path: root/plugins/decl_mode/decl_proof_instr.mli
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/decl_mode/decl_proof_instr.mli')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/decl_mode/decl_proof_instr.mli b/plugins/decl_mode/decl_proof_instr.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b22b7ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/decl_mode/decl_proof_instr.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Refiner
+open Names
+open Term
+open Tacmach
+open Decl_mode
+val go_to_proof_mode: unit -> unit
+val return_from_tactic_mode: unit -> unit
+val register_automation_tac: tactic -> unit
+val automation_tac : tactic
+val daimon_subtree: Proof.proof -> Proof.proof
+val concl_refiner:
+ Termops.meta_type_map -> constr -> Proof_type.goal sigma -> constr
+val do_instr: Decl_expr.raw_proof_instr -> Proof.proof -> unit
+val proof_instr: Decl_expr.raw_proof_instr -> unit
+val tcl_change_info : Decl_mode.pm_info -> tactic
+val execute_cases :
+ Names.name ->
+ Decl_mode.per_info ->
+ (Term.constr -> Proof_type.tactic) ->
+ (Names.Idset.elt * (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list ->
+ Term.constr list -> int -> Decl_mode.split_tree -> Proof_type.tactic
+val tree_of_pats :
+ identifier * (int * int) -> (Rawterm.cases_pattern*recpath) list list ->
+ split_tree
+val add_branch :
+ identifier * (int * int) -> (Rawterm.cases_pattern*recpath) list list ->
+ split_tree -> split_tree
+val append_branch :
+ identifier *(int * int) -> int -> (Rawterm.cases_pattern*recpath) list list ->
+ (Names.Idset.t * Decl_mode.split_tree) option ->
+ (Names.Idset.t * Decl_mode.split_tree) option
+val append_tree :
+ identifier * (int * int) -> int -> (Rawterm.cases_pattern*recpath) list list ->
+ split_tree -> split_tree
+val build_dep_clause : Term.types Decl_expr.statement list ->
+ Decl_expr.proof_pattern ->
+ Decl_mode.per_info ->
+ (Term.types Decl_expr.statement, Term.types Decl_expr.or_thesis)
+ Decl_expr.hyp list -> Proof_type.goal Tacmach.sigma -> Term.types
+val register_dep_subcase :
+ Names.identifier * (int * int) ->
+ Environ.env ->
+ Decl_mode.per_info ->
+ Rawterm.cases_pattern -> Decl_mode.elim_kind -> Decl_mode.elim_kind
+val thesis_for : Term.constr ->
+ Term.constr -> Decl_mode.per_info -> Environ.env -> Term.constr
+val close_previous_case : Proof.proof -> unit
+val pop_stacks :
+ (Names.identifier *
+ (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list ->
+ (Names.identifier *
+ (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list
+val push_head : Term.constr ->
+ Names.Idset.t ->
+ (Names.identifier *
+ (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list ->
+ (Names.identifier *
+ (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list
+val push_arg : Term.constr ->
+ (Names.identifier *
+ (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list ->
+ (Names.identifier *
+ (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list
+val hrec_for:
+ Names.identifier ->
+ Decl_mode.per_info -> Proof_type.goal Tacmach.sigma ->
+ Names.identifier -> Term.constr
+val consider_match :
+ bool ->
+ (Names.Idset.elt*bool) list ->
+ Names.Idset.elt list ->
+ (Term.types Decl_expr.statement, Term.types) Decl_expr.hyp list ->
+ Proof_type.tactic
+val init_tree:
+ Names.Idset.t ->
+ Names.inductive ->
+ int option * Declarations.wf_paths ->
+ (int ->
+ (int option * Declarations.recarg Rtree.t) array ->
+ (Names.Idset.t * Decl_mode.split_tree) option) ->
+ Decl_mode.split_tree
+val set_refine : (Evd.open_constr -> Proof_type.tactic) -> unit