path: root/plugins/interface/xlate.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/interface/xlate.ml')
1 files changed, 2268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/interface/xlate.ml b/plugins/interface/xlate.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64a9b5c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/interface/xlate.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,2268 @@
+(** Translation from coq abstract syntax trees to centaur vernac
+ *)
+open String;;
+open Char;;
+open Util;;
+open Names;;
+open Ascent;;
+open Genarg;;
+open Rawterm;;
+open Termops;;
+open Tacexpr;;
+open Vernacexpr;;
+open Decl_kinds;;
+open Topconstr;;
+open Libnames;;
+open Goptions;;
+(* // Verify whether this is dead code, as of coq version 7 *)
+(* The following three sentences have been added to cope with a change
+of strategy from the Coq team in the way rules construct ast's. The
+problem is that now grammar rules will refer to identifiers by giving
+their absolute name, using the mutconstruct when needed. Unfortunately,
+when you have a mutconstruct structure, you don't have a way to guess
+the corresponding identifier without an environment, and the parser
+does not have an environment. We add one, only for the constructs
+that are always loaded. *)
+let type_table = ((Hashtbl.create 17) :
+ (string, ((string array) array)) Hashtbl.t);;
+Hashtbl.add type_table "Coq.Init.Logic.and"
+ [|[|"dummy";"conj"|]|];;
+Hashtbl.add type_table "Coq.Init.Datatypes.prod"
+ [|[|"dummy";"pair"|]|];;
+Hashtbl.add type_table "Coq.Init.Datatypes.nat"
+ [|[|"";"O"; "S"|]|];;
+Hashtbl.add type_table "Coq.ZArith.fast_integer.Z"
+Hashtbl.add type_table "Coq.ZArith.fast_integer.positive"
+(*The following two codes are added to cope with the distinction
+ between ocaml and caml-light syntax while using ctcaml to
+ manipulate the program *)
+let code_plus = code (get "+" 0);;
+let code_minus = code (get "-" 0);;
+let coercion_description_holder = ref (function _ -> None : t -> int option);;
+let coercion_description t = !coercion_description_holder t;;
+let set_coercion_description f =
+ coercion_description_holder:=f; ();;
+let xlate_error s = print_endline ("xlate_error : "^s);failwith ("Translation error: " ^ s);;
+let ctf_STRING_OPT_NONE = CT_coerce_NONE_to_STRING_OPT CT_none;;
+let ctf_STRING_OPT_SOME s = CT_coerce_STRING_to_STRING_OPT s;;
+let ctf_STRING_OPT = function
+ | None -> ctf_STRING_OPT_NONE
+ | Some s -> ctf_STRING_OPT_SOME (CT_string s)
+let ctv_ID_OPT_NONE = CT_coerce_NONE_to_ID_OPT CT_none;;
+let ctf_ID_OPT_SOME s = CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT s;;
+let ctv_ID_OPT_OR_ALL_NONE =
+ CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OPT_OR_ALL (CT_coerce_NONE_to_ID_OPT CT_none);;
+ CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_FORMULA_OPT(CT_coerce_NONE_to_ID_OPT CT_none);;
+let ctv_PATTERN_OPT_NONE = CT_coerce_NONE_to_PATTERN_OPT CT_none;;
+let ctf_ID_OPT_OR_ALL_SOME s =
+ CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OPT_OR_ALL (ctf_ID_OPT_SOME s);;
+let ctv_ID_OPT_OR_ALL_ALL = CT_all;;
+let ctv_SPEC_OPT_NONE = CT_coerce_NONE_to_SPEC_OPT CT_none;;
+let ct_coerce_FORMULA_to_DEF_BODY x =
+let castc x = CT_coerce_TYPED_FORMULA_to_FORMULA x;;
+let varc x = CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA x;;
+let xlate_ident id = CT_ident (string_of_id id)
+let ident_tac s = CT_user_tac (xlate_ident s, CT_targ_list []);;
+let ident_vernac s = CT_user_vernac (CT_ident s, CT_varg_list []);;
+let nums_to_int_list_aux l = List.map (fun x -> CT_int x) l;;
+let nums_to_int_list l = CT_int_list(nums_to_int_list_aux l);;
+let num_or_var_to_int = function
+ | ArgArg x -> CT_int x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "TODO: nums_to_int_list_aux ArgVar";;
+let nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l = List.map num_or_var_to_int l;;
+let nums_or_var_to_int_list l = CT_int_list(nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l);;
+let nums_or_var_to_int_ne_list n l =
+ CT_int_ne_list(num_or_var_to_int n, nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l);;
+type iTARG = Targ_command of ct_FORMULA
+ | Targ_intropatt of ct_INTRO_PATT_LIST
+ | Targ_id_list of ct_ID_LIST
+ | Targ_spec_list of ct_SPEC_LIST
+ | Targ_binding_com of ct_FORMULA
+ | Targ_ident of ct_ID
+ | Targ_int of ct_INT
+ | Targ_binding of ct_BINDING
+ | Targ_pattern of ct_PATTERN
+ | Targ_unfold of ct_UNFOLD
+ | Targ_unfold_ne_list of ct_UNFOLD_NE_LIST
+ | Targ_string of ct_STRING
+ | Targ_fixtac of ct_FIXTAC
+ | Targ_cofixtac of ct_COFIXTAC
+ | Targ_tacexp of ct_TACTIC_COM
+ | Targ_redexp of ct_RED_COM;;
+type iVARG = Varg_binder of ct_BINDER
+ | Varg_binderlist of ct_BINDER_LIST
+ | Varg_bindernelist of ct_BINDER_NE_LIST
+ | Varg_call of ct_ID * iVARG list
+ | Varg_constr of ct_FORMULA
+ | Varg_sorttype of ct_SORT_TYPE
+ | Varg_constrlist of ct_FORMULA list
+ | Varg_ident of ct_ID
+ | Varg_int of ct_INT
+ | Varg_intlist of ct_INT_LIST
+ | Varg_none
+ | Varg_string of ct_STRING
+ | Varg_tactic of ct_TACTIC_COM
+ | Varg_ast of ct_AST
+ | Varg_astlist of ct_AST_LIST
+ | Varg_tactic_arg of iTARG
+ | Varg_varglist of iVARG list;;
+let coerce_iVARG_to_FORMULA =
+ function
+ | Varg_constr x -> x
+ | Varg_sorttype x -> CT_coerce_SORT_TYPE_to_FORMULA x
+ | Varg_ident id -> CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA id
+ | _ -> xlate_error "coerce_iVARG_to_FORMULA: unexpected argument";;
+let coerce_iVARG_to_ID =
+ function Varg_ident id -> id
+ | _ -> xlate_error "coerce_iVARG_to_ID";;
+let coerce_VARG_to_ID =
+ function
+ | CT_coerce_ID_OPT_OR_ALL_to_VARG (CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OPT_OR_ALL (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT x)) ->
+ x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "coerce_VARG_to_ID";;
+let xlate_ident_opt =
+ function
+ | None -> ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
+ | Some id -> ctf_ID_OPT_SOME (xlate_ident id)
+let xlate_id_to_id_or_int_opt s =
+ CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OR_INT_OPT
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT (CT_ident (string_of_id s)));;
+let xlate_int_to_id_or_int_opt n =
+ CT_coerce_ID_OR_INT_to_ID_OR_INT_OPT
+ (CT_coerce_INT_to_ID_OR_INT (CT_int n));;
+let none_in_id_or_int_opt =
+ CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OR_INT_OPT
+ (CT_coerce_NONE_to_ID_OPT(CT_none));;
+let xlate_int_opt = function
+ | Some n -> CT_coerce_INT_to_INT_OPT (CT_int n)
+ | None -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_INT_OPT CT_none
+let xlate_int_or_var_opt_to_int_opt = function
+ | Some (ArgArg n) -> CT_coerce_INT_to_INT_OPT (CT_int n)
+ | Some (ArgVar _) -> xlate_error "int_or_var: TODO"
+ | None -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_INT_OPT CT_none
+let apply_or_by_notation f = function
+ | AN x -> f x
+ | ByNotation _ -> xlate_error "TODO: ByNotation"
+let tac_qualid_to_ct_ID ref =
+ CT_ident (Libnames.string_of_qualid (snd (qualid_of_reference ref)))
+let loc_qualid_to_ct_ID ref =
+ CT_ident (Libnames.string_of_qualid (snd (qualid_of_reference ref)))
+let int_of_meta n = int_of_string (string_of_id n)
+let is_int_meta n = try let _ = int_of_meta n in true with _ -> false
+let xlate_qualid_list l = CT_id_list (List.map loc_qualid_to_ct_ID l)
+let reference_to_ct_ID = function
+ | Ident (_,id) -> CT_ident (Names.string_of_id id)
+ | Qualid (_,qid) -> CT_ident (Libnames.string_of_qualid qid)
+let xlate_class = function
+ | FunClass -> CT_ident "FUNCLASS"
+ | SortClass -> CT_ident "SORTCLASS"
+ | RefClass qid -> loc_qualid_to_ct_ID qid
+let id_to_pattern_var ctid =
+ match ctid with
+ | CT_metaid _ -> xlate_error "metaid not expected in pattern_var"
+ | CT_ident "_" ->
+ CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_MATCH_PATTERN (CT_coerce_NONE_to_ID_OPT CT_none)
+ | CT_ident id_string ->
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT (CT_ident id_string))
+ | CT_metac _ -> assert false;;
+exception Not_natural;;
+let xlate_sort =
+ function
+ | RProp Term.Pos -> CT_sortc "Set"
+ | RProp Term.Null -> CT_sortc "Prop"
+ | RType None -> CT_sortc "Type"
+ | RType (Some u) -> xlate_error "xlate_sort";;
+let xlate_qualid a =
+ let d,i = Libnames.repr_qualid a in
+ let l = Names.repr_dirpath d in
+ List.fold_left (fun s i1 -> (string_of_id i1) ^ "." ^ s) (string_of_id i) l;;
+(* // The next two functions should be modified to make direct reference
+ to a notation operator *)
+let notation_to_formula s l = CT_notation(CT_string s, CT_formula_list l);;
+let xlate_reference = function
+ Ident(_,i) -> CT_ident (string_of_id i)
+ | Qualid(_, q) -> CT_ident (xlate_qualid q);;
+let rec xlate_match_pattern =
+ function
+ | CPatAtom(_, Some s) -> id_to_pattern_var (xlate_reference s)
+ | CPatAtom(_, None) -> id_to_pattern_var (CT_ident "_")
+ | CPatCstr(_, f, []) -> id_to_pattern_var (xlate_reference f)
+ | CPatCstr (_, f1 , (arg1 :: args)) ->
+ CT_pattern_app
+ (id_to_pattern_var (xlate_reference f1),
+ CT_match_pattern_ne_list
+ (xlate_match_pattern arg1,
+ List.map xlate_match_pattern args))
+ | CPatAlias (_, pattern, id) ->
+ CT_pattern_as
+ (xlate_match_pattern pattern, CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT (xlate_ident id))
+ | CPatOr (_,l) -> xlate_error "CPatOr: TODO"
+ | CPatDelimiters(_, key, p) ->
+ CT_pattern_delimitors(CT_num_type key, xlate_match_pattern p)
+ | CPatPrim (_,Numeral n) ->
+ (CT_int_encapsulator(Bigint.to_string n))
+ | CPatPrim (_,String _) -> xlate_error "CPatPrim (String): TODO"
+ | CPatNotation(_, s, (l,[])) ->
+ CT_pattern_notation(CT_string s,
+ CT_match_pattern_list(List.map xlate_match_pattern l))
+ | CPatNotation(_, s, (l,_)) ->
+ xlate_error "CPatNotation (recursive notation): TODO"
+let xlate_id_opt_aux = function
+ Name id -> ctf_ID_OPT_SOME(CT_ident (string_of_id id))
+ | Anonymous -> ctv_ID_OPT_NONE;;
+let xlate_id_opt (_, v) = xlate_id_opt_aux v;;
+let xlate_id_opt_ne_list = function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | a::l -> CT_id_opt_ne_list(xlate_id_opt a, List.map xlate_id_opt l);;
+let rec last = function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | [a] -> a
+ | a::tl -> last tl;;
+let rec decompose_last = function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | [a] -> [], a
+ | a::tl -> let rl, b = decompose_last tl in (a::rl), b;;
+let make_fix_struct (n,bl) =
+ let names = names_of_local_assums bl in
+ let nn = List.length names in
+ if nn = 1 || n = None then ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
+ else ctf_ID_OPT_SOME(CT_ident (string_of_id (snd (Option.get n))));;
+let rec xlate_binder = function
+ (l,k,t) -> CT_binder(xlate_id_opt_ne_list l, xlate_formula t)
+and xlate_return_info = function
+| (Some Anonymous, None) | (None, None) ->
+ CT_coerce_NONE_to_RETURN_INFO CT_none
+| (None, Some t) -> CT_return(xlate_formula t)
+| (Some x, Some t) -> CT_as_and_return(xlate_id_opt_aux x, xlate_formula t)
+| (Some _, None) -> assert false
+and xlate_formula_opt =
+ function
+ | None -> ctv_FORMULA_OPT_NONE
+ | Some e -> CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_FORMULA_OPT (xlate_formula e)
+and xlate_binder_l = function
+ LocalRawAssum(l,_,t) -> CT_binder(xlate_id_opt_ne_list l, xlate_formula t)
+ | LocalRawDef(n,v) -> CT_coerce_DEF_to_BINDER(CT_def(xlate_id_opt n,
+ xlate_formula v))
+ xlate_match_pattern_ne_list = function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | a::l -> CT_match_pattern_ne_list(xlate_match_pattern a,
+ List.map xlate_match_pattern l)
+and translate_one_equation = function
+ (_,[_,lp], a) -> CT_eqn (xlate_match_pattern_ne_list lp, xlate_formula a)
+ | _ -> xlate_error "TODO: disjunctive multiple patterns"
+ xlate_binder_ne_list = function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | a::l -> CT_binder_ne_list(xlate_binder a, List.map xlate_binder l)
+ xlate_binder_list = function
+ l -> CT_binder_list( List.map xlate_binder_l l)
+and (xlate_formula:Topconstr.constr_expr -> Ascent.ct_FORMULA) = function
+ CRef r -> varc (xlate_reference r)
+ | CArrow(_,a,b)-> CT_arrowc (xlate_formula a, xlate_formula b)
+ | CProdN(_,ll,b) as whole_term ->
+ let rec gather_binders = function
+ CProdN(_, ll, b) ->
+ ll@(gather_binders b)
+ | _ -> [] in
+ let rec fetch_ultimate_body = function
+ CProdN(_, _, b) -> fetch_ultimate_body b
+ | a -> a in
+ CT_prodc(xlate_binder_ne_list (gather_binders whole_term),
+ xlate_formula (fetch_ultimate_body b))
+ | CLambdaN(_,ll,b)-> CT_lambdac(xlate_binder_ne_list ll, xlate_formula b)
+ | CLetIn(_, v, a, b) ->
+ CT_letin(CT_def(xlate_id_opt v, xlate_formula a), xlate_formula b)
+ | CAppExpl(_, (Some n, r), l) ->
+ let l', last = decompose_last l in
+ CT_proj(xlate_formula last,
+ CT_formula_ne_list
+ (CT_bang(varc (xlate_reference r)),
+ List.map xlate_formula l'))
+ | CAppExpl(_, (None, r), []) -> CT_bang(varc(xlate_reference r))
+ | CAppExpl(_, (None, r), l) ->
+ CT_appc(CT_bang(varc (xlate_reference r)),
+ xlate_formula_ne_list l)
+ | CApp(_, (Some n,f), l) ->
+ let l', last = decompose_last l in
+ CT_proj(xlate_formula_expl last,
+ CT_formula_ne_list
+ (xlate_formula f, List.map xlate_formula_expl l'))
+ | CApp(_, (_,f), l) ->
+ CT_appc(xlate_formula f, xlate_formula_expl_ne_list l)
+ | CRecord (_,_,_) -> xlate_error "CRecord: TODO"
+ | CCases (_, _, _, [], _) -> assert false
+ | CCases (_, _, ret_type, tm::tml, eqns)->
+ CT_cases(CT_matched_formula_ne_list(xlate_matched_formula tm,
+ List.map xlate_matched_formula tml),
+ xlate_formula_opt ret_type,
+ CT_eqn_list (List.map (fun x -> translate_one_equation x) eqns))
+ | CLetTuple (_,a::l, ret_info, c, b) ->
+ CT_let_tuple(CT_id_opt_ne_list(xlate_id_opt_aux a,
+ List.map xlate_id_opt_aux l),
+ xlate_return_info ret_info,
+ xlate_formula c,
+ xlate_formula b)
+ | CLetTuple (_, [], _, _, _) -> xlate_error "NOT parsed: Let with ()"
+ | CIf (_,c, ret_info, b1, b2) ->
+ CT_if
+ (xlate_formula c, xlate_return_info ret_info,
+ xlate_formula b1, xlate_formula b2)
+ | CSort(_, s) -> CT_coerce_SORT_TYPE_to_FORMULA(xlate_sort s)
+ | CNotation(_, s,(l,[])) -> notation_to_formula s (List.map xlate_formula l)
+ | CNotation(_, s,(l,_)) -> xlate_error "CNotation (recursive): TODO"
+ | CGeneralization(_,_,_,_) -> xlate_error "CGeneralization: TODO"
+ | CPrim (_, Numeral i) ->
+ CT_coerce_NUM_to_FORMULA(CT_int_encapsulator(Bigint.to_string i))
+ | CPrim (_, String _) -> xlate_error "CPrim (String): TODO"
+ | CHole _ -> CT_existvarc
+(* I assume CDynamic has been inserted to make free form extension of
+ the language possible, but this would go agains the logic of pcoq anyway. *)
+ | CDynamic (_, _) -> assert false
+ | CDelimiters (_, key, num) ->
+ CT_num_encapsulator(CT_num_type key , xlate_formula num)
+ | CCast (_, e, CastConv (_, t)) ->
+ (CT_typed_formula(xlate_formula e, xlate_formula t))
+ | CCast (_, e, CastCoerce) -> assert false
+ | CPatVar (_, (_,i)) when is_int_meta i ->
+ CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA(CT_metac (CT_int (int_of_meta i)))
+ | CPatVar (_, (false, s)) ->
+ CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA(CT_metaid (string_of_id s))
+ | CPatVar (_, (true, s)) ->
+ xlate_error "Second order variable not supported"
+ | CEvar _ -> xlate_error "CEvar not supported"
+ | CCoFix (_, (_, id), lm::lmi) ->
+ let strip_mutcorec ((_, fid), bl,arf, ardef) =
+ CT_cofix_rec (xlate_ident fid, xlate_binder_list bl,
+ xlate_formula arf, xlate_formula ardef) in
+ CT_cofixc(xlate_ident id,
+ (CT_cofix_rec_list (strip_mutcorec lm, List.map strip_mutcorec lmi)))
+ | CFix (_, (_, id), lm::lmi) ->
+ let strip_mutrec ((_, fid), (n, ro), bl, arf, ardef) =
+ let struct_arg = make_fix_struct (n, bl) in
+ let arf = xlate_formula arf in
+ let ardef = xlate_formula ardef in
+ match xlate_binder_list bl with
+ | CT_binder_list (b :: bl) ->
+ CT_fix_rec (xlate_ident fid, CT_binder_ne_list (b, bl),
+ struct_arg, arf, ardef)
+ | _ -> xlate_error "mutual recursive" in
+ CT_fixc (xlate_ident id,
+ CT_fix_binder_list
+ (CT_coerce_FIX_REC_to_FIX_BINDER
+ (strip_mutrec lm), List.map
+ (fun x-> CT_coerce_FIX_REC_to_FIX_BINDER (strip_mutrec x))
+ lmi))
+ | CCoFix _ -> assert false
+ | CFix _ -> assert false
+and xlate_matched_formula = function
+ (f, (Some x, Some y)) ->
+ CT_formula_as_in(xlate_formula f, xlate_id_opt_aux x, xlate_formula y)
+ | (f, (None, Some y)) ->
+ CT_formula_in(xlate_formula f, xlate_formula y)
+ | (f, (Some x, None)) ->
+ CT_formula_as(xlate_formula f, xlate_id_opt_aux x)
+ | (f, (None, None)) ->
+ CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_MATCHED_FORMULA(xlate_formula f)
+and xlate_formula_expl = function
+ (a, None) -> xlate_formula a
+ | (a, Some (_,ExplByPos (i, _))) ->
+ xlate_error "explicitation of implicit by rank not supported"
+ | (a, Some (_,ExplByName i)) ->
+ CT_labelled_arg(CT_ident (string_of_id i), xlate_formula a)
+and xlate_formula_expl_ne_list = function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | a::l -> CT_formula_ne_list(xlate_formula_expl a, List.map xlate_formula_expl l)
+and xlate_formula_ne_list = function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | a::l -> CT_formula_ne_list(xlate_formula a, List.map xlate_formula l);;
+let (xlate_ident_or_metaid:
+ Names.identifier Util.located Tacexpr.or_metaid -> ct_ID) = function
+ AI (_, x) -> xlate_ident x
+ | MetaId(_, x) -> CT_metaid x;;
+let nums_of_occs (b,nums) =
+ if b then nums
+ else List.map (function ArgArg x -> ArgArg (-x) | y -> y) nums
+let xlate_hyp = function
+ | AI (_,id) -> xlate_ident id
+ | MetaId _ -> xlate_error "MetaId should occur only in quotations"
+let xlate_hyp_location =
+ function
+ | (occs, AI (_,id)), InHypTypeOnly ->
+ CT_intype(xlate_ident id, nums_or_var_to_int_list (nums_of_occs occs))
+ | (occs, AI (_,id)), InHypValueOnly ->
+ CT_invalue(xlate_ident id, nums_or_var_to_int_list (nums_of_occs occs))
+ | (occs, AI (_,id)), InHyp when occs = all_occurrences_expr ->
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_UNFOLD (xlate_ident id))
+ | ((_,a::l as occs), AI (_,id)), InHyp ->
+ let nums = nums_of_occs occs in
+ let a = List.hd nums and l = List.tl nums in
+ (CT_unfold_occ (xlate_ident id,
+ CT_int_ne_list(num_or_var_to_int a,
+ nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l)))
+ | (_, AI (_,id)), InHyp -> xlate_error "Unused" (* (true,]) *)
+ | (_, MetaId _),_ ->
+ xlate_error "MetaId not supported in xlate_hyp_location (should occur only in quotations)"
+let xlate_clause cls =
+ let hyps_info =
+ match cls.onhyps with
+ None -> CT_coerce_STAR_to_HYP_LOCATION_LIST_OR_STAR CT_star
+ | Some l -> CT_hyp_location_list(List.map xlate_hyp_location l) in
+ CT_clause
+ (hyps_info,
+ if cls.concl_occs <> no_occurrences_expr then
+ CT_coerce_STAR_to_STAR_OPT CT_star
+ else
+ CT_coerce_NONE_to_STAR_OPT CT_none)
+(** Tactics
+ *)
+let strip_targ_spec_list =
+ function
+ | Targ_spec_list x -> x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "strip tactic: non binding-list argument";;
+let strip_targ_binding =
+ function
+ | Targ_binding x -> x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "strip tactic: non-binding argument";;
+let strip_targ_command =
+ function
+ | Targ_command x -> x
+ | Targ_binding_com x -> x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "strip tactic: non-command argument";;
+let strip_targ_ident =
+ function
+ | Targ_ident x -> x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "strip tactic: non-ident argument";;
+let strip_targ_int =
+ function
+ | Targ_int x -> x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "strip tactic: non-int argument";;
+let strip_targ_pattern =
+ function
+ | Targ_pattern x -> x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "strip tactic: non-pattern argument";;
+let strip_targ_unfold =
+ function
+ | Targ_unfold x -> x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "strip tactic: non-unfold argument";;
+let strip_targ_fixtac =
+ function
+ | Targ_fixtac x -> x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "strip tactic: non-fixtac argument";;
+let strip_targ_cofixtac =
+ function
+ | Targ_cofixtac x -> x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "strip tactic: non-cofixtac argument";;
+(*Need to transform formula to id for "Prolog" tactic problem *)
+let make_ID_from_FORMULA =
+ function
+ | CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA id -> id
+ | _ -> xlate_error "make_ID_from_FORMULA: non-formula argument";;
+let make_ID_from_iTARG_FORMULA x = make_ID_from_FORMULA (strip_targ_command x);;
+let xlate_quantified_hypothesis = function
+ | AnonHyp n -> CT_coerce_INT_to_ID_OR_INT (CT_int n)
+ | NamedHyp id -> CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_INT (xlate_ident id)
+let xlate_quantified_hypothesis_opt = function
+ | None ->
+ | Some (AnonHyp n) -> xlate_int_to_id_or_int_opt n
+ | Some (NamedHyp id) -> xlate_id_to_id_or_int_opt id;;
+let xlate_id_or_int = function
+ ArgArg n -> CT_coerce_INT_to_ID_OR_INT(CT_int n)
+ | ArgVar(_, s) -> CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_INT(xlate_ident s);;
+let xlate_explicit_binding (loc,h,c) =
+ CT_binding (xlate_quantified_hypothesis h, xlate_formula c)
+let xlate_bindings = function
+ | ImplicitBindings l ->
+ (CT_formula_list (List.map xlate_formula l))
+ | ExplicitBindings l ->
+ (CT_binding_list (List.map xlate_explicit_binding l))
+ | NoBindings ->
+ CT_coerce_FORMULA_LIST_to_SPEC_LIST (CT_formula_list [])
+let strip_targ_spec_list =
+ function
+ | Targ_spec_list x -> x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "strip_tar_spec_list";;
+let strip_targ_intropatt =
+ function
+ | Targ_intropatt x -> x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "strip_targ_intropatt";;
+let get_flag r =
+ let conv_flags, red_ids =
+ let csts = List.map (apply_or_by_notation tac_qualid_to_ct_ID) r.rConst in
+ if r.rDelta then
+ [CT_delta], CT_unfbut csts
+ else
+ (if r.rConst = []
+ then (* probably useless: just for compatibility *) []
+ else [CT_delta]),
+ CT_unf csts in
+ let conv_flags = if r.rBeta then CT_beta::conv_flags else conv_flags in
+ let conv_flags = if r.rIota then CT_iota::conv_flags else conv_flags in
+ let conv_flags = if r.rZeta then CT_zeta::conv_flags else conv_flags in
+ (* Rem: EVAR flag obsolète *)
+ conv_flags, red_ids
+let rec xlate_intro_pattern (loc,pat) = match pat with
+ | IntroOrAndPattern [] -> assert false
+ | IntroOrAndPattern (fp::ll) ->
+ CT_disj_pattern
+ (CT_intro_patt_list(List.map xlate_intro_pattern fp),
+ List.map
+ (fun l ->
+ CT_intro_patt_list(List.map xlate_intro_pattern l))
+ ll)
+ | IntroWildcard -> CT_coerce_ID_to_INTRO_PATT(CT_ident "_" )
+ | IntroIdentifier c -> CT_coerce_ID_to_INTRO_PATT(xlate_ident c)
+ | IntroAnonymous -> xlate_error "TODO: IntroAnonymous"
+ | IntroFresh _ -> xlate_error "TODO: IntroFresh"
+ | IntroRewrite _ -> xlate_error "TODO: IntroRewrite"
+let compute_INV_TYPE = function
+ FullInversionClear -> CT_inv_clear
+ | SimpleInversion -> CT_inv_simple
+ | FullInversion -> CT_inv_regular
+let is_tactic_special_case = function
+ "AutoRewrite" -> true
+ | _ -> false;;
+let xlate_context_pattern = function
+ | Term v ->
+ CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_CONTEXT_PATTERN (xlate_formula v)
+ | Subterm (b, idopt, v) -> (* TODO: application pattern *)
+ CT_context(xlate_ident_opt idopt, xlate_formula v)
+let xlate_match_context_hyps = function
+ | Hyp (na,b) -> CT_premise_pattern(xlate_id_opt na, xlate_context_pattern b)
+ | Def (na,b,t) -> xlate_error "TODO: Let hyps"
+ (* CT_premise_pattern(xlate_id_opt na, xlate_context_pattern b, xlate_context_pattern t);; *)
+let xlate_arg_to_id_opt = function
+ Some id -> CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT(CT_ident (string_of_id id))
+ | None -> ctv_ID_OPT_NONE;;
+let xlate_largs_to_id_opt largs =
+ match List.map xlate_arg_to_id_opt largs with
+ fst::rest -> fst, rest
+ | _ -> assert false;;
+let xlate_int_or_constr = function
+ ElimOnConstr (a,NoBindings) -> CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_FORMULA_OR_INT(xlate_formula a)
+ | ElimOnConstr _ -> xlate_error "TODO: ElimOnConstr with bindings"
+ | ElimOnIdent(_,i) ->
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_INT(xlate_ident i))
+ | ElimOnAnonHyp i ->
+ (CT_coerce_INT_to_ID_OR_INT(CT_int i));;
+let xlate_using = function
+ None -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_USING(CT_none)
+ | Some (c2,sl2) -> CT_using (xlate_formula c2, xlate_bindings sl2);;
+let xlate_one_unfold_block = function
+ ((true,[]),qid) ->
+ CT_coerce_ID_to_UNFOLD(apply_or_by_notation tac_qualid_to_ct_ID qid)
+ | (((_,_::_) as occs), qid) ->
+ let l = nums_of_occs occs in
+ CT_unfold_occ(apply_or_by_notation tac_qualid_to_ct_ID qid,
+ nums_or_var_to_int_ne_list (List.hd l) (List.tl l))
+ | ((false,[]), qid) -> xlate_error "Unused"
+let xlate_with_names = function
+ None -> CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_INTRO_PATT_OPT ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
+ | Some fp -> CT_coerce_INTRO_PATT_to_INTRO_PATT_OPT (xlate_intro_pattern fp)
+let rawwit_main_tactic = Pcoq.rawwit_tactic Pcoq.tactic_main_level
+let rec (xlate_tacarg:raw_tactic_arg -> ct_TACTIC_ARG) =
+ function
+ | TacVoid ->
+ CT_void
+ | Tacexp t ->
+ CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TACTIC_ARG(xlate_tactic t)
+ | Integer n ->
+ (CT_coerce_INT_to_ID_OR_INT (CT_int n)))
+ | Reference r ->
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_INT (reference_to_ct_ID r)))
+ | TacDynamic _ ->
+ failwith "Dynamics not treated in xlate_ast"
+ | ConstrMayEval (ConstrTerm c) ->
+ (CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_FORMULA_OR_INT (xlate_formula c))
+ | ConstrMayEval(ConstrEval(r,c)) ->
+ (CT_eval(CT_coerce_NONE_to_INT_OPT CT_none, xlate_red_tactic r,
+ xlate_formula c))
+ | ConstrMayEval(ConstrTypeOf(c)) ->
+ CT_coerce_TERM_CHANGE_to_TACTIC_ARG(CT_check_term(xlate_formula c))
+ | MetaIdArg _ ->
+ xlate_error "MetaIdArg should only be used in quotations"
+ | t ->
+ CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TACTIC_ARG(xlate_call_or_tacarg t)
+and (xlate_call_or_tacarg:raw_tactic_arg -> ct_TACTIC_COM) =
+ function
+ (* Moved from xlate_tactic *)
+ | TacCall (_, r, a::l) ->
+ CT_simple_user_tac
+ (reference_to_ct_ID r,
+ CT_tactic_arg_list(xlate_tacarg a,List.map xlate_tacarg l))
+ | Reference (Ident (_,s)) -> ident_tac s
+ | ConstrMayEval(ConstrTerm a) ->
+ CT_formula_marker(xlate_formula a)
+ | TacFreshId [] -> CT_fresh(ctf_STRING_OPT None)
+ | TacFreshId [ArgArg s] -> CT_fresh(ctf_STRING_OPT (Some s))
+ | TacFreshId _ -> xlate_error "TODO: fresh with many args"
+ | t -> xlate_error "TODO LATER: result other than tactic or constr"
+and xlate_red_tactic =
+ function
+ | Red true -> xlate_error ""
+ | Red false -> CT_red
+ | CbvVm -> CT_cbvvm
+ | Hnf -> CT_hnf
+ | Simpl None -> CT_simpl ctv_PATTERN_OPT_NONE
+ | Simpl (Some (occs,c)) ->
+ let l = nums_of_occs occs in
+ CT_simpl
+ (CT_pattern_occ
+ (CT_int_list(nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l), xlate_formula c)))
+ | Cbv flag_list ->
+ let conv_flags, red_ids = get_flag flag_list in
+ CT_cbv (CT_conversion_flag_list conv_flags, red_ids)
+ | Lazy flag_list ->
+ let conv_flags, red_ids = get_flag flag_list in
+ CT_lazy (CT_conversion_flag_list conv_flags, red_ids)
+ | Unfold unf_list ->
+ let ct_unf_list = List.map xlate_one_unfold_block unf_list in
+ (match ct_unf_list with
+ | first :: others -> CT_unfold (CT_unfold_ne_list (first, others))
+ | [] -> error "there should be at least one thing to unfold")
+ | Fold formula_list ->
+ CT_fold(CT_formula_list(List.map xlate_formula formula_list))
+ | Pattern l ->
+ let pat_list = List.map (fun (occs,c) ->
+ CT_pattern_occ
+ (CT_int_list (nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux (nums_of_occs occs)),
+ xlate_formula c)) l in
+ (match pat_list with
+ | first :: others -> CT_pattern (CT_pattern_ne_list (first, others))
+ | [] -> error "Expecting at least one pattern in a Pattern command")
+ | ExtraRedExpr _ -> xlate_error "TODO LATER: ExtraRedExpr (probably dead code)"
+and xlate_local_rec_tac = function
+ (* TODO LATER: local recursive tactics and global ones should be handled in
+ the same manner *)
+ | ((_,x),Tacexp (TacFun (argl,tac))) ->
+ let fst, rest = xlate_largs_to_id_opt argl in
+ CT_rec_tactic_fun(xlate_ident x,
+ CT_id_opt_ne_list(fst, rest),
+ xlate_tactic tac)
+ | _ -> xlate_error "TODO: more general argument of 'let rec in'"
+and xlate_tactic =
+ function
+ | TacFun (largs, t) ->
+ let fst, rest = xlate_largs_to_id_opt largs in
+ CT_tactic_fun (CT_id_opt_ne_list(fst, rest), xlate_tactic t)
+ | TacThen (t1,[||],t2,[||]) ->
+ (match xlate_tactic t1 with
+ CT_then(a,l) -> CT_then(a,l@[xlate_tactic t2])
+ | t -> CT_then (t,[xlate_tactic t2]))
+ | TacThen _ -> xlate_error "TacThen generalization TODO"
+ | TacThens(t1,[]) -> assert false
+ | TacThens(t1,t::l) ->
+ let ct = xlate_tactic t in
+ let cl = List.map xlate_tactic l in
+ (match xlate_tactic t1 with
+ CT_then(ct1,cl1) -> CT_then(ct1, cl1@[CT_parallel(ct, cl)])
+ | ct1 -> CT_then(ct1,[CT_parallel(ct, cl)]))
+ | TacFirst([]) -> assert false
+ | TacFirst(t1::l)-> CT_first(xlate_tactic t1, List.map xlate_tactic l)
+ | TacSolve([]) -> assert false
+ | TacSolve(t1::l)-> CT_tacsolve(xlate_tactic t1, List.map xlate_tactic l)
+ | TacComplete _ -> xlate_error "TODO: tactical complete"
+ | TacDo(count, t) -> CT_do(xlate_id_or_int count, xlate_tactic t)
+ | TacTry t -> CT_try (xlate_tactic t)
+ | TacRepeat t -> CT_repeat(xlate_tactic t)
+ | TacAbstract(t,id_opt) ->
+ CT_abstract((match id_opt with
+ None -> ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
+ | Some id -> ctf_ID_OPT_SOME (CT_ident (string_of_id id))),
+ xlate_tactic t)
+ | TacProgress t -> CT_progress(xlate_tactic t)
+ | TacOrelse(t1,t2) -> CT_orelse(xlate_tactic t1, xlate_tactic t2)
+ | TacMatch (true,_,_) -> failwith "TODO: lazy match"
+ | TacMatch (false, exp, rules) ->
+ CT_match_tac(xlate_tactic exp,
+ match List.map
+ (function
+ | Pat ([],p,tac) ->
+ CT_match_tac_rule(xlate_context_pattern p,
+ mk_let_value tac)
+ | Pat (_,p,tac) -> xlate_error"No hyps in pure Match"
+ | All tac ->
+ CT_match_tac_rule
+ CT_existvarc,
+ mk_let_value tac)) rules with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | fst::others ->
+ CT_match_tac_rules(fst, others))
+ | TacMatchGoal (_,_,[]) | TacMatchGoal (true,_,_) -> failwith ""
+ | TacMatchGoal (false,false,rule1::rules) ->
+ CT_match_context(xlate_context_rule rule1,
+ List.map xlate_context_rule rules)
+ | TacMatchGoal (false,true,rule1::rules) ->
+ CT_match_context_reverse(xlate_context_rule rule1,
+ List.map xlate_context_rule rules)
+ | TacLetIn (false, l, t) ->
+ let cvt_clause =
+ function
+ ((_,s),ConstrMayEval v) ->
+ CT_let_clause(xlate_ident s,
+ CT_coerce_NONE_to_TACTIC_OPT CT_none,
+ (formula_to_def_body v))
+ | ((_,s),Tacexp t) ->
+ CT_let_clause(xlate_ident s,
+ CT_coerce_NONE_to_TACTIC_OPT CT_none,
+ (xlate_tactic t))
+ | ((_,s),t) ->
+ CT_let_clause(xlate_ident s,
+ CT_coerce_NONE_to_TACTIC_OPT CT_none,
+ (xlate_call_or_tacarg t)) in
+ let cl_l = List.map cvt_clause l in
+ (match cl_l with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | fst::others ->
+ CT_let_ltac (CT_let_clauses(fst, others), mk_let_value t))
+ | TacLetIn(true, [], _) -> xlate_error "recursive definition with no definition"
+ | TacLetIn(true, f1::l, t) ->
+ let tl = CT_rec_tactic_fun_list
+ (xlate_local_rec_tac f1, List.map xlate_local_rec_tac l) in
+ CT_rec_tactic_in(tl, xlate_tactic t)
+ | TacAtom (_, t) -> xlate_tac t
+ | TacFail (count, []) -> CT_fail(xlate_id_or_int count, ctf_STRING_OPT_NONE)
+ | TacFail (count, [MsgString s]) -> CT_fail(xlate_id_or_int count,
+ ctf_STRING_OPT_SOME (CT_string s))
+ | TacFail (count, _) -> xlate_error "TODO: generic fail message"
+ | TacId [] -> CT_idtac ctf_STRING_OPT_NONE
+ | TacId [MsgString s] -> CT_idtac(ctf_STRING_OPT_SOME (CT_string s))
+ | TacId _ -> xlate_error "TODO: generic idtac message"
+ | TacInfo t -> CT_info(xlate_tactic t)
+ | TacArg a -> xlate_call_or_tacarg a
+and xlate_tac =
+ function
+ | TacExtend (_, "firstorder", tac_opt::l) ->
+ let t1 =
+ match
+ out_gen (wit_opt rawwit_main_tactic) tac_opt
+ with
+ | None -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_TACTIC_OPT CT_none
+ | Some t2 -> CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TACTIC_OPT (xlate_tactic t2) in
+ (match l with
+ [] -> CT_firstorder t1
+ | [l1] ->
+ (match genarg_tag l1 with
+ List1ArgType PreIdentArgType ->
+ let l2 = List.map
+ (fun x -> CT_ident x)
+ (out_gen (wit_list1 rawwit_pre_ident) l1) in
+ let fst,l3 =
+ match l2 with fst::l3 -> fst,l3 | [] -> assert false in
+ CT_firstorder_using(t1, CT_id_ne_list(fst, l3))
+ | List1ArgType RefArgType ->
+ let l2 = List.map reference_to_ct_ID
+ (out_gen (wit_list1 rawwit_ref) l1) in
+ let fst,l3 =
+ match l2 with fst::l3 -> fst, l3 | [] -> assert false in
+ CT_firstorder_with(t1, CT_id_ne_list(fst, l3))
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | TacExtend (_, "refine", [c]) ->
+ CT_refine (xlate_formula (snd (out_gen rawwit_casted_open_constr c)))
+ | TacExtend (_,"absurd",[c]) ->
+ CT_absurd (xlate_formula (out_gen rawwit_constr c))
+ | TacExtend (_,"contradiction",[opt_c]) ->
+ (match out_gen (wit_opt rawwit_constr_with_bindings) opt_c with
+ None -> CT_contradiction
+ | Some(c, b) ->
+ let c1 = xlate_formula c in
+ let bindings = xlate_bindings b in
+ CT_contradiction_thm(c1, bindings))
+ | TacChange (None, f, b) -> CT_change (xlate_formula f, xlate_clause b)
+ | TacChange (Some(l,c), f, b) ->
+ (* TODO LATER: combine with other constructions of pattern_occ *)
+ let l = nums_of_occs l in
+ CT_change_local(
+ CT_pattern_occ(CT_int_list(nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l),
+ xlate_formula c),
+ xlate_formula f,
+ xlate_clause b)
+ | TacExtend (_,"contradiction",[]) -> CT_contradiction
+ | TacDoubleInduction (n1, n2) ->
+ CT_tac_double (xlate_quantified_hypothesis n1, xlate_quantified_hypothesis n2)
+ | TacExtend (_,"discriminate", []) ->
+ CT_discriminate_eq (CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OR_INT_OPT ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
+ | TacExtend (_,"discriminate", [id]) ->
+ CT_discriminate_eq
+ (xlate_quantified_hypothesis_opt
+ (Some (out_gen rawwit_quant_hyp id)))
+ | TacExtend (_,"simplify_eq", []) ->
+ CT_simplify_eq (CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OR_INT_OPT
+ (CT_coerce_NONE_to_ID_OPT CT_none))
+ | TacExtend (_,"simplify_eq", [id]) ->
+ let id1 = out_gen rawwit_quant_hyp id in
+ let id2 = CT_coerce_ID_OR_INT_to_ID_OR_INT_OPT
+ (xlate_quantified_hypothesis id1) in
+ CT_simplify_eq id2
+ | TacExtend (_,"injection", []) ->
+ CT_injection_eq (CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OR_INT_OPT ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
+ | TacExtend (_,"injection", [id]) ->
+ CT_injection_eq
+ (xlate_quantified_hypothesis_opt
+ (Some (out_gen rawwit_quant_hyp id)))
+ | TacExtend (_,"injection_as", [idopt;ipat]) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: injection as"
+ | TacFix (idopt, n) ->
+ CT_fixtactic (xlate_ident_opt idopt, CT_int n, CT_fix_tac_list [])
+ | TacMutualFix (false, id, n, fixtac_list) ->
+ let f (id,n,c) = CT_fixtac (xlate_ident id, CT_int n, xlate_formula c) in
+ CT_fixtactic
+ (ctf_ID_OPT_SOME (xlate_ident id), CT_int n,
+ CT_fix_tac_list (List.map f fixtac_list))
+ | TacMutualFix (true, id, n, fixtac_list) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: non user-visible fix"
+ | TacCofix idopt ->
+ CT_cofixtactic (xlate_ident_opt idopt, CT_cofix_tac_list [])
+ | TacMutualCofix (false, id, cofixtac_list) ->
+ let f (id,c) = CT_cofixtac (xlate_ident id, xlate_formula c) in
+ CT_cofixtactic
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT (xlate_ident id),
+ CT_cofix_tac_list (List.map f cofixtac_list))
+ | TacMutualCofix (true, id, cofixtac_list) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: non user-visible cofix"
+ | TacIntrosUntil (NamedHyp id) ->
+ CT_intros_until (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_INT (xlate_ident id))
+ | TacIntrosUntil (AnonHyp n) ->
+ CT_intros_until (CT_coerce_INT_to_ID_OR_INT (CT_int n))
+ | TacIntroMove (Some id1, MoveAfter id2) ->
+ CT_intro_after(CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT (xlate_ident id1),xlate_hyp id2)
+ | TacIntroMove (None, MoveAfter id2) ->
+ CT_intro_after(CT_coerce_NONE_to_ID_OPT CT_none, xlate_hyp id2)
+ | TacMove (true, id1, MoveAfter id2) ->
+ CT_move_after(xlate_hyp id1, xlate_hyp id2)
+ | TacMove (false, id1, id2) -> xlate_error "Non dep Move is only internal"
+ | TacMove _ -> xlate_error "TODO: move before, at top, at bottom"
+ | TacIntroPattern patt_list ->
+ CT_intros
+ (CT_intro_patt_list (List.map xlate_intro_pattern patt_list))
+ | TacIntroMove (Some id, MoveToEnd true) ->
+ CT_intros (CT_intro_patt_list[CT_coerce_ID_to_INTRO_PATT(xlate_ident id)])
+ | TacIntroMove (None, MoveToEnd true) ->
+ CT_intro (CT_coerce_NONE_to_ID_OPT CT_none)
+ | TacIntroMove _ -> xlate_error "TODO"
+ | TacLeft (false,bindl) -> CT_left (xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacRight (false,bindl) -> CT_right (xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacSplit (false,false,bindl) -> CT_split (xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacSplit (false,true,bindl) -> CT_exists (xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacSplit _ | TacRight _ | TacLeft _ ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: esplit, eright, etc"
+ | TacExtend (_,"replace", [c1; c2;cl;tac_opt]) ->
+ let c1 = xlate_formula (out_gen rawwit_constr c1) in
+ let c2 = xlate_formula (out_gen rawwit_constr c2) in
+ let cl =
+ (* J.F. : 18/08/2006
+ Hack to coerce the "clause" argument of replace to a real clause
+ To be remove if we can reuse the clause grammar entrie defined in g_tactic
+ *)
+ let cl_as_clause = Extraargs.raw_in_arg_hyp_to_clause (out_gen Extraargs.rawwit_in_arg_hyp cl) in
+ let cl_as_xlate_arg =
+ {cl_as_clause with
+ Tacexpr.onhyps =
+ Option.map
+ (fun l ->
+ List.map (fun ((l,id),hyp_flag) -> ((l, Tacexpr.AI ((),id)) ,hyp_flag)) l
+ )
+ cl_as_clause.Tacexpr.onhyps
+ }
+ in
+ cl_as_xlate_arg
+ in
+ let cl = xlate_clause cl in
+ let tac_opt =
+ match out_gen (Extraargs.rawwit_by_arg_tac) tac_opt with
+ | None -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_TACTIC_OPT CT_none
+ | Some tac ->
+ let tac = xlate_tactic tac in
+ CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TACTIC_OPT tac
+ in
+ CT_replace_with (c1, c2,cl,tac_opt)
+ | TacRewrite(false,[b,Precisely 1,cbindl],cl,None) ->
+ let cl = xlate_clause cl
+ and c = xlate_formula (fst cbindl)
+ and bindl = xlate_bindings (snd cbindl) in
+ if b then CT_rewrite_lr (c, bindl, cl)
+ else CT_rewrite_rl (c, bindl, cl)
+ | TacRewrite(_,_,_,Some _) -> xlate_error "TODO: rewrite by"
+ | TacRewrite(false,_,cl,_) -> xlate_error "TODO: rewrite of several hyps at once"
+ | TacRewrite(true,_,cl,_) -> xlate_error "TODO: erewrite"
+ | TacExtend (_,"conditional_rewrite", [t; b; cbindl]) ->
+ let t = out_gen rawwit_main_tactic t in
+ let b = out_gen Extraargs.rawwit_orient b in
+ let (c,bindl) = out_gen rawwit_constr_with_bindings cbindl in
+ let c = xlate_formula c and bindl = xlate_bindings bindl in
+ if b then CT_condrewrite_lr (xlate_tactic t, c, bindl, ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
+ else CT_condrewrite_rl (xlate_tactic t, c, bindl, ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
+ | TacExtend (_,"conditional_rewrite", [t; b; cbindl; id]) ->
+ let t = out_gen rawwit_main_tactic t in
+ let b = out_gen Extraargs.rawwit_orient b in
+ let (c,bindl) = out_gen rawwit_constr_with_bindings cbindl in
+ let c = xlate_formula c and bindl = xlate_bindings bindl in
+ let id = ctf_ID_OPT_SOME (xlate_ident (snd (out_gen rawwit_var id))) in
+ if b then CT_condrewrite_lr (xlate_tactic t, c, bindl, id)
+ else CT_condrewrite_rl (xlate_tactic t, c, bindl, id)
+ | TacExtend (_,"dependent_rewrite", [b; c]) ->
+ let b = out_gen Extraargs.rawwit_orient b in
+ let c = xlate_formula (out_gen rawwit_constr c) in
+ (match c with
+ | CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA (CT_ident _ as id) ->
+ if b then CT_deprewrite_lr id else CT_deprewrite_rl id
+ | _ -> xlate_error "dependent rewrite on term: not supported")
+ | TacExtend (_,"dependent_rewrite", [b; c; id]) ->
+ xlate_error "dependent rewrite on terms in hypothesis: not supported"
+ | TacExtend (_,"cut_rewrite", [b; c]) ->
+ let b = out_gen Extraargs.rawwit_orient b in
+ let c = xlate_formula (out_gen rawwit_constr c) in
+ if b then CT_cutrewrite_lr (c, ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
+ else CT_cutrewrite_lr (c, ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
+ | TacExtend (_,"cut_rewrite", [b; c; id]) ->
+ let b = out_gen Extraargs.rawwit_orient b in
+ let c = xlate_formula (out_gen rawwit_constr c) in
+ let id = xlate_ident (snd (out_gen rawwit_var id)) in
+ if b then CT_cutrewrite_lr (c, ctf_ID_OPT_SOME id)
+ else CT_cutrewrite_lr (c, ctf_ID_OPT_SOME id)
+ | TacExtend(_, "subst", [l]) ->
+ CT_subst
+ (CT_id_list
+ (List.map (fun x -> CT_ident (string_of_id x))
+ (out_gen (wit_list1 rawwit_ident) l)))
+ | TacReflexivity -> CT_reflexivity
+ | TacSymmetry cls -> CT_symmetry(xlate_clause cls)
+ | TacTransitivity c -> CT_transitivity (xlate_formula c)
+ | TacAssumption -> CT_assumption
+ | TacExact c -> CT_exact (xlate_formula c)
+ | TacExactNoCheck c -> CT_exact_no_check (xlate_formula c)
+ | TacVmCastNoCheck c -> CT_vm_cast_no_check (xlate_formula c)
+ | TacDestructHyp (true, (_,id)) -> CT_cdhyp (xlate_ident id)
+ | TacDestructHyp (false, (_,id)) -> CT_dhyp (xlate_ident id)
+ | TacDestructConcl -> CT_dconcl
+ | TacSuperAuto (nopt,l,a3,a4) ->
+ CT_superauto(
+ xlate_int_opt nopt,
+ xlate_qualid_list l,
+ (if a3 then CT_destructing else CT_coerce_NONE_to_DESTRUCTING CT_none),
+ (if a4 then CT_usingtdb else CT_coerce_NONE_to_USINGTDB CT_none))
+ | TacAutoTDB nopt -> CT_autotdb (xlate_int_opt nopt)
+ | TacAuto (nopt, [], Some []) -> CT_auto (xlate_int_or_var_opt_to_int_opt nopt)
+ | TacAuto (nopt, [], None) ->
+ CT_auto_with (xlate_int_or_var_opt_to_int_opt nopt,
+ CT_coerce_STAR_to_ID_NE_LIST_OR_STAR CT_star)
+ | TacAuto (nopt, [], Some (id1::idl)) ->
+ CT_auto_with(xlate_int_or_var_opt_to_int_opt nopt,
+ CT_id_ne_list(CT_ident id1, List.map (fun x -> CT_ident x) idl)))
+ | TacAuto (nopt, _::_, _) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: auto using"
+ |TacExtend(_, ("autorewritev7"|"autorewritev8"), l::t) ->
+ let (id_list:ct_ID list) =
+ List.map (fun x -> CT_ident x) (out_gen (wit_list1 rawwit_pre_ident) l) in
+ let fst, (id_list1: ct_ID list) =
+ match id_list with [] -> assert false | a::tl -> a,tl in
+ let t1 =
+ match t with
+ [t0] ->
+ (xlate_tactic(out_gen rawwit_main_tactic t0))
+ | [] -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_TACTIC_OPT CT_none
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ CT_autorewrite (CT_id_ne_list(fst, id_list1), t1)
+ | TacExtend (_,"eauto", [nopt; popt; lems; idl]) ->
+ let first_n =
+ match out_gen (wit_opt rawwit_int_or_var) nopt with
+ | Some (ArgVar(_, s)) -> xlate_id_to_id_or_int_opt s
+ | Some (ArgArg n) -> xlate_int_to_id_or_int_opt n
+ | None -> none_in_id_or_int_opt in
+ let second_n =
+ match out_gen (wit_opt rawwit_int_or_var) popt with
+ | Some (ArgVar(_, s)) -> xlate_id_to_id_or_int_opt s
+ | Some (ArgArg n) -> xlate_int_to_id_or_int_opt n
+ | None -> none_in_id_or_int_opt in
+ let _lems =
+ match out_gen Eauto.rawwit_auto_using lems with
+ | [] -> []
+ | _ -> xlate_error "TODO: eauto using" in
+ let idl = out_gen Eauto.rawwit_hintbases idl in
+ (match idl with
+ None -> CT_eauto_with(first_n,
+ second_n,
+ CT_coerce_STAR_to_ID_NE_LIST_OR_STAR CT_star)
+ | Some [] -> CT_eauto(first_n, second_n)
+ | Some (a::l) ->
+ CT_eauto_with(first_n, second_n,
+ (CT_id_ne_list
+ (CT_ident a,
+ List.map (fun x -> CT_ident x) l))))
+ | TacExtend (_,"prolog", [cl; n]) ->
+ let cl = List.map xlate_formula (out_gen (wit_list0 rawwit_constr) cl) in
+ (match out_gen rawwit_int_or_var n with
+ | ArgVar _ -> xlate_error ""
+ | ArgArg n -> CT_prolog (CT_formula_list cl, CT_int n))
+ (* eapply now represented by TacApply (true,cbindl)
+ | TacExtend (_,"eapply", [cbindl]) ->
+ | TacTrivial ([],Some []) -> CT_trivial
+ | TacTrivial ([],None) ->
+ CT_trivial_with(CT_coerce_STAR_to_ID_NE_LIST_OR_STAR CT_star)
+ | TacTrivial ([],Some (id1::idl)) ->
+ CT_trivial_with(CT_coerce_ID_NE_LIST_to_ID_NE_LIST_OR_STAR(
+ (CT_id_ne_list(CT_ident id1,List.map (fun x -> CT_ident x) idl))))
+ | TacTrivial (_::_,_) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: trivial using"
+ | TacReduce (red, l) ->
+ CT_reduce (xlate_red_tactic red, xlate_clause l)
+ | TacApply (true,false,[c,bindl],None) ->
+ CT_apply (xlate_formula c, xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacApply (true,true,[c,bindl],None) ->
+ CT_eapply (xlate_formula c, xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacApply (_,_,_,_) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: simple (e)apply and iterated apply and apply in"
+ | TacConstructor (false,n_or_meta, bindl) ->
+ let n = match n_or_meta with AI n -> n | MetaId _ -> xlate_error ""
+ in CT_constructor (CT_int n, xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacConstructor _ -> xlate_error "TODO: econstructor"
+ | TacSpecialize (nopt, (c,sl)) ->
+ CT_specialize (xlate_int_opt nopt, xlate_formula c, xlate_bindings sl)
+ | TacGeneralize [] -> xlate_error ""
+ | TacGeneralize ((((true,[]),first),Anonymous) :: cl)
+ when List.for_all (fun ((o,_),na) -> o = all_occurrences_expr
+ & na = Anonymous) cl ->
+ CT_generalize
+ (CT_formula_ne_list (xlate_formula first,
+ List.map (fun ((_,c),_) -> xlate_formula c) cl))
+ | TacGeneralize _ -> xlate_error "TODO: Generalize at and as"
+ | TacGeneralizeDep c ->
+ CT_generalize_dependent (xlate_formula c)
+ | TacElimType c -> CT_elim_type (xlate_formula c)
+ | TacCaseType c -> CT_case_type (xlate_formula c)
+ | TacElim (false,(c1,sl), u) ->
+ CT_elim (xlate_formula c1, xlate_bindings sl, xlate_using u)
+ | TacCase (false,(c1,sl)) ->
+ CT_casetac (xlate_formula c1, xlate_bindings sl)
+ | TacElim (true,_,_) | TacCase (true,_)
+ | TacInductionDestruct (_,true,_) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: eelim, ecase, edestruct, einduction"
+ | TacSimpleInductionDestruct (true,h) ->
+ CT_induction (xlate_quantified_hypothesis h)
+ | TacSimpleInductionDestruct (false,h) ->
+ CT_destruct (xlate_quantified_hypothesis h)
+ | TacCut c -> CT_cut (xlate_formula c)
+ | TacLApply c -> CT_use (xlate_formula c)
+ | TacDecompose ([],c) ->
+ xlate_error "Decompose : empty list of identifiers?"
+ | TacDecompose (id::l,c) ->
+ let id' = apply_or_by_notation tac_qualid_to_ct_ID id in
+ let l' = List.map (apply_or_by_notation tac_qualid_to_ct_ID) l in
+ CT_decompose_list(CT_id_ne_list(id',l'),xlate_formula c)
+ | TacDecomposeAnd c -> CT_decompose_record (xlate_formula c)
+ | TacDecomposeOr c -> CT_decompose_sum(xlate_formula c)
+ | TacClear (false,[]) ->
+ xlate_error "Clear expects a non empty list of identifiers"
+ | TacClear (false,id::idl) ->
+ let idl' = List.map xlate_hyp idl in
+ CT_clear (CT_id_ne_list (xlate_hyp id, idl'))
+ | TacClear (true,_) -> xlate_error "TODO: 'clear - idl' and 'clear'"
+ | TacRevert _ -> xlate_error "TODO: revert"
+ | (*For translating tactics/Inv.v *)
+ TacInversion (NonDepInversion (k,idl,l),quant_hyp) ->
+ CT_inversion(compute_INV_TYPE k, xlate_quantified_hypothesis quant_hyp,
+ xlate_with_names l,
+ CT_id_list (List.map xlate_hyp idl))
+ | TacInversion (DepInversion (k,copt,l),quant_hyp) ->
+ let id = xlate_quantified_hypothesis quant_hyp in
+ CT_depinversion (compute_INV_TYPE k, id,
+ xlate_with_names l, xlate_formula_opt copt)
+ | TacInversion (InversionUsing (c,idlist), id) ->
+ let id = xlate_quantified_hypothesis id in
+ CT_use_inversion (id, xlate_formula c,
+ CT_id_list (List.map xlate_hyp idlist))
+ | TacExtend (_,"omega", []) -> CT_omega
+ | TacRename [id1, id2] -> CT_rename(xlate_hyp id1, xlate_hyp id2)
+ | TacRename _ -> xlate_error "TODO: add support for n-ary rename"
+ | TacClearBody([]) -> assert false
+ | TacClearBody(a::l) ->
+ CT_clear_body (CT_id_ne_list (xlate_hyp a, List.map xlate_hyp l))
+ | TacDAuto (a, b, []) ->
+ CT_dauto(xlate_int_or_var_opt_to_int_opt a, xlate_int_opt b)
+ | TacDAuto (a, b, _) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: dauto using"
+ | TacInductionDestruct(true,false,[a,b,(None,c),None]) ->
+ CT_new_destruct
+ (List.map xlate_int_or_constr a, xlate_using b,
+ xlate_with_names c)
+ | TacInductionDestruct(false,false,[a,b,(None,c),None]) ->
+ CT_new_induction
+ (List.map xlate_int_or_constr a, xlate_using b,
+ xlate_with_names c)
+ | TacInductionDestruct(_,false,_) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: clause 'in' and full 'as' of destruct/induction"
+ | TacLetTac (na, c, cl, true) when cl = nowhere ->
+ CT_pose(xlate_id_opt_aux na, xlate_formula c)
+ | TacLetTac (na, c, cl, true) ->
+ CT_lettac(xlate_id_opt ((0,0),na), xlate_formula c,
+ (* TODO LATER: This should be shared with Unfold,
+ but the structures are different *)
+ xlate_clause cl)
+ | TacLetTac (na, c, cl, false) -> xlate_error "TODO: remember"
+ | TacAssert (None, Some (_,IntroIdentifier id), c) ->
+ CT_assert(xlate_id_opt ((0,0),Name id), xlate_formula c)
+ | TacAssert (None, None, c) ->
+ CT_assert(xlate_id_opt ((0,0),Anonymous), xlate_formula c)
+ | TacAssert (Some (TacId []), Some (_,IntroIdentifier id), c) ->
+ CT_truecut(xlate_id_opt ((0,0),Name id), xlate_formula c)
+ | TacAssert (Some (TacId []), None, c) ->
+ CT_truecut(xlate_id_opt ((0,0),Anonymous), xlate_formula c)
+ | TacAssert _ ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: assert with 'as' and 'by' and pose proof with 'as'"
+ | TacAnyConstructor(false,Some tac) ->
+ CT_any_constructor
+ (CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TACTIC_OPT(xlate_tactic tac))
+ | TacAnyConstructor(false,None) ->
+ CT_any_constructor(CT_coerce_NONE_to_TACTIC_OPT CT_none)
+ | TacAnyConstructor _ -> xlate_error "TODO: econstructor"
+ | TacExtend(_, "ring", [args]) ->
+ CT_ring
+ (CT_formula_list
+ (List.map xlate_formula
+ (out_gen (wit_list0 rawwit_constr) args)))
+ | TacExtend (_, "f_equal", _) -> xlate_error "TODO: f_equal"
+ | TacExtend (_,id, l) ->
+ print_endline ("Extratactics : "^ id);
+ CT_user_tac (CT_ident id, CT_targ_list (List.map coerce_genarg_to_TARG l))
+ | TacAlias _ -> xlate_error "Alias not supported"
+and coerce_genarg_to_TARG x =
+ match Genarg.genarg_tag x with
+ (* Basic types *)
+ | BoolArgType -> xlate_error "TODO: generic boolean argument"
+ | IntArgType ->
+ let n = out_gen rawwit_int x in
+ (CT_coerce_INT_to_ID_OR_INT (CT_int n)))
+ | IntOrVarArgType ->
+ let x = match out_gen rawwit_int_or_var x with
+ | ArgArg n -> CT_coerce_INT_to_ID_OR_INT (CT_int n)
+ | ArgVar (_,id) -> CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_INT (xlate_ident id) in
+ (CT_coerce_ID_OR_INT_to_FORMULA_OR_INT x)
+ | StringArgType ->
+ let s = CT_string (out_gen rawwit_string x) in
+ (CT_coerce_STRING_to_ID_OR_STRING s))
+ | PreIdentArgType ->
+ let id = CT_ident (out_gen rawwit_pre_ident x) in
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_INT id))
+ | IntroPatternArgType ->
+ xlate_error "TODO"
+ | IdentArgType true ->
+ let id = xlate_ident (out_gen rawwit_ident x) in
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_INT id))
+ | IdentArgType false ->
+ xlate_error "TODO"
+ | VarArgType ->
+ let id = xlate_ident (snd (out_gen rawwit_var x)) in
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_INT id))
+ | RefArgType ->
+ let id = tac_qualid_to_ct_ID (out_gen rawwit_ref x) in
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_INT id))
+ (* Specific types *)
+ | SortArgType ->
+ (CT_coerce_SORT_TYPE_to_FORMULA (xlate_sort (out_gen rawwit_sort x))))
+ | ConstrArgType ->
+ (CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_SCOMMENT_CONTENT (xlate_formula (out_gen rawwit_constr x)))
+ | ConstrMayEvalArgType -> xlate_error"TODO: generic constr-may-eval argument"
+ | QuantHypArgType ->xlate_error"TODO: generic quantified hypothesis argument"
+ | OpenConstrArgType b ->
+ (CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_SCOMMENT_CONTENT(xlate_formula
+ (snd (out_gen
+ (rawwit_open_constr_gen b) x))))
+ | ExtraArgType s as y when Pcoq.is_tactic_genarg y ->
+ let n = Option.get (Pcoq.tactic_genarg_level s) in
+ let t = xlate_tactic (out_gen (Pcoq.rawwit_tactic n) x) in
+ CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TARG t
+ | ConstrWithBindingsArgType -> xlate_error "TODO: generic constr with bindings"
+ | BindingsArgType -> xlate_error "TODO: generic with bindings"
+ | RedExprArgType -> xlate_error "TODO: generic red expr"
+ | List0ArgType l -> xlate_error "TODO: lists of generic arguments"
+ | List1ArgType l -> xlate_error "TODO: non empty lists of generic arguments"
+ | OptArgType x -> xlate_error "TODO: optional generic arguments"
+ | PairArgType (u,v) -> xlate_error "TODO: pairs of generic arguments"
+ | ExtraArgType s -> xlate_error "Cannot treat extra generic arguments"
+and xlate_context_rule =
+ function
+ | Pat (hyps, concl_pat, tactic) ->
+ CT_context_rule
+ (CT_context_hyp_list (List.map xlate_match_context_hyps hyps),
+ xlate_context_pattern concl_pat, xlate_tactic tactic)
+ | All tactic ->
+ CT_def_context_rule (xlate_tactic tactic)
+and formula_to_def_body =
+ function
+ | ConstrEval (red, f) ->
+ CT_coerce_EVAL_CMD_to_DEF_BODY(
+ CT_eval(CT_coerce_NONE_to_INT_OPT CT_none,
+ xlate_red_tactic red, xlate_formula f))
+ | ConstrContext((_, id), f) ->
+ (CT_context
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT (CT_ident (string_of_id id)),
+ xlate_formula f))
+ | ConstrTypeOf f -> CT_type_of (xlate_formula f)
+ | ConstrTerm c -> ct_coerce_FORMULA_to_DEF_BODY(xlate_formula c)
+and mk_let_value = function
+ TacArg (ConstrMayEval v) ->
+ CT_coerce_DEF_BODY_to_LET_VALUE(formula_to_def_body v)
+ | v -> CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_LET_VALUE(xlate_tactic v);;
+let coerce_genarg_to_VARG x =
+ match Genarg.genarg_tag x with
+ (* Basic types *)
+ | BoolArgType -> xlate_error "TODO: generic boolean argument"
+ | IntArgType ->
+ let n = out_gen rawwit_int x in
+ CT_coerce_ID_OR_INT_OPT_to_VARG
+ (CT_coerce_INT_OPT_to_ID_OR_INT_OPT
+ (CT_coerce_INT_to_INT_OPT (CT_int n)))
+ | IntOrVarArgType ->
+ (match out_gen rawwit_int_or_var x with
+ | ArgArg n ->
+ CT_coerce_ID_OR_INT_OPT_to_VARG
+ (CT_coerce_INT_OPT_to_ID_OR_INT_OPT
+ (CT_coerce_INT_to_INT_OPT (CT_int n)))
+ | ArgVar (_,id) ->
+ CT_coerce_ID_OPT_OR_ALL_to_VARG
+ (CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OPT_OR_ALL
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT (xlate_ident id))))
+ | StringArgType ->
+ let s = CT_string (out_gen rawwit_string x) in
+ CT_coerce_STRING_OPT_to_VARG (CT_coerce_STRING_to_STRING_OPT s)
+ | PreIdentArgType ->
+ let id = CT_ident (out_gen rawwit_pre_ident x) in
+ CT_coerce_ID_OPT_OR_ALL_to_VARG
+ (CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OPT_OR_ALL
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT id))
+ | IntroPatternArgType ->
+ xlate_error "TODO"
+ | IdentArgType true ->
+ let id = xlate_ident (out_gen rawwit_ident x) in
+ CT_coerce_ID_OPT_OR_ALL_to_VARG
+ (CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OPT_OR_ALL
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT id))
+ | IdentArgType false ->
+ xlate_error "TODO"
+ | VarArgType ->
+ let id = xlate_ident (snd (out_gen rawwit_var x)) in
+ CT_coerce_ID_OPT_OR_ALL_to_VARG
+ (CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OPT_OR_ALL
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT id))
+ | RefArgType ->
+ let id = tac_qualid_to_ct_ID (out_gen rawwit_ref x) in
+ CT_coerce_ID_OPT_OR_ALL_to_VARG
+ (CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OPT_OR_ALL
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT id))
+ (* Specific types *)
+ | SortArgType ->
+ (CT_coerce_SORT_TYPE_to_FORMULA (xlate_sort (out_gen rawwit_sort x))))
+ | ConstrArgType ->
+ (CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_FORMULA_OPT (xlate_formula (out_gen rawwit_constr x)))
+ | ConstrMayEvalArgType -> xlate_error"TODO: generic constr-may-eval argument"
+ | QuantHypArgType ->xlate_error"TODO: generic quantified hypothesis argument"
+ | ExtraArgType s as y when Pcoq.is_tactic_genarg y ->
+ let n = Option.get (Pcoq.tactic_genarg_level s) in
+ let t = xlate_tactic (out_gen (Pcoq.rawwit_tactic n) x) in
+ | OpenConstrArgType _ -> xlate_error "TODO: generic open constr"
+ | ConstrWithBindingsArgType -> xlate_error "TODO: generic constr with bindings"
+ | BindingsArgType -> xlate_error "TODO: generic with bindings"
+ | RedExprArgType -> xlate_error "TODO: red expr as generic argument"
+ | List0ArgType l -> xlate_error "TODO: lists of generic arguments"
+ | List1ArgType l -> xlate_error "TODO: non empty lists of generic arguments"
+ | OptArgType x -> xlate_error "TODO: optional generic arguments"
+ | PairArgType (u,v) -> xlate_error "TODO: pairs of generic arguments"
+ | ExtraArgType s -> xlate_error "Cannot treat extra generic arguments"
+let xlate_thm x = CT_thm (string_of_theorem_kind x)
+let xlate_defn k = CT_defn (string_of_definition_kind k)
+let xlate_var x = CT_var (match x with
+ | (Global,Definitional) -> "Parameter"
+ | (Global,Logical) -> "Axiom"
+ | (Local,Definitional) -> "Variable"
+ | (Local,Logical) -> "Hypothesis"
+ | (Global,Conjectural) -> "Conjecture"
+ | (Local,Conjectural) -> xlate_error "No local conjecture");;
+let xlate_dep =
+ function
+ | true -> CT_dep "Induction for"
+ | false -> CT_dep "Minimality for";;
+let xlate_locn =
+ function
+ | GoTo n -> CT_coerce_INT_to_INT_OR_LOCN (CT_int n)
+ | GoTop -> CT_coerce_LOCN_to_INT_OR_LOCN (CT_locn "top")
+ | GoPrev -> CT_coerce_LOCN_to_INT_OR_LOCN (CT_locn "prev")
+ | GoNext -> CT_coerce_LOCN_to_INT_OR_LOCN (CT_locn "next")
+let xlate_search_restr =
+ function
+ | SearchOutside [] -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_IN_OR_OUT_MODULES CT_none
+ | SearchInside (m1::l1) ->
+ CT_in_modules (CT_id_ne_list(loc_qualid_to_ct_ID m1,
+ List.map loc_qualid_to_ct_ID l1))
+ | SearchOutside (m1::l1) ->
+ CT_out_modules (CT_id_ne_list(loc_qualid_to_ct_ID m1,
+ List.map loc_qualid_to_ct_ID l1))
+ | SearchInside [] -> xlate_error "bad extra argument for Search"
+let xlate_check =
+ function
+ | "CHECK" -> "Check"
+ | "PRINTTYPE" -> "Type"
+ | _ -> xlate_error "xlate_check";;
+let build_constructors l =
+ let f (coe,((_,id),c)) =
+ if coe then CT_constr_coercion (xlate_ident id, xlate_formula c)
+ else CT_constr (xlate_ident id, xlate_formula c) in
+ CT_constr_list (List.map f l)
+let build_record_field_list l =
+ let build_record_field ((coe,d),not) = match d with
+ | AssumExpr (id,c) ->
+ if coe then CT_recconstr_coercion (xlate_id_opt id, xlate_formula c)
+ else
+ CT_recconstr(xlate_id_opt id, xlate_formula c)
+ | DefExpr (id,c,topt) ->
+ if coe then
+ CT_defrecconstr_coercion(xlate_id_opt id, xlate_formula c,
+ xlate_formula_opt topt)
+ else
+ CT_defrecconstr(xlate_id_opt id, xlate_formula c, xlate_formula_opt topt) in
+ CT_recconstr_list (List.map build_record_field l);;
+let get_require_flags impexp spec =
+ let ct_impexp =
+ match impexp with
+ | None -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_IMPEXP CT_none
+ | Some false -> CT_import
+ | Some true -> CT_export in
+ let ct_spec =
+ match spec with
+ | None -> ctv_SPEC_OPT_NONE
+ | Some true -> CT_spec
+ | Some false -> ctv_SPEC_OPT_NONE in
+ ct_impexp, ct_spec;;
+let cvt_optional_eval_for_definition c1 optional_eval =
+ match optional_eval with
+ None -> ct_coerce_FORMULA_to_DEF_BODY (xlate_formula c1)
+ | Some red ->
+ CT_coerce_EVAL_CMD_to_DEF_BODY(
+ CT_eval(CT_coerce_NONE_to_INT_OPT CT_none,
+ xlate_red_tactic red,
+ xlate_formula c1))
+let cvt_vernac_binder = function
+ | b,(id::idl,c) ->
+ let l,t =
+ CT_id_opt_ne_list
+ (xlate_ident_opt (Some (snd id)),
+ List.map (fun id -> xlate_ident_opt (Some (snd id))) idl),
+ xlate_formula c in
+ if b then
+ CT_binder_coercion(l,t)
+ else
+ CT_binder(l,t)
+ | _, _ -> xlate_error "binder with no left part, rejected";;
+let cvt_vernac_binders = function
+ a::args -> CT_binder_ne_list(cvt_vernac_binder a, List.map cvt_vernac_binder args)
+ | [] -> assert false;;
+let xlate_comment = function
+ CommentConstr c -> CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_SCOMMENT_CONTENT(xlate_formula c)
+ | CommentString s -> CT_coerce_ID_OR_STRING_to_SCOMMENT_CONTENT
+ (CT_coerce_STRING_to_ID_OR_STRING(CT_string s))
+ | CommentInt n ->
+ (CT_coerce_NUM_to_FORMULA(CT_int_encapsulator (string_of_int n)));;
+let translate_opt_notation_decl = function
+ None -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_DECL_NOTATION_OPT(CT_none)
+ | Some(s, f, sc) ->
+ let tr_sc =
+ match sc with
+ None -> ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
+ | Some id -> CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT (CT_ident id) in
+ CT_decl_notation(CT_string s, xlate_formula f, tr_sc);;
+let xlate_level = function
+ Extend.NumLevel n -> CT_coerce_INT_to_INT_OR_NEXT(CT_int n)
+ | Extend.NextLevel -> CT_next_level;;
+let xlate_syntax_modifier = function
+ Extend.SetItemLevel((s::sl), level) ->
+ CT_set_item_level
+ (CT_id_ne_list(CT_ident s, List.map (fun s -> CT_ident s) sl),
+ xlate_level level)
+ | Extend.SetItemLevel([], _) -> assert false
+ | Extend.SetLevel level -> CT_set_level (CT_int level)
+ | Extend.SetAssoc Gramext.LeftA -> CT_lefta
+ | Extend.SetAssoc Gramext.RightA -> CT_righta
+ | Extend.SetAssoc Gramext.NonA -> CT_nona
+ | Extend.SetEntryType(x,typ) ->
+ CT_entry_type(CT_ident x,
+ match typ with
+ Extend.ETName -> CT_ident "ident"
+ | Extend.ETReference -> CT_ident "global"
+ | Extend.ETBigint -> CT_ident "bigint"
+ | _ -> xlate_error "syntax_type not parsed")
+ | Extend.SetOnlyParsing -> CT_only_parsing
+ | Extend.SetFormat(_,s) -> CT_format(CT_string s);;
+let rec xlate_module_type = function
+ | CMTEident(_, qid) ->
+ CT_coerce_ID_to_MODULE_TYPE(CT_ident (xlate_qualid qid))
+ | CMTEwith(mty, decl) ->
+ let mty1 = xlate_module_type mty in
+ (match decl with
+ CWith_Definition((_, idl), c) ->
+ CT_module_type_with_def(mty1,
+ CT_id_list (List.map xlate_ident idl),
+ xlate_formula c)
+ | CWith_Module((_, idl), (_, qid)) ->
+ CT_module_type_with_mod(mty1,
+ CT_id_list (List.map xlate_ident idl),
+ CT_ident (xlate_qualid qid)))
+ | CMTEapply (_,_) -> xlate_error "TODO: Funsig application";;
+let xlate_module_binder_list (l:module_binder list) =
+ CT_module_binder_list
+ (List.map (fun (_, idl, mty) ->
+ let idl1 =
+ List.map (fun (_, x) -> CT_ident (string_of_id x)) idl in
+ let fst,idl2 = match idl1 with
+ [] -> assert false
+ | fst::idl2 -> fst,idl2 in
+ CT_module_binder
+ (CT_id_ne_list(fst, idl2), xlate_module_type mty)) l);;
+let xlate_module_type_check_opt = function
+ | Some(mty, true) -> CT_only_check(xlate_module_type mty)
+ | Some(mty, false) ->
+ (xlate_module_type mty));;
+let rec xlate_module_expr = function
+ CMEident (_, qid) -> CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_MODULE_EXPR
+ (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT (CT_ident (xlate_qualid qid)))
+ | CMEapply (me1, me2) -> CT_module_app(xlate_module_expr me1,
+ xlate_module_expr me2)
+let rec xlate_vernac =
+ function
+ | VernacDeclareTacticDefinition (true, tacs) ->
+ (match List.map
+ (function
+ (id, _, body) ->
+ CT_tac_def(reference_to_ct_ID id, xlate_tactic body))
+ tacs with
+ [] -> assert false
+ | fst::tacs1 ->
+ CT_tactic_definition
+ (CT_tac_def_ne_list(fst, tacs1)))
+ | VernacDeclareTacticDefinition(false, _) ->
+ xlate_error "obsolete tactic definition not handled"
+ | VernacLoad (verbose,s) ->
+ CT_load (
+ (match verbose with
+ | false -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_VERBOSE_OPT CT_none
+ | true -> CT_verbose),
+ CT_coerce_STRING_to_ID_OR_STRING (CT_string s))
+ | VernacCheckMayEval (Some red, numopt, f) ->
+ let red = xlate_red_tactic red in
+ (CT_eval (xlate_int_opt numopt, red, xlate_formula f))
+ |VernacChdir opt_s -> CT_cd (ctf_STRING_OPT opt_s)
+ | VernacAddLoadPath (false,str,None) ->
+ CT_addpath (CT_string str, ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
+ | VernacAddLoadPath (false,str,Some x) ->
+ CT_addpath (CT_string str,
+ CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT (CT_ident (string_of_dirpath x)))
+ | VernacAddLoadPath (true,str,None) ->
+ CT_recaddpath (CT_string str, ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
+ | VernacAddLoadPath (_,str, Some x) ->
+ CT_recaddpath (CT_string str,
+ CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT (CT_ident (string_of_dirpath x)))
+ | VernacRemoveLoadPath str -> CT_delpath (CT_string str)
+ | VernacToplevelControl Quit -> CT_quit
+ | VernacToplevelControl _ -> xlate_error "Drop/ProtectedToplevel not supported"
+ (*ML commands *)
+ | VernacAddMLPath (false,str) -> CT_ml_add_path (CT_string str)
+ | VernacAddMLPath (true,str) -> CT_rec_ml_add_path (CT_string str)
+ | VernacDeclareMLModule [] -> failwith ""
+ | VernacDeclareMLModule (str :: l) ->
+ CT_ml_declare_modules
+ (CT_string_ne_list (CT_string str, List.map (fun x -> CT_string x) l))
+ | VernacGoal c ->
+ CT_coerce_THEOREM_GOAL_to_COMMAND (CT_goal (xlate_formula c))
+ | VernacAbort (Some (_,id)) ->
+ CT_abort(ctf_ID_OPT_OR_ALL_SOME(xlate_ident id))
+ | VernacAbort None -> CT_abort ctv_ID_OPT_OR_ALL_NONE
+ | VernacAbortAll -> CT_abort ctv_ID_OPT_OR_ALL_ALL
+ | VernacRestart -> CT_restart
+ | VernacSolve (n, tac, b) ->
+ CT_solve (CT_int n, xlate_tactic tac,
+ if b then CT_dotdot
+ else CT_coerce_NONE_to_DOTDOT_OPT CT_none)
+(* MMode *)
+ | (VernacDeclProof | VernacReturn | VernacProofInstr _) ->
+ anomaly "No MMode in CTcoq"
+(* /MMode *)
+ | VernacFocus nopt -> CT_focus (xlate_int_opt nopt)
+ | VernacUnfocus -> CT_unfocus
+ |VernacExtend("Extraction", [f;l]) ->
+ let file = out_gen rawwit_string f in
+ let l1 = out_gen (wit_list1 rawwit_ref) l in
+ let fst,l2 = match l1 with [] -> assert false | fst::l2 -> fst, l2 in
+ CT_extract_to_file(CT_string file,
+ CT_id_ne_list(loc_qualid_to_ct_ID fst,
+ List.map loc_qualid_to_ct_ID l2))
+ | VernacExtend("ExtractionInline", [l]) ->
+ let l1 = out_gen (wit_list1 rawwit_ref) l in
+ let fst, l2 = match l1 with [] -> assert false | fst ::l2 -> fst, l2 in
+ CT_inline(CT_id_ne_list(loc_qualid_to_ct_ID fst,
+ List.map loc_qualid_to_ct_ID l2))
+ | VernacExtend("ExtractionNoInline", [l]) ->
+ let l1 = out_gen (wit_list1 rawwit_ref) l in
+ let fst, l2 = match l1 with [] -> assert false | fst ::l2 -> fst, l2 in
+ CT_no_inline(CT_id_ne_list(loc_qualid_to_ct_ID fst,
+ List.map loc_qualid_to_ct_ID l2))
+ | VernacExtend("Field",
+ [fth;ainv;ainvl;div]) ->
+ (match List.map (fun v -> xlate_formula(out_gen rawwit_constr v))
+ [fth;ainv;ainvl]
+ with
+ [fth1;ainv1;ainvl1] ->
+ let adiv1 =
+ xlate_formula_opt (out_gen (wit_opt rawwit_constr) div) in
+ CT_add_field(fth1, ainv1, ainvl1, adiv1)
+ |_ -> assert false)
+ | VernacExtend ("HintRewrite", o::f::([b]|[_;b] as args)) ->
+ let orient = out_gen Extraargs.rawwit_orient o in
+ let formula_list = out_gen (wit_list1 rawwit_constr) f in
+ let base = out_gen rawwit_pre_ident b in
+ let t =
+ match args with [t;_] -> out_gen rawwit_main_tactic t | _ -> TacId []
+ in
+ let ct_orient = match orient with
+ | true -> CT_lr
+ | false -> CT_rl in
+ let f_ne_list = match List.map xlate_formula formula_list with
+ (fst::rest) -> CT_formula_ne_list(fst,rest)
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ CT_hintrewrite(ct_orient, f_ne_list, CT_ident base, xlate_tactic t)
+ | VernacCreateHintDb (local,dbname,b) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: VernacCreateHintDb"
+ | VernacHints (local,dbnames,h) ->
+ let dblist = CT_id_list(List.map (fun x -> CT_ident x) dbnames) in
+ (match h with
+ | HintsConstructors l ->
+ let n1, names = match List.map tac_qualid_to_ct_ID l with
+ n1 :: names -> n1, names
+ | _ -> failwith "" in
+ if local then
+ CT_local_hints(CT_ident "Constructors",
+ CT_id_ne_list(n1, names), dblist)
+ else
+ CT_hints(CT_ident "Constructors",
+ CT_id_ne_list(n1, names), dblist)
+ | HintsExtern (n, c, t) ->
+ let pat = match c with
+ | None -> CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_FORMULA_OPT (CT_coerce_NONE_to_ID_OPT CT_none)
+ | Some c -> CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_FORMULA_OPT (xlate_formula c)
+ in CT_hint_extern(CT_int n, pat, xlate_tactic t, dblist)
+ | HintsImmediate l ->
+ let f1, formulas = match List.map xlate_formula l with
+ a :: tl -> a, tl
+ | _ -> failwith "" in
+ let l' = CT_formula_ne_list(f1, formulas) in
+ if local then
+ (match h with
+ HintsResolve _ ->
+ CT_local_hints_resolve(l', dblist)
+ | HintsImmediate _ ->
+ CT_local_hints_immediate(l', dblist)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ else
+ (match h with
+ HintsResolve _ -> CT_hints_resolve(l', dblist)
+ | HintsImmediate _ -> CT_hints_immediate(l', dblist)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | HintsResolve l ->
+ let f1, formulas = match List.map xlate_formula (List.map pi3 l) with
+ a :: tl -> a, tl
+ | _ -> failwith "" in
+ let l' = CT_formula_ne_list(f1, formulas) in
+ if local then
+ (match h with
+ HintsResolve _ ->
+ CT_local_hints_resolve(l', dblist)
+ | HintsImmediate _ ->
+ CT_local_hints_immediate(l', dblist)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ else
+ (match h with
+ HintsResolve _ -> CT_hints_resolve(l', dblist)
+ | HintsImmediate _ -> CT_hints_immediate(l', dblist)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | HintsUnfold l ->
+ let n1, names = match List.map loc_qualid_to_ct_ID l with
+ n1 :: names -> n1, names
+ | _ -> failwith "" in
+ if local then
+ CT_local_hints(CT_ident "Unfold",
+ CT_id_ne_list(n1, names), dblist)
+ else
+ CT_hints(CT_ident "Unfold", CT_id_ne_list(n1, names), dblist)
+ | HintsTransparency (l,b) ->
+ let n1, names = match List.map loc_qualid_to_ct_ID l with
+ n1 :: names -> n1, names
+ | _ -> failwith "" in
+ let ty = if b then "Transparent" else "Opaque" in
+ if local then
+ CT_local_hints(CT_ident ty,
+ CT_id_ne_list(n1, names), dblist)
+ else
+ CT_hints(CT_ident ty, CT_id_ne_list(n1, names), dblist)
+ | HintsDestruct(id, n, loc, f, t) ->
+ let dl = match loc with
+ ConclLocation() -> CT_conclusion_location
+ | HypLocation true -> CT_discardable_hypothesis
+ | HypLocation false -> CT_hypothesis_location in
+ if local then
+ CT_local_hint_destruct
+ (xlate_ident id, CT_int n,
+ dl, xlate_formula f, xlate_tactic t, dblist)
+ else
+ CT_hint_destruct
+ (xlate_ident id, CT_int n, dl, xlate_formula f,
+ xlate_tactic t, dblist)
+ | VernacEndProof (Proved (true,None)) ->
+ CT_save (CT_coerce_THM_to_THM_OPT (CT_thm "Theorem"), ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
+ | VernacEndProof (Proved (false,None)) ->
+ CT_save (CT_coerce_THM_to_THM_OPT (CT_thm "Definition"), ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
+ | VernacEndProof (Proved (b,Some ((_,s), Some kind))) ->
+ CT_save (CT_coerce_THM_to_THM_OPT (xlate_thm kind),
+ ctf_ID_OPT_SOME (xlate_ident s))
+ | VernacEndProof (Proved (b,Some ((_,s),None))) ->
+ CT_save (CT_coerce_THM_to_THM_OPT (CT_thm "Theorem"),
+ ctf_ID_OPT_SOME (xlate_ident s))
+ | VernacEndProof Admitted ->
+ CT_save (CT_coerce_THM_to_THM_OPT (CT_thm "Admitted"), ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
+ | VernacSetOpacity (_,l) ->
+ CT_strategy(CT_level_list
+ (List.map (fun (l,q) ->
+ (level_to_ct_LEVEL l,
+ CT_id_list(List.map loc_qualid_to_ct_ID q))) l))
+ | VernacUndo n -> CT_undo (CT_coerce_INT_to_INT_OPT (CT_int n))
+ | VernacShow (ShowGoal nopt) -> CT_show_goal (xlate_int_opt nopt)
+ | VernacShow ShowNode -> CT_show_node
+ | VernacShow ShowProof -> CT_show_proof
+ | VernacShow ShowTree -> CT_show_tree
+ | VernacShow ShowProofNames -> CT_show_proofs
+ | VernacShow (ShowIntros true) -> CT_show_intros
+ | VernacShow (ShowIntros false) -> CT_show_intro
+ | VernacShow (ShowGoalImplicitly None) -> CT_show_implicit (CT_int 1)
+ | VernacShow (ShowGoalImplicitly (Some n)) -> CT_show_implicit (CT_int n)
+ | VernacShow ShowExistentials -> CT_show_existentials
+ | VernacShow ShowScript -> CT_show_script
+ | VernacShow(ShowMatch _) -> xlate_error "TODO: VernacShow(ShowMatch _)"
+ | VernacShow(ShowThesis) -> xlate_error "TODO: VernacShow(ShowThesis _)"
+ | VernacGo arg -> CT_go (xlate_locn arg)
+ | VernacShow (ExplainProof l) -> CT_explain_proof (nums_to_int_list l)
+ | VernacShow (ExplainTree l) ->
+ CT_explain_prooftree (nums_to_int_list l)
+ | VernacCheckGuard -> CT_guarded
+ | VernacPrint p ->
+ (match p with
+ PrintFullContext -> CT_print_all
+ | PrintName id -> CT_print_id (loc_qualid_to_ct_ID id)
+ | PrintOpaqueName id -> CT_print_opaqueid (loc_qualid_to_ct_ID id)
+ | PrintSectionContext id -> CT_print_section (loc_qualid_to_ct_ID id)
+ | PrintModules -> CT_print_modules
+ | PrintGrammar name -> CT_print_grammar CT_grammar_none
+ | PrintHintDb -> CT_print_hintdb (CT_coerce_STAR_to_ID_OR_STAR CT_star)
+ | PrintHintDbName id ->
+ CT_print_hintdb (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_STAR (CT_ident id))
+ | PrintRewriteHintDbName id ->
+ CT_print_rewrite_hintdb (CT_ident id)
+ | PrintHint id ->
+ CT_print_hint (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT (loc_qualid_to_ct_ID id))
+ | PrintHintGoal -> CT_print_hint ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
+ | PrintLoadPath None -> CT_print_loadpath
+ | PrintLoadPath _ -> xlate_error "TODO: Print LoadPath dir"
+ | PrintMLLoadPath -> CT_ml_print_path
+ | PrintMLModules -> CT_ml_print_modules
+ | PrintGraph -> CT_print_graph
+ | PrintClasses -> CT_print_classes
+ | PrintLtac qid -> CT_print_ltac (loc_qualid_to_ct_ID qid)
+ | PrintCoercions -> CT_print_coercions
+ | PrintCoercionPaths (id1, id2) ->
+ CT_print_path (xlate_class id1, xlate_class id2)
+ | PrintCanonicalConversions ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: Print Canonical Structures"
+ | PrintAssumptions _ ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: Print Needed Assumptions"
+ | PrintInstances _ ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: Print Instances"
+ | PrintTypeClasses ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: Print TypeClasses"
+ | PrintInspect n -> CT_inspect (CT_int n)
+ | PrintUniverses opt_s -> CT_print_universes(ctf_STRING_OPT opt_s)
+ | PrintTables -> CT_print_tables
+ | PrintModuleType a -> CT_print_module_type (loc_qualid_to_ct_ID a)
+ | PrintModule a -> CT_print_module (loc_qualid_to_ct_ID a)
+ | PrintScopes -> CT_print_scopes
+ | PrintScope id -> CT_print_scope (CT_ident id)
+ | PrintVisibility id_opt ->
+ CT_print_visibility
+ (match id_opt with
+ Some id -> CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT(CT_ident id)
+ | None -> ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
+ | PrintAbout qid -> CT_print_about(loc_qualid_to_ct_ID qid)
+ | PrintImplicit qid -> CT_print_implicit(loc_qualid_to_ct_ID qid))
+ | VernacBeginSection (_,id) ->
+ CT_coerce_SECTION_BEGIN_to_COMMAND (CT_section (xlate_ident id))
+ | VernacEndSegment (_,id) -> CT_section_end (xlate_ident id)
+ | VernacStartTheoremProof (k, [Some (_,s), (bl,c)], _, _) ->
+ CT_theorem_goal (CT_coerce_THM_to_DEFN_OR_THM (xlate_thm k), xlate_ident s,
+ xlate_binder_list bl, xlate_formula c))
+ | VernacStartTheoremProof _ ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: Mutually dependent theorems"
+ | VernacSuspend -> CT_suspend
+ | VernacResume idopt -> CT_resume (xlate_ident_opt (Option.map snd idopt))
+ | VernacDefinition (k,(_,s),ProveBody (bl,typ),_) ->
+ (CT_theorem_goal
+ (CT_coerce_DEFN_to_DEFN_OR_THM (xlate_defn k),
+ xlate_ident s, xlate_binder_list bl, xlate_formula typ))
+ | VernacDefinition (kind,(_,s),DefineBody(bl,red_option,c,typ_opt),_) ->
+ CT_definition
+ (xlate_defn kind, xlate_ident s, xlate_binder_list bl,
+ cvt_optional_eval_for_definition c red_option,
+ xlate_formula_opt typ_opt)
+ | VernacAssumption (kind,inline ,b) ->xlate_error "TODO: Parameter Inline"
+ (*inline : bool -> automatic delta reduction at fonctor application*)
+ (* CT_variable (xlate_var kind, cvt_vernac_binders b)*)
+ | VernacCheckMayEval (None, numopt, c) ->
+ CT_check (xlate_formula c)
+ | VernacSearch (s,x) ->
+ let translated_restriction = xlate_search_restr x in
+ (match s with
+ | SearchPattern c ->
+ CT_search_pattern(xlate_formula c, translated_restriction)
+ | SearchHead c ->
+ CT_search(xlate_formula c, translated_restriction)
+ | SearchRewrite c ->
+ CT_search_rewrite(xlate_formula c, translated_restriction)
+ | SearchAbout (a::l) ->
+ let xlate_search_about_item (b,it) =
+ if not b then xlate_error "TODO: negative searchabout constraint";
+ match it with
+ SearchSubPattern (CRef x) ->
+ CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_STRING(loc_qualid_to_ct_ID x)
+ | SearchString (s,None) ->
+ CT_coerce_STRING_to_ID_OR_STRING(CT_string s)
+ | SearchString _ | SearchSubPattern _ ->
+ xlate_error
+ "TODO: search subpatterns or notation with explicit scope"
+ in
+ CT_search_about
+ (CT_id_or_string_ne_list(xlate_search_about_item a,
+ List.map xlate_search_about_item l),
+ translated_restriction)
+ | SearchAbout [] -> assert false)
+(* | (\*Record from tactics/Record.v *\) *)
+(* VernacRecord *)
+(* (_, (add_coercion, (_,s)), binders, c1, *)
+(* rec_constructor_or_none, field_list) -> *)
+(* let record_constructor = *)
+(* xlate_ident_opt (Option.map snd rec_constructor_or_none) in *)
+(* CT_record *)
+(* ((if add_coercion then CT_coercion_atm else *)
+(* CT_coerce_NONE_to_COERCION_OPT(CT_none)), *)
+(* xlate_ident s, xlate_binder_list binders, *)
+(* xlate_formula (Option.get c1), record_constructor, *)
+(* build_record_field_list field_list) *)
+ | VernacInductive (isind, _, lmi) ->
+ let co_or_ind = if Decl_kinds.recursivity_flag_of_kind isind then "Inductive" else "CoInductive" in
+ let strip_mutind = function
+ (((_, (_,s)), parameters, c, _, Constructors constructors), notopt) ->
+ CT_ind_spec
+ (xlate_ident s, xlate_binder_list parameters, xlate_formula (Option.get c),
+ build_constructors constructors,
+ translate_opt_notation_decl notopt)
+ | _ -> xlate_error "TODO: Record notation in (Co)Inductive" in
+ CT_mind_decl
+ (CT_co_ind co_or_ind, CT_ind_spec_list (List.map strip_mutind lmi))
+ | VernacFixpoint ([],_) -> xlate_error "mutual recursive"
+ | VernacFixpoint ((lm :: lmi),boxed) ->
+ let strip_mutrec (((_,fid), (n, ro), bl, arf, ardef), _ntn) =
+ let struct_arg = make_fix_struct (n, bl) in
+ let arf = xlate_formula arf in
+ let ardef = xlate_formula ardef in
+ match xlate_binder_list bl with
+ | CT_binder_list (b :: bl) ->
+ CT_fix_rec (xlate_ident fid, CT_binder_ne_list (b, bl),
+ struct_arg, arf, ardef)
+ | _ -> xlate_error "mutual recursive" in
+ CT_fix_decl
+ (CT_fix_rec_list (strip_mutrec lm, List.map strip_mutrec lmi))
+ | VernacCoFixpoint ([],boxed) -> xlate_error "mutual corecursive"
+ | VernacCoFixpoint ((lm :: lmi),boxed) ->
+ let strip_mutcorec (((_,fid), bl, arf, ardef), _ntn) =
+ CT_cofix_rec (xlate_ident fid, xlate_binder_list bl,
+ xlate_formula arf, xlate_formula ardef) in
+ CT_cofix_decl
+ (CT_cofix_rec_list (strip_mutcorec lm, List.map strip_mutcorec lmi))
+ | VernacScheme [] -> xlate_error "induction scheme"
+ | VernacScheme (lm :: lmi) ->
+ let strip_ind = function
+ | (Some (_,id), InductionScheme (depstr, inde, sort)) ->
+ CT_scheme_spec
+ (xlate_ident id, xlate_dep depstr,
+ CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA (loc_qualid_to_ct_ID inde),
+ xlate_sort sort)
+ | (None, InductionScheme (depstr, inde, sort)) ->
+ CT_scheme_spec
+ (xlate_ident (id_of_string ""), xlate_dep depstr,
+ CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA (loc_qualid_to_ct_ID inde),
+ xlate_sort sort)
+ | (_, EqualityScheme _) -> xlate_error "TODO: Scheme Equality" in
+ CT_ind_scheme
+ (CT_scheme_spec_list (strip_ind lm, List.map strip_ind lmi))
+ | VernacCombinedScheme _ -> xlate_error "TODO: Combined Scheme"
+ | VernacSyntacticDefinition ((_,id), ([],c), false, _) ->
+ CT_syntax_macro (xlate_ident id, xlate_formula c, xlate_int_opt None)
+ | VernacSyntacticDefinition ((_,id), _, _, _) ->
+ xlate_error"TODO: Local abbreviations and abbreviations with parameters"
+ (* Modules and Module Types *)
+ | VernacInclude (_) -> xlate_error "TODO : Include "
+ | VernacDeclareModuleType((_, id), bl, mty_o) ->
+ CT_module_type_decl(xlate_ident id,
+ xlate_module_binder_list bl,
+ match mty_o with
+ None ->
+ | Some mty1 ->
+ (xlate_module_type mty1))
+ | VernacDefineModule(_,(_, id), bl, mty_o, mexpr_o) ->
+ CT_module(xlate_ident id,
+ xlate_module_binder_list bl,
+ xlate_module_type_check_opt mty_o,
+ match mexpr_o with
+ None -> CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_MODULE_EXPR ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
+ | Some m -> xlate_module_expr m)
+ | VernacDeclareModule(_,(_, id), bl, mty_o) ->
+ CT_declare_module(xlate_ident id,
+ xlate_module_binder_list bl,
+ xlate_module_type_check_opt (Some mty_o),
+ | VernacRequire (impexp, spec, id::idl) ->
+ let ct_impexp, ct_spec = get_require_flags impexp spec in
+ CT_require (ct_impexp, ct_spec,
+ CT_id_ne_list(loc_qualid_to_ct_ID id,
+ List.map loc_qualid_to_ct_ID idl)))
+ | VernacRequire (_,_,[]) ->
+ xlate_error "Require should have at least one id argument"
+ | VernacRequireFrom (impexp, spec, filename) ->
+ let ct_impexp, ct_spec = get_require_flags impexp spec in
+ CT_require(ct_impexp, ct_spec,
+ CT_coerce_STRING_to_ID_NE_LIST_OR_STRING(CT_string filename))
+ | VernacOpenCloseScope(true, true, s) -> CT_local_open_scope(CT_ident s)
+ | VernacOpenCloseScope(false, true, s) -> CT_open_scope(CT_ident s)
+ | VernacOpenCloseScope(true, false, s) -> CT_local_close_scope(CT_ident s)
+ | VernacOpenCloseScope(false, false, s) -> CT_close_scope(CT_ident s)
+ | VernacArgumentsScope(true, qid, l) ->
+ CT_arguments_scope(loc_qualid_to_ct_ID qid,
+ CT_id_opt_list
+ (List.map
+ (fun x ->
+ match x with
+ None -> ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
+ | Some x -> ctf_ID_OPT_SOME(CT_ident x)) l))
+ | VernacArgumentsScope(false, qid, l) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: Arguments Scope Global"
+ | VernacDelimiters(s1,s2) -> CT_delim_scope(CT_ident s1, CT_ident s2)
+ | VernacBindScope(id, a::l) ->
+ let xlate_class_rawexpr = function
+ FunClass -> CT_ident "Funclass" | SortClass -> CT_ident "Sortclass"
+ | RefClass qid -> loc_qualid_to_ct_ID qid in
+ CT_bind_scope(CT_ident id,
+ CT_id_ne_list(xlate_class_rawexpr a,
+ List.map xlate_class_rawexpr l))
+ | VernacBindScope(id, []) -> assert false
+ | VernacNotation(b, c, (s,modif_list), opt_scope) ->
+ let translated_s = CT_string s in
+ let formula = xlate_formula c in
+ let translated_modif_list =
+ CT_modifier_list(List.map xlate_syntax_modifier modif_list) in
+ let translated_scope = match opt_scope with
+ None -> ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
+ | Some x -> ctf_ID_OPT_SOME(CT_ident x) in
+ if b then
+ CT_local_define_notation
+ (translated_s, formula, translated_modif_list, translated_scope)
+ else
+ CT_define_notation(translated_s, formula,
+ translated_modif_list, translated_scope)
+ | VernacSyntaxExtension(b,(s,modif_list)) ->
+ let translated_s = CT_string s in
+ let translated_modif_list =
+ CT_modifier_list(List.map xlate_syntax_modifier modif_list) in
+ if b then
+ CT_local_reserve_notation(translated_s, translated_modif_list)
+ else
+ CT_reserve_notation(translated_s, translated_modif_list)
+ | VernacInfix (b,(str,modl),id, opt_scope) ->
+ let id1 = loc_qualid_to_ct_ID id in
+ let modl1 = CT_modifier_list(List.map xlate_syntax_modifier modl) in
+ let s = CT_string str in
+ let translated_scope = match opt_scope with
+ None -> ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
+ | Some x -> ctf_ID_OPT_SOME(CT_ident x) in
+ if b then
+ CT_local_infix(s, id1,modl1, translated_scope)
+ else
+ CT_infix(s, id1,modl1, translated_scope)
+ | VernacCoercion (s, id1, id2, id3) ->
+ let id_opt = CT_coerce_NONE_to_IDENTITY_OPT CT_none in
+ let local_opt =
+ match s with
+ (* Cannot decide whether it is a global or a Local but at toplevel *)
+ | Global -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_LOCAL_OPT CT_none
+ | Local -> CT_local in
+ CT_coercion (local_opt, id_opt, loc_qualid_to_ct_ID id1,
+ xlate_class id2, xlate_class id3)
+ | VernacIdentityCoercion (s, (_,id1), id2, id3) ->
+ let id_opt = CT_identity in
+ let local_opt =
+ match s with
+ (* Cannot decide whether it is a global or a Local but at toplevel *)
+ | Global -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_LOCAL_OPT CT_none
+ | Local -> CT_local in
+ CT_coercion (local_opt, id_opt, xlate_ident id1,
+ xlate_class id2, xlate_class id3)
+ (* Type Classes *)
+ | VernacDeclareInstance _|VernacContext _|
+ VernacInstance (_, _, _, _, _) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: Type Classes commands"
+ | VernacResetName id -> CT_reset (xlate_ident (snd id))
+ | VernacResetInitial -> CT_restore_state (CT_ident "Initial")
+ | VernacExtend (s, l) ->
+ CT_user_vernac
+ (CT_ident s, CT_varg_list (List.map coerce_genarg_to_VARG l))
+ | VernacList((_, a)::l) ->
+ (CT_command_list(xlate_vernac a,
+ List.map (fun (_, x) -> xlate_vernac x) l))
+ | VernacList([]) -> assert false
+ | VernacNop -> CT_proof_no_op
+ | VernacComments l ->
+ CT_scomments(CT_scomment_content_list (List.map xlate_comment l))
+ | VernacDeclareImplicits(true, id, opt_positions) ->
+ CT_implicits
+ (reference_to_ct_ID id,
+ match opt_positions with
+ None -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_ID_LIST_OPT CT_none
+ | Some l ->
+ CT_coerce_ID_LIST_to_ID_LIST_OPT
+ (CT_id_list
+ (List.map
+ (function ExplByPos (x,_), _, _
+ -> xlate_error
+ "explication argument by rank is obsolete"
+ | ExplByName id, _, _ -> CT_ident (string_of_id id)) l)))
+ | VernacDeclareImplicits(false, id, opt_positions) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: Implicit Arguments Global"
+ | VernacReserve((_,a)::l, f) ->
+ CT_reserve(CT_id_ne_list(xlate_ident a,
+ List.map (fun (_,x) -> xlate_ident x) l),
+ xlate_formula f)
+ | VernacReserve([], _) -> assert false
+ | VernacLocate(LocateTerm id) -> CT_locate(reference_to_ct_ID id)
+ | VernacLocate(LocateLibrary id) -> CT_locate_lib(reference_to_ct_ID id)
+ | VernacLocate(LocateModule _) -> xlate_error "TODO: Locate Module"
+ | VernacLocate(LocateFile s) -> CT_locate_file(CT_string s)
+ | VernacLocate(LocateNotation s) -> CT_locate_notation(CT_string s)
+ | VernacTime(v) -> CT_time(xlate_vernac v)
+ | VernacTimeout(n,v) -> CT_timeout(CT_int n,xlate_vernac v)
+ | VernacSetOption (Goptions.SecondaryTable ("Implicit", "Arguments"), BoolValue true)->CT_user_vernac (CT_ident "IMPLICIT_ARGS_ON", CT_varg_list[])
+ |VernacExactProof f -> CT_proof(xlate_formula f)
+ | VernacSetOption (table, BoolValue true) ->
+ let table1 =
+ match table with
+ PrimaryTable(s) -> CT_coerce_ID_to_TABLE(CT_ident s)
+ | SecondaryTable(s1,s2) -> CT_table(CT_ident s1, CT_ident s2)
+ | TertiaryTable(s1,s2,s3) -> xlate_error "TODO: TertiaryTable" in
+ CT_set_option(table1)
+ | VernacSetOption (table, v) ->
+ let table1 =
+ match table with
+ PrimaryTable(s) -> CT_coerce_ID_to_TABLE(CT_ident s)
+ | SecondaryTable(s1,s2) -> CT_table(CT_ident s1, CT_ident s2)
+ | TertiaryTable(s1,s2,s3) -> xlate_error "TODO: TertiaryTable" in
+ let value =
+ match v with
+ | BoolValue _ -> assert false
+ | StringValue s ->
+ CT_coerce_STRING_to_SINGLE_OPTION_VALUE(CT_string s)
+ | IntValue n ->
+ CT_coerce_INT_to_SINGLE_OPTION_VALUE(CT_int n) in
+ CT_set_option_value(table1, value)
+ | VernacUnsetOption(table) ->
+ let table1 =
+ match table with
+ PrimaryTable(s) -> CT_coerce_ID_to_TABLE(CT_ident s)
+ | SecondaryTable(s1,s2) -> CT_table(CT_ident s1, CT_ident s2)
+ | TertiaryTable(s1,s2,s3) -> xlate_error "TODO: TertiaryTable" in
+ CT_unset_option(table1)
+ | VernacAddOption (table, l) ->
+ let values =
+ List.map
+ (function
+ | QualidRefValue x ->
+ CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_STRING(loc_qualid_to_ct_ID x)
+ | StringRefValue x ->
+ CT_coerce_STRING_to_ID_OR_STRING(CT_string x)) l in
+ let fst, values1 =
+ match values with [] -> assert false | a::b -> (a,b) in
+ let table1 =
+ match table with
+ PrimaryTable(s) -> CT_coerce_ID_to_TABLE(CT_ident s)
+ | SecondaryTable(s1,s2) -> CT_table(CT_ident s1, CT_ident s2)
+ | TertiaryTable(s1,s2,s3) -> xlate_error "TODO: TertiaryTable" in
+ CT_set_option_value2(table1, CT_id_or_string_ne_list(fst, values1))
+ | VernacImport(true, a::l) ->
+ CT_export_id(CT_id_ne_list(reference_to_ct_ID a,
+ List.map reference_to_ct_ID l))
+ | VernacImport(false, a::l) ->
+ CT_import_id(CT_id_ne_list(reference_to_ct_ID a,
+ List.map reference_to_ct_ID l))
+ | VernacImport(_, []) -> assert false
+ | VernacProof t -> CT_proof_with(xlate_tactic t)
+ | (VernacGlobalCheck _|VernacPrintOption _|
+ VernacMemOption (_, _)|VernacRemoveOption (_, _)
+ | VernacBack _ | VernacBacktrack _ |VernacBackTo _|VernacRestoreState _| VernacWriteState _|
+ VernacSolveExistential (_, _)|VernacCanonical _ |
+ VernacTacticNotation _ | VernacUndoTo _ | VernacRemoveName _)
+ -> xlate_error "TODO: vernac"
+and level_to_ct_LEVEL = function
+ Conv_oracle.Opaque -> CT_Opaque
+ | Conv_oracle.Level n -> CT_Level (CT_int n)
+ | Conv_oracle.Expand -> CT_Expand;;
+let rec xlate_vernac_list =
+ function
+ | VernacList (v::l) ->
+ CT_command_list
+ (xlate_vernac (snd v), List.map (fun (_,x) -> xlate_vernac x) l)
+ | VernacList [] -> xlate_error "xlate_command_list"
+ | _ -> xlate_error "Not a list of commands";;