path: root/plugins/micromega/mfourier.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/micromega/mfourier.ml')
1 files changed, 1014 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/mfourier.ml b/plugins/micromega/mfourier.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2eb572c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/mfourier.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+open Num
+module Utils = Mutils
+let map_option = Utils.map_option
+let from_option = Utils.from_option
+let debug = false
+type ('a,'b) lr = Inl of 'a | Inr of 'b
+module Vect =
+ struct
+ (** [t] is the type of vectors.
+ A vector [(x1,v1) ; ... ; (xn,vn)] is such that:
+ - variables indexes are ordered (x1 < ... < xn
+ - values are all non-zero
+ *)
+ type var = int
+ type t = (var * num) list
+(** [equal v1 v2 = true] if the vectors are syntactically equal.
+ ([num] is not handled by [Pervasives.equal] *)
+ let rec equal v1 v2 =
+ match v1 , v2 with
+ | [] , [] -> true
+ | [] , _ -> false
+ | _::_ , [] -> false
+ | (i1,n1)::v1 , (i2,n2)::v2 ->
+ (i1 = i2) && n1 =/ n2 && equal v1 v2
+ let hash v =
+ let rec hash i = function
+ | [] -> i
+ | (vr,vl)::l -> hash (i + (Hashtbl.hash (vr, float_of_num vl))) l in
+ Hashtbl.hash (hash 0 v )
+ let null = []
+ let pp_vect o vect =
+ List.iter (fun (v,n) -> Printf.printf "%sx%i + " (string_of_num n) v) vect
+ let from_list (l: num list) =
+ let rec xfrom_list i l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> []
+ | e::l ->
+ if e <>/ Int 0
+ then (i,e)::(xfrom_list (i+1) l)
+ else xfrom_list (i+1) l in
+ xfrom_list 0 l
+ let zero_num = Int 0
+ let unit_num = Int 1
+ let to_list m =
+ let rec xto_list i l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> []
+ | (x,v)::l' ->
+ if i = x then v::(xto_list (i+1) l') else zero_num ::(xto_list (i+1) l) in
+ xto_list 0 m
+ let cons i v rst = if v =/ Int 0 then rst else (i,v)::rst
+ let rec update i f t =
+ match t with
+ | [] -> cons i (f zero_num) []
+ | (k,v)::l ->
+ match Pervasives.compare i k with
+ | 0 -> cons k (f v) l
+ | -1 -> cons i (f zero_num) t
+ | 1 -> (k,v) ::(update i f l)
+ | _ -> failwith "compare_num"
+ let rec set i n t =
+ match t with
+ | [] -> cons i n []
+ | (k,v)::l ->
+ match Pervasives.compare i k with
+ | 0 -> cons k n l
+ | -1 -> cons i n t
+ | 1 -> (k,v) :: (set i n l)
+ | _ -> failwith "compare_num"
+ let gcd m =
+ let res = List.fold_left (fun x (i,e) -> Big_int.gcd_big_int x (Utils.numerator e)) Big_int.zero_big_int m in
+ if Big_int.compare_big_int res Big_int.zero_big_int = 0
+ then Big_int.unit_big_int else res
+ let rec mul z t =
+ match z with
+ | Int 0 -> []
+ | Int 1 -> t
+ | _ -> List.map (fun (i,n) -> (i, mult_num z n)) t
+ let compare : t -> t -> int = Utils.Cmp.compare_list (fun x y -> Utils.Cmp.compare_lexical
+ [
+ (fun () -> Pervasives.compare (fst x) (fst y));
+ (fun () -> compare_num (snd x) (snd y))])
+ (** [tail v vect] returns
+ - [None] if [v] is not a variable of the vector [vect]
+ - [Some(vl,rst)] where [vl] is the value of [v] in vector [vect]
+ and [rst] is the remaining of the vector
+ We exploit that vectors are ordered lists
+ *)
+ let rec tail (v:var) (vect:t) =
+ match vect with
+ | [] -> None
+ | (v',vl)::vect' ->
+ match Pervasives.compare v' v with
+ | 0 -> Some (vl,vect) (* Ok, found *)
+ | -1 -> tail v vect' (* Might be in the tail *)
+ | _ -> None (* Hopeless *)
+ let get v vect =
+ match tail v vect with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some(vl,_) -> Some vl
+ let rec fresh v =
+ match v with
+ | [] -> 1
+ | [v,_] -> v + 1
+ | _::v -> fresh v
+ end
+open Vect
+(** Implementation of intervals *)
+module Itv =
+ (** The type of intervals is *)
+ type interval = num option * num option
+ (** None models the absence of bound i.e. infinity *)
+ (** As a result,
+ - None , None -> ]-oo,+oo[
+ - None , Some v -> ]-oo,v]
+ - Some v, None -> [v,+oo[
+ - Some v, Some v' -> [v,v']
+ Intervals needs to be explicitely normalised.
+ *)
+ type who = Left | Right
+ (** if then interval [itv] is empty, [norm_itv itv] returns [None]
+ otherwise, it returns [Some itv] *)
+ let norm_itv itv =
+ match itv with
+ | Some a , Some b -> if a <=/ b then Some itv else None
+ | _ -> Some itv
+ (** [opp_itv itv] computes the opposite interval *)
+ let opp_itv itv =
+ let (l,r) = itv in
+ (map_option minus_num r, map_option minus_num l)
+(** [inter i1 i2 = None] if the intersection of intervals is empty
+ [inter i1 i2 = Some i] if [i] is the intersection of the intervals [i1] and [i2] *)
+ let inter i1 i2 =
+ let (l1,r1) = i1
+ and (l2,r2) = i2 in
+ let inter f o1 o2 =
+ match o1 , o2 with
+ | None , None -> None
+ | Some _ , None -> o1
+ | None , Some _ -> o2
+ | Some n1 , Some n2 -> Some (f n1 n2) in
+ norm_itv (inter max_num l1 l2 , inter min_num r1 r2)
+ let range = function
+ | None,_ | _,None -> None
+ | Some i,Some j -> Some (floor_num j -/ceiling_num i +/ (Int 1))
+ let smaller_itv i1 i2 =
+ match range i1 , range i2 with
+ | None , _ -> false
+ | _ , None -> true
+ | Some i , Some j -> i <=/ j
+(** [in_bound bnd v] checks whether [v] is within the bounds [bnd] *)
+let in_bound bnd v =
+ let (l,r) = bnd in
+ match l , r with
+ | None , None -> true
+ | None , Some a -> v <=/ a
+ | Some a , None -> a <=/ v
+ | Some a , Some b -> a <=/ v && v <=/ b
+open Itv
+type vector = Vect.t
+type cstr = { coeffs : vector ; bound : interval }
+(** 'cstr' is the type of constraints.
+ {coeffs = v ; bound = (l,r) } models the constraints l <= v <= r
+module ISet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = Pervasives.compare end)
+module PSet = ISet
+module System = Hashtbl.Make(Vect)
+ type proof =
+ | Hyp of int
+ | Elim of var * proof * proof
+ | And of proof * proof
+type system = {
+ sys : cstr_info ref System.t ;
+ vars : ISet.t
+and cstr_info = {
+ bound : interval ;
+ prf : proof ;
+ pos : int ;
+ neg : int ;
+(** A system of constraints has the form [{sys = s ; vars = v}].
+ [s] is a hashtable mapping a normalised vector to a [cstr_info] record where
+ - [bound] is an interval
+ - [prf_idx] is the set of hypothese indexes (i.e. constraints in the initial system) used to obtain the current constraint.
+ In the initial system, each constraint is given an unique singleton proof_idx.
+ When a new constraint c is computed by a function f(c1,...,cn), its proof_idx is ISet.fold union (List.map (fun x -> x.proof_idx) [c1;...;cn]
+ - [pos] is the number of positive values of the vector
+ - [neg] is the number of negative values of the vector
+ ( [neg] + [pos] is therefore the length of the vector)
+ [v] is an upper-bound of the set of variables which appear in [s].
+(** To be thrown when a system has no solution *)
+exception SystemContradiction of proof
+let hyps prf =
+ let rec hyps prf acc =
+ match prf with
+ | Hyp i -> ISet.add i acc
+ | Elim(_,prf1,prf2)
+ | And(prf1,prf2) -> hyps prf1 (hyps prf2 acc) in
+ hyps prf ISet.empty
+(** Pretty printing *)
+ let rec pp_proof o prf =
+ match prf with
+ | Hyp i -> Printf.fprintf o "H%i" i
+ | Elim(v, prf1,prf2) -> Printf.fprintf o "E(%i,%a,%a)" v pp_proof prf1 pp_proof prf2
+ | And(prf1,prf2) -> Printf.fprintf o "A(%a,%a)" pp_proof prf1 pp_proof prf2
+let pp_bound o = function
+ | None -> output_string o "oo"
+ | Some a -> output_string o (string_of_num a)
+let pp_itv o (l,r) = Printf.fprintf o "(%a,%a)" pp_bound l pp_bound r
+let rec pp_list f o l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | e::l -> f o e ; output_string o ";" ; pp_list f o l
+let pp_iset o s =
+ output_string o "{" ;
+ ISet.fold (fun i _ -> Printf.fprintf o "%i " i) s ();
+ output_string o "}"
+let pp_pset o s =
+ output_string o "{" ;
+ PSet.fold (fun i _ -> Printf.fprintf o "%i " i) s ();
+ output_string o "}"
+let pp_info o i = pp_itv o i.bound
+let pp_cstr o (vect,bnd) =
+ let (l,r) = bnd in
+ (match l with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some n -> Printf.fprintf o "%s <= " (string_of_num n))
+ ;
+ pp_vect o vect ;
+ (match r with
+ | None -> output_string o"\n"
+ | Some n -> Printf.fprintf o "<=%s\n" (string_of_num n))
+let pp_system o sys=
+ System.iter (fun vect ibnd ->
+ pp_cstr o (vect,(!ibnd).bound)) sys
+let pp_split_cstr o (vl,v,c,_) =
+ Printf.fprintf o "(val x = %s ,%a,%s)" (string_of_num vl) pp_vect v (string_of_num c)
+(** [merge_cstr_info] takes:
+ - the intersection of bounds and
+ - the union of proofs
+ - [pos] and [neg] fields should be identical *)
+let merge_cstr_info i1 i2 =
+ let { pos = p1 ; neg = n1 ; bound = i1 ; prf = prf1 } = i1
+ and { pos = p2 ; neg = n2 ; bound = i2 ; prf = prf2 } = i2 in
+ assert (p1 = p2 && n1 = n2) ;
+ match inter i1 i2 with
+ | None -> None (* Could directly raise a system contradiction exception *)
+ | Some bnd ->
+ Some { pos = p1 ; neg = n1 ; bound = bnd ; prf = And(prf1,prf2) }
+(** [xadd_cstr vect cstr_info] loads an constraint into the system.
+ The constraint is neither redundant nor contradictory.
+ @raise SystemContradiction if [cstr_info] returns [None]
+let xadd_cstr vect cstr_info sys =
+ if debug && System.length sys mod 1000 = 0 then (print_string "*" ; flush stdout) ;
+ try
+ let info = System.find sys vect in
+ match merge_cstr_info cstr_info !info with
+ | None -> raise (SystemContradiction (And(cstr_info.prf, (!info).prf)))
+ | Some info' -> info := info'
+ with
+ | Not_found -> System.replace sys vect (ref cstr_info)
+type cstr_ext =
+ | Contradiction (** The constraint is contradictory.
+ Typically, a [SystemContradiction] exception will be raised. *)
+ | Redundant (** The constrain is redundant.
+ Typically, the constraint will be dropped *)
+ | Cstr of vector * cstr_info (** Taken alone, the constraint is neither contradictory nor redundant.
+ Typically, it will be added to the constraint system. *)
+(** [normalise_cstr] : vector -> cstr_info -> cstr_ext *)
+let normalise_cstr vect cinfo =
+ match norm_itv cinfo.bound with
+ | None -> Contradiction
+ | Some (l,r) ->
+ match vect with
+ | [] -> if Itv.in_bound (l,r) (Int 0) then Redundant else Contradiction
+ | (_,n)::_ -> Cstr(
+ (if n <>/ Int 1 then List.map (fun (x,nx) -> (x,nx // n)) vect else vect),
+ let divn x = x // n in
+ if sign_num n = 1
+ then{cinfo with bound = (map_option divn l , map_option divn r) }
+ else {cinfo with pos = cinfo.neg ; neg = cinfo.pos ; bound = (map_option divn r , map_option divn l)})
+(** For compatibility, there an external representation of constraints *)
+type cstr_compat = {coeffs : vector ; op : op ; cst : num}
+and op = |Eq | Ge
+let string_of_op = function Eq -> "=" | Ge -> ">="
+let eval_op = function
+ | Eq -> (=/)
+ | Ge -> (>=/)
+let count v =
+ let rec count n p v =
+ match v with
+ | [] -> (n,p)
+ | (_,vl)::v -> let sg = sign_num vl in
+ assert (sg <> 0) ;
+ if sg = 1 then count n (p+1) v else count (n+1) p v in
+ count 0 0 v
+let norm_cstr {coeffs = v ; op = o ; cst = c} idx =
+ let (n,p) = count v in
+ normalise_cstr v {pos = p ; neg = n ; bound =
+ (match o with
+ | Eq -> Some c , Some c
+ | Ge -> Some c , None) ;
+ prf = Hyp idx }
+(** [load_system l] takes a list of constraints of type [cstr_compat]
+ @return a system of constraints
+ @raise SystemContradiction if a contradiction is found
+let load_system l =
+ let sys = System.create 1000 in
+ let li = Mutils.mapi (fun e i -> (e,i)) l in
+ let vars = List.fold_left (fun vrs (cstr,i) ->
+ match norm_cstr cstr i with
+ | Contradiction -> raise (SystemContradiction (Hyp i))
+ | Redundant -> vrs
+ | Cstr(vect,info) ->
+ xadd_cstr vect info sys ;
+ List.fold_left (fun s (v,_) -> ISet.add v s) vrs cstr.coeffs) ISet.empty li in
+ {sys = sys ;vars = vars}
+let system_list sys =
+ let { sys = s ; vars = v } = sys in
+ System.fold (fun k bi l -> (k, !bi)::l) s []
+(** [add (v1,c1) (v2,c2) ]
+ precondition: (c1 <>/ Int 0 && c2 <>/ Int 0)
+ @return a pair [(v,ln)] such that
+ [v] is the sum of vector [v1] divided by [c1] and vector [v2] divided by [c2]
+ Note that the resulting vector is not normalised.
+let add (v1,c1) (v2,c2) =
+ assert (c1 <>/ Int 0 && c2 <>/ Int 0) ;
+ let rec xadd v1 v2 =
+ match v1 , v2 with
+ | (x1,n1)::v1' , (x2,n2)::v2' ->
+ if x1 = x2
+ then
+ let n' = (n1 // c1) +/ (n2 // c2) in
+ if n' =/ Int 0 then xadd v1' v2'
+ else
+ let res = xadd v1' v2' in
+ (x1,n') ::res
+ else if x1 < x2
+ then let res = xadd v1' v2 in
+ (x1, n1 // c1)::res
+ else let res = xadd v1 v2' in
+ (x2, n2 // c2)::res
+ | [] , [] -> []
+ | [] , _ -> List.map (fun (x,vl) -> (x,vl // c2)) v2
+ | _ , [] -> List.map (fun (x,vl) -> (x,vl // c1)) v1 in
+ let res = xadd v1 v2 in
+ (res, count res)
+let add (v1,c1) (v2,c2) =
+ let res = add (v1,c1) (v2,c2) in
+ (* Printf.printf "add(%a,%s,%a,%s) -> %a\n" pp_vect v1 (string_of_num c1) pp_vect v2 (string_of_num c2) pp_vect (fst res) ;*)
+ res
+type tlr = (num * vector * cstr_info) list
+type tm = (vector * cstr_info ) list
+(** To perform Fourier elimination, constraints are categorised depending on the sign of the variable to eliminate. *)
+(** [split x vect info (l,m,r)]
+ @param v is the variable to eliminate
+ @param l contains constraints such that (e + a*x) // a >= c / a
+ @param r contains constraints such that (e + a*x) // - a >= c / -a
+ @param m contains constraints which do not mention [x]
+let split x (vect: vector) info (l,m,r) =
+ match get x vect with
+ | None -> (* The constraint does not mention [x], store it in m *)
+ (l,(vect,info)::m,r)
+ | Some vl -> (* otherwise *)
+ let cons_bound lst bd =
+ match bd with
+ | None -> lst
+ | Some bnd -> (vl,vect,{info with bound = Some bnd,None})::lst in
+ let lb,rb = info.bound in
+ if sign_num vl = 1
+ then (cons_bound l lb,m,cons_bound r rb)
+ else (* sign_num vl = -1 *)
+ (cons_bound l rb,m,cons_bound r lb)
+(** [project vr sys] projects system [sys] over the set of variables [ISet.remove vr sys.vars ].
+ This is a one step Fourier elimination.
+let project vr sys =
+ let (l,m,r) = System.fold (fun vect rf l_m_r -> split vr vect !rf l_m_r) sys.sys ([],[],[]) in
+ let new_sys = System.create (System.length sys.sys) in
+ (* Constraints in [m] belong to the projection - for those [vr] is already projected out *)
+ List.iter (fun (vect,info) -> System.replace new_sys vect (ref info) ) m ;
+ let elim (v1,vect1,info1) (v2,vect2,info2) =
+ let {neg = n1 ; pos = p1 ; bound = bound1 ; prf = prf1} = info1
+ and {neg = n2 ; pos = p2 ; bound = bound2 ; prf = prf2} = info2 in
+ let bnd1 = from_option (fst bound1)
+ and bnd2 = from_option (fst bound2) in
+ let bound = (bnd1 // v1) +/ (bnd2 // minus_num v2) in
+ let vres,(n,p) = add (vect1,v1) (vect2,minus_num v2) in
+ (vres,{neg = n ; pos = p ; bound = (Some bound, None); prf = Elim(vr,info1.prf,info2.prf)}) in
+ List.iter(fun l_elem -> List.iter (fun r_elem ->
+ let (vect,info) = elim l_elem r_elem in
+ match normalise_cstr vect info with
+ | Redundant -> ()
+ | Contradiction -> raise (SystemContradiction info.prf)
+ | Cstr(vect,info) -> xadd_cstr vect info new_sys) r ) l;
+ {sys = new_sys ; vars = ISet.remove vr sys.vars}
+(** [project_using_eq] performs elimination by pivoting using an equation.
+ This is the counter_part of the [elim] sub-function of [!project].
+ @param vr is the variable to be used as pivot
+ @param c is the coefficient of variable [vr] in vector [vect]
+ @param len is the length of the equation
+ @param bound is the bound of the equation
+ @param prf is the proof of the equation
+let project_using_eq vr c vect bound prf (vect',info') =
+ match get vr vect' with
+ | Some c2 ->
+ let c1 = if c2 >=/ Int 0 then minus_num c else c in
+ let c2 = abs_num c2 in
+ let (vres,(n,p)) = add (vect,c1) (vect', c2) in
+ let cst = bound // c1 in
+ let bndres =
+ let f x = cst +/ x // c2 in
+ let (l,r) = info'.bound in
+ (map_option f l , map_option f r) in
+ (vres,{neg = n ; pos = p ; bound = bndres ; prf = Elim(vr,prf,info'.prf)})
+ | None -> (vect',info')
+let elim_var_using_eq vr vect cst prf sys =
+ let c = from_option (get vr vect) in
+ let elim_var = project_using_eq vr c vect cst prf in
+ let new_sys = System.create (System.length sys.sys) in
+ System.iter(fun vect iref ->
+ let (vect',info') = elim_var (vect,!iref) in
+ match normalise_cstr vect' info' with
+ | Redundant -> ()
+ | Contradiction -> raise (SystemContradiction info'.prf)
+ | Cstr(vect,info') -> xadd_cstr vect info' new_sys) sys.sys ;
+ {sys = new_sys ; vars = ISet.remove vr sys.vars}
+(** [size sys] computes the number of entries in the system of constraints *)
+let size sys = System.fold (fun v iref s -> s + (!iref).neg + (!iref).pos) sys 0
+module IMap = Map.Make(struct type t = int let compare : int -> int -> int = Pervasives.compare end)
+let pp_map o map = IMap.fold (fun k elt () -> Printf.fprintf o "%i -> %s\n" k (string_of_num elt)) map ()
+(** [eval_vect map vect] evaluates vector [vect] using the values of [map].
+ If [map] binds all the variables of [vect], we get
+ [eval_vect map [(x1,v1);...;(xn,vn)] = (IMap.find x1 map * v1) + ... + (IMap.find xn map) * vn , []]
+ The function returns as second argument, a sub-vector consisting in the variables that are not in [map]. *)
+let eval_vect map vect =
+ let rec xeval_vect vect sum rst =
+ match vect with
+ | [] -> (sum,rst)
+ | (v,vl)::vect ->
+ try
+ let val_v = IMap.find v map in
+ xeval_vect vect (sum +/ (val_v */ vl)) rst
+ with
+ Not_found -> xeval_vect vect sum ((v,vl)::rst) in
+ xeval_vect vect (Int 0) []
+(** [restrict_bound n sum itv] returns the interval of [x]
+ given that (fst itv) <= x * n + sum <= (snd itv) *)
+let restrict_bound n sum (itv:interval) =
+ let f x = (x -/ sum) // n in
+ let l,r = itv in
+ match sign_num n with
+ | 0 -> if in_bound itv sum
+ then (None,None) (* redundant *)
+ else failwith "SystemContradiction"
+ | 1 -> map_option f l , map_option f r
+ | _ -> map_option f r , map_option f l
+(** [bound_of_variable map v sys] computes the interval of [v] in
+ [sys] given a mapping [map] binding all the other variables *)
+let bound_of_variable map v sys =
+ System.fold (fun vect iref bnd ->
+ let sum,rst = eval_vect map vect in
+ let vl = match get v rst with
+ | None -> Int 0
+ | Some v -> v in
+ match inter bnd (restrict_bound vl sum (!iref).bound) with
+ | None -> failwith "bound_of_variable: impossible"
+ | Some itv -> itv) sys (None,None)
+(** [pick_small_value bnd] picks a value being closed to zero within the interval *)
+let pick_small_value bnd =
+ match bnd with
+ | None , None -> Int 0
+ | None , Some i -> if (Int 0) <=/ (floor_num i) then Int 0 else floor_num i
+ | Some i,None -> if i <=/ (Int 0) then Int 0 else ceiling_num i
+ | Some i,Some j ->
+ if i <=/ Int 0 && Int 0 <=/ j
+ then Int 0
+ else if ceiling_num i <=/ floor_num j
+ then ceiling_num i (* why not *) else i
+(** [solution s1 sys_l = Some(sn,[(vn-1,sn-1);...; (v1,s1)]@sys_l)]
+ then [sn] is a system which contains only [black_v] -- if it existed in [s1]
+ and [sn+1] is obtained by projecting [vn] out of [sn]
+ @raise SystemContradiction if system [s] has no solution
+let solve_sys black_v choose_eq choose_variable sys sys_l =
+ let rec solve_sys sys sys_l =
+ if debug then Printf.printf "S #%i size %i\n" (System.length sys.sys) (size sys.sys);
+ let eqs = choose_eq sys in
+ try
+ let (v,vect,cst,ln) = fst (List.find (fun ((v,_,_,_),_) -> v <> black_v) eqs) in
+ if debug then
+ (Printf.printf "\nE %a = %s variable %i\n" pp_vect vect (string_of_num cst) v ;
+ flush stdout);
+ let sys' = elim_var_using_eq v vect cst ln sys in
+ solve_sys sys' ((v,sys)::sys_l)
+ with Not_found ->
+ let vars = choose_variable sys in
+ try
+ let (v,est) = (List.find (fun (v,_) -> v <> black_v) vars) in
+ if debug then (Printf.printf "\nV : %i esimate %f\n" v est ; flush stdout) ;
+ let sys' = project v sys in
+ solve_sys sys' ((v,sys)::sys_l)
+ with Not_found -> (* we are done *) Inl (sys,sys_l) in
+ solve_sys sys sys_l
+let solve black_v choose_eq choose_variable cstrs =
+ try
+ let sys = load_system cstrs in
+(* Printf.printf "solve :\n %a" pp_system sys.sys ; *)
+ solve_sys black_v choose_eq choose_variable sys []
+ with SystemContradiction prf -> Inr prf
+(** The purpose of module [EstimateElimVar] is to try to estimate the cost of eliminating a variable.
+ The output is an ordered list of (variable,cost).
+module EstimateElimVar =
+ type sys_list = (vector * cstr_info) list
+ let abstract_partition (v:int) (l: sys_list) =
+ let rec xpart (l:sys_list) (ltl:sys_list) (n:int list) (z:int) (p:int list) =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> (ltl, n,z,p)
+ | (l1,info) ::rl ->
+ match l1 with
+ | [] -> xpart rl (([],info)::ltl) n (info.neg+info.pos+z) p
+ | (vr,vl)::rl1 ->
+ if v = vr
+ then
+ let cons_bound lst bd =
+ match bd with
+ | None -> lst
+ | Some bnd -> info.neg+info.pos::lst in
+ let lb,rb = info.bound in
+ if sign_num vl = 1
+ then xpart rl ((rl1,info)::ltl) (cons_bound n lb) z (cons_bound p rb)
+ else xpart rl ((rl1,info)::ltl) (cons_bound n rb) z (cons_bound p lb)
+ else
+ (* the variable is greater *)
+ xpart rl ((l1,info)::ltl) n (info.neg+info.pos+z) p
+ in
+ let (sys',n,z,p) = xpart l [] [] 0 [] in
+ let ln = float_of_int (List.length n) in
+ let sn = float_of_int (List.fold_left (+) 0 n) in
+ let lp = float_of_int (List.length p) in
+ let sp = float_of_int (List.fold_left (+) 0 p) in
+ (sys', float_of_int z +. lp *. sn +. ln *. sp -. lp*.ln)
+ let choose_variable sys =
+ let {sys = s ; vars = v} = sys in
+ let sl = system_list sys in
+ let evals = fst
+ (ISet.fold (fun v (eval,s) -> let ts,vl = abstract_partition v s in
+ ((v,vl)::eval, ts)) v ([],sl)) in
+ List.sort (fun x y -> Pervasives.compare (snd x) (snd y) ) evals
+open EstimateElimVar
+(** The module [EstimateElimEq] is similar to [EstimateElimVar] but it orders equations.
+module EstimateElimEq =
+ let itv_point bnd =
+ match bnd with
+ |(Some a, Some b) -> a =/ b
+ | _ -> false
+ let eq_bound bnd c =
+ match bnd with
+ |(Some a, Some b) -> a =/ b && c =/ b
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec unroll_until v l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> (false,[])
+ | (i,_)::rl -> if i = v
+ then (true,rl)
+ else if i < v then unroll_until v rl else (false,l)
+ let choose_primal_equation eqs sys_l =
+ let is_primal_equation_var v =
+ List.fold_left (fun (nb_eq,nb_cst) (vect,info) ->
+ if fst (unroll_until v vect)
+ then if itv_point info.bound then (nb_eq + 1,nb_cst) else (nb_eq,nb_cst)
+ else (nb_eq,nb_cst)) (0,0) sys_l in
+ let rec find_var vect =
+ match vect with
+ | [] -> None
+ | (i,_)::vect ->
+ let (nb_eq,nb_cst) = is_primal_equation_var i in
+ if nb_eq = 2 && nb_cst = 0
+ then Some i else find_var vect in
+ let rec find_eq_var eqs =
+ match eqs with
+ | [] -> None
+ | (vect,a,prf,ln)::l ->
+ match find_var vect with
+ | None -> find_eq_var l
+ | Some r -> Some (r,vect,a,prf,ln)
+ in
+ find_eq_var eqs
+ let choose_equality_var sys =
+ let sys_l = system_list sys in
+ let equalities = List.fold_left
+ (fun l (vect,info) ->
+ match info.bound with
+ | Some a , Some b ->
+ if a =/ b then (* This an equation *)
+ (vect,a,info.prf,info.neg+info.pos)::l else l
+ | _ -> l
+ ) [] sys_l in
+ let rec estimate_cost v ct sysl acc tlsys =
+ match sysl with
+ | [] -> (acc,tlsys)
+ | (l,info)::rsys ->
+ let ln = info.pos + info.neg in
+ let (b,l) = unroll_until v l in
+ match b with
+ | true ->
+ if itv_point info.bound
+ then estimate_cost v ct rsys (acc+ln) ((l,info)::tlsys) (* this is free *)
+ else estimate_cost v ct rsys (acc+ln+ct) ((l,info)::tlsys) (* should be more ? *)
+ | false -> estimate_cost v ct rsys (acc+ln) ((l,info)::tlsys) in
+ match choose_primal_equation equalities sys_l with
+ | None ->
+ let cost_eq eq const prf ln acc_costs =
+ let rec cost_eq eqr sysl costs =
+ match eqr with
+ | [] -> costs
+ | (v,_) ::eqr -> let (cst,tlsys) = estimate_cost v (ln-1) sysl 0 [] in
+ cost_eq eqr tlsys (((v,eq,const,prf),cst)::costs) in
+ cost_eq eq sys_l acc_costs in
+ let all_costs = List.fold_left (fun all_costs (vect,const,prf,ln) -> cost_eq vect const prf ln all_costs) [] equalities in
+ (* pp_list (fun o ((v,eq,_,_),cst) -> Printf.fprintf o "((%i,%a),%i)\n" v pp_vect eq cst) stdout all_costs ; *)
+ List.sort (fun x y -> Pervasives.compare (snd x) (snd y) ) all_costs
+ | Some (v,vect, const,prf,_) -> [(v,vect,const,prf),0]
+open EstimateElimEq
+module Fourier =
+ let optimise vect l =
+ (* We add a dummy (fresh) variable for vector *)
+ let fresh =
+ List.fold_left (fun fr c -> Pervasives.max fr (Vect.fresh c.coeffs)) 0 l in
+ let cstr = {
+ coeffs = Vect.set fresh (Int (-1)) vect ;
+ op = Eq ;
+ cst = (Int 0)} in
+ match solve fresh choose_equality_var choose_variable (cstr::l) with
+ | Inr prf -> None (* This is an unsatisfiability proof *)
+ | Inl (s,_) ->
+ try
+ Some (bound_of_variable IMap.empty fresh s.sys)
+ with
+ x -> Printf.printf "optimise Exception : %s" (Printexc.to_string x) ; None
+ let find_point cstrs =
+ match solve max_int choose_equality_var choose_variable cstrs with
+ | Inr prf -> Inr prf
+ | Inl (_,l) ->
+ let rec rebuild_solution l map =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> map
+ | (v,e)::l ->
+ let itv = bound_of_variable map v e.sys in
+ let map = IMap.add v (pick_small_value itv) map in
+ rebuild_solution l map
+ in
+ let map = rebuild_solution l IMap.empty in
+ let vect = List.rev (IMap.fold (fun v i vect -> (v,i)::vect) map []) in
+(* Printf.printf "SOLUTION %a" pp_vect vect ; *)
+ let res = Inl vect in
+ res
+module Proof =
+(** A proof term in the sense of a ZMicromega.RatProof is a positive combination of the hypotheses which leads to a contradiction.
+ The proofs constructed by Fourier elimination are more like execution traces:
+ - certain facts are recorded but are useless
+ - certain inferences are implicit.
+ The following code implements proof reconstruction.
+ let add x y = fst (add x y)
+ let forall_pairs f l1 l2 =
+ List.fold_left (fun acc e1 ->
+ List.fold_left (fun acc e2 ->
+ match f e1 e2 with
+ | None -> acc
+ | Some v -> v::acc) acc l2) [] l1
+ let add_op x y =
+ match x , y with
+ | Eq , Eq -> Eq
+ | _ -> Ge
+ let pivot v (p1,c1) (p2,c2) =
+ let {coeffs = v1 ; op = op1 ; cst = n1} = c1
+ and {coeffs = v2 ; op = op2 ; cst = n2} = c2 in
+ match Vect.get v v1 , Vect.get v v2 with
+ | None , _ | _ , None -> None
+ | Some a , Some b ->
+ if (sign_num a) * (sign_num b) = -1
+ then Some (add (p1,abs_num a) (p2,abs_num b) ,
+ {coeffs = add (v1,abs_num a) (v2,abs_num b) ;
+ op = add_op op1 op2 ;
+ cst = n1 // (abs_num a) +/ n2 // (abs_num b) })
+ else if op1 = Eq
+ then Some (add (p1,minus_num (a // b)) (p2,Int 1),
+ {coeffs = add (v1,minus_num (a// b)) (v2 ,Int 1) ;
+ op = add_op op1 op2;
+ cst = n1 // (minus_num (a// b)) +/ n2 // (Int 1)})
+ else if op2 = Eq
+ then
+ Some (add (p2,minus_num (b // a)) (p1,Int 1),
+ {coeffs = add (v2,minus_num (b// a)) (v1 ,Int 1) ;
+ op = add_op op1 op2;
+ cst = n2 // (minus_num (b// a)) +/ n1 // (Int 1)})
+ else None (* op2 could be Eq ... this might happen *)
+ let normalise_proofs l =
+ List.fold_left (fun acc (prf,cstr) ->
+ match acc with
+ | Inr _ -> acc (* I already found a contradiction *)
+ | Inl acc ->
+ match norm_cstr cstr 0 with
+ | Redundant -> Inl acc
+ | Contradiction -> Inr (prf,cstr)
+ | Cstr(v,info) -> Inl ((prf,cstr,v,info)::acc)) (Inl []) l
+ type oproof = (vector * cstr_compat * num) option
+ let merge_proof (oleft:oproof) (prf,cstr,v,info) (oright:oproof) =
+ let (l,r) = info.bound in
+ let keep p ob bd =
+ match ob , bd with
+ | None , None -> None
+ | None , Some b -> Some(prf,cstr,b)
+ | Some _ , None -> ob
+ | Some(prfl,cstrl,bl) , Some b -> if p bl b then Some(prf,cstr, b) else ob in
+ let oleft = keep (<=/) oleft l in
+ let oright = keep (>=/) oright r in
+ (* Now, there might be a contradiction *)
+ match oleft , oright with
+ | None , _ | _ , None -> Inl (oleft,oright)
+ | Some(prfl,cstrl,l) , Some(prfr,cstrr,r) ->
+ if l <=/ r
+ then Inl (oleft,oright)
+ else (* There is a contradiction - it should show up by scaling up the vectors - any pivot should do*)
+ match cstrr.coeffs with
+ | [] -> Inr (add (prfl,Int 1) (prfr,Int 1), cstrr) (* this is wrong *)
+ | (v,_)::_ ->
+ match pivot v (prfl,cstrl) (prfr,cstrr) with
+ | None -> failwith "merge_proof : pivot is not possible"
+ | Some x -> Inr x
+let mk_proof hyps prf =
+ (* I am keeping list - I might have a proof for the left bound and a proof for the right bound.
+ If I perform aggressive elimination of redundancies, I expect the list to be of length at most 2.
+ For each proof list, all the vectors should be of the form a.v for different constants a.
+ *)
+ let rec mk_proof prf =
+ match prf with
+ | Hyp i -> [ ([i, Int 1] , List.nth hyps i) ]
+ | Elim(v,prf1,prf2) ->
+ let prfsl = mk_proof prf1
+ and prfsr = mk_proof prf2 in
+ (* I take only the pairs for which the elimination is meaningfull *)
+ forall_pairs (pivot v) prfsl prfsr
+ | And(prf1,prf2) ->
+ let prfsl1 = mk_proof prf1
+ and prfsl2 = mk_proof prf2 in
+ (* detect trivial redundancies and contradictions *)
+ match normalise_proofs (prfsl1@prfsl2) with
+ | Inr x -> [x] (* This is a contradiction - this should be the end of the proof *)
+ | Inl l -> (* All the vectors are the same *)
+ let prfs =
+ List.fold_left (fun acc e ->
+ match acc with
+ | Inr _ -> acc (* I have a contradiction *)
+ | Inl (oleft,oright) -> merge_proof oleft e oright) (Inl(None,None)) l in
+ match prfs with
+ | Inr x -> [x]
+ | Inl (oleft,oright) ->
+ match oleft , oright with
+ | None , None -> []
+ | None , Some(prf,cstr,_) | Some(prf,cstr,_) , None -> [prf,cstr]
+ | Some(prf1,cstr1,_) , Some(prf2,cstr2,_) -> [prf1,cstr1;prf2,cstr2] in
+ mk_proof prf