.compare x' y'
- | _ -> Gt)
- | Zneg x' ->
- (match y with
- | Zneg y' -> compOpp (Coq_Pos.compare x' y')
- | _ -> Lt)
- (** val leb : z -> z -> bool **)
- let leb x y =
- match compare x y with
- | Gt -> false
- | _ -> true
- (** val ltb : z -> z -> bool **)
- let ltb x y =
- match compare x y with
- | Lt -> true
- | _ -> false
- (** val gtb : z -> z -> bool **)
- let gtb x y =
- match compare x y with
- | Gt -> true
- | _ -> false
- (** val max : z -> z -> z **)
- let max n0 m =
- match compare n0 m with
- | Lt -> m
- | _ -> n0
- (** val abs : z -> z **)
- let abs = function
- | Zneg p -> Zpos p
- | x -> x
- (** val to_N : z -> n **)
- let to_N = function
- | Zpos p -> Npos p
- | _ -> N0
- (** val pos_div_eucl : positive -> z -> z * z **)
- let rec pos_div_eucl a b =
- match a with
- | XI a' ->
- let q0,r = pos_div_eucl a' b in
- let r' = add (mul (Zpos (XO XH)) r) (Zpos XH) in
- if ltb r' b
- then (mul (Zpos (XO XH)) q0),r'
- else (add (mul (Zpos (XO XH)) q0) (Zpos XH)),(sub r' b)
- | XO a' ->
- let q0,r = pos_div_eucl a' b in
- let r' = mul (Zpos (XO XH)) r in
- if ltb r' b
- then (mul (Zpos (XO XH)) q0),r'
- else (add (mul (Zpos (XO XH)) q0) (Zpos XH)),(sub r' b)
- | XH -> if leb (Zpos (XO XH)) b then Z0,(Zpos XH) else (Zpos XH),Z0
- (** val div_eucl : z -> z -> z * z **)
- let div_eucl a b =
- match a with
- | Z0 -> Z0,Z0
- | Zpos a' ->
- (match b with
- | Z0 -> Z0,Z0
- | Zpos _ -> pos_div_eucl a' b
- | Zneg b' ->
- let q0,r = pos_div_eucl a' (Zpos b') in
- (match r with
- | Z0 -> (opp q0),Z0
- | _ -> (opp (add q0 (Zpos XH))),(add b r)))
- | Zneg a' ->
- (match b with
- | Z0 -> Z0,Z0
- | Zpos _ ->
- let q0,r = pos_div_eucl a' b in
- (match r with
- | Z0 -> (opp q0),Z0
- | _ -> (opp (add q0 (Zpos XH))),(sub b r))
- | Zneg b' -> let q0,r = pos_div_eucl a' (Zpos b') in q0,(opp r))
- (** val div : z -> z -> z **)
- let div a b =
- let q0,_ = div_eucl a b in q0
- (** val gcd : z -> z -> z **)
- let gcd a b =
- match a with
- | Z0 -> abs b
- | Zpos a0 ->
- (match b with
- | Z0 -> abs a
- | Zpos b0 -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.gcd a0 b0)
- | Zneg b0 -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.gcd a0 b0))
- | Zneg a0 ->
- (match b with
- | Z0 -> abs a
- | Zpos b0 -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.gcd a0 b0)
- | Zneg b0 -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.gcd a0 b0))
- end
-(** val zeq_bool : z -> z -> bool **)
-let zeq_bool x y =
- match Z.compare x y with
- | Eq -> true
- | _ -> false
-type 'c pol =
-| Pc of 'c
-| Pinj of positive * 'c pol
-| PX of 'c pol * positive * 'c pol
-(** val p0 : 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
-let p0 cO =
- Pc cO
-(** val p1 : 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
-let p1 cI =
- Pc cI
-(** val peq : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> bool **)
-let rec peq ceqb p p' =
- match p with
- | Pc c ->
- (match p' with
- | Pc c' -> ceqb c c'
- | _ -> false)
- | Pinj (j, q0) ->
- (match p' with
- | Pinj (j', q') ->
- (match Coq_Pos.compare j j' with
- | Eq -> peq ceqb q0 q'
- | _ -> false)
- | _ -> false)
- | PX (p2, i, q0) ->
- (match p' with
- | PX (p'0, i', q') ->
- (match Coq_Pos.compare i i' with
- | Eq -> if peq ceqb p2 p'0 then peq ceqb q0 q' else false
- | _ -> false)
- | _ -> false)
-(** val mkPinj : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let mkPinj j p = match p with
-| Pc _ -> p
-| Pinj (j', q0) -> Pinj ((Coq_Pos.add j j'), q0)
-| PX (_, _, _) -> Pinj (j, p)
-(** val mkPinj_pred : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let mkPinj_pred j p =
- match j with
- | XI j0 -> Pinj ((XO j0), p)
- | XO j0 -> Pinj ((Coq_Pos.pred_double j0), p)
- | XH -> p
-(** val mkPX :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1
- pol **)
-let mkPX cO ceqb p i q0 =
- match p with
- | Pc c -> if ceqb c cO then mkPinj XH q0 else PX (p, i, q0)
- | Pinj (_, _) -> PX (p, i, q0)
- | PX (p', i', q') ->
- if peq ceqb q' (p0 cO)
- then PX (p', (Coq_Pos.add i' i), q0)
- else PX (p, i, q0)
-(** val mkXi : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 pol **)
-let mkXi cO cI i =
- PX ((p1 cI), i, (p0 cO))
-(** val mkX : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
-let mkX cO cI =
- mkXi cO cI XH
-(** val popp : ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec popp copp = function
-| Pc c -> Pc (copp c)
-| Pinj (j, q0) -> Pinj (j, (popp copp q0))
-| PX (p2, i, q0) -> PX ((popp copp p2), i, (popp copp q0))
-(** val paddC : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec paddC cadd p c =
- match p with
- | Pc c1 -> Pc (cadd c1 c)
- | Pinj (j, q0) -> Pinj (j, (paddC cadd q0 c))
- | PX (p2, i, q0) -> PX (p2, i, (paddC cadd q0 c))
-(** val psubC : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec psubC csub p c =
- match p with
- | Pc c1 -> Pc (csub c1 c)
- | Pinj (j, q0) -> Pinj (j, (psubC csub q0 c))
- | PX (p2, i, q0) -> PX (p2, i, (psubC csub q0 c))
-(** val paddI :
- ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol ->
- positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec paddI cadd pop q0 j = function
-| Pc c -> mkPinj j (paddC cadd q0 c)
-| Pinj (j', q') ->
- (match Z.pos_sub j' j with
- | Z0 -> mkPinj j (pop q' q0)
- | Zpos k -> mkPinj j (pop (Pinj (k, q')) q0)
- | Zneg k -> mkPinj j' (paddI cadd pop q0 k q'))
-| PX (p2, i, q') ->
- (match j with
- | XI j0 -> PX (p2, i, (paddI cadd pop q0 (XO j0) q'))
- | XO j0 -> PX (p2, i, (paddI cadd pop q0 (Coq_Pos.pred_double j0) q'))
- | XH -> PX (p2, i, (pop q' q0)))
-(** val psubI :
- ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol)
- -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec psubI cadd copp pop q0 j = function
-| Pc c -> mkPinj j (paddC cadd (popp copp q0) c)
-| Pinj (j', q') ->
- (match Z.pos_sub j' j with
- | Z0 -> mkPinj j (pop q' q0)
- | Zpos k -> mkPinj j (pop (Pinj (k, q')) q0)
- | Zneg k -> mkPinj j' (psubI cadd copp pop q0 k q'))
-| PX (p2, i, q') ->
- (match j with
- | XI j0 -> PX (p2, i, (psubI cadd copp pop q0 (XO j0) q'))
- | XO j0 ->
- PX (p2, i, (psubI cadd copp pop q0 (Coq_Pos.pred_double j0) q'))
- | XH -> PX (p2, i, (pop q' q0)))
-(** val paddX :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1
- pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec paddX cO ceqb pop p' i' p = match p with
-| Pc _ -> PX (p', i', p)
-| Pinj (j, q') ->
- (match j with
- | XI j0 -> PX (p', i', (Pinj ((XO j0), q')))
- | XO j0 -> PX (p', i', (Pinj ((Coq_Pos.pred_double j0), q')))
- | XH -> PX (p', i', q'))
-| PX (p2, i, q') ->
- (match Z.pos_sub i i' with
- | Z0 -> mkPX cO ceqb (pop p2 p') i q'
- | Zpos k -> mkPX cO ceqb (pop (PX (p2, k, (p0 cO))) p') i' q'
- | Zneg k -> mkPX cO ceqb (paddX cO ceqb pop p' k p2) i q')
-(** val psubX :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol ->
- 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec psubX cO copp ceqb pop p' i' p = match p with
-| Pc _ -> PX ((popp copp p'), i', p)
-| Pinj (j, q') ->
- (match j with
- | XI j0 -> PX ((popp copp p'), i', (Pinj ((XO j0), q')))
- | XO j0 ->
- PX ((popp copp p'), i', (Pinj ((Coq_Pos.pred_double j0), q')))
- | XH -> PX ((popp copp p'), i', q'))
-| PX (p2, i, q') ->
- (match Z.pos_sub i i' with
- | Z0 -> mkPX cO ceqb (pop p2 p') i q'
- | Zpos k -> mkPX cO ceqb (pop (PX (p2, k, (p0 cO))) p') i' q'
- | Zneg k -> mkPX cO ceqb (psubX cO copp ceqb pop p' k p2) i q')
-(** val padd :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1
- pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec padd cO cadd ceqb p = function
-| Pc c' -> paddC cadd p c'
-| Pinj (j', q') -> paddI cadd (padd cO cadd ceqb) q' j' p
-| PX (p'0, i', q') ->
- (match p with
- | Pc c -> PX (p'0, i', (paddC cadd q' c))
- | Pinj (j, q0) ->
- (match j with
- | XI j0 -> PX (p'0, i', (padd cO cadd ceqb (Pinj ((XO j0), q0)) q'))
- | XO j0 ->
- PX (p'0, i',
- (padd cO cadd ceqb (Pinj ((Coq_Pos.pred_double j0), q0)) q'))
- | XH -> PX (p'0, i', (padd cO cadd ceqb q0 q')))
- | PX (p2, i, q0) ->
- (match Z.pos_sub i i' with
- | Z0 ->
- mkPX cO ceqb (padd cO cadd ceqb p2 p'0) i
- (padd cO cadd ceqb q0 q')
- | Zpos k ->
- mkPX cO ceqb (padd cO cadd ceqb (PX (p2, k, (p0 cO))) p'0) i'
- (padd cO cadd ceqb q0 q')
- | Zneg k ->
- mkPX cO ceqb (paddX cO ceqb (padd cO cadd ceqb) p'0 k p2) i
- (padd cO cadd ceqb q0 q')))
-(** val psub :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) ->
- ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb p = function
-| Pc c' -> psubC csub p c'
-| Pinj (j', q') -> psubI cadd copp (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb) q' j' p
-| PX (p'0, i', q') ->
- (match p with
- | Pc c -> PX ((popp copp p'0), i', (paddC cadd (popp copp q') c))
- | Pinj (j, q0) ->
- (match j with
- | XI j0 ->
- PX ((popp copp p'0), i',
- (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb (Pinj ((XO j0), q0)) q'))
- | XO j0 ->
- PX ((popp copp p'0), i',
- (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb (Pinj ((Coq_Pos.pred_double j0),
- q0)) q'))
- | XH ->
- PX ((popp copp p'0), i', (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb q0 q')))
- | PX (p2, i, q0) ->
- (match Z.pos_sub i i' with
- | Z0 ->
- mkPX cO ceqb (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb p2 p'0) i
- (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb q0 q')
- | Zpos k ->
- mkPX cO ceqb
- (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb (PX (p2, k, (p0 cO))) p'0) i'
- (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb q0 q')
- | Zneg k ->
- mkPX cO ceqb
- (psubX cO copp ceqb (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb) p'0 k p2) i
- (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb q0 q')))
-(** val pmulC_aux :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1
- -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb p c =
- match p with
- | Pc c' -> Pc (cmul c' c)
- | Pinj (j, q0) -> mkPinj j (pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb q0 c)
- | PX (p2, i, q0) ->
- mkPX cO ceqb (pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb p2 c) i
- (pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb q0 c)
-(** val pmulC :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol
- -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
-let pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb p c =
- if ceqb c cO
- then p0 cO
- else if ceqb c cI then p else pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb p c
-(** val pmulI :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol
- -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 j = function
-| Pc c -> mkPinj j (pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb q0 c)
-| Pinj (j', q') ->
- (match Z.pos_sub j' j with
- | Z0 -> mkPinj j (pmul0 q' q0)
- | Zpos k -> mkPinj j (pmul0 (Pinj (k, q')) q0)
- | Zneg k -> mkPinj j' (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 k q'))
-| PX (p', i', q') ->
- (match j with
- | XI j' ->
- mkPX cO ceqb (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 j p') i'
- (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 (XO j') q')
- | XO j' ->
- mkPX cO ceqb (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 j p') i'
- (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 (Coq_Pos.pred_double j') q')
- | XH ->
- mkPX cO ceqb (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 XH p') i' (pmul0 q' q0))
-(** val pmul :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p p'' = match p'' with
-| Pc c -> pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb p c
-| Pinj (j', q') ->
- pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb) q' j' p
-| PX (p', i', q') ->
- (match p with
- | Pc c -> pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb p'' c
- | Pinj (j, q0) ->
- let qQ' =
- match j with
- | XI j0 -> pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (Pinj ((XO j0), q0)) q'
- | XO j0 ->
- pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (Pinj ((Coq_Pos.pred_double j0), q0))
- q'
- | XH -> pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb q0 q'
- in
- mkPX cO ceqb (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p p') i' qQ'
- | PX (p2, i, q0) ->
- let qQ' = pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb q0 q' in
- let pQ' = pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb) q' XH p2
- in
- let qP' = pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (mkPinj XH q0) p' in
- let pP' = pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p2 p' in
- padd cO cadd ceqb
- (mkPX cO ceqb (padd cO cadd ceqb (mkPX cO ceqb pP' i (p0 cO)) qP')
- i' (p0 cO)) (mkPX cO ceqb pQ' i qQ'))
-(** val psquare :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec psquare cO cI cadd cmul ceqb = function
-| Pc c -> Pc (cmul c c)
-| Pinj (j, q0) -> Pinj (j, (psquare cO cI cadd cmul ceqb q0))
-| PX (p2, i, q0) ->
- let twoPQ =
- pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p2
- (mkPinj XH (pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb q0 (cadd cI cI)))
- in
- let q2 = psquare cO cI cadd cmul ceqb q0 in
- let p3 = psquare cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p2 in
- mkPX cO ceqb (padd cO cadd ceqb (mkPX cO ceqb p3 i (p0 cO)) twoPQ) i q2
-type 'c pExpr =
-| PEc of 'c
-| PEX of positive
-| PEadd of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
-| PEsub of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
-| PEmul of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
-| PEopp of 'c pExpr
-| PEpow of 'c pExpr * n
-(** val mk_X : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 pol **)
-let mk_X cO cI j =
- mkPinj_pred j (mkX cO cI)
-(** val ppow_pos :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> positive
- -> 'a1 pol **)
-let rec ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l res p = function
-| XI p3 ->
- subst_l
- (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb
- (ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l
- (ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l res p p3) p p3) p)
-| XO p3 ->
- ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l
- (ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l res p p3) p p3
-| XH -> subst_l (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb res p)
-(** val ppow_N :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> n -> 'a1 pol **)
-let ppow_N cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l p = function
-| N0 -> p1 cI
-| Npos p2 -> ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l (p1 cI) p p2
-(** val norm_aux :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pExpr ->
- 'a1 pol **)
-let rec norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb = function
-| PEc c -> Pc c
-| PEX j -> mk_X cO cI j
-| PEadd (pe1, pe2) ->
- (match pe1 with
- | PEopp pe3 ->
- psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb
- (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe2)
- (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe3)
- | _ ->
- (match pe2 with
- | PEopp pe3 ->
- psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb
- (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
- (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe3)
- | _ ->
- padd cO cadd ceqb (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
- (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe2)))
-| PEsub (pe1, pe2) ->
- psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb
- (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
- (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe2)
-| PEmul (pe1, pe2) ->
- pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
- (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe2)
-| PEopp pe1 -> popp copp (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
-| PEpow (pe1, n0) ->
- ppow_N cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (fun p -> p)
- (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1) n0
-type 'a bFormula =
-| TT
-| FF
-| X
-| A of 'a
-| Cj of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
-| D of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
-| N of 'a bFormula
-| I of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
-(** val map_bformula : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 bFormula -> 'a2 bFormula **)
-let rec map_bformula fct = function
-| TT -> TT
-| FF -> FF
-| X -> X
-| A a -> A (fct a)
-| Cj (f1, f2) -> Cj ((map_bformula fct f1), (map_bformula fct f2))
-| D (f1, f2) -> D ((map_bformula fct f1), (map_bformula fct f2))
-| N f0 -> N (map_bformula fct f0)
-| I (f1, f2) -> I ((map_bformula fct f1), (map_bformula fct f2))
-type 'x clause = 'x list
-type 'x cnf = 'x clause list
-(** val tt : 'a1 cnf **)
-let tt =
- []
-(** val ff : 'a1 cnf **)
-let ff =
- []::[]
-(** val add_term :
- ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 clause ->
- 'a1 clause option **)
-let rec add_term unsat deduce t0 = function
-| [] ->
- (match deduce t0 t0 with
- | Some u -> if unsat u then None else Some (t0::[])
- | None -> Some (t0::[]))
-| t'::cl0 ->
- (match deduce t0 t' with
- | Some u ->
- if unsat u
- then None
- else (match add_term unsat deduce t0 cl0 with
- | Some cl' -> Some (t'::cl')
- | None -> None)
- | None ->
- (match add_term unsat deduce t0 cl0 with
- | Some cl' -> Some (t'::cl')
- | None -> None))
-(** val or_clause :
- ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 clause -> 'a1
- clause -> 'a1 clause option **)
-let rec or_clause unsat deduce cl1 cl2 =
- match cl1 with
- | [] -> Some cl2
- | t0::cl ->
- (match add_term unsat deduce t0 cl2 with
- | Some cl' -> or_clause unsat deduce cl cl'
- | None -> None)
-(** val or_clause_cnf :
- ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 clause -> 'a1 cnf
- -> 'a1 cnf **)
-let or_clause_cnf unsat deduce t0 f =
- fold_right (fun e acc ->
- match or_clause unsat deduce t0 e with
- | Some cl -> cl::acc
- | None -> acc) [] f
-(** val or_cnf :
- ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf ->
- 'a1 cnf **)
-let rec or_cnf unsat deduce f f' =
- match f with
- | [] -> tt
- | e::rst ->
- app (or_cnf unsat deduce rst f') (or_clause_cnf unsat deduce e f')
-(** val and_cnf : 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf **)
-let and_cnf f1 f2 =
- app f1 f2
-(** val xcnf :
- ('a2 -> bool) -> ('a2 -> 'a2 -> 'a2 option) -> ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) ->
- ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> bool -> 'a1 bFormula -> 'a2 cnf **)
-let rec xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 = function
-| TT -> if pol0 then tt else ff
-| FF -> if pol0 then ff else tt
-| X -> ff
-| A x -> if pol0 then normalise0 x else negate0 x
-| Cj (e1, e2) ->
- if pol0
- then and_cnf (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e1)
- (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
- else or_cnf unsat deduce (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e1)
- (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
-| D (e1, e2) ->
- if pol0
- then or_cnf unsat deduce (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e1)
- (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
- else and_cnf (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e1)
- (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
-| N e -> xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 (negb pol0) e
-| I (e1, e2) ->
- if pol0
- then or_cnf unsat deduce
- (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 (negb pol0) e1)
- (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
- else and_cnf (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 (negb pol0) e1)
- (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
-(** val cnf_checker :
- ('a1 list -> 'a2 -> bool) -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a2 list -> bool **)
-let rec cnf_checker checker f l =
- match f with
- | [] -> true
- | e::f0 ->
- (match l with
- | [] -> false
- | c::l0 -> if checker e c then cnf_checker checker f0 l0 else false)
-(** val tauto_checker :
- ('a2 -> bool) -> ('a2 -> 'a2 -> 'a2 option) -> ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) ->
- ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a2 list -> 'a3 -> bool) -> 'a1 bFormula -> 'a3
- list -> bool **)
-let tauto_checker unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 checker f w =
- cnf_checker checker (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 true f) w
-(** val cneqb : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> bool **)
-let cneqb ceqb x y =
- negb (ceqb x y)
-(** val cltb :
- ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> bool **)
-let cltb ceqb cleb x y =
- (&&) (cleb x y) (cneqb ceqb x y)
-type 'c polC = 'c pol
-type op1 =
-| Equal
-| NonEqual
-| Strict
-| NonStrict
-type 'c nFormula = 'c polC * op1
-(** val opMult : op1 -> op1 -> op1 option **)
-let opMult o o' =
- match o with
- | Equal -> Some Equal
- | NonEqual ->
- (match o' with
- | Equal -> Some Equal
- | NonEqual -> Some NonEqual
- | _ -> None)
- | Strict ->
- (match o' with
- | NonEqual -> None
- | _ -> Some o')
- | NonStrict ->
- (match o' with
- | Equal -> Some Equal
- | NonEqual -> None
- | _ -> Some NonStrict)
-(** val opAdd : op1 -> op1 -> op1 option **)
-let opAdd o o' =
- match o with
- | Equal -> Some o'
- | NonEqual ->
- (match o' with
- | Equal -> Some NonEqual
- | _ -> None)
- | Strict ->
- (match o' with
- | NonEqual -> None
- | _ -> Some Strict)
- | NonStrict ->
- (match o' with
- | Equal -> Some NonStrict
- | NonEqual -> None
- | x -> Some x)
-type 'c psatz =
-| PsatzIn of nat
-| PsatzSquare of 'c polC
-| PsatzMulC of 'c polC * 'c psatz
-| PsatzMulE of 'c psatz * 'c psatz
-| PsatzAdd of 'c psatz * 'c psatz
-| PsatzC of 'c
-| PsatzZ
-(** val map_option : ('a1 -> 'a2 option) -> 'a1 option -> 'a2 option **)
-let map_option f = function
-| Some x -> f x
-| None -> None
-(** val map_option2 :
- ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a3 option) -> 'a1 option -> 'a2 option -> 'a3 option **)
-let map_option2 f o o' =
- match o with
- | Some x ->
- (match o' with
- | Some x' -> f x x'
- | None -> None)
- | None -> None
-(** val pexpr_times_nformula :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 polC -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option **)
-let pexpr_times_nformula cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e = function
-| ef,o ->
- (match o with
- | Equal -> Some ((pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e ef),Equal)
- | _ -> None)
-(** val nformula_times_nformula :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option **)
-let nformula_times_nformula cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb f1 f2 =
- let e1,o1 = f1 in
- let e2,o2 = f2 in
- map_option (fun x -> Some ((pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e1 e2),x))
- (opMult o1 o2)
-(** val nformula_plus_nformula :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula ->
- 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option **)
-let nformula_plus_nformula cO cplus ceqb f1 f2 =
- let e1,o1 = f1 in
- let e2,o2 = f2 in
- map_option (fun x -> Some ((padd cO cplus ceqb e1 e2),x)) (opAdd o1 o2)
-(** val eval_Psatz :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula list -> 'a1 psatz
- -> 'a1 nFormula option **)
-let rec eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l = function
-| PsatzIn n0 -> Some (nth n0 l ((Pc cO),Equal))
-| PsatzSquare e0 -> Some ((psquare cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e0),NonStrict)
-| PsatzMulC (re, e0) ->
- map_option (pexpr_times_nformula cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb re)
- (eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l e0)
-| PsatzMulE (f1, f2) ->
- map_option2 (nformula_times_nformula cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb)
- (eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l f1)
- (eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l f2)
-| PsatzAdd (f1, f2) ->
- map_option2 (nformula_plus_nformula cO cplus ceqb)
- (eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l f1)
- (eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l f2)
-| PsatzC c -> if cltb ceqb cleb cO c then Some ((Pc c),Strict) else None
-| PsatzZ -> Some ((Pc cO),Equal)
-(** val check_inconsistent :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula ->
- bool **)
-let check_inconsistent cO ceqb cleb = function
-| e,op ->
- (match e with
- | Pc c ->
- (match op with
- | Equal -> cneqb ceqb c cO
- | NonEqual -> ceqb c cO
- | Strict -> cleb c cO
- | NonStrict -> cltb ceqb cleb c cO)
- | _ -> false)
-(** val check_normalised_formulas :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula list -> 'a1 psatz
- -> bool **)
-let check_normalised_formulas cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l cm =
- match eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l cm with
- | Some f -> check_inconsistent cO ceqb cleb f
- | None -> false
-type op2 =
-| OpEq
-| OpNEq
-| OpLe
-| OpGe
-| OpLt
-| OpGt
-type 't formula = { flhs : 't pExpr; fop : op2; frhs : 't pExpr }
-(** val norm :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pExpr ->
- 'a1 pol **)
-let norm cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb =
- norm_aux cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb
-(** val psub0 :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) ->
- ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb =
- psub cO cplus cminus copp ceqb
-(** val padd0 :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1
- pol -> 'a1 pol **)
-let padd0 cO cplus ceqb =
- padd cO cplus ceqb
-(** val xnormalise :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula ->
- 'a1 nFormula list **)
-let xnormalise cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb t0 =
- let { flhs = lhs; fop = o; frhs = rhs } = t0 in
- let lhs0 = norm cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb lhs in
- let rhs0 = norm cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb rhs in
- (match o with
- | OpEq ->
- ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0),Strict)::(((psub0 cO
- cplus
- cminus copp
- ceqb rhs0
- lhs0),Strict)::[])
- | OpNEq -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0),Equal)::[]
- | OpLe -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0),Strict)::[]
- | OpGe -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb rhs0 lhs0),Strict)::[]
- | OpLt -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0),NonStrict)::[]
- | OpGt -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb rhs0 lhs0),NonStrict)::[])
-(** val cnf_normalise :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula ->
- 'a1 nFormula cnf **)
-let cnf_normalise cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb t0 =
- map (fun x -> x::[]) (xnormalise cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb t0)
-(** val xnegate :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula ->
- 'a1 nFormula list **)
-let xnegate cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb t0 =
- let { flhs = lhs; fop = o; frhs = rhs } = t0 in
- let lhs0 = norm cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb lhs in
- let rhs0 = norm cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb rhs in
- (match o with
- | OpEq -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0),Equal)::[]
- | OpNEq ->
- ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0),Strict)::(((psub0 cO
- cplus
- cminus copp
- ceqb rhs0
- lhs0),Strict)::[])
- | OpLe -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb rhs0 lhs0),NonStrict)::[]
- | OpGe -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0),NonStrict)::[]
- | OpLt -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb rhs0 lhs0),Strict)::[]
- | OpGt -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0),Strict)::[])
-(** val cnf_negate :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 ->
- 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula ->
- 'a1 nFormula cnf **)
-let cnf_negate cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb t0 =
- map (fun x -> x::[]) (xnegate cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb t0)
-(** val xdenorm : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pExpr **)
-let rec xdenorm jmp = function
-| Pc c -> PEc c
-| Pinj (j, p2) -> xdenorm (Coq_Pos.add j jmp) p2
-| PX (p2, j, q0) ->
- PEadd ((PEmul ((xdenorm jmp p2), (PEpow ((PEX jmp), (Npos j))))),
- (xdenorm (Coq_Pos.succ jmp) q0))
-(** val denorm : 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pExpr **)
-let denorm p =
- xdenorm XH p
-(** val map_PExpr : ('a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a2 pExpr -> 'a1 pExpr **)
-let rec map_PExpr c_of_S = function
-| PEc c -> PEc (c_of_S c)
-| PEX p -> PEX p
-| PEadd (e1, e2) -> PEadd ((map_PExpr c_of_S e1), (map_PExpr c_of_S e2))
-| PEsub (e1, e2) -> PEsub ((map_PExpr c_of_S e1), (map_PExpr c_of_S e2))
-| PEmul (e1, e2) -> PEmul ((map_PExpr c_of_S e1), (map_PExpr c_of_S e2))
-| PEopp e0 -> PEopp (map_PExpr c_of_S e0)
-| PEpow (e0, n0) -> PEpow ((map_PExpr c_of_S e0), n0)
-(** val map_Formula : ('a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a2 formula -> 'a1 formula **)
-let map_Formula c_of_S f =
- let { flhs = l; fop = o; frhs = r } = f in
- { flhs = (map_PExpr c_of_S l); fop = o; frhs = (map_PExpr c_of_S r) }
-(** val simpl_cone :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 psatz
- -> 'a1 psatz **)
-let simpl_cone cO cI ctimes ceqb e = match e with
-| PsatzSquare t0 ->
- (match t0 with
- | Pc c -> if ceqb cO c then PsatzZ else PsatzC (ctimes c c)
- | _ -> PsatzSquare t0)
-| PsatzMulE (t1, t2) ->
- (match t1 with
- | PsatzMulE (x, x0) ->
- (match x with
- | PsatzC p2 ->
- (match t2 with
- | PsatzC c -> PsatzMulE ((PsatzC (ctimes c p2)), x0)
- | PsatzZ -> PsatzZ
- | _ -> e)
- | _ ->
- (match x0 with
- | PsatzC p2 ->
- (match t2 with
- | PsatzC c -> PsatzMulE ((PsatzC (ctimes c p2)), x)
- | PsatzZ -> PsatzZ
- | _ -> e)
- | _ ->
- (match t2 with
- | PsatzC c -> if ceqb cI c then t1 else PsatzMulE (t1, t2)
- | PsatzZ -> PsatzZ
- | _ -> e)))
- | PsatzC c ->
- (match t2 with
- | PsatzMulE (x, x0) ->
- (match x with
- | PsatzC p2 -> PsatzMulE ((PsatzC (ctimes c p2)), x0)
- | _ ->
- (match x0 with
- | PsatzC p2 -> PsatzMulE ((PsatzC (ctimes c p2)), x)
- | _ -> if ceqb cI c then t2 else PsatzMulE (t1, t2)))
- | PsatzAdd (y, z0) ->
- PsatzAdd ((PsatzMulE ((PsatzC c), y)), (PsatzMulE ((PsatzC c),
- z0)))
- | PsatzC c0 -> PsatzC (ctimes c c0)
- | PsatzZ -> PsatzZ
- | _ -> if ceqb cI c then t2 else PsatzMulE (t1, t2))
- | PsatzZ -> PsatzZ
- | _ ->
- (match t2 with
- | PsatzC c -> if ceqb cI c then t1 else PsatzMulE (t1, t2)
- | PsatzZ -> PsatzZ
- | _ -> e))
-| PsatzAdd (t1, t2) ->
- (match t1 with
- | PsatzZ -> t2
- | _ ->
- (match t2 with
- | PsatzZ -> t1
- | _ -> PsatzAdd (t1, t2)))
-| _ -> e
-type q = { qnum : z; qden : positive }
-(** val qnum : q -> z **)
-let qnum x = x.qnum
-(** val qden : q -> positive **)
-let qden x = x.qden
-(** val qeq_bool : q -> q -> bool **)
-let qeq_bool x y =
- zeq_bool (Z.mul x.qnum (Zpos y.qden)) (Z.mul y.qnum (Zpos x.qden))
-(** val qle_bool : q -> q -> bool **)
-let qle_bool x y =
- Z.leb (Z.mul x.qnum (Zpos y.qden)) (Z.mul y.qnum (Zpos x.qden))
-(** val qplus : q -> q -> q **)
-let qplus x y =
- { qnum =
- (Z.add (Z.mul x.qnum (Zpos y.qden)) (Z.mul y.qnum (Zpos x.qden)));
- qden = (Coq_Pos.mul x.qden y.qden) }
-(** val qmult : q -> q -> q **)
-let qmult x y =
- { qnum = (Z.mul x.qnum y.qnum); qden = (Coq_Pos.mul x.qden y.qden) }
-(** val qopp : q -> q **)
-let qopp x =
- { qnum = (Z.opp x.qnum); qden = x.qden }
-(** val qminus : q -> q -> q **)
-let qminus x y =
- qplus x (qopp y)
-(** val qinv : q -> q **)
-let qinv x =
- match x.qnum with
- | Z0 -> { qnum = Z0; qden = XH }
- | Zpos p -> { qnum = (Zpos x.qden); qden = p }
- | Zneg p -> { qnum = (Zneg x.qden); qden = p }
-(** val qpower_positive : q -> positive -> q **)
-let qpower_positive =
- pow_pos qmult
-(** val qpower : q -> z -> q **)
-let qpower q0 = function
-| Z0 -> { qnum = (Zpos XH); qden = XH }
-| Zpos p -> qpower_positive q0 p
-| Zneg p -> qinv (qpower_positive q0 p)
-type 'a t =
-| Empty
-| Leaf of 'a
-| Node of 'a t * 'a * 'a t
-(** val find : 'a1 -> 'a1 t -> positive -> 'a1 **)
-let rec find default vm p =
- match vm with
- | Empty -> default
- | Leaf i -> i
- | Node (l, e, r) ->
- (match p with
- | XI p2 -> find default r p2
- | XO p2 -> find default l p2
- | XH -> e)
-(** val singleton : 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1 t **)
-let rec singleton default x v =
- match x with
- | XI p -> Node (Empty, default, (singleton default p v))
- | XO p -> Node ((singleton default p v), default, Empty)
- | XH -> Leaf v
-(** val vm_add : 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1 t -> 'a1 t **)
-let rec vm_add default x v = function
-| Empty -> singleton default x v
-| Leaf vl ->
- (match x with
- | XI p -> Node (Empty, vl, (singleton default p v))
- | XO p -> Node ((singleton default p v), vl, Empty)
- | XH -> Leaf v)
-| Node (l, o, r) ->
- (match x with
- | XI p -> Node (l, o, (vm_add default p v r))
- | XO p -> Node ((vm_add default p v l), o, r)
- | XH -> Node (l, v, r))
-type zWitness = z psatz
-(** val zWeakChecker : z nFormula list -> z psatz -> bool **)
-let zWeakChecker =
- check_normalised_formulas Z0 (Zpos XH) Z.add Z.mul zeq_bool Z.leb
-(** val psub1 : z pol -> z pol -> z pol **)
-let psub1 =
- psub0 Z0 Z.add Z.sub Z.opp zeq_bool
-(** val padd1 : z pol -> z pol -> z pol **)
-let padd1 =
- padd0 Z0 Z.add zeq_bool
-(** val norm0 : z pExpr -> z pol **)
-let norm0 =
- norm Z0 (Zpos XH) Z.add Z.mul Z.sub Z.opp zeq_bool
-(** val xnormalise0 : z formula -> z nFormula list **)
-let xnormalise0 t0 =
- let { flhs = lhs; fop = o; frhs = rhs } = t0 in
- let lhs0 = norm0 lhs in
- let rhs0 = norm0 rhs in
- (match o with
- | OpEq ->
- ((psub1 lhs0 (padd1 rhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict)::(((psub1 rhs0
- (padd1 lhs0
- (Pc (Zpos
- XH)))),NonStrict)::[])
- | OpNEq -> ((psub1 lhs0 rhs0),Equal)::[]
- | OpLe -> ((psub1 lhs0 (padd1 rhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict)::[]
- | OpGe -> ((psub1 rhs0 (padd1 lhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict)::[]
- | OpLt -> ((psub1 lhs0 rhs0),NonStrict)::[]
- | OpGt -> ((psub1 rhs0 lhs0),NonStrict)::[])
-(** val normalise : z formula -> z nFormula cnf **)
-let normalise t0 =
- map (fun x -> x::[]) (xnormalise0 t0)
-(** val xnegate0 : z formula -> z nFormula list **)
-let xnegate0 t0 =
- let { flhs = lhs; fop = o; frhs = rhs } = t0 in
- let lhs0 = norm0 lhs in
- let rhs0 = norm0 rhs in
- (match o with
- | OpEq -> ((psub1 lhs0 rhs0),Equal)::[]
- | OpNEq ->
- ((psub1 lhs0 (padd1 rhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict)::(((psub1 rhs0
- (padd1 lhs0
- (Pc (Zpos
- XH)))),NonStrict)::[])
- | OpLe -> ((psub1 rhs0 lhs0),NonStrict)::[]
- | OpGe -> ((psub1 lhs0 rhs0),NonStrict)::[]
- | OpLt -> ((psub1 rhs0 (padd1 lhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict)::[]
- | OpGt -> ((psub1 lhs0 (padd1 rhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict)::[])
-(** val negate : z formula -> z nFormula cnf **)
-let negate t0 =
- map (fun x -> x::[]) (xnegate0 t0)
-(** val zunsat : z nFormula -> bool **)
-let zunsat =
- check_inconsistent Z0 zeq_bool Z.leb
-(** val zdeduce : z nFormula -> z nFormula -> z nFormula option **)
-let zdeduce =
- nformula_plus_nformula Z0 Z.add zeq_bool
-(** val ceiling : z -> z -> z **)
-let ceiling a b =
- let q0,r = Z.div_eucl a b in
- (match r with
- | Z0 -> q0
- | _ -> Z.add q0 (Zpos XH))
-type zArithProof =
-| DoneProof
-| RatProof of zWitness * zArithProof
-| CutProof of zWitness * zArithProof
-| EnumProof of zWitness * zWitness * zArithProof list
-(** val zgcdM : z -> z -> z **)
-let zgcdM x y =
- Z.max (Z.gcd x y) (Zpos XH)
-(** val zgcd_pol : z polC -> z * z **)
-let rec zgcd_pol = function
-| Pc c -> Z0,c
-| Pinj (_, p2) -> zgcd_pol p2
-| PX (p2, _, q0) ->
- let g1,c1 = zgcd_pol p2 in
- let g2,c2 = zgcd_pol q0 in (zgcdM (zgcdM g1 c1) g2),c2
-(** val zdiv_pol : z polC -> z -> z polC **)
-let rec zdiv_pol p x =
- match p with
- | Pc c -> Pc (Z.div c x)
- | Pinj (j, p2) -> Pinj (j, (zdiv_pol p2 x))
- | PX (p2, j, q0) -> PX ((zdiv_pol p2 x), j, (zdiv_pol q0 x))
-(** val makeCuttingPlane : z polC -> z polC * z **)
-let makeCuttingPlane p =
- let g,c = zgcd_pol p in
- if Z.gtb g Z0
- then (zdiv_pol (psubC Z.sub p c) g),(Z.opp (ceiling (Z.opp c) g))
- else p,Z0
-(** val genCuttingPlane : z nFormula -> ((z polC * z) * op1) option **)
-let genCuttingPlane = function
-| e,op ->
- (match op with
- | Equal ->
- let g,c = zgcd_pol e in
- if (&&) (Z.gtb g Z0)
- ((&&) (negb (zeq_bool c Z0)) (negb (zeq_bool (Z.gcd g c) g)))
- then None
- else Some ((makeCuttingPlane e),Equal)
- | NonEqual -> Some ((e,Z0),op)
- | Strict ->
- Some ((makeCuttingPlane (psubC Z.sub e (Zpos XH))),NonStrict)
- | NonStrict -> Some ((makeCuttingPlane e),NonStrict))
-(** val nformula_of_cutting_plane : ((z polC * z) * op1) -> z nFormula **)
-let nformula_of_cutting_plane = function
-| e_z,o -> let e,z0 = e_z in (padd1 e (Pc z0)),o
-(** val is_pol_Z0 : z polC -> bool **)
-let is_pol_Z0 = function
-| Pc z0 ->
- (match z0 with
- | Z0 -> true
- | _ -> false)
-| _ -> false
-(** val eval_Psatz0 : z nFormula list -> zWitness -> z nFormula option **)
-let eval_Psatz0 =
- eval_Psatz Z0 (Zpos XH) Z.add Z.mul zeq_bool Z.leb
-(** val valid_cut_sign : op1 -> bool **)
-let valid_cut_sign = function
-| Equal -> true
-| NonStrict -> true
-| _ -> false
-(** val zChecker : z nFormula list -> zArithProof -> bool **)
-let rec zChecker l = function
-| DoneProof -> false
-| RatProof (w, pf0) ->
- (match eval_Psatz0 l w with
- | Some f -> if zunsat f then true else zChecker (f::l) pf0
- | None -> false)
-| CutProof (w, pf0) ->
- (match eval_Psatz0 l w with
- | Some f ->
- (match genCuttingPlane f with
- | Some cp -> zChecker ((nformula_of_cutting_plane cp)::l) pf0
- | None -> true)
- | None -> false)
-| EnumProof (w1, w2, pf0) ->
- (match eval_Psatz0 l w1 with
- | Some f1 ->
- (match eval_Psatz0 l w2 with
- | Some f2 ->
- (match genCuttingPlane f1 with
- | Some p ->
- let p2,op3 = p in
- let e1,z1 = p2 in
- (match genCuttingPlane f2 with
- | Some p3 ->
- let p4,op4 = p3 in
- let e2,z2 = p4 in
- if (&&) ((&&) (valid_cut_sign op3) (valid_cut_sign op4))
- (is_pol_Z0 (padd1 e1 e2))
- then let rec label pfs lb ub =
- match pfs with
- | [] -> Z.gtb lb ub
- | pf1::rsr ->
- (&&) (zChecker (((psub1 e1 (Pc lb)),Equal)::l) pf1)
- (label rsr (Z.add lb (Zpos XH)) ub)
- in label pf0 (Z.opp z1) z2
- else false
- | None -> true)
- | None -> true)
- | None -> false)
- | None -> false)
-(** val zTautoChecker : z formula bFormula -> zArithProof list -> bool **)
-let zTautoChecker f w =
- tauto_checker zunsat zdeduce normalise negate zChecker f w
-type qWitness = q psatz
-(** val qWeakChecker : q nFormula list -> q psatz -> bool **)
-let qWeakChecker =
- check_normalised_formulas { qnum = Z0; qden = XH } { qnum = (Zpos XH);
- qden = XH } qplus qmult qeq_bool qle_bool
-(** val qnormalise : q formula -> q nFormula cnf **)
-let qnormalise =
- cnf_normalise { qnum = Z0; qden = XH } { qnum = (Zpos XH); qden = XH }
- qplus qmult qminus qopp qeq_bool
-(** val qnegate : q formula -> q nFormula cnf **)
-let qnegate =
- cnf_negate { qnum = Z0; qden = XH } { qnum = (Zpos XH); qden = XH }
- qplus qmult qminus qopp qeq_bool
-(** val qunsat : q nFormula -> bool **)
-let qunsat =
- check_inconsistent { qnum = Z0; qden = XH } qeq_bool qle_bool
-(** val qdeduce : q nFormula -> q nFormula -> q nFormula option **)
-let qdeduce =
- nformula_plus_nformula { qnum = Z0; qden = XH } qplus qeq_bool
-(** val qTautoChecker : q formula bFormula -> qWitness list -> bool **)
-let qTautoChecker f w =
- tauto_checker qunsat qdeduce qnormalise qnegate qWeakChecker f w
-type rcst =
-| C0
-| C1
-| CQ of q
-| CZ of z
-| CPlus of rcst * rcst
-| CMinus of rcst * rcst
-| CMult of rcst * rcst
-| CInv of rcst
-| COpp of rcst
-(** val q_of_Rcst : rcst -> q **)
-let rec q_of_Rcst = function
-| C0 -> { qnum = Z0; qden = XH }
-| C1 -> { qnum = (Zpos XH); qden = XH }
-| CQ q0 -> q0
-| CZ z0 -> { qnum = z0; qden = XH }
-| CPlus (r1, r2) -> qplus (q_of_Rcst r1) (q_of_Rcst r2)
-| CMinus (r1, r2) -> qminus (q_of_Rcst r1) (q_of_Rcst r2)
-| CMult (r1, r2) -> qmult (q_of_Rcst r1) (q_of_Rcst r2)
-| CInv r0 -> qinv (q_of_Rcst r0)
-| COpp r0 -> qopp (q_of_Rcst r0)
-type rWitness = q psatz
-(** val rWeakChecker : q nFormula list -> q psatz -> bool **)
-let rWeakChecker =
- check_normalised_formulas { qnum = Z0; qden = XH } { qnum = (Zpos XH);
- qden = XH } qplus qmult qeq_bool qle_bool
-(** val rnormalise : q formula -> q nFormula cnf **)
-let rnormalise =
- cnf_normalise { qnum = Z0; qden = XH } { qnum = (Zpos XH); qden = XH }
- qplus qmult qminus qopp qeq_bool
-(** val rnegate : q formula -> q nFormula cnf **)
-let rnegate =
- cnf_negate { qnum = Z0; qden = XH } { qnum = (Zpos XH); qden = XH }
- qplus qmult qminus qopp qeq_bool
-(** val runsat : q nFormula -> bool **)
-let runsat =
- check_inconsistent { qnum = Z0; qden = XH } qeq_bool qle_bool
-(** val rdeduce : q nFormula -> q nFormula -> q nFormula option **)
-let rdeduce =
- nformula_plus_nformula { qnum = Z0; qden = XH } qplus qeq_bool
-(** val rTautoChecker : rcst formula bFormula -> rWitness list -> bool **)
-let rTautoChecker f w =
- tauto_checker runsat rdeduce rnormalise rnegate rWeakChecker
- (map_bformula (map_Formula q_of_Rcst) f) w
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/micromega.mli b/plugins/micromega/micromega.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index beb042f49..000000000
--- a/plugins/micromega/micromega.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
-val negb : bool -> bool
-type nat =
-| O
-| S of nat
-val app : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list
-type comparison =
-| Eq
-| Lt
-| Gt
-val compOpp : comparison -> comparison
-val add : nat -> nat -> nat
-type positive =
-| XI of positive
-| XO of positive
-| XH
-type n =
-| N0
-| Npos of positive
-type z =
-| Z0
-| Zpos of positive
-| Zneg of positive
-module Pos :
- sig
- type mask =
- | IsNul
- | IsPos of positive
- | IsNeg
- end
-module Coq_Pos :
- sig
- val succ : positive -> positive
- val add : positive -> positive -> positive
- val add_carry : positive -> positive -> positive
- val pred_double : positive -> positive
- type mask = Pos.mask =
- | IsNul
- | IsPos of positive
- | IsNeg
- val succ_double_mask : mask -> mask
- val double_mask : mask -> mask
- val double_pred_mask : positive -> mask
- val sub_mask : positive -> positive -> mask
- val sub_mask_carry : positive -> positive -> mask
- val sub : positive -> positive -> positive
- val mul : positive -> positive -> positive
- val size_nat : positive -> nat
- val compare_cont : comparison -> positive -> positive -> comparison
- val compare : positive -> positive -> comparison
- val gcdn : nat -> positive -> positive -> positive
- val gcd : positive -> positive -> positive
- val of_succ_nat : nat -> positive
- end
-module N :
- sig
- val of_nat : nat -> n
- end
-val pow_pos : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1
-val nth : nat -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 -> 'a1
-val map : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list
-val fold_right : ('a2 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 list -> 'a1
-module Z :
- sig
- val double : z -> z
- val succ_double : z -> z
- val pred_double : z -> z
- val pos_sub : positive -> positive -> z
- val add : z -> z -> z
- val opp : z -> z
- val sub : z -> z -> z
- val mul : z -> z -> z
- val compare : z -> z -> comparison
- val leb : z -> z -> bool
- val ltb : z -> z -> bool
- val gtb : z -> z -> bool
- val max : z -> z -> z
- val abs : z -> z
- val to_N : z -> n
- val pos_div_eucl : positive -> z -> z * z
- val div_eucl : z -> z -> z * z
- val div : z -> z -> z
- val gcd : z -> z -> z
- end
-val zeq_bool : z -> z -> bool
-type 'c pol =
-| Pc of 'c
-| Pinj of positive * 'c pol
-| PX of 'c pol * positive * 'c pol
-val p0 : 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
-val p1 : 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
-val peq : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> bool
-val mkPinj : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
-val mkPinj_pred : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
-val mkPX :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
-val mkXi : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 pol
-val mkX : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
-val popp : ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
-val paddC : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
-val psubC : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
-val paddI :
- ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol ->
- positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
-val psubI :
- ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol)
- -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
-val paddX :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1
- pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
-val psubX :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol ->
- 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
-val padd :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
- -> 'a1 pol
-val psub :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) ->
- ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
-val pmulC_aux :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 ->
- 'a1 pol
-val pmulC :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol ->
- 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
-val pmulI :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol ->
- 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
-val pmul :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
-val psquare :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
-type 'c pExpr =
-| PEc of 'c
-| PEX of positive
-| PEadd of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
-| PEsub of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
-| PEmul of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
-| PEopp of 'c pExpr
-| PEpow of 'c pExpr * n
-val mk_X : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 pol
-val ppow_pos :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> positive ->
- 'a1 pol
-val ppow_N :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> n -> 'a1 pol
-val norm_aux :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pExpr -> 'a1 pol
-type 'a bFormula =
-| TT
-| FF
-| X
-| A of 'a
-| Cj of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
-| D of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
-| N of 'a bFormula
-| I of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
-val map_bformula : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 bFormula -> 'a2 bFormula
-type 'x clause = 'x list
-type 'x cnf = 'x clause list
-val tt : 'a1 cnf
-val ff : 'a1 cnf
-val add_term :
- ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 clause -> 'a1
- clause option
-val or_clause :
- ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 clause -> 'a1 clause
- -> 'a1 clause option
-val or_clause_cnf :
- ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 clause -> 'a1 cnf ->
- 'a1 cnf
-val or_cnf :
- ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1
- cnf
-val and_cnf : 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf
-val xcnf :
- ('a2 -> bool) -> ('a2 -> 'a2 -> 'a2 option) -> ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a1
- -> 'a2 cnf) -> bool -> 'a1 bFormula -> 'a2 cnf
-val cnf_checker : ('a1 list -> 'a2 -> bool) -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a2 list -> bool
-val tauto_checker :
- ('a2 -> bool) -> ('a2 -> 'a2 -> 'a2 option) -> ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a1
- -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a2 list -> 'a3 -> bool) -> 'a1 bFormula -> 'a3 list ->
- bool
-val cneqb : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> bool
-val cltb :
- ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> bool
-type 'c polC = 'c pol
-type op1 =
-| Equal
-| NonEqual
-| Strict
-| NonStrict
-type 'c nFormula = 'c polC * op1
-val opMult : op1 -> op1 -> op1 option
-val opAdd : op1 -> op1 -> op1 option
-type 'c psatz =
-| PsatzIn of nat
-| PsatzSquare of 'c polC
-| PsatzMulC of 'c polC * 'c psatz
-| PsatzMulE of 'c psatz * 'c psatz
-| PsatzAdd of 'c psatz * 'c psatz
-| PsatzC of 'c
-| PsatzZ
-val map_option : ('a1 -> 'a2 option) -> 'a1 option -> 'a2 option
-val map_option2 :
- ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a3 option) -> 'a1 option -> 'a2 option -> 'a3 option
-val pexpr_times_nformula :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> bool) -> 'a1 polC -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option
-val nformula_times_nformula :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option
-val nformula_plus_nformula :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula ->
- 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option
-val eval_Psatz :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula list -> 'a1 psatz ->
- 'a1 nFormula option
-val check_inconsistent :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula ->
- bool
-val check_normalised_formulas :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula list -> 'a1 psatz ->
- bool
-type op2 =
-| OpEq
-| OpNEq
-| OpLe
-| OpGe
-| OpLt
-| OpGt
-type 't formula = { flhs : 't pExpr; fop : op2; frhs : 't pExpr }
-val norm :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pExpr -> 'a1 pol
-val psub0 :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) ->
- ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
-val padd0 :
- 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
- -> 'a1 pol
-val xnormalise :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula -> 'a1
- nFormula list
-val cnf_normalise :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula -> 'a1
- nFormula cnf
-val xnegate :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula -> 'a1
- nFormula list
-val cnf_negate :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
- -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula -> 'a1
- nFormula cnf
-val xdenorm : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pExpr
-val denorm : 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pExpr
-val map_PExpr : ('a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a2 pExpr -> 'a1 pExpr
-val map_Formula : ('a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a2 formula -> 'a1 formula
-val simpl_cone :
- 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 psatz
- -> 'a1 psatz
-type q = { qnum : z; qden : positive }
-val qnum : q -> z
-val qden : q -> positive
-val qeq_bool : q -> q -> bool
-val qle_bool : q -> q -> bool
-val qplus : q -> q -> q
-val qmult : q -> q -> q
-val qopp : q -> q
-val qminus : q -> q -> q
-val qinv : q -> q
-val qpower_positive : q -> positive -> q
-val qpower : q -> z -> q
-type 'a t =
-| Empty
-| Leaf of 'a
-| Node of 'a t * 'a * 'a t
-val find : 'a1 -> 'a1 t -> positive -> 'a1
-val singleton : 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1 t
-val vm_add : 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1 t -> 'a1 t
-type zWitness = z psatz
-val zWeakChecker : z nFormula list -> z psatz -> bool
-val psub1 : z pol -> z pol -> z pol
-val padd1 : z pol -> z pol -> z pol
-val norm0 : z pExpr -> z pol
-val xnormalise0 : z formula -> z nFormula list
-val normalise : z formula -> z nFormula cnf
-val xnegate0 : z formula -> z nFormula list
-val negate : z formula -> z nFormula cnf
-val zunsat : z nFormula -> bool
-val zdeduce : z nFormula -> z nFormula -> z nFormula option
-val ceiling : z -> z -> z
-type zArithProof =
-| DoneProof
-| RatProof of zWitness * zArithProof
-| CutProof of zWitness * zArithProof
-| EnumProof of zWitness * zWitness * zArithProof list
-val zgcdM : z -> z -> z
-val zgcd_pol : z polC -> z * z
-val zdiv_pol : z polC -> z -> z polC
-val makeCuttingPlane : z polC -> z polC * z
-val genCuttingPlane : z nFormula -> ((z polC * z) * op1) option
-val nformula_of_cutting_plane : ((z polC * z) * op1) -> z nFormula
-val is_pol_Z0 : z polC -> bool
-val eval_Psatz0 : z nFormula list -> zWitness -> z nFormula option
-val valid_cut_sign : op1 -> bool
-val zChecker : z nFormula list -> zArithProof -> bool
-val zTautoChecker : z formula bFormula -> zArithProof list -> bool
-type qWitness = q psatz
-val qWeakChecker : q nFormula list -> q psatz -> bool
-val qnormalise : q formula -> q nFormula cnf
-val qnegate : q formula -> q nFormula cnf
-val qunsat : q nFormula -> bool
-val qdeduce : q nFormula -> q nFormula -> q nFormula option
-val qTautoChecker : q formula bFormula -> qWitness list -> bool
-type rcst =
-| C0
-| C1
-| CQ of q
-| CZ of z
-| CPlus of rcst * rcst
-| CMinus of rcst * rcst
-| CMult of rcst * rcst
-| CInv of rcst
-| COpp of rcst
-val q_of_Rcst : rcst -> q
-type rWitness = q psatz
-val rWeakChecker : q nFormula list -> q psatz -> bool
-val rnormalise : q formula -> q nFormula cnf
-val rnegate : q formula -> q nFormula cnf
-val runsat : q nFormula -> bool
-val rdeduce : q nFormula -> q nFormula -> q nFormula option
-val rTautoChecker : rcst formula bFormula -> rWitness list -> bool
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/vo.itarget b/plugins/micromega/vo.itarget
index c9009ea4d..a555d5ba1 100644
--- a/plugins/micromega/vo.itarget
+++ b/plugins/micromega/vo.itarget
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@