path: root/plugins/groebner/GroebnerR.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/groebner/GroebnerR.v')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/groebner/GroebnerR.v b/plugins/groebner/GroebnerR.v
index 71e244126..0ab135500 100644
--- a/plugins/groebner/GroebnerR.v
+++ b/plugins/groebner/GroebnerR.v
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ Require Import Setoid.
Require Import BinPos.
Require Import BinList.
Require Import Znumtheory.
-Require Import Ring_polynom Ring_tac InitialRing.
Require Import RealField Rdefinitions Rfunctions RIneq DiscrR.
+Require Import Ring_polynom Ring_tac InitialRing.
Declare ML Module "groebner_plugin".
@@ -49,16 +49,6 @@ Lemma psos_r1: forall x y, x = y -> x - y = 0.
intros x y H; rewrite H; ring.
-Ltac equalities_to_goal :=
- match goal with
-| H: (@eq R ?x 0) |- _ =>
- try generalize H; clear H
-| H: (@eq R 0 ?x) |- _ =>
- try generalize (sym_equal H); clear H
-| H: (@eq R ?x ?y) |- _ =>
- try generalize (psos_r1 _ _ H); clear H
- end.
Lemma groebnerR_not1: forall x y:R, x<>y -> exists z:R, z*(x-y)-1=0.
exists (1/(x-y)).
@@ -80,12 +70,26 @@ field.
+Ltac equalities_to_goal :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | H: (@eq R ?x 0) |- _ => try revert H
+ | H: (@eq R 0 ?x) |- _ =>
+ try generalize (sym_equal H); clear H
+ | H: (@eq R ?x ?y) |- _ =>
+ try generalize (psos_r1 _ _ H); clear H
+ end.
Lemma groebnerR_not2: 1<>0.
auto with *.
Lemma groebnerR_diff: forall x y:R, x<>y -> x-y<>0.
+intro; apply H.
+replace x with (x-y+y) by ring.
+rewrite H0; ring.
(* Removes x<>0 from hypothesis *)
Ltac groebnerR_not_hyp:=
@@ -99,11 +103,11 @@ Ltac groebnerR_not_hyp:=
|_ => generalize (@groebnerR_diff _ _ H); clear H; intro
Ltac groebnerR_not_goal :=
match goal with
- | |- ?x<>?y => red; intro; apply groebnerR_not2
- | |- False => apply groebnerR_not2
+ | |- ?x<>?y :> R => red; intro; apply groebnerR_not2
+ | |- False => apply groebnerR_not2
Ltac groebnerR_begin :=
@@ -234,13 +238,18 @@ Qed.
(* fin du code de Benjamin *)
-Lemma groebnerR_l3:forall c p:R, ~c=0 -> c*p=0 -> p=0.
+Lemma groebnerR_l3:forall c p r, ~c=0 -> c*p^r=0 -> p=0.
elim (Rmult_integral _ _ H0);intros.
-absurd (c=0);auto.
- auto.
+ absurd (c=0);auto.
+ clear H0; induction r; simpl in *.
+ contradict H1; discrR.
+ elim (Rmult_integral _ _ H1); auto.
Ltac generalise_eq_hyps:=
(match goal with
@@ -293,7 +302,7 @@ Fixpoint interpret3 t fv {struct t}: R :=
Ltac parametres_en_tete fv lp :=
match fv with
- | (@nil _) => lp
+ | (@nil _) => lp
| (@cons _ ?x ?fv1) =>
let res := AddFvTail x lp in
parametres_en_tete fv1 res
@@ -301,23 +310,43 @@ Ltac parametres_en_tete fv lp :=
Ltac append1 a l :=
match l with
- | (@nil _) => constr:(cons a l)
+ | (@nil _) => constr:(cons a l)
| (cons ?x ?l) => let l' := append1 a l in constr:(cons x l')
Ltac rev l :=
match l with
- |(@nil _) => l
+ |(@nil _) => l
| (cons ?x ?l) => let l' := rev l in append1 x l'
-(* Pompe sur Ring *)
-Import Ring_tac.
+Ltac groebner_call_n nparam p rr lp kont :=
+ groebner_compute (PEc nparam :: PEpow p rr :: lp);
+ match goal with
+ | |- (?c::PEpow _ ?r::?lq0)::?lci0 = _ -> _ =>
+ intros _;
+ set (lci:=lci0);
+ set (lq:=lq0);
+ kont c rr lq lci
+ end.
+Ltac groebner_call nparam p lp kont :=
+ let rec try_n n :=
+ lazymatch n with
+ | 6%N => fail
+ | _ =>
+(* idtac "Trying power: " n;*)
+ groebner_call_n nparam p n lp kont ||
+ let n' := eval compute in (Nsucc n) in try_n n'
+ end in
+ try_n 1%N.
Ltac groebnerR_gen lparam lvar n RNG lH _rl :=
get_Pre RNG ();
- let mkFV := get_RingFV RNG in
- let mkPol := get_RingMeta RNG in
+ let mkFV := Ring_tac.get_RingFV RNG in
+ let mkPol := Ring_tac.get_RingMeta RNG in
let t := Get_goal in
let lpol := lpol_goal t in
@@ -342,26 +371,16 @@ Ltac groebnerR_gen lparam lvar n RNG lH _rl :=
(@nil (PExpr Z))
lpol in
let lpol := eval compute in (List.rev lpol) in
- let lpol := constr:(PEc nparam :: lpol) in
(*idtac lpol;*)
- groebner_compute lpol;
- let OnResult kont :=
- match goal with
- | |- (?p ::_)::(?c::?lq0)::?lci0 = _ -> _ =>
- intros _;
- set (lci:=lci0);
- set (lq:=lq0);
- kont p c lq lci
- end in
let SplitPolyList kont :=
match lpol with
- | _::?p2::?lp2 => kont p2 lp2
+ | ?p2::?lp2 => kont p2 lp2
end in
- OnResult ltac:(fun p c lq lci =>
- SplitPolyList ltac:(fun p2 lp2 =>
- set (p21:=p2) ;
- set (lp21:=lp2);
- set (q := PEmul c p21);
+ SplitPolyList ltac:(fun p lp =>
+ set (p21:=p) ;
+ set (lp21:=lp);
+ groebner_call nparam p lp ltac:(fun c r lq lci =>
+ set (q := PEmul c (PEpow p21 r));
let Hg := fresh "Hg" in
assert (Hg:check lp21 q (lci,lq) = true);
[ (vm_compute;reflexivity) || idtac "invalid groebner certificate"
@@ -370,7 +389,7 @@ Ltac groebnerR_gen lparam lvar n RNG lH _rl :=
[ simpl; apply (@check_correct fv lp21 q (lci,lq) Hg); simpl;
repeat (split;[assumption|idtac]); exact I
| simpl in Hg2; simpl;
- apply groebnerR_l3 with (interpret3 c fv);simpl;
+ apply groebnerR_l3 with (interpret3 c fv) (Nnat.nat_of_N r);simpl;
[ discrR || idtac "could not prove discrimination result"
| exact Hg2]
@@ -391,13 +410,67 @@ Ltac groebnerRp lparam := groebnerRpv lparam (@nil R).
(*************** Examples *)
+Section Examples.
+Require Import List Ring_polynom.
+Delimit Scope PE_scope with PE.
+Infix "+" := PEadd : PE_scope.
+Infix "*" := PEmul : PE_scope.
+Infix "-" := PEsub : PE_scope.
+Infix "^" := PEpow : PE_scope.
+Notation "[ n ]" := (@PEc Z n) (at level 0).
Open Scope R_scope.
Goal forall x y,
x+y=0 ->
x*y=0 ->
+Goal forall x, x^2=0 -> x=0.
+Notation X := (PEX Z 3).
+Notation Y := (PEX Z 2).
+Notation Z_ := (PEX Z 1).
+Goal forall x y z,
+ x+y+z=0 ->
+ x*y+x*z+y*z=0->
+ x*y*z=0 -> x^3=0.
Time groebnerR.
+Notation X := (PEX Z 4).
+Notation Y := (PEX Z 3).
+Notation Z_ := (PEX Z 2).
+Notation U := (PEX Z 1).
+Goal forall x y z u,
+ x+y+z+u=0 ->
+ x*y+x*z+x*u+y*z+y*u+z*u=0->
+ x*y*z+x*y*u+x*z*u+y*z*u=0->
+ x*y*z*u=0 -> x^4=0.
+Time groebnerR.
+Notation x_ := (PEX Z 5).
+Notation y_ := (PEX Z 4).
+Notation z_ := (PEX Z 3).
+Notation u_ := (PEX Z 2).
+Notation v_ := (PEX Z 1).
+Notation "x :: y" := (List.cons x y)
+(at level 60, right associativity, format "'[hv' x :: '/' y ']'").
+Notation "x :: y" := (List.app x y)
+(at level 60, right associativity, format "x :: y").
Goal forall x y z u v,
x+y+z+u+v=0 ->
@@ -406,10 +479,9 @@ Goal forall x y z u v,
x*y*z*u*v=0 -> x^5=0.
Time groebnerR.
+End Examples.