path: root/plugins/micromega/sos.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/micromega/sos.ml')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/sos.ml b/plugins/micromega/sos.ml
index e3d72ed9a..4085eb069 100644
--- a/plugins/micromega/sos.ml
+++ b/plugins/micromega/sos.ml
@@ -1125,6 +1125,7 @@ let file_of_string filename s =
let fd = Pervasives.open_out filename in
output_string fd s; close_out fd
let request_mark = "*** REQUEST ***"
let answer_mark = "*** ANSWER ***"
let end_mark = "*** END ***"
@@ -1171,16 +1172,16 @@ let flush_to_cache string_problem string_result =
close_out outch
with Sys_error _ ->
print_endline "Warning: Could not open or write to csdp cache"
exception CsdpInfeasible
let run_csdp dbg string_problem =
- try
+(* try
let res = look_in_cache string_problem in
if res = infeasible_mark then raise CsdpInfeasible;
if res = failure_mark then failwith "csdp error";
- with Not_found ->
+ with Not_found -> *)
let input_file = Filename.temp_file "sos" ".dat-s" in
let output_file = Filename.temp_file "sos" ".dat-s" in
let temp_path = Filename.dirname input_file in
@@ -1189,15 +1190,15 @@ let run_csdp dbg string_problem =
file_of_string params_file csdp_params;
let rv = Sys.command("cd "^temp_path^"; csdp "^input_file^" "^output_file^
(if dbg then "" else "> /dev/null")) in
- if rv = 1 or rv = 2 then
- (flush_to_cache string_problem infeasible_mark; raise CsdpInfeasible);
+ if rv = 1 or rv = 2 then
+ ((*flush_to_cache string_problem infeasible_mark;*) raise CsdpInfeasible);
if rv = 127 then
(print_string "csdp not found, exiting..."; exit 1);
if rv <> 0 & rv <> 3 (* reduced accuracy *) then
- (flush_to_cache string_problem failure_mark;
+ ((*flush_to_cache string_problem failure_mark;*)
failwith("csdp: error "^string_of_int rv));
let string_result = string_of_file output_file in
- flush_to_cache string_problem string_result;
+(* flush_to_cache string_problem string_result;*)
if not dbg then
(Sys.remove input_file; Sys.remove output_file; Sys.remove params_file);