path: root/plugins/funind/merge.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/funind/merge.ml')
1 files changed, 1034 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/funind/merge.ml b/plugins/funind/merge.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..092830025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/funind/merge.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1034 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Merging of induction principles. *)
+(*i $Id: i*)
+open Libnames
+open Tactics
+open Indfun_common
+open Util
+open Topconstr
+open Vernacexpr
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Rawterm
+open Rawtermops
+(** {1 Utilities} *)
+(** {2 Useful operations on constr and rawconstr} *)
+let rec popn i c = if i<=0 then c else pop (popn (i-1) c)
+(** Substitutions in constr *)
+let compare_constr_nosub t1 t2 =
+ if compare_constr (fun _ _ -> false) t1 t2
+ then true
+ else false
+let rec compare_constr' t1 t2 =
+ if compare_constr_nosub t1 t2
+ then true
+ else (compare_constr (compare_constr') t1 t2)
+let rec substitterm prof t by_t in_u =
+ if (compare_constr' (lift prof t) in_u)
+ then (lift prof by_t)
+ else map_constr_with_binders succ
+ (fun i -> substitterm i t by_t) prof in_u
+let lift_ldecl n ldecl = List.map (fun (x,y) -> x,lift n y) ldecl
+let understand = Pretyping.Default.understand Evd.empty (Global.env())
+(** Operations on names and identifiers *)
+let id_of_name = function
+ Anonymous -> id_of_string "H"
+ | Name id -> id;;
+let name_of_string str = Name (id_of_string str)
+let string_of_name nme = string_of_id (id_of_name nme)
+(** [isVarf f x] returns [true] if term [x] is of the form [(Var f)]. *)
+let isVarf f x =
+ match x with
+ | RVar (_,x) -> Pervasives.compare x f = 0
+ | _ -> false
+(** [ident_global_exist id] returns true if identifier [id] is linked
+ in global environment. *)
+let ident_global_exist id =
+ try
+ let ans = CRef (Libnames.Ident (dummy_loc,id)) in
+ let _ = ignore (Constrintern.intern_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) ans) in
+ true
+ with _ -> false
+(** [next_ident_fresh id] returns a fresh identifier (ie not linked in
+ global env) with base [id]. *)
+let next_ident_fresh (id:identifier) =
+ let res = ref id in
+ while ident_global_exist !res do res := Nameops.lift_ident !res done;
+ !res
+(** {2 Debugging} *)
+(* comment this line to see debug msgs *)
+let msg x = () ;; let pr_lconstr c = str ""
+(* uncomment this to see debugging *)
+let prconstr c = msg (str" " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr c)
+let prconstrnl c = msg (str" " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr c ++ str"\n")
+let prlistconstr lc = List.iter prconstr lc
+let prstr s = msg(str s)
+let prNamedConstr s c =
+ begin
+ msg(str "");
+ msg(str(s^" {§ ") ++ Printer.pr_lconstr c ++ str " §} ");
+ msg(str "");
+ end
+let prNamedRConstr s c =
+ begin
+ msg(str "");
+ msg(str(s^" {§ ") ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr c ++ str " §} ");
+ msg(str "");
+ end
+let prNamedLConstr_aux lc = List.iter (prNamedConstr "\n") lc
+let prNamedLConstr s lc =
+ begin
+ prstr "[§§§ ";
+ prstr s;
+ prNamedLConstr_aux lc;
+ prstr " §§§]\n";
+ end
+let prNamedLDecl s lc =
+ begin
+ prstr s; prstr "\n";
+ List.iter (fun (nm,_,tp) -> prNamedConstr (string_of_name nm) tp) lc;
+ prstr "\n";
+ end
+let prNamedRLDecl s lc =
+ begin
+ prstr s; prstr "\n"; prstr "{§§ ";
+ List.iter
+ (fun x ->
+ match x with
+ | (nm,None,Some tp) -> prNamedRConstr (string_of_name nm) tp
+ | (nm,Some bdy,None) -> prNamedRConstr ("(letin) "^string_of_name nm) bdy
+ | _ -> assert false
+ ) lc;
+ prstr " §§}\n";
+ prstr "\n";
+ end
+let showind (id:identifier) =
+ let cstrid = Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env()) id in
+ let ind1,cstrlist = Inductiveops.find_inductive (Global.env()) Evd.empty cstrid in
+ let mib1,ib1 = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env()) ind1 in
+ List.iter (fun (nm, optcstr, tp) ->
+ print_string (string_of_name nm^":");
+ prconstr tp; print_string "\n")
+ ib1.mind_arity_ctxt;
+ (match ib1.mind_arity with
+ | Monomorphic x ->
+ Printf.printf "arity :"; prconstr x.mind_user_arity
+ | Polymorphic x ->
+ Printf.printf "arity : universe?");
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun i x -> Printf.printf"type constr %d :" i ; prconstr x)
+ ib1.mind_user_lc
+(** {2 Misc} *)
+exception Found of int
+(* Array scanning *)
+let array_find (arr: 'a array) (pred: int -> 'a -> bool): int option =
+ try
+ for i=0 to Array.length arr - 1 do if pred i (arr.(i)) then raise (Found i) done;
+ None
+ with Found i -> Some i
+let array_prfx (arr: 'a array) (pred: int -> 'a -> bool): int =
+ try
+ for i=0 to Array.length arr - 1 do if pred i (arr.(i)) then raise (Found i) done;
+ Array.length arr (* all elt are positive *)
+ with Found i -> i
+let array_fold_lefti (f: int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a) (acc:'a) (arr:'b array): 'a =
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ Array.fold_left
+ (fun acc x ->
+ let res = f !i acc x in i := !i + 1; res)
+ acc arr
+(* Like list_chop but except that [i] is the size of the suffix of [l]. *)
+let list_chop_end i l =
+ let size_prefix = List.length l -i in
+ if size_prefix < 0 then failwith "list_chop_end"
+ else list_chop size_prefix l
+let list_fold_lefti (f: int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a) (acc:'a) (arr:'b list): 'a =
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc x ->
+ let res = f !i acc x in i := !i + 1; res)
+ acc arr
+let list_filteri (f: int -> 'a -> bool) (l:'a list):'a list =
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ List.filter (fun x -> let res = f !i x in i := !i + 1; res) l
+(** Iteration module *)
+module For =
+ let rec map i j (f: int -> 'a) = if i>j then [] else f i :: (map (i+1) j f)
+ let rec foldup i j (f: 'a -> int -> 'a) acc =
+ if i>j then acc else let newacc = f acc i in foldup (i+1) j f newacc
+ let rec folddown i j (f: 'a -> int -> 'a) acc =
+ if i>j then acc else let newacc = f acc j in folddown i (j-1) f newacc
+ let fold i j = if i<j then foldup i j else folddown i j
+(** {1 Parameters shifting and linking information} *)
+(** This type is used to deal with debruijn linked indices. When a
+ variable is linked to a previous one, we will ignore it and refer
+ to previous one. *)
+type linked_var =
+ | Linked of int
+ | Unlinked
+ | Funres
+(** When merging two graphs, parameters may become regular arguments,
+ and thus be shifted. This type describes the result of computing
+ the changes. *)
+type 'a shifted_params =
+ {
+ nprm1:'a;
+ nprm2:'a;
+ prm2_unlinked:'a list; (* ranks of unlinked params in nprms2 *)
+ nuprm1:'a;
+ nuprm2:'a;
+ nargs1:'a;
+ nargs2:'a;
+ }
+let prlinked x =
+ match x with
+ | Linked i -> Printf.sprintf "Linked %d" i
+ | Unlinked -> Printf.sprintf "Unlinked"
+ | Funres -> Printf.sprintf "Funres"
+let linkmonad f lnkvar =
+ match lnkvar with
+ | Linked i -> Linked (f i)
+ | Unlinked -> Unlinked
+ | Funres -> Funres
+let linklift lnkvar i = linkmonad (fun x -> x+i) lnkvar
+(* This map is used to deal with debruijn linked indices. *)
+module Link = Map.Make (struct type t = int let compare = Pervasives.compare end)
+let pr_links l =
+ Printf.printf "links:\n";
+ Link.iter (fun k e -> Printf.printf "%d : %s\n" k (prlinked e)) l;
+ Printf.printf "_____________\n"
+type 'a merged_arg =
+ | Prm_stable of 'a
+ | Prm_linked of 'a
+ | Prm_arg of 'a
+ | Arg_stable of 'a
+ | Arg_linked of 'a
+ | Arg_funres
+(** Information about graph merging of two inductives.
+ All rel_decl list are IN REVERSE ORDER (ie well suited for compose) *)
+type merge_infos =
+ {
+ ident:identifier; (** new inductive name *)
+ mib1: mutual_inductive_body;
+ oib1: one_inductive_body;
+ mib2: mutual_inductive_body;
+ oib2: one_inductive_body;
+ (** Array of links of the first inductive (should be all stable) *)
+ lnk1: int merged_arg array;
+ (** Array of links of the second inductive (point to the first ind param/args) *)
+ lnk2: int merged_arg array;
+ (** rec params which remain rec param (ie not linked) *)
+ recprms1: rel_declaration list;
+ recprms2: rel_declaration list;
+ nrecprms1: int;
+ nrecprms2: int;
+ (** rec parms which became non parm (either linked to something
+ or because after a rec parm that became non parm) *)
+ otherprms1: rel_declaration list;
+ otherprms2: rel_declaration list;
+ notherprms1:int;
+ notherprms2:int;
+ (** args which remain args in merge *)
+ args1:rel_declaration list;
+ args2:rel_declaration list;
+ nargs1:int;
+ nargs2:int;
+ (** functional result args *)
+ funresprms1: rel_declaration list;
+ funresprms2: rel_declaration list;
+ nfunresprms1:int;
+ nfunresprms2:int;
+ }
+let pr_merginfo x =
+ let i,s=
+ match x with
+ | Prm_linked i -> Some i,"Prm_linked"
+ | Arg_linked i -> Some i,"Arg_linked"
+ | Prm_stable i -> Some i,"Prm_stable"
+ | Prm_arg i -> Some i,"Prm_arg"
+ | Arg_stable i -> Some i,"Arg_stable"
+ | Arg_funres -> None , "Arg_funres" in
+ match i with
+ | Some i -> Printf.sprintf "%s(%d)" s i
+ | None -> Printf.sprintf "%s" s
+let isPrm_stable x = match x with Prm_stable _ -> true | _ -> false
+(* ?? prm_linked?? *)
+let isArg_stable x = match x with Arg_stable _ | Prm_arg _ -> true | _ -> false
+let is_stable x =
+ match x with Arg_stable _ | Prm_stable _ | Prm_arg _ -> true | _ -> false
+let isArg_funres x = match x with Arg_funres -> true | _ -> false
+let filter_shift_stable (lnk:int merged_arg array) (l:'a list): 'a list =
+ let prms = list_filteri (fun i _ -> isPrm_stable lnk.(i)) l in
+ let args = list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_stable lnk.(i)) l in
+ let fres = list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_funres lnk.(i)) l in
+ prms@args@fres
+(** Reverse the link map, keeping only linked vars, elements are list
+ of int as several vars may be linked to the same var. *)
+let revlinked lnk =
+ For.fold 0 (Array.length lnk - 1)
+ (fun acc k ->
+ match lnk.(k) with
+ | Unlinked | Funres -> acc
+ | Linked i ->
+ let old = try Link.find i acc with Not_found -> [] in
+ Link.add i (k::old) acc)
+ Link.empty
+let array_switch arr i j =
+ let aux = arr.(j) in arr.(j) <- arr.(i); arr.(i) <- aux
+let filter_shift_stable_right (lnk:int merged_arg array) (l:'a list): 'a list =
+ let larr = Array.of_list l in
+ let _ =
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun j x ->
+ match x with
+ | Prm_linked i -> array_switch larr i j
+ | Arg_linked i -> array_switch larr i j
+ | Prm_stable i -> ()
+ | Prm_arg i -> ()
+ | Arg_stable i -> ()
+ | Arg_funres -> ()
+ ) lnk in
+ filter_shift_stable lnk (Array.to_list larr)
+(** {1 Utilities for merging} *)
+let ind1name = id_of_string "__ind1"
+let ind2name = id_of_string "__ind2"
+(** Performs verifications on two graphs before merging: they must not
+ be co-inductive, and for the moment they must not be mutual
+ either. *)
+let verify_inds mib1 mib2 =
+ if not mib1.mind_finite then error "First argument is coinductive";
+ if not mib2.mind_finite then error "Second argument is coinductive";
+ if mib1.mind_ntypes <> 1 then error "First argument is mutual";
+ if mib2.mind_ntypes <> 1 then error "Second argument is mutual";
+ ()
+(** [build_raw_params prms_decl avoid] returns a list of variables
+ attributed to the list of decl [prms_decl], avoiding names in
+ [avoid]. *)
+let build_raw_params prms_decl avoid =
+ let dummy_constr = compose_prod (List.map (fun (x,_,z) -> x,z) prms_decl) (mkRel 1) in
+ let _ = prNamedConstr "DUMMY" dummy_constr in
+ let dummy_rawconstr = Detyping.detype false avoid [] dummy_constr in
+ let _ = prNamedRConstr "RAWDUMMY" dummy_rawconstr in
+ let res,_ = raw_decompose_prod dummy_rawconstr in
+ let comblist = List.combine prms_decl res in
+ comblist, res , (avoid @ (Idset.elements (ids_of_rawterm dummy_rawconstr)))
+let ids_of_rawlist avoid rawl =
+ List.fold_left Idset.union avoid (List.map ids_of_rawterm rawl)
+(** {1 Merging function graphs} *)
+(** [shift_linked_params mib1 mib2 lnk] Computes which parameters (rec
+ uniform and ordinary ones) of mutual inductives [mib1] and [mib2]
+ remain uniform when linked by [lnk]. All parameters are
+ considered, ie we take parameters of the first inductive body of
+ [mib1] and [mib2].
+ Explanation: The two inductives have parameters, some of the first
+ are recursively uniform, some of the last are functional result of
+ the functional graph.
+ (I x1 x2 ... xk ... xk' ... xn)
+ (J y1 y2 ... xl ... yl' ... ym)
+ Problem is, if some rec unif params are linked to non rec unif
+ ones, they become non rec (and the following too). And functinal
+ argument have to be shifted at the end *)
+let shift_linked_params mib1 mib2 (lnk1:linked_var array) (lnk2:linked_var array) id =
+ let _ = prstr "\nYOUHOU shift\n" in
+ let linked_targets = revlinked lnk2 in
+ let is_param_of_mib1 x = x < mib1.mind_nparams_rec in
+ let is_param_of_mib2 x = x < mib2.mind_nparams_rec in
+ let is_targetted_by_non_recparam_lnk1 i =
+ try
+ let targets = Link.find i linked_targets in
+ List.exists (fun x -> not (is_param_of_mib2 x)) targets
+ with Not_found -> false in
+ let mlnk1 =
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i lkv ->
+ let isprm = is_param_of_mib1 i in
+ let prmlost = is_targetted_by_non_recparam_lnk1 i in
+ match isprm , prmlost, lnk1.(i) with
+ | true , true , _ -> Prm_arg i (* recparam becoming ordinary *)
+ | true , false , _-> Prm_stable i (* recparam remains recparam*)
+ | false , false , Funres -> Arg_funres
+ | _ , _ , Funres -> assert false (* fun res cannot be a rec param or lost *)
+ | false , _ , _ -> Arg_stable i) (* Args of lnk1 are not linked *)
+ lnk1 in
+ let mlnk2 =
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i lkv ->
+ (* Is this correct if some param of ind2 is lost? *)
+ let isprm = is_param_of_mib2 i in
+ match isprm , lnk2.(i) with
+ | true , Linked j when not (is_param_of_mib1 j) ->
+ Prm_arg j (* recparam becoming ordinary *)
+ | true , Linked j -> Prm_linked j (*recparam linked to recparam*)
+ | true , Unlinked -> Prm_stable i (* recparam remains recparam*)
+ | false , Linked j -> Arg_linked j (* Args of lnk2 lost *)
+ | false , Unlinked -> Arg_stable i (* Args of lnk2 remains *)
+ | false , Funres -> Arg_funres
+ | true , Funres -> assert false (* fun res cannot be a rec param *)
+ )
+ lnk2 in
+ let oib1 = mib1.mind_packets.(0) in
+ let oib2 = mib2.mind_packets.(0) in
+ (* count params remaining params *)
+ let n_params1 = array_prfx mlnk1 (fun i x -> not (isPrm_stable x)) in
+ let n_params2 = array_prfx mlnk2 (fun i x -> not (isPrm_stable x)) in
+ let bldprms arity_ctxt mlnk =
+ list_fold_lefti
+ (fun i (acc1,acc2,acc3,acc4) x ->
+ prstr (pr_merginfo mlnk.(i));prstr "\n";
+ match mlnk.(i) with
+ | Prm_stable _ -> x::acc1 , acc2 , acc3, acc4
+ | Prm_arg _ -> acc1 , x::acc2 , acc3, acc4
+ | Arg_stable _ -> acc1 , acc2 , x::acc3, acc4
+ | Arg_funres -> acc1 , acc2 , acc3, x::acc4
+ | _ -> acc1 , acc2 , acc3, acc4)
+ ([],[],[],[]) arity_ctxt in
+(* let arity_ctxt2 =
+ build_raw_params oib2.mind_arity_ctxt
+ (Idset.elements (ids_of_rawterm oib1.mind_arity_ctxt)) in*)
+ let recprms1,otherprms1,args1,funresprms1 = bldprms (List.rev oib1.mind_arity_ctxt) mlnk1 in
+ let _ = prstr "\n\n\n" in
+ let recprms2,otherprms2,args2,funresprms2 = bldprms (List.rev oib2.mind_arity_ctxt) mlnk2 in
+ let _ = prstr "\notherprms1:\n" in
+ let _ =
+ List.iter (fun (x,_,y) -> prstr (string_of_name x^" : ");prconstr y;prstr "\n")
+ otherprms1 in
+ let _ = prstr "\notherprms2:\n" in
+ let _ =
+ List.iter (fun (x,_,y) -> prstr (string_of_name x^" : ");prconstr y;prstr "\n")
+ otherprms2 in
+ {
+ ident=id;
+ mib1=mib1;
+ oib1 = oib1;
+ mib2=mib2;
+ oib2 = oib2;
+ lnk1 = mlnk1;
+ lnk2 = mlnk2;
+ nrecprms1 = n_params1;
+ recprms1 = recprms1;
+ otherprms1 = otherprms1;
+ args1 = args1;
+ funresprms1 = funresprms1;
+ notherprms1 = Array.length mlnk1 - n_params1;
+ nfunresprms1 = List.length funresprms1;
+ nargs1 = List.length args1;
+ nrecprms2 = n_params2;
+ recprms2 = recprms2;
+ otherprms2 = otherprms2;
+ args2 = args2;
+ funresprms2 = funresprms2;
+ notherprms2 = Array.length mlnk2 - n_params2;
+ nargs2 = List.length args2;
+ nfunresprms2 = List.length funresprms2;
+ }
+(** {1 Merging functions} *)
+exception NoMerge
+let rec merge_app c1 c2 id1 id2 shift filter_shift_stable =
+ let lnk = Array.append shift.lnk1 shift.lnk2 in
+ match c1 , c2 with
+ | RApp(_,f1, arr1), RApp(_,f2,arr2) when isVarf id1 f1 && isVarf id2 f2 ->
+ let _ = prstr "\nICI1!\n";Pp.flush_all() in
+ let args = filter_shift_stable lnk (arr1 @ arr2) in
+ RApp (dummy_loc,RVar (dummy_loc,shift.ident) , args)
+ | RApp(_,f1, arr1), RApp(_,f2,arr2) -> raise NoMerge
+ | RLetIn(_,nme,bdy,trm) , _ ->
+ let _ = prstr "\nICI2!\n";Pp.flush_all() in
+ let newtrm = merge_app trm c2 id1 id2 shift filter_shift_stable in
+ RLetIn(dummy_loc,nme,bdy,newtrm)
+ | _, RLetIn(_,nme,bdy,trm) ->
+ let _ = prstr "\nICI3!\n";Pp.flush_all() in
+ let newtrm = merge_app c1 trm id1 id2 shift filter_shift_stable in
+ RLetIn(dummy_loc,nme,bdy,newtrm)
+ | _ -> let _ = prstr "\nICI4!\n";Pp.flush_all() in
+ raise NoMerge
+let rec merge_app_unsafe c1 c2 shift filter_shift_stable =
+ let lnk = Array.append shift.lnk1 shift.lnk2 in
+ match c1 , c2 with
+ | RApp(_,f1, arr1), RApp(_,f2,arr2) ->
+ let args = filter_shift_stable lnk (arr1 @ arr2) in
+ RApp (dummy_loc,RVar(dummy_loc,shift.ident) , args)
+ (* FIXME: what if the function appears in the body of the let? *)
+ | RLetIn(_,nme,bdy,trm) , _ ->
+ let _ = prstr "\nICI2 '!\n";Pp.flush_all() in
+ let newtrm = merge_app_unsafe trm c2 shift filter_shift_stable in
+ RLetIn(dummy_loc,nme,bdy,newtrm)
+ | _, RLetIn(_,nme,bdy,trm) ->
+ let _ = prstr "\nICI3 '!\n";Pp.flush_all() in
+ let newtrm = merge_app_unsafe c1 trm shift filter_shift_stable in
+ RLetIn(dummy_loc,nme,bdy,newtrm)
+ | _ -> let _ = prstr "\nICI4 '!\n";Pp.flush_all() in raise NoMerge
+(* Heuristic when merging two lists of hypothesis: merge every rec
+ calls of branch 1 with all rec calls of branch 2. *)
+(* TODO: reecrire cette heuristique (jusqu'a merge_types) *)
+let rec merge_rec_hyps shift accrec
+ (ltyp:(Names.name * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list)
+ filter_shift_stable : (Names.name * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list =
+ let mergeonehyp t reldecl =
+ match reldecl with
+ | (nme,x,Some (RApp(_,i,args) as ind))
+ -> nme,x, Some (merge_app_unsafe ind t shift filter_shift_stable)
+ | (nme,Some _,None) -> error "letins with recursive calls not treated yet"
+ | (nme,None,Some _) -> assert false
+ | (nme,None,None) | (nme,Some _,Some _) -> assert false in
+ match ltyp with
+ | [] -> []
+ | (nme,None,Some (RApp(_,f, largs) as t)) :: lt when isVarf ind2name f ->
+ let rechyps = List.map (mergeonehyp t) accrec in
+ rechyps @ merge_rec_hyps shift accrec lt filter_shift_stable
+ | e::lt -> e :: merge_rec_hyps shift accrec lt filter_shift_stable
+let rec build_suppl_reccall (accrec:(name * rawconstr) list) concl2 shift =
+ List.map (fun (nm,tp) -> (nm,merge_app_unsafe tp concl2 shift)) accrec
+let find_app (nme:identifier) ltyp =
+ try
+ ignore
+ (List.map
+ (fun x ->
+ match x with
+ | _,None,Some (RApp(_,f,_)) when isVarf nme f -> raise (Found 0)
+ | _ -> ())
+ ltyp);
+ false
+ with Found _ -> true
+let prnt_prod_or_letin nm letbdy typ =
+ match letbdy , typ with
+ | Some lbdy , None -> prNamedRConstr ("(letin) " ^ string_of_name nm) lbdy
+ | None , Some tp -> prNamedRConstr (string_of_name nm) tp
+ | _ , _ -> assert false
+let rec merge_types shift accrec1
+ (ltyp1:(name * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list)
+ (concl1:rawconstr) (ltyp2:(name * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list) concl2
+ : (name * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list * rawconstr =
+ let _ = prstr "MERGE_TYPES\n" in
+ let _ = prstr "ltyp 1 : " in
+ let _ = List.iter (fun (nm,lbdy,tp) -> prnt_prod_or_letin nm lbdy tp) ltyp1 in
+ let _ = prstr "\nltyp 2 : " in
+ let _ = List.iter (fun (nm,lbdy,tp) -> prnt_prod_or_letin nm lbdy tp) ltyp2 in
+ let _ = prstr "\n" in
+ let res =
+ match ltyp1 with
+ | [] ->
+ let isrec1 = (accrec1<>[]) in
+ let isrec2 = find_app ind2name ltyp2 in
+ let rechyps =
+ if isrec1 && isrec2
+ then (* merge_rec_hyps shift accrec1 ltyp2 filter_shift_stable *)
+ merge_rec_hyps shift [name_of_string "concl1",None,Some concl1] ltyp2
+ filter_shift_stable_right
+ @ merge_rec_hyps shift accrec1 [name_of_string "concl2",None, Some concl2]
+ filter_shift_stable
+ else if isrec1
+ (* if rec calls in accrec1 and not in ltyp2, add one to ltyp2 *)
+ then
+ merge_rec_hyps shift accrec1
+ (ltyp2@[name_of_string "concl2",None,Some concl2]) filter_shift_stable
+ else if isrec2
+ then merge_rec_hyps shift [name_of_string "concl1",None,Some concl1] ltyp2
+ filter_shift_stable_right
+ else ltyp2 in
+ let _ = prstr"\nrechyps : " in
+ let _ = List.iter(fun (nm,lbdy,tp)-> prnt_prod_or_letin nm lbdy tp) rechyps in
+ let _ = prstr "MERGE CONCL : " in
+ let _ = prNamedRConstr "concl1" concl1 in
+ let _ = prstr " with " in
+ let _ = prNamedRConstr "concl2" concl2 in
+ let _ = prstr "\n" in
+ let concl =
+ merge_app concl1 concl2 ind1name ind2name shift filter_shift_stable in
+ let _ = prstr "FIN " in
+ let _ = prNamedRConstr "concl" concl in
+ let _ = prstr "\n" in
+ rechyps , concl
+ | (nme,None, Some t1)as e ::lt1 ->
+ (match t1 with
+ | RApp(_,f,carr) when isVarf ind1name f ->
+ merge_types shift (e::accrec1) lt1 concl1 ltyp2 concl2
+ | _ ->
+ let recres, recconcl2 =
+ merge_types shift accrec1 lt1 concl1 ltyp2 concl2 in
+ ((nme,None,Some t1) :: recres) , recconcl2)
+ | (nme,Some bd, None) ::lt1 ->
+ (* FIXME: what if ind1name appears in bd? *)
+ let recres, recconcl2 =
+ merge_types shift accrec1 lt1 concl1 ltyp2 concl2 in
+ ((nme,Some bd,None) :: recres) , recconcl2
+ | (_,None,None)::_ | (_,Some _,Some _)::_ -> assert false
+ in
+ res
+(** [build_link_map_aux allargs1 allargs2 shift] returns the mapping of
+ linked args [allargs2] to target args of [allargs1] as specified
+ in [shift]. [allargs1] and [allargs2] are in reverse order. Also
+ returns the list of unlinked vars of [allargs2]. *)
+let build_link_map_aux (allargs1:identifier array) (allargs2:identifier array)
+ (lnk:int merged_arg array) =
+ array_fold_lefti
+ (fun i acc e ->
+ if i = Array.length lnk - 1 then acc (* functional arg, not in allargs *)
+ else
+ match e with
+ | Prm_linked j | Arg_linked j -> Idmap.add allargs2.(i) allargs1.(j) acc
+ | _ -> acc)
+ Idmap.empty lnk
+let build_link_map allargs1 allargs2 lnk =
+ let allargs1 =
+ Array.of_list (List.rev (List.map (fun (x,_,_) -> id_of_name x) allargs1)) in
+ let allargs2 =
+ Array.of_list (List.rev (List.map (fun (x,_,_) -> id_of_name x) allargs2)) in
+ build_link_map_aux allargs1 allargs2 lnk
+(** [merge_one_constructor lnk shift typcstr1 typcstr2] merges the two
+ constructor rawtypes [typcstr1] and [typcstr2]. [typcstr1] and
+ [typcstr2] contain all parameters (including rec. unif. ones) of
+ their inductive.
+ if [typcstr1] and [typcstr2] are of the form:
+ forall recparams1, forall ordparams1, H1a -> H2a... (I1 x1 y1 ... z1)
+ forall recparams2, forall ordparams2, H2b -> H2b... (I2 x2 y2 ... z2)
+ we build:
+ forall recparams1 (recparams2 without linked params),
+ forall ordparams1 (ordparams2 without linked params),
+ H1a' -> H2a' -> ... -> H2a' -> H2b'(shifted) -> ...
+ -> (newI x1 ... z1 x2 y2 ...z2 without linked params)
+ where Hix' have been adapted, ie:
+ - linked vars have been changed,
+ - rec calls to I1 and I2 have been replaced by rec calls to
+ newI. More precisely calls to I1 and I2 have been merge by an
+ experimental heuristic (in particular if n o rec calls for I1
+ or I2 is found, we use the conclusion as a rec call). See
+ [merge_types] above.
+ Precond: vars sets of [typcstr1] and [typcstr2] must be disjoint.
+ TODO: return nothing if equalities (after linking) are contradictory. *)
+let merge_one_constructor (shift:merge_infos) (typcstr1:rawconstr)
+ (typcstr2:rawconstr) : rawconstr =
+ (* FIXME: les noms des parametres corerspondent en principe au
+ parametres du niveau mib, mais il faudrait s'en assurer *)
+ (* shift.nfunresprmsx last args are functional result *)
+ let nargs1 =
+ shift.mib1.mind_nparams + shift.oib1.mind_nrealargs - shift.nfunresprms1 in
+ let nargs2 =
+ shift.mib2.mind_nparams + shift.oib2.mind_nrealargs - shift.nfunresprms2 in
+ let allargs1,rest1 = raw_decompose_prod_or_letin_n nargs1 typcstr1 in
+ let allargs2,rest2 = raw_decompose_prod_or_letin_n nargs2 typcstr2 in
+ (* Build map of linked args of [typcstr2], and apply it to [typcstr2]. *)
+ let linked_map = build_link_map allargs1 allargs2 shift.lnk2 in
+ let rest2 = change_vars linked_map rest2 in
+ let hyps1,concl1 = raw_decompose_prod_or_letin rest1 in
+ let hyps2,concl2' = raw_decompose_prod_or_letin rest2 in
+ let ltyp,concl2 =
+ merge_types shift [] (List.rev hyps1) concl1 (List.rev hyps2) concl2' in
+ let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp result:" ltyp in
+ let typ = raw_compose_prod_or_letin concl2 (List.rev ltyp) in
+ let revargs1 =
+ list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_stable shift.lnk1.(i)) (List.rev allargs1) in
+ let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp allargs1" allargs1 in
+ let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp revargs1" revargs1 in
+ let revargs2 =
+ list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_stable shift.lnk2.(i)) (List.rev allargs2) in
+ let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp allargs2" allargs2 in
+ let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp revargs2" revargs2 in
+ let typwithprms =
+ raw_compose_prod_or_letin typ (List.rev revargs2 @ List.rev revargs1) in
+ typwithprms
+(** constructor numbering *)
+let fresh_cstror_suffix , cstror_suffix_init =
+ let cstror_num = ref 0 in
+ (fun () ->
+ let res = string_of_int !cstror_num in
+ cstror_num := !cstror_num + 1;
+ res) ,
+ (fun () -> cstror_num := 0)
+(** [merge_constructor_id id1 id2 shift] returns the identifier of the
+ new constructor from the id of the two merged constructor and
+ the merging info. *)
+let merge_constructor_id id1 id2 shift:identifier =
+ let id = string_of_id shift.ident ^ "_" ^ fresh_cstror_suffix () in
+ next_ident_fresh (id_of_string id)
+(** [merge_constructors lnk shift avoid] merges the two list of
+ constructor [(name*type)]. These are translated to rawterms
+ first, each of them having distinct var names. *)
+let rec merge_constructors (shift:merge_infos) (avoid:Idset.t)
+ (typcstr1:(identifier * rawconstr) list)
+ (typcstr2:(identifier * rawconstr) list) : (identifier * rawconstr) list =
+ List.flatten
+ (List.map
+ (fun (id1,rawtyp1) ->
+ List.map
+ (fun (id2,rawtyp2) ->
+ let typ = merge_one_constructor shift rawtyp1 rawtyp2 in
+ let newcstror_id = merge_constructor_id id1 id2 shift in
+ let _ = prstr "\n**************\n" in
+ newcstror_id , typ)
+ typcstr2)
+ typcstr1)
+(** [merge_inductive_body lnk shift avoid oib1 oib2] merges two
+ inductive bodies [oib1] and [oib2], linking with [lnk], params
+ info in [shift], avoiding identifiers in [avoid]. *)
+let rec merge_inductive_body (shift:merge_infos) avoid (oib1:one_inductive_body)
+ (oib2:one_inductive_body) =
+ (* building rawconstr type of constructors *)
+ let mkrawcor nme avoid typ =
+ (* first replace rel 1 by a varname *)
+ let substindtyp = substitterm 0 (mkRel 1) (mkVar nme) typ in
+ Detyping.detype false (Idset.elements avoid) [] substindtyp in
+ let lcstr1: rawconstr list =
+ Array.to_list (Array.map (mkrawcor ind1name avoid) oib1.mind_user_lc) in
+ (* add to avoid all indentifiers of lcstr1 *)
+ let avoid2 = Idset.union avoid (ids_of_rawlist avoid lcstr1) in
+ let lcstr2 =
+ Array.to_list (Array.map (mkrawcor ind2name avoid2) oib2.mind_user_lc) in
+ let avoid3 = Idset.union avoid (ids_of_rawlist avoid lcstr2) in
+ let params1 =
+ try fst (raw_decompose_prod_n shift.nrecprms1 (List.hd lcstr1))
+ with _ -> [] in
+ let params2 =
+ try fst (raw_decompose_prod_n shift.nrecprms2 (List.hd lcstr2))
+ with _ -> [] in
+ let lcstr1 = List.combine (Array.to_list oib1.mind_consnames) lcstr1 in
+ let lcstr2 = List.combine (Array.to_list oib2.mind_consnames) lcstr2 in
+ cstror_suffix_init();
+ params1,params2,merge_constructors shift avoid3 lcstr1 lcstr2
+(** [merge_mutual_inductive_body lnk mib1 mib2 shift] merge mutual
+ inductive bodies [mib1] and [mib2] linking vars with
+ [lnk]. [shift] information on parameters of the new inductive.
+ For the moment, inductives are supposed to be non mutual.
+let rec merge_mutual_inductive_body
+ (mib1:mutual_inductive_body) (mib2:mutual_inductive_body) (shift:merge_infos) =
+ (* Mutual not treated, we take first ind body of each. *)
+ merge_inductive_body shift Idset.empty mib1.mind_packets.(0) mib2.mind_packets.(0)
+let rawterm_to_constr_expr x = (* build a constr_expr from a rawconstr *)
+ Flags.with_option Flags.raw_print (Constrextern.extern_rawtype Idset.empty) x
+let merge_rec_params_and_arity prms1 prms2 shift (concl:constr) =
+ let params = prms2 @ prms1 in
+ let resparams =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc (nme,tp) ->
+ let _ = prstr "param :" in
+ let _ = prNamedRConstr (string_of_name nme) tp in
+ let _ = prstr " ; " in
+ let typ = rawterm_to_constr_expr tp in
+ LocalRawAssum ([(dummy_loc,nme)], Topconstr.default_binder_kind, typ) :: acc)
+ [] params in
+ let concl = Constrextern.extern_constr false (Global.env()) concl in
+ let arity,_ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (acc,env) (nm,_,c) ->
+ let typ = Constrextern.extern_constr false env c in
+ let newenv = Environ.push_rel (nm,None,c) env in
+ CProdN (dummy_loc, [[(dummy_loc,nm)],Topconstr.default_binder_kind,typ] , acc) , newenv)
+ (concl,Global.env())
+ (shift.funresprms2 @ shift.funresprms1
+ @ shift.args2 @ shift.args1 @ shift.otherprms2 @ shift.otherprms1) in
+ resparams,arity
+(** [rawterm_list_to_inductive_expr ident rawlist] returns the
+ induct_expr corresponding to the the list of constructor types
+ [rawlist], named ident.
+ FIXME: params et cstr_expr (arity) *)
+let rawterm_list_to_inductive_expr prms1 prms2 mib1 mib2 shift
+ (rawlist:(identifier * rawconstr) list) =
+ let lident = dummy_loc, shift.ident in
+ let bindlist , cstr_expr = (* params , arities *)
+ merge_rec_params_and_arity prms1 prms2 shift mkSet in
+ let lcstor_expr : (bool * (lident * constr_expr)) list =
+ List.map (* zeta_normalize t ? *)
+ (fun (id,t) -> false, ((dummy_loc,id),rawterm_to_constr_expr t))
+ rawlist in
+ lident , bindlist , Some cstr_expr , lcstor_expr
+let mkProd_reldecl (rdecl:rel_declaration) (t2:rawconstr) =
+ match rdecl with
+ | (nme,None,t) ->
+ let traw = Detyping.detype false [] [] t in
+ RProd (dummy_loc,nme,Explicit,traw,t2)
+ | (_,Some _,_) -> assert false
+let mkProd_reldecl (rdecl:rel_declaration) (t2:rawconstr) =
+ match rdecl with
+ | (nme,None,t) ->
+ let traw = Detyping.detype false [] [] t in
+ RProd (dummy_loc,nme,Explicit,traw,t2)
+ | (_,Some _,_) -> assert false
+(** [merge_inductive ind1 ind2 lnk] merges two graphs, linking
+ variables specified in [lnk]. Graphs are not supposed to be mutual
+ inductives for the moment. *)
+let merge_inductive (ind1: inductive) (ind2: inductive)
+ (lnk1: linked_var array) (lnk2: linked_var array) id =
+ let env = Global.env() in
+ let mib1,_ = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind1 in
+ let mib2,_ = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind2 in
+ let _ = verify_inds mib1 mib2 in (* raises an exception if something wrong *)
+ (* compute params that become ordinary args (because linked to ord. args) *)
+ let shift_prm = shift_linked_params mib1 mib2 lnk1 lnk2 id in
+ let prms1,prms2, rawlist = merge_mutual_inductive_body mib1 mib2 shift_prm in
+ let _ = prstr "\nrawlist : " in
+ let _ =
+ List.iter (fun (nm,tp) -> prNamedRConstr (string_of_id nm) tp;prstr "\n") rawlist in
+ let _ = prstr "\nend rawlist\n" in
+(* FIX: retransformer en constr ici
+ let shift_prm =
+ { shift_prm with
+ recprms1=prms1;
+ recprms1=prms1;
+ } in *)
+ let indexpr = rawterm_list_to_inductive_expr prms1 prms2 mib1 mib2 shift_prm rawlist in
+ (* Declare inductive *)
+ Command.build_mutual [(indexpr,None)] true (* means: not coinductive *)
+(* Find infos on identifier id. *)
+let find_Function_infos_safe (id:identifier): Indfun_common.function_info =
+ let kn_of_id x =
+ let f_ref = Libnames.Ident (dummy_loc,x) in
+ locate_with_msg (str "Don't know what to do with " ++ Libnames.pr_reference f_ref)
+ locate_constant f_ref in
+ try find_Function_infos (kn_of_id id)
+ with Not_found ->
+ errorlabstrm "indfun" (Nameops.pr_id id ++ str " has no functional scheme")
+(** [merge id1 id2 args1 args2 id] builds and declares a new inductive
+ type called [id], representing the merged graphs of both graphs
+ [ind1] and [ind2]. identifiers occuring in both arrays [args1] and
+ [args2] are considered linked (i.e. are the same variable) in the
+ new graph.
+ Warning: For the moment, repetitions of an id in [args1] or
+ [args2] are not supported. *)
+let merge (id1:identifier) (id2:identifier) (args1:identifier array)
+ (args2:identifier array) id : unit =
+ let finfo1 = find_Function_infos_safe id1 in
+ let finfo2 = find_Function_infos_safe id2 in
+ (* FIXME? args1 are supposed unlinked. mergescheme (G x x) ?? *)
+ (* We add one arg (functional arg of the graph) *)
+ let lnk1 = Array.make (Array.length args1 + 1) Unlinked in
+ let lnk2' = (* args2 may be linked to args1 members. FIXME: same
+ as above: vars may be linked inside args2?? *)
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i c ->
+ match array_find args1 (fun i x -> x=c) with
+ | Some j -> Linked j
+ | None -> Unlinked)
+ args2 in
+ (* We add one arg (functional arg of the graph) *)
+ let lnk2 = Array.append lnk2' (Array.make 1 Unlinked) in
+ (* setting functional results *)
+ let _ = lnk1.(Array.length lnk1 - 1) <- Funres in
+ let _ = lnk2.(Array.length lnk2 - 1) <- Funres in
+ merge_inductive finfo1.graph_ind finfo2.graph_ind lnk1 lnk2 id
+let remove_last_arg c =
+ let (x,y) = decompose_prod c in
+ let xnolast = List.rev (List.tl (List.rev x)) in
+ compose_prod xnolast y
+let rec remove_n_fst_list n l = if n=0 then l else remove_n_fst_list (n-1) (List.tl l)
+let remove_n_last_list n l = List.rev (remove_n_fst_list n (List.rev l))
+let remove_last_n_arg n c =
+ let (x,y) = decompose_prod c in
+ let xnolast = remove_n_last_list n x in
+ compose_prod xnolast y
+(* [funify_branches relinfo nfuns branch] returns the branch [branch]
+ of the relinfo [relinfo] modified to fit in a functional principle.
+ Things to do:
+ - remove indargs from rel applications
+ - replace *variables only* corresponding to function (recursive)
+ results by the actual function application. *)
+let funify_branches relinfo nfuns branch =
+ let mut_induct, induct =
+ match relinfo.indref with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some (IndRef ((mutual_ind,i) as ind)) -> mutual_ind,ind
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let is_dom c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Ind((u,_)) | Construct((u,_),_) -> u = mut_induct
+ | _ -> false in
+ let _dom_i c =
+ assert (is_dom c);
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Ind((u,i)) | Construct((u,_),i) -> i
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let _is_pred c shift =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Rel i -> let reali = i-shift in (reali>=0 && reali<relinfo.nbranches)
+ | _ -> false in
+ (* FIXME: *)
+ (Anonymous,Some mkProp,mkProp)
+let relprinctype_to_funprinctype relprinctype nfuns =
+ let relinfo = compute_elim_sig relprinctype in
+ assert (not relinfo.farg_in_concl);
+ assert (relinfo.indarg_in_concl);
+ (* first remove indarg and indarg_in_concl *)
+ let relinfo_noindarg = { relinfo with
+ indarg_in_concl = false; indarg = None;
+ concl = remove_last_arg (pop relinfo.concl); } in
+ (* the nfuns last induction arguments are functional ones: remove them *)
+ let relinfo_argsok = { relinfo_noindarg with
+ nargs = relinfo_noindarg.nargs - nfuns;
+ (* args is in reverse order, so remove fst *)
+ args = remove_n_fst_list nfuns relinfo_noindarg.args;
+ concl = popn nfuns relinfo_noindarg.concl
+ } in
+ let new_branches =
+ List.map (funify_branches relinfo_argsok nfuns) relinfo_argsok.branches in
+ let relinfo_branches = { relinfo_argsok with branches = new_branches } in
+ relinfo_branches
+(* @article{ bundy93rippling,
+ author = "Alan Bundy and Andrew Stevens and Frank van Harmelen and Andrew Ireland and Alan Smaill",
+ title = "Rippling: A Heuristic for Guiding Inductive Proofs",
+ journal = "Artificial Intelligence",
+ volume = "62",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "185-253",
+ year = "1993",
+ url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/bundy93rippling.html" }
+ *)
+*** Local Variables: ***
+*** compile-command: "make -C ../.. plugins/funind/merge.cmo" ***
+*** indent-tabs-mode: nil ***
+*** End: ***